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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Walking into a Sea of Whiteness: On the (Im)possibilities of Being a Teacher Candidate of Colour

Patel, Shyam 29 July 2022 (has links)
Gripped by the mechanics of “walking into a sea of whiteness,” I frame this master’s thesis through the following research question: What are the live(d) experiences and stories of a teacher candidate of colour in relation to race and racism in Teacher Education? Responding to this question, I engage in a personal narrative inquiry to examine and interrogate my own live(d) experiences and stories as a teacher candidate of colour in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa from 2018 to 2020. I specifically dwell in the (im)possibilities of my travelogue in the two-year program, as I travel to the past to write in the present. A process that unfolds as I arrange that journey in the following: on arrival, on beginning, on collapsing, and on finding community. The writing of which is story(ed) in my live(d) experiences through narratives, as well as journal entries and poems, which are analyzed through a closed reading, complicating and troubling the notion of racism and “white spaces” in Teacher Education.

Mapping early responses to salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana

Awlia, Mariam 09 1900 (has links)
Salt stress is a global problem that limits agricultural production. The early responses to salinity, independent of toxic shoot-ion accumulation, are still largely unknown. Here, optimised salt treatment and high-throughput phenotyping protocols were developed and used to examine the natural variation in the early responses to salt stress of 191 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Common and novel traits of plants grown under salt treatment were captured through time using RGB and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Phenotypic data was combined with the Arabidopsis 10M SNP markers for genome-wide association studies to identify genetic components underlying the early responses to salt stress. The most promising candidate loci were selected based on association strength, allele frequency and number of traits associating to the same locus. In silico analysis highlighted interesting allelic variations across the identified loci, and by phenotypically characterising the candidate gene mutants under salt stress, the associations were experimentally validated. This work comprises a detailed study of the natural variation in the early responses to salt stress, which can give insights into the mechanisms contributing to salinity tolerance and provide the fundaments for crop improvements under saline conditions across the globe.

Prezidentské volby v ČR v roce 2013 z hlediska genderu / Czech Presidential Elections 2013 : A Gender Perspective

Pidrmanová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The theme of the work will focus on the first direct presidential elections in the Czech Republic in 2013 from the perspective of gender division of male and female candidates. The work will analyze the self-presentation of individual candidates and their presentation by the media. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the course of the campaign in terms of gender. It will also focus on selected media and map how they present male and female candidates also in terms of gender. The analysis will stem from public events and their representation by the media. I will analyze data collected during the campaign, performance in media and statements of the candidates, with special attention to the behavior and self- presentation of male and female candidates and to the media. The aim of the work is to give a coherent view, whether and how the candidates present their gender and how the media present them in terms of gender.

Genetic analysis of European beech populations across precipitation gradients: understanding the adaptive potential to climate change

Cuervo Alarcon, Laura Carolina 16 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Logopeders samtal med närstående till en person med afasi : En samtalsanalys / Speech and Language Therapists’ Conversations with a Person Closely Related to a Person With Aphasia : a Conversation Analysis

Jansson, Lisa, Höglund, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
I institutionella samtal såsom närståendesamtal mellan en logoped, en närstående till en person med afasi och personen med afasi råder en asymmetri gällande maktförhållandet. Asymmetrin som uppstår i det institutionella samtalet kan innebära att samtalsdeltagaren med minst makt upplever ansiktshot. I samtal ses förståelse som en dynamisk process och när förståelsen innebär ett problem i konversationen störs den pågående aktiviteten. Mottagaren kan lösa problemet som uppstått genom att ge talaren en candidate understanding. Hur kommunikativa strategier används i närståendesamtal är ett relativt obeforskat område och ett viktigt område då närståendesamtal är en vanligt förekommande för logopeder. Syftet med föreliggande studie var därför att undersöka ett antal kommunikativa strategier för att få en gemensam förståelse och minska ansiktshot  vid delgivning av testresultat och rådgivning i närståendesamtal. Tre närståendesamtal mellan logopeder, närstående och i två fall personer med afasi spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades enligt samtalsanalytiska principer (CA). Två logopeder, tre närstående och två personer med afasi medverkade i studien. Totalt omfattade det inspelade materialet en timma och 37 minuter. Deltagande logopeder fick även fylla i ett frågeformulär. Strategier för avdramatisering och förståelse identifierades. Strategierna delades in i två kategorier; avdramatisering av råd och förmedling av testresultat och candidate understandings för att uppnå förståelse. I studien framkom det att candidate understandings ofta initierades av den närstående. Det framkom även att de positiva testresultaten som förmedlades inte avdramatiserades samt att dessa istället ofta framhävdes och att face threatenings acts vid delgivning av negativa testresultat ofta avdramatiserades med hedging. / In institutional interactions such as conversations between a speech and language therapist, a person closely related to a person with aphasia and the individual with aphasia there is an asymmetry considering the power. The asymmetry arising in institutional interactions may mean that the participant with the least power will experience a face threatening act. Understanding is seen as a dynamic process and when understanding is a problem in the conversation the ongoing activity is disturbed. The receiver can solve the problem by giving the speaker a candidate understanding. How these strategies are used in conversations between a speech and language therapist with a person closely related to a person with aphasia is a relatively unexplored field and an important area which is a common for speech therapists. The aim of the present study was to investigate a number of communication strategies in the conversation with a person closely related to a person with aphasia; how understanding was reached and how face threatening acts were reduced when the speech therapists delivered test results and gave counseling. Three conversations between speech and language therapists, persons closely related to a person with aphasia and in two of the recordings the person with aphasia were recorded, transcribed and analyzed according to principles of Conversation Analysis (CA). Two speech and language therapists, three persons closely related to a person with aphasia and two persons with aphasia participated in the study. In total, the recorded material is one hour and 37 minutes. Participating speech and language therapists also filled in a questionnaire. Strategies for mitigation and understanding were identified. The strategies were divided into two categories; strategies to mitigate FTA:s when delivering the test results and counseling, the other categorie was the use of candidate understandings for gaining an mutual understanding. The study revealed that candidate understandings were often initiated by the person closely related to a person with aphasia. The study also revealed that the test results with positive outcome where not mitigated and often emphasized and test results that could be perceived as negative were mitigated with hedging.

Towards the genetic dissection of the complex maternal infanticide behaviour using a white Duroc x Erhualian pig F2 design

Congying, Chen 22 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Commande de suivi de trajectoire pour les systèmes complexes et /ou incertains / Trajectory tracking control for complex and / or uncertain systems

Chamekh Hammami, Yosr 20 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail présente une nouvelle approche basée sur l’étude de la stabilité du mouvement de systèmes continus, multivariables, non linéaires. Elle repose sur l’utilisation de la seconde méthode de Lyapunov pour le calcul d’une loi de commande de suivi de trajectoire d’un processus dont l’évolution est décrite par son équation d’état. Cette commande est réalisée à partir d’informations accessibles concernant le processus et son évolution désirée.Cette approche est étudiée dans le cas où cette commande n’est pas définie.Afin d’étudier la robustesse de cette commande, nous présentons une approche basée sur la stabilité des systèmes non linéaires par le calcul des systèmes majorants. Cette approche est appliquée sur les systèmes décrivant l’erreur entre le système perturbé réel présentant d’importantes imprécisions et/ou incertitudes et le modèle théorique / This work presents a new approach based on the study of the stability of motion of continuous, multivariable, nonlinear systems. It relies on the use of the second Lyapunov method for computing a control law trajectory tracking of a process whose evolution is described by the equation of state. This control is made from accessible information about the process and its desired evolution. This approach is studied in the case where the command is not defined. To investigate the robustness of this control, we present an approach based on the stability of nonlinear systems by calculating the overvaluing systems. This approach is applied to the systems describing the error between the actual perturbed system with significant inaccuracies and / or uncertainties and the theoretical model

Investigating the development of possible selves in teacher education: candidate perceptions of hopes, fears, and strategies

Gonzalez-Bravo, Jill Elaine January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Educational Leadership / Trudy A. Salsberry / Today’s teachers must not only be content experts, they must be reflective practitioners competent in both theory and complex learning processes. They must prove capable of constructing classrooms to meet the diverse needs of each child within a culture of global competition and high stakes testing. Beginning teachers are more effective when they enter classrooms with a strong identity and sense of self as teacher. Unfortunately, there is limited understanding of teacher candidate identity development and limited research on effective preparation strategies to strengthen the complex process. A two-staged instrumental-intrinsic case study was developed to collect and analyze candidate possible self-strategies. The investigation gave voice to an often-neglected source of insight, teacher candidates. The theory of possible selves, as proposed by Marcus and Nurius (1986), served as a framework for interviews conducted with thirteen candidates from a private institution in the Midwest. The researcher utilized results from previous applications of the theory to teacher education and extended findings by employing the strategy development process (Ibarra, 1999), an aspect previously unapplied to teacher preparation. Research findings provided insight into participants’ past memories and present motivations. While passive observation appeared to play a minor role in participant strategies, there was a heavy reliance upon future collegial support. Participants also valued intentional effective clinical mentors and suggested structured opportunities to promote dialogue and feedback. Results aligned with previous research that identified modeling of effective instructional strategies as essential to teacher educator quality. However, an additional attribute emerged, affective modeling. Participants attributed affective traits and actions of teacher educators to personal perceptions of collegiality and student-centered instruction. Findings support the utilitarian, investigative, and evaluative qualities of the theory of possible selves. The applied theoretical framework allowed for the assessment of participants’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions, aided in the identification of perceived preparation needs, and served as an appraisal of preparation program effectiveness. The collection and analysis of candidates’ hopes, fears, and process strategies served to inform teacher educator practice and increased understanding in regards to external and internal influences that shape professional identity development.

EU, "Unity in diversity" eller en klubb för privilegierade medlemmar?

Brage, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the operation of membership criteria, which are applied against countries that wish to join the European Union (EU). More specifically, the importance of some criteria in comparison to others is considered. To answer this proposal, three questions are posed: What are the EU membership criteria? Are some criteria more important than other criteria? Does the EU treat candidate countries differently in applying the membership criteria? Three countries are used in this analysis, each country representing one recent enlargement round: Poland (2004), Romania (2007), and current candidate country Turkey. Both official documents, such as EU treaties, and unofficial documents such as statements from EU leaders are used to analyze the application of membership criteria. The method that is used in this thesis is idea analysis. The EU has both official criteria, which are found in the foundation treaties, and unofficial criteria, which are the public and political opinions among the candidate countries and current EU member states. It is suggested that none of the criteria are more important than others; a candidate country must fulfill virtually all the official and unofficial criteria in order to gain EU membership. Although all criteria must be met, the application of the criteria is uneven between candidate countries. The EU does not treat countries differently when it comes to the official criteria. However, when it comes to the unofficial criteria, Turkey is treated differently from Romania and Poland. There is greater resistance to Turkey’s future membership, making it much more difficult for Turkey to reach the stage of full EU membership.

EU, "Unity in diversity" eller en klubb för privilegierade medlemmar?

Brage, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
<p>The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the operation of membership criteria, which are applied against countries that wish to join the European Union (EU). More specifically, the importance of some criteria in comparison to others is considered. To answer this proposal, three questions are posed: What are the EU membership criteria? Are some criteria more important than other criteria? Does the EU treat candidate countries differently in applying the membership criteria? Three countries are used in this analysis, each country representing one recent enlargement round: Poland (2004), Romania (2007), and current candidate country Turkey. Both official documents, such as EU treaties, and unofficial documents such as statements from EU leaders are used to analyze the application of membership criteria. The method that is used in this thesis is idea analysis. The EU has both official criteria, which are found in the foundation treaties, and unofficial criteria, which are the public and political opinions among the candidate countries and current EU member states. It is suggested that none of the criteria are more important than others; a candidate country must fulfill virtually all the official and unofficial criteria in order to gain EU membership. Although all criteria must be met, the application of the criteria is uneven between candidate countries. The EU does not treat countries differently when it comes to the official criteria. However, when it comes to the unofficial criteria, Turkey is treated differently from Romania and Poland. There is greater resistance to Turkey’s future membership, making it much more difficult for Turkey to reach the stage of full EU membership.</p>

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