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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kändisen som rabattkupong : En studie om kändisreklam på onlinekanaler

Berglund, Kristine, Münter, Johanna, Stävmo, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Kändisen som rabattkupong Författare: Kristine Berglund, Johanna Münter och Kajsa Stävmo  Handledare: Leif V Rytting  Examinator: Leif Marcusson  Kurs: Kandidatuppsats 15hp. Företagsekonomi, Music and Event Management, Linnéuniversitetet, HT 2016  Exekutiv sammanfattning Vi kan idag konstatera att internettillgången har ökat avsevärt nationellt och globalt under det senaste årtiondet. I takt med att digitaliseringen har ökat är det inte längre en lyx att koppla upp sig online. Följaktligen har likaså medier online mångdubblats och enligt svensk e-handel har majoriteten av företag, tidskrifter och myndigheter onlinenärvaro. Parallellt konstaterar vi att antalet kändisar har ökat som en följd av globaliseringen såväl som digitaliseringen och det finns idag fler plattformar att synas på än någonsin. Företagen och deras varumärken nyttjar det växande nätet och dagens uppsjö av kändisar, vilket därmed har lett till att kändisars medverkan i reklam inte är ett ovanligt fenomen. Vi har därför applicerat kändisreklam på onlinemiljön och detta är uppsatsens övergripande ämne. Marknadsföringskampanjer kan uttrycka sig i många olika former och kanaler men syftet med den här studien har inriktats till enbart kändisars interaktion med reklam via internet. Det finns tidigare forskning kring kändisreklam men hur fenomenet reformeras när det tar form på nätet är ännu ett relativt outforskat ämne vilket vi genom denna uppsats ämnar klargöra.  Syfte och forskningsfrågor Syftet med uppsatsen är att klarlägga och analysera vad som präglar kändisreklam online. Med detta i åtanke har vi parallellt med syftet har vi tagit fram följande två forskningsfrågor:  Vilka styrkor och svagheter finns det med kändisreklam på internet för de inblandade aktörerna? Med vilken målsättning samarbetar företag och kändisar genom onlinereklam? Metod  Uppsatsen är utformad efter en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Forskningsansatsen präglas av induktion med deduktiva inslag. Den empiriska datan är insamlad genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med mycket kunniga personer inom området. Slutsatser  Resultatet visar på ett antal egenskaper som onlinemarknadsföring medför och som inte kan uppnås inom den icke-digitala marknadsföringen. Kändisen som mediakanal, electronic word of mouth, kombinationen av parternas målgrupper och den pricksäkra segmenteringen exemplifieras. Dessa karaktärsdrag och fördelar är målsättningen till varför företag och kändisar samarbetar genom onlinereklam. I studien konstateras också riskerna med kändismarknadsföring online, vilka bland annat är överexponering och negativ påverkan av samarbetspartnerns rykte. Sammanfattningsvis kan vi se att det finns ett stort värde i att använda sig av kändisar i reklam. Vår studie tyder dock på att det finns faktorer som bör tas i åtanke för att kändisreklamen ska nå framgång online. Våra slutsatser kan sammanfattas enligt följande punkter: Krav på äkthet Internet har öppnat upp för en tvåvägsdialog och även möjligheten för konsumenter att granska innehåll vilket har lett till ökade krav på äkthet och transparens. Samarbetet mellan varumärket och kändisen måste kännas äkta och reklamen får inte uppfattas som köpt. Detta är väsentligt då det annars kan leda till ett misslyckat samarbete och skador på varumärkets image. Personifierad kommunikation Med hjälp av internet kan kändisarna använda sina egna kanaler för att nå ut med reklam. Utifrån vår studie går det att utläsa att denna typ av kommunikation upplevs som mer trovärdig och äkta av konsumenten och det är en påtaglig skillnad gentemot traditionell marknadsföring. Detta blir ett sätt att kringgå problemet med att fler och fler blir undvikande mot reklam. Därmed har kändisen fått mer inflytande när det kommer till reklamen då de har möjligheten att påverka dess innehåll vid publicering på deras egna kanaler. Identitetsmatchning Vår studie tyder på att varumärket och kändisen inte får stå för långt ifrån varandra gällande identiteten då detta kan leda till förvirring hos konsumenterna. Negativ publicitet och upplevelser har en tendens att överföras till den andre partnern vilket gör förarbetet viktigt. Detta i kombination med de spridningsmöjligheter som internet medför gör det ännu mer betydande med rätt matchning då negativ publicitet sprids mycket fort på internet.

Stories of masculinity, gender equality, and culinary progress : On foodwork, cooking, and men in Sweden

Neuman, Nicklas January 2016 (has links)
The general aim of this thesis is to use foodwork and cooking in Sweden as a way to better understand theoretical questions about men and masculinities. Paper I discusses how an increased public interest in elaborate cooking and gastronomy in Sweden, a country with a cultural idealization of gender equality, could explain why men in Sweden assume responsibilities for domestic cooking without feeling emasculated. Papers II, III and IV draw on interviews with 31 men from 22 to 88 years of age and with different levels of interest in food. Paper II shows how domestic foodwork and cooking are associated with ideas of Swedish progress in terms of gender equality and culinary skills. Paper III demonstrates further that domestic cooking is not only a responsibility which men assume, but also a way of being sociable with friends, partners and children. Thus, both papers II and III challenge the idea that men only cook at home if they enjoy it. The data rather indicate that domestic foodwork responsibilities are a cultural expectation of men in Sweden, ingrained in desirable masculine practices. Paper IV explores men’s responses to media representations of food. The interviewed men responded to these representations with indifference, pragmatism, irony, and at times even hostility. In general, the responses are based on gender and age-differentiated taste distinctions and notions of masculine and culinary excess. Paper V uses a mix of texts (81 online texts and two magazines) and observations from the food fairs GastroNord (2014 and 2016), Mitt kök-mässan (2014) and the chef competition Bocuse d’Or Europe (2014) complemented with pictures and videos. I argue that a Swedish culinary community that promotes Swedish culinary excellence is constructed by drawing on preestablished national (self-)images. This culinary community is constructed as open and tolerant, with ethical concerns for the environment and for nonhuman animals. Its culinary icons are represented by chefs in whites and the leading restaurants. In sum, this dissertation provides empirical and theoretical contributions to both food studies and gender studies that critically scrutinize men and masculinities. Food-issues are permeated by gender, both in people’s everyday life and in the gastronomic elite.

Avmystifieringen av det moderna barnet : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys ur ett semiotiskt perspektiv av två svenska Instagramkonton / The demystification of the modern child : A qualitative content analysis from a semiotic perspective of two Swedish Instagram accounts

Jivtegen, Simon, Petersson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Instagramkonton där föräldrar exponerar sina barn blir allt vanligare och allt mer populära. Detta kräver att barnen framställs på ett vis som är tilltalande för mottagarna. Denna uppsats ämnar att påvisa detta fenomen genom att granska hur två av de mer uppmärksammade svenska Instagrampersonligheterna i form av Penny Schulman respektive Naomi Ljungqvist framställs på Instagram. Målet är att genomföra studien med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som är grundad i semiotiska teorier. Genom dessa teorier vill vi utläsa hur framställningen av dessa barn ser ut samt hur de förhåller sig till de enligt Barthes (1973) rådande mytbildningar som existerar kring barn och familjeliv. För att kunna genomföra analysen kommer vi utgå från Hallidays teorier kring agent och aktion, konnotationer och denotationer samt mytbildningar. Resultatet vi fann var att de bägge barnen innehar liknande karaktärsdrag men med olika förhållningar till de kulturellt rådande myterna kring barn och familjeliv. Penny Schulman upplever vi som mer avvikande från den traditionella myten om barn då hon har ett självständigt agerande och inte är en passiv agent. Naomi Ljungqvist samspelar desto oftare med sin mor Johanna och stämmer därmed bättre in på den traditionella uppfattningen om barn som en del av en familj och inte en självständig individ. Utifrån vår analys kan vi se tydliga skillnader i hur analysobjekten bryter sig ifrån den klassiska bilden om barn som en passiv agent. I det analyserade materialet ser vi istället en nybildad familjemyt där barnet och dess utveckling samt anpassning till vuxenlivet presenteras. / Instagram accounts where parents are exposing their children are in today’s society a common sight as well as a popular phenomenon. This requires a depiction where the children are appealing in the eyes of the recipients. Our thesis will examining the phenomenon through an analysis of two well known swedish Instagram personalities being Penny Schulman and Naomi Ljungqvist and how they are depicted on Instagram. The goal is to implement the study with the help of a qualitative content analysis which has its base in semiotic theories. Through these theories we want to study the depiction of these children and how they relate to the - according to Barthes (1973), existing mythologies regarding children and family life. To be able to perform this study we will originate from Hallidays theories regarding agency in action, connotations and denotations and finally mythologies. The conclusion we reached was that both of the children have similar traits of character but with different suspension to the prevailing myths of children and family life. We find Penny Schulman to be more divergent from the traditional myth of children since she is acting more independent and not as a passive agent. Naomi Ljungqvist on the other hand is seemingly more dependent of her mother and therefore fit better into the traditional perception of children in a family context. Based on our analysis we can see clear differences in how the analyzed children are breaking from the traditional view of children as passive agents. In the analysed material we can see a new myth regarding family taking form where the children and their development is presented together with their adaption to adulthood.

Pěvecké soutěže SuperStar a X Factor v českém tisku - Blesk, Mladá fronta DNES / Singing competitions SuperStar and XFactor in czech press-Blesk, Mladá fronta DNES

Charvátová, Terezie January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the author focus on the description of mass, later called popular culture, and its products, the two selected, originally British, talent singing reality show, "Česko hledá SuperStar" (and "Česko Slovenská SuperStar") and X Factor. Their competitors are the subject for qualitative research of articles in periodical press. The aim of the research is using qualitative content analysis to analyse "Mladá fronta DNES" and "Blesk", and how published texts construct contestants of selected shows. For research was selected period of time when the competition was broadcasted, February - June 2004; February - June 2008 and September - December 2009.

Sportovec jako mediální celebrita v proměnách času / Sportsman as a Celebrity in Course of Time

Kodoňová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the process of celebritization of sportsmen. This phenomenon is illustrated with a form of the media coverage of sporting career of gymnast Věra Čáslavská, speed skater Martina Sáblíková and tennis players Jan Kodeš and Tomáš Berdych. The thesis compares socialist journals Československý sport and Lidová demokracie and current periodicals Sport and Lidové noviny. The work deals with the characteristics of the concept of celebrity, history of sports celebrities, types of people who are likely to become a celebrity, and social status of athletes. The articles related to the selected sportsmen were examined through content analysis. Researched texts were divided into prepared categories (professional life, lifestyle, relationships, love life, appearance, personality, children, health, advertising). This quantitative research was followed by qualitative research methods, which focused on athletes in the advertising industry. The method consisted of examining the articles about advertising activities of athletes. The work also deals with the description of life and sports career of gymnast Věra Čáslavská. The information comes from the media coverage of contemporary prints, which describes not only her athletic career, but also the period after 1990.

Les enjeux normatifs de la reconnaissance publique dans la France des Lumières : gloire, célébrité, mérite / The economies of public recognition in enlightenment France : glory, celebrity, merit

Beausoleil, Marie-Ève 06 April 2018 (has links)
La question de la reconnaissance publique devient un important sujet de réflexion et de débat dans la France des Lumières. D’une part, plusieurs penseurs font de la gloire un processus affectif de reconnaissance du mérite susceptible d’ordonner une société harmonieuse et juste. D’autre part, le XVIIIe siècle voit l’émergence d’une culture de la célébrité qui favorise la multiplication des personnalités connues, en particulier issues du milieu des lettres et des arts de la capitale. Plutôt que de distinguer des individus dont le vrai mérite suscite l’admiration unanime, comme le voudrait l’économie de la gloire, la célébrité s’alimente, entre autres, de la controverse, du dévoilement de la vie privée et de la consommation du divertissement. Dès son avènement, elle est largement perçue comme un facteur de décadence morale et un symptôme d’appauvrissement culturel. Cette étude propose donc une incursion dans les discours moraux, esthétiques et biographiques qui ont participé à l’élaboration, à la promotion et à la critique d’économies de la reconnaissance publique. En analysant une sélection de textes publiés sur une période d’environ 150 ans, entre la Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes et le premier tiers du XIXe siècle, je montre la cohérence de fond et les articulations de ces réflexions qui portent, en définitive, sur le genre d’ordre social que l’on voudrait consolider ou voir advenir. Elles ouvrent en retour une perspective sur la spécificité de ce moment charnière, marqué entre autres par la déstructuration des hiérarchies traditionnelles et l’affirmation de l’individu comme sujet moral autonome / Reflections and debates on the issue of public recognition gained heightened significance in Enlightenment France. On the one hand, Enlightenment thinkers promoted glory as a way to foster progress and harmony through the collective recognition and emulation of true merit. On the other hand, the century saw the advent of a celebrity culture, which enabled the multiplication of famed individuals, especially emanating from the capital’s arts and literary circles. Instead of distinguishing individuals whose merit gave rise to unanimous admiration, as the economy of glory would demand, celebrity seemed to build more upon controversies, revelations about private lives, and the consumption of entertainment. From its inception, celebrity was perceived as a contributing factor to moral degeneracy and as a sign of cultural decadence. This dissertation examines moral, aesthetic, and biographical texts that contributed to the creation, promotion, and critique of the economies of public recognition. An analysis of these texts published over a 150-year period – from the Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes to the first third of the nineteenth century – sheds light on their arguments with regards to the type of order that they hoped to consolidate or engender. These texts also offer a unique view into the particularities of this defining moment shaped by the erosion of traditional hierarchies and the advent of individuals as autonomous moral subjects

A utilização de celebridades como estímulo discriminativo, sinalizando reforço informativo, no comportamento de compra de consumidores da construção civil, em Goiânia

Silva, Carla Simone Castro da 31 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-12-20T13:42:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Simone Castro da Silva.pdf: 23209397 bytes, checksum: 3cf54c93f06a2c87e9b5f112e2b62cd3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-20T13:42:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carla Simone Castro da Silva.pdf: 23209397 bytes, checksum: 3cf54c93f06a2c87e9b5f112e2b62cd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-31 / Major advertisement campaigns use people endorsement to introduce a product. Among these people, its common the celebrities endorsement. The present work tried to investigate the influence of a celebrity on the building consumer evaluation of an ad catalog. This catalog contained or a celebrity, or a non-public person. It was tried to identify which aspects are most influenced by celebrity insertion, since this resource has been used in advertisements in Goiania. We made a hypothesis that this process could be benefited by behavioral science principles, what should potentiate those resources. Ninety eight consumers looking for property in the last years responded to questions about the catalog, including the person, to the venture itself, and to building company. The participants whose received the catalog with the celebrity (CC) evaluated the catalog as cheaper, the venture as more luxurious, and the builder as more expensive as well confident in comparison to the group without celebrity (SC). Besides this, the presence of the celebrity increased the attention to the person, but reduced the attention to others catalog aspects. These data suggest careful in utilize the celebrity endorsement, from the behavior analysis perspective. / Em campanhas publicitárias geralmente se utiliza o endosso de uma pessoa para apresentar um produto. Dentre essas pessoas, é comum a utilização de celebridades. O presente trabalho procurou investigar a influência de celebridades na avaliação por consumidores da construção civil de um catálogo experimental de um empreendimento imobiliário contendo a imagem de uma celebridade ou de uma pessoa não conhecida na mídia, visando identificar que aspectos são mais influenciados pela inserção da celebridade, visto que este recurso vem sendo utilizado em campanhas publicitárias, na cidade de Goiânia. O estudo em questão analisa o emprego desta prática, levantando a hipótese de que este processo publicitário poderia ser beneficiado pelos princípios da ciência comportamental, promovendo uma potencialização dos recursos e conseqüentemente levando as respostas do público alvo, favoráveis à compra do produto. Noventa e oito consumidores que procuram imóveis nos últimos anos responderam a questões referentes ao catálogo produzido, incluindo-se a personagem, ao empreendimento e à construtora. Os participantes que receberam o catálogo com a celebridade o avaliaram como mais barato, porém o empreendimento foi avaliado como mais luxuoso e a construtora como mais cara e confiável, em comparação aos participantes do grupo sem celebridade (SC). A presença da celebridade aumentou a atenção da personagem, mas reduziu a atenção para outros aspectos do catálogo. Esses dados sugerem cuidados à utilização do recurso celebridade em campanha, a partir da perspectiva da análise do comportamento.

South Park: (des)construção iconoclasta das celebridades

Oliveira, Érico Fernando de 08 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:12:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erico Fernando de Oliveira.pdf: 5223723 bytes, checksum: 1749e79bae5a6d85c540c5a643463e3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The reason of this research is studying the contemporary and social construction of the celebrities as well as the role that it exerts at the mediatic civilization. Therefore we focused on the American TV show South Park, an animation that is dedicated at caricature them. We worked with the hypothesis that the idol is a simulacrum that doesn t resist to humor desecrate. In order to do that we adopted as the main investigative theorist reference the concepts of dispositive and profanation from Giorgio Agamben s philosophy, to whom the caricature present on the cartoons reveals the human and ordinary character of the idols, taking off the phantasy veil which sacralizes it. But we also mobilize as other conceptual operators the lacanian real , once that by definition he doesn´t let himself lose from the imaginary as well as the symbolic and cynical subject notion, as developed by Slavoj i ek, which takes us to elaborate another hypothesis, the one that the engaging at the modalization defiler of the show might not occur because of the cynical reception of its audience. The corpus selected to analysis constitutes of 71 episodes of 22 minutes duration selected among more than 200 of the previously mentioned TV show, aired between 1997 and 2011, as well as the feature film South Park: bigger, better and uncut (1999). The selection was made mostly based on the purpose of what we intend to show / O intuito desta pesquisa é estudar a construção social contemporânea das celebridades, bem como o papel que ela exerce na civilização midiática. Para tanto, debruçamo-nos sobre o programa televisivo norte-americano South Park, uma animação que se dedica a caricaturálas. Trabalhamos com a hipótese de que o ídolo é um simulacro que não resiste à profanação do humor. Nesse sentido, tomamos como principal referencial teórico-investigativo os conceitos de dispositivo e profanação de Giorgio Agamben, para quem a caricatura presente nos cartoons desvela o caráter humano e ordinário do ídolo, removendo o véu da fantasia que o sacraliza. Mas mobilizamos também, como outros operadores conceituais, o real lacaniano, uma vez que, por definição, ele não se deixa desprender nem do imaginário nem do simbólico e também a noção de sujeito cínico, conforme desenvolvido por Slavoj i ek, o que nos leva a elaborar uma outra hipótese, a de que o engajamento na modalização profanatória do programa pode não ocorrer em razão justamente dessa recepção cínica por parte de sua audiência. O corpus selecionado para análise constitui-se de 71 episódios de 22 minutos de duração, selecionados dentre mais de 200 do referido programa, exibidos entre 1997 e 2011 e também o longa-metragem, South Park: maior, melhor e sem cortes (1999). A seleção recorta principalmente os episódios que se prestam particularmente ao que se pretende demonstrar

The influence of selected antecedents on athlete endoser credibility, attitude towards an advertisement and purchase intentions

Mahao, Bafokeng Bafokeng 09 1900 (has links)
M.Tech (Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences) Vaal University of Technology / Given the pervasive use of celebrity endorsements and the high costs involved in this marketing strategy, it is important for marketers to have knowledge of the right set of procedures to follow in selecting an ambassador to market their products. This study draws from the undertones of Ohanian’s (1990:46) Source attributes theory, comprising elements of the Source credibility theory as well as the Source attractiveness theory. Whereas the former (trustworthiness and expertise) influences consumer attitudes and behaviour through a process called internalisation, the latter (attractiveness) influences receivers of marketing communication messages through a process called identification. The theory is useful when applied during the initial phase of selecting which celebrity to use to endorse products, to avoid costly mistakes of choosing celebrities that do not possess the right set of attributes for persuading consumers. The purpose of this study was to apply the Source attributes theory in understanding the key attributes towards consumers’ evaluations of the credibility of an athlete-celebrity endorser. Moreover, the influence of athlete endorser credibility on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions towards the celebrity endorsed advertisement. A quantitative study comprising a non-probability snowball sample of 456 consumers was conducted in 2016, in and around the five major towns of Southern Gauteng province in South Africa. The structured-self administered questionnaire requested participants to indicate their perceptions regarding the attributes of nominated athlete-celebrity, namely, trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness in endorsing the selected product. In addition, the questionnaire related to consumers’ evaluations of the credibility of the selected athlete-celebrity, consumers’ attitude towards the advertisement where the athlete-celebrity appears and purchase intentions towards the endorsed product. Findings from the study indicated that South African consumers have positive perceptions of the selected athlete-celebrity’s trustworthiness, expertise and attractiveness. In addition, the measurement model was verified using statistical accuracy tests, thereby confirming that the purchase intentions model was a six-factor structure comprising trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness, endorser credibility, attitude towards the advertisement and purchase intentions. The results of both the confirmatory factor analysis and the structural equation modelling suggest that the three dimensions are valid measures of the overall credibility of the athlete- endorser (R2=0.60). This finding provided support for the scale developed by Ohanian (1990) to be a valid vi measure for selecting celebrity endorsers when applied in South Africa. Moreover, the structural model validated the existence of significant, direct impacts of athlete-endorser credibility on attitude towards the advertisement (path estimate=0.704) and attitude towards the advertisement on purchase intentions (path estimate=0.741). Insights gained from this study will assist both marketing academics and practitioners to understand the perceptions of consumers towards the use of athlete-celebrities in product promotions in the South African market. In this regard, if a determination is made that a celebrity could enhance the marketing campaign, marketers should determine to what extent the celebrity should be used. The correct use of the right celebrity, selected in line with these findings, can help ensure greater consumer persuasion.

Media, Publicity, and Fashion: The Michelle Obama Effect A Content Analysis of News Around the World

Fancy, Temitope M. 01 May 2014 (has links)
This study is a content analysis of media content in a 12-month time period in the lives of Jason Wu and Thom Browne, who were the designers of Michelle Obama’s outfit to the second presidential inauguration. In order to discover the increase in awareness and media coverage of these designers due to Michelle Obama’s fashion selection during the second inauguration, which brought about publicity, the researcher compared mentions, tone of stories, and framing of stories concerning these designers 6 months before and after the inauguration. Results indeed gave support to the hypothesis that mentions of these designers increased significantly after that pivotal event, that the mentions were more likely to include Michelle Obama, and that Wu received more mentions than Browne. However, support was not obtained for an increase in positive tone of stories after the inauguration.

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