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Fatores determinantes do preço de emissão primária de debêntures no Brasil: uma análise exploratória / Factors affecting the issuance price of corporate bonds in Brazil: exploratory analysisEduardo Vieira dos Santos Paiva 11 September 2006 (has links)
O objetivo geral do trabalho foi analisar a formação dos preços de emissão de debêntures a partir de fatores determinantes do preço, medido pelo spread em relação a títulos públicos federais. Buscou-se identificar fatores que, além do rating, influenciam os preços, diferenças de spreads em função de grupos e associações de atributos de variáveis. A amostra contou com 154 registros de debêntures não conversíveis, emitidas no período de 2000 a 2005, com emissão primária por meio de leilão público e que receberam pelo menos um rating. O estudo pode ser classificado como quantitativo e descritivo, uma pesquisa ex-post-facto, com estrutura de dados pooled cross-section e tem como base o modelo de fatores, em linha com o modelo APT. Foi utilizada a regressão múltipla para análise da relação entre as variáveis e seu peso na formação dos spreads; regressão logística, para a diferenciação de setor e indexador; e análise de correspondência, para se avaliar preferências em termos de atributos de qualidade de crédito, maturidade e indexador. Concluiu-se que as variáveis referentes a risco de crédito foram relevantes na determinação do spread. Destaque-se, também, a importância do indexador IGP-M, pois sua variável é positivamente correlacionada com o spread, indicando que papéis indexados ao IGP-M tendem a ter remuneração maior. A variável referente ao período de crise mostrou-se relevante na determinação do spread, enquanto a referente ao setor de energia e telecomunicações não. Finalmente, o investidor aceita alongar os prazos para as emissões de melhor qualidade de crédito. / The objective of this work was to analyze the determinant factors of corporate bonds? issuing prices, measured as spread over Treasury, and to identify factors that, along with the rating, influence the prices, and spread differences among groups and associations of variables attributes. The sample had 154 cases of non-convertible debentures, issued between January 2000 and December 2005, by means of public auction and that received at least one rating. The study can be classified as quantitative and descriptive, an ex-post-facto research, with pooled cross-section data structure and has its base in the factor model, in line with the APT. Multiple regression was used to analyze the relationship between the spread and the other variables; logistic regression, for discrimination regarding sector and index; and correspondence analysis, to evaluate the attributes related to the variables credit quality, maturity and index. The results indicate that pricing is influenced by the credit risk variables. Also important is the IGP-M index variable, positively correlated with spread, indicating that bonds inflation indexed tend to have higher returns. The crises period is relevant for spread determination, while the sector of energy and the telecommunications is not. Also, choices of long-term bonds are associated with better ratings.
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Estudo sobre a ocorrência ou não de retorno anormal nos fundos imobiliários de renda e a comparação com o retorno de imóveis físicos que propiciam renda / Study on an occurrence or not of abnormal returns on reit\'s and comparison with the return on lucrative real estateKaren Hiramatsu Manganotti 07 October 2014 (has links)
Com o crescimento do mercado de fundos imobiliários nos últimos cinco anos, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a ocorrência ou não de desempenho anormal dos fundos de investimentos imobiliários do tipo renda, com relação ao mercado financeiro, e fazer a comparação do retorno de capital entre os fundos de investimentos imobiliários de renda com os imóveis comerciais convencionais e perceber se há correlação entre esses dois ativos. Para isso foram analisados dois períodos distintos, porém utilizando-se como metodologia as regressões pelo método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários. Na comparação dos fundos de investimentos imobiliários de renda com os imóveis comerciais, a análise foi realizada por trimestre, no período de 2000 a 2013, e foi possível perceber que não há correlação entre os dois ativos, ou seja, não são produtos substitutos, e que há sazonalidade de retorno de abril a maio para os FII de renda e de janeiro a março para os imóveis comerciais. Na análise de ocorrência ou não de desempenho anormal dos FII de renda, foram analisados os fundos nos períodos de 36, 24 e 12 meses, de janeiro de 2011 a dezembro de 2013, e conclui-se que nos resultados obtidos nos períodos de 36 e 24 meses há ocorrência de desempenho anormal, ou seja, retornos acima do mercado com resultados estatisticamente significativos e quando analisado o período de 12 meses não há ocorrência de desempenho anormal. Por meio da regressão dos alfas com as características das carteiras do fundo foi percebido que o patrimônio líquido e o volume de negociação interferem no retorno mensal dos fundos. / With the growth of the real estate fund market in the last five years, the objetive of this research was to analyze the occurrence or not of abnormal performance of real estate investment trusts of income with respect to the financial market type and make comparison of the return of capital between funds property investment income with conventional commercial property and realize the correlation between these two assets. For this two different periods were analyzed, but using as a methodology the regressions by the method of ordinary least squares. In the comparison of real estate investment funds with commercial income properties, the analysis was performed per quarter in the period from 2000 to 2013, and it is noted that there is no correlation between the two assets, ie, are not substitutes and that there seasonality return from April to May for FII income from January to March and for commercial properties. In the analysis of occurrence of abnormal performance of FII income, funds in periods of 36, 24 and 12 months, from January 2011 to December 2013 were analyzed and concluded that the results obtained in periods of 36 and 24 months ago occurrence of abnormal performance, ie, above-market returns with statistically significant results when analyzed and the period of 12 months, no occurrence of abnormal performance. By regression of alfas with the characteristics of the portfolios of the fund was realized that the equity and trading volume influences in the monthly return of funds.
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Embedding socio-ecological sustainability into impact investor due diligence.Correia, Gustavo, Koloc, Nathaniel, Smith, Naomi January 2011 (has links)
Impact investors, seeking financial returns from investments that actively create social or environmental value, use a process known as due diligence to vet incoming investment opportunities. Some industry-wide tools have come to aid investors in this task. Existing metrics are not sufficient to assess the environmental performance of investee companies, the result of which is an allocation of increasing investment dollars into ventures and industries that are not operating within the limits of the socio-ecological systems upon which society depends. This paper proposes the creation of an investor toolkit that would allow users to effectively integrate the principles of strategic sustainable development (SSD) into the due diligence process. Such a toolkit would explain how current due diligence support tools could be used to construct comprehensive sustainability analyses of potential investments. The proposed toolkit was conceived after interviews with impact investors, social entrepreneurs, and industry experts. The research findings confirm a need for investors to use a strategic understanding of sustainability during the due diligence process, in order to increase portfolio value over time.
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Reforma režimu prospektu / Reform of the Prospectus RegimeIllmann, Erik January 2016 (has links)
in English This diploma thesis explores the ongoing reform of the prospectus regime in the European Union. On 30 November 2015, the European Commission presented a proposal for a new regulation, which is to replace the current so-called Prospectus Directive. The primary aim of this thesis is determine the shortcomings of the current prospectus regime and to critically analyze the proposal in order to determine, whether it addresses these shortcomings and whether it improves the prospectus regime in general. The thesis consists of three main parts: the first introduces the prospectus, its characteristics and current regulation in the EU; the second explores and analyses the proposal itself and makes conclusions on the proposed changes; the third and final part explores the topic of prospectus liability and conflict-of-law rules. Based on the conducted research I arrive at the conclusion that the biggest issues of the current prospectus regime are the high costs connect to the preparation of a prospectus, inflexible disclosure requirements for certain types of issuers, ineffective retail investor protection and diverging implementation of the Prospectus Directive across EU member states. While the European Commission's proposal addresses most of these shortcomings and certainly represents an...
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Právní úprava obchodování s OTC deriváty / Regulation of Trading in OTC DerivatesMatys, Tadeáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis addresses the current, ever-developing framework of rules governing trading in the most widespread financial instrument - OTC derivatives. The main objective of the thesis is to analyse the current state of the regulation of trading in OTC derivatives within the EU - namely, the EMIR Regulation. Subsequently, it examines whether the legal framework has been set up properly and effectively, and explores what steps should be taken in the near future in order to improve it. Given that the subject of this thesis is much more of an economic than a legal nature, its first part introduces OTC derivatives as a concept, and the specifics of trading in them. The second part examines the status of OTC derivatives within the financial market over time, starting from their modern-day beginnings in the 1990s, through their role in the global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, to the current issues related to them. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the EMIR Regulation, its scope of application, and in particular the three main obligations which EMIR introduces in relation to OTC derivatives. These comprise, firstly, the obligation to perform a central clearing through central counterparties; secondly, the obligation to observe specific risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts...
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Finansieringsstrategier för tillväxt inom segmentet samhällsfastigheter : En studie av de svenska samhällsfastighetsbolagen / Financial strategies for growth within the public property segmentLindbohm, Disa January 2020 (has links)
Intresset för samhällsfastighetssegmentet har ökat kraftigt de senaste åren. På grund av den demografiska utvecklingen i Sverige har behovet av bland annat äldreboenden, skolor och vårdfastigheter blivit allt större. Samtidigt har landets kommuner inte råd att bekosta behoven själva, vilket medför att denna typ av fastigheter säljs av till privata aktörer. Till följd av detta ges samhällsfastighetsbolagen stora expansionsmöjligheter och allt fler aktörer söker sig till segmentet. Samhällsfastigheter karaktäriseras av låg risk och stabila kassaflöden. Detta beror främst på långa hyreskontrakt och säkrade hyresgäster i form av kommun, stat och landsting. Fastighetsbolag och långivare ser fastigheterna som en trygg investering vilket medfört att aktörerna i segmentet haft en god tillgång på kapital. Fastighetssektorn är en kapitalintensiv bransch och samhällsfastigheter lämpar sig väl för högre skuldsättning eftersom tillgångarna är trygga och mindre konjunkturkänsliga. De allra största aktörerna med hög rating finansierar sig främst via kapitalmarknaden eftersom prissättningen på sådana skuldinstrument varit mer fördelaktig. Mindre bolag har inte samma tillgång till kapitalmarknaden och finansierar sig därför huvudsakligen med bankskuld. Rating har blivit allt viktigare för bolagen och de som hamnar inom Investment Grade tardel av mycket låga räntekostnader på sina skuldbärande kapitalmarknadsinstrument. Hybridobligationer har använts som ett medel för att uppnå en högre rating. Då hybriden kan räknas som eget kapital stärks balansräkningen och nyckeltalen. Många år av låg ränta har skapat gynnsamma marknadsförhållanden. Överskottet på kapital har gjort att investerarna jagar avkastning och företagen vänder sig i allt högregrad till obligationsmarknaden för finansiering. Skärpta kapitaltäckningskrav på bankerna gör samtidigt att banklån blir dyrare, vilket ytterligare bidrar till kapitalmarknadens tillväxt. De största bolagen besitter stordriftsfördelar och premieras av investerare, vilket leder till att dessa aktörer fortsätter dominera segmentet framöver. / The interest for the public property segment has increased substantially in recent years. Due to the demographic development in Sweden, the need for retirement homes, schools and nursing homes among others, has grown bigger. At the same time the country’s municipalities can’t afford to fund the needs themselves, which means that these properties are sold out to private companies. As a result, the public property companies are given great opportunities for expansion and even more companies are looking to invest in the segment. Public properties are characterized by low risk and stable cash flows. This is mainly because of long leases and secured tenants in the form of municipalities, state and county. Real estate companies and lenders see the properties as a safe investment, which has resulted in good access to capital for the operators in the segment. Real estate is a capitalintensive sector and public properties are suitable for higher indebtedness since the assets are secure and less sensitive to economic cycles. The very largest real estate companies with a higher rating are financed mainly through the capital market since pricing on such debt instruments have been more favorable. Smaller companies don’t have the same access to the capital market and are therefore mostly financed by bankloans. Rating has become increasingly important to the real estate companies and those within Investment Grade utilize very low interest rate costs on their debt bearing instruments from capital markets. Hybrid bonds have been used as a means to gain a higher rating. Ast he hybrid can be counted as equity, the balance sheets and key performance indicators are strengthened. Many years of low interest rates have created favorable market conditions. The excess of capital has made the investors chasing yield and the companies are turning to the bond markets for financing to greater extent. At the same time, stricter capital adequacy requirements for banks have made bank loans more expensive, which further contributes to the capital markets growing. The largest companies benefit from economies of scaleand are rewarded by investors. This leads to the companies remaining to dominate the segment ahead.
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Essays in Internal Capital Markets in the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance IndustryLim, Jiyun Lydia January 2019 (has links)
The first part of the dissertation examines whether M&As are related to internal capital markets by analyzing the changes in internal capital market utilization following M&As in the U.S. property-liability insurance industry during the period 2000-2015. The results suggest that both acquiring insurers and targets increase internal reinsurance and undergo more intragroup capital transactions after the M&A. The probit analysis provides evidence that insurers with low internal capital market utilization via reinsurance are more likely to engage in M&As as an acquirer or a target. This indicates that acquiring insurers with small internal capital markets have an incentive in making acquisitions to expand their internal capital markets. This study finds empirical evidence that internal capital market use is one of the determinants of M&As by utilizing internal transaction data of U.S. property-liability insurers. The second part of the dissertation investigates the relationship between executive compensation and internal capital market efficiency in the U.S. property-liability insurance industry for the period 2000-2015. The results indicate that executive compensation has a significant and positive influence on the efficiency of internal capital allocation. An executive’s incentive for efficient internal capital allocation is different depending on the type of compensation, the size of internal capital markets, and external events such as the global financial crisis. These findings are robust to corrections for potential endogeneity bias. I also find evidence of a non-linear relationship between efficiency and the size of internal capital markets. Internal capital markets should continue to expand as long as the benefit of relaxing credit constraints is greater than the cost of managing larger internal capital markets. Overall, the result of the study is consistent with the view that better alignment of executive incentives with shareholder interests leads to efficient internal capital allocation. / Business Administration/Risk Management and Insurance
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Finance, Investment and Decolonisation in Nigeria: Early market formation and participation on the Lagos Stock Exchange, 1957–1967Lukasiewicz, Mariusz 20 June 2024 (has links)
Given the relative scarcity of capital and the small volume of savings in most
African economies at independence, the establishment of stock exchanges and their regulation
showed that several countries considered them as strategic financial intermediaries
for channelling capital to their national, and even regional, economies. This article
examines the Lagos Stock Exchange’s formative years as a political process of Nigeria’s
decolonisation and the First Republic. Originally incorporated as a private limited liability
company on 15 September 1960, and as the first stock exchange in West Africa and
the region’s largest economy, the new financial intermediary defined the relationship
between the post-independence state and the growing capital market during a period of
considerable political and economic changes. The role of the post-independence state and
state-owned enterprises in facilitating the trade on the Lagos Stock Exchange broadens
the analytical scope of this investigation to identify the sources of Nigeria’s development
finance. While significant efforts were taken to grow private individual participation in the
share trade and ownership, the early years of the Lagos Stock Exchange were ultimately
marked by the dominance of institutional investors such as state-owned enterprises and private commercial banks.
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Can Africa finance its own development : a case study of the linkages between capital market development and economic growth in South AfricaNetha, Thamsanqa Patson Junior 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effects that capital market development has on growth, specifically whether capital market development can lead to growth, have been widely debated. Studies have been conducted on modernised and sophisticated economies that give evidence of the existence of such a relationship. However, with the current increase in African economic growth rates scholars and policy makers are beginning to question the validity of the relationship in the African context. In addition, the jury is still out on whether capital market development causes growth, or whether growth causes capital market development, and what the nature and transmission mechanism of the relationship is.
This study is guided by King and Levine (1993c) as well as literature reviews from various researchers. The study conducts a quantitative analysis of the South African capital markets, more specifically the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, in order to provide insight into the relationship between capital market development and growth. The time series regression analysis is conducted over the 1996-2006 period.
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Audito pasiūlos Baltijos šalių kapitalo rinkoms tyrimas / The research of audit supply for the capital markets of Baltic countriesČernelis, Vidmantas 14 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra atskleidžiama ir analizuojama audito pasiūla tenkanti kapitalo rinkoms, nagrinėjama jos nepakankamumo problema. Darbo tikslas yra, įvertinus globalius audito pasiūlos pokyčius ir jų įtaką kapitalo rinkoms, atlikti audito pasiūlos ir auditoriaus pasirinkimo veiksnių Baltijos šalių kapitalo rinkoms tyrimą. Darbas skirstomas į tris pagrindines dalis. Pirmojoje dalyje apibūdinamas auditoriaus vaidmuo bei jo reikšmė ekonomikai, atskleidžiamas sisteminės rizikos, kylančios iš audito rinkos pasiūlos nepakankamumo, mastas, aptariamos pagrindinės priežastys, lemiančios esamą audito pasiūlos struktūrą. Antrojoje darbo dalyje analizuojamas darbo objektas – išorinio nepriklausomo finansinio audito pasiūla kapitalo rinkoms, pateikiama darbo tyrimo metodologija. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje aprašomi atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, iškeltų darbe hipotezių tikrinimas, pateikiamos rekomendacijos tyrimo metu nustatytose probleminėse srityse bei tyrimo rezultatų taikymo ir tyrimo plėtotės galimybės. Gauti darbo rezultatai parodė, jog audito rinkos koncentracija visose trijose Baltijos akcijų biržose yra aukšta ir kelia sisteminės kapitalo rinkų rizikos pavojų. Pagrindiniais auditoriaus pasirinkimo veiksniais buvo priimti audituojamos įmonės dydis bei kapitalo kilmė. / This paper discloses and analyses the audit supply for the capital markets and examines its insufficiency problem. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the global changes in the audit supply and to perform a research of audit supply and influencing factors when choosing the auditor in the capital markets of Baltic countries. The paper consists of three main parts. The first part presents the role of the auditor and its significance to the economy, the extent of the systemic risk entailed by the insufficiency of the audit supply, discusses the main causes of the current structure of the audit market. In the second part of this paper the external independent financial audit supply for the capital markets, which is the object of this paper, is analyzed. Also, the research methodology is presented. In the third part of this paper the results of the research and hypothesis testing are presented. It also provides the guideline on the identified problem areas as well as applicability and development capabilities of the research made. The main conclusions showed that the audit market concentration in all three Baltic stock exchanges is high and poses a systemic risk to the capital markets. The key factors when choosing the auditor in the capital markets of Baltic countries is the size and the capital origin of the company.
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