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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace filosofie Jana Amose Komenského a René Descarta / Comparison Philosophies of Jan Amos Komenský and René Descartes

Dobrovodská, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Comparison of Philosophies of Jan Ámos Komenský and René Descartes The aim of this work is comparison of philosophies of Jan Ámos Komenský and René Descartes based on their essential works, i.e."Labyrint světa a ráj srdce" (The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart) and "Úvahy o první filozofii" (Meditations on First Philosophy), in which God's existence and the difference between the human soul and body are proved. The philosophy of both contemporaries originated in the 17th century on the background of the Thirty Years' War and the Counter-Reformation. The rationalism of René Descartes, which starts Cartesian thinking, seems to be substantially different from the philosophy of Komenský based on Neoplatonism and Christianity. In the thought of Descartes analysis, mathematical operationalism, is principal, whereas Komenský synthesizes and puts the whole together. The first chapter of the thesis deals with the lives, period and works of Komenský and Descartes. It is possible to find significant similarities in their life stories. The second chapter deals with the interpretation of "The Labyrint of the World and the Paradise of the Heart" and the interpretation of "Meditations of First Philosophy", in which God's existence and the difference between the human soul and body are proved....
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Jane Barker et la Trilogie de Galesia : commentaire, annotation et traduction d'une trilogie jacobite

Lacroix, Constance 15 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a pour fin de mieux faire connaître l’oeuvre de la polygraphe jacobite Jane Barker en France, en offrant une première traduction littéraire ainsi qu’un commentaire d’un cycle de trois récits romanesques : The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia — également connu sous le titre de Love Intrigues —, A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies et The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen. Afin de rendre plussensible la spécificité de ces textes, la traduction s’efforce de retrouver une langueaussi proche que possible du français des contemporains de Jane Barker. Après unaperçu de la vie de Jane Barker (1652-1732), puis de sa fortune critique au XXesiècle, le commentaire prolonge le travail de contextualisation historique et idéologique ébauché dans l’appareil de notes parallèle (travail également pré-requispar la traduction) en étudiant successivement chacune des trois œuvres du corpus. A l’aide des hypotextes manuscrits de la trilogie, largement construite sur une oeuvre poétique antérieure vouée à une diffusion manuscrite, il s’attache à esquisser, dans la lignée des études critiques influencées par le nouvel historicisme, les résonances intellectuelles et les implications idéologiques, ainsi que les audaces esthétiques d’une oeuvre longtemps considérée comme alimentaire et comme dominée par la recherche d’une respectabilité propre à l’écrivain femme. Abandonnant l’image posthume de Jane Barker comme fille autoproclamée de la chaste Orinda, il souligne la pluralité du discours Barkerien – méditation, plaidoyer pro-Stuart et injonction, mais aussi interaction de codes romanesques en constitution et d’une idéologie subversive. / This work is intended to make a French audience better acquainted with the work of the little-known Jacobite writer Jane Barker through a translation and study of her threefold novelistic attempt, viz The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia, also known as Love Intrigues, A Patch-Work Screen for the Ladies and The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen. The translation aims at preserving the specificity of the textsthrough a language reminiscent of XVIIIth century French. The contextualizationinitiated in the notes on the text, which is a prerequisite for the translation, is carried further in a commentary which offers first an overview of Jane Barker’s life (1652- 1732) and posthumous existence in XXth century criticism, then an analysis of each of her narratives. Paying due attention to the manuscript base of the cycle, the sources and keys of which can be traced back to Jane Barker’s former, and still privately circulated, work as a manuscript poetess, this study outlines the intellectual involvement and ideological significance, as well as formal ingenuity, of a series of texts which have for too long been considered as mere journeyman’s work by a onetime amateur, merely seeking to establish her respectability as a professional woman writer. Questioning Jane Barker’s image as a self-proclaimed daughter of the chaste Orinda, the study focuses on the evolution of multi-layered discourse, which weaves together personal meditations, pro-Stuart pleas and a partisan agenda in a fruitful interaction between emerging narrative codes and a subversive ideology.
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Emergence et évolution du concept de conscience mentale: de l'aristotélisme à la philosophie de l'esprit / History of consciousness: from aristotelianism to philosophy of mind

Nicaise, Julien 22 April 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat s'est fixée pour objectif de retracer l'histoire du concept de conscience mentale à travers les langages de spécialité (la philosophie et la psychologie principalement), et ce au cours de la période qui va de l'Antiquité (avec l’aristotélisme) jusqu'à notre époque (avec la philosophie de l’esprit). Ce travail nous a, tout d'abord, amené à redéfinir la conscience sous un jour nouveau, aussi bien en tant que concept pur et dur (dimension déjà présente chez Aristote et chez les penseurs pré-modernes) qu'en tant qu'outil de diverses philosophies chargées de fonder la connaissance et les sciences (dimension opérante à partir de Descartes), puis en tant que philosophie (nous pensons principalement à la philosophie de l'esprit). Une telle entreprise nous a ainsi permis de proposer une définition inédite de la conscience mentale, qui se nourrit des différents paradigmes étudiés tout au long de son histoire. Plus spécifiquement, le "méta-paradigme conscientiel" ainsi généré (aussi nommé "paradigme de type 1") propose une définition en intension, une définition en extension (à savoir une typologie), ainsi qu'un cadre onto-épistémologique servant de toile de fond. Dans le même temps, nous avons été amené à élaborer une épistémologie générale capable d'analyser les différents "paradigmes de type 0" que nous avons rencontrés - et qui se présentent sous diverses formes (des doctrines et des théories philosophiques, des théories scientifiques, des dogmatismes). Cette épistémologie - sous-tendue par quatre critères qui permettent de distinguer les paradigmes entre eux, et dont rend compte notre méta-paradigme - s'avère en outre pensée dans la perfectibilité et dans la complexité, étant ouverte aux futurs paliers d'une échelle de la conscience qui n'a pas fini de s'écrire. De cette manière, nous évitons, avec Donald Davidson, l'écueil qui consiste à voir le "conscientiel" (la conscience comme les productions de l'esprit) comme le simple prolongement du matériel – ce qui nous interdirait, par exemple, de nous interroger sur la "possibilité d'une conscience" au-delà même du vivant./The aim of this thesis was to trace the history of consciousness through philosophy and psychology, from Antiquity (Aristotelianism) to our time (Philosophy of Mind). In a first time, this work led us to define consciousness in a new light, as well as concept (which already appears in Aristotle and in medieval thinkers) and as a tool for various philosophies that try to found knowledge and sciences (this dimension will be born from Descartes), then as a philosophy (we think about the philosophy of mind). This also allowed us to propose a new definition of consciousness, which is inspired by different paradigms studied throughout its history. More specifically, our “metaparadigm” (or "type 1 paradigm") contains a definition and a typology of consciousness, and is underpinned by an onto-epistemological framework. At the same time, we tried to develop a general epistemology able to analyze “type 0 paradigms” we met (these paradigms can be philosophical doctrines, philosophical theories, scientific theories or dogmas). Open to future levels of consciousness’scale that is not finished, this epistemology - underlied by four criteria that distinguish them paradigms, and which are constitutive of our “metaparadigm” - is also favorable to the perfectibility and the complexity. In this way, we especially avoid, with Donald Davidson, the mistake of considering consciousness and all products of mind, thought or cultur just as an extension of material reality - which would prevent us, for example, to wonder about the possibility that consciousness might exist in “non-living beings”. / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Subjetividade, ideias e coisas : estudo crítico e tradução da primeira parte da Lógica de Port-Royal, I-VIII / Subjectivity, ideas and things: a critical study of the first part of the logic of Port-Royal, I-VIII and the translation of the first part

Peixoto, Katarina Ribeiro January 2012 (has links)
Estudo crítico e tradução da Primeira Parte da Lógica ou A Arte de Pensar, que ficou conhecida como Lógica de Port-Royal (1683), para a língua portuguesa. O estudo volta-se para a análise dos capítulos I a VIII da Primeira Parte e visa a explicitar o caráter híbrido desse manual de lógica, estruturado com o formato dos manuais de lógica escolásticos, inspirados no Organon aristotélico, e marcado pela recepção e vigência de teses cartesianas fundamentais. Embora o legado de Aristóteles se manifeste mais do que em seu formato, a Lógica de Port-Royal deve ser lida como um manual de lógica moderna naquilo que condiciona a sua inteligibilidade: a introdução de requisitos epistêmicos na determinação do domínio da lógica. No processo de reforma da lógica iniciado no século XV, Port-Royal se inscreve não apenas na crítica da concepção de lógica como instrumento para a demonstração silogística da ciência (como já o tinham feito, por exemplo, os lógicos renascentistas), mas na defesa da lógica como reflexão prática epistemicamente orientada, caracterizada pela tomada do juízo como ação mental definidora do domínio lógico. A presença de exigências epistêmicas deriva, em Port-Royal, da leitura de Descartes e do debate deste com Antoine Arnauld. Teses fundamentais do cartesianismo são arregimentadas para o projeto lógico de Port-Royal: a prioridade do pensamento sobre a linguagem; o desprezo da linguagem e da imaginação; a tese de que o uso de palavras derivaria da função, a um só tempo cognitiva e lógica, do juízo como definidora da lógica e, condicionando todas essas, a tese fundadora do cartesianismo enunciada na proposição Penso, logo sou. É a leitura arnauldiana do cogito cartesiano, defende este estudo, que dá a ver como se pode pensar o cartesianismo em lógica. A análise dos primeiros oito capítulos é temática, e a perspectiva reformista da Lógica de Port-Royal é apresentada no estudo da transição dos capítulos III para o IV, e do V para o VI, bem como do VII para o VIII. No capítulo VIII, o estudo se detém sobre o peculiar tratamento port-royaliano dos termos complexos. Em seguida, volta-se ao que configura o pressuposto subjetivo dessa concepção de lógica e à expressão representativa desse pressuposto, apresentados nos capítulos I e II da Primeira Parte do manual, onde os requisitos epistêmicos de uma lógica de ideias são apresentados e onde o caráter representativo dessas ideias obtém sua vestimenta gramatical (sujeito, predicado e adjetivo), veiculando determinações lógicas (coisa, modo da coisa, coisa modificada). Por fim, o estudo busca, na correspondência que Arnauld manteve com Descartes, em 1648, a origem e o fundamento da concepção de cogito que estará em vigor em Port-Royal, de maneira explícita, a partir de 1662. / Critical study and translation of the First Part of Logic or the Art of Thinking, known as Port- Royal Logic (1683), for the portuguese language. The study is focused on the analysis of chapter I to VIII of the First Part and aims to clarify the hybrid character of this manual of logic, which has the structure of scholastic logic manuals, inspired by the Aristotelian Organon, and the reception and effectiveness of key Cartesian theses. Although the Aristote’s legacy is far more importante than the shaping of the manual structure, the logic of Port-Royal should be read as a manual of modern logic in what conditions its intelligibility: the introduction of epistemic requirements in determining the domain of logic. In the process of reformism in logic started in the fifteenth century, the Port-Royal Logic is inscribed not only in the critic of the conception of syllogistic logic as a tool for the demonstration of science (as, for example, the renaissance has done), but also with the defense of logic as a kind of practical reflection epistemically oriented, characterized by tacking the judgment as the mental action by excellence, which defines the logical domain. The presence of epistemic requirements is derived from the impact of Descarte’s philosophy on Port-Royal and from his debate with Antoine Arnauld. Fundamental thesis of Cartesianism are regimented to the port-royalian conception of logic, as the priority of thought over language, the contempt of language and its origin, imagination, and, conditioning all these, the founder of Cartesianism thesis as stated in the proposition I think, therefore I am. The study argues that interpretation of the Cartesian cogito by Antoine Arnauld, mostly, offers a way to think Cartesianism in logic. The analysis of the first eight chapters is thematic, and the reformist perspective in Port-Royal's Logic is presented to study the transition of the III chapter to the VIII. Then, back up to the defended position, that is the assumption that the conception of subjectivity, of knowledge and the representative expression of this assumption are presented in Chapters I and II of the First Part of the manual. In these chapters are established the requirements of an epistemic logic of ideas and of the representative character of these ideas, which get its grammatical outfit (subject, predicate and adjective), conveying logical determinations (a thing, a manner of a thing and a modified thing). Finally, the study seeks in the correspondence that Descartes maintained with Arnauld, in 1648, the origin and the foundation of the concept of cogito which will be in force in Port-Royal, explicitly, from 1662.
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Subjetividade, ideias e coisas : estudo crítico e tradução da primeira parte da Lógica de Port-Royal, I-VIII / Subjectivity, ideas and things: a critical study of the first part of the logic of Port-Royal, I-VIII and the translation of the first part

Peixoto, Katarina Ribeiro January 2012 (has links)
Estudo crítico e tradução da Primeira Parte da Lógica ou A Arte de Pensar, que ficou conhecida como Lógica de Port-Royal (1683), para a língua portuguesa. O estudo volta-se para a análise dos capítulos I a VIII da Primeira Parte e visa a explicitar o caráter híbrido desse manual de lógica, estruturado com o formato dos manuais de lógica escolásticos, inspirados no Organon aristotélico, e marcado pela recepção e vigência de teses cartesianas fundamentais. Embora o legado de Aristóteles se manifeste mais do que em seu formato, a Lógica de Port-Royal deve ser lida como um manual de lógica moderna naquilo que condiciona a sua inteligibilidade: a introdução de requisitos epistêmicos na determinação do domínio da lógica. No processo de reforma da lógica iniciado no século XV, Port-Royal se inscreve não apenas na crítica da concepção de lógica como instrumento para a demonstração silogística da ciência (como já o tinham feito, por exemplo, os lógicos renascentistas), mas na defesa da lógica como reflexão prática epistemicamente orientada, caracterizada pela tomada do juízo como ação mental definidora do domínio lógico. A presença de exigências epistêmicas deriva, em Port-Royal, da leitura de Descartes e do debate deste com Antoine Arnauld. Teses fundamentais do cartesianismo são arregimentadas para o projeto lógico de Port-Royal: a prioridade do pensamento sobre a linguagem; o desprezo da linguagem e da imaginação; a tese de que o uso de palavras derivaria da função, a um só tempo cognitiva e lógica, do juízo como definidora da lógica e, condicionando todas essas, a tese fundadora do cartesianismo enunciada na proposição Penso, logo sou. É a leitura arnauldiana do cogito cartesiano, defende este estudo, que dá a ver como se pode pensar o cartesianismo em lógica. A análise dos primeiros oito capítulos é temática, e a perspectiva reformista da Lógica de Port-Royal é apresentada no estudo da transição dos capítulos III para o IV, e do V para o VI, bem como do VII para o VIII. No capítulo VIII, o estudo se detém sobre o peculiar tratamento port-royaliano dos termos complexos. Em seguida, volta-se ao que configura o pressuposto subjetivo dessa concepção de lógica e à expressão representativa desse pressuposto, apresentados nos capítulos I e II da Primeira Parte do manual, onde os requisitos epistêmicos de uma lógica de ideias são apresentados e onde o caráter representativo dessas ideias obtém sua vestimenta gramatical (sujeito, predicado e adjetivo), veiculando determinações lógicas (coisa, modo da coisa, coisa modificada). Por fim, o estudo busca, na correspondência que Arnauld manteve com Descartes, em 1648, a origem e o fundamento da concepção de cogito que estará em vigor em Port-Royal, de maneira explícita, a partir de 1662. / Critical study and translation of the First Part of Logic or the Art of Thinking, known as Port- Royal Logic (1683), for the portuguese language. The study is focused on the analysis of chapter I to VIII of the First Part and aims to clarify the hybrid character of this manual of logic, which has the structure of scholastic logic manuals, inspired by the Aristotelian Organon, and the reception and effectiveness of key Cartesian theses. Although the Aristote’s legacy is far more importante than the shaping of the manual structure, the logic of Port-Royal should be read as a manual of modern logic in what conditions its intelligibility: the introduction of epistemic requirements in determining the domain of logic. In the process of reformism in logic started in the fifteenth century, the Port-Royal Logic is inscribed not only in the critic of the conception of syllogistic logic as a tool for the demonstration of science (as, for example, the renaissance has done), but also with the defense of logic as a kind of practical reflection epistemically oriented, characterized by tacking the judgment as the mental action by excellence, which defines the logical domain. The presence of epistemic requirements is derived from the impact of Descarte’s philosophy on Port-Royal and from his debate with Antoine Arnauld. Fundamental thesis of Cartesianism are regimented to the port-royalian conception of logic, as the priority of thought over language, the contempt of language and its origin, imagination, and, conditioning all these, the founder of Cartesianism thesis as stated in the proposition I think, therefore I am. The study argues that interpretation of the Cartesian cogito by Antoine Arnauld, mostly, offers a way to think Cartesianism in logic. The analysis of the first eight chapters is thematic, and the reformist perspective in Port-Royal's Logic is presented to study the transition of the III chapter to the VIII. Then, back up to the defended position, that is the assumption that the conception of subjectivity, of knowledge and the representative expression of this assumption are presented in Chapters I and II of the First Part of the manual. In these chapters are established the requirements of an epistemic logic of ideas and of the representative character of these ideas, which get its grammatical outfit (subject, predicate and adjective), conveying logical determinations (a thing, a manner of a thing and a modified thing). Finally, the study seeks in the correspondence that Descartes maintained with Arnauld, in 1648, the origin and the foundation of the concept of cogito which will be in force in Port-Royal, explicitly, from 1662.
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Subjetividade, ideias e coisas : estudo crítico e tradução da primeira parte da Lógica de Port-Royal, I-VIII / Subjectivity, ideas and things: a critical study of the first part of the logic of Port-Royal, I-VIII and the translation of the first part

Peixoto, Katarina Ribeiro January 2012 (has links)
Estudo crítico e tradução da Primeira Parte da Lógica ou A Arte de Pensar, que ficou conhecida como Lógica de Port-Royal (1683), para a língua portuguesa. O estudo volta-se para a análise dos capítulos I a VIII da Primeira Parte e visa a explicitar o caráter híbrido desse manual de lógica, estruturado com o formato dos manuais de lógica escolásticos, inspirados no Organon aristotélico, e marcado pela recepção e vigência de teses cartesianas fundamentais. Embora o legado de Aristóteles se manifeste mais do que em seu formato, a Lógica de Port-Royal deve ser lida como um manual de lógica moderna naquilo que condiciona a sua inteligibilidade: a introdução de requisitos epistêmicos na determinação do domínio da lógica. No processo de reforma da lógica iniciado no século XV, Port-Royal se inscreve não apenas na crítica da concepção de lógica como instrumento para a demonstração silogística da ciência (como já o tinham feito, por exemplo, os lógicos renascentistas), mas na defesa da lógica como reflexão prática epistemicamente orientada, caracterizada pela tomada do juízo como ação mental definidora do domínio lógico. A presença de exigências epistêmicas deriva, em Port-Royal, da leitura de Descartes e do debate deste com Antoine Arnauld. Teses fundamentais do cartesianismo são arregimentadas para o projeto lógico de Port-Royal: a prioridade do pensamento sobre a linguagem; o desprezo da linguagem e da imaginação; a tese de que o uso de palavras derivaria da função, a um só tempo cognitiva e lógica, do juízo como definidora da lógica e, condicionando todas essas, a tese fundadora do cartesianismo enunciada na proposição Penso, logo sou. É a leitura arnauldiana do cogito cartesiano, defende este estudo, que dá a ver como se pode pensar o cartesianismo em lógica. A análise dos primeiros oito capítulos é temática, e a perspectiva reformista da Lógica de Port-Royal é apresentada no estudo da transição dos capítulos III para o IV, e do V para o VI, bem como do VII para o VIII. No capítulo VIII, o estudo se detém sobre o peculiar tratamento port-royaliano dos termos complexos. Em seguida, volta-se ao que configura o pressuposto subjetivo dessa concepção de lógica e à expressão representativa desse pressuposto, apresentados nos capítulos I e II da Primeira Parte do manual, onde os requisitos epistêmicos de uma lógica de ideias são apresentados e onde o caráter representativo dessas ideias obtém sua vestimenta gramatical (sujeito, predicado e adjetivo), veiculando determinações lógicas (coisa, modo da coisa, coisa modificada). Por fim, o estudo busca, na correspondência que Arnauld manteve com Descartes, em 1648, a origem e o fundamento da concepção de cogito que estará em vigor em Port-Royal, de maneira explícita, a partir de 1662. / Critical study and translation of the First Part of Logic or the Art of Thinking, known as Port- Royal Logic (1683), for the portuguese language. The study is focused on the analysis of chapter I to VIII of the First Part and aims to clarify the hybrid character of this manual of logic, which has the structure of scholastic logic manuals, inspired by the Aristotelian Organon, and the reception and effectiveness of key Cartesian theses. Although the Aristote’s legacy is far more importante than the shaping of the manual structure, the logic of Port-Royal should be read as a manual of modern logic in what conditions its intelligibility: the introduction of epistemic requirements in determining the domain of logic. In the process of reformism in logic started in the fifteenth century, the Port-Royal Logic is inscribed not only in the critic of the conception of syllogistic logic as a tool for the demonstration of science (as, for example, the renaissance has done), but also with the defense of logic as a kind of practical reflection epistemically oriented, characterized by tacking the judgment as the mental action by excellence, which defines the logical domain. The presence of epistemic requirements is derived from the impact of Descarte’s philosophy on Port-Royal and from his debate with Antoine Arnauld. Fundamental thesis of Cartesianism are regimented to the port-royalian conception of logic, as the priority of thought over language, the contempt of language and its origin, imagination, and, conditioning all these, the founder of Cartesianism thesis as stated in the proposition I think, therefore I am. The study argues that interpretation of the Cartesian cogito by Antoine Arnauld, mostly, offers a way to think Cartesianism in logic. The analysis of the first eight chapters is thematic, and the reformist perspective in Port-Royal's Logic is presented to study the transition of the III chapter to the VIII. Then, back up to the defended position, that is the assumption that the conception of subjectivity, of knowledge and the representative expression of this assumption are presented in Chapters I and II of the First Part of the manual. In these chapters are established the requirements of an epistemic logic of ideas and of the representative character of these ideas, which get its grammatical outfit (subject, predicate and adjective), conveying logical determinations (a thing, a manner of a thing and a modified thing). Finally, the study seeks in the correspondence that Descartes maintained with Arnauld, in 1648, the origin and the foundation of the concept of cogito which will be in force in Port-Royal, explicitly, from 1662.
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