Spelling suggestions: "subject:"catholic.""
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La transmission religieuse et culturelle au sein de familles maghrébo-québécoises à MontréalCassan, Christelle 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la transmission religio-culturelle aux enfants de couples maghrébo-québécois islamo-chrétiens à Montréal. À la suite de l’analyse de 10 entrevues semi-directives réalisées auprès de couples parentaux, nous tenterons de répondre aux questions suivantes : Quelle appartenance religieuse les parents veulent-ils transmettre à leur(s) enfant(s) ? Comment se manifestent leurs choix dans leur pratique religieuse ? Quels compromis les parents font-ils pour l’équilibre familial et identitaire de leur(s) enfant(s) ? Comment légitiment-ils leurs choix parentaux ?
Afin de répondre à ces questions, nous nous sommes donné les objectifs spécifiques suivants : 1) documenter les choix des parents concernant la transmission religio-culturelle aux enfants; 2) cerner les façons dont les pratiques et les croyances religieuses des parents influencent leurs choix; 3) expliquer en quoi ces choix se manifestent dans leurs pratiques rituelles avec les enfants; 4) dégager les légitimations que les parents font vis-à-vis de leur choix de transmission.
Les résultats de notre recherche ne nous ont pas permis de trouver une logique de transmission qui s’applique à tous nos parents. Cependant, nous retenons que les enfants de notre échantillon sont identifiés par leurs parents soit comme musulmans (5 familles sur 10) soit sans religion (5 familles sur 10). Aucun couple n’a choisi, en effet, le catholicisme pour leur enfant, et ce, même dans le cas où le conjoint catholique est pratiquant. À l’aide des choix parentaux concernant plus particulièrement le rite de la circoncision et la célébration des principales fêtes religieuses, nous dégageons quelques points d’ancrages communs face à la transmission symbolique. Quelle que soit la position du parent musulman face à la religion (pratiquant, non pratiquant, athée), celui-ci reste profondément attaché au rite de la circoncision pour son enfant dans un souci de transmission culturelle. La transmission biculturelle où les fêtes des deux lignées sont célébrées en famille est la plus pratiquée. / This research is on the religious and cultural transmission to the children from Maghrebian-Quebecker and Islamic-Christian couples in Montreal. After analyzing the content of 10 semistructured interviews made with parental couples, we have tried to give some answers to the following questions : What is the religious affiliation that the parents want to transmit to their child(ren) ? How do their choices reflect in their religious practice, particularly in the religious rituals ? What compromises do the parents make to reach family and identity balance for the child(ren) ? By what means do they legitimate their parental choices ?
To properly answer these questions, we gave ourself the following specific objectives : 1) Document the choices of the parents concerning the religious and cultural transmission; 2) Define how the religious practices and beliefs of the parents influence their choices; 3) Explain in what way these choices manifest themselves in their ritual practices with their children; 4) Identify the legitimations of the parents toward their choice of transmission.
After completing our analyses, we have not found a transmission logic that would apply to all our parents. Nevertheless, we observe that the children from our sample are identified by their parents as either Muslims (5 family out of 10) either with no religion (5 family out of 10). No couple has chosen Catholicism for their child, even when one member of the couple was a practicing Catholic. The parental choices related in particular to the circumcision ritual, as well as the celebration of the most important religious holidays, enable us to bring out some common anchor points regarding the symbolic transmission. Whatever the position of the Muslim parent—practicing or not, or atheist—toward the religion, he remains deeply attached to the ritual of the circumcision for his child for cultural transmission purposes. Bicultural transmission, where religious holidays of both lineage are celebrated is the most common.
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Miloš Josef Pulec a Starokatolická církev / Miloš Josef Pulec and Old Catholic ChurchWagner, David January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Dr. Miloš Josef Pulec as a personality, and particularly on his relationship to the Old Catholic Church. We will see Pulec first as a newly ordained priest, then suspended, then as a priest of the Prague parish, an influential man behind the Old Catholic Church synod meetings, and finally in the eighties also an episcopal administrator. He played out an important role in the crisis of 1969-72, which in effect led to break-up of the church into an official and an underground one and to several problems which caused the church significant losses in property as well as number of members. Pulec was accused of being closely in contact with the authorities and misusing these contacts to solve conflicts in the church administration. Pulec was not only a clergyman, his works focused on many other fields: he was interested in history, anthropology, pragensia and mycology. His life's legacy is for now mostly seen in a very negative light - the goal of the thesis is not to intentionally change this view, but rather to describe the influence of an individual on an organization, and his reflection in the history.
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À la rencontre de deux mondes : les esclaves de Louisiane et l'Église catholique, 1803-1845 / When two worlds meet : Louisianan slaves and the Catholic Church, 1803-1842Piché, Geneviève 26 October 2015 (has links)
Intitulée « À la rencontre de deux mondes : les esclaves de Louisiane et l’Église catholique, 1803-1845 », cette thèse vise à reconstituer l’histoire et l’évolution de l’afro-catholicisme en Louisiane dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle, tant en milieu urbain − avec la ville de la Nouvelle-Orléans comme toile de fond − qu’en milieu rural, en prenant la paroisse Saint-Jean-Baptiste comme étude de cas. L’étude débute en 1803, date à laquelle la Louisiane devient une possession américaine, et se termine en 1845, trois ans après la fondation à la Nouvelle-Orléans de l’Église Saint-Augustine, emblème de la religion des Noirs libres et des esclaves, et de la communauté des Sœurs de la Sainte-Famille, un ordre religieux propre aux femmes de couleur libres. La Louisiane de la première moitié du XIXe siècle représente ainsi le théâtre parfait pour étudier la rencontre entre catholicisme et esclavage et pour mettre en lumière les prémisses de la construction d’un afro-catholicisme distinct. Bien que de nombreuses études aient porté sur l’histoire de l’esclavage en Louisiane, le monde des esclaves et de leurs pratiques religieuses nous échappe encore en grande partie. Partir à la découverte de la culture religieuse des esclaves du Sud américain représente donc un défi historiographique qui permet d’affiner nos connaissances à la fois sur une période très trouble de l’histoire américaine − celle de l’esclavage −, sur des acteurs plutôt méconnus − les esclaves catholiques −, et sur une région qui se distingue des autres États américains. En fait, de par ses racines franco-hispaniques et son caractère catholique, la Louisiane apparaît comme une entité unique au sein des États-Unis d’Amérique, majoritairement de culture anglo-protestante. / Entitled « When Two Worlds Meet : Louisiana Slaves and the Catholic Church, 1803-1845 », this dissertation aims to reconstruct the history and the evolution of Afro-Catholicism in Louisiana in the early nineteenth century, both in urban areas, with the city of New Orleans as a backdrop, and rural areas, with the parish of St. John the Baptist as a case study. It begins in 1803, when Louisiana became an American possession, and ends in 1845, three years after the founding in New Orleans of the St. Augustine Church, the emblem of the religion of free blacks and slaves, and of the Sisters of the Holy Family, a religious order for free women of color. Early nineteenth-century Louisiana is the perfect theater to explore the encounter between Catholicism and slavery and to perceive the construction process of a distinct Afro-Catholicism. Although many studies focus on the history of slavery in Louisiana, the world of the slaves and of their religious practices is still largely elusive. Exploring the religious culture of the slaves in the American South represents a historiographical challenge that help refine our knowledge of a troubled time in American history – the era of slavery–, of largely unknown actors– Catholic slaves –, and of an area totally different from the rest of the United States. In fact, because of its Franco-Hispanic roots and its Catholic character, Louisiana appears as a single entity within the United States of America, predominantly Anglo-Protestant.
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Proces sekularizace v Itálii po druhé světové válce: literární díla ve společenském kontextu / Secularization in Italy in the post-war-era: literature in the social contextOlša, Michal January 2013 (has links)
EN The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the process of secularization in the post-war era in Italy. The study is focused on lower social classes. The aim of my thesis is to show the complexity of the process such as secularization; on the one hand there are statistic numbers showing the trend of falling religiosity, on the other hand we know Italians as believers in God and Italy as a country with catholic symbols appearing openly in public. To understand this ambivalence, it is necessary to distinguish church, religion and faith. As a primary source for my thesis I have chosen novels of the neorealist writers. As neorealism tries to capture predominantly the social reality and the writers show greater capability of uncovering the motivation of historical figure than any other possible sources, selecting the works of the neorealist writers proves to be more than suitable. The main methodology chosen for my thesis is typification, through which I tried to define the social stereotypes. The thesis is composed of nine chapters. Chapters one to three describe the political, economic and social situation of post-war Italy and define the social segment on which the thesis is focused. Presented is a characterization of neorealism and the authors as well as the most important theories of secularization...
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Identity disputes and politics at the end of the 17th century : the Archbishop Meletios Typaldos and his conflicting relations with the Greek Confraternity of VeniceRoussopoulos, Theodoros January 2015 (has links)
This thesis takes as a focal point an important Archbishop of the Greek community in Venice, Meletios Typaldos, who lived in the turbulent era of the late seventeenthearly eighteenth century (1651-1713). An enquiry into the course of his life was deemed worthy of scholarly research: first, because he had not been till now adequately investigated; second, because he is a multi-faceted personage who is highly representative of the ambiguities of that historical period but also clearly and sophisticatedly involved in them. In addition, a study of his life and work reveals a great deal about the religious and cultural beliefs and bias of the flourishing Greek Diaspora of Venice during this historical period. The dissertation investigates initially the political background within which Venice played a crucial role. Moreover, it brings to the fore the religious conflicts of the era as well as the renewal of the theological and philosophical ideas related to scholastic Aristotelism, derived from the teachings at Padua University which spread to the territory of the city-state of Venice. The emphasis in the dissertation is to focus on the impact that these ideas had on the beliefs and views of Typaldos. Principally, the thesis disambiguates the initiatives of Meletios Typaldos who, as head of the Orthodox Church in Venice, planned to convert the Orthodox Greeks to Catholicism without taking into consideration the church body, i.e., the Greek Orthodox clergy and congregation. In contrast to the prevailing view that his ambition to become a cardinal drove him to the acceptance of the Catholic doctrine, this dissertation argues that Typaldos’ activities were inspired by his desire to play a crucial role in a Uniate Church under the Pope’s auspices, with the ultimate ambition to convert all Greeks to it. Finally, specific attention has been given to the resistance of the Greeks of Venice to Typaldos’ plans. After examining the evidence, the thesis concludes that the will of the Greek Confraternity to maintain its social independence -that was guaranteed by the Venetian state - and its passionate desire to maintain unchanged the Confraternity’s Greek ethnic and religious identity are the main causes that determined its reactions against Typaldos. The conflict between the Archbishop and leadership of the Greek community ended in Typaldos’ excommunication by the Patriarchate of Constantinople and, with the loss of his leadership, the decline of the Greek Community of Venice.
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"Against My Destiny": Reading an Italian Immigrant's Memoir in the Early 20th-century SouthSantucci, Bethany 20 May 2011 (has links)
Giuseppe Emilio Rocconi's life narrative, The Story of My Life (1958), represents the hardships of immigration and assimilation through meditations on home, family, and religion. I read his narrative in contrast with white elite narratives that express nostalgia for sharecropping and the segregation era. I see his narrative as a reflection upon the costs of integrating into the white patriarchal economy and his sense of being neither fully Italian nor fully American.
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L'apologétique conciliatrice française et le dialogue de l'Aufklärung chrétienne avec le "parti philosophique" / French catholic apologetic, and the dialogue of the christian Aufklärung and the "philosophical party."Brun, Emmanuelle 23 January 2014 (has links)
Le XVIIIème siècle consacra en France la disjonction idéologique, intellectuelle et spirituelle entre la raison critique et empirique du philosophe et l’anthropologie chrétienne des défenseurs de l’orthodoxie. Toutefois, l’intuition et l’intention d’un syncrétisme humaniste aspirant à voir collaborer l’intelligence scientifique et l’intelligence de la foi survécut à la Renaissance et au Grand siècle pour soutenir la réflexion de littérateurs catholiques reconnus, les abbés Morellet, Coyer, Yvon, Bergier et Raynal. Ces théoriciens de la médiation incarnaient une frange modérée de l’apologétique catholique, une apologétique de la conciliation qui soulève maintes interrogations quant à sa nature et sa portée : parvint-elle à arrimer les valeurs chrétiennes aux idées forces des Lumières rationnelles, proposa-t-elle une voie médiane entre les partis antagonistes des « philosophes » et des « dévots » ? L’exploration analytique et la mise en perspective comparative des termes de l’alliance de la raison et de la foi révèlent une conciliation plurielle ; véritable nébuleuse idéologique élevée sur l’humanisme théologique du molinisme jésuite, elle se confronte à des difficultés externes d’ordre conjoncturel, partisanes notamment, se heurte aux antagonismes de la certitude du christianisme et du doute méthodique, se soumet aux exigences de la dualité de la « raison » - philosophique et scientifique -, mais subit également les retombées de ses propres ambiguïtés et carences conceptuelles. In fine, l’enjeu de ces ambitions syncrétiques ne repose plus tant sur le diptyque foi-raison que que sur les interactions entre le sentiment de foi, la nature et la science. / The XVIIIth century, in France, sanctioned the ideological, intellectual and spiritual separation between the critical and empirical reason of the philosopher and the christian anthropology of the orthodoxy partisans. However, intuition and intent of a humanist syncretism aiming at the collaboration of both scientific and faith intelligence lived through Renaissance and XVIIIth century, to maintain the thought of famous Catholic litterateurs, abbots Morellet, Coyer, Yvon, Bergier and Raynal. Those mediation theoreticians personified a moderated minority of catholic apologetics, an apologetic of conciliation calling to mind about its nature and its significance: did it manage to tie up the christian values to the strong ideas related to the rational Enlightenment; did it offer a medial path between the antagonistic parties of the “philosophers” and the “devout persons”? A pluralist conciliation can be revealed by analytical exploration and by putting into perspective comparatively the terms of the union between reason and faith. Deemed as a true ideological nebula rose on the theological humanism of Jesuit molinism, this conciliation was constrained by cyclical external difficulties, was torn apart between Christianity certainty and methodical doubt, was faced to the requirements of the duality of the philosophical and scientific “reason”, but was also submitted to the consequences of its own ambiguities and conceptual lacks. In fine, the stake of these syncretic ambitions lied less on the faith-reason diptych than on the harmonization of the feeling of faith, nature and science.
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Prophets Likewise: The Teaching Authority of the Laity as an Expression of the Sensus FideliumCruz, Maria Angela Socorro S. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Richard Lennan / A number of theologians claim that the church has not tapped into the fullness of Vatican II’s teaching on the sensus fidelium. As an attempt to address that concern, this dissertation examines the teaching authority of the laity as a key element in the expression of the sensus fidelium in the church. It argues for a fuller realization of Vatican II’s emphasis on the laity’s participation in Christ’s prophetic office. It proposes a three-part lay hermeneutic (hermeneutic of everyday life, hermeneutic of desire, and hermeneutic of trust) as a relevant, authoritative framework for discerning the sensus fidelium, of which Filipino popular Catholicism is a living expression. This dissertation employs a method that is primarily critical, hermeneutical and practical. It is structured in two parts: the first two chapters establish the theological underpinnings of the study, while the last three chapters focus on the laity, their sense of the faith, their reception process, their lived faith expressed through popular Catholicism, and their participation in the prophetic office of Christ. Through an analysis of the laity’s sensus fidei as an integral dimension in the discernment of the sensus fidelium, this dissertation emphasizes that authority in the church derives from all its members and that the interpretation of faith is a process that invites the participation of all the baptized as sharers in Christ’s prophetic function. In such a church, not only the ordained, but the laity, equally belong to the guild of interpreters of God’s revelation. The laity possess a teaching authority that contributes significantly to the life of the church. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Theology.
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The Myth of Anti-Catholicism: A Defense of The Boston GlobeReardon, Nancy E January 2004 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Thomas F. Mulvoy / The Boston Globe has had an unfair reputation as an anti-Catholic newspaper since the 1970s, but the claim surfaced with new vigor in response to the newspaper's coverage of the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church in 2002. The accusations stems from three misconceptions: (1) that the Globe is a remnant of Protestant power in Boston; (2) that the Globe seeks to antagonize the Catholic Church with its liberal social positions; and (3) that the Globe intentionally sensationalized its coverage in 2002 and essentially mounted a media attack on a defenseless archdiocese. The idea that the Globe holds a longstanding gripe against the Catholic Church is completely false. Through a historical account of anti-Catholicism and journalism in Boston and an analysis of the Globe's 2002 coverage, this work shows that (1) the Globe was the first Boston paper to appeal to the interests of the Irish Catholic population and has maintained a consistent policy of fairness since the 1870s; (2) the Globe's liberal editorial stances are formed without consideration for Church positions; and (3) the coverage of the sex abuse scandal in 2002 was the product of fair and balanced reporting, with the antagonism originating from the archdiocese. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2004. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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O discurso de \'divulgação religiosa\' materializado por meio de diferentes gêneros: dois ethé, duas construções do Céu e da Terra / The religious divulgation discourse materialized by two different genres: two ethé, two confrontations of Heavens and Earth.Silva, Sueli Maria Ramos da 20 August 2007 (has links)
Nosso fazer sancionador, responsável pelo recorte e delimitação de totalidades, estabeleceu, dentro do campo discursivo religioso, subconjuntos de formações discursivas, que correspondem ao espaço discursivo de divulgação religiosa de duas totalidades, supostamente confrontantes: Catolicismo e Testemunha de Jeová. Tomamos, portanto, um corpus doutrinário, de ensino e instrução religiosa, voltado tanto ao público adulto, quanto ao infanto-juvenil. A fundamentação teórica a ser utilizada, para que seja possível nos adequar aos objetivos do estudo proposto, consiste das bases teóricas da Semiótica greimasiana, de linha francesa, da Análise do discurso (AD) francesa, herdada pela Semiótica por meio dos conceitos elaborados por Maingueneau (1996, 1997, 2005a, 2005b), da filosofia da linguagem, dos princípios do dialogismo bakhtiniano e das noções de heterogeneidade, estabelecidas por Authier-Revuz (1982, 1990). Ao observar as recorrências dos mecanismos de construção do sentido dos textos, refletiremos sobre a noção de discurso de divulgação religiosa que permeia o espaço discursivo das totalidades em confronto, e que é pertinente à cena enunciativa partilhada em que se propõe um fazer-crer peculiar à Palavra Revelada. Tendo por princípio que a apreensão do sentido dos textos não é algo exterior e apriorístico ao signo, mas resultante da reunião dos dois planos compreendidos pela linguagem, o plano da expressão e o plano do conteúdo, e levando em consideração julgamentos de valor e atitudes expressos pela sociedade e concretizados nos discursos, buscar-se-á, no recorte analítico proposto, analisar semioticamente como a fé, contemplada por meio do discurso de duas instituições religiosas, propicia a construção de dois ethé, segundo duas construções do Céu e da Terra. Cada texto de divulgação religiosa (unus), visto como materialização de um gênero (catecismo e publicação de estudo bíblico), permitirá que seja depreendido o éthos das totalidades recortadas, A (Igreja Católica) e B (Testemunha de Jeová), na medida em que cada totalidade atende às próprias restrições de uma semântica global. Dentro dos objetivos de examinar os mecanismos de construção do sentido em textos de divulgação religiosa, propomos considerar como e por que podemos depreender dois modos diferentes e conflitantes de presença no mundo, o estilo (éthos e antiéthos) de duas cenas enunciativas contrastantes entre si, a partir de textos que materializam o espaço discursivo de divulgação religiosa. / Our sanction doing, responsible for the delimitation of totalities, established, in the religious discursive field, discursive formation subgroups which correspond to the religious divulgation discursive space of two totalities supposedly confronting: Catholicism and Jeovah\'s witnesses. Though, we have got a teaching and religious instruction doctrinaire corpus created not only to the adult public, but also to the young one. To achieve our objectives, the theoretical basis used consists on Greimas\'s Semiotics concepts, French Discourse Analysis, incorporated in Semiotics by Maingueneau (1996, 1997, 2005a, 2005b), philosophy of language, Bakhtin\'s dialogism principles and heterogeneity notions established by Authier-Revuz (1982, 1990). The observation of the recurrences of the meaning construction mechanisms of the texts will permit us to reflect on the notion of religious divulgation discourse which permeates the discursive space of the totalities in confrontation and pertinent to the shared enunciative scene where it is proposed a particular believing doing to the Revealed Word. Having as principles that the apprehension of the meaning of the texts is neither exterior nor aprioristic to the sign, but resulting from the union of the two plans included in language, the expression plan and the content plan, and taking into consideration value judgments and attitudes expressed by society and concretized in the discourses, we will exam semiotically how the faith, presented by the discourse of two religious institutions, propitiates the construction of two ethé according to two constructions of Heavens and Earth. Each religious divulgation text (unus) considered as the materialization of a genre (catechism and biblical study publication) will permit to deduced the ethos of the totality A (Catholic Church) and B (Jeovah\'s witnesses), in so far as each totality respects the constraints of a global semantics. Among the objectives of examining the construction meaning mechanisms in religious divulgation texts, we propose to consider how and why we can deduce two different and controversial ways of presence in the world, the style (ethos) and (antiethos) of two confronting enunciative scenes from texts which materialize the religious divulgation discursive space.
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