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Studentidrottares upplevelse av att studera vid ett riksidrottsuniversitetAllmark, Jill, Thelin, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka studentidrottares upplevelse av att kombinera studier påakademisk nivå med elitidrott på ett Riksidrottsuniversitet. Specifikt undersöktesstudentidrottare som inte hade någon koppling till en elitmiljö, det vill säga studentidrottaresom elitsatsade men vars idrottsförbund inte hade ett samverkansavtal med lärosätet. I studiendeltog 12 intervjupersoner, fördelat på sex kvinnor och sex män i åldrarna 19–30 (M=22.83,S=2.88). Studien använde en semistrukturerad intervjuguide baserad på den Holistiskakarriärutvecklingsmodellen (Wylleman, 2019) och Karriärövergångsmodellen (Stambulova,2003). Resultatet klassificerades in i fyra kategorier; studentidrottares upplevda krav,barriärer, resurser och copingstrategier. Resultatet påvisade att det största kravet somdeltagarna upplevde var att de måste försörja sig ekonomiskt i form av studielån eller attarbeta parallellt med kombinationen, detta kunde medföra en stor stress för deltagarna. Denfrämsta barriären deltagarna upplevde var bristande stöd från lärosätet samt att de upplevdeatt studierna och idrotten blev lidande då de inte kunde prestera lika framgångsrikt i båda,vilket kunde medföra en känsla av otillräcklighet. Vidare upplevde deltagarna att socialstöttning från tränare, familj och vänner var den främsta resursen för att underlätta ikombinationen. Planering var studentidrottarnas mest använda copingstrategi för att hanterakraven i en dubbel karriär. / The purpose of the study was to investigate student athlete's experiences of studying at aNational Sport University in Sweden. Specifically, student athletes who had no connection toan elite environment were investigated, that is, student athletes who are elite athletes butwhose sports associations did not have a collaboration agreement with the university. Thestudy included 12 interviewees, divided into six women and six men aged 19–30 (M = 22.83,S = 2.88). The study used a semi-structured interview guide based on The Holistic AthleticCareer Model (Wylleman, 2019) and The Athletic Career Transition Model (Stambulova,2003). The result was classified into four main categories; student athlete's perceiveddemands, barriers, resources and coping strategies. The result showed that the biggestdemand that the participants experienced was that they had to support themselves financiallyin terms of student loans or working in parallel with the combination, this could cause a greatdeal of stress for the participants. The main barrier the participants experienced was a lack ofsupport from the university and that they felt that the studies and the sport were suffering asthey could not perform equally successfully in both, which could cause a feeling ofinadequacy. Furthermore, the participants felt that social support from coaches, family andfriends was the primary resource for facilitating the combination. Planning was the studentathletes' most used coping strategy to handle the demands of a dual career.
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A Career Course Follow-Up: Does a Student Development Elective Make a Difference?Hansen, Jamie Marie 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Since its inception, work and career-related issues have been central to the aims and scope of counseling psychology as a discipline. One common career counseling intervention in the University setting is to offer elective, credit-bearing courses in career development and exploration to provide help and direction to college students as they decide on majors and prepare for careers. Much research has been conducted which suggests that the use of career courses in the university setting has strong, positive impact on students' career decision-making ability and other output variables. What is less established is the impact of these career courses on macro-level outcome variables like retention, graduation rate, and academic performance. This ex post facto study examined two samples of undergraduate students from an eight-year span (2000-2007): one that successfully completed the Student Development 117 course at the site university (Career Exploration) during that time (N = 3,546) and a reasonably matched sample of students who did not take the career course to act as the comparison group (N = 3,510). The two groups were compared to determine if students who completed the Career Exploration course differed significantly from non-course participants in terms of graduation rate, time to graduation (in semesters and credits), course withdrawals, and total cumulative GPAs. Results indicated that the Career Exploration course was not a significant predictor of whether or not students graduated in six years, the number of semesters it took students to graduate and the number of withdrawals students incurred. However, the Career Exploration course did significantly predict total number of credits (with course participants graduating with about five more credits than the non-course participants) and cumulative GPA at graduation (with course participants graduating with higher GPAs than the comparison group). Implications for future research and practitioners are discussed.
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Swedish student-athletes’ within-career transitionsFryklund, Sverker January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande forskningsprojekt var att undersöka upplevelser av karriärövergångar hos elitidrottande studenter, på högsta nationella nivå, som strävar efter att etablera sig även på internationellt högsta nivå inom sin idrott, samtidigt som de börjar studera vid universitet/högskola och så småningom tillägnar sig en examen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att kartlägga och undersöka de elitidrottande studenternas upplevelser. De kategorier som identifierades genom tematisk innehållsanalys var upplevda förändringar i övergången, karriärstöd, resurser för att anpassa sig till den nya nivån i idrotten, upplevd tillfredsställelse med situationen, strategier för att anpassa sig till den nya nivån i idrotten, upplevda förändringar under en dubbel karriär (studier och idrott), upplevelsen av att kombinera studier, idrott och ett “vanligt” liv, och strategier för att hantera detsamma. De elitidrottande studenterna lyfte fram kontinuerligt karriärstöd, interpersonligt stöd och betonade behovet av att utveckla coping strategier som stresshantering och time- management. Åtgärder för att underlätta framgångsrika karriärövergångar för elitidrottande studenter diskuteras. / The main purpose of this research project was to examine perceptions of within-career transition, as experienced by student-athletes striving to reach the international level. Interviews were used to examine the perceptions of student-athletes practicing individual sports at the national elite level. Eight categories were identified through thematic content analysis: changes experienced in the transition, career assistance, resources for adjusting to the new level in sport, satisfaction with their current situation, strategies for adjusting to the new level in sport, changes during a dual career, combining studies and everyday life, and strategies for adjusting to a dual career. The student-athletes emphasised prolonged career assistance, interpersonal support, dedication, and commitment, and recognised the need for coping strategies such as stress and time management. Suggestions for promoting successful within-career transitions for student-athletes are discussed.
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Karriärteorier - att sikta lätt och hamna rättLovén, Svante January 2008 (has links)
In the thesis the author attempts to focus on what value Career theories (such as turning points, planned happenstance, SCCT and PEC) may have for guidance counselors, and their clients. The author describes a number of theories, then put them to use on a number of interviews where clients describe their present career situation to guidance counselor students. The author reaches the conclusion that career theories have an important value for guidance counselors and their clients; Career theories play an important role in helping to understand the client´s behavior and history of choices. Career theories can also be used by the guidance counselor to help the client in future choices.
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A Comparative Investigation Of Career Readiness And Decidedness In First Year Stem Majoring Students Participating In A Stem Mentoring Program Imbedded In A Living-learning Community With Focused Data On Female Stem StudentsRamlakhan, Nirmala 01 January 2012 (has links)
Female mentoring success was investigated as an undergraduate intervention utilizing career development practices to reduce dysfunctional career thinking and STEM major retention in first year freshmen females within a living-learning community. Repeated measures MANOVAs and canonical correlations in the causal comparative research design evaluated mentoring’s influence on first year females. Male voluntary participants (n = 126) formulated the comparison group, and female voluntary participants (n = 75) filled the treatment group. Repeated measure multivariate analyses of variances compared differences between the interaction of mentoring and gender over time on dysfunctional career thinking using two assessments: Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI) and Career Decision Scale (CDS) and their five subscales (decision-making confusion, commitment anxiety, external conflict, certainty and indecision). Canonical correlations analyzed the effect participation rates had on student change scores on the CTI and CDS, indicating mentoring intervention effects on reducing dysfunctional career thinking and decidedness. Conclusions included: (a) females had higher levels of dysfunctional career thinking than males; (b) overtime both groups decreased dysfunctional thoughts, and solidifying their STEM career choices; (c) females had reduced levels of career decidedness compared to males; (d) both groups increased certainty overtime, solidifying their STEM career choice, and (e) when the STEM career choice was made, female certainty was more solidified than males. The study adds to the career development research within STEM at the undergraduate level providing colleges and universities with a structured first year female mentoring program in STEM. The iv GEMS model may be ideal for colleges and universities utilizing living-learning communities to increase underrepresented female retention and those without STEM career planning courses.
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Управление карьерой женщин в банковской сфере на примере ПАО КБ «УБРиР» : магистерская диссертация / Managing the careers of women in the banking sector using the example of PJSC CB "UBRD"Черепанова, М. В., Cherepanova, M. V. January 2024 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. В теоретической части представлены основные понятия, типы и факторы, влияющие на карьеру женщин, а также особенности управления карьерой женщин. В практической части описывается общая характеристика исследуемого предприятия и деятельность службы управления персоналом, проведен анализ управление карьерой женщин на примере ПАО КБ «УБРиР». На основе полученных данных разработана программа по управлению карьерой женщин в ПАО КБ «УБРиР». В заключении подведены итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliography, and appendices. The theoretical part presents the basic concepts, types and factors influencing women's careers, as well as the features of managing women's careers. The practical part describes the general characteristics of the enterprise under study and the activities of the personnel management service, an analysis of women's career management is carried out using the example of PJSC CB "UBRD". Based on the data obtained, a program for managing the careers of women at PJSC CB UBRD was developed. In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the objectives.
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Job and career satisfaction of management dietitiansSauer, Kevin L. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Hospitality Management and Dietetics / Deborah D. Canter / Despite the enormous amount of research about job satisfaction and intent to leave, few studies have focused on Registered Dietitians (RDs) with management responsibilities. Even less is known about the level of career satisfaction or intent to leave the dietetics profession.
This study examined job and career satisfaction among members of four dietetic practice groups (DPGs). An online questionnaire included 36 items of the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS), career satisfaction and intent to leave measures. Data were analyzed from 966 dietitians in management and clinical practice using traditional statistical procedures.
Management dietitians had significantly higher composite scores for six out of nine facets of job satisfaction than dietitians in non-managerial positions. Overall satisfaction scores for management dietitians (M = 153.75 ± 26.68) were also significantly higher compared to non-management dietitians (M = 140.79 ± 30.26, t = 4.368, p < 0.001). Overall satisfaction scores also differed significantly across seven groups of management dietitians, F (6, 844) = 4.41, p < 0.001. The majority of dietitians in this study did not intend to seek other jobs or leave their current jobs.
Overall, management dietitians were satisfied with their careers (19.82 ± 3.73). In contrast, non-management dietitians were closer to neutral and significantly less satisfied with their careers (16.44 ± 5.06, t = 6.907, p < 0.001). Career satisfaction scores also differed significantly across seven job titles of managers, F (6, 839) = 5.69, p < 0.001. Intent to leave the profession was not observed for the majority of dietitians in this study. Additional results, implications for the dietetics profession and recommendations for future research are discussed.
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Grade nine learners' experiences of career counselling at schoolVan de Venter, Aletta Maria 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study aimed at exploring the grade nine learners' experience of career counselling at school in order to determine their ability to make informed subject and career choices. The literature review explored career education programmes and the changing world of work in South Africa. The importance of knowledge about career possibilities, personal values, personality traits and individual interests and abilities was highlighted. Qualitative research involved grade nine learners and Life Orientation teachers in individual and focus group interviews. Data analysis led to the following conclusions:
Life Orientation teachers are not adequately informed about the purpose and aim of the career counselling process.
Most teachers do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to support learners to make informed subject and career choices.
Career counselling in grade nine does not meet the needs of the learners. / Educational Studies / M. Ed.(Psychology of education)
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The relationship between personality and employabilityOttino, Samantha Ron-Leigh 11 1900 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to explore the relationship between personality and employability using a sample of 100 employees at a meat producing company in South Africa. A secondary objective was to determine if personality could be used to predict employability, and whether individuals from different demographic groups differed regarding their employability. The instruments used were the sixteen personality factor inventory (16PF) and the Van Der Heidje employability measure.
The research findings indicated that the personality factors of submissiveness and seriousness correlated to the employability dimensions of anticipation/ optimization and occupational expertise respectively. Openness and corporate sense were also correlated, with anxiety in particular correlating with the overall employability measure.
Differences between the race groups and employability were also noted. Particular interventions aimed at improving individual career decision making and employability practices within the organisation concluded the study. / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Approaching the future : a study of Swedish school leavers' information related activitiesHultgren, Frances January 2009 (has links)
The focus of the thesis is on how school leavers deal with the flood of information, advice and expectations that are directed towards them at a structurally induced turning point in their lives. With a departure point in Giddens’ claim that people select and interpret information on their own terms as a means of preserving coherent narratives of self-identity, stories of information seeking were examined as a means of gaining insight into how young people living in late modernity face its tensions and dilemmas in the ways in which they seek and use information. The theoretical framework of the study draws on Schutz’ ideas concerning the lifeworld and the social distribution of knowledge, on Bourdieu’s concept of habitus as well as on Giddens’ conceptualisation of the forming of self-identity in late modernity.The study is based on qualitative research interviews with twenty one school leavers during their last year at school and on a minor discourse oriented study of a selection of the information produced by major actors in the careers guidance system. Empirically, accounts of young people’s experiences of their information related activities in relation to study and occupational choice were examined using phenomenological narrative analysis. These accounts were set in relation to discourses in Swedish society concerning work and education.Four approaches to information seeking emerged from participants’ accounts: 1) They use information seeking as a tool in making connections between educational interests and the future labour market 2) They use information seeking both as a tool in finding pathways to occupations and as a means of orienting within an occupational domain 3) Study and career information seeking is put ‘on hold’, and information seeking is associated with planning extended transitions, and 4) Study and career information seeking is avoided as potentially threatening or as meaningless. By considering how approaches are related to the ‘new career’ discourse that comes to expression in study and career related information the study gives insights into the meaning of information for, and of its accessibility to, young people. A greater focus on the development of an information literacy is suggested as a means of better supporting young people in the process of making study and career decisions. / Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Göteborgs universitet för vinnande av doktorsexamen framläggs till offentlig granskning kl. 13.00 fredagen den 5 juni 2009 i sal M404, Högskolan i Borås.
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