Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cataloging"" "subject:"catalogue""
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Mittelhochdeutsches und Mittelniederländisches aus DresdenHoffmann, Werner 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Seit April 2008 werden im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Kooperationsprojekts der SLUB Dresden und der UB Leipzig am Leipziger Handschriftenzentrum die Dresdner deutsch- und niederländischsprachigen mittelalterlichen Handschriften wissenschaftlich erschlossen (vgl. die Projektvorstellung in BIS Nr. 2, 2008, S. 116 –119). Die parallel dazu in Dresden durchgeführte vollständige Digitalisierung der Handschriften ist inzwischen abgeschlossen, so dass alle Manuskripte als Volltexte auf der Internet-Seite der SLUB abrufbar sind. Eine Feinstrukturierung der Digitalisate mit Hilfe der in Leipzig bei der Tiefenerschließung gewonnenen Daten wird in einer späteren Phase des Projekts vorgenommen werden. Nach nun fast dreijähriger Laufzeit des Leipziger Projektteils ist es an der Zeit, einige Ergebnisse der bisherigen Erschließungsarbeit kurz vorzustellen.
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Bibliographien an der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden: Entwicklung einer katalogbezogenen Aufgabenbeschreibung für die retrospektive Konversion der Druckbände der Sächsischen Bibliographie und der Bibliographie Geschichte der TechnikLenk, Barbara 17 September 2009 (has links)
An der SLUB Dresden werden die Sächsische Bibliographie und die Bibliographie Geschichte der Technik bearbeitet. Beide Werke liegen bis zum Berichtsjahr 1991 nur in gedruckter Form vor. Diese Bände werden als Teil eines Projektes aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) retrospektiv konvertiert. Praktisches Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Erstellung einer katalogbezogenen Aufgabenbeschreibung für das Vorhaben. Die katalogbezogene Aufgabenbeschreibung basiert auf einer Datenanalyse, in deren Rahmen das verzeichnete Titelmaterial in den zu konvertierenden Bibliographiebänden untersucht wird.
In einem theoretischen Teil der Diplomarbeit werden beide Bibliographien vorgestellt. Des weiteren erfolgt eine Marktuntersuchung zu Anbietern von Retrokonversionsdienstleistern in Deutschland.
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Софтверски систем за каталогизацију по MARC 21 формату / Softverski sistem za katalogizaciju po MARC 21 formatu / Software system for MARC 21 cataloguingDimić Surla Bojana 28 December 2009 (has links)
<p>Извршено је моделирање и имплементација софтверског система за каталогизацију по MARC 21 формату. За реализацију система коришћен је обједињени процес за развој софтвера, развој заснован на моделу и развој заснован на софтверским компонентама. Моделирање је извршено у CASE алату<br />235 MagicDraw верзија 16.0 који подржава UML 2.0. Имплементација је реализована коришћењем Eclipse plug-in технологије и програмског језика Јава.</p><p>У софтверском алату Xtext специфицирана је граматика за опис модела МАRC 21 записа. На основу ове граматике генерисан је основни едитор и EMF модел. Основни едитор је проширен додатним спецификацијама над EMF моделом. То су следеће спецификације: ограничења на структуру и садржај библиографских записа коришћењем језика Check; темплејти за трансформацију записа у форму каталошког листића коришћењем језика Xpand; понуда предефинисаног скупа података за унос у језику Xtend. </p><p><span style="font-size: 12px;">Извршено је проширење основног едитора додатним </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">функционалностима система за каталогизацију: приказ </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">података о библиографском формату, унос локацијских </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">података, експорт и импорт записа, приказ каталошких </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">листића и библиотечко окружење. </span></p><p>Коришћењем RCP технологије генерисана је софтверска компонента за каталогизацију која се може користити у различитим библиотечким информационим системима.</p> / <p>Izvršeno je modeliranje i implementacija softverskog sistema za katalogizaciju po MARC 21 formatu. Za realizaciju sistema korišćen je objedinjeni proces za razvoj softvera, razvoj zasnovan na modelu i razvoj zasnovan na softverskim komponentama. Modeliranje je izvršeno u CASE alatu<br />235 MagicDraw verzija 16.0 koji podržava UML 2.0. Implementacija je realizovana korišćenjem Eclipse plug-in tehnologije i programskog jezika Java.</p><p>U softverskom alatu Xtext specificirana je gramatika za opis modela MARC 21 zapisa. Na osnovu ove gramatike generisan je osnovni editor i EMF model. Osnovni editor je proširen dodatnim specifikacijama nad EMF modelom. To su sledeće specifikacije: ograničenja na strukturu i sadržaj bibliografskih zapisa korišćenjem jezika Check; templejti za transformaciju zapisa u formu kataloškog listića korišćenjem jezika Xpand; ponuda predefinisanog skupa podataka za unos u jeziku Xtend. </p><p><span style="font-size: 12px;">Izvršeno je proširenje osnovnog editora dodatnim </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">funkcionalnostima sistema za katalogizaciju: prikaz </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">podataka o bibliografskom formatu, unos lokacijskih </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">podataka, eksport i import zapisa, prikaz kataloških </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">listića i bibliotečko okruženje. </span></p><p>Korišćenjem RCP tehnologije generisana je softverska komponenta za katalogizaciju koja se može koristiti u različitim bibliotečkim informacionim sistemima.</p> / <p> Modelling and implementation of software system for MARC 21 cataloguing have been done. Unified software development process is used as well as model-driven software development and component-based software development. System modelling is done in CASE tool MagicDraw (version 16.0) which supports UML 2.0. System implementation is realised using Eclipse plug-in technology and Java programming languages. Software tool Xtext is used for specification of MARC 21 record grammar. On the basis of this grammar the basic editor and its EMF model have been generated. The basic editor is extended with additional specifications on generated EMF model. Those specifications are: constraints on structure and content of bibliographic record written in Check language; Xpand templates for transforming records into cataloguing cards; content assist extensions written in Xtend. Addition functionalities of cataloguing system are also added to basic editor, and those are: showing data about MARC 21 format, entering holdings data, export and import of records, showing cataloguing cards and librarian environment. At the end, RCP technology is used for generating software component for cataloguing that can be used in different library information systems.</p>
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Mittelhochdeutsches und Mittelniederländisches aus Dresden: Wissenschaftliche Erschließung von Handschriften der SLUB Dresden am Leipziger HandschriftenzentrumHoffmann, Werner 17 March 2011 (has links)
Seit April 2008 werden im Rahmen eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Kooperationsprojekts der SLUB Dresden und der UB Leipzig am Leipziger Handschriftenzentrum die Dresdner deutsch- und niederländischsprachigen mittelalterlichen Handschriften wissenschaftlich erschlossen (vgl. die Projektvorstellung in BIS Nr. 2, 2008, S. 116 –119). Die parallel dazu in Dresden durchgeführte vollständige Digitalisierung der Handschriften ist inzwischen abgeschlossen, so dass alle Manuskripte als Volltexte auf der Internet-Seite der SLUB abrufbar sind. Eine Feinstrukturierung der Digitalisate mit Hilfe der in Leipzig bei der Tiefenerschließung gewonnenen Daten wird in einer späteren Phase des Projekts vorgenommen werden. Nach nun fast dreijähriger Laufzeit des Leipziger Projektteils ist es an der Zeit, einige Ergebnisse der bisherigen Erschließungsarbeit kurz vorzustellen.
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Die Didaktik des Fernunterrichts in Formalerschließung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von LernprogrammenPfleger, Claudia 17 December 2002 (has links)
Die didaktischen Voraussetzungen und die informationstechnischen Methoden, die im Formalerschließungsfernunterricht und bei der Erstellung entsprechender Lernprogramme Anwendung finden können, wurden zunächst theoretisch untersucht und dann praktische Empfehlungen für den Formalerschließungsfernunterricht gegeben. Bei der Gestaltung des Fernunterrichts sollten mehrere Lerntheorien herangezogen werden. An Lehrinhalten sind neben Katalogs- und Regelwerkskunde auch die Umsetzung der Formalerschließung in die elektronische Datenverarbeitung, die Formalerschließung aus der Sicht der Benutzer und die Organisation der Formalerschließung zu fordern. Kognitive, pragmatische und affektive Lernziele wurden formuliert. Für die kognitiven Lernziele wurde die Lernzieltaxonomie von Bloom an die weitergehenden Erfordernisse des Formalerschließungsunterrichts angepasst. Daneben wurden persönliche Kompetenzen angegeben. Der Unterricht muss auf die Bedürfnisse der Zielgruppe abgestimmt sein. Zu beachten sind Alter, Bildungsgrad, fachspezifische Vorbildung, Geschlecht und die verschiedenen Lernstile. Besonders Fernstudien bedürfen entsprechender Motivierung der Lernenden. Dafür wurde die ARCS-Motivationstheorie um den Punkt "Freiheit" erweitert. Die neun Instruktionsereignisse von Gagné wurden durch konstruktivistische Methoden zu elf didaktischen Anweisungen ergänzt und für den Formalerschließungsfernunterricht ausformuliert. Die Vermittlung der Regelwerke geschieht am besten durch tutorielle Lernprogramme mit Hilfe von Hypermedia. Bei der Entwicklung von Lernprogrammen wurden dieselben didaktischen Überlegungen wie bei der Unterrichtsplanung realisiert. Die technische Umsetzung sollte in einfacher Weise erfolgen, damit das Lernprogramm flexibel bleibt. Um die Möglichkeit der Umsetzung aufzuzeigen, wurden die ersten beiden Module eines Lernprogramms "Umsetzung der RAK-WB in ALEPH500" entwickelt. / The didactics of distance education in the area of descriptive cataloguing with special attention to computer aided instruction The didactic requirements and the methods of information technology that can be used in distance learning of descriptive cataloguing and in the preparation of appropriate computer aided instruction programs are first investigated theoretically and then practical recommendations are made. In the design of distance education several learning theories should be incorporated. The topics of instruction should include not only cataloguing and standards, but also the conversion of descriptive cataloguing to EDP formats, descriptive cataloguing from the perspective of the user and the organisation of descriptive cataloguing. Cognitive, pragmatic and affective learning objectives are set out. Bloom's taxonomy of learning objectives is adapted to meet the advanced needs of descriptive cataloguing. In addition, personal competences are reviewed. Instruction must correspond to the needs of the target group. Factors that must be taken into account are age, level of education, existing specialised knowledge, sex and different learning styles. The need to motivate learners is especially important in distance education. To this end ARCS-motivation theory is expanded to include the topic "freedom". Gagné's "Nine Events of Instruction" are expanded by methods of constructivism to encompass eleven didactic statements, which are formulated in terms of descriptive cataloguing. Standards can best be taught by means of computer aided tutorials using hypermedia. In the development of these tutorials the same didactic considerations are realised as in the planning of instruction. In order to assure the flexibility of tutorials, the technical design should be uncomplicated. The first two modules of a tutorial "Conversion of RAK-WB to ALEPH500" have been developed to demonstrate the feasibility and means of designing such a tutorial.
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Managing resource sharing in selected Seventh-day Adventist tertiary institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: problems and prospectsAdeogun, Margaret Olufunke 30 November 2004 (has links)
Universities in the new millennium find themselves in a knowledge-driven economy that is challenging them to produce a qualified and adaptable work force if they are to contribute to societal development. Owing to the structural change in the economy, entrepreneurs require high level scientists, professionals and technicians who not only have the capability to create and support innovations by adapting knowledge to local use but also people with managerial and lifelong learning skills. Such are they who can accelerate changes and make organizations more productive and efficient in the services they render. Consequently, universities in Sub-Saharan Africa are challenged to transform learning so as to produce graduates who have both knowledge and competencies. Such a system will create a balance between university education and the changing labour market. Satisfying these new educational demands are only possible through research and unhindered access to global information resources. Paradoxically, some private university libraries, because of limited funding, find themselves fiscally constrained in the provision of unhindered access to global stores of information particularly at a time of exponential growth both in number and cost of information resources. This had led libraries to re-examine resource sharing as a viable option to meeting the new demands placed on universities.
It is for the reasons above that this study examines the practice, problems and prospects of resource-sharing in selected Seventh-day Adventist university libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. It examines scientifically the causes of poor sharing practices that are unique to each library, the situational and environmental factors that can enhance resource sharing. It provides also research-based information that will help to determine the best ways by which each library can have greater access to information resources. There are proposals for resolving the problems, and there are recommendations for dealing with the matter on a more permanent basis. The study advances resource-sharing model called Consortium of Adventist University Libraries in Africa (CAULA) as a resource sharing network for Seventh-day Adventist libraries in Africa. The organizational structure for CAULA are outlined and discussed. The proposed cooperation is not only sustainable but also structured to provide efficiency and greater regional cooperation of SDA libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. / Information Science / DLITT ET PHIL (INF SCIENCE)
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Die Werke Georg Friedrich Händels in Göttingen / The complete works of George Frideric Handel in GoettingenAmirazodi, Poupak 22 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Managing resource sharing in selected Seventh-day Adventist tertiary institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: problems and prospectsAdeogun, Margaret Olufunke 30 November 2004 (has links)
Universities in the new millennium find themselves in a knowledge-driven economy that is challenging them to produce a qualified and adaptable work force if they are to contribute to societal development. Owing to the structural change in the economy, entrepreneurs require high level scientists, professionals and technicians who not only have the capability to create and support innovations by adapting knowledge to local use but also people with managerial and lifelong learning skills. Such are they who can accelerate changes and make organizations more productive and efficient in the services they render. Consequently, universities in Sub-Saharan Africa are challenged to transform learning so as to produce graduates who have both knowledge and competencies. Such a system will create a balance between university education and the changing labour market. Satisfying these new educational demands are only possible through research and unhindered access to global information resources. Paradoxically, some private university libraries, because of limited funding, find themselves fiscally constrained in the provision of unhindered access to global stores of information particularly at a time of exponential growth both in number and cost of information resources. This had led libraries to re-examine resource sharing as a viable option to meeting the new demands placed on universities.
It is for the reasons above that this study examines the practice, problems and prospects of resource-sharing in selected Seventh-day Adventist university libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. It examines scientifically the causes of poor sharing practices that are unique to each library, the situational and environmental factors that can enhance resource sharing. It provides also research-based information that will help to determine the best ways by which each library can have greater access to information resources. There are proposals for resolving the problems, and there are recommendations for dealing with the matter on a more permanent basis. The study advances resource-sharing model called Consortium of Adventist University Libraries in Africa (CAULA) as a resource sharing network for Seventh-day Adventist libraries in Africa. The organizational structure for CAULA are outlined and discussed. The proposed cooperation is not only sustainable but also structured to provide efficiency and greater regional cooperation of SDA libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. / Information Science / DLITT ET PHIL (INF SCIENCE)
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Současný stav a budoucnost muzejních knihoven v Čechách / The current state of affairs and future of museum's libraries in BohemiaKotyzová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
(in English): The thesis presents overview of current state of museum libraries in Bohemia. It relies on the results of questionnaire specifically made for this purpose. Focus is also on library collections of museum libraries (acquisition, processing, accessibility and conservation), self-presentation of libraries on Internet, means of financing of such institutions and their activities. The thesis also overviews history of museum libraries on the case of four individual institutions, legal regulations pertaining to them and to their collections, as well as cooperation possibilities between other museum libraries, general libraries or other institutions. The thesis concludes with resume of strengths and weaknesses of current state of affairs in the field and anticipates future development of museum libraries. The text contains numerous charts and tables [Author's abstract].
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Migrating from integrated library systems to library services platforms : An exploratory qualitative study for the implications on academic libraries’ workflowsGrammenis, Efstratios, Mourikis, Antonios January 2018 (has links)
The present master thesis is an exploratory qualitative study in academic libraries regarding the transition from the integrated library systems to the next generation integrated library systems or library services platforms and the potential implications in their internal workflows. Nowadays, libraries all over the world are facing up with a number of challenges in terms of acquiring, describing and making available to the public all the resources, both printed and electronic, they manage. In particular, the academic libraries have more reasons to wish to fulfill their users’ needs since the majority of them use the library sources more and more for scientific research and educational purposes.In this study we attempt to explore the phenomenon in the globe using the available literature and to identify the implications in libraries’ workflows and the possible future developments. Moreover, through observation and semi-structured interviews we try to identify the current developments in the Greek context regarding the adoption of next ILS and possible implications in their workflows. Finally, we attempt a comparison between the Greek situation and the international one.
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