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Counting Catalan: An Experimental Evaluation of the Mixing Time for the Triangulation Markov ChainGotlieb, Roy 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Monte Carlo Markov chains (MCMCs) are used in many areas as a way to model a system’s behavior. By running a probabilistic simulation on a system’s state space, we can estimate properties of the system that could be untenable to directly compute. It is of interest to determine how quickly a Markov chain mixes\textemdash that is, settles into its stationary distribution. One such chain is induced by taking a binary search tree and performing a rotation or flip on one of its edges. We know that this chain eventually settles into the uniform distribution, but the time complexity bounds on the number of steps it takes to do so are not tight. We showcase an MCMC experiment suggesting that the true mixing time is likely higher than $\Omega(n^{\frac{3}{2}})$, the known lower bound. We also discuss choosing heuristics to approximate the total variation distance from the uniform distribution when a direct calculation is computationally infeasible\textemdash this calculation takes time proportional to the size of the state space, which for the binary tree chain is $\Theta\left(\frac{1}{n^{\frac{3}{2}}}4^n\right)$. Additionally, we discuss scaling the MCMC simulation as a whole to accommodate large state spaces. These findings serve to guide future studies on the direction of theoretical research on mixing times, as well as providing a framework for similar MCMC experiments.
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Place et fonction des référents spatiaux et temporels dans les théâtres de Josep M. Benet i Jornet et de Sergi Belbel (1989-2006) / Presence and function of spatial and temporal referents in Josep M. Benet i Jornet’s and Sergi Belbel’s theatres (1989-2006)Rollet, Aymeric 02 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis une quarantaine d’années, la nature et le degré de présence des référents spatiaux et temporels diffèrent considérablement dans le théâtre catalan, au moins selon les périodes, mais sans doute aussi selon les auteurs. À partir du milieu des années 1980, l’écriture dramatique tend en grande partie à refuser tout ancrage de l’action dramatique dans une géographie et un moment historique précis et, en particulier, à éluder les représentations de Barcelone et/ou de la Catalogne. Cette thèse se propose d’examiner le traitement des référents en question dans les pièces écrites par Josep M. Benet i Jornet et Sergi Belbel au cours d’une période où la dramaturgie catalane semble souvent se détourner du monde « réel » comme univers immédiat de référence. Depuis le niveau macrocosmique de l’univers jusqu’aux microcosmes domestiques et intimes, Benet et Belbel creusent le réel selon des modes et avec des moyens dramaturgiques variés, donnant ainsi lieu à des constructions spatiotemporelles assez diverses, et l’on peut alors observer différents effets de la présence et/ou de l’absence du réel : effacement des marqueurs identitaires, ou au contraire, omniprésence des références géographiques et historiques ; sentiment de dilution du monde ; effet paradoxal de la lisibilité de la réalité historique malgré son invisibilité manifeste ; etc. À partir d’un corpus de huit œuvres – Desig, El gos del tinent, Olors et Salamandra de Benet, Elsa Schneider, Tàlem, El temps de Planck et Forasters de Belbel –, l’analyse des référents spatiaux et temporels vise à saisir les « territoires dramaturgiques » privilégiés de deux figures majeures de la dramaturgie catalane contemporaine. / The nature and level of presence of the spatial and temporal referents have considerably differed in the Catalan theatre for the last forty years or so, at least from one period to another but certainly also from one author to another. Since the mid-1980s, playwriting has largely tended to refuse any dramatic action that would have been rooted in any geographic location or any exact point in history and, in particular, to avoid the representations of Barcelona and/or Catalonia. This thesis proposes a study of the treatment of the referents in question through some plays written by Josep M. Benet i Jornet and Sergi Belbel at a time when the Catalan dramaturgy often seems to turn away from the « real » world which has ceased to be a direct universe of reference. Benet and Belbel explore reality from the macrocosmic scale of the universe to the domestic and intimate microcosms, thanks to varied modes and dramatic principles, thereby giving rise to quite varied space-time structures. One may then observe different results of the presence and/or absence of reality: the erasing of identity markers or, on the contrary, the omnipresence of geographic and historical references, the feeling of the dilution of the world, the paradoxical effect of the legibility of historical reality despite its obvious invisibility, etc. Through a selection of eight plays – Desig, El gos del tinent, Olors and Salamandra by Benet, Elsa Schneider, Tàlem, El temps de Planck and Forasters by Belbel –, the analysis of spatial and temporal referents aims to grasp the « dramaturgic fields » emphasized by two major figures of contemporary Catalan drama.
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Les nombres de Catalan et le groupe modulaire PSL2(Z) / Catalan Numbers and the modular group PSL2(Z)Guichard, Christelle 29 October 2018 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire de thèse, on étudie le morphisme de monoïde $mu$du monoïde libre sur l'alphabet des entiers $nb$,`a valeurs dans le groupe modulaire $PSL_2(zb)$,considéré comme monoïde, défini pour tout entier $a$ par $mu(a)=begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 1 & a+1 end{pmatrix}.$Les nombres de Catalan apparaissent naturellement dans l'étudede sous-ensembles du noyau de $mu$.Dans un premier temps, on met en évidence deux systèmes de réécriture, l'un sur l'alphabet fini ${0,1}$, l'autresur l'alphabet infini des entiers $nb$ et on montreque ces deux systèmes de réécriture définissent des présentations de monoïde de $PSL_2(zb)$ par générateurs et relations.Par ailleurs, on introduit le morphisme d'indice associé `a l'abélianisé du rev^etement universel de $PSL_2(zb)$,le groupe $B_3$ des tresses `a trois brins. Interprété dans deux contextes différents,le morphisme d'indice est associé au nombre de "demi-tours".Ensuite, dans les quatrième et cinquième parties, on dénombre des sous-ensembles du noyau de $mu_{|{0,1}}$ etdu noyau de $mu$, bigradués par la longueur et l'indice. La suite des nombres de Catalan et d'autres diagonales du triangle de Catalan interviennentsimplement dans les résultats.Enfin, on présente l'origine géométrique de cette étude : on explicite le lien entre l'objectif premier de la thèse qui était l'étudedes polygones convexes entiers d'aire minimale et notre intéret pour le monoïde engendré par ces matrices particulières de $PSL_2(zb)$. / In this thesis, we study a morphism of mono"id $mu$ between the free mono"id on the alphabet of integers $nb$and the modular group $PSL_2(zb)$ considered as a mono"id, defined for all integer $a$by $mu(a)=begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 1 & a+1 end{pmatrix}.$ The Catalan Numbers arised naturally in the study ofsubsets of the kernel of the morphism $mu$.Firstly, we introduce two rewriting systems, one on the finite alphabet ${0,1}$, and the other on the infinite alphabet of integers $nb$. We proove that bothof these rewriting systems defines a mono"id presentation of $PSL_2(zb)$ by generators and relations.On another note, we introduce the morphism of loop associated to the abelianised of the universal covering group of $PSL_2(zb)$, the group $B_3$ ofbraid group on $3$ strands. In two different contexts, the morphism of loop is associated to the number of "half-turns".Then, in the fourth and the fifth parts, we numerate subsets of the kernel of $mu_{|{0,1}}$ and of the kernel of $mu$,bi-graduated by the morphism of lengthand the morphism of loop. The sequences of Catalan numbers and other diagonals of the Catalan triangle come into the results.Lastly, we present the geometrical origin of this research : we detail the connection between our first aim,which was the study of convex integer polygones ofminimal area, and our interest for the mono"id generated by these particular matrices of $PSL_2(zb)$.
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Submitted by Etelvina Domingos (etelvina.domingos@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-10T17:09:30Z
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HLAG.pdf: 1126552 bytes, checksum: 1e1ac46e79a77b1688e9cb1f88285609 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-10T17:09:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2012-01 / O objetivo desse trabalho é mostrar que os Top Intersection Numbers das Grassmannianas
de retas G(2,n+2) satisfazem a relação de recorrência apresentada no artigo "Catalan
Traffic at the Beach" e a conexão desses dois com os números de Catalan. Tudo isso será
feito com a teoria das Derivações de Schubert e sua conexão com as Grassmannianas de
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Entre identité et utilité en contexte globalisé : regard comparatif sur les (ré-)orientations contemporaines des dynamiques de l'euskera en Euskadi et du catalan en CatalogneAlain, Laurence 22 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 4 mars 2024) / Basé sur un terrain de recherche multisitué dans la Communauté autonome basque et la Catalogne en 2021, ce mémoire aborde dans une perspective comparative les réorientations des dynamiques des langues basque et catalane dans leurs communautés autonomes respectives en Espagne. Ancrée dans l'anthropologie du langage, cette étude analyse et compare les enjeux contemporains des pratiques langagières des locutorats et des efforts de pérennisation de ces langues après plus de cinquante ans d'aménagement linguistique. Cette recherche révèle une tension entre deux tendances dominant les pratiques et les imaginaires entourant les langues basque et catalane qui varient en fonction d'une valeur identitaire ou utilitaire attribuée aux langues. Ce clivage, variable selon les zones sociogéographiques et renforcé par les phénomènes de la globalisation, a des effets sur l'usage public des langues, l'efficacité de leur transmission, et l'engagement pour la militance linguistique, en plus d'impacter les vécus identitaires et expérientiels des locutorats. Les acteurs de la pérennisation basques et catalans, dans des momentum distincts, abordent désormais les défis inhérents en misant sur des référents, des ressources et des pratiques partagées afin de favoriser l'apprentissage et l'usage de la langue régionale chez l'ensemble des habitants des communautés autonomes. L'analyse comparative montre que, dans des contextes où la valeur des langues apparait identitaire ou utilitaire, la stratégie de normalisation langagière s'avère non viable comme objectif à long terme pour la pérennisation de l'euskera et du catalan. Par conséquent, alors que leurs locutorats s'appuient de plus en plus sur une idéologie d'authenticité réinventée et flexible axée sur l'appartenance à la communauté pour légitimer leurs pratiques, celle-ci constitue une piste intéressante pour réorienter les efforts de pérennisation langagiers, conciliant le local et le global. Les acteurs de ce secteur en sont conscients et commencent à emprunter cette piste où la langue a le potentiel d'acquérir une valeur nouvelle, lui permettant de continuer à être apprise, utilisée et, surtout, vécue. / Based on multi-sited fieldwork conducted in 2021 in the Basque Country and Catalonia, this thesis draws on a comparative approach to examine the reorientation of the dynamics of the Basque and Catalan languages in these autonomous communities in Spain. Rooted in the anthropology of language, this study analyses and compares the issues at stake in the language practices of speakers and the efforts to promote and perpetuate these languages in contemporary settings, after fifty years of language planning. This research highlights a tension between two trends in the practices and imaginaries concerning Basque and Catalan languages that vary according to an identitarian or utilitarian value attributed to languages. This divide, which differs across socio-geographical zones and is enhanced by the phenomena of globalization, has effects on the public use of languages, the efficiency of their transmission, and the commitment in linguistic militancy. This divide also impacts the identity and lived experiences of the speakers. Although agents of the Basque and Catalan languages sustainability efforts are working in distinct momentum, they now tackle the related challenges by relying on shared referents, resources, and practices to promote the learning and use of the regional language by all inhabitants of the autonomous communities. The comparative analysis shows that, in contexts where the value of languages appears either identitarian or utilitarian, the strategy of language normalisation proves unsustainable as a long-term objective for Basque and Catalan languages. Therefore, while these speakers rely increasingly on a reinvented and flexible ideology of authenticity focused on community membership to legitimize their practices, it appears as an interesting way to reorient Basque and Catalan sustainability efforts in a way to balance the local and the global. The agents of this sector are aware of it and begin to follow this path where regional languages may have the potential to acquire new value, enabling it to continue to be learned, used and, above all, lived. / Ikerlan honek 2021ean Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Katalunian egindako landa-lan batean du oinarria, eta euskarak eta katalanak zeinek bere erkidego autonomoan dituzten dinamiken orientazio eta berrorientazioak aztertzen ditu ikuspegi konparatibo batetik. Hizkuntzaren antropologiatik egindako ikerketa honek euskal eta katalan hiztunen hizkuntza-praktiken erronkak aztertu eta alderatu ditu, bai eta gaur egungo testuinguruan hizkuntza hauek sustatzeko eta iraunarazteko egiten diren ahaleginak ere, batean zein bestean hizkuntza-plangintza egiten hasi zirenetik 50 urte baino gehiago igaro diren honetan. Ikerketa honek etengabeko tentsioan dauden bi joera nagusi erakusten ditu euskara eta katalana inguratzen dituzten praktika eta iruditerietan, hizkuntzei egozten zaien balio identitario edo utilitarioaren arabera aldatzen direnak. Eremu soziogeografikoen arabera aldakorra den eta globalizazioaren fenomenoek indartzen duten bereizketa horrek eragina du hizkuntzen erabilera publikoan, haien transmisioaren eraginkortasunean eta militantzia linguistikoaren engaiamendu eta interesean; gainera, ondorioak ditu hiztunen bizipen identitario eta esperientziazkoetan. Hizkuntzen erronkei aurre egiteko, euskararen eta katalanaren iraupenaren aldeko eragileek, nahiz eta erritmo desberdinetan ari diren, partekatutako erreferente, baliabide eta praktikak lehenesten dituzte gaur egun hizkuntza erregionalaren ikaskuntza eta erabilera erkidego autonomoetako biztanle guztien artean bultzatzeko, edozein direlarik ere haien hizkuntza, jatorria eta lanbidea. Azterketa konparatiboak erakusten duenez, hizkuntzen balioa oraindik ere identitario edo utilitario moduan agertzen den testuinguruetan, hizkuntz normalizazioaren estrategia ez da epe luzeko helburu moduan bideragarria suertatzen euskararen eta katalanaren iraupenerako. Ondorioz, badirudienez hiztunak, beren praktikak legitimatzeko, erkidegoaren parte izatearen sentimenduan ardaztutako autentikotasun-ideologia berrasmatu eta malgu batean oinarritzen direla, hori pista interesgarria litzateke euskara eta katalana sustatzeko eta iraunarazteko egiten diren ahaleginak berrorientatzeko eta tokiko errealitateak eta errealitate globala uztartzeko. Hain zuzen ere, ikerketako datuek erakusten duten bezala, sektore honetako eragileak jakitun dira horretaz, eta hasiak dira pista horri jarraitzen, oharturik hizkuntzak balio berri bat bereganatzeko boterea daukala, eta balio berri horrek aukera emango diola ikasia, erabilia eta, batez ere, bizia izaten jarraitzeko. / A partir d'un estudi en diversos espais de la Comunitat Autònoma Basca i de Catalunya l'any 2021, aquesta tesi aborda des d'una perspectiva comparada les reorientacions de les dinàmiques del basc i del català a les seves respectives comunitats autònomes a Espanya. A partir de la disciplina de l'antropologia de la llengua, aquest estudi analitza i compara els reptes contemporànies de les pràctiques lingüístiques dels parlants i els esforços per promoure aquestes llengües, després de més de cinquanta anys de planificació lingüística. Aquest estudi revela una tensió entre dues tendències dominant les pràctiques i els imaginaris entorn del basc i el català, que varien en funció del valor identitari o utilitari atribuït a les llengües. Aquesta fractura, que varia segons els àmbits sociogeogràfics i ve reforçada pels fenòmens de globalització, té efectes en l'ús públic de les llengües, l'efectivitat de la seva transmissió, i el compromís per l'activisme lingüístic, a més d'incidir en la identitat i les vivències identitàries i experiències dels parlants. Els actors de la sostenibilitat basca i catalana, encara que amb impulsos diferents, aborden els reptes inherents apostant per referències, recursos i pràctiques compartides per promoure l'aprenentatge i l'ús de la llengua regional entre tots els residents de les comunitats autònomes. L'anàlisi comparativa mostra que, en contextos en què el valor de les llengües apareix ja sigui en termes d'identitat o d'utilitat, l'estratègia de normalització lingüística es mostra inviable com a objectiu a llarg termini per a la sostenibilitat del basc i el català. En conseqüència, quan els seus parlants aposten cada cop més per una ideologia d'autenticitat reinventada i flexible centrada en la pertinença a la comunitat per legitimar les seves pràctiques, sembla que aquesta ideologia constitueix una via interessant per reorientar els esforços de sostenibilitat del basc i el català per conciliar el local i el global. Els actors del sector de la promoció i la sostenibilitat en són conscients i comencen a recórrer a aquesta estratègia, segons la qual la llengua té el potencial d'adquirir un nou valor, permetent que continuï sent apresa, usada i, sobretot, viscuda. / Basada en un trabajo de campo en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca y Cataluña en 2021, esta monografía trata desde una perspectiva comparativa de las reorientaciones de las dinámicas de las lenguas vasca y catalana en sus respectivas comunidades autónomas. Este estudio realizado a partir de la antropología del lenguaje ha analizado y comparado los retos actuales de las prácticas lingüísticas de los hablantes y de los esfuerzos que se realizan para promover y perpetuar estas lenguas, más de 50 años después de que se iniciara la planificación lingüística. Esta investigación muestra dos tendencias dominantes en tensión en las prácticas y los imaginarios que rodean al euskera y al catalán y que varían en función de un valor identitario o utilitario que se atribuye a las lenguas. Esta división, variable por ámbitos sociogeográficos y reforzada por los fenómenos de la globalización, influye en el uso público de las lenguas, en la eficacia de su transmisión y en el compromiso por la militancia lingüística, además de tener consecuencias en las vivencias identitarias y experienciales de los hablantes. Aunque los actores que trabajan en los esfuerzos de promoción vascos y catalanes lo hacen a diferentes ritmos, ambos afrontan los retos de la lengua apostando actualmente por referentes, recursos y prácticas compartidas para favorecer el aprendizaje y el uso de las lenguas regionales entre todos los habitantes de las comunidades autónomas. El análisis comparativo muestra que, en contextos en los que el valor de las lenguas sigue apareciendo como identitario o utilitario, la estrategia de normalización lingüística no resulta viable como objetivo a largo plazo para la sostenibilidad del euskera y del catalán. Por lo tanto, mientras sus hablantes se apoyan cada vez más en una ideología de autenticidad reinventada y flexible basada en la pertenencia a la comunidad para legitimar sus prácticas, ello constituiría una pista interesante para reorientar los esfuerzos que se realizan para fomentar y perpetuar el euskera y el catalán y conjugar las realidades locales con la realidad global. Los actores de este sector son conscientes de ello y empiezan a seguir esta estrategia en que la lengua puede adquirir un valor nuevo, que le permitirá seguir siendo aprendida, utilizada y, sobre todo, vivida.
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Fingierte Mündlichkeit in Literatur und Film und deren Übersetzung im Vergleich anhand der Werke Emili Teixidors und deren VerfilmungRose-Dabrunz, Kathrin 05 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die durch die franquistische Historiografie verzerrte Darstellung der geschichtlichen Ereignisse im Spanien des 20. Jahrhunderts betrifft besonders den spanischen Bürgerkrieg und die unmittelbar darauf folgenden Jahre. Durch den „Pakt des Vergessens“ wurde die Aufarbeitung dieser Zeit mit ihren grausamen Verfolgungen Andersdenkender und der Jahre des Hungers zunächst erschwert und so drohten die geschichtlichen Ereignisse dem tatsächlichen Vergessen anheim zu fallen (vgl. Macher 2002). Der Roman „Pa Negre“ und seine gleichnamige filmische Literaturadaption leisten einen Beitrag gegen dieses Vergessen, besonders für die unter Franco unterdrückte katalanische Minderheit. Indem sowohl Emili Teixidor, der Autor des Romans, als auch Agustí Villaronga, der Regisseur der gleichnamigen Filmadaption, die Geschichte der „Verlierer“ erzählen, zeichnen sie ein Bild des ganz gewöhnlichen faschistischen Alltags der 40er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts, in denen in Spanien die neue, franquistische Ordnung installiert wurde.
„Pa Negre“ ist die Geschichte eines 11-jährigen Jungen, dessen Unkenntnis der Umstände ihn mit unschuldigen Augen auf die Welt der Erwachsenen schauen lässt, wodurch er Korruption, Irrationalität und Heuchelei entlarvt. Aus den Widersprüchlichkeiten, in die die Menschen seiner Umgebung verstrickt sind, zieht er seine eigenen Schlüsse. Stück für Stück entfernt er sich von seiner Familie, um die Atmosphäre aus Unsicherheit und erzwungenem Schweigen hinter sich lassen zu können. So wie viele andere in seinem Land zog er sich in das innere Exil zurück (vgl. Glenn 2012). In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden der Film und seine Literaturvorlage hinsichtlich der Unterschiede und der Gemeinsamkeiten in den Ausdrucksweisen des Filmregisseurs und des Romanautors und hinsichtlich der Merkmale fingierter Mündlichkeit miteinander vergleichen. Nach einer Einleitung geht es im 2. Kapitel zunächst um die theoretischen Grundlagen für eine Analyse der Dialoge des Romans und des durch die Produzentin des Films zur Verfügung gestellten Drehbuchs hinsichtlich der in ihnen vorhandenen Merkmale von Mündlichkeit bzw. der zu erwartenden Probleme und Tendenzen bezüglich der fingierten Mündlichkeit bei der Anfertigung der deutschen Untertitel zum Film und der Übersetzung eines Kapitels des Romans. Ausgehend vom Modell des Nähe/Distanz-Kontinuums von Koch und Oesterreicher (2011) wird dabei näher auf die Aspekte der Nähesprache in der deutschen und katalanischen Sprache eingegangen. Insbesondere wird ein Überblick über die diasystematischen Varietäten des Katalanischen und eine kurze historische Darstellung der diatopischen Varietäten und ihrer Rolle im Standardisierungsprozess in Katalonien gegeben. Im 3. Kapitel werden der Film und der Roman als Gegenstand der Untersuchung vorgestellt und historisch eingeordnet. Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Ausdrucksweisen beider Werke werden auf der Grundlage theoretischer Betrachtungen zur Filmadaption untersucht. Das 4. Kapitel ist der Analyse der in den beiden Werken zu findenden Merkmale von Mündlichkeit und den Problemen und Lösungen bei der Übersetzung dieser Merkmale gewidmet.
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A dupla negação pré-verbal no catalão e no português brasileiro: história, variação e uso / The double negation in Catalan and in Brazilian Portuguese: history, variation and useSouza, Paula da Costa 09 March 2017 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa, volta-se o olhar para a dupla negação pré-verbal, fenômeno de grande difusão nas línguas românicas e com ressonâncias nas variedades linguísticas do português brasileiro. Elementos como nada, nenhum e ninguém, entre outros, em determinados estágios das línguas românicas, eram apenas licenciados como negativos por meio de concordância com outro marcador negativo, p.e., não. Para entender, então, a maneira como esses termos negativos chegaram ao português brasileiro, propõe-se uma abordagem diacrônica e comparativa, além de se levar em consideração fatores não somente linguísticos, mas também, extralinguísticos. Dentre as línguas românicas que auxiliam, a partir de uma perspectiva comparada, no desenvolvimento deste trabalho, prioriza-se o catalão, dado que esta língua, segundo os estudos de Martins (2002), ao lado do romeno, é a que se mantém mais próxima da fase romance. Neste período, segundo a mesma autora, a concordância dos elementos apontados com um marcador negativo para expressar a negação pré-verbal era licenciado de forma opcional. Ao entrar em contato, então, com a língua catalã e, principalmente, ao cotejar os possíveis usos da negação nas variedades linguísticas do português brasileiro, suscita-se a hipótese de que catalão e português não se encontram em estágios tão distantes um do outro no que tange à realização da concordância negativa. Assim, ao tomar como modelo linguístico o catalão, no que tange à evolução do fenômeno, revisitam-se teorias fundamentais que abordam, de diversas maneiras, a evolução da negação nas línguas, não somente as românicas. Dessa maneira, não passa desapercebida a clássica teoria do Ciclo de Jespersen, especialmente revisitada em trabalhos atuais, como o de Zeijlstra (2004). Contudo, nota-se que, para a explicação da sobrevivência e manutenção do fenômeno nas variedades linguísticas do português brasileiro, teorias e análises meramente linguísticas não se fazem suficientes. Por isso, levam-se em consideração, também, fatores extralinguísticos, como os da abordagem Sociolinguística, para poder contemplar, de forma abrangente, a manifestação do fenômeno da dupla negação pré-verbal no português brasileiro, especialmente nas suas variedades linguísticas apartadas do modelo estândar. / This research focuses on double preverbal negation, a very well-known phenomenon in Romance Languages and with some empirical attestations in the language varieties of Brazilian Portuguese. Elements like nothing, no and nobody, among others, at certain stages of the Romance Languages, were only licensed as negatives by their co-occurrence with another negative marker, e.g., no. To understand, then, how these negative terms came to be used in Brazilian Portuguese, we propose a diachronic and comparative approach, and taking into account not only linguistic factors, but also extralinguistic ones. Among the Romance languages that contribute to the development of this work from a comparative perspective, , Catalan is prioritized because, according to Martins (2002) studies, it remains closer to the stage of early romance, together with Romanian. In this period, according to the same author, agreement between elements introduced by a negative marker to express preverbal denial was optional. When one gets in touch then with the Catalan language, and mainly, when one compares the possible denial structures of the language varieties of Brazilian Portuguese, the hypothesis raises that Catalan and Portuguese are not so distant from one another concerning the realization of negative concord. Therefore, if we take Catalan as a linguistic model, as far as the evolution of the phenomenon is concerned, we need to revisit fundamental theories that approach, in different ways, the evolution of negation in languages, not only Romance languages. In this way, the classical theory of Jespersen cycle does not go unnoticed, especially revisited in current works, such as Zeijlstra (2004). However, it is observed that for the explanation of the survival and maintenance of the phenomenon under study in the linguistic varieties of Brazilian Portuguese, linguistic analysis and theories alone are not enough. For that reason, other approaches, such as the Sociolinguistics approach, are also taken into account. Therefore, the extralinguistic factors related to the Sociolinguistics approach are also taken into account, in order to consider in a comprehensive manner the manifestation of the phenomenon of double preverbal negation in Brazilian Portuguese, especially in its linguistic varieties apart from standard model.
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The Gran Teatre del Liceu in Catalan culture : history, representation and mythAllwood, Charlie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the position of Barcelona’s Gran Teatre del Liceu within Barcelona’s cultural lanscapeas a means of exploring its modern-day role as one of Europe’s most important opera houses. Other studies of the Liceu have provided extensive historical narratives, but have rarely considered any kind of sociological or cultural theory when analysing the theatre’s role in the city. Chapter 1 explores the Liceu in Spanish and Catalan literature and dramaturgy and questions its role as a representative of upper-class Barcelona culture, and the changes this role has undergone over the course of Spain’s transition to democracy. The Liceu’s location in the adjacent Raval district is examined in Chapter 2: the area has undergone considerable physical and demographic changes over the last decades, and the opera house’s relationship to this area and the larger Barcelona context is discussed in some detail. The third chapter contextualises the Liceu within the wider Catalan cultural panorama and examines the impact of the recession in Spain, which has greatly affected cultural spending, and consequently the theatre’s programme. This problem has been aggravated by an awkward, opaque system of management; the thesis provides examples and analysis of the difficulties the theatre experienced between 2010 and 2013. The final chapter seeks to underline the efforts of the artistic direction to make the Liceu a referent of modern European operatic productions, with three case studies of stagings that represent modern interpretations of opera by contemporary Catalan directors. These works have been chosen as representative of the Liceu’s determined modernisation of the operatic spectacle and of its commitment to local artists. The thesis aims to present a more critical view of Barcelona’s opera house that goes beyond chronological narrative and anecdote in depicting the modern-day situation of the institution and its place in the Barcelona context.
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Rhizomes, parasites, folds and trees : systems of thought in medieval French and Catalan literary textsGutt, Blake Ajax January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates conceptual networks —systems of organising, understanding and explaining thought and knowledge— and the ways in which they underlie both text and its mise en page across a range of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century French and Catalan literary texts and their manuscript witnesses. Each of the three chapters explores a separate corpus of texts, using two of four interrelated network theories: Michel Serres’ notion of parasites and hosts as the basic interconnecting units that combine to constitute all relational networks; the ubiquitous organizational tree; Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the fold as the primary factor in producing differentiation and identity; and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s unruly, anti-hierarchical and anti-arborescent rhizomatic systems. The first chapter engages primarily with parasites and trees; the second with trees and folds; and the third with folds and rhizomes. However, resonances with the other network theories are discussed as they occur, in order to demonstrate the fundamentally interconnected and often interchangeable nature of these systems. Each chapter includes close analysis of manuscript witnesses of the texts under discussion. The first chapter, ‘Saints Denis and Fanuel: Parasitism and Arborescence on the Manuscript Page’, examines parasitic and arboreal networks in two hagiographic texts: late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century prose redactions of the Vie de Saint Denis, and the thirteenth‐century hagiographic romance Li Romanz de Saint Fanuel. The second chapter, ‘Ramon Llull’s Folding Forests: The World, the Tree and the Book’, addresses arborescent and folding structures in Llull’s encyclopaedic Arbre de ciència [Tree of Science], composed between 1295 and 1296. The third chapter, ‘Transgender Genealogy: Turning, Folding and Crossing Gender’, considers three characters in medieval French texts who can be read as transgender: Saint Fanuel; the King of Torelore in Aucassin et Nicolette; and Blanchandin/e in Tristan de Nanteuil. The chapter explores the ways in which these characters’ queer trajectories can be understood through conceptions of directionality which relate to the fold and the rhizome.
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A dupla negação pré-verbal no catalão e no português brasileiro: história, variação e uso / The double negation in Catalan and in Brazilian Portuguese: history, variation and usePaula da Costa Souza 09 March 2017 (has links)
Na presente pesquisa, volta-se o olhar para a dupla negação pré-verbal, fenômeno de grande difusão nas línguas românicas e com ressonâncias nas variedades linguísticas do português brasileiro. Elementos como nada, nenhum e ninguém, entre outros, em determinados estágios das línguas românicas, eram apenas licenciados como negativos por meio de concordância com outro marcador negativo, p.e., não. Para entender, então, a maneira como esses termos negativos chegaram ao português brasileiro, propõe-se uma abordagem diacrônica e comparativa, além de se levar em consideração fatores não somente linguísticos, mas também, extralinguísticos. Dentre as línguas românicas que auxiliam, a partir de uma perspectiva comparada, no desenvolvimento deste trabalho, prioriza-se o catalão, dado que esta língua, segundo os estudos de Martins (2002), ao lado do romeno, é a que se mantém mais próxima da fase romance. Neste período, segundo a mesma autora, a concordância dos elementos apontados com um marcador negativo para expressar a negação pré-verbal era licenciado de forma opcional. Ao entrar em contato, então, com a língua catalã e, principalmente, ao cotejar os possíveis usos da negação nas variedades linguísticas do português brasileiro, suscita-se a hipótese de que catalão e português não se encontram em estágios tão distantes um do outro no que tange à realização da concordância negativa. Assim, ao tomar como modelo linguístico o catalão, no que tange à evolução do fenômeno, revisitam-se teorias fundamentais que abordam, de diversas maneiras, a evolução da negação nas línguas, não somente as românicas. Dessa maneira, não passa desapercebida a clássica teoria do Ciclo de Jespersen, especialmente revisitada em trabalhos atuais, como o de Zeijlstra (2004). Contudo, nota-se que, para a explicação da sobrevivência e manutenção do fenômeno nas variedades linguísticas do português brasileiro, teorias e análises meramente linguísticas não se fazem suficientes. Por isso, levam-se em consideração, também, fatores extralinguísticos, como os da abordagem Sociolinguística, para poder contemplar, de forma abrangente, a manifestação do fenômeno da dupla negação pré-verbal no português brasileiro, especialmente nas suas variedades linguísticas apartadas do modelo estândar. / This research focuses on double preverbal negation, a very well-known phenomenon in Romance Languages and with some empirical attestations in the language varieties of Brazilian Portuguese. Elements like nothing, no and nobody, among others, at certain stages of the Romance Languages, were only licensed as negatives by their co-occurrence with another negative marker, e.g., no. To understand, then, how these negative terms came to be used in Brazilian Portuguese, we propose a diachronic and comparative approach, and taking into account not only linguistic factors, but also extralinguistic ones. Among the Romance languages that contribute to the development of this work from a comparative perspective, , Catalan is prioritized because, according to Martins (2002) studies, it remains closer to the stage of early romance, together with Romanian. In this period, according to the same author, agreement between elements introduced by a negative marker to express preverbal denial was optional. When one gets in touch then with the Catalan language, and mainly, when one compares the possible denial structures of the language varieties of Brazilian Portuguese, the hypothesis raises that Catalan and Portuguese are not so distant from one another concerning the realization of negative concord. Therefore, if we take Catalan as a linguistic model, as far as the evolution of the phenomenon is concerned, we need to revisit fundamental theories that approach, in different ways, the evolution of negation in languages, not only Romance languages. In this way, the classical theory of Jespersen cycle does not go unnoticed, especially revisited in current works, such as Zeijlstra (2004). However, it is observed that for the explanation of the survival and maintenance of the phenomenon under study in the linguistic varieties of Brazilian Portuguese, linguistic analysis and theories alone are not enough. For that reason, other approaches, such as the Sociolinguistics approach, are also taken into account. Therefore, the extralinguistic factors related to the Sociolinguistics approach are also taken into account, in order to consider in a comprehensive manner the manifestation of the phenomenon of double preverbal negation in Brazilian Portuguese, especially in its linguistic varieties apart from standard model.
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