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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relación del comercio justo con las exportaciones peruanas de banano orgánico de la región Piura: Variación de las exportaciones, calidad de vida, certificaciones y desarrollo de capacidades, durante el periodo 2014 - 2018 / Relationship of fair trade on peruvian exports of organic bananas from the Piura region: Variation of exports, quality of life, certifications and capacity development, during the period 2014-2018

Millones Leiva, Andrea Jimena, Nieto Bolívar, Josheline Anabel 01 October 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfocó en determinar la relación del Comercio Justo con las comunidades exportadoras peruanas de banano orgánico de la Región Piura, específicamente la variación de las exportaciones, calidad de vida, certificaciones y desarrollo de capacidades, durante el periodo 2014 - 2018, la investigación fue de un enfoque cuantitativo correlacional y por las características de este estudio, también se utilizó un enfoque de investigación cualitativa. Para el enfoque cuantitativo se estudiaron 14 comunidades utilizando estadística correlacional de Rho Spearman, usando el software estadístico SPSS IBM; para el enfoque cualitativo, se utilizó muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, aplicando una entrevista semi-estructurada, usando el programa Atlas ti 8. Los resultados arrojaron que el Comercio Justo si está relacionado con la calidad de vida de las comunidades exportadoras, la adquisición de las certificaciones y el desarrollo de capacidades de los exportadores lo que conlleva a un mayor número de exportaciones durante los años 2014-2018 en Perú. / This research focused on determining the relationship of Fair Trade on Peruvian organic banana exports from the Piura region, specifically the variation in exports, quality of life, certifications and capacity development, during the period 2014-2018, the research was a correlacional quantitative approach and due to the characteristics of this study, a qualitative research approach was also used. For the quantitative approach, 14 communities and / or associations were studied using descriptive statistics, using the SPSS IBM statistical software; For the qualitative approach, non-probability sampling was used for convenience, applying a semi-structured interview, using the Atlas.ti 8 program. The results showed that fair trade has a relationship on the quality of life of exporting communities, the acquisition of certifications and capacity building of exporters leading to a greater number of exports during the years 2014-2018 in Peru. / Tesis

Riskhantering som en del av den organisatoriska styrningen / Risk management as part of organizational governance

Jebeli, Daniella January 2024 (has links)
Inledning: Det förändrade säkerhetspolitiska läget till följd av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har lyft fram behovet av militär internationell samverkan. Den svenska regeringen beslutade om ett medlemskap i NATO och Sverige blev fullvärdig medlem den 7 mars 2024. Försvarsmakten har lång erfarenhet av samarbete med NATO och andra allierade länder, men det samarbetet har inte inneburit samma typ av kravställning som ställs för en medlemsstat. Ett NATO-medlemskap i denna kontext innebär att lagar och förordningar kan behöva anpassas och Försvarsmakten kan uppleva ett behov av att justera sina styrande dokument. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om den organisatoriska riskhanteringen är en del av målstyrningen inom Försvarsmakten och om inträdet i NATO kan komma att påverka Försvarsmaktens organisatoriska riskhantering. Metod: En kvalitativ studie som till del är jämförande och en innehållsanalys mellan Försvarsmaktens och NATO:s riskhanteringsdokument. Materialet består av styrande dokument som beskriver den organisatoriska riskhanteringen samt den övergripande organisatoriska styrningen i respektive organisation. Semistrukturerade intervjuer av tjänstemän inom Försvarsmakten har också genomförts. Data kategoriserades sedan tematisk med hjälp det av utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer kopplat till kapacitetsutveckling och tolkades utifrån dessa samt teorin riskstyrning. Resultat:  Resultatet visar på att det finns likheter och skillnader mellan Försvarsmaktens och NATO:s riskhanteringsdokument, samt att riskhanteringen är beskriven i relation till Försvarsmaktens uppdrag och mål. Respondenterna bekräftar och ger en djupare inblick i Försvarsmaktens riskhantering. Slutsatser: Resultatet visar på att den organisatoriska riskhanteringen är en del av målstyrningen. Dock framkommer det att det finns utmaningar bland annat politiskt. Skillnaderna mellan Försvarsmaktens och NATO:s riskhanteringsdokument visar även att dessa kan komma att påverka Försvarsmakten i form av ställningstagande och eventuell anpassning av styrande dokument. / Introduction: The Russian Federation’s war of aggression against Ukraine have altered the security environment and have highlighted the need for military international cooperation. The Swedish government decided that Sweden would apply for NATO membership and Sweden became a full member on March 7, 2024. The Swedish Armed Forces have a long experience of cooperation with NATO and other allied countries, but that cooperation has not entailed the same demands that of its member states. NATO membership in this context means that laws and regulations may need to be adapted and the Swedish Armed Forces may experience a need to adjust their governing documents. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether the organizational risk management is part of the management by objectives within the Swedish Armed Forces and whether the entry into NATO may affect the Swedish Armed Forces' organizational risk management. Method: A qualitative comparative and content analysis study between the Swedish Armed Forces' and NATO's risk management documents. The material consists of governing documents that describe the organizational risk management as well as the overall organizational management, in each organization. Semi-structured interviews of officials within the Swedish Armed Forces have also been conducted. The data was then categorized thematically using challenges and success factors linked to capacity development and interpreted based on these and the theory of risk governance. Results: The results show that there are similarities and differences between the Swedish Armed Forces' and NATO's risk management documents, and that risk management is described in relation to the Swedish Armed Forces' missions and goals. The respondents confirm and further describe the Swedish Armed Forces' risk management. Conclusions: The results show that organizational risk management is part of goal management within the Swedish Armed Forces. However, it appears that there are challenges, political ones among other things. The differences between the Swedish Armed Forces' and NATO's risk management documents also show that these may affect the Swedish Armed Forces in terms of taking a position towards these differences and possible adaptation of governing documents.

Tax administration reform in certain African Tax Administration Forum members in Southern Africa / Gerwin Vos

Vos, Gerwin January 2013 (has links)
During August 2008 commissioners, senior tax administrators and policy makers from 28 African countries attended the International Conference on Taxation, State Building and Capacity Development in Africa. The objective of the conference had been to investigate how African countries can improve their resource mobilization, thereby decreasing Africa’s reliance on foreign aid, improving the fiscal independence of African countries and improving the living conditions of their citizens. It was identified during the conference that African countries can improve their resource mobilization through an improvement of their existing taxation structures. An improvement in existing taxation structures could in turn be achieved through improved sharing of information between African tax authorities on their tax structures currently in place, as well as the habits of their respective taxpayers. In order to facilitate the improved sharing of information, as well as to better equip African Tax Administrations for the task at hand, the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) was formed. The aim of this research is to determine whether any progress has been made regarding tax administration reform by African countries following the Conference on Taxation, State Building and Capacity Development in Africa, during the period 2008 to 2012. This has been determined by evaluating the structures of the ATAF and the activities implemented by the ATAF during the period 2008 to 2012 to meet its initial strategic objectives. Secondly, African countries that were previously members of SADC, and have since become members of the ATAF as well, were evaluated in order to determine whether the countries in question have implemented tax administration and governance reforms during the period 2008 to 2012, which have led to an improvement in the tax administration and governance structures of the countries in question. Furthermore, an evaluation was performed as to whether the improvements have led to an improvement in the fiscal independence and humanitarian conditions of the countries in question, during the period 2008 to 2012. The conclusion arrived at reveals that the ATAF has implemented several activities during the period 2008 to 2012, to meet its initial strategic objectives. Furthermore, all the analysed African countries have improved their tax administration structures during the period 2008 to 2012. Unfortunately, not all the countries analysed have been able to improve their governance structures during the period 2008 to 2012 as well. However, where a country has been able to improve both its tax administration and governance structures during the period 2008 to 2012, its fiscal independence and humanitarian conditions have also improved during the period 2008 to 2012. / MCom (South African and International Taxation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Tax administration reform in certain African Tax Administration Forum members in Southern Africa / Gerwin Vos

Vos, Gerwin January 2013 (has links)
During August 2008 commissioners, senior tax administrators and policy makers from 28 African countries attended the International Conference on Taxation, State Building and Capacity Development in Africa. The objective of the conference had been to investigate how African countries can improve their resource mobilization, thereby decreasing Africa’s reliance on foreign aid, improving the fiscal independence of African countries and improving the living conditions of their citizens. It was identified during the conference that African countries can improve their resource mobilization through an improvement of their existing taxation structures. An improvement in existing taxation structures could in turn be achieved through improved sharing of information between African tax authorities on their tax structures currently in place, as well as the habits of their respective taxpayers. In order to facilitate the improved sharing of information, as well as to better equip African Tax Administrations for the task at hand, the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) was formed. The aim of this research is to determine whether any progress has been made regarding tax administration reform by African countries following the Conference on Taxation, State Building and Capacity Development in Africa, during the period 2008 to 2012. This has been determined by evaluating the structures of the ATAF and the activities implemented by the ATAF during the period 2008 to 2012 to meet its initial strategic objectives. Secondly, African countries that were previously members of SADC, and have since become members of the ATAF as well, were evaluated in order to determine whether the countries in question have implemented tax administration and governance reforms during the period 2008 to 2012, which have led to an improvement in the tax administration and governance structures of the countries in question. Furthermore, an evaluation was performed as to whether the improvements have led to an improvement in the fiscal independence and humanitarian conditions of the countries in question, during the period 2008 to 2012. The conclusion arrived at reveals that the ATAF has implemented several activities during the period 2008 to 2012, to meet its initial strategic objectives. Furthermore, all the analysed African countries have improved their tax administration structures during the period 2008 to 2012. Unfortunately, not all the countries analysed have been able to improve their governance structures during the period 2008 to 2012 as well. However, where a country has been able to improve both its tax administration and governance structures during the period 2008 to 2012, its fiscal independence and humanitarian conditions have also improved during the period 2008 to 2012. / MCom (South African and International Taxation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Capacity development of small-scale farmers in developing countries: Analysis of preferences and the role of information and communication technologies

Landmann, Dirk Hauke 29 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The compliance with intellectual property laws and their enforcement in Jordan : a post-WTO review & analysis

Nesheiwat, Ferris K. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the implementation, enforcement and evolution of IP laws and regulations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The period of interest includes the last decade of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty first century, with emphasis on the role played by Free Trade Agreements struck between Jordan and the United States, the European Union, and Jordan’s accession to the World Trade Organization. This thesis also examines the enforcement of the current set of IP laws in Jordan, and looks at their social and economic compatibility with the Jordanian societal norms and economic realities. This thesis argues that Jordanian IP laws lack a meaningful social and economic texture, and have failed to be evenly enforced in Jordan, essentially because they do not fit the Jordanian culture and are not compatible with Jordan’s economic stage of development. Additionally, the thesis argues that IP laws have had insignificant economic impact on the Jordanian economy as the majority of technologies used in Jordan, and the majority of foreign direct investments attracted to Jordan, are not IP related. Finally, the thesis argues that the current Jordanian enforcement model, which is built on coercion by donor countries, is serving the interests of foreign companies to the exclusion of the local citizens, and will not, in the long run, produce an enforcement model based on self-regulation by Jordanians, themselves. The laws, therefore, are unable to produce tangible results for the Jordanian people, or help meet their economic interests. The last part of the thesis deals with recommendations and suggestions aimed at creating an integrated approach to the adoption of IP policies.

Information services framework towards developing capacity for people who are not in employment, education or training in Gauteng Province of South Africa

Matli, Walter 08 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238- 250) / People who are Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) in the Gauteng province are faced with a number of challenges that have many detrimental effects. One major issue is the large number of NEET people who are information illiterate to operate information services that are largely web based. Previously, information services used to be more static in nature, but ICT advancement have enabled flexibility in terms of how people actively search for developmental and work opportunities information. Scholars and research institutions have conducted extensive studies on developing the capacity of NEET people. However, there was little evidence of studies that focus on services that serve information to this community of NEET people. Therefore, this thesis aims to propose an information services framework and provide an insightful discussion about information services and NEET people. Data were collected primarily through semi-structured interviews with NEET people and, in the process, observations transpired along, with document analysis. The study adopted qualitative research and the findings were analysed thematically in line with the objectives of the study. The study revealed that intervention programmes are important to support NEET people to gain confidence and prepare them for work by refining their skills. In addition, there are initiatives that offer support and training at no cost. The major findings of the study were that there are inequalities experienced by NEET people because of socio-economic issues. It was also discovered that there are NEET people who are self-taught to utilise information services on ICT platforms. The study concludes that information literacy is important for NEET people to proficiently make use of information services to search for information. Work experience topped the agenda in terms of challenges experienced by NEET people when seeking for work. Furthermore, seeking for work or developmental opportunities information is an emotionally draining exercise for most NEET people. Such that some of the NEET people have indicated that they feel discouraged, particularly when continuously being rejected by potential organisations. Good education remains important as it has the capacity to build the individual’s mind and better place the individual’s mind to demonstrate passion towards what the persons envisage to do. A further study is recommended to investigate the extent to which lack of ICT skills has an impact on increasing the risk of NEET people remaining NEET. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Ubuntu in action : towards the empowerment of state-appointed social workers in the Limpopo Province

March, Charmaigne Caroline January 2010 (has links)
Poverty, violence, unemployment, the high rate of HIV/Aids and a lack of resources are some of the issues the South African government is currently trying to address. Victims of crime and violence have special needs that require early intervention. Studies show that if left unattended, victims may show maladjustment in their social, marital and work environments; receiving assistance and support following victimisation therefore holds many benefits for the victim. The Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) announced by government as part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy is meant to address these needs. The VEP is a comprehensive, multifaceted, intersectoral model that brings together integrated service delivery for victims of crime and violence. One of the mandates of the Department of Social Development as the lead department of the VEP is to provide services that empower and meet the needs of communities and individuals who are considered victims. This study seeks to justify why it is beneficial to use a participatory learning approach when designing and conducting „in-service‟ continuing professional development training courses for state-appointed social workers working within the field of victim empowerment (VE) in South Africa. It also advocates for the theoretical approaches of experiential problem-based learning and psychosocial empowerment, and discusses the use of a crossover of theories from the different disciplines of mainstream psychology, community psychology and social work. The vision of a new South Africa based on post-1994 ANC government policies is outlined and the history of the field of socio-economic development and community development is discussed. Mainstream psychology‟s contribution to community development, and the tenets of community psychology, participation and empowerment, are applied in the design of an „in-service‟ short course. The primary focus of the study is on the range of skills and abilities needed to initiate and maintain successful VE services. These include the following: skills in group process facilitation; skills in intersectoral collaboration (referral and networking) with other governmental departments and other healthcare professionals; knowing how to establish and maintain forums; an understanding of the principles and tools of participatory learning and action; skills required for designing, organising and presenting workshops; project management, and the monitoring and evaluation of VE projects. This study elucidates how critical the „in-service‟ training of VE social workers is within the new social development paradigm in South Africa, and offers key considerations and recommendations regarding future „in-service‟ training programmes/short courses for state-employed social workers involved in VE services. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

The influence of psychosocial meta-capacities on learning capacity development in a foreign government agency

Khan, Rokshana 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study investigated the influences of psychosocial meta-capacities on learning capacity development in a foreign government agency that is undergoing extensive organisational change. The data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with seven participants, who are employees of a foreign visa-processing unit based in South Africa. The participants shared their experiences during the organisational change process, and how different aspects impacted on their learning capacity development. The study highlighted self-efficacy and emotional intelligence as key meta-capacities that can be enhanced to aid learning capacity development. Furthermore, the study recommended that organisations intending to introduce significant changes should be aware of the psychosocial meta-capacities that can be exploited to enhance employee learning capacity development, thereby ultimately ensuring organisational success. This study seems to suggest that the positive influences on learning capacity development are: self-efficacy in the form of self- beliefs about one’s performance ability; the ability to take initiative; and learning orientation - for example, a sense of exploration; emotional intelligence in the form of self-awareness in relation to what needs to happen, and the positive impact of social support systems, for example, supervisors, role models and fellow colleagues. Negative influences on learning capacity development seem to include the following: the inability to manage performance anxiety; high levels of self-doubt, the lack of technical expertise, and learning paralysis in the form of procrastination and the lack of self-motivation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Ubuntu in action : towards the empowerment of state-appointed social workers in the Limpopo Province

March, Charmaigne Caroline January 2010 (has links)
Poverty, violence, unemployment, the high rate of HIV/Aids and a lack of resources are some of the issues the South African government is currently trying to address. Victims of crime and violence have special needs that require early intervention. Studies show that if left unattended, victims may show maladjustment in their social, marital and work environments; receiving assistance and support following victimisation therefore holds many benefits for the victim. The Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) announced by government as part of the National Crime Prevention Strategy is meant to address these needs. The VEP is a comprehensive, multifaceted, intersectoral model that brings together integrated service delivery for victims of crime and violence. One of the mandates of the Department of Social Development as the lead department of the VEP is to provide services that empower and meet the needs of communities and individuals who are considered victims. This study seeks to justify why it is beneficial to use a participatory learning approach when designing and conducting „in-service‟ continuing professional development training courses for state-appointed social workers working within the field of victim empowerment (VE) in South Africa. It also advocates for the theoretical approaches of experiential problem-based learning and psychosocial empowerment, and discusses the use of a crossover of theories from the different disciplines of mainstream psychology, community psychology and social work. The vision of a new South Africa based on post-1994 ANC government policies is outlined and the history of the field of socio-economic development and community development is discussed. Mainstream psychology‟s contribution to community development, and the tenets of community psychology, participation and empowerment, are applied in the design of an „in-service‟ short course. The primary focus of the study is on the range of skills and abilities needed to initiate and maintain successful VE services. These include the following: skills in group process facilitation; skills in intersectoral collaboration (referral and networking) with other governmental departments and other healthcare professionals; knowing how to establish and maintain forums; an understanding of the principles and tools of participatory learning and action; skills required for designing, organising and presenting workshops; project management, and the monitoring and evaluation of VE projects. This study elucidates how critical the „in-service‟ training of VE social workers is within the new social development paradigm in South Africa, and offers key considerations and recommendations regarding future „in-service‟ training programmes/short courses for state-employed social workers involved in VE services. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

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