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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A survey of staff turnover and retention in the Eastern Cape Department of Agriculture, Ukhahlamba District

Msomi, Mzwandile William January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this research was to understand the main factors that explain turnover and retention at DOA Ukhahlamba District and to recommend to the District and Provincial management the appropriate strategy for retaining staff. To be able to achieve this aim, the following research objectives have been visited, namely: a) turnover trends, b) analysis of primary and external turnover factors and c) primarily retention factors. Data for analysing turnover trends was collected from the 2004 to 2007 DPSA and DOA annual reports. Primary data on labour turnover and retention factors was collected from 41 employees across different sections at DOA Ukhahlamba District by means of a questionnaire survey. The data was analysed using statistical methods, including frequency distribution, chi-square test and Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings have revealed that there is no clear pattern of turnover trends at DOA and DPSA, and DOA percentage turnover figures are low in comparison with those of the DPSA. In terms of organizational-specific factors, the top three primary turnover factors were identified, namely: a) communication within the organisation, b) leadership and the organisation and participation in decision making. The research results further revealed that communication within the organization had a significant impact with regard to race, but division, location, and grades did not. With regard to the external factors, research results identified the following most important external labour turnover factors arranged according to their importance, namely: lack of availability and quality of health care services and infrastructural development; lack of available sport and recreation facilities; crime in the area and people living in the neighbourhood; lack of educational opportunities available for the family, and geographic location of place of employment. The findings further revealed the top three retention factors, were strongly significantly correlated to each other, namely: resource availability, use of discretion in handling customer complaints, and the impact of the job on society. These are positively related to intention to stay. The implications these results to the management would require the review of the organisational Human Resource Management Policy and the introduction of Attraction and Retention Policy because at present its is non existence at DOA Eastern Cape. Research limitations: the study did not fully explore ethnicity when analysing the communication within the organisation as a labour turnover factor despite having an organisation that is diverse in nature, future academic research should focus more on labour turnover at management level and moderating variables to external labour turnover factors as there is little research done in this area. The factors identified for labour turnover and retention should be treated with caution as it may not be applicable to all sector Departments in the Eastern Cape and may be limited to Ukhahlamba District due to its geographic location. This study will contribute to the body of knowledge as it will serve as a guide to Eastern Cape DOA and other sector Departments in choosing factors to consider when designing their retention strategy in order to reduce labour turnover. To the academic researchers, the first three primary retention factors identified in the survey have not been seen before, grouped and rated amongst the top three retention factors which therefore means that the management support becomes more important than looking more on salary package as the first priority factor as revealed by most of the research literature consulted (Gustafson, 2002; Mobley, 1982; Mobley, 1979; Herzberg, 2003). This shows that labour turnover and retention factors will not be the same to all organisations, the location of the business and surrounding environment should be considered carefully when designing the appropriate policy and retention strategy of the organisation.

An evaluation of the Nelson Mandela Metropole as a location to attract investment

Nonxuba, Philile Zipho January 2006 (has links)
The Nelson Mandela Metropole is the largest contributor to the Eastern Cape Province’s economy and its share of the production of the Eastern Cape is about 41, 3 % per annum. This requires that the competitiveness of the Metropole be improved in order to enable it to meet the challenges of the Province. The objective of the GEAR policy strategy places a focus on the leading coastal industrial locations of South Africa. Furthermore, the national government has shifted the responsibility of service delivery to local governments in an effort to reinforce the integrated development planning process in municipalities. To meet those challenges, the Metropole has focused its attention on improving local resources. To enhance the performance of the manufacturing industry of the Metropole, it is necessary to ensure that the Metropole has locational attributes to attract new investment. Such attributes include creation of closely located industries. This will help the firms to engage in competition as well as engage in co-operative activities among themselves. The study employs a variety of theories to highlight the need to enhance productivity of industries in order to attract new investment. These theories include the new (endogenous) growth theory that argues that productivity growth is determined by introduction of new technologies. Such technologies accrue because ideas that contribute to their development are nonrival, and thus their creation has a fixed cost and zero marginal cost. The property of fixed cost in the creation of ideas results in the emergence of increasing returns to scale. The Porter’s Diamond framework is used in the study to take the issue of productivity growth further. Its thrust is that in particular nations some industries experience high productivity growth rates. It further argues that the locational attributes are responsible for these industries in registering high productivity growth levels. These attributes include the creation of advanced resources such as a skilled labour force. The data obtained from the survey of the research on the manufacturing industries forms part of this study. The findings of the survey reveal that although the manufacturing sector of the South African region has registered some significant success, there is still some room for improving its competitiveness. It revealed that development of the local markets through competition and cooperation among the industries would help to render these industries internationally competitive. This study concludes with some recommendations. These recommendations place emphasis on improvement of infrastructure, quality of labour force, and development of the region’s market. In order to carry out the recommendations effectively, government policy has to be repositioned so as to enhance its visibility among the stakeholders in the economy. Of importance is to ensure the promotion of policy that supports geographically concentrated businesses.

Evaluation of the performance of equity-sharing schemes administered by the Department of Land Affairs, Worcester district office of the Western Cape Province

Ralehoko, Enoch Ntala 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAgricAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study evaluated farmworker equity-sharing schemes administered by the Worcester regional office of the Department of Land Affairs in the Western Cape. The objectives were to investigate the performance of farmworker equity-sharing schemes against recent literature, to evaluate the motivation for the establishment of these schemes and whether they served the purpose for which they were established. Through investigating the role these schemes play in improving the farmworkers ' livelihood, the study investigated the changes farmworkers experienced on the farm since the establishment of the schemes. The perceptions of farmworkers regarding the schemes were also investigated. The study found that at all the farms evaluated there was a lack of formal training to all the levels of farmworkers, including committee members and shareholder workers. These farms did not have the funds to finance training programmes for their farmworkers. Poor training impeded farmworkers to utilise their skills and participate in decision making on the farm. Contrary to the objectives of financial participation and farmworker equity-sharing schemes, most of these schemes did not achieve the broad objectives of the participation schemes such as empowering their workers. Living and working conditions seem to have improved on most of the farms although some farms seem to have experienced no change at all. The ESTA Laws could be the cause of the improvements in housing and working conditions but not the implementation of the farmworker equity-sharing schemes. Respondents did not seem to experience discrimination due to gender. Financially the schemes are not performing well. This is evident from the number of schemes that were liquidated due to financial problems and for which financial statements could not be obtained. These schemes face various institutional and structural challenges, which includes financial challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het plaaswerker-aandeelhouerskemas wat deur die Worcesterstreekskantoor van die Departement van Grondsake in die Wes-Kaap bestuur word, geëvalueer. Die oogmerke van die studie was om die verrigting van plaaswerkeraandeelhouerskemas teenoor onlangse literatuur te ondersoek, om die motivering vir die vestiging van hierdie skemas te evalueer en te bepaal of hulle wel die doel dien waarvoor hulle gevestig is. Deur die rol van hierdie skemas in die verbetering van plaaswerkers se bestaan te ondersoek, het die studie ook ondersoek ingestel na die veranderinge wat sedert die vestiging van die skemas deur plaaswerkers ervaar is. Die plaaswerkers se persepsies van die skemas is ook ondersoek. Die studie het bevind dat daar by al die plase wat betrek is 'n tekort aan formele opleiding aan al die vlakke van plaaswerkers was, met inbegrip van komiteelede en aandeelhouer-werkers. Hierdie plase het nie oor die fondse beskik om opleidingsprogramme vir hulle plaaswerkers te finansier nie. Swak opleiding strem plaaswerkers in die toepassing van hulle vaardighede en in hulle deelname aan besluitneming op die plaas. In stryd met die doelwitte van finansiële deelname en plaaswerker-aandeelhouerskemas het hierdie skemas nie in hulle doel geslaag nie. Woon- en werksomstandighede op die meeste plase het blykbaar sedert die vestiging van die skemas verbeter, alhoewel sommige plase skynbaar geen vemaderinge ondergaan het nie. Die Wet op die Uitbreiding van Sekerheid op Verblyfreg kan 'n verklaring vir die verbetering in behuising en werksomstandighede wees, en nie noodwendig die implementering van die plaaswerker-aandeelhouerskemas nie. Respondente het volgens alle aanduidings nie diskriminasie op grond van geslag ondervind nie. Die skemas presteer finansieel nie goed nie. Dit is duidelik uit die getal skemas wat as gevolg van finansiële probleme gelikwideer is en waarvoor finansiële state nie verkry kon word nie. Hierdie skemas staar verskeie institusionele en strukturele uitdagings in die gesig, waaronder ook finansiële uitdagings.

Co-operative governance in integrated development planning : local economic development in the Eastern Cape

Nelana, B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The study evaluated co-operative governance in integrated development planning (IDP), with a focus on local economic development (LED). Literature review, survey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were data gathering instruments. Co-operative governance entailed mutual understanding with inclusive decision-making between government spheres and government, business and communities. This was unsuccessful in IDP because of national government dominance, complex tools for co-operation, expert-controlled co-operative governance, finance-dominated planning, a lack of proactive municipal planning and dominance by empowered role-players. Four LED models, namely, a Western, Latin American, African and South African emerged. South Africa’s model is multi-sectoral with land management policy, investor promotion, institutional development, financial and social investment strategies and sufficient policy and legislation. However, co-operative governance in IDP (LED) is dis-functional because of assumed equality of stakeholders. The study recommends a ‘Quilted Co-operative Development Planning Model’, which has a streamlined policy framework, efficient and effective management tools and organisation that promote bottom-up planning.

Leveraging leadership factors to drive culture change in the Department of Health, Eastern Cape : a case for improved service delivery

Fatsha, Litha M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Leadership has always been, and always will be, central to human affairs, whether from a political, societal, religious, business or any other view. Both the need for leadership in managerial jobs and the difficulty of providing effective leadership in these jobs has grown considerably more, to include even lower level managerial, technical and professional employees. An important objective of this research report was to investigate the Eastern Cape Department of Health’s (ECDoH’s) current business practices and culture, as perceived by its leadership and management. The aim was to understand and document reasons for perpetual underperformance and to suggest ways of transforming the organisation’s culture and practices into a high performing organisation on a sustainable basis. To achieve the above objectives, this research report uses the Beehive Model of Organisational Renewal, developed by Christo Nel of the Village Leadership Consulting, which looks at seven elements of workplace practices that are benchmarked against international best practices. These seven elements are strategy execution, change leadership, structure, business discipline, talent creation, rewards and recognition and stakeholder value. The Beehive Model of Operational Renewal assumes that it is possible for any organisation to achieve greatness, to be a high performing organisation based on the conditions that success is by choice and not by accident; it is a long and winding journey and requires full executive acceptance, commitment and resolve to achieving a high performance organisation (HPO) status. The reviewed literature shows that cultures within successful organisations have characteristics of adaptability, alignment with external factors and the organisation’s vision and mission, and are biased towards action. It also suggests that when people are listened to, respected, supported and appreciated, in exchange they tend to go the extra mile in executing their jobs, even lifting the performance of individuals previously written off as mediocre. Depending on the desired type of culture, people behaviours, organisational symbols and systems will have to be modified to suppport and entrench the values of that organisation. Establishing a culture in an organisation is primarily a leadership role and culture and leadership are viewed as two sides of the same coin which cannot be separated. Literature suggests that long-term organisational change in the public sector is complex and problematic, because of the many stakeholders and short-term orientation of many political stakeholders. Change is particularly difficult because it has to overcome a longstanding tradition, uncertaintly and doubt amongst many people, fear of job loss and inertia and much Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za iv resistance, both visible and subdued. Healthcare staff all over the world face the challenge of a rapid introduction of technology in the form of electronic patient records, computerbased decision support tools and hospital information networks which are changing the traditional ways of doing things. Managing organisational culture is viewed as an essential part of the health system reform in most countries, where evidence shows that it will be a complex, multi-level, and uncertain process, requiring strategies unfolding over a period of years. For any change to be successful, it requires leadership – in fact, it is argued that leaders drive change from the top, through people and with people. Successful change is about leadership getting involved in driving the change at grass roots level, being authentic, honest and transparent. Leaders must balance the natural resistance people have to change with the time and space people need to reflect and accept the change and the directives that the leaders use to put pressure on the employees. In healthcare, many techniques have been employed to bring about changes to quality healthcare delivery. These include total quality management (TQM), lean management, learning organisation, business process reengineering and some leaders have used external consultants to influence change. None of these techniques was found to be successful without good leadership and a culture that embraces these changes. Arguably, people are the only competitive advantage any organisation has. Given that people are the executors of strategy, it is imperative that they get involved in its development. The use of systemic ways of developing strategy and making sure of its implementation using the balanced score card and strategy maps, is recommended. Linking company values and culture to the strategy leads to far greater organisational success. In most organisations human resources (HR) practices are still in the traditional back office. In the new economy, HR practices need to be transformed to deliver a new proposition, which adds value to the bottom line of the business by satisfying all stakeholder requirements, aligning people to performance and increasing organisational capabilities for sustainable performance. In the last decade, New Public Sector Management (NPSM) has emerged as a major reform strategy applied in varying degrees in a growing number of public sector organisations. Its main focus is to improve service delivery and to give rise to new management practices in the public sector. It emanates from a continued dissatisfaction with the performance of traditional public sector leadership and bureaucracy, reinforced by claims that the private sector is more efficient. Three building blocks for NPSM are described to reform public sector and these are responsibility, accountability and performance. In transforming public Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za v sector organisations, managers have to explicitly introduce policies within each building block – these policies contain leverage to influence clarity of purpose, agreements, power over decision-making, individual and team performance, and customer accountability. There are strong arguments to encourage clinicians to change their mindset and be retrained to lead the healthcare reform around the world. Some of the arguments are that clinicians are in the frontline, making decisions that determine quality and efficiency of care, having the technical knowledge to make sound strategic choices about longer-term patterns of service delivery. Clinicians are typically intelligent, well-trained and caring people who expressly choose this career to cure and comfort. A growing body of research supports the assertion that effective clinical leadership lifts the performance of health care organisations, as evidenced in a study which found that hospitals with the greatest clinician participation in management scored about 50% higher on important drivers of performance than hospitals with low levels of clinical leadership did. In another study, it was found that in 11 cases of attempted improvement in services, organisations with stronger clinical leadership were more successful, while another found that Chief Executive Officers (CEO) in the highestperforming organisations engaged clinicians in dialogue and in joint problem-solving efforts. The research findings show that the ECDoH is entrenched in the old economy values, meaning that business practices that were examined using the Beehive Model are rated in the risk/poor class. All seven elements scored in this poor class, with changed leadership, structures and talent creation constituting the poorest performers. This implies that the organisation is led from the top, leaders use power over others, there is widespread compression and incompetency at all leadership levels. It is unlikely that a single political head in the form of the Member of Executive (MEC) or a change in the head of department (HoD) will bring about the required astronomical transformation of the ECDoH. Only when the collective begins to accept the current predicament, can a total buy-in and commitment to high performance status begin. Finally, it is recommended that the ECDoH leadership transform their mindsets and adopt the new economy values of leading the organisation. They need to leverage on their positions of power to co-create a new culture, learn and adopt new change leadership skills, and transform the organisation’s HR proposition inside out. The executives are urged to consider funding a three to five year project of organisational renewal, using the Beehive Model and its related tools, to bring about sustainable change in the ECDoH.

An evaluation of the Western Cape Provincial Government's modernisation programme with a focus on the project management approach blueprint and its implementation within the Department of Transport and Public Works

Kamaldien, Mohamed Sedick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / If one compares governments to the corporate world across the globe, it often plays second fiddle when it comes to strategy; new ideas, adopting of new management styles & processes and lastly, change, for this reason, the Provincial Government of the Western Cape recently undertook a journey that would shed it from these stereotypical behaviours. The journey was Christened „The Modernisation Programme‟ and was launched in 2009; one of its brainchildren named „Project Management Approach‟ was created as the bastion against inefficiencies and ineffective service delivery. A case in point is the unfinished Eastern Boulevard freeway in the city centre of Cape Town; the project was scrapped in the seventies, as the need for it was not justified by the traffic demand at the time in relation to its astronomical cost - a clear indication of poor project planning and management. This study was therefore undertook to examine whether the Project Management Approach (PMA) as part of the holistic Modernisation Programme was successfully implemented and if it yielded the expected results and attitude change in the project management environment in the Department of Transport and Public Works, which is responsible for more than half of all Provincial Government‟s projects. The study examines the impact the Project Management Approach had on service delivery, project management IT infrastructure and as a strategic tool. The analysis showed that although the PMA was welcomed by top management and even has the Director General (DG) as its business champion. However, it fell by the way side two to three years later, this was mostly due to limited communication, which practically ceased two years later and a steering committee that was never fully established and supported by senior official. An outcome, which resulted in roughly half of the project leaders being partially aware of the PMA, a similar analysis also revealed that they were not even aware of it being a long-term strategy. The analysis based on stakeholder involvement was more positive and many of the client department‟s end users were satisfied with the degree of improved cooperation between departmental teams. Further analysis conducted on the client/end user‟s opinion resulted in positive responses but failed to fire up the researcher‟s enthusiasm, as it was hardly the response one would expect from clients, had international standards and best practices been present. “Project management can be defined as a way of developing structure in a complex project, where the independent variables of time, cost, resources and human behaviour come together.” (Rory Burke) “Operations keeps the lights on, strategy provides a light at the end of the tunnel, but project management is the train engine that moves the organization forward.” (Joy Gumz)

Public corporate governance with specific emphasis on accountability

Bosman, Estelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Corporate governance systems have evolved over centuries, often in response to corporate failures or system crises. From the early 1990s in South Africa, corporate governance began to reach prominence, prompted by losses from fraudulent activities within corporate entities such as Masterbond, Fidentia and Enron. Corporate governance is aimed at curtailing such fraudulent behaviour. In 1994, the elected democratic majority government of South Africa found that there were no standard rules or principles in place to either control or govern the delivery of services and the carrying out of policies. Government then made corporate governance a significant part of their strategic vision of restructuring. A protocol on corporate governance was published to provide guidance, specifically to the public sector in South Africa. In line with the protocol, policies and procedures were put in place in order to assist the public sector to meet corporate governance standards and best practice. It is apparent that the lack of systematic accountability can cost the public sector and the taxpayers of South Africa millions in terms of redoing work, inefficiency, workplace conflicts and misunderstandings. This in turn leads to ineffective work practices and leadership. This research study set out to establish how accountable the public sector is, specifically the Western Cape Government, concerning the protocol and the policies and procedures that are in place. The study aimed to evaluate the accountability of project coordinators within the Western Cape Government, specifically on construction projects. The literature review in the research report identifies the roles and responsibilities, stipulated in the policies and procedures, that the public sector needs to adhere to in order to be accountable. A scorecard was compiled to cross check the accountability of staff within the Western Cape Government in line with the policies and procedures in place. A construction project was used as an example on the scorecard and the outcome thereof is published in the report. This research report reveals the shortcoming of governance and specifically accountability within governance and determines how it could be addressed.

An evaluation of the expanded public works programme in the infrastructure sector in the Western Cape

Laattoe, Sherizaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Unemployment and poverty are two key issues that South Africa continues to struggle with. The Expanded Public Works Programme was introduced by Government to not only address these but to half unemployment by 2014. This study assesses the Expanded Public Works Programme’s performance in terms of creating jobs within the Infrastructure Sector in the Western Cape. Since the jobs being created by the Expanded Public Work Programme are only temporary, the study explores what, if any, additional support or training is provided to beneficiaries to aid their exit into long term employment. The findings reveal that unfortunately job creation targets are not being met. Furthermore the training provided to beneficiaries are inadequate to impact their transition into the market. Consequently beneficiaries are left unemployed yet again. Some barriers that the programme encounters include: inefficient institutional arrangements caused by complex and intergovernmental structures, lack of commitment by role-players to implement labour intensive construction methods which are fundamental to the achievement of creating jobs in the infrastructure sector and the lack of delegated authorities driving the objectives of the programme.

The development of an education management information system from a sensemaking perspective and the application of quantitative methods to analyse education data sets

Van Wyk, Christoffel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Information is a necessary resource, produced by information systems and is a key building block to the management and decision-making in any organisation. The National Department of Education’s guidelines to establish Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) in provincial departments is a recognition that proper management, planning and evaluation are contingent on quality data, data that is complete, relevant, accurate, timely and accessible. The lack of quality data and the lack of integration with other information systems hamstring the effective use of EMIS. This study addresses these limitations in three basic objectives: a) developing an information systems development model, b) applying the model in a real-life context of the development of the Western Cape EMIS, and c) applying quantitative methods on integrated data sets derived from the EMIS in the Western Cape and other information systems. The study culminates in the development of a four-phase process model for developing and using EMIS in an integrative manner that would provide a more comprehensive picture for policy and decision-making. It outlines the establishment of an information systems development (ISD) model that integrates innovative emerging trends, such as improvisation, bricolage and sensemaking, in designing and implementing information systems. These approaches postulate that beyond the numbers and quantifiable world there is a complex reality that traditional approaches do not always capture. These include, amongst other things, the atmosphere, culture and structure of an organization, together with the behaviour, emotions, knowledge and experiences of all the people who in one way or another interact with the information system. The research presents an empirical application of this developed ISD model in education management information system (EMIS) and underscores the role of information systems in everyday practice. This work practice (Practice-in-Action) approach is used to describe how the day-to-day actions and practical experiences of role players contribute to the design, development, implementation, testing, maintenance and improvement of the EMIS and is used as a lens for understanding ISD. The study further uses quantitative methods, namely education production function and learner flow-through models, to illustrate how the process of knowledge discovery in large data sets in EMIS could be facilitated. The education production function aims to identify those variables that could have a significant influence on the achievement of students in the matriculation examination. The learner flow-through models attempt to measure the effect of learner dropout and repetition on internal efficiency of the education system. Data analysis was facilitated through integration of data sets from various sources, and in turn illustrates the important role of bricolage in ISD. Through this analysis, the role of information systems of this nature to make sense of reality was highlighted. Policy making then can build on the findings from such data analyses to investigate in greater depth any trends or emerging problems, going beyond only the quantitative and macro level analysis by studies at the qualitative and micro levels.

Reduction of seawall overtopping at the Strand

Roux, George Bishop 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Strand is located within False Bay and frequently encounters large quantities of wave overtopping over the coastal defences. This results in the damage of property and infrastructure and causes streets to be flooded. Physical modelling tests were done by a consultancy firm to determine a solution by making use of a recurve structure at the back of the beach. This study is an expansion of the previous physical modelling that was done and focuses on several factors that were not tested by the consultancy firm that could have an influence on the overtopping rate and provide additional information on the recurve design. These tests were: (i) the effectiveness of the proposed recurve wall design in reducing overtopping was compared to a vertical wall; (ii) the influence that modifications to the beach profile such as the beach slope, beach width and beach level have on the overtopping rate; and (iii) the sensitivity of overtopping to changes in wave period was tested. The information gathered from these tests was used to propose a possible solution for the Strand. Numerical modelling was done with Delft3D-Wave to determine the wave height at the back of the beach using a nested grid. The waves at the Strand are depth limited and therefore very sensitive to changes in water level. By altering the beach level the model showed how the significant wave height at the back of the beach changes. First estimates of overtopping were determined using the relevant empirical calculations from the EuroTop Manual 2007 for a vertical seawall. No estimate could be made for the recurve wall since it did not fall in the valid range of the equations. From the physical modelling it was found that the overtopping reduced significantly from a vertical to a recurve seawall by a factor of about 50% depending on the wall height. All the prediction methods tested proved to be accurate in estimating the overtopping when the ratio of freeboard to significant wave height was ≤1.83. For non-breaking wave conditions the beach profiles that were gently sloped (1:50) and wide produced more overtopping than the beach profiles that were steep (1:10) and narrow. Increasing the beach level only decreased the overtopping if the water depth was shallow enough to cause the waves to break before they reached the back of the beach. Overtopping was found to increase with longer wave periods until the wave period became too long and the waves broke offshore which resulted in the overtopping decreasing. Possible solutions to overtopping were proposed based on two beach levels and the implementation of a recurve seawall. Revised crest levels for the wall were made along the length of the beach for both the 1:20 and 1:100 year water levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Strand is in Valsbaai geleë en ervaar dikwels baie oorspoeling deur golwe bo-oor kusverdedigingswerke. Dit lei tot skade aan eiendom sowel as aan infrastruktuur en veroorsaak dat strate oorstroom. Fisiese modelleringstoetse is deur ’n konsultasiefirma gedoen om ’n oplossing te probeer vind deur van ’n teruggebuigde struktuur aan die agterkant van die strand gebruik te maak. Hierdie studie is ’n uitbreiding van die vorige fisiese modellering wat gedoen is en fokus op verskeie faktore wat nie deur die konsultasiefirma getoets is nie. Dit kan moontlik ’n invloed op die oorspoelingstempo hê en verskaf bykomende inligting oor die ontwerp van die terugbuiging. Hierdie toetse is: (i) die doeltreffendheid van die voorgestelde ontwerp van die teruggebuigde strandmuur in die vermindering van oorspoeling word vergelyk met ’n vertikale muur; (ii) die invloed wat veranderinge aan die strandprofiel soos die helling van die strand, die wydte van die strand asook die strandvlak op die oorspoelingstempo het; en (iii) die sensitiwiteit van oorspoeling op veranderinge in golfperiode is getoets. Die inligting wat uit hierdie toetse verkry is, word gebruik om ’n moontlike oplossing vir die Strand voor te stel. Numeriese modellering is met Delft3D-Wave gedoen om die golfhoogte aan die agterkant van die strand vas te stel deur van ’n genestelde ruitenet gebruik te maak. Die golwe by die Strand word deur diepte beperk en is dus baie sensitief vir veranderinge in die watervlak. Deur die strandvlakke te verander het die model getoon hoe die betekenisvolle golfhoogte aan die agterkant van die strand verander. Die eerste beramings van oorspoeling is bepaal deur van die relevante empiriese berekenings uit die EuroTop-handleiding 2007 vir ’n vertikale strandmuur gebruik te maak. Daar kon geen beraming vir die teruggebuigde muur gemaak word nie aangesien dit nie binne die geldige bereik van die vergelykings val nie. Uit die fisiese modellering is daar vasgestel dat oorspoeling noemenswaardig met ’n gemiddeld van ongeveer 50% verminder is, afhangend van die muurhoogte. Al die voorspellingmetodes wat getoets is was akkuraat in die beraming van die oorspoeling wanneer die verhouding van vryboord tot betekenisvolle golfhoogte ≤1.83 was. Vir nie-brekende golftoestande het strandprofiele met ’n lae helling (1:50) en wat wyd was meer oorspoeling tot gevolg gehad as strandprofiele wat steil (1:10) en nou was. ’n Verhoging in die strand se vlakke het die oorspoeling slegs verminder indien die diepte van die water vlak genoeg was om die golwe te laat breek voordat hulle die agterkant van die strand bereik het. Oorspoeling is gevind om te vermeeder met verlengde golflengte tot dat die golflengte só lank geword het dat die golwe in dieper water begin breek wat aanlieding tot verminderde oorspoeling gegee het. Daar word moontlike oplossings vir oorspoeling voorgestel gebaseer op twee strandvlakke en die implementering van ’n teruggebuigde strandmuur. Voorgestelde golfkruinvlakke vir die muur is al langs die lengte van die strand gemaak vir beide die 1:20- en 1:100-jaar watervlakke.

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