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Cooling simulation of a BEV electrical machine rotor / Kylningssimulering av en elmaskinsrotorSparv, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
The thesis work described in this report is about simulation of the cooling of an electrical machine rotor. Limitations and simplifications were made on the CAD model of the rotor with the purpose of reducing the simulation time, for it to then be used for CFD-simulations using STAR-CCM+. This was done to see the temperature, as well as its distribution, in the model. By changing various parameters, one at the time whilst the rest were kept at their assigned standard values, the changes could be analysed and thereafter compared. The tests include smaller geometry changes, parameters of the coolant and its flow, parameters for the airgap and the materials in the laminates and the material around the magnets, as well as changes in loss values. The simulations for geometry changes involving the magnets and their surrounding material resulted in minor temperature increases. An inner rotor radius increase gave a relatively large temperature decrease (although this change would be more difficult to make in practice). Most of the mean values of the temperature changes in the regions of the model were within 10% from the standard simulation used. Increased thermal contact resistance between the Bakelite and the laminates, and increased losses had the worst impact on the cooling. Meanwhile the changes in coolant parameters (as well as the its inlet temperature and mass flow) and reduced losses had the best impact on the cooling. Generally, the temperature distributions looked similar for the different simulations. There were more differences in the distributions for the simulations with changed material properties or thermal contact resistance. / Examensarbetet som beskrivs i denna rapport handlar om simulering av kylningen av en elmaskinsrotor. Avgränsningar och vissa förenklingar gjordes på en CAD modell av rotorn för att reducera simuleringstiden. Sedan användes CFD-simuleringsprogrammet STAR-CCM+ för att simulera temperaturfördelningen i modellen. Genom att ändra olika parametrar, en åt gången medan resten hölls vid sina bestämda standardvärden, kunde förändringarna undersökas och sedan jämföras. Det som testades inkluderar bland annat mindre geometriförändringar, parametrar för kyloljan och dess flöde, parametrar för luftgapet och materialen i laminaten och runt permanentmagneterna, samt förlustförändringar. Geometriförändringarna som gjordes för magneterna och det omgivande materialet gav små temperaturökningar. En ökad inre radie på rotorn gav relativt stor temperaturminskning (men denna ändring vore svårare att genomföra på rotorn i praktiken). Majoriteten av medelvärdena av modellregionernas temperaturförändringar var inom 10% från standardsimuleringen som användes. Ökat termiskt kontaktmotstånd mellan Bakeliten och laminaten samt ökade förluster hade sämst påverkan för kylningen, medan förändring i kylvätskans egenskaperna (samt inflödestemperaturen och massflödet) samt minskade förluster hade bäst inverkan. Generellt så såg temperaturfördelningarna lika ut för de olika simuleringarna. Det var främst när materialegenskaperna eller det termiska kontaktmotståndet ändrades som fördelningen såg annorlunda ut.
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Tratamento de águas residuárias em células a combustível microbianas e geração de energia elétrica direta: fundamentos e aplicação / Wastewater treatment in microbial fuel cell and direct electrical power generation: fundamentals and aplicationPenteado, Eduardo Dellosso 08 April 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se a influência das condições operacionais da célula a combustível microbiana (CCM) na remoção de matéria orgânica de águas residuárias e na geração de energia elétrica direta. As Hipóteses 1, 2 e 3 verificaram respectivamente as influências do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH), das condições mesofílica (25 ºC) e termofílica (55 ºC) de temperatura e da razão de recirculação (R) do efluente no cátodo da CCM (0, 1, 3 e 5) na geração de energia elétrica, na adesão e na comunidade microbiana e na remoção de DQO em CCM sem membrana de íon seletiva alimentada com água residuária sintética a base de sacarose. As Hipóteses 1, 2 e 3 foram aceitas. A redução do TDH permitiu maior geração de energia e dominância na comunidade microbiana e menor adesão da comunidade microbiana ao eletrodo. Enquanto que longos TDH removeram mais DQO, porém geraram menores valores de tensão elétrica. As condições termofílicas apresentaram maiores valores de tensão elétrica gerada e maior dominância da comunidade microbiana e menor adesão microbiana ao eletrodo e eficiência de remoção de DQO. A constante cinética aparente em condição termofílica ( 0,035 h-1) foi duas vezes menor que em condição mesofílica ( 0,083 h-1). O aumento da R melhorou a geração de energia e a remoção de DQO, pois houve melhor transferência de massa do meio líquido para os microrganismos e do meio gasoso para liquido e menor concentração de biomassa aderida ao eletrodo do cátodo aumentando a tensão elétrica gerada. Na Hipótese 4, verificou-se o uso e o efeito do TDH no tratamento de vinhaça de cana de açúcar em CCM sem membrana trocadora de íon seletivo operada em condição termofílica. A CCM foi capaz de remover a matéria orgânica da vinhaça de cana de açúcar e gerar energia elétrica direta, validando a Hipótese 4. As hipóteses 5, 6 e 7 avaliaram as influências da relação DQO, nitrogênio e fósforo da água residuária de produção de vinho, do tempo de retenção celular (TRC) e da configuração do eletrodo no desempenho de CCM de duas câmaras usando membrana de íon seletivo. Acataram-se as hipóteses 5, 6 e 7. O desbalanceamento entre DQO, nitrogênio e fósforo da água residuária de produção de vinho é um dos principais obstáculos para o uso desta tecnologia e a relação de DQO:N:P de 700:10:1 tem elevado potencial para gerar energia elétrica direta em CCM, embora não seja eficiente na remoção de matéria orgânica. A geração de energia aumenta com a redução do TRC, visto que há seleção dos microrganismos eletrogênicos e aumento da carga orgânica volumétrica específica reduzindo a competição por substrato. Entretanto, o TRC não influenciou a remoção de matéria orgânica, pois somente uma pequena parte da DQO foi removida similar em todos os TRC. As características físicas do eletrodo como a porosidade, a rugosidade e a densidade de área do eletrodo e a biocompatibilidade do eletrodo são fatores determinantes para aumentar o desempenho da CCM. Entre os eletrodos estudados, o feltro de carbono foi o melhor material encontrado. / In this work the influence of the operational conditions of the microbial fuel cell (MFC) were evaluated in organic matter removal from wastewater treatment and in the power generation. Hypotheses 1, 2 and 3 respectively checked the influences of hydraulic retention time (HRT), of mesophilic and thermophilic conditions (25 °C and 55 °C, respectively) and the recirculation ratio (R) of the effluent in cathode of MFC (0, 1, 3 and 5) in the power generation, microbial adhesion and community and COD removal of membraneless MFC fed with synthetic wastewater based on sucrose. Hypotheses 1, 2 and 3 have been accepted. Reducing the HRT increased the power generation and the dominance in microbial community and decreased the COD removal efficiency and microbial adhesion to the electrode. Long HRT more efficiently removed the organic matter but generated lower voltages. The thermophilic conditions yielded a more dominant microbial community that favored power generation compared with the mesophilic conditions because of reduced microbial adhesion to the electrode. The COD removal efficiencies were higher under mesophilic conditions than under thermophilic conditions due to the higher apparent kinetic constant at mesophilic conditions (0.083 h-1) than in thermophilic conditions (0.035 h-1). Increasing the R improved the power generation and the COD removal, because the mass transfer in the liquid medium for microorganisms was improved and the biomass adhered to the cathode electrode decreased increasing the voltage. In Hypothesis 4, the use and effect of HRT in treating sugar cane vinasse in membraneless MFC operated at thermophilic conditions were evaluated. The CCM was able to remove the COD of sugarcane vinasse and generate electricity directly, confirming the hypothesis 4. Hypotheses 5, 6 and 7 assessed the influences of COD, nitrogen and phosphorus ratio in winery wastewater, of sludge retention time (SRT) and of electrode configuration in dual chamber MFC. Hypotheses 5, 6 and 7 were adopted. The misbalance between COD, nitrogen and phosphorus from winery wastewater is a major obstacle to the use of this technology and COD:N:P ratio of 700:10:1 had high potential to generate power in MFC, although it is not effective in removing organic matter. The power generation increases with the reduction of the SRT, since there were the selection of bioeletrogenic microorganisms and increased the volumetric organic load rate reducing competition for substrate. However, the SRT did not affect the removal of organic matter, because only a small part of COD was removed regardless of SRT. Physical characteristics of the electrode as porosity, roughness and the electrode area density and the biocompatibility of the electrode are key factors to increase the performance of CCM. The carbon felt was the best studied material having the highest values of porosity, roughness and the electrode area density.
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Influência da configuração da célula combustível microbiana na geração de energia elétrica a partir da degradação de compostos orgânicos / Influence of microbial fuel cell configuration in the generation of electricity from degradation of organic compoundsMarcon, Lucas Ricardo Cardoso 08 May 2015 (has links)
Nessa pesquisa foram testadas tanto CCM com membranas e sem membranas que tinham por característica reproduzir sistemas de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A etapa experimental desse trabalho foi dividida entre o Brasil (ensaios com CCM sem a MTP e utilizando esgoto sanitário) e Portugal (ensaios com CCM tradicionais de uma e duas câmaras, utilizando água residuária sintética e a bactéria Lactobacillus pentosus). A execução em dois locais diferentes resultou em um maior aprofundamento e desenvolvimento da pesquisa. As CCM foram avaliadas principalmente quanto ao potencial elétrico e eficiência da degradação de compostos orgânicos (esgoto sanitário e água residuária sintética). Para os dados obtidos no Brasil, as três configurações apresentaram maior diferença na potência em função do modo de operação. A operação intermitente apresentou a maior potência (11 mW/m2) para a CCM cilíndrica de fluxo ascendente, enquanto que operação continua a maior potência (4,2 mW/m2) foi obtida para a CCM retangular de fluxo horizontal, a qual também apresentava uma maior facilidade na manutenção quanto aos eletrodos (adição/remoção). A CCM cúbica de fluxo ascendente devido a sua concepção simples demandava um sistema complementar para o aumento da remoção de DQO. Apesar da baixa potência mensurada para os ensaios realizados no Brasil há de se pontuar que os mesmos foram obtidos para reatores sem membranas e utilizando o esgoto sanitário, o qual apresentou grande sazonalidade. Para a etapa realizada em Portugal, foi possível realizar quinze diferentes ensaios e mais um ensaio específico de crescimento. A maior potência (10,37 mW/m2) foi obtida para CCM de câmara dupla operada de modo contínuo para um tempo de detenção hidráulico (TDH) de 20 horas. A maior potência obtida para a CCM de câmara única foi de 5,53 mW/m2 quando houve a adição do extrato de levedura (função teórica de mediador). A potência da CCM, na maioria das vezes, esteve relacionada à proporção de sólidos voláteis e totais, SV/ST, quantidade de bactérias, pH, características de operação e por fim a configuração da CCM. O ensaio de crescimento revelou a correlação da potência em função da quantidade de bactérias inseridas da massa do biofilme (SV) e mostra-se como uma ferramenta na avaliação da potência das CCM. / In this research were tested MFC with membranes and without membrane that aimed to reproduce the characteristics of sewage treatment systems. The experimental phase of this work was divided between Brazil (MFC membrane-less using sewage) and Portugal (MFC tests with traditional single and dual chamber, using synthetic wastewater and Lactobacillus pentosus bacteria). The performance in two different locations resulted in a further deepening and development of research. The MFC were evaluated primarily on the electric potential and efficiency of degradation of organic compounds (sewage and synthetic wastewater). For data obtained in Brazil, the three patterns showed greater difference in power as a function of the operating mode. The intermittent operation showed the highest power (11 mW/m2) for the MFC cylindrical upflow, while operation continues the increased power (4.2 mW/m2) was obtained for the rectangular horizontal flow CCM, which also had an easier maintenance as the electrodes (addition/removal). The upflow cubic MFC because of its simple design required a complementary system to increase the COD removal. Despite the low power measured for tests conducted in Brazil there to point out that they were obtained for reactors without membranes and using the sanitary sewer, which showed a high seasonality. To step held in Portugal, was possible fifteen different tests and more individual test growth. The higher power (10.37 mW/m2) was obtained for MFC dual chamber continuously operated for a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 hours. The greater potency obtained for the single chamber MFC was 5.53 mW/m2 when there was the addition of yeast extract (theoretical mediator function). The potency of MFC, most often been related to the proportion of total solids and volatile, VS/TS, the amount of bacteria, pH, operating characteristics, and finally the configuration of the MFC. The growth assay revealed the correlation power as a function of the quantity of bacterial biofilm mass inserted (VS) and shows up as a tool in assessing the potency of the MFC.
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UDeploy : une infrastructure de déploiement pour les applications à base de composants logiciels distribués / A Generic Framework for Distributed Components-based Software Systems DeploymentDibo, Mariam 28 January 2011 (has links)
Dans le cycle de vie logiciel nous avons principalement les activités (1) de pré-développement (l’analyse des besoins, les spécifications, la conception architecturale et la conception détaillée), (2) de développement (l’implémentation, le prototypage, les tests unitaires et les tests d’intégration) et (3) de post-développement (déploiement). Le déploiement de logiciel couvre l’ensemble des activités post-développement. Les activités de déploiement permettent de rendre une application utilisable. Elles sont identifiées comme cycle de vie de déploiement couvrant l'archivage des logiciels, leur chargement, leur installation sur les sites clients, leur configuration, leur activation ainsi que leur mise à jour. Le développement de systèmes à composants a permis de mieux identifier cette partie du cycle de vie global du logiciel, comme le montrent de nombreux travaux industriels et académiques. Cependant ces travaux sont en général développés de manière ad’ hoc, spécifiques à une plate-forme donnée. Peu flexibles, ils s'adaptent difficilement aux stratégies des entreprises. Les systèmes de déploiement comme le montrent ceux supportés par les environnements de type intergiciel CCM, .Net, EJB développent de manière spécifique les mécanismes et outils de déploiement et introduisent des choix prédéfinis et figés de stratégies de déploiement. Nos travaux se situent dans le contexte de logiciels à base de composants distribués et portent sur la proposition d'un environnement générique pour supporter leur déploiement. C'est une nouvelle génération de systèmes proposée essentiellement par le monde académique de génie logiciel qui s'est approprié la problématique de déploiement à large échelle. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons une approche basée sur l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles où nous introduisons les abstractions nécessaires pour décrire les logiciels à déployer, les infrastructures de déploiement, les stratégies de déploiement ainsi que le processus de déploiement avec l’identification et l’ordonnancement des activités à accomplir et le support pour leur exécution. / In the software life cycle we have mainly (1) the pre-development (requirements, specification and design), (2) the development (implementation, prototyping, testing) and (3) the post-development (deployment) activities. Software deployment encompasses all post-development activities that make an application operational. These activities, identified as deployment life cycle, include: i) software packaging, ii) loading and installation of software on client sites, iii) instance creation, iv) configuration and v) updating. The development of system-based components made it possible to better highlight this part of the global software lifecycle, as illustrated by numerous industrial and academic studies. However these are generally developed ad hoc, and consequently platform-dependent. Deployment systems, such as supported by middleware environments (CCM, .Net and EJB), specifically develop mechanisms and tools related to pre-specified deployment strategies. Our work, related to the topic of distributed component-based software applications, aims at specifying a generic deployment framework independent of the target environments. Driven by the meta-model approach, we first describe the abstractions used to characterize the deployed software. We then specify the deployment infrastructure and processes, highlighting the activities to be carried out and the support for their execution.Keywords
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Influência da configuração da célula combustível microbiana na geração de energia elétrica a partir da degradação de compostos orgânicos / Influence of microbial fuel cell configuration in the generation of electricity from degradation of organic compoundsLucas Ricardo Cardoso Marcon 08 May 2015 (has links)
Nessa pesquisa foram testadas tanto CCM com membranas e sem membranas que tinham por característica reproduzir sistemas de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A etapa experimental desse trabalho foi dividida entre o Brasil (ensaios com CCM sem a MTP e utilizando esgoto sanitário) e Portugal (ensaios com CCM tradicionais de uma e duas câmaras, utilizando água residuária sintética e a bactéria Lactobacillus pentosus). A execução em dois locais diferentes resultou em um maior aprofundamento e desenvolvimento da pesquisa. As CCM foram avaliadas principalmente quanto ao potencial elétrico e eficiência da degradação de compostos orgânicos (esgoto sanitário e água residuária sintética). Para os dados obtidos no Brasil, as três configurações apresentaram maior diferença na potência em função do modo de operação. A operação intermitente apresentou a maior potência (11 mW/m2) para a CCM cilíndrica de fluxo ascendente, enquanto que operação continua a maior potência (4,2 mW/m2) foi obtida para a CCM retangular de fluxo horizontal, a qual também apresentava uma maior facilidade na manutenção quanto aos eletrodos (adição/remoção). A CCM cúbica de fluxo ascendente devido a sua concepção simples demandava um sistema complementar para o aumento da remoção de DQO. Apesar da baixa potência mensurada para os ensaios realizados no Brasil há de se pontuar que os mesmos foram obtidos para reatores sem membranas e utilizando o esgoto sanitário, o qual apresentou grande sazonalidade. Para a etapa realizada em Portugal, foi possível realizar quinze diferentes ensaios e mais um ensaio específico de crescimento. A maior potência (10,37 mW/m2) foi obtida para CCM de câmara dupla operada de modo contínuo para um tempo de detenção hidráulico (TDH) de 20 horas. A maior potência obtida para a CCM de câmara única foi de 5,53 mW/m2 quando houve a adição do extrato de levedura (função teórica de mediador). A potência da CCM, na maioria das vezes, esteve relacionada à proporção de sólidos voláteis e totais, SV/ST, quantidade de bactérias, pH, características de operação e por fim a configuração da CCM. O ensaio de crescimento revelou a correlação da potência em função da quantidade de bactérias inseridas da massa do biofilme (SV) e mostra-se como uma ferramenta na avaliação da potência das CCM. / In this research were tested MFC with membranes and without membrane that aimed to reproduce the characteristics of sewage treatment systems. The experimental phase of this work was divided between Brazil (MFC membrane-less using sewage) and Portugal (MFC tests with traditional single and dual chamber, using synthetic wastewater and Lactobacillus pentosus bacteria). The performance in two different locations resulted in a further deepening and development of research. The MFC were evaluated primarily on the electric potential and efficiency of degradation of organic compounds (sewage and synthetic wastewater). For data obtained in Brazil, the three patterns showed greater difference in power as a function of the operating mode. The intermittent operation showed the highest power (11 mW/m2) for the MFC cylindrical upflow, while operation continues the increased power (4.2 mW/m2) was obtained for the rectangular horizontal flow CCM, which also had an easier maintenance as the electrodes (addition/removal). The upflow cubic MFC because of its simple design required a complementary system to increase the COD removal. Despite the low power measured for tests conducted in Brazil there to point out that they were obtained for reactors without membranes and using the sanitary sewer, which showed a high seasonality. To step held in Portugal, was possible fifteen different tests and more individual test growth. The higher power (10.37 mW/m2) was obtained for MFC dual chamber continuously operated for a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 20 hours. The greater potency obtained for the single chamber MFC was 5.53 mW/m2 when there was the addition of yeast extract (theoretical mediator function). The potency of MFC, most often been related to the proportion of total solids and volatile, VS/TS, the amount of bacteria, pH, operating characteristics, and finally the configuration of the MFC. The growth assay revealed the correlation power as a function of the quantity of bacterial biofilm mass inserted (VS) and shows up as a tool in assessing the potency of the MFC.
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Adaptation des diatomées à différentes concentrations de CO2 / Diatoms adaptation at different CO2 conditionsClément, Romain 12 December 2016 (has links)
Les objectifs de ce travail étaient d’approfondir les connaissances sur les capacités d’adaptation des diatomées à différentes concentrations de CO2 et plus précisément sur l’implication des CCM dans l’assimilation du carbone minéral dissous. Des études sur la physiologie, les enzymes de différentes voies métaboliques et des analyses de transcriptomique et de protéomique ont été réalisées. Nous avons observé que les espèces de diatomées étudiées étaient capables de réguler leurs systèmes de concentration du carbone minéral suivant les conditions environnementales. Certaines semblent utiliser préférentiellement le CO2 ou le bicarbonate tandis que d’autres espèces utilisent les deux. L’activité des anhydrases carbonique est fortement induite en faible concentration de CO2. Nos travaux montrent cependant, que l’activité de cette enzyme est variable d’une espèce à l’autre. Nous avons aussi observé que dans la majorité des diatomées que nous avons étudiées, la photosynthèse de type C3 et non de type C4 est présente, apportant ainsi un éclairage à une véritable controverse sur le métabolisme du carbone chez les diatomées. Nos travaux soulignent de plus, une grande diversité de stratégies de CCM chez les diatomées. Chez T. pseudonana, une nouvelle protéine, LCIP63, a été observée en conditions de faible concentration de CO2. Son rôle physiologique est actuellement inconnu ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives de recherche. / The objectives of this work were to improve the knowledge on ability of diatoms to scope with different CO2 concentrations and to study their carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM). Studies of their physiology, their metabolic enzymes, and analyses at transcriptomic and proteomic levels were performed. In all studied diatoms, the CCMs can be regulated according to CO2 availability in the environment. Some diatoms seem to use preferentially CO2, others, bicarbonate and some can use both. The carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity is strongly induced when cells were grown at low vs high CO2. However, our work shows that CA activity is highly variable among the different diatoms. Most of the studied diatoms perform a C3 photosynthesis and not C4 photosynthesis. In diatoms, there is a huge diversity in the CCM strategy. A new protein, LCIP63, was observed when T. pseudonana was grown under low CO2. The physiological role of this protein is yet unknown and this finding opens new research perspectives.
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CITE för elektroingenjörer : Diagnostiska prov som testar studenternas förståelse av viktiga begrepp / Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineers : Assessments that test the students' understanding of central conceptsWengle, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Written exams, which are intended to examine students on the course goals, can sometimes be passed without any conceptual knowledge by memorizing procedures or facts. Because future courses depend on the students’ understanding of concepts in the required courses, not knowing the concepts could be a major issue for the student, for the teacher and for the program board. Here, we focus on developing conceptual multiple-choice questions and the algorithms for understanding the answers to the questions. The goal is to be able to answer questions such as “For how long do the students remember the key concepts?” and “Which concepts do the courses have any positive (or negative) effect on?”. To do that, a courses-concepts matrix was created and the most central concepts were identified. Multiple-choice questions were written on those concepts and the questions were imported into the test creator Respondus. Feedback was added to the questions, they were grouped by concept and exported to a quiz bank in the educational platform Blackboard. A set of answers from a survey on report writing was obtained and statistics were written to answer the second question that was posed. An issue with the probability function is that it only considers whether the student had a setback or an improvement, not how significant it was. The next step would be to use the slopes more effectively by considering the magnitude of the improvement or setback. / Developing Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineering
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Morphological and physiological studies of the carbon concentrating mechanism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiChan, Kher Xing January 2019 (has links)
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii possesses a single-cell-based CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM). The CCM is an important element of algal photosynthesis, metabolism, growth and biomass production, which works by increasing the concentration of inorganic carbon (Ci) in the pyrenoid, a dense RuBisCO-packed structure within the chloroplast. This suppresses RuBisCO oxygenase activity and associated photorespiration. The enhanced efficiency of CO2 assimilation in the pyrenoid via CCM had been modelled theoretically as a requirement for successful CCM in higher plant systems. The ultimate aim of my research is to understand the biogenesis of the pyrenoid using a set of CCM mutants with pyrenoidal defects. Immunofluorescence methods and spot growth tests under different CO2 concentrations were performed on mutants with CCM defects generated by an insertional mutagenesis screen. Morphological and physiological characterisation of these mutants revealed differences in the pyrenoid morphology, the ability for RuBisCO to aggregate into the pyrenoid and the formation of thylakoidal tubule network associated with the pyrenoid. The thylakoid tubule network may be linked to the transport of inorganic carbon into the pyrenoid as part of the CCM. Further characterisation of one of the mutants gave rise to the hypothesis that the gene of interest, Cre11.g467712 (SAGA), is a multi-functional anchor protein related to the structural formation of the pyrenoid and may be another essential component of the pyrenoid.
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Potencial climático da viticultura na microrregião de Mossoró/RN / Climatic Potential for viticulture in the micro megion of Mossoró/RNOliveira, Francisca Sonally de 07 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Geoviticultural Multicriteria Climatic Classification System was developed with the goal of improving characterization of viticultural climate. It consists of three viticulture climatic indices: Heliothermal (IH), and Cool Night Index (IF) and Dryness Index (IS). The objective of this study was to analyze the potential of micro-climate of Mossoró/RN for the production of table grapes, based on CCM Geoviticultural System. Grapes produced in the region were analyzed, with the aim of comparing the final quality of the fruit produced in the semi-arid climate. The municipality of Mossoró/RN is located 18 m above sea level, 5° 11' S and 37° 20' W. The climate is Bswh '. The average maximum temperature range from 32.1 to 34.5ºC and the average minimum between 21.3 and 23.7ºC; the average annual rainfall is 673 mm. Data for the study were obtained from the meteorological station of UFERSA, corresponding to historical series 1978 - 2007, constituting the values of air temperatures - minimum, average and maximum - the monthly rainfall and potential evapotranspiration of the region. CCM Geoviticulture System was used. We carried out the calculation for two distinct periods: from April 1st to September 30 (AW period - autumn-winter) and October 1st to March 31st (SSu period - spring-summer). The IS, IH and IF indices were compared with the tabulated values. The micro-region of Mossoró/RN, especially from the climatic point of view, is suitable for viticulture / O Sistema de Classificação Climática Multicritérios Geovitícola foi desenvolvido, com o objetivo de melhorar a caracterização do clima vitícola. Ele é composto por três índices climáticos vitícolas: Índice Heliotérmico (IH), Índice de Frio Noturno (IF) e Índice de Seca (IS). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o potencial climático da microrregião de Mossoró/RN, para a produção de uvas de mesa, baseado no Sistema CCM Geovitícola. Foram analisadas as uvas produzidas na região, com o objetivo de comparar a qualidade final dessa fruta, produzida no clima semiárido. O município de Mossoró/RN está localizado a 18 m de altitude, a 5º 11' S e 37º 20' O. O clima da região é BSwh'. A temperatura média máxima é de 32,1 a 34,5ºC e média mínima entre 21,3 e 23,7ºC; a precipitação média anual é de 673 mm. Os dados para estudo foram obtidos na estação climatológica da UFERSA, correspondendo à série histórica de 1978 2007, constituindo-se dos valores das temperaturas do ar - mínimas, médias e máximas - da precipitação pluviométrica mensal e da evapotranspiração potencial da região. Foi utilizado o Sistema CCM Geovitícola. Realizou-se o cálculo para dois períodos distintos: de 1º de abril a 30 de setembro (período OI outono-inverno) e de 1º de outubro a 31 de março (período PV primavera-verão). Os índices IS, IH e IF obtidos foram comparados com os valores tabelados. A microrregião de Mossoró/RN, especialmente do ponto de vista climático, é apta para a viticultura
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Potencial climático da viticultura na microrregião de Mossoró/RN / Climatic Potential for viticulture in the micro megion of Mossoró/RNOliveira, Francisca Sonally de 07 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:18:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
FranciscaSO_DISSERT.pdf: 814908 bytes, checksum: cccb93216c6e9a187bc2d48658847a42 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Geoviticultural Multicriteria Climatic Classification System was developed with the goal of improving characterization of viticultural climate. It consists of three viticulture climatic indices: Heliothermal (IH), and Cool Night Index (IF) and Dryness Index (IS). The objective of this study was to analyze the potential of micro-climate of Mossoró/RN for the production of table grapes, based on CCM Geoviticultural System. Grapes produced in the region were analyzed, with the aim of comparing the final quality of the fruit produced in the semi-arid climate. The municipality of Mossoró/RN is located 18 m above sea level, 5° 11' S and 37° 20' W. The climate is Bswh '. The average maximum temperature range from 32.1 to 34.5ºC and the average minimum between 21.3 and 23.7ºC; the average annual rainfall is 673 mm. Data for the study were obtained from the meteorological station of UFERSA, corresponding to historical series 1978 - 2007, constituting the values of air temperatures - minimum, average and maximum - the monthly rainfall and potential evapotranspiration of the region. CCM Geoviticulture System was used. We carried out the calculation for two distinct periods: from April 1st to September 30 (AW period - autumn-winter) and October 1st to March 31st (SSu period - spring-summer). The IS, IH and IF indices were compared with the tabulated values. The micro-region of Mossoró/RN, especially from the climatic point of view, is suitable for viticulture / O Sistema de Classificação Climática Multicritérios Geovitícola foi desenvolvido, com o objetivo de melhorar a caracterização do clima vitícola. Ele é composto por três índices climáticos vitícolas: Índice Heliotérmico (IH), Índice de Frio Noturno (IF) e Índice de Seca (IS). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o potencial climático da microrregião de Mossoró/RN, para a produção de uvas de mesa, baseado no Sistema CCM Geovitícola. Foram analisadas as uvas produzidas na região, com o objetivo de comparar a qualidade final dessa fruta, produzida no clima semiárido. O município de Mossoró/RN está localizado a 18 m de altitude, a 5º 11' S e 37º 20' O. O clima da região é BSwh'. A temperatura média máxima é de 32,1 a 34,5ºC e média mínima entre 21,3 e 23,7ºC; a precipitação média anual é de 673 mm. Os dados para estudo foram obtidos na estação climatológica da UFERSA, correspondendo à série histórica de 1978 2007, constituindo-se dos valores das temperaturas do ar - mínimas, médias e máximas - da precipitação pluviométrica mensal e da evapotranspiração potencial da região. Foi utilizado o Sistema CCM Geovitícola. Realizou-se o cálculo para dois períodos distintos: de 1º de abril a 30 de setembro (período OI outono-inverno) e de 1º de outubro a 31 de março (período PV primavera-verão). Os índices IS, IH e IF obtidos foram comparados com os valores tabelados. A microrregião de Mossoró/RN, especialmente do ponto de vista climático, é apta para a viticultura
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