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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les missions du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) pendant la guerre d'Algérie et ses suites (1955-1963) en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie / The Missions of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) during the Algerian War and its Aftermath (1955-1963) in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

Besnaci-Lancou, Fatima 15 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les missions du Comité international de la Croix Rouge (CICR) pendant la guerre d’Algérie et ses suites. Le CICR intervient, d’une part, dans le cadre de guerres opposant des États et, d’autre part, en cas de conflit armé non international afin de tenter d’assurer le respect des règles humanitaires. Au cours des « évènements » algériens, les arrestations massives de membres et militants du Front de libération nationale (FLN) finissent par saturer les prisons et contribuent à la création de centres d’assignation. Par ailleurs, dès l’indépendance de l’Algérie, des milliers de supplétifs de l’armée française sont internés dans des camps, puis incarcérés pour nombre d’entre eux. L’objectif de ce travail doctoral est l’étude des principales initiatives entreprises par le CICR afin de faire appliquer quelques règles du droit humanitaire aux personnes concernées, pendant les sept années et demi de guérilla et après l’indépendance algérienne. Il est essentiellement question de prisons et de camps d’internement où les délégués contrôlent les conditions matérielles, le traitement et la discipline appliqués aux nationalistes et, plus tard, aux Européens pro-Algérie française arrêtés à partir du début de l’année 1961 ainsi qu’aux anciens supplétifs, de février à août 1963. Il s’agit également d’actions mises en place par le CICR afin d’accéder aux prisonniers français aux mains du FLN. Ce travail aborde également, dans une moindre mesure, diverses actions d’aide humanitaire en direction des populations réfugiées au Maroc ou en Tunisie et des personnes déplacées puis reléguées par l’armée française dans des camps de regroupement. / This thesis examines the missions of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) during the Algerian War and its aftermath. The ICRC intervenes both in wars between states and in non-international armed conflicts, in an attempt to ensure the respect of humanitarian rules. During the “events” in Algeria, mass arrests of members and militants of the FLN (Algerian National Liberation Front) led to overcrowding in the prisons and was a factor in the establishment of internment camps. Immediately after independence, thousands of Muslim auxiliaries in the French army were interned in camps; many were subsequently imprisoned. This study looks at the main initiatives taken by the ICRC to ensure that the rules of humanitarian law were applied to the people involved during the seven and a half year of guerrilla warfare and after Algeria’s independence. It focuses on prisons and internment camps in which its delegates inspected material conditions and the treatment and discipline applied to nationalists and, later, to Europeans known to be pro French Algeria, who were arrested from the beginning of 1961, and former auxiliaries, interned between February and August 1963. It also examines initiatives taken by the ICRC to gain access to French prisoners in the hands of the FLN and, to a lesser degree, various humanitarian actions to help refugees in Morocco and Tunisia as well as people forcibly displaced by the French army and grouped together in camps.

Évaluation de la mise en œuvre des camps estivaux de francisation et de socialisation destinés aux jeunes élèves immigrants nouvellement arrivés au Québec

Beaudoin, Anaël 09 1900 (has links)
La croissance des flux d’immigration au Canada entraîne une diversification de la population canadienne et accentue la nécessité d’adapter les services offerts dans l’accueil des immigrants allophones. Au Québec, à l’enfance et à l’adolescence, ce sont souvent via les Services d’accueil et de soutien à la francisation (SASAF), offerts selon différentes modalités dont la scolarisation en classe d’accueil que les jeunes sont intégrés. Toutefois, d’autres programmes de nature plus ludique sont également offerts via divers organismes communautaires. C’est le cas des camps estivaux destinés aux jeunes immigrants nouvellement arrivés. Ces camps proposant diverses activités ludiques dans la communauté semblent utiles puisqu’ils visent tant à maintenir les acquis linguistiques qu’à favoriser la socialisation pendant l’été chez les nouveaux arrivants, et ce, dans le but ultime de faciliter leur cheminement scolaire. Néanmoins, malgré leur pertinence perçue, peu d’études ont documenté concrètement la mise en œuvre de ce type de camps estivaux. La présente recherche se penche donc sur l’évaluation de la mise en œuvre de quatre de ces camps estivaux dans la région montréalaise, dans le but de dégager les conditions gagnantes de leur implantation et de repérer ce qui a nui et ce qui a aidé au déploiement de leurs activités. Le premier objectif avait pour but de décrire l’implantation des camps selon leurs composantes clés et les dynamiques entre ces composantes. Puis, le deuxième objectif était d’identifier les obstacles et les facilitateurs liés à la mise en œuvre des camps, grâce à des séances d’observation et au recueil, au moyen d’entrevues individuelles et de groupes de discussion (n=17), des perceptions des acteurs impliqués (coordonnateurs, animateurs, aides-animateurs, participants). Six principaux constats ont émergé de nos résultats grâce aux analyses thématiques conduites dans cette étude. Ces constats soulignent l’importance de la formation de l’équipe d’animation, de la nature et de la flexibilité de la programmation, des attitudes de l’équipe, de la durée de participation, des coûts associés à la participation au camp ainsi que de la mixité de la clientèle comme facteurs associés à la réussite ou aux difficultés rencontrées dans la mise en œuvre des camps. Ces résultats mènent également à diverses recommandations pratiques en vue d’améliorer les conditions de mise en œuvre de futurs camps visant à soutenir pendant la période estivale la francisation et la socialisation des jeunes élèves immigrants nouvellement arrivés. / The growing immigration flows context in Canada lead to a diversification of the Canadian population and accentuate the need to adapt welcome services for allophone immigrants. In Quebec, during childhood and adolescence, it is often through the Services d’accueil et de soutien à la francisation (SASAF), which proposes different modalities such as welcome classes that immigrant youth are integrated in the school system. However, other extracurricular programs are also offered to newly arrived immigrant youth, through various community organizations. Summer camps figure among these programs offered. These camps offering various recreational activities in the community are recognized to allow immigrant youth developing their language skills and to promote their socialization during the summer, with the ultimate goal of facilitating academic progress. Despite the relevance of these summer camps, few studies have documented their implementation. Therefore, the present research aims to evaluate the implementation of four of these summer camps in the Montreal area, in order to identify the facilitators and barriers associated with their implementation. The first objective was to describe camps’ implementation according to their key components and the dynamics between them. Second, the objective was to identify the obstacles and facilitators related to these camps’ implementation, based on our observations and data that we collected, through individual interviews and focus groups (n = 17), the perceptions of the different actors involved (coordinators, animators, assistant animators, campers). Six main findings emerged from our results based on the thematic analyzes we conducted. These findings underscore counsellor team training and attitude, program nature and flexibility, length of camp participation, camp costs and heterogeneity in terms of groups’ composition as factors associated with the success or difficulties encountered during camp implementation. These results lead to various practical recommendations in order to improve the conditions for implementing future camps aimed at supporting newly arrived immigrant youth during the summer and support their francization and socialization.

Analysis of De-Identified Data Evaluating Outcomes for an Integrative Healing Retreat for Families with Children Who Have Special Healthcare Needs

Pizzato, Andria Jene January 2016 (has links)
Background: One in five households has a child with special health care needs (SHCN). Such parents report poorer mental health, greater depressive symptoms, and more restrictions in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). The quality of mental and physical health of all family members' continuingly declines. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of the current ITK Healing Retreat Week program on familial well-being via introduction of CAM methods through assessment of 1) mood based on affect 2) self-efficacy 3) changes in coping skills 4) growth over time in parents/caregivers who have children with SHCN. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from sixteen parents/caregivers who participated in the ITK Healing Retreat Week July 13-19, 2014. Scores from Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) with Serenity subscale, Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), and Self-Efficacy Scale (SES) were analyzed using SPSS. Content analysis was performed on open-ended questions from post, three and six-month post retreat questionnaires. Results: Before to immediately after the retreat week there was a statistically significant decrease in negative emotions and increase in positive mood state, ability to feel calm/at peace, relate to others, see new possibilities, and confidence in ability to perform certain care needs (<.001). From post to three-month post retreat the families' confidence in ability to perform certain care needs did not change (<.001), but declined from three to six month post retreat in a statistically significant manner (.044). Content analysis indicated that the biggest benefit for the families was being in a supportive community and having an increase in positive emotional states. At six-months post retreat an increase in receptivity was additionally reported. Conclusion: The ITK Healing Retreat Week program positively impacted families who have children with SHCN in multiple positive ways: increased mood, more confidence, ability to relate better to others and ability to see new possibilities. In effort to make this program generalizable or even replicable, further research needs to be done on the mechanism of change, the structure that creates this change, and how to make such a change sustainable by investigating a new retreat format and alternative research tools, questions, and scales.

Odborové rekreace v Československu v 50. a 60. letech 20. století / Trade Union Recreations in Czechoslovakia in the 50s and 60s of the 20th Century

Čornejová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
Title: Trade Union Recreations in Czechoslovakia in the 50s and 60s of the 20th Century Annotation: The thesis analyses organization, course, and other aspects of trade union "recreation", important and favorite way of holiday spending in former Czechoslovakia. It is a contribution to the research of a leisure time phenomenon. Based primarily on so far unexploited archival sources it observes development of leisure activities and recreation stays organized by the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement between 1948 and 1968. It focuses both on recreation of adults and young pioneers' summer camps. It deals with artistic representation of daily life at trade union recreations in movies and fiction literature, among others. Conclusions of the research are above all as follows: attempts at ideological indoctrination of people even during their leisure time, accentuated at the beginning of the period in view, grew weak gradually. Organized recreation stays became a desired way of a cheap holiday, namely in absence of other possibilities. A collectivist spirit belonged to main characteristics of this way, but it was not solely linked to the communist ideology. Key words: modern history - trade unions - trade union holiday ("recreation") - pioneers'summer camps

Proteção a direitos das mulheres em campos de refugiados: um estudo de caso (Dadaab, Quênia) / Protecting womens rights in refugee camps: a case study (Dadaab, Kenya)

Souza, Beatriz de Barros 04 May 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende analisar criticamente as medidas protetivas a direitos das mulheres nos campos de Dadaab (Quênia), onde boa parte da população está em situação de refúgio prolongado. O Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) enquadra nessa situação as populações a partir de 25 mil refugiados que vivam no exílio por cinco anos ou mais (ACNUR, 2004). Fundado em 1992, Dadaab consiste atualmente no maior complexo de campos de refugiados do mundo, com quase 260 mil pessoas registradas; na maioria, somalis com até seus 18 anos. Nesses campos como em outros, o ACNUR atua junto a órgãos, governamentais ou não, a que denomina parceiros na proteção a refugiados. As normas que embasam tal proteção nessas situações, em particular no continente africano, são descritas no Capítulo 1. As medidas protetivas às principais violações de direitos das mulheres em campos são alvos do Capítulo 2. O Capítulo 3 aborda os campos de Dadaab e as medidas de proteção a direitos humanos das mulheres nesses locais, fazendo o contraponto aos dados oficiais. Na Conclusão, inquietações com os dilemas dessa proteção são retomadas com vistas a fomentar o debate a respeito dos campos e assentamentos de refugiados no Direito contemporâneo. / This research aims to critically analyze the protective measures of the womens rights in the Dadaab camps (Kenya), where much of the population is namely bearing a protracted refugee situation. The High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees (UNHCR) fits in such a category any populations from 25,000 refugees or more living in exile for five years onwards (UNHCR, 2004). Established in 1992, Dadaab is nowadays the largest camp complex, with almost 260,000 registered individuals, most of whom are under 18 Somali refugees. In this, as in other camps, UNHCR partners with other entities, either governmental or not, namely to protect the refugees rights. The main norms supporting their actions particularly in such situations in the Africa region are described in Chapter 1. The protective measures for major women\'s rights violations in the camps are dealt with by Chapter 2. Then Chapters 3 addresses the field Dadaab and measures to protect human rights of women in such places, further questioning the official data. Eventually, the final Conclusions recalls issues related to protection dilemmas that might renew debates on both refugee camps and settlements in contemporary Law studies.

Práticas, técnicas e geossímbolos da cultura da pesca vernacular na paisagem fluvial do Pitangui-Jotuva - Região dos Campos Gerais (PR)

Scheibel, Carlos Roberto 20 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:15:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Roberto Scheibel.pdf: 6443043 bytes, checksum: 5ade4bc0396f2f91e1e2bbff5ee8efac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-20 / This study aims to understand the relationship between anglers and Pitangui River landscape, specifically on its upper part and its right bank tributary, i.e., Jotuva River. The study of vernacular fishing through geographic-ethnographic approach necessarily included the author’s participation as an observing-figure, which enabled him to establish bonds with the territory and go fishing along with the locals, being then able to understand the relationship between the anglers and the river landscape. The products of that relationship - synthesized vernacular fishing into geographical symbols - materialized in artifacts, technical itinerarie, architecture of ranches, camp sites and fishing', as well as the paths connecting fishing spots. Besides reporting the diversity of vernacular fishing practice, the study examines the knowledge body on generative fishing areas, as well as the classification system of local ichthyofauna. The study of geosymbol characterization and knowledge of vernacular fishing pointed to the peculiarity of this sociocultural practice which depends exclusively on rescuing the residents’ memory who have a close connection with the fishing territory, currently threatened by the National Park of Campos Gerais stablishment, as well as other socioeconomic processes that have striken those rural areas. / O presente trabalho visa entender a relação entre os pescadores de lazer e a paisagem fluvial do rio Pitangui, especificamente no curso superior do rio Pitangui e de seu primeiro afluente da margem direita, o rio Jotuva. O estudo da pesca vernacular, pelo viés da abordagem etnográfico-geográfica, incluiu necessariamente a participação do autor da pesquisa enquanto sujeito-observador, o que lhe possibilitou estabelecer vínculos com o território da pesca e com os moradores,permitindo decodificar a relação dos pescadores amadores com a paisagem fluvial.Os produtos da relação entre pescadores e seu território de pesca — sintetizados nos geossímbolos da pesca vernacular — materializados em artefatos, itinerários técnicos, arquitetura dos ‘ranchos’ e dos acampamentos, além dos carreiros que ligam os pontos de pesca entre si. Ademais do inventário da diversidade de práticas da pesca vernacular, o estudo visou compreender o corpo de conhecimentos sobre os locais propícios à pesca, bem como o sistema de classificação da ictiofauna local. O estudo da caracterização dos geossímbolos e dos saberes da pesca vernacular apontou para a particularidade dessa prática sociocultural, cuja reprodução depende, exclusivamente, do resgate da memória dos moradores que possuem um estreito vínculo de pertencimento com o território da pesca, sendo atualmente ameaçado com a implantação definitiva do Parque Nacional dos Campos Gerais, bem como outros processos de ordem socioeconômica que atingem o meio rural.

Supporting Students’ Writing and Degree Completion: Boot Camps, Write-Ins and Writing Retreats

McIntosh, Cecilia A. 03 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Postoj studentů UK FTVS k letním dětským táborům / Attitudes of UK FTVS students to summer camps for children

Procházka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Title: Attitudes of UK FTVS students to summer camps for children Objectives: The main aim of this work is to find out what was benefit of children 's camps for UK FTVS students and what they are currently attitude. Methods: The research was divided into two parts. In part A I used the method of questioning followed by analysis. In testing were 175 participants. I interviewed students of the Charles University FTVS and it took period from June 2018 to July 2019. The data were subsequently evaluated using classical statistical methods and interpreted by graphs and frequency tables. Part B conducted semi-structured interviews with 9 probands who were selected as a representative sample based on Part A interviews. The data were evaluated by basic statistical methods, exactly by using the frequency table and Likert's scaling method to determine the level of attitudes among respondents. Results: In part A we find out that only 7% of the individuals in the sample had never participated in a children's summer camp. It was also found that fourteen respondents of the whole sample had a negative attitude to the camps, equivalent is 8%. Participants of one or two camps reported a negative attitude in 28% (ten of twenty six). In the second group, three to six camps, it was 5% of cases (three of fifty three)....

Mathematics Boot Camps: A Strategy for Helping Students to Bypass Remedial Courses

Hamilton, Marilyn Ann Louise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Many community colleges struggle to find the best strategy to help incoming at-risk students prepare for the placement test. The purpose of this quantitative quasi-experimental study, was to answer the question as to which of 2 programs, a 2-week, face-to-face mathematics refresher program, Math Boost-Up, or an online-only program, might increase the ACCUPLACER posttest scores of incoming community college students. The study used archival data for 136 students who self-selected to either participate in the Math Boost-Up program (the experiment group), or in the online-only program (the comparison group). Knowles's theory of adult learning, andragogy, served as the theoretical framework. Spearman, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, and chi-square tests were used to measure the effect of 4 moderator variables (age, high school GPA, number of minutes spent in MyFoundationsLab, and number of days spent in face-to-face sessions) on the pre- and posttest scores of students in each group. The results indicated that students in the Math Boost-Up program experienced statistically significant gains in arithmetic and elementary algebra than did those students in the online-only program. The results also indicated that the 4 moderator variables affected gains in posttest scores. Additionally, the results disproved the andragogical premise that students would be self-directed and would self-select to participate in the intervention. A recommendation was that participation in the face-to-face refresher program should be mandatory. The study contributes to social change by providing evidence that short-term refresher programs could increase the scores of students on placement tests.

Die ontwikkeling van 'n elektroniese genealogiese databasis van burgerlike sterftes tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 / deur Elizabeth Connie Celesté Reynolds (néé Aucamp)

Reynolds, Elizabeth Connie Celesté January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2007.

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