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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic Engineering of Lactobacillus casei for Surface Displaying the Green Fluorescent Protein: An Effort towards Monitoring the Survival and Fate of Probiotic Bacteria in the Gastrointestinal Tract Environment

Chan, Colin H. L. 28 February 2014 (has links)
With the introduction of antibiotics in animal feed becoming less popular, the agricultural industry has begun a shift towards the use of probiotics in animal feed. Since there is no current method to evaluate the risks of using genetically modified probiotics in animal feed. The goal of this project was to create a genetically modified model organism for risk assessment. The genetic marker for that was chosen was GFP that was to be expressed on the surface of the cell. The fluorescent properties allow for visualisation of the genetically modified bacteria and the surface expression would allow for the easy capture and recovery of the bacteria for culturing and cell counts. Genome wide screens were performed using the CW PRED algorithm to locate proteins with LPXTG motif for cell wall anchoring. 16 hypothetical proteins were detected and 6 were selected as candidates for possible surface display of GFP. Of these candidates, the novel L. casei protein LSEI_2320 was found to be expressed at the mRNA during early growth by RT PCR and at then protein level during stationary phase with western blot. This LPXTG protein was found at the surface of L. casei ATCC334 during stationary phase and late stationary phase with immunofluorescence microscopy. A genetically modified L. casei ATCC334 was constructed using the surface protein LSEI_2320 locus as a region for recombination with the pRV300 suicide plasmid. Genetic modification of the locus by the insertion of a GFP reporter region just before the predicted signal peptide site resulted in the abrogation of the expression of LSEI_2320 from the cell surface at the late stationary phase. It appears that this particular gene is not necessary to cell survival even though it is abundantly expressed on the cell surface and can be used as a location for genetic modification in L. casei ATCC334.

Influence de la présence et de la composition du microbiote intestinal sur le développement et la prévention des allergies alimentaires / Role of gut microbiota and its composition on the development of food allergies

Morin, Stéphanie 29 October 2012 (has links)
Le développement de l’allergie peut être influencé par le microbiote intestinal qui est impliqué dans la maturation du système immunitaire de l’hôte lors de la colonisation du tractus digestif dès la naissance. L’objectif de mon travail a été d’étudier l’impact du microbiote intestinal sur le développement d’une sensibilisation allergique à des protéines de lait de vache à l’aide d’un modèle de souris BALB/c gnotoxéniques. Dans une première étude, nous avons montré que les souris axéniques (Ax, sans germe) sont plus réactives que les souris conventionnelles (CV) au potentiel immunogénique et allergénique de la β-lactoglobuline (BLG) et de la caséine (CAS), lorsque ces deux protéines sont injectées intrapéritonéalement sans adjuvant. A l’aide d’un autre modèle de sensibilisation par voie orale au lait, nous avons confirmé que les souris Ax développent des réponses IgE contre la BLG plus fortes que celles des souris CV. Les mécanismes de sensibilisation contre la BLG et la CAS sont alors différemment affectés par la présence ou non d’un microbiote intestinal. Par ailleurs, une colonisation tardive du tractus digestif de souris Ax à l’âge de 6 semaines par le microbiote de souris CV induit chez les souris conventionnalisées (CVd) le développement, après sensibilisation, de réponses humorales toujours plus fortes que celles observées chez les souris CV. A l’inverse, une conventionnalisation des souris Ax au moment du sevrage à l’âge de 3 semaines, induit un niveau de sensibilisation plus faible que celui des souris CV. Dans ce cas, des différences de composition du microbiote intestinal entre souris CV et CVd pourraient jouer un rôle dans le faible niveau de sensibilisation des souris CVd. Nous avons enfin évalué l’impact de l’implantation dès la naissance d’une souche de Lactobacillus casei en monoxénie (souris Mx). La réponse humorale contre la CAS, mais pas contre la BLG, est alors significativement plus élevée chez les souris Mx que chez les souris Ax. Ces différentes études suggèrent que l’influence du microbiote sur le développement d’une sensibilisation aux protéines du lait de vache diffère selon les allergènes et selon le mode d’exposition aux allergènes. Ces résultats soulignent également qu’un retard de colonisation du tractus digestif peut perturber durablement la réactivité du système immunitaire à une sensibilisation contre des antigènes alimentaires. / The development of allergic responses can be influenced by the gut microbiota, which critically stimulates the maturation of the host immune system during colonization of the digestive tract at birth. We thus aimed to study the impact of the gut microbiota on the development of an allergic sensitization to cow's milk proteins by using a gnotobiotic BALB/c mouse model. First, we showed that germ-free (GF) mice are more responsive than conventional mice (CV) to the immunogenic and allergenic potential of β-lactoglobulin (BLG) and casein (CAS) when these proteins are injected intraperitoneally without adjuvant. With another model of oral sensitization to cow’s milk, the development of higher BLG-specific IgE responses in GF mice compared to CV mice was confirmed. We also observed that the mechanisms leading to oral sensitization to BLG and CAS are differentially affected by the absence of gut microbiota. Furthermore, a delayed colonization of the digestive tract of 6-week-old GF mice by a conventional microbiota was studied. The conventionalized mice (CVd) still developed, after sensitization, higher antibody responses than those measured in CV mice. In contrast, GF mice conventionnalized just after weaning, at 3 week of age, displayed a level of sensitization lower than that of CV mice. Differences in the gut microbiota composition evidenced between CVd and CV mice could also play a role in the lower level of sensitization of CVd mice. Finally, we evaluated the impact of the neonatal mono-colonization of mice by a strain of Lactobacillus casei. The antibody responses against CAS, but not against BLG, were then significantly higher in mono-associated mice than in GF mice. These studies suggest that the influence of microbiota on the development of sensitization to cow's milk proteins depends on the nature of the allergens and the mode of exposure. These results also underline that delayed bacterial colonization altered persistently the host immune response to oral sensitization against food antigens.

Genetic Engineering of Lactobacillus casei for Surface Displaying the Green Fluorescent Protein: An Effort towards Monitoring the Survival and Fate of Probiotic Bacteria in the Gastrointestinal Tract Environment

Chan, Colin H. L. January 2014 (has links)
With the introduction of antibiotics in animal feed becoming less popular, the agricultural industry has begun a shift towards the use of probiotics in animal feed. Since there is no current method to evaluate the risks of using genetically modified probiotics in animal feed. The goal of this project was to create a genetically modified model organism for risk assessment. The genetic marker for that was chosen was GFP that was to be expressed on the surface of the cell. The fluorescent properties allow for visualisation of the genetically modified bacteria and the surface expression would allow for the easy capture and recovery of the bacteria for culturing and cell counts. Genome wide screens were performed using the CW PRED algorithm to locate proteins with LPXTG motif for cell wall anchoring. 16 hypothetical proteins were detected and 6 were selected as candidates for possible surface display of GFP. Of these candidates, the novel L. casei protein LSEI_2320 was found to be expressed at the mRNA during early growth by RT PCR and at then protein level during stationary phase with western blot. This LPXTG protein was found at the surface of L. casei ATCC334 during stationary phase and late stationary phase with immunofluorescence microscopy. A genetically modified L. casei ATCC334 was constructed using the surface protein LSEI_2320 locus as a region for recombination with the pRV300 suicide plasmid. Genetic modification of the locus by the insertion of a GFP reporter region just before the predicted signal peptide site resulted in the abrogation of the expression of LSEI_2320 from the cell surface at the late stationary phase. It appears that this particular gene is not necessary to cell survival even though it is abundantly expressed on the cell surface and can be used as a location for genetic modification in L. casei ATCC334.

Metabolismo y síntesis de oligosacáridos de la leche humana mediante la utilización de enzimas glicosil hidrolasas de Lactobacillus casei

BIDART COSTOYA, GONZALO 03 October 2016 (has links)
[EN] Human milk contains a large number of oligosaccharides, either free or bound to proteins and lipids, and their physiological role is mostly unknown. These oligosaccharides are resistant to host gastrointestinal digestion and therefore, a significant proportion reaches the infant colon, where they can be substrates for the resident microbiota. Lacto-N-biose (LNB) and galacto-N-biose (GNB) are the core type-1 sugar structures in HMO and mucin glycoproteins, respectively. They are fermented by species of the genus Bifidobacterium, but, there is no data about their utilization by the genus Lactobacillus. There is also no information for this genus about the metabolism of N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc), which constitutes the type-2 sugar core in HMO, and lacto-N-triose, which forms part of the structure of lacto-N-tetraose, one of the most abundant HMOs. Lactobacillus casei is a lactic acid bacteria isolated from several environmental niches such as milk, meat, and reproductive and gastrointestinal tracts of animals and humans. In addition, some strains are used as starter cultures in the dairy industry and also as probiotics. The capability of L. casei species to survive in the gastrointestinal tract would depend in part of its ability to metabolize the available carbohydrates. In this Thesis we have shown that this strain is able to grow using LNB, GBN, LacNAc, and lacto-N-triose as carbon sources, and we have characterized the corresponding metabolic pathways. L. casei contains a gene cluster, gnbREFGBCDA, involved in the metabolism of GNB, LNB and also N-acetylgalactosamine. Transcriptional analysis showed that the gnb operon is regulated by substrate-specific induction mediated by the transcriptional repressor GnbR. Upstream of the gnb operon, there are two genes, bnaG and manA, encoding a b-N-acetylglucosaminidase precursor and a mannose-6P isomerase. It has been shown that BnaG is an extracellular wall-attached enzyme and that it is involved on lacto-N-triose metabolism. ManA enzyme is involved in the utilization of the mannose moiety of 3'-N-acetylglucosaminyl-mannose, which is a carbon source for L. casei BL23. Finally, in this strain, LacNAc is transported and phosphorylated by the lactose PTS and it is intracellularly hydrolyzed by the phospho-b-galactosidase LacG into galactose-6P and GlcNAc. Transcriptional analysis showed that the lac operon, in addition to lactose, is also induced by LacNAc. In an effort to better understand the metabolism and bioactive potential of HMO, sufficient quantities are required. In order to have enough amounts of LNB and GNB to test their biological activities, both disaccharides have been synthesized in vitro using the transglycosylation activity of the GnbG glycosyl hydrolase isolated from L. casei. Transglycosylation reactions were scaled and the resulting products were purified, and the yields obtained were 10.7 ± 0.2 g/L of LNB and 10.8 ± 0.3 g/l of GNB. Both disaccharides were used in vitro to determine their potential prebiotic properties using 33 Lactobacillus strains corresponding to 13 different species. It was determined that 21 strains, corresponding to the species L. casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus zeae, Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus johnsonii were able to metabolize both GNB as LNB. Recently, some scientific evidences suggest an immunomodulatory function for HMO. In vitro analyses to assay this function have been performed for LNB and GNB, and for two fucosyloligosaccharides (Fuc-a-1,3-GlcNAc and Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc) previously synthesized in our laboratory. The four disaccharides were able to significantly increase IFN-g production in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC). Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc was also able to significantly reduce the production of IL13. These results suggest a stimulatory effect on the immune system, and in the particular case of Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc, a polarizing effect of immune response Th1 / Th2 towards Th1 populations. / [ES] La leche humana contiene una gran cantidad de oligosacáridos, libres o unidos a lípidos y proteínas, y su función fisiológica es mayoritariamente desconocida. Estos oligosacáridos son resistentes a la digestión y una gran proporción llega al intestino del lactante, donde pueden ser substratos para la microbiota. La lacto-N-biosa (LNB) y la galacto-N-biosa (GNB) son las estructuras tipo-1 que forman el núcleo de los oligosacáridos de la leche humana (OLH) y de las glicoproteínas de la mucina, respectivamente. Los dos azúcares son fermentados por especies del género Bifidobacterium, pero no hay datos acerca de su utilización por el género Lactobacillus. Tampoco hay información para este género acerca del metabolismo de la N-acetil-lactosamina (LacNAc), que constituye la cadena de azúcar tipo-2 en los OLH, y de la lacto-N-triosa, que forma parte de la estructura de la lacto-N-tetraosa, uno de los OLH más abundantes. La capacidad de Lactobacillus casei, de prevalecer en el sistema gastrointestinal dependerá en parte de su versatilidad metabólica para utilizar los carbohidratos disponibles. En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha demostrado que la cepa L. casei BL23 se puede cultivar en presencia de LNB, GBN, LacNAc, y lacto-N-triosa como fuentes de carbono. En el metabolismo de la LNB, GNB y también N-acetilgalactosamina (GalNAc) está implicado el operon gnbREFGBCDA. Análisis transcripcionales demostraron que el operon gnb está regulado por inducción del substrato mediada por el represor transcripcional GnbR. Por encima del operon gnb, hay dos genes bnaG y manA, que codifican para el precursor de una b-N-acetilglucosaminidasa y una manosa-6P isomerasa. Se ha demostrado que BnaG es un enzima extracelular unido a la pared celular y que está implicado en el metabolismo de la lacto-N-triosa. El enzima ManA está implicada en el metabolismo de la manosa presente en el disacárido 3'-N-acetilglucosaminil-manosa, el cual es también una fuente de carbono para L. casei BL23. Por último, en esta cepa se ha demostrado que la LacNAc es transportada y fosforilada por el PTS de la lactosa e hidrolizada intracelularmente por la fosfo-b-galactosidasa LacG en galactosa-6P y GlcNAc. Análisis transcripcionales demostraron que el operon lac, además de por lactosa, está también inducido por LacNAc. Para intentar comprender mejor el metabolismo y potencial bioactivo de los OLH se necesitan cantidades adecuadas de éstos. Con el objeto de disponer de LNB y GNB en cantidad suficiente para ensayar su actividad biológica, se han sintetizado in vitro ambos disacáridos utilizando para ello la capacidad de transglicosidación de la glicosil hidrolasa GnbG aislada de L. casei. Las reacciones de transglicosidación se escalaron, los productos resultantes se purificaron, y se obtuvieron rendimientos de 10.7 ± 0.2 g/l de LNB y 10.8 ± 0.3 g/l de GNB. Ambos disacáridos fueron utilizados in vitro para determinar sus propiedades prebióticas potenciales con 33 cepas de Lactobacillus correspondientes a 13 especies diferentes. Se determinó que 21 de las cepas, correspondientes a las especies L. casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus zeae, Lactobacillus gasseri y Lactobacillus johnsonii fueron capaces de metabolizar tanto GNB como LNB. Existen evidencias científicas recientes que les atribuyen a los OLH propiedades inmunomoduladoras, así que se han determinado éstas in vitro para LNB y GNB, y para dos fucosiloligosacáridos (Fuc-a-1,3-GlcNAc y Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc) sintetizados anteriormente en nuestro laboratorio. Se ha demostrado que los cuatro disacáridos son capaces de incrementar significativamente la producción de IFN-g en Células Mononucleares de Sangre Periférica. El Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc además fue capaz de reducir significativamente la producción de IL13. Estos resultados sugieren un efecto estimulante del sistema inmune y en el caso particular del Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc un efecto polarizador de la respuesta inmune Th1/Th2 / [CAT] La llet humana conté una gran quantitat d'oligosacàrids, lliures o conjugats amb lípids o proteïnes i la seua funció fisiològica és majoritàriament desconeguda. Aquests oligosacàrids són resistents a la digestió i una gran proporció arriba a l'intestí dels lactants, on poden ser substrat per a la microbiota. La lacto-N-biosa (LNB) i la galacto-N-biosa (GNB) són les estructures tipus-1 que conformen el nucli dels oligosacàrids de la llet humana (OLH) i de les glicoproteïnes de la mucina, respectivament. Els dos sucres són fermentats per espècies del gènere Bifidobacterium, però no existeixen dades sobre l'ús pel gènere Lactobacillus. Tampoc no hi ha informació per a aquest gènere sobre el metabolisme de la N-acetil-lactosamina (LacNAc), que cosntitueix la cadena de sucre tipus-2 als OLH i de la lacto-N-triosa, que forma part de l'estructura de als OLH tipus-1 i 2. La capacitat de L. casei, una bactèria làctica aïllada de múltiples nínxols ambientals, de prevaler al sistema gastrointestinal dependrà en part de la seua versatilitat metabòlica per a utilitzar els carbohidrats disponibles. A la present tesi doctoral s'ha demostrat que la soca L. casei BL23 es pot cultivar en presència de LNB, GBN, LacNAc i lacto-N-triosa com a fonts de carboni. Al metabolisme de la LNB, GNB i també de la N-acetilgalactosamina (GalNAc) està implicat l'operó gnbREFGBCDA. Anàlisi transcripcionals demostraren que l'operó gnb està regulat per inducció del substrat mitjançant el repressor transcripcional GnbR. A sobre de l'operó gnb, hi ha dos gens bnaG i manA, que codifiquen per al precursor d'una b-N-acetilglucosaminidasa i una manosa-6P isomerasa. S'ha demostrat que BnaG és un enzim extracel·lular unit a la paret cel·lular i que està implicat en el metabolisme de la lacto-N-triosa. Aquesta és hidrolitzada per BnaG en lactosa i N-acetilglucosamina (GlcNAc). L'enzim ManA està implicada en el metabolisme de la manosa present al disacàrid 3-N-acetilglucosaminil-manosa, el qual també representa una font de carboni per a L. casei BL23. Per concloure, en aquesta soca s'ha demostrat que la LacNAc és transportada i fosforilada pel PTS de la lactosa i hidrolitzada intracel·lularment per la fosfo-b-galactosidasa LacG en galactosa-6P i GlcNAc. Anàlisi transcripcionals demostraren que l'operó lac, a més de per lactosa està induït per LacNAc. Per intentar comprendre millor el metabolisme i potencial bioactiu dels OLH es necessiten quantitats adequades d'aquests. A fi de disposar de LNB i GNB en quantitats suficients per a assajar la seua activitat biològica, s'han sintetitzat in vitro ambdós disacàrids utilitzant per a tal la capacitat de trasglicosidació de la glicosil hidrolasa GnbG aïllada de L. casei. Les reaccions de transglicosidació s'escalaren, els productes resultants es purificaren i s'obtingueren rendiments de 10.7 ± 0.2 g/l de LNB y 10.8 ± 0.3 g/l de GNB. Ambdós disacàrids foren utilitzats in vitro per a determinar les seues propietats prebiòtiques potencials amb 33 soques de Lactobacillus corresponents a 13 espècies diferents. Es determinà que 21 de les soques, corresponents a les espècies L. casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus zeae, Lactobacillus gasseri i Lactobacillus johnsonii foren capaces de metabolitzar tant GNB com LNB. Existeixen evidències científiques recents que atribueixen als OLH propietats immunomoduladores, així que s'han determinat aquestes in vitro per a LNB i GNB i per als dos fucosiloligosacàrids (Fuc-a-1,3-GlcNAc y Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc) sintetitzats anteriorment al nostre laboratori. S'ha demostrat que els quatre disacàrids són capaços d'incrementar significativament la producció de IFN-g en Cèllules Mononuclears de Sang Perifèrica. El Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc a més, fou capaç de reduir significativament la producció de IL13. Aquests resultats suggereixen un efecte estimulant del sistema immune i en el cas particular del Fuc-a-1,6-GlcNAc un efecte pol / Bidart Costoya, G. (2016). Metabolismo y síntesis de oligosacáridos de la leche humana mediante la utilización de enzimas glicosil hidrolasas de Lactobacillus casei [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/70898 / TESIS

Příprava vybraných mikrobiálních metabolitů z odpadních surovin / Preparation of selected microbial metabolites from waste materials

Jechová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the biodegradation of whey on selected microbial products (carbohydrates, lactic acid, acetic acid and ethanol) thermophilic bacteria of genus Thermus aquaticus and mesophilic bacteria of genus Lactobacillus casei and Bacillus coagulans. For cultivation was used as medium whey, from which the proteins were removed and which was enriched with nutrients. On the basis of culture in the fermentor were determined growth curve and the HPLC method were determined individual bioremediation products.

Porovnání mikrobiální metabolické produkce na odpadní a sušené syrovátce / Comparison of microbial metabolic production from waste and powder whey

Elefantová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis discusses the comparison of microbial metabolic production from waste and powder whey. Whey is obtained as a by-product of cheese production. Lactose (preferably whey) using lactic acid bacteria (eg. Lactobacillus) under suitable temperature conditions is converted to lactic acid. Effect of temperature, effect of salts and effect of yeast extract on lactic acid production by L. casei were investigated. HPLC metod was determined lactid acid. In the practical part were used bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. It was found that for dried and waste whey is the optimal temperature of 35 °C. At this temperature is the greatest gain of lactic acid. The highest concentration of lactic acid was obtained by using 20 g of yeast extract for dried whey and for waste whey were used 24 g of yeast extract. When monitoring the effect of salt concentration on the production of lactic acid, it was found that using only MnSO4·H2O gain most of lactic acid.

Identifikace a charakterizace vybraných vlastností některých kmenů bakterií mléčného kvašení / Identification and characterisation of selected properties of some strains of lactic acid bacteria

Sásková, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
Nanotechnology is currently one of the fastest growing scientific disciplines. An interesting area of research is the biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles using microorganisms including lactic acid bacteria. In the first part this diploma thesis focuses on verification of identity of bacterial species Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus paracasei by genus- and species-specific PCR. In the next part of experimental work the capability of six Lactobacillus strains to produce silver nanoparticles is tested. Synthesis of nanoparticles was confirmed for all the strains depending on the amount of added AgNO3 and on time of cultivation. Differences between the strains were detected.

Influence de la présence et de la composition du microbiote intestinal sur le développement et la prévention des allergies alimentaires

Morin, Stéphanie 29 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le développement de l'allergie peut être influencé par le microbiote intestinal qui est impliqué dans la maturation du système immunitaire de l'hôte lors de la colonisation du tractus digestif dès la naissance. L'objectif de mon travail a été d'étudier l'impact du microbiote intestinal sur le développement d'une sensibilisation allergique à des protéines de lait de vache à l'aide d'un modèle de souris BALB/c gnotoxéniques. Dans une première étude, nous avons montré que les souris axéniques (Ax, sans germe) sont plus réactives que les souris conventionnelles (CV) au potentiel immunogénique et allergénique de la β-lactoglobuline (BLG) et de la caséine (CAS), lorsque ces deux protéines sont injectées intrapéritonéalement sans adjuvant. A l'aide d'un autre modèle de sensibilisation par voie orale au lait, nous avons confirmé que les souris Ax développent des réponses IgE contre la BLG plus fortes que celles des souris CV. Les mécanismes de sensibilisation contre la BLG et la CAS sont alors différemment affectés par la présence ou non d'un microbiote intestinal. Par ailleurs, une colonisation tardive du tractus digestif de souris Ax à l'âge de 6 semaines par le microbiote de souris CV induit chez les souris conventionnalisées (CVd) le développement, après sensibilisation, de réponses humorales toujours plus fortes que celles observées chez les souris CV. A l'inverse, une conventionnalisation des souris Ax au moment du sevrage à l'âge de 3 semaines, induit un niveau de sensibilisation plus faible que celui des souris CV. Dans ce cas, des différences de composition du microbiote intestinal entre souris CV et CVd pourraient jouer un rôle dans le faible niveau de sensibilisation des souris CVd. Nous avons enfin évalué l'impact de l'implantation dès la naissance d'une souche de Lactobacillus casei en monoxénie (souris Mx). La réponse humorale contre la CAS, mais pas contre la BLG, est alors significativement plus élevée chez les souris Mx que chez les souris Ax. Ces différentes études suggèrent que l'influence du microbiote sur le développement d'une sensibilisation aux protéines du lait de vache diffère selon les allergènes et selon le mode d'exposition aux allergènes. Ces résultats soulignent également qu'un retard de colonisation du tractus digestif peut perturber durablement la réactivité du système immunitaire à une sensibilisation contre des antigènes alimentaires.

Efeito de lactobacilli no metabolismo lipídico e em outras propriedades funcionais do tubo digestório em dois modelos animais / Effect of lipid metabolism and other functional properties of the alimentary canal in two animal models

Santos, Ferlando Lima 14 April 2003 (has links)
Submitted by Reginaldo Soares de Freitas (reginaldo.freitas@ufv.br) on 2016-10-31T15:34:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1129658 bytes, checksum: 7294d8748cb6a2c8b02db97c958b323f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-31T15:34:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1129658 bytes, checksum: 7294d8748cb6a2c8b02db97c958b323f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-04-14 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Probióticos, na forma de produtos lácteos fermentados ou não, são conhecidos como alimentos funcionais e têm sido recomendados como adjunto dietético para indivíduos com hipercolesterolemia. Com o objetivo de avaliar seu efeito no metabolismo lipídico e em outras propriedades funcionais do tubo digestório foram conduzidos cinco ensaios biológicos, envolvendo 104 ratos e 48 coelhos. A modulação da colesterolemia foi avaliada em ratos que receberam dieta basal ou dieta hiperlipídica suplementada com diferentes células de L. acidophilus CH5, L. acidophilus NCFM e L. casei spp., por um período de 14 dias. Observou-se que as espécies L. acidophilus CH5 e L. casei spp. apresentaram praticamente o dobro da atividade da enzima BSH de L. acidophilus NCFM. A suplementação de probióticos aos animais não alterou (P>0,05) o consumo alimentar, o coeficiente de eficiência alimentar, o ganho de peso, o índice de peso de fígado, o índice de peso do baço, o índice aterogênico e a concentração de colesterol total, HDL-C, VLDL+LDL-C, ácidos biliares e triacilgliceróis entre os grupos experimentais. Por outro lado, a dieta hiperlipídica administrada aos animais não aumentou a concentração de colesterol sangüíneo (P>0,05). Avaliando-se o efeito da administração de diferentes concentrações de L. casei spp. (104, 106, 108 UFC/mL) em ratos normo e hipercolesterolêmicos, por um período de 14 dias, verificou-se que o ganho de peso (P<0,05), o coeficiente de eficiência alimentar (P<0,01) e os parâmetros sangüíneos (índice aterogênico e níveis séricos de colesterol total, triacilgliceróis, HDL-C, LDL+VLDL-C) (P<0,01) dos animais que receberam a dieta hiperlipídica foram superiores aos dos animais que receberam a dieta basal. No entanto, independentemente do tipo de dieta, as diferentes concentrações de L. casei spp. administradas aos animais não exerceram efeito sobre esses parâmetros (P>0,05). Embora houvesse aumento (P<0,01) no peso do fígado, na concentração de colesterol hepático e na concentração de colesterol e ácidos biliares fecais nos animais alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica, quando comparados com os que receberam a dieta basal. Observa-se que o efeito de dose foi significativo no colesterol hepático (P<0,01) e fecal (P<0,05), independentemente do tipo de dieta. No entanto, não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) entre as diferentes concentrações de L. casei spp. Repetindo a experimentação anterior em coelhos normo e hipercolesterolêmicos, porém utilizando as concentrações 105, 107, 109 UFC/mL, verificou-se que os parâmetros sangüíneos (P<0,01), o peso do fígado (P<0,01) e a concentração de colesterol hepático e colesterol fecal (P<0,01) dos animais que receberam a dieta hiperlipídica foram superiores aos dos animais que receberam a dieta basal. No entanto, diferentemente de ratos, o efeito de dose não foi significativo (P>0,05) para todas as características analisadas. Quanto ao efeito de dose em outras propriedades funcionais do tubo digestório em ratos e coelhos normocolesterolêmicos, constatou-se que as diferentes concentrações probióticas testadas aumentaram os níveis de Lactobacillus (P<0,01) e reduziram os níveis de E. coli (P<0,05) e a atividade da enzima â-glucuronidase (P<0,01) em ratos, mas não em coelhos (P>0,05). Por outro lado, não houve alteração no peso do baço, nem na contagem bacteriana neste órgão (P>0,05), mas houve aumento do comprimento das vilosidades intestinais (P<0,01) nos dois modelos animais. Portanto, conclui- se que, embora não houvesse alteração na colesterolemia dos animais, a suplementação de doses crescentes de L. casei spp. exerceu alguma influência no metabolismo de colesterol, na morfologia intestinal e na modulação da microbiota intestinal, aumentando os níveis de lactobacilos e reduzindo os níveis de E. coli, dos dois modelos estudados. / Probiotics, whether in the form of fermented dairy products or not, are known as functional foods and have been recommended as dietary adjuncts to individuals with hypercholesterolemia. Five bioassays were carried out to evaluate the effect of probiotics on the lipid metabolism and other functional properties of the alimentary canal in 104 rats and 48 rabbits. Cholesterolemia modulation was evaluated in rats fed a basal diet or hyperlipidic diet supplemented with different cells of L. acidophilus CH5, L. acidophilus NCFM and L. casei spp. for 14 days. The species L. acidophilus CH5 and L. casei spp. were observed to present practically double the BSH enzyme activity of the L. acidophilus NCFM. Probiotic supplementation fed the animals did not alter (P > 0.05) food consumption, food efficiency coefficient, weight gain, liver weight index, spleen weight index, atherogenic index, and total cholesterol concentration, HDL-C, VLDL+LDL-C, bile acids and triacylglycerol among the experimental groups. However, the hyperlipidic diet fed the animals did not increase blood cholesterol concentration (P>0.05). The evaluation of the effect of feeding different concentrations of L. casei spp. (104, 106, 10 8 UFC/mL) to xxv normal and hypercholesterolemic rats for 14 days, showed that weight gain (P >0.05), food efficiency coefficient (P<0.01) and blood parameters atherogenic index and serum levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, HDL-C, LDL+VLDL-C) (P<0.01) of the animals fed the hyperlipidic diet were higher than those of the animals fed a basal diet. Regardless of the type of diet, different concentrations of L. casei spp. fed to the animals did not have an effect on these parameters (P>0.05), despite the increase (P<0.01) in liver weight, liver cholesterol concentration, and cholesterol and fecal bile acid concentrations in the animals fed the hyperlipidic diet, compared to those fed the basal diet. It was observed that the dose effect was significant for the liver cholesterol (P<0.01) and fecal cholesterol (P<0.05), regardless of type of diet. However, no significant difference was found (P>0.05) among the different concentrations of L. casei spp. The repetition of the previous experiment using normal and hypercholesterolemic rabbits, but at concentrations105, 107, 10 9 UFC/mL, showed that the blood parameters (P<0.01), liver weight (P<0.01) and liver cholesterol concentration and fecal cholesterol (P<0.01) of the animals fed the hyperlipidic diet were higher than those of the animals fed the basal diet. However, contrary to the rats, the dose effect was not significant (P>0.05) for all the characteristics analyzed. Regarding the dose effect on other functional properties of the alimentary canal in normocholesterolemic rats and rabbits, it was confirmed that the different probiotic concentrations tested increased the Lactobacillus levels (P>0.05) and decreased E. coli levels (P<0.05) and the enzyme β-glucuronidase activity (P<0.01) in rats but not in rabbits (P>0.05). On the other hand, no alteration was found either in spleen weight nor in spleen bacterial counting (P>0.05) but there was an increase in the length of the intestinal villi (P>0.01) in both animal models. Therefore, it was concluded that, although no alteration was verified in the animals’ cholesterolemia, supplemmenting increasing L. casei spp. doses had some effect on cholesterol metabolism, intestinal morphology and intestinal microbiota modulation, increasing the Lactobacillus levels and reducing the E. coli levels for both models studied. / Não foi localizado o cpf do autor.

Analyse des effets de souches probiotiques anti-inflammatoires

Watterlot, Laurie 29 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin sont caractérisées par une inflammation anormale et récurrente du tractus digestif. De nombreuses études ont démontré des effets bénéfiques de souches probiotiques anti-inflammatoires recombinantes ou non. La première partie de cette thèse décrit différentes stratégies d'optimisation de souches de bactéries lactiques en tant que vecteurs de protéines d'intérêt santé. Nous avons ainsi démontré qu'une modification du peptidoglycane de la paroie de Lactococcus lactis influençant la lyse bactérienne ne permettait pas de moduler l'immunogénicité de l'antigène E7 délivré par L. lactis. Nous avons également démontré que la nature du vecteur bactérien était un paramètre essentiel dans la vectorisation de la protéine délivrée : ainsi l'espèce Bifidobacterium infantis induit une réponse immunitaire spécifique à l'antigène E7 supérieure à celle obtenue avec les vecteurs L. lactis et Lactobacillus plantarum. La deuxième partie de cette thèse porte sur l'étude des effets anti-inflammatoires de bactéries recombinantes ou non. Nous avons ainsi démontré que la souche Lb. casei BL23 produisant une superoxyde dismutase à manganèse permettait de diminuer significativement des colites murines induites par administration de dextran sodium sulfate. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence des propriétés anti-inflammatoires sur divers modèles d'inflammation in vitro / in vivo de Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, première bactérie commensale anti-inflammatoire identifiée sur la base de données cliniques humaines.

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