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Les verbes causatifs de déplacement à polarité initiale et leurs dérivés en français : étude morphologique, syntaxique et sémantique. / The causative verbs of displacement with initial polarity and their derivatives in French : morphological, syntactic and sementic studyAlhussein, Abd 07 December 2018 (has links)
Notre thèse se donne pour objectif d’analyser les facteurs de l’expression du déplacement, de la causativité et de la polarité locative dans une sous-classe de verbes du français, les verbes causatifs de déplacement à polarité initiale. Le corpus de nos verbes puisés dans les exemples des LADL est de 250 verbes environ. Nous partons du constat que les verbes de cette sous-classe ne peuvent être identifiés en dehors de constructions particulières et nous tentons de vérifier que la notion de déplacement qu’ils sont susceptibles de dénoter est, selon le cas, ou bien centrale par rapport au sémantisme du verbe, ou bien périphérique ou bien encore favorisée par le contexte immédiat. Nous tentons également de montrer que, ces verbes ne sont pas nécessairement causatifs ou de polarité initiale dans tous leurs emplois.Nous commençons par identifier les verbes causatifs de notre corpus en portant à jour leurs propriétés définitoires et nous émettons une première hypothèse sur leur statut de verbes de verbes de déplacement (centraux, périphériques, occasionnels, étant entendu que dans le type de construction retenu initialement ils sont toujours causatifs et de polarité initiale. Nous vérifions ensuite cette hypothèse fondée sur un seul emploi de nos verbes en analysant leurs autres emplois au regard des notions de déplacement, de causativité et de polarité initiale. Cette analyse s’appuie sur le principe qu’en général les verbes de déplacement centraux sont de vrais de déplacement en ce sens que leurs valeurs sémantiques / Our thesis aims to analyze the factors of the expression of displacement, causativity and locative polarity in a subclass of French verbs, the causative verbs of displacement at initial polarity. The corpus of our verbs, drawn from the LADL examples, is about 250 verbs. We start from the observation that the verbs of this subclass can not be identified outside of particular constructions and we try to verify that the notion of displacement that they are likely to denote is, as the case may be, or central with respect to semantism of the verb, either peripheral or even favored by the immediate context. We also try to show that, these verbs are not necessarily causative or of initial polarity in all their jobs.We begin by identifying the causative verbs of our corpus by updating their defining properties and we emit a first hypothesis on their status as verbs of displacement verbs (central, peripheral, occasional, it being understood that in the type of construction initially chosen they are always causative and of initial polarity, and then we test this hypothesis based on a single use of our verbs by analyzing their other jobs with respect to the notions of displacement, causativity and initial polarity. This analysis is based on the principle that in general the central displacement verbs are real displacement in the sense that their semantic values.
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The causative and anticausative alternation in Kikongo (Kizombo)Fernando, Mbiavanga 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the applicability and suitability of the syntactic decomposition approach to account for the causative and anticausative alternation in Kikongo (Kizombo) in terms of the structural nodes of Voice, vCAUS and Root as posited in this approach to (anti-)causativity (see Alexiadou 2010). In addition, the aspectual approach postulated by Vendler (1957) and further developed by Verkuyl (1972) and Smith (1997) is invoked for the reason that the two alternants in the causative and anticausative alternation in Kikongo (Kizombo) are associated with aspectual verb class differences. Research on the causative and anticausative alternation has long been the focus of extensive work in typological and theoretical linguistics. Two central issues revolve around the debate: first the properties of meaning that determine the alternation and the derivational relationship between the alternants, and second, the relation between the causative alternation and other transitivity alternations, e.g. passives and middles. This dissertation demonstrates that there is a wide range of acceptability judgments associated with anticausative uses of Kizombo in externally and internally caused change of state and change of location/position verbs. The verb root is the element of meaning that allows the Kizombo verbs to alternate irrespective of their verb classes, including agentive verb roots. All the causative variants of externally caused verbs are morphologically unmarked, but all the anticausative variants are morphologically marked. However, all the internally caused change of state verbs are morphologically unmarked. Both the causative and anticausative variants of change of location/position verbs are morphologically unmarked. The anticausative and passive sentences can license an external causer through an implicit argument. While the passive verb sentences can be modified by by-agent, purpose clause and agent-oriented phrases, the anticausative sentences can be modified by instrument, natural force, agent-oriented and by-self phrases. The acceptability of modifiers with anticausatives and passives presupposes a presence of a causer in both constructions. The causative form of change of location/position verbs is syntactically intransitive (i.e. in the locative-subject alternation), but its anticausative variant acquires a transitive-like form. Thus, the concept of causative is related to cause and effect of the argument participating in the process. The study considers competing approaches concerning the derivational direction of the causative and anticausative alternation. Given the data in Kizombo, it is argued that the syntactic decomposition approach is the most appropriate to account for the example sentences in the causative and anticausative constructions. The transitive approach could probably deal with the externally caused change of state verbs, as discussed in chapter 6, but would face a challenge relating to the change of location/position verbs because none of the variants is morphologically marked. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die toepaslikheid en geskiktheid van die benadering tot sintaktiese ontleding ondersoek ten einde rekenskap te gee van die kousatiewe en antikousatiewe wisseling in Kikongo (Kizombo) ten opsigte van die strukturele vertakpunte van Voice, vCAUS en Root soos in hierdie benadering tot (anti-)kousatiwiteit gestel (sien Alexiadou 2010). Daarbenewens is die aspektiese benadering soos voorgestaan deur Vendler (1957) en verder ontwikkel deur Verkuyl (1972) en Smith (1997) gebruik omdat die twee alternante in die kousatiewe en antikousatiewe wisseling in Kikongo (Kizombo) met aspektiese verskille in werkwoordklasse geassosieer word.
Navorsing oor die kousatiewe en antikousatiewe wisseling is reeds lank die fokus van omvangryke werk in tipologiese en teoretiese linguistiek. Twee sentrale kwessies word by die debat betrek: eerstens die eienskappe van betekenis wat die wisseling en die afleidende verband tussen die alternante bepaal, en tweedens, die verhouding tussen die kousatiewe wisseling en ander transitiwiteitswisselinge, bv. passief- en middelkonstruksies. Hierdie verhandeling toon dat daar ʼn wye reeks aanvaarbaarheidsuitsprake is wat met antikousatiewe gebruik van Kizombo by verandering van toestand en verandering van plasing/posisie van werkwoorde wat ekstern en intern veroorsaak word, geassosieer word. Die werkwoordwortel is die betekeniselement wat dit vir die Kizombo-werkwoorde moontlik maak om te wissel ongeag hulle werkwoordklasse, met inbegrip van agenswerkwoordwortels. Al die kousatiewe variante van ekstern veroorsaakte werkwoorde is morfologies ongemerk, maar al die antikousatiewe variante is morfologies gemerk. Al die intern veroorsaakte verandering van toestandswerkwoorde is morfologies ongemerk. Beide die kousatiewe en antikousatiewe variante van verandering van plasing/posisie van werkwoorde is morfologies ongemerk. Die antikousatiewe en passiewe sinne kan ʼn eksterne doener deur ʼn implisiete argument toelaat. Terwyl die sinne met passiewe werkwoorde gewysig kan word deur deur-agent, doel-sinsdeel en agent-georiënteerde frases, kan die antikousatiewe sinne gewysig word deur instrument-, natuurlike krag-, agent-georiënteerde en deur-self-frases. Die aanvaarbaarheid van modifiseerders met antikousatiewe en passiewes voorveronderstel ʼn aanwesigheid van ʼn doener in albei konstruksies. Die kousatiewe vorm van verandering van plasing/posisiewerkwoorde is sintakties onoorganklik (m.a.w. in die lokatief–onderwerp-wisseling), maar die antikousatiewe variant daarvan verkry ʼn oorganklik-agtige vorm. Die begrip van kousatief hou dus verband met oorsaak en gevolg van die argument wat aan die proses deelneem. Die studie neem kompeterende benaderings met betrekking tot die afleidende rigting van die kousatiewe en antikousatiewe wisseling in ag. Gegewe die data in Kizombo, word aangevoer dat die benadering van sintaktiese ontleding die geskikste is om rekenskap te gee van die voorbeeldsinne in die kousatiewe en antikousatiewe konstruksies. Die oorganklike benadering sou waarskynlik aan die ekstern veroorsaakte verandering van toestandswerkwoorde, soos in hoofstuk 6 bespreek, aandag kon skenk maar sou voor ʼn uitdaging met betrekking tot die verandering van plasing/posisiewerkwoorde te staan kom aangesien geeneen van die variante morfologies gemerk is nie.
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Topics in Chemehuevi Morphosyntax: Lexical Categories, Predication and CausationSerratos, Angelina Eduardovna January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is an application of the framework of Distributed Morphology to the morphosyntax of Chemehuevi, an endangered Southern Numic language of the Uto-Aztecan family. Following one of the central claims of DM, I argue that word formation in Chemehuevi happens in the syntax and provide evidence for this claim from the formation of lexical categories, as well as from the morphosyntax of the Chemehuevi causative verbs. I frame my discussion of lexical categories around the Root Hypothesis (Marantz 1997, Arad 2005), a notion that there are no underived nouns, verbs, or adjectives in the grammar, but roots that receive interpretation and assignment to a `part of speech' depending on their functional environment. I show that Chemehuevi nouns and verbs are formed when roots are incorporated into nominal or verbal functional heads, many of which are overtly represented in the language. I also demonstrate that there is no distinct class of adjectives in Chemehuevi, and that roots with adjectival meanings are derived into stative verbs or nominalizations, depending on their function.My discussion of predication in Chemehuevi centers around the previously unexplained distribution of the enclitic copula -uk, which under my analysis is viewed as an overt realization of a functional head Pred (based on Baker 2003), which is obligatory in the formation of nominal and adjectival, but not verbal predicates.Another major theme of the dissertation is the notion that word-formation from roots differs from word-formation from derived words, known as the Low vs. High Attachment Hypothesis (Marantz 2000, Travis 2000, etc.). This approach explains the differences between compositional and non-compositional word formation by the distance between the root and functional head(s) attached to it. On the basis of Chemehuevi causatives, I show that causative heads attached directly to the root derive words that exhibit morphophonological and semantic idiosyncrasies, such as allomorphy and availability of idiomatic meanings, while high attachment heads derive words that are fully compositional. This locality constraint on interpretation of roots is explained in terms of phase theory, and I present evidence from Chemehuevi showing that what constitutes a phase may be subject to parametric variation.Each chapter of the dissertation contains a section for non-linguistic audience where I provide a summary of the main points in non-theoretical terms and connect them to practical applications for the purposes of language learning and revitalization.
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Les constructions verbe causatif + nom d’émotion : aspects linguistiques et pistes didactiques / Constructions of causative verbs and names of emotions : linguistic aspects and didactic trailsBak, Monika 24 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude des constructions Verbe causatif + Nom d’émotion (susciter l’étonnement, déclencher l’enthousiasme, attiser la jalousie) selon la méthodologie établie dans le cadre du projet ANR-DFG Emolex (www.emolex.eu). Ce travail relie de façon étroite les descriptions linguistiques, sur le plan syntaxique et sémantique, de ces constructions et leurs applications en didactique du français langue étrangère (FLE). L’étude poursuit un triple objectif : 1) la sélection des collocations les plus "représentatives" dans le corpus selon le degré d’attirance de leurs éléments constitutifs, établi à l’aide de méthodes lexico-statistiques; 2) l’analyse de leurs propriétés sur le plan syntaxique et sémantiques ; 3) l’application didactique des résultats de l’analyse linguistique dans l'enseignement de ces collocations en FLE, notamment par la confection des cartes mentales. Ces dernières ouvrent des pistes innovantes pour l'enseignement/apprentissage de ces structures linguistiques auprès d’étudiants non-natifs du français (Cavalla et al. 2015). / This thesis proposes a study the linguistic relationships between nominal predicates and causative verbs the names of emotions and causative verbs according to the methodology established in the ANR-DFG Emolex project (www.emolex.eu). This work lies in linking linguistic descriptions of collocations V + N in the cause and didactic transposition of these constructions from the observation of the corpus, which is still little discussed in the didactic of French as a Foreign Language (FLE). We aim to meet three main objectives: 1) to identify the most "representatives" collocations in the corpus according to degree of attraction of their components, based on lexical and statistical methods ; 2) the identification of syntactic-semantic relations between their components; 3) didactic application of the results of linguistic research in a didactic perspective of FLE in particular by making mind maps. Mind maps provide innovative ways for teaching/ learning these language elements to non-native Francophone students (Cavalla et al. 2015).
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台灣國中生英語使役動詞使用之分析 / An Analysis of Taiwanese junior high students' performance on causative verbs許秀美, Hsu, Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
結果顯示學生在使役動詞補語使用上常用錯非限定動詞及誤用限定動詞,此外,本研究也發現學生在選擇正確使役動詞上錯誤率高於使役動詞補語使用。分析原因如下:(1)過度規則化(2)負向轉移(3)教學引導(4)學生語言知識不足(5)語言同化。此研究也發現高中低三組在使用使役動詞補語上確實有顯著差異,然而在使役意義上(coercive sense of make-causative)、未提出但已知接受動作者意義上(unmentioned perceptible causee sense of make-causative) 、 及服務框架意義上(service frame sense of have-causative) 高中低程度學生的表現並無不同。 / Abstract
The purpose of this study aims to analyze the use of periphrastic causative verbs in Junior high students’ writing performance and to understand students’ difficulty in learning and using periphrastic causative verbs. The form of periphrastic causative verbs and grammatical characteristics are easy to remember. However, subtle meanings and usage are somewhat difficult.
This study adopts qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis includes: (1) the verb complement form of periphrastic causative verbs, (2) the meaning and functions of periphrastic causative verbs, and (3) the factors that influence students’ erroneous uses of periphrastic causative verbs. The quantitative analysis comprises: (1) the inaccuracy rate of the use of every periphrastic causative construction in the tests for form and meaning, (2) the distribution of periphrastic causative verb errors in form and meaning and use and (3) multiple comparisons among accuracy at the three proficiency levels.
The results of this study are summarized as follows: students have trouble distinguishing finite verb and non-finite complement verbs with respect to the form errors. They also have lower awareness of the differences of each causative verb concerning the meaning errors. The factors affecting their incorrect responses are (1) overgeneralization, (2) negative L1 transfer, (3) teaching induced errors, (4) learners’ ignorance of rule restrictions and (5) learners’ strategies of communication and assimilation. In addition, there are significant differences among the three groups with regards to the make +O +V, have +O +V, let +O +V and have +O +p.p. in the form test and the non-coercive sense of make-causative, the hierarchical relation of
have-causative and the permissive sense of let-causative in the meaning and use tests.
However, there is no significant difference between the three groups’ scores of meaning and use with the coercive sense of make-causative, the unmentioned causee sense of make-causative and the service frame sense of have-causative.
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A aquisição de verbos perceptivos e causativos e a Teoria da Mente / The acquisition of perception and causative verbs and the Theory of MindFreire, Gustavo Andrade Nunes, 1981- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ruth Elisabeth Vasconcellos Lopes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T18:06:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Freire_GustavoAndradeNunes_D.pdf: 3785988 bytes, checksum: 79bd2cc2155eb07b2761cd8c4c994105 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Este trabalho busca investigar, do ponto de vista da Gramática Gerativa, a aquisição linguística de complementos sentenciais de verbos perceptivos e causativos em português brasileiro (doravante, PB) e inglês e sua interação com o desenvolvimento da Teoria da Mente. Investiga-se qual a relação fundamental entre linguagem e cognição extralinguística, como essa relação é desenvolvida e o que falta nesse mapeamento linguístico no decorrer do desenvolvimento da criança. Mais especificamente, investigamos como as crianças adquirem os verbos perceptivos e causativos e seus complementos sentenciais e mostramos que o lugar ideal para explicá-la é na interface entre Aquisição da Linguagem e Teoria da Mente. Partimos da hipótese de que existe uma correlação entre as propriedades do evento percebido e a aquisição da linguagem e para sustentá-la destacamos as diferenças entre os complementos finitos e infinitivos. A partir delas, prevê-se que a aquisição dos complementos infinitivos de verbos perceptivos e causativos é anterior à aquisição dos complementos finitos, dada a complexidade desse último tipo. Examinamos também os verbos perceptivos não-agentivos ver e ouvir e atestamos que, além de nomearem o modo sensorial como auditivo ou visual, eles também codificam linguisticamente noções relacionadas ao conhecimento e crença do falante sobre a maneira como um determinado estado de coisas no mundo é percebido. Os verbos causativos perifrásticos fazer e deixar estão intimamente relacionados com as modalidades causativas, que codificam noções de intenção e volição (seja no sujeito da sentença matriz ou no sujeito da sentença encaixada). Essas propriedades dizem respeito, em maior ou menor grau, ao desenvolvimento da Teoria da Mente e, para analisar como elas se relacionam com a aquisição da linguagem, aplicamos experimentos sobre cada tipo verbal em cerca de 95 crianças em aquisição do inglês e 95 crianças em aquisição do PB, com idades entre 4 e 9 anos. Em linhas gerais, os resultados aqui mostraram que as crianças apresentam uma forte tendência de se guiarem pelas propriedades objetivas do evento, enquanto o adulto é capaz de processar as evidências disponíveis para computar a situação percebida. O mesmo pode ser afirmado para os verbos fazer e deixar, pois inicialmente apenas os seus significados mais concretos e gerais são atestados. Para ambos os tipos verbais verificamos que a gramática infantil vai na direção da do adulto, mostrando que existe uma relação entre o conhecimento sintático-semântico e o desenvolvimento da Teoria da Mente. Os resultados corroboram ainda a hipótese de que existe uma correlação entre o evento denotado e sua aquisição / Abstract: This dissertation investigates, from the Generative Grammar framework, the linguistic acquisition of sentential complements to perception and causative verbs in Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth, PB) and English and their interaction with the acquisition of Theory of Mind. The fundamental relationship between language and extralinguistic cognition, the development of such relationship and what is missing in the linguistic mapping throughout children's development are investigated. More specifically, we investigate how children acquire perception and causative verbs and their sentential complements and we show that the ideal place to explain it is within Language Acquisition and Theory of Mind interface. We hypothesized that there is a correlation between the properties of the perceived event and language acquisition and to sustain it we highlight the differences between finite and infinitive complements. From them, it is anticipated that the acquisition of infinitival complements to causative and perception verbs is prior to the acquisition of finite ones, given the complexity of the latter type. We also examined the non-agentive perception verbs see and hear and attested that in addition to naming the sensory mode as auditory or visual, they also linguistically encode notions related to the speaker's knowledge and belief about the way a certain state of affairs in the world is perceived. The periphrastic causative verbs make and let are closely related to the causative modalities, which encode notions of intention and volition (whether in the subject of the main clause or in the subject of the embedded sentence). These properties are related, in a greater or lesser degree, to the development of Theory of Mind and to analyze how they relate to language acquisition we have administered experiments about each type verbal with about 95 children acquiring English and 95 children acquiring PB, between 4 and 9 years of age. In general, the results have shown that children tend to be strongly guided by the objective properties of the event, whereas the adult is able to process the available evidence to compute the perceived situation. The same can be said for the verbs make and let, because initially only their concrete and more general meanings are attested. For both verbal types we attested the child's grammar moves towards the adult one, showing that there is a relationship between the syntactic-semantic knowledge and the Theory of Mind development. The results corroborate the hypothesis that there is a correlation between the denoted event and its acquisition / Doutorado / Linguistica / Doutor em Linguística
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Resultatiewe voorwerpe in Afrikaans / Objects of result in AfrikaansBothma, Mariana Theodora. 15 June 1995 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Because of the variety of relationships which exist between transitive verbs and their
objects, all direct objects are not comparable with one another.
One class of object, however, which stands by itself and which is of considerable
interest, is the OBJECT OF RESULT. Because of the particular relation which exists
between object and transitive verb in resulting constructions, we have here an unique
class of direct object.
The resulting construction is therefore, in the first instance a relation construction. This
specific relation between transitive verb and object is mainly determined by the
presence of or absence of certain inherent distinctive characteristics by transitive verbs
and which play a determining role in identifying OBJECTS OF RESULT.
From this study it is also clear that there is a semantic value present in transitive verbs
(that can combine with objects of result) which has not been observed or distinguished
by lexicographers and grammarians until recently. / Omdat voorwerpe van sinne in 'n verskeidenheid van betrekkinge met (oorganklike)
werkwoorde kan staan, is alle direkte voorwerpe nie almal in alle opsigte vergelykbaar
met mekaar nie.
Waarskynlik die interessantste voorwerp in hierdie verskeidenheid is die
RESULTATIEWE VOORWERP. As gevolg van die besondere verhouding wat daar
bestaan tussen hierdie voorwerp en die HW, het ans hier te make met 'n unieke tipe
direkte voorwerp wat kan aanspraak maak op 'n eie bestaansreg as 'n subkategorie
van die hoofkategorie: Direkte Voorwerpe.
Die resulterende konstruksie is dus, in die eerste plek, 'n verhoudingskonstruksie.
Hierdie spesifieke verhouding tussen die HW en die voorwerp word grootliks bepaal
deur die aan- of afwesigheid van sekere inherente distinktiewe kenmerke wat by
oorganklike werkwoorde voorkom en wat 'n bepalende rol speel by die ontstaan van
en identifisering van RESUL TATIEWE VOORWERPE.
Uit hierdie ondersoek sal verder blyk dat daar 'n semantiese waarde by oorganklike
werkwoorde is wat tot dusver nag nie deur taalkundiges/woordeboekmakers of
woordverklaarders onderskep en onderskei is nie. Oorganklike werkwoorde kan dus
fyner gedefinieer word ten opsigte van hul verbindbaarheid, al dan nie, met
resultatiewe voorwerpe. / Language Education, Arts and Culture / M.A. (Afrikaans)
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Resultatiewe voorwerpe in Afrikaans / Objects of result in AfrikaansBothma, Mariana Theodora. 15 June 1995 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Because of the variety of relationships which exist between transitive verbs and their
objects, all direct objects are not comparable with one another.
One class of object, however, which stands by itself and which is of considerable
interest, is the OBJECT OF RESULT. Because of the particular relation which exists
between object and transitive verb in resulting constructions, we have here an unique
class of direct object.
The resulting construction is therefore, in the first instance a relation construction. This
specific relation between transitive verb and object is mainly determined by the
presence of or absence of certain inherent distinctive characteristics by transitive verbs
and which play a determining role in identifying OBJECTS OF RESULT.
From this study it is also clear that there is a semantic value present in transitive verbs
(that can combine with objects of result) which has not been observed or distinguished
by lexicographers and grammarians until recently. / Omdat voorwerpe van sinne in 'n verskeidenheid van betrekkinge met (oorganklike)
werkwoorde kan staan, is alle direkte voorwerpe nie almal in alle opsigte vergelykbaar
met mekaar nie.
Waarskynlik die interessantste voorwerp in hierdie verskeidenheid is die
RESULTATIEWE VOORWERP. As gevolg van die besondere verhouding wat daar
bestaan tussen hierdie voorwerp en die HW, het ans hier te make met 'n unieke tipe
direkte voorwerp wat kan aanspraak maak op 'n eie bestaansreg as 'n subkategorie
van die hoofkategorie: Direkte Voorwerpe.
Die resulterende konstruksie is dus, in die eerste plek, 'n verhoudingskonstruksie.
Hierdie spesifieke verhouding tussen die HW en die voorwerp word grootliks bepaal
deur die aan- of afwesigheid van sekere inherente distinktiewe kenmerke wat by
oorganklike werkwoorde voorkom en wat 'n bepalende rol speel by die ontstaan van
en identifisering van RESUL TATIEWE VOORWERPE.
Uit hierdie ondersoek sal verder blyk dat daar 'n semantiese waarde by oorganklike
werkwoorde is wat tot dusver nag nie deur taalkundiges/woordeboekmakers of
woordverklaarders onderskep en onderskei is nie. Oorganklike werkwoorde kan dus
fyner gedefinieer word ten opsigte van hul verbindbaarheid, al dan nie, met
resultatiewe voorwerpe. / Language Education, Arts and Culture / M.A. (Afrikaans)
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Aspectos sintáticos do infinitivo com verbos causativos no Português Europeu = um abordagem diacrônica / Syntactic aspects of infinitive with causative verbs in the European Portuguese : a diachronic approachTrannin, Juliana 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Charlotte Marie Chambelland Galves / Dissertação (mestrado } - Universidade Estadual de de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos e Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T13:36:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Trannin_Juliana_M.pdf: 800167 bytes, checksum: 30e2556dc8ad5b384f28fac47de1e22b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Este trabalho visa analisar os complementos infinitivos selecionados por verbos causativos na história do Português Europeu. Em português, os causativos podem ocorrer nas construções de predicados complexos (fazer-infinitivo e fazer-por), estruturas de ECM e de infinitivo flexionado, que apresentam propriedades distintas em relação à marcação Casual, à posição do sujeito do verbo encaixado infinitivo e à subida de clíticos. Os objetivos da pesquisa são descrever e analisar as características da sintaxe das construções causativas nas gramáticas do Português Clássico (PCl) e do Português Europeu Moderno (PE), e estudar a variação diacrônica dessas construções para tentar localizar uma possível mudança. A análise está fundamentada na teoria de Princípios e Parâmetros e na perspectiva formal da mudança sintática. Os dados são provenientes de 26 textos escritos por autores nascidos entre os séculos XVI e XIX. A classificação e quantificação das sentenças se basearam em três fatores: tipo de construção, tipo de verbo causativo e transitividade do verbo encaixado. Os resultados indicam uma diminuição do verbo mandar e da construção fazer-por a partir do século XVII, quando aumenta a proporção do verbo fazer e da construção fazer-infinitivo. A frequência de construções de ECM permanece relativamente estável no decorrer do tempo, ocorrendo preferencialmente com o verbo deixar. Os dados mostram ainda uma diminuição das formas dativas do causado nos predicados complexos, relacionada à redução da ocorrência de verbo transitivo no complemento destas construções e à perda do fenômeno de acusativo preposicionado. Além disso, os dados revelam uma tendência à maior adjacência entre os verbos do predicado complexo a partir do século XVII. A mudança nas construções causativas, portanto, parece se localizar no século XVII / Abstract: This work aims to analyse the infinitival complement selected by causative verbs in the history of European Portuguese. In Portuguese, causative verbs can occur in three constructions - complex predicates (fazer-infinitivo and fazer-por), ECM and inflected infinitive structures - which present different properties with respect to casual marking, position of the subordinated infinitive subject and clitic climbing. The goals of this research are to describe and to analyze the syntactic properties of causative constructions in Classical Portuguese (ClP) and Modern European Portuguese (EP) grammars, and to study the diachronic variation of these constructions in order to identify a possible change and compare it to other earlier results of EP. The analyses are based on generative grammar, specifically the Principles and Parameters theory and the syntactic change theory. The data were collected from 26 texts written by Portuguese authors born between the 16th and 19th centuries. The sentences were classified and quantified according to three aspects: type of construction, type of causative verb and transitivity of the subordinated verb. The results reveal that both the causative verb mandar and the fazer-por construction predominated in the 16th and 17th centuries, whereas both the causative verb fazer and the fazer-infinitivo construction predominated in the following centuries. The frequency of the ECM construction remains relatively stable in the course of time and it occurs preferentially with the causative verb deixar. The data shows a decrease of the dative forms of causee, related to the reduction of the occurrence of transitive verb in the infinitive complements and to the loss of the prepositioned accusative. In addition, there is a decrease of the insertion of lexical material inside verbal complexes, which denotes a higher adjacency tendency between verbs from the 17th century on. The change in the causative constructions, therefore, is likely to have happened during the 17th century / Mestrado / Linguistica / Mestre em Linguística
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Kausative Konstruktionen mit dem Verb "machen" im DeutschenFehrmann, Ingo 07 September 2018 (has links)
Untersuchungsgegenstand der Dissertation sind sprachliche Strukturen, die aus einer Form des Verbs „machen“ und einer objektsprädikativen Adjektivphrase bestehen. Die Arbeit ist eingebettet in einen konstruktionsgrammatischen Rahmen, nach dem Sprache sich als strukturiertes Inventar von Konstruktionen (Form-Funktions-Beziehungen) beschreiben lässt. Ziele der Arbeit sind a) die korpusbasierte Ermittlung lexikalischer Kollokationen und Gebrauchstendenzen innerhalb der Zielstruktur sowie b) die systematische Beschreibung der damit verbundenen Form-Funktions-Beziehungen. Als Arbeitshypothese wurde übereinstimmend mit bisherigen Arbeiten zum selben sprachlichen Gegenstand eine kausative Bedeutung, also die Kodierung einer Ursache-Wirkung-Relation, angenommen. Da konstruktionsgrammatischen Ansätzen zufolge formale Unterschiede mit Unterschieden auf der Ebene der Funktion korrespondieren sollten, wurde empirisch untersucht, in welchen Fällen formale Unterschiede innerhalb der Zielstruktur tatsächlich systematisch zu unterschiedlichen funktionalen Interpretationen führen.
Lexikalische Kollokationen innerhalb der Zielstruktur wurden statistisch anhand von Kollostruktionsanalysen („Covarying Collexeme Analysis“; vgl. Gries/Stefanowitsch, 2004) ermittelt. Zur Beschreibung der Bedeutung oder Funktion dienten Frame-semantische Beschreibungen englischer Verben aus dem FrameNet (vgl. Fillmore/Baker, 2010).
Eine wesentliche Beobachtung besteht nun darin, dass entgegen der ursprünglichen Annahme keineswegs alle Vorkommen von „machen“ mit einer objektsprädikativen Adjektivphrase eine Ursache-Wirkung-Relation kodieren. Gerade die in der Kombination mit „machen“ hochfrequenten Adjektive korrelieren signifikant mit abweichenden, nicht im engeren Sinne kausativen, Interpretationen im Sinne der jeweils evozierten semantischen Frames. / This dissertation focuses on combinations of a form of the German verb “machen” with an adjective phrase which, according to a working hypothesis, is said to have a resultative reading. The work is grounded in a Construction Grammar approach, viewing language as a structured inventory of Constructions, i.e. form-function mappings. The aims are a) establishing lexical collocations and usage tendencies within these structures involving “machen” and a resultative adjective phrase, based on corpus studies, and b) describing systematically the relevant form-function mappings. As Construction Grammar approaches predict changes in function corresponding to changes in form, the formal collocations established according to aim a) are systematically analyzed with respect to their respective functional interpretations.
The methods used involve a series of „Covarying Collexeme Analyses“ (cf. Gries/Stefanowitsch, 2004) to study lexical collocations within the given formal structure, and the application of frame semantic descriptions of English verbs, as found in FrameNet (cf. Fillmore/Baker, 2010), to the German structures found in the corpora.
The results indicate that, contrary to the working hypothesis, a great number of “machen” plus adjective tokens does not lead to a causative or resultative interpretation. Especially the most frequent adjectives combined with “machen” exhibit a significant correlation with structures evoking different, not strictly causative, semantic frames.
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