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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Granskning och optimering av data- och IP-telefoninätverk

Eriksson, Jhonny, Karlsson, Joel January 2010 (has links)
The company Västra Mälardalens Kommunalförbund, VMKF, wishes to revise and optimize their present data and IP-telephony network as of today consists of the three municipalities Köping, Arboga and Kungsör. As a municipal corporation, they seek consultation regarding internal as well as external review and investigation of the main structure of the network, its functionality and safety. By today’s increasing demands of Internet accessibility, availability of services and security far more extends the requirement of a complete network design. The foundation of networking rests on the balance between each of these necessities. Therefore, it is of grave importance to optimize a network design, use of hardware and to minimize the administrative overhead. In particular, when the municipality is short of resources and time means money. By letting an impartial investigation of the network act as a starting point it was established that several improvement could be applied. Among these a reconstructed and improved network topology that includes subjects as routing, switching, safety and security, quality of service and technical administrative overhead and the implementation of a real time monitoring of network bandwidth consumption. / Företaget Västra Mälardalens Kommunalförbund, VMKF, har önskemål om att granska och optimera deras befintliga data- och IP-telefoninätverk som i dagsläget spänner över de tre kommunerna Köping, Arboga och Kungsör. Som ett kommunalägt företag önskar de konsultation rörande intern såväl som extern granskning och optimering av huvuddelen av nätverkets funktionalitet samt säkerhet. I och med dagens ökade Internetanvändning och funktionalitetsbehov ställs allt högre krav på tillgänglighet, säkerhet och användarvänlighet. Nätverksteknik bygger mycket på balansen mellan dessa tre punkter. Därför gäller det att optimera nätverkets design, hårdvaruanvändning och att minimera administrativa laster. Detta i synnerhet då kommunens resurser är knappa och då tid i dagens samhälle innebär pengar. Genom att låta en granskning över nätverket som det ser ut i dag ligga till grund konstaterades att flertalet förbättringsmöjligheter kunde genomföras. Bland dessa återfinns en omstrukturerad nätverksdesign som innefattar routing, switching, säkerhet, QoS och teknisk administration samt implementeringen av en realtidsövervakning av bandbreddsanvändning.

Función de OCP3 en la resistencia de Arabidopsis frente a hongos necrotrofos

García-Andrade Serrano, Javier 29 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] ocp3 mutant plants exhibit an accelerated and intensified callose deposition in response to infection by Botrytis cinerea or Plectosphaerella cucumerina. After phenotypic analysis of a series of double mutants ocp3 we observed that both, the increase callose deposition and resistance, require PMR4 callose synthase and hormone abscisic acid (ABA). In wild plants after infection with any of these necrotrophic fungi, ABA synthesis increases, this increase is even higher in ocp3. The greater resistance observed in ocp3 plants also requires the correct perception of jasmonic acid (JA) through COI1 receptor. However, JA is not required for the synthesis and basal callose deposition. In this way it could propose a model in which OCP3 exerts a specific control for callose deposition regulated by JA and requires, indispensably, ABA. The OCP3 protein, sequence homology, is classified as a nuclear transcription factor family member of Homeobox. However, we found that OCP3 imported and accumulates in the chloroplasts, and colocalized with pentatricopeptide repeat proteins involves in RNA editing. Specifically, OCP3 participates regulating ndhB transcript editing. ndhB encodes one subunit of the multiprotein chloroplast complex NADPH dehydrogenase (NDH). The absence of OCP3 results in a decay of ndhB editing; a fact which entails a reduction of the activity of NDH complex and therefore leads to a defect in the cyclic electron flow (CEF) around the photosystem I (PSI). We were also able to confirm that mutants having altered activity of NDH complex, as crr2 and crr21 turn have an increased resistance to infection by P. cucumerina, and show an increased callose deposition. Moreover, we note that the editing of the mRNA for other subunits encoded in the chloroplast NDH complex are also subject to regulation which is significantly altered in the presence of a pathogenic stimuli. At the same time, the stability of NDH complex also compromised after a pathogenic insult. All these results indicate that the NDH complex is subject to a subtle regulation in accordance with the changing environment. The ABA is a key player in activating plant defense against P. cucumerina infection. Moreover, hemibiotrofos pathogens such as Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 also cause increased synthesis of ABA. However, this increase leads to the suppression of defensive responses, which can be attributed a dual role. The regulation of dual role of this hormone, activator and repressor some other defenses, indicates the existence of a post-regulating hormone synthesis. In this Doctoral Thesis, it has been identified as PYR1 family member receptor ABA PYR/PYL/RCAR perceives this hormone to trigger a response to infection by a pathogen. PYR1 reduces the salicylic acid (SA) dependent response against the biotrophic pathogens attack. Thus exerts a positive control JA-dependent responses required to activate the defenses against necrotrophic pathogens. The loss of the perception of ABA through PYR1 activates the expression of SA-responsive genes, alteration of chromatin remodeling and increase in the activation of MAP kinases after the attack biotrophic pathogens. Thus, the ABA through PYR1 receptor and through an epigenetic control, have a regulatory role in plant immunity depending on the lifestyle of pathogens infecting the plant. / [ES] Las plantas mutantes ocp3, presentan una acelerada e intensificada deposición de calosa en respuesta a la infección producida por Botrytis cinerea o Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Tras el análisis fenotípico de una serie de dobles mutantes en el fondo ocp3 observamos que tanto el incremento en la deposición de calosa como de la resistencia requieren de la calosa sintasa PMR4, y de la hormona ácido abscísico (ABA). En las plantas silvestres, tras la infección por alguno de estos hongos necrotrofos, se incrementa la síntesis de ABA, incremento éste que aún es mayor en las plantas ocp3. La mayor resistencia que se observa en las plantas ocp3 también requiere de la correcta percepción del ácido jasmónico (JA) a través del receptor COI1. Sin embargo, el JA no es requerido para la síntesis y deposición de calosa basal. De esta forma se podría proponer un modelo en el que OCP3 ejerce un control específico para la deposición de calosa regulada por JA y que requiere, indispensablemente, de ABA. La proteína OCP3, por homología de secuencia, se clasifica como un factor de transcripción nuclear miembro de la familia de los Homeobox. Sin embargo, encontramos que OCP3 se importa y acumula en los cloroplastos, y se colocaliza con proteínas que contienen motivos de repetición pentatricopeptidos e implicadas en la edición de RNA. Concretamente, OCP3 participa regulando el mecanismo de edición del transcrito ndhB que codifica una de las subunidades del complejo multiprotéico NADPH deshidrogenasa (NDH) del cloroplasto. La ausencia de OCP3 se traduce en una deficiente edición de ndhB; hecho éste que conlleva un deterioro en la funcionalidad del complejo NDH y que por tanto acarrea un defecto en el flujo cíclico de electrones (CEF) alrededor del fotosistema I (PSI). También pudimos confirmar que mutantes que presentan alteraciones en la actividad del complejo NDH, como crr2 y crr21, a su vez presentan un incremento en la resistencia frente a la infección por P. cucumerina, además de mostrar una mayor deposición de calosa. Por otra parte, observamos que la edición de los mRNA para otras subunidades del complejo NDH codificadas en el cloroplasto están, también, sujetas a una regulación que se ve notablemente alterada en presencia de un estimulo patogénico. Al mismo tiempo, la estabilidad del complejo NDH también se ve comprometida tras un insulto patogénico. Todos estos resultados indicarían que el complejo NDH está sujeto a una sutil regulación en concordancia con las condiciones cambiantes del entorno. El ABA es determinante en la activación de mecanismos de defensa frente a P. cucumerina. Por otra parte, patógenos hemibiotrofos como por ejemplo Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 también provocan incremento en la síntesis de ABA. Sin embargo, este incremento acarrea la supresión de las respuestas defensivas, por lo que se le puede atribuir un papel dual. La regulación del papel dual de esta hormona, activador de unas defensas y represor de otras, indica la existencia de una regulación posterior a la síntesis de la hormona. En la presente Tesis Doctoral, se ha identificado a PYR1 como el miembro de la familia de los receptores de ABA PYR/PYL/RCAR que percibe esta hormona para desencadenar una respuesta a la infección por un patógeno. PYR1 amortigua la respuesta dependiente de ácido salicílico (SA) frente al ataque de un patógeno biotrofo. De esta forma ejerce un control positivo sobre las respuestas dependientes de JA requeridas para activar las defensas frente a patógenos necrotrofos. La pérdida de la percepción del ABA por PYR1 provoca una activación de los genes de respuesta a SA, una alteración de la remodelación de la cromatina y un incremento en la activación de las MAP quinasas tras el ataque de patógenos biotrofos. De esta forma, el ABA a través del receptor PYR1 y a través de un control epigenético, tendría un papel regulador de la inmunidad vegetal en función del / [CAT] Les plantes mutants ocp3, presenten una accelerada e intensificada deposició de calosa en resposta a la la infecció produïda per Botrytis cinerea o Plectosphaerella cucumerina. Darrere l'anàlisi d'una sèrie de dobles mutants amb ocp3, observem que tant l'increment en la deposició de calosa com de la resistència requereixen de la calosa sintasa PMR4, i de l'hormona àcid abscisic (ABA). Les plantes silvestres infectades amb algú d'aquests fongs necrotrofs, incrementen la síntesi de ABA, increment aquest que encara és major en les plantes ocp3. La major resitència que s'observa en les plantes ocp3 també requereix de la correcta percepció de l'àcid jasmonic (JA) a través del receptor COI1. No obstant això, el JA no és requerit per a la síntesi i deposició de calosa basal. D'aquesta forma, es podria proposar un model en el qual OCP3 exerceix un control especific per a la deposició de calosa regulada pel JA i que requerix, indispensablement, de l'ABA. La proteïna OCP3, per homologia de seqüència, es classifica com un factor de transcripció nuclear membre de la familia dels Homeobox. No obstant això, trobem que OCP3 s'importa i acumula en el cloroplasts, i es colocaliza amb proteïnes que contenen motius de repetició pentatricopeptids i implicades en l'edició de RNA. Concretament, OCP3 participa regulant el mecanisme d'edició del transcrit ndhB que codifica una de les subunitats del complex multiproteic NADPH deshidrogenasa (NDH) del cloroplast. L'absència d'OCP3 es tradueix en una deficient edició de ndhB; fet aquest que comporta una pèrdua de la funcionalitat del complex NDH i que per tant implica un defecte en el flux cíclic d'electrons (CEF) al voltant del fotosistema I (PSI). També vam poder confirmar que mutants que presenten alteracions en la activitat del complex NDH, com crr2 i crr21, al seu torn presenten un increment en la resistència enfront de la infecció per P. cucumerina, a més de mostrar una major deposició de calosa. D'altra banda, observem que l'edició dels mRNA per a altres subunitats del complex NDH codificades en el cloroplast estan, també, subjectes a una regulació que es ceu notablement alterada en preséncia d'un estimulo patogenic. Tots aquests resultats indicarien que el complex NDH està subjecte a una sutil regulació en concordaça amb les condicions canviants de l'entorn. El ABA es determinatn en l'activació de mecanismes de defensa enfront de P. cucumerina. D'altra banda, patògens hemibiotrofs com per exemple Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 també provoquen increment en la síntesi de ABA. No obstant això, aquest increment implica la supressió de les respostes defensives, per la qual cosa se li pot atribuir un paper dual. La regulació del paper dual d'aquesta hormona, activador d'unes defenses i repressor d'unes altres, indica l'existència d'una regulació posterior a la síntesi de l'hormona. En la present Tesis Doctoral, s'ha indentificat a PYR1 com el membre de la familia dels receptors de ABA PYR/PYL/RCAR que percep aquesta hormona per desencadenar una resposta a la infecció per un patogen. PYR1 esmorteeix la resposta dependent d'acid salicílic (SA) enfornt de l'atac d'un patogen biotorof. D'aquesta forma exerceix un control positiu sobre les respostes dependents de JA requerides per activar les defenses enfront de patògens necrotofs. La pèrdua de la percepció del ABA per PYR1 provoca una activació de les MAP quinases després de l'atac de patògens biotrofs. Així donçs, el ABA a través del receptor PYR1 i a través d'uun control epigenètic, tindria un paper regulador de la immunitat vegetal en funció de l'estil de vida del patogen que infecti a la planta. / García-Andrade Serrano, J. (2016). Función de OCP3 en la resistencia de Arabidopsis frente a hongos necrotrofos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63147 / TESIS

Reti transeuropee e servizi nei settori dell’energia, delle telecomunicazioni e dei trasporti / Trans-European networks and services in the energy, telecommunications and transport sectors / Réseaux transeuropéens et services dans les secteurs de l'énergie, des télécommunications et du transport

Tovo, Carlo 22 May 2015 (has links)
La thèse a parcouru les étapes de l’affirmation progressive d’une véritable politique infrastructurelle européenne cohérente, en examinant trois volets : juridique, institutionnel et financier. Tout d’abord, la thèse a souligné le processus d’autonomisation horizontale (rapport de complémentarité et spécialité vis-à-vis d’autres politiques de l’UE) et verticale («communautarisation ») de la politique de réseaux transeuropéens. En deuxième lieu, l’analyse a mis en évidence le rôle des différents processus d’institutionnalisation et « d’intégration organique » des régulateurs nationaux entrepris par le législateur européen dans la centralisation et la communautarisation de la politique des réseaux. Enfin, la thèse a relevé l’affirmation du caractère central de l’aide financière de l’UE à la création de réseaux, accompagnée par une dérogation partielle des limites imposées par le droit européen aux politiques budgétaires expansionnistes des États membres. / The thesis highlights the development of a coherent and instrumental european infrastructure policy. First, the thesis shows the process of vertical (communitarization) and horizontal (complementarity and specialty vis-à-vis other EU policies) autonomisation of Trans-European Networks (TENs) policy. Secondly, the thesis points out the role played by the processes of « networkation » and « agencification » of national regulators in promoting interconnection and access to networks. Finally, the thesis emphasises the growing relevance of EU financial support to the establishment of TENs, and a competing tendency towards the reconciliation of national expansionary fiscal policy with EU law constraints. The thesis concludes by noting that Member States will continue to play a decisive role in TENs policy, not only by improving the actual degree of its implementation, but also allowing, in a forthcoming Treaty revision, to overcome the TENs intergovernmental legacy. / Le reti transeuropee sono uno dei vettori della competitività, dell’integrazione e dello sviluppo sostenibile dell’Unione. La tesi mette in luce la progressiva affermazione di una coerente politica infrastrutturale europea a carattere strumentale, esaminando tale evoluzione sotto tre profili: normativo, istituzionale e finanziario. In primo luogo, sotto il profilo normativo, la tesi evidenzia, da un lato, la progressiva emancipazione delle istituzioni dell’Unione dall’influenza degli Stati membri nell’esercizio delle proprie competenze in materia di reti transeuropee e, dall’altro, lo sviluppo di relazioni di complementarietà e specialità tra la politica di reti e altre politiche dell’Unione (capitoli 1 e 2). L’elaborato sottolinea, in secondo luogo, sotto il profilo istituzionale, il ruolo del processo di «integrazione organica» dei regolatori nazionali e del processo di «agenzificazione» nel perseguimento degli obiettivi di interconnessione e accesso alle reti nazionali. La tesi osserva, infine, sotto il profilo finanziario, l’accresciuta importanza del sostegno finanziario dell’UE alla costituzione delle reti, che si è accompagnata al parziale superamento dei limiti derivanti dal diritto dell’UE alla politiche di spesa pubblica infrastrutturale degli Stati membri. Da un lato rispetto al diritto della concorrenza e, in particolare, al divieto di aiuti di stato, grazie al rapporto funzionale tra reti e prestazione di servizi di interesse economico generale, e dall’altro lato riguardo ai vincoli di bilancio, attraverso un’interpretazione evolutiva della cd. investment clause del Patto di stabilità e crescita. La tesi, in conclusione, rileva gli sviluppi decisivi della politica di reti europea, ma sottolinea il ruolo che gli Stati membri sono destinati a continuare ad esercitare nel suo sviluppo. Da questi ultimi, infatti, dipende la concreta attuazione di tale politica, ma anche il definitivo superamento, in occasione di una prossima revisione dei Trattati, dei retaggi intergovernativi che continuano a caratterizzare il diritto primario in materia.

Half the battle : the administration and higher organisation of the AIF 1914-1918

Faraday, Bruce Douglas, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1997 (has links)
Administration of armies has been sadly neglected in historical studies but the ability of the AIF to develop an efficient system of administration and to fit into the equally efficient British system, had much to do with the success of the AIF, especially late in the war. The various Empire governments had made some preparations for an alliance system of fighting in the event of a major war, but in practice these needed a great deal of adjustment. This thesis examines the manner in which the dominions and Britain planned for a possible war and the way in which changes had to be made in practice. It examines the manner in which the AIF developed a system and the many facets of this system, which had developed a remarkable degree of efficiency by the end of the war. Because the AIF and CEF were so alike in size, composition and in the problem they faced, a recurring theme of the thesis is a comparison between the two. It embraces the following: a. Prewar preparation for a combined empire army. b. The organisation of the administrative system of the AIF and the manner this improved through the war. c. The organisation and problems of the CEF administrative system d. The development of a system of capitation to pay for the services supplied to the AIF and CEF. e. Supply of equipment. f. Manner in which both forces worked to maintain their forces. g. The manner in which both forces catered for the needs of the individual soldiers. h. Supply in the field i. Medical administration in the AIF j. The administration in the AIF k. The administration of discipline in the AIF l. The demobilisation of the AIF.

Responsabilidade social na moradia popular: estudo do Programa de Arrendamento Residencial em Ribeirão Preto, SP

Intrabartollo, Márcia Regina [UNESP] 27 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-11-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:39:26Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 intrabartollo_mr_me_fran.pdf: 2053791 bytes, checksum: 953156009a7303efdbe9a664ae9ecf1e (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) se constitui em empresa pública de direito privado que executa as políticas públicas brasileiras relativas à moradia popular no âmbito federal, além de atuar como gestora de fundos, administradora das loterias federais e principal agente do Governo Federal em programas de transferência de renda e inclusão bancária. Empresa centenária, com atuação em todo o território nacional, desde 2.003 demonstra interesse em ser reconhecida como socialmente responsável. A relação da CEF com a responsabilidade social é complexa, pois, por se tratar de uma empresa pública tem obrigações sociais, por ser empresa brasileira tem função social, e por ser caixa econômica tem compromisso social inerente à sua constituição jurídica. O presente trabalho se propôs a delimitar como a responsabilidade social se encontra inserida neste contexto e, especificamente, como esta se dá na moradia popular. O estudo da responsabilidade social na moradia popular se constitui em possibilidade para melhorar as condições de habitabilidade da população pobre brasileira na medida em que o setor ainda traz arraigados traços do foco quantitativo para a solução do problema de déficit habitacional que, atualmente, chega a 7,2 milhões de moradias no país. Para avaliar a responsabilidade social da CEF foi selecionado o indicador constante nos Indicadores Ethos de Responsabilidade Social, inspirado na norma AccountAbility 1000, que trata do diálogo entre as partes afetadas pela ação da instituição que, no presente trabalho, se refere à ação da CEF na execução de políticas habitacionais. Um dos motivos para a seleção deste indicador foi o fato de que autores contemporâneos vislumbram no campo empresarial organizações que buscam o consenso através da institucionalização do diálogo e conversação, ultrapassando a forma disjuntiva de pensar para adotar o foco nas relações. Segundo os autores, esta nova... / Federal Savings Bank (CEF - Caixa Econômica Federal) is a private law public company that executes the Brazilian public policies related to popular housing, within federal ambit, besides managing funds, administrating federal lotteries and also acting as the most important agent of the Federal Government in programs of income transfer and bank inclusion. Centenary company, acting throughout the national territory, has been demonstrating interest, since 2003, in being recognized as socially responsible. CEF’s relationship with social responsibility is complex, because, as a public company it has social obligations, as a Brazilian company it has social roles and as a savings bank it has social commitment, which are inherent to its juridical constitution. The present work intended to delimit how the social responsibility is inserted in this context and, specifically, how the social responsibility occurs in popular housing policies. The study of the popular housing’s social responsibility constitutes a possibility to improve the housing conditions of the Brazilian poor population, once the sector still presents deep-rooted characteristics of the quantitative view as the solution for the problem of housing deficit that, nowadays, reaches 7.2 million houses in the country. In order to evaluate CEF’s social responsibility, it was selected the constant indicator in the Ethos Indicators of Social Responsibility, inspired in the AccontAbility 1000 standards, that deal with the dialogue between the parties affected by the institution’s action which, in the present work, refers to the action of CEF in the execution of housing policies. One of the reasons for the selection of this indicator was the fact that the contemporary authors discern, in the entrepreneurial field, organizations that look for consensus through the institutionalization of dialogue and conversation, transcending the disjunctive way of thinking, in order to ...

Responsabilidade social na moradia popular : estudo do Programa de Arrendamento Residencial em Ribeirão Preto, SP /

Intrabartollo, Márcia Regina. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudia Maria Daher Cosac / Banca: Jefferson Luis Coutinho / Banca: Mário José Filho / Resumo: A Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) se constitui em empresa pública de direito privado que executa as políticas públicas brasileiras relativas à moradia popular no âmbito federal, além de atuar como gestora de fundos, administradora das loterias federais e principal agente do Governo Federal em programas de transferência de renda e inclusão bancária. Empresa centenária, com atuação em todo o território nacional, desde 2.003 demonstra interesse em ser reconhecida como socialmente responsável. A relação da CEF com a responsabilidade social é complexa, pois, por se tratar de uma empresa pública tem obrigações sociais, por ser empresa brasileira tem função social, e por ser caixa econômica tem compromisso social inerente à sua constituição jurídica. O presente trabalho se propôs a delimitar como a responsabilidade social se encontra inserida neste contexto e, especificamente, como esta se dá na moradia popular. O estudo da responsabilidade social na moradia popular se constitui em possibilidade para melhorar as condições de habitabilidade da população pobre brasileira na medida em que o setor ainda traz arraigados traços do foco quantitativo para a solução do problema de déficit habitacional que, atualmente, chega a 7,2 milhões de moradias no país. Para avaliar a responsabilidade social da CEF foi selecionado o indicador constante nos Indicadores Ethos de Responsabilidade Social, inspirado na norma AccountAbility 1000, que trata do diálogo entre as partes afetadas pela ação da instituição que, no presente trabalho, se refere à ação da CEF na execução de políticas habitacionais. Um dos motivos para a seleção deste indicador foi o fato de que autores contemporâneos vislumbram no campo empresarial organizações que buscam o consenso através da institucionalização do diálogo e conversação, ultrapassando a forma disjuntiva de pensar para adotar o foco nas relações. Segundo os autores, esta nova ... / Abstract: Federal Savings Bank (CEF - Caixa Econômica Federal) is a private law public company that executes the Brazilian public policies related to popular housing, within federal ambit, besides managing funds, administrating federal lotteries and also acting as the most important agent of the Federal Government in programs of income transfer and bank inclusion. Centenary company, acting throughout the national territory, has been demonstrating interest, since 2003, in being recognized as socially responsible. CEF's relationship with social responsibility is complex, because, as a public company it has social obligations, as a Brazilian company it has social roles and as a savings bank it has social commitment, which are inherent to its juridical constitution. The present work intended to delimit how the social responsibility is inserted in this context and, specifically, how the social responsibility occurs in popular housing policies. The study of the popular housing's social responsibility constitutes a possibility to improve the housing conditions of the Brazilian poor population, once the sector still presents deep-rooted characteristics of the quantitative view as the solution for the problem of housing deficit that, nowadays, reaches 7.2 million houses in the country. In order to evaluate CEF's social responsibility, it was selected the constant indicator in the Ethos Indicators of Social Responsibility, inspired in the AccontAbility 1000 standards, that deal with the dialogue between the parties affected by the institution's action which, in the present work, refers to the action of CEF in the execution of housing policies. One of the reasons for the selection of this indicator was the fact that the contemporary authors discern, in the entrepreneurial field, organizations that look for consensus through the institutionalization of dialogue and conversation, transcending the disjunctive way of thinking, in order to ... / Mestre

Knížky prvního čtení a jejich modifikace pro výuku němčiny jako cizího jazyka / Viability of Using Erstlesebuch in Classes Teaching German as a Foreign Language

Brzková, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the book genre Erstlesebuch (book for beginner readers) as educational material in the context of foreign language education at the levels of Basic Users (A0/1-A2). In the context of first language teaching, this specific genre belongs to the field of literature, the didactic of literature, and the didactic of reading. The goal of this diploma thesis is to present different possibilities of didactic activities with Erstlesebuch in the context of second language teaching and to formulate criteria for choosing an appropriate text. The theoretical part describes the context of foreign language education and the role of literature in this context, with consideration for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The theoretical part also presents the specifics of the book genre Erstlesebuch itself. The empirical part of this thesis is based on several investigations: firstly on a complex analysis (readability and text structure) of six Erstlesebuch and secondly on empirical research in reading with schoolchildren at higher grades of an elementary school (children at the age of 13-15). These results are compared to the results of similar research done with Austrian beginner readers (children between the ages of 7 and 9). The final part of the thesis concludes...

Characterizing the role and regulation of growth arrest specific FABP4 in chicken embryo fibroblasts

Donders, Jordan January 2020 (has links)
Conditions which promote reversible growth arrest, such as hypoxia and high cell density, lead to activation of a diverse network of proteins known as growth arrest specific (GAS) genes. Fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4), a lipid chaperone involved in the regulation of metabolic and inflammatory responses, has been shown to be part of the GAS program. While the induction of FABP4 in oxygen-deprived environments is well characterized, its functionality and regulation in such conditions remains unclear. In this study, we describe how mis-expression of FABP4 affects cell viability and survival within low oxygen conditions. Loss of FABP4 using shRNA was shown to be associated with a significant increase in oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation, a reduction in lipid droplet formation and a greater incidence of apoptosis. Hypoxia-mediated expression of FABP4 was also found to be positively correlated with cellular levels of C/EBP-beta, an essential activator of p20K in quiescence. FABP4 and p20K are both lipocalins that have been shown to share similar induction patterns and ability to assist in the maintenance of lipid trafficking in cellular stress circumstances. Unexpectedly, the depletion of FABP4 or p20K results in loss of the other in limited oxygen concentrations. This occurs independently of disruption to the broad GAS gene program, suggesting the two proteins may be co-regulated in a shared hypoxic-signalling pathway. C/EBP-beta appears to be the transcriptional activator shared by FABP4 and p20K in quiescence, and the three may be part of an intricate system to sense and respond to reactive oxygen species and lipid radicals. However, the forced expression of either FABP4 or p20K when the other is repressed only moderately restores cell survival through alleviating oxidative stress, indicating the two are both necessary for optimal response to hypoxia. In all, these studies suggest that analogous to the p20K lipocalin, FABP4 plays a critical role in lipid homeostasis and cell survival in conditions of limited oxygen concentrations, and its stimulation is dependent on C/EBP-beta activity. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / A study investigating the role of FABP4 and p20K in conditions of reversible growth arrest with an emphasis on cell survival, lipid homeostasis and mitigating the effects of oxidative stress, and regulation of the two lipocalins by C/EBP-beta.

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