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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktuální otázky regulace mezinárodní letecké přepravy / Topicas issues of the regulation of international air transport

Pichlerová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Topical issues of the regulation of international air transport This thesis with current issues of legal regulation of international carriage by air, with a focus on the air carrier's liability. After the introductory chapter follows the second chapter which delas with aviation law and specifics of this legal branch. It further discusses the different methods of legal relations in civil aviation and recommends the most appropriate options of treatment. The third chapter summarizes the concept of responsibility in private law with a focus on recodification in Czech private law in 2014. The findings are applied to international and regional regulation of air carrier's liability, which is discussed in the next part of the thesis . The following fourth chapter deals with the liability of the air carrier on the international level. Firstly summarizes the historical development that preceded the adoption of legal rules in aviation law and in the next section discusses two important international documents - the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Convention . In the section that deals with the Montreal Convention is focused on practical issues, mainly the interpretation of various terms used by the Montreal Convention . The author tries to hold uniform structure for all legal documents which are discussed...

Pojistné produkty v souvislosti s přepravou / Insurance products related to transport

Ponocná, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
First part of this thesis is focused on general characteristic of transport insurance. It describes main distinctions between Cargo Insurance,Liability Insurance for Road Carriers and Liability Insurance for Freight Forwarders. The last part analyses current Czech insurance market related to transport insurance. It targets products of Kooperativa, Allianz and Česká pojišťovna, the biggest non-life insurer on the market. The thesis compares insured risks, territorial extent and claims handling procedures of these products.

Le migrant clandestin : entre répression et protection / An illegal immigrant : between deterrence and protection

Amshere, Karema 01 October 2011 (has links)
Suite à la croissance du phénomène migratoire clandestin, la prise de conscience publique et officielle de ce phénomène et du trafic des migrants est évidente. En conséquence, la signature du Protocole de l‘ONU contre le trafic de migrants et l‘adoption d‘une directive et d‘une décision-cadre au niveau européen sont conçues pour faire face à ceux qui profitent de ce phénomène, à savoir les trafiquants. Le droit français quant à lui, a accru la répression contre les tierces personnes impliquées, de près ou de loin, dans les activités clandestines de l‘immigration. Malgré l‘objectif affiché par ledit Protocole de « lutte contre le trafic illicite de migrants », les mesures adoptées et la large liberté laissée aux États membres, indiquent clairement le vrai but de cet instrument international, à savoir la lutte contre l‘immigration clandestine elle-même, but qui est le même pour l‘UE. Mais quel est le statut accordé par le protocole et par les dispositions européennes ainsi que françaises aux migrants qui font appel aux services des passeurs ? À travers cette étude nous pouvons entrevoir que la formulation des dispositions du Protocole et celle des dispositions européennes visent à n‘assurer aucun statut juridique aux migrants clandestins. Il n‘y a pas de statut juridique, ni victime, ni coupable, le migrant est en détresse. En revanche, en droit français, le migrant clandestin n‘est presque jamais regardé comme un homme, mais plutôt comme un délinquant. Le législateur français a choisi la loi pénale face à ces migrants. Cependant, les sanctions et la sévérité ne pourront rien contre un homme torturé, affamé, méprisé dans son pays. La loi pénale, à elle seule, ne permettra sans doute pas d‘apporter une solution. La préservation de l‘équilibre nécessairement fragile entre le respect de la liberté individuelle et le maintien de l‘ordre public est rarement prise en considération. En revanche les considérations économiques ont justifié une plus grande rigueur à l‘encontre des clandestins, au niveau de leur entrée, de leur séjour. / As a result of the ever increasing illegal migration phenomenon, Public opinion and officials are now clearly aware of it and of the trafficking involved. Therefore, the signing of the UN Protocole against the smuggling of migrants and the adoption of a directive together with a decision framework at European level are tailor made to fight against the traffickers taking advantage of this phenomenon. French law, as it is concerned, has increased repression against whoever might be involved in this clandestine smuggling and trafficking. Despite the objective stated in the, so called, Protocol of ―fighting against the smuggling of migrants‖ The measures adopted and the large freedom given to the members states, clearly indicate that the true purpose of this international instrument is indeed the same as the E.U‘s that is to say : fighting against illegal immigration. But what is the status granted by the protocol and the European as well as French provisions to the migrants who use the services of smugglers? All through this study we can see that the formulations of the provisions of the protocol and that of the European provisions are intended to ensure that no legal status is granted to clandestine migrants. As far as they are concerned they have no legal status so there is no victim and no offender: a clandestine migrant is just in distress. However in the French law a clandestine migrant is seen as an offender but not as a man in distress. The French parliament has chosen to enforce criminal law against these migrants but, will this stop migrants who are tortured, despised and starving in their country of origin? Choosing to see them only as offenders won‘t probably bring any solution to the problem. The necessary preservation of the delicate balance between respect for individual freedom and the maintenance of public order is rarely taken into consideration. However economic considerations justify rigour againt illegal immigrants concerning who is allowed to enter the country and how long they will be allowed to stay.

船舶所有人防護及補償保險之研究 / Study on Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Insurance for Shipowner

張培倫, Chang, Pei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
十九世紀英國經濟活動、社會結構及工藝技術發生重大變革,船舶所有人從事海上運送活動所面臨之責任風險,種類繁多且金額甚鉅,非其能獨自承擔而有轉嫁風險之必要,船舶所有人防護及補償保險遂應運而生,迄今已有一百五十餘年之歷史。 船舶所有人防護及補償保險,乃由船舶所有人組成非營利性之防護及補償協會,以相互保險之方式承保船舶所有人之責任風險,其承保範圍廣泛,包括船員及旅客傷病死亡責任、人命救助之費用及報酬、貨物責任、船舶碰撞責任、污染責任、船舶拖帶責任、船骸移除責任、共同海損分攤額、檢疫費用、罰金、損害防阻及法律費用等等。 船舶所有人透過船舶所有人防護及補償保險之安排,轉嫁龐大之責任風險,使海上運送活動得以存續,船舶所有人防護及補償保險之貢獻重大,已成為海上保險不可或缺之一環,其重要性並不亞於船體保險及貨物保險。惟目前我國學界關於船舶所有人防護及補償保險之文獻極為有限,且多數文獻因論著年代較為久遠,部分內容已與現況有所差異。 鑒於船舶所有人防護及補償保險之重要性,本文乃以英國不列顛防護及補償協會之2007年協會規則為主要研究對象,並以相關國際公約、英國法及我國法為研究範圍,自法律層面分析探討船舶所有人防護及補償保險之意義、功能、歷史沿革、法律架構、契約之成立與效力及其承保範圍,建立船舶所有人防護及補償保險之概念與體系論述,以期能達成協助船舶所有人瞭解並維護其關於船舶所有人防護及補償保險之各項權益、引起國內學界對船舶所有人防護及補償保險之重視與研究興趣、俾利國內航運保險相關主管機關對航運業轉嫁責任風險之行政監理及對我國船舶所有人組成防護及補償協會可行性之評估等研究目的。

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