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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A associação entre percepção de sucesso na carreira e valores individuais / Association between career success perception and individual values

Betina Silvestri Miranda 16 July 2013 (has links)
Mudanças no cenário econômico, tecnológico e político influenciaram a construção de novas estruturas organizacional e alterações demográficas e culturais implicaram a alteração de postura das pessoas em relação às suas carreiras. Neste contexto, teóricos modificaram o conceito de carreira para representar as trajetórias atuais, mais idiossincráticas e autodirigidas. Nesta esteira, pontuou-se que houvesse uma reavaliação do construto sucesso na carreira. Sugeriu-se ainda que valores individuais influenciassem as consequências de carreira obtidas pelos indivíduos. Assim, este estudo teve o intuito de observar se existem associações entre os valores pessoais e os critérios de sucesso na carreira. Para tanto, construiu-se e validou-se um inventário de sucesso na carreira, avaliou-se sua estrutura dimensional e sua associação com os valores individuais e observou-se a proximidade dos dois construtos em um mapa perceptual. Os resultados da validação apontaram seis fatores de critérios de sucesso na carreira utilizados pelos indivíduos. O escalonamento multidimensional permitiu identificar duas dimensões bipolares que opõem um foco no indivíduo a um relacional e aspectos factuais aos perceptivos das consequências de carreira. As associações e as representações de proximidades entre os dois construtos sugeriram que os fatores de sucesso de carreira estão orientados aos mesmos propósitos que os valores individuais. Esta tese, assim, contribuiu para a compreensão da estrutura dimensional do sucesso na carreira e da associação deste construto com o sistema de valores individuais. / Peoples\' perceptions concerning their own professional careers have been affected by demographic and cultural changes, at the same time as technological, economical and political changes influence the construction of new organizational structures. According to such context, researchers have proposed changes on career concepts, in order to represent modern trajectories, more idiosyncratic and self-directed fashion. Following this conceptual line, it was perceived the need to reassess the construct of career success. It was further suggested that individual values would influence the effects obtained by the individual career. Therefore, this study aimed to verify whether associations exist between personal values and criteria for career success. To this end, it was constructed and validated an inventory of career success, evaluating its dimensional structure and association with individual values and observing the proximity of the two constructs in a perceptual map. Validation results indicated six factors of career success criteria used by individuals. Multidimensional scaling identified two bipolar dimensions that oppose a focus on the individual to relational and factual aspects of the perceptual consequences of career. Proximity representations and associations between the two constructs suggested that career success factors are oriented by the same purposes as the individual values. Thus, this dissertation contributed to a better understanding of the dimensional structure of career success as a construct and its association with a system of individual values.

A transição de carreira do ex-atleta de alto rendimento / Career transition of higher performance athletes

Lina Eiko Nakata 12 September 2014 (has links)
Muitos indivíduos planejam sua carreira de acordo com os objetivos de vida. Para o atleta de alto rendimento, a carreira esportiva apresenta características particulares por ser mais dinâmica e ter ciclo mais curto que outras mais tradicionais. Teorias de carreira esportiva ainda são pouco estudadas na academia e, por esse motivo, justificam-se estudos que investiguem a carreira do atleta, uma vez que, em geral, há pouca ou nenhuma preparação para que esse profissional continue trabalhando após sua aposentadoria. O foco deste trabalho está nessa transição, já que os desafios enfrentados pelos atletas são complexos quando deixam suas práticas de alto desempenho para ter uma nova atuação. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi identificar e analisar os fatores que influenciam o processo de transição no encerramento da carreira esportiva do atleta de alto rendimento. Buscou-se compreender as características desses fatores e seus consequentes resultados, com a intenção de relacionar os resultados de carreira classificados como positivos com as características da transição para a aposentadoria. Para atender a esse objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com base em modelos teóricos de transição de carreira na aposentadoria: modelo adaptado de Feldman e Beehr (2011) e de Hesketh, Griffin e Loh (2011), modelo de transição de Nicholson (1990), e modelo de desenvolvimento de Higgins e Kram (2001). A amostra da pesquisa abrange 13 ex-atletas de modalidades individuais - dez disputaram os Jogos Olímpicos, dos quais seis são medalhistas - que encerraram sua carreira atlética nos últimos dez anos. Foram conduzidas entrevistas em profundidade, com um roteiro de 21 questões abertas e coletados dados secundários disponíveis na internet. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo. Em relação aos resultados, as transições de carreira foram bem realizadas, dando sua continuidade no contexto esportivo, ou não. É importante entender que a carreira de um profissional contemple não apenas a carreira Olímpica (que está contida na carreira atlética), mas também algo mais amplo (chamado de carreira esportiva), quando o atleta passa a ter uma nova atividade de trabalho na sua modalidade. Outra descoberta é em relação às carreiras objetiva e subjetiva bem sucedidas, pois não era esperado que os ex-atletas estivessem com renda financeira maior do que antes, nem que estivessem tão satisfeitos com ambos os momentos das carreiras. Também foi relevante verificar a importância da manutenção de uma rede de desenvolvimento forte, diversa ou não, para que a transição para a aposentadoria seja positiva, e que o processo de transição começa a ocorrer na própria carreira atlética. As contribuições deste trabalho foram direcionadas aos atletas, aos indivíduos que estão nas suas redes, às organizações esportivas, às universidades, aos pesquisadores da área de Administração e aos gestores de políticas públicas. / Many individuals plan their careers according to life goals. The sport career of a higher performance athlete encompasses special features because it is more dynamic and the cycle is shorter when compared to more traditional carrers. Sport career theories are still underresearched in literature. Therefore, studies investigating the career of the athlete are justifiable. It is common for those professionals to have no or little preparation on keep working after the end of the athletic period. This study focused on this transition, as many challenges faced by those athletes when leaving their higher performance activities are complex. In this context, the general goal of this study was to identify and analyze factors that influence the transition process by the end of the higher performance athlete\'s sport carrer. It aimed at understanding the characteristics of such factors and their resulting outputs and at relating the resulting career rated as \'positive\' with the characteristics of transition to retirement. In order to meet this goal, a qualitative research was conducted based on theoretical models of career transition to retirement: adapted models of Feldman and Beehr (2011) and of Hesketh, Griffin and Loh (2011), transition model of Nicholson (1990), and development model of Higgis and Kram (2001). The sample encompassed 13 former individual sport athletes--10 played the Olympic Games and 6 of which received medals--who have ended the athletic careers whitin the last ten years. In-depth interviews with 21 open questions were conducted in addition to secondary data colleted from the Internet. Data analysis was performed through content analysis. Regarding results, career transitions were well performed, as former athletes proceeded to activities both inside and outside the sport context. It is important to highlight that the career of a professional did not embrace only the Olympic career--which is encompassed within the athletic career--but also something more comprehensive--known as sport career--, when the athlete took on a new work activity. Another finding regards the objective and the subjective successful careers, as it was not expected that former athletes had higher earnings after the end of their athletic career. Moreover, it was not expected that they were satisfied both before and after the end of their athletic career. A strong development network--diverse or not--showed to be important for the transition process to be positive and such transition begun during the athletic career itself. Contributions of this study are directed to athletes, individuals belonging to their network, sport organizations, universities, Business researchers, and public policies managers.

Řízení pracovního výkonu zaměstnanců ve společnosti Hewlett-Packard s.r.o. Stav a konstrukce změn / Work performance at Hewlett-Packard, analysis and construction of possible changes

Devánová, Renata January 2009 (has links)
In the first part there are theoretical basis of work performance. The essential stages of the work performance process are described. The object of the analysis in the practical part is the process of work performance and its stages. The work mostly focuses on the stage of goal setting and monitoring of work performance. The impact of the most recent changes was examined through research and survey on the satisfaction of the employees with the new BI system. In the conclusion there are stated few possible changes that can be made to improve the system and work performance in the company.

Řízení kariéry v manažerské struktuře IT společnosti / Career management in managerial structure of IT company

Durajová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with an examination of the career management within an organization, especially in the managerial structure, and the related themes, such as performance and potential appraisal, and talent management. The aim of the work is to determine the current trends in this field of human resources management based on a survey of Czech and foreign literature and to analyze the performance of these activities at Unicorn Systems company. The theoretical part describes the basic assumptions and theoretical approaches necessary for understanding the relevant themes. In the practical part, the practice at Unicorn Systems together with an analysis of Czech and foreign literature on best practices in this area are analyzed. The outcomes of the work should help the company to take such measures which would contribute to improving the business operation.

Carreiras sem fronteiras e trajetórias descontínuas: um estudo descritivo sobre decisões de opt-out / Boundaryless careers and discontinuous trajectories: a descriptive study on opt-out decisions

Ana Carla Scalabrin 26 August 2008 (has links)
Diversos pesquisadores têm sinalizado que o impacto da globalização e das modernas tecnologias da informação e comunicação transformou a noção de como o trabalho é desenvolvido nas organizações. No atual contexto, antigas promessas de estabilidade de emprego não conseguem mais ser sustentadas, fazendo-se necessário repensar os paradigmas de desenvolvimento profissional. Frente a este cenário, surge uma abordagem denominada carreiras sem fronteiras, onde os indivíduos transitam mais livremente entre diversas organizações, desatrelam suas identidades de empregadores específicos e incorporam outras dimensões da vida humana, além da profissional, como elementos vitais à sua realização pessoal. Além disso, o novo paradigma comporta de forma mais natural interrupções temporárias de carreira, entendendo-as como parte da evolução profissional e de vida do indivíduo. Neste sentido, pesquisadores americanos têm crescentemente investigado um movimento denominado \"revolução opt-out\", descrevendo indivíduos altamente qualificados e com alto desempenho que, em busca de maior realização pessoal, voluntariamente tomam alguma decisão de carreira que vai de encontro às tradicionais premissas de evolução profissional. Alguns modelos explicativos têm sido elaborados buscando compreender as motivações de tais profissionais, dentre os quais o modelo ABC de carreiras caleidoscópio utilizado neste trabalho. Embora muito se discuta sobre o cenário acima no exterior, não existem estudos científicos investigando se o movimento opt-out ocorre no país, e se ocorre, quais as suas características e qual o perfil dos profissionais que o adotam, sendo este, portanto, o objeto de pesquisa deste trabalho. Para examinar tais questões, realizou-se um censo quantitativo e descritivo de 248 ex-alunos de graduação e pós-graduação da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA USP), que estiveram presentes em encontro de ex-alunos realizado em 10 de novembro de 2007. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e estatística inferencial (testes qui-quadrado, t de Student, análise de variância, análise de correspondência e análise fatorial). Os resultados obtidos levaram à aceitação das quatro hipóteses propostas para o trabalho, indicando que uma parcela significativa dos respondentes já fez movimentos opt-out ao longo da carreira, e foram comprovadas vinculações significativas entre o perfil dos respondentes e a realização de opt-out; entre o perfil dos respondentes e os motivos apontados para a decisão; e entre os tipos de movimento opt-out e as razões subjacentes à decisão. / Several researchers have indicated that the impact of globalization and modern information and communication technologies transformed the notion of how work is done in the organizations. In the present context, previous promises of job stability can no longer be sustained, resulting in the need to rethink the paradigms of professional development. In this scenario, it comes into play a concept called boundaryless careers, in which individuals move more freely among different organizations, dissociating their identities from specific employers and incorporating other dimensions of life - beyond their professional activities - as essential elements for their personal fulfillment. Furthermore, the new paradigm accepts temporary career interruptions in a more natural way, considering them as part of the evolution of professional and personal lives. In that regard, American researchers are increasingly investigating a movement called \"opt-out revolution\", describing highly qualified and highly performing individuals who voluntarily make a career decision contrary to the traditional premises of professional evolution. Some explanatory models have been elaborated in order to understand the motivations of these individuals, including the ABC model of kaleidoscope careers used in the present study. Despite the intense discussions abroad regarding such scenario, there are no scientific studies investigating if the opt-out movement occurs in Brazil and, if it occurs, what characteristics it has and what is the profile of professionals who adopt it - and these are the objectives of the current study. To examine these questions, a quantitative and descriptive research was performed involving 248 graduate and post-graduate alumni from the School of Economics, Management, and Accounting of the University of São Paulo (FEA USP), who attended the alumni meeting occurred in November 10th, 2007. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (qui-square test, t-Student test, analysis of variance, correspondence analysis and factor analysis). The results permit to accept the four hypotheses proposed for this study, indicating that a significant amount of the respondents had done opt-out movements along their careers, and significant connections were found between the respondents` profiles and the adoption of opt-out movements; between the respondents` profiles and the reasons for making such decisions; and between the type of opt-out movement and the reasons for making the opt-out decisions.

Talent management : Retaining and managing technical specialists in a technical career

Brunila, Alexandra, Baedecke Yllner, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate talent management and how companies should work with talent management in order to retain and manage technical specialists in a technical career. Talent management is found to be important for modern organizations because of the advent of the knowledge economy, new generations entering the workforce and the need for businesses to become more strategic and competitive, which implies new ways of managing human capital. Furthermore, talent management is motivated by the fact that it has been found to lead to higher corporate profits when it is connected to the corporate strategy. The research method in this thesis is qualitative, and based on a case study of an organization in Norway active in the oil and gas industry, where qualitative semi-structured interviews have been performed. Moreover, the findings are compared to a set of industrial companies located in Sweden, which are similar in size to the case company and have similar needs for technical competence. The analysis of the empirical material in conjunction with the literature leads to our suggestions that there is a need for connecting the HRM practices with the corporate strategy, that the career concept needs to be redefined, and that talent management needs to integrate HR practices. Furthermore, communities of practice are suggested as a tool for developing technical specialists and rewarding them in their work. To guide organizations in executing talent management, we propose a model based in the strategy of the firm.

Between Opportunity and Exploitation: Labor Expectations and Institutional Practices in the Public Relations Internship

Giomboni , Joseph, 0000-0002-8812-3181 January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation explores the institutional practices that shape and inform internships within the public relations industry to shed light on the motivations and operating constraints that can lead to exploitive internship opportunities. It addresses how universities prepare emerging talent and the ways the public relations industry solicits labor. Theoretically informed by political economy of communication and cultural studies, this research builds on several key precepts, including creative autonomy, invisible labor, exploitation and practices of resistance, power dynamics within social structures, and investigates how hegemony is exercised through relations of power and consent. The investigation is pursued through three entry points: A textual analysis of PR News examines how trade publications influence the professional identities of PR practitioners to understand how the industry constructs the ideal public relations employee. This study argues PR News creates interoffice conflict between generations of professionals centered on the topic of professional development. Next, an institutional analysis of internship advertisements at the top 25 communications firms provides insights on how the culture industries solicit student workers, illicit emotional responses to the media text, exploit the ontological rewards of future employment, and governance structures that may conceal forms of exploitation. Lastly, in-depth interviews with interns shed light on how these young laborers negotiate creativity within corporate governance structures, as well as intern’s motivations to produce content without earning a paycheck. The conclusion summarizes findings, implications, real world applications, suggestions for future interns, as well as offers areas for future scholarship. / Media & Communication

Career Success of Hospitality Female Middle Managers in Mainland China

Yang, Shiyi 14 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Valkompetens hos gymnasieelever : Elevers perspektiv på gymnasievalet

Karlsson Jerfström, Sara, Rosén, Vanya January 2020 (has links)
Many students change their choice of secondary school programme or fail to complete their studies which results in a great cost to society or personal costs for the student. The purpose is to examine the experiences of two groups of upper secondary school students regarding their choice of upper secondary school programme. The questions we wanted answers to were: what influenced the student’s choice of study, what support did the students receive from comprehensive school and what might have caused them to choose another programme. The study was carried out in two focus groups where one of the groups was made up of students who had chosen the “right” programme and the other made up of students who had chosen the “wrong” programme. One thing that influenced the student’s choice of upper secondary school programme was whether or not the programme provided eligibility to higher studies which they had heard from primary school and parents was a choice that would give them many possibilities in the future. It appeared that there had not been much of a guidance process for developing career management skills which could have given the students support in reflecting over their transition to upper secondary school. The students’ interests and the parents and people near the students influenced the students’ choices. The study shows that students needed a longer guidance process and a clearer understanding of its purpose. Narrow and wide guidance varied depending on a student’s comprehensive school. They would have needed a better description of the consequences such as what study demands were required for the programme and what moving or commuting would mean in practice.

Governance of Career Guidance : an enquiry into European policy

Bengtsson, Anki January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to enquire into and problematize the governance of career guidance and how individuals’ career management is constructed within EU policy. The empirical material consists of European policy documents produced during 2000-2015. The two central research questions explore (1) how European career guidance is made governable, and (2) how individuals’ career management is constructed and governed. The Foucauldian governmentality perspective and the analytic method of problematization is utilized. The analysis focuses on the compositions of normative forms of reason, discursive practices and techniques by which governing is exercised and knowledge is produced. The thesis is based on four articles, three of which concern career guidance and career management. The fourth article concerns education of citizenship. The analysis shows that the formation of a policy space for comparison of national systems of career guidance is significant for making European career guidance amenable to governance. It is mobilized by governing practices for involvement of institutional actors and the construction of standards of performance. This form of governance becomes effective on the condition that institutional actors use and produce knowledge and practices about what works in career guidance, and this implies self-control and constant monitoring. It is a complex process of producing self-regulation of career guidance adjustable to change and innovation in which both standardization and modulation are inbuilt. Moreover, this is dependent on the interplay of governance and self-government. Knowledge and practices shape career management as an individual competence, which each individual is assumed to achieve. The use of guidance techniques supporting this design and self-regulating practices contributes to responsibilizing individuals to achieve this competence. Knowledge of individuals’ management of their careers includes civic competence. This led me to extend my use of the theoretical framework to investigate how knowledge of civic competence is constructed in European policy documents concerning teacher education from 2000 to 2012. My analysis shows that presumptions of teaching civic competence support the production of the active and learning subject.

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