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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel de RhoA e Rac1 GTPases nas respostas celulares após danos no DNA induzidos por radiação ionizante gama / The role of RhoA and Rac1 GTPases in cellular responses after DNA damage induced by ionizing gamma radiation

Juliana Harumi Osaki 18 June 2015 (has links)
O mecanismo pelo qual uma célula responde a algum dano no seu material genético é extremamente importante. Isto ocorre pela rápida ativação da maquinaria de reparo de danos no DNA, a qual é composta por uma rede intrincada de sinalização proteica, culminando no reparo do DNA; porém se o dano for irreparável ocorre ativação de mecanismos de morte celular. RhoA,e Rac1 pertencem a família das pequenas proteínas sinalizadoras Rho GTPases, as quais atuam como interruptores moleculares ciclando entre estado ativo (ligada a GTP) e inativo (ligada a GDP). Os componentes desta família estão relacionados ao controle dos mais diversos processos celulares como, por exemplo, remodelamento do citoesqueleto, migração, adesão, endocitose, progressão do ciclo celular e oncogênese. No entanto, apesar das proteínas Rho GTPases estarem envolvidas em um amplo espectro de atividades biológicas, há poucas informações sobre seu papel na manutenção da integridade genômica quando células são submetidas a algum agente genotóxico. Para investigar o envolvimento das GTPases RhoA e Rac1 nas respostas de células submetidas a radiação gama, foram gerados, a partir de células de carcinoma de cervix humano - HeLa, sublinhagens clonais mutantes de RhoA e Rac1 expressando exogenamente RhoA constitutivamente ativa (HeLa-RhoA V14), RhoA dominante negativa (HeLa-RhoA N19), Rac1 constitutivamente ativa (HeLa-Rac1 V12) e Rac1 dominante negativa (HeLa-Rac N17). Após estas linhagens celulares serem expostas a diferentes doses de radiação gama, observamos que ambas GTPases, RhoA e Rac1, são ativadas em resposta aos efeitos da radiação. Além disso, a modulação da atividade destas enzimas, através das mutações, levou a uma alteração das respostas celulares frente aos danos no DNA, como uma redução da capacidade de reparar quebras simples e duplas nas fitas do DNA. Por outro lado, a deficiência de RhoA ou Rac1 GTPase levou a uma redução da ativação de Chk1 e Chk2 ou da fosforilação da histona H2AX, respectivamente, prejudicando os mecanismos de detecção de danos no DNA e levando as células a permanecerem mais tempo nos pontos de checagem G1/S e/ou G2/M do ciclo celular. Esses fatores contribuíram de modo expressivo para a redução da proliferação e sobrevivência celular levando as células à morte. Por fim, ensaios celulares de reparo de danos de um DNA exógeno através de mecanismos de Recombinação Homóloga (HR) e Recombinação Não-Homóloga de extremidades (NHEJ), demonstraram que a inibição da atividade de RhoA reduz significativamente a eficiência de ambas vias de reparo. Desta maneira, este trabalho demonstra e reforça a existência de mais um viés de atuação das pequenas GTPases RhoA e Rac1, agora em células HeLa, nas respostas celulares aos danos induzidos por exposição a radiação gama, modulando a sobrevivência, proliferação e indiretamente modulando resposta ao reparo do DNA através da via de Recombinação Homóloga e Não-Homóloga / The mechanism by which a cell responds to DNA damage is extremely important. This occurs by a quick activation of the DNA damage repair machinery, which consists of an intricate protein signaling network culminating in DNA repair. But if the damages are irreparable occurs there is activation of cell death mechanisms. RhoA and Rac1 belong to family of small Rho GTPases, signaling proteins that act as molecular switches cycling between the active state (GTP-bound) and inactive state (GDP-bound). Members of this family are implicated in the control of diverse cellular process such as cytoskeletal remodeling, migration, adhesion, endocytosis, cell cycle progression, and oncogenesis. However, despite Rho proteins are involved in a broad spectrum of biological activities, there is just a few information about their roles in the maintenance of genomic integrity, that is, when the cells are subjected to some kinf of genotoxic agent. To investigate the involvement of the GTPases RhoA and Rac1 in cellular responses to gamma radiation, we generated from human cervix carcinoma cells - HeLa, clonal sublines of RhoA and Rac1 mutants, exogenous and stably expressing the constitutively active RhoA (HeLa-RhoA V14), the dominant negative RhoA (HeLa-RhoA N19), the constitutively active Rac1 (HeLa-Rac1 V12) and the dominant negative Rac1 (HeLa-Rac1 N17). After all these cell lines have been exposed to different doses of gamma radiation, we found that both GTPases, RhoA and Rac1, are activated in response to the radiation effects. Furthermore, the modulation of two enzymes activity, by using the mutant clones, led to a change in cellular responses to the DNA damage, as the reduction in the capacity of repairing DNA single and double strand breaksr. On the other hand, the deficiency of RhoA or Rac1 GTPase led to a reduction of Chk1 and Chk2 activation, or on the phosphorylation of histone H2AX, respectively, hindering the mechanisms of DNA damage detection and arresting cells in the G1/S and/or G2/M checkpoints of cell cycle. These factors significantly contributed to the reduction of cell proliferation and survival, leading cells to death. Finally, cellular assays of DNA damage repair of exogenous DNA by Homologous Recombination (HR) and Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ), demonstrated that RhoA inhibition significantly reduced the repair efficiency of both pathways. Thus, this work demonstrates and reinforces the existence of other biological functions of small GTPases RhoA and Rac1 in HeLa cells, by regulating cellular responses to DNA damage induced by exposure to gamma radiation, modulating the survival, proliferation and indirectly modulating the response to DNA damage repair pathway through the Homologous Recombination and Non-Homologous Recombination

Mode d'action de l'acide ß-aminobutirique chez la vigne : un inducteur de résistance aux pathogènes et étude des mécanismes impliqués dans la sensibilité aux pathogènes du mutant PAD2 d'arabidopsis déficient en glutathion / Mode of action of β-aminobutyric acid in grapevine : an inducer of resistance to pathogens and Mechanisms involved in the susceptibility to pathogens of the Arabidopsis PAD2 mutant impaired in glutathione production

Dubreuil-Maurizi, Carole 01 October 2010 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes de défense mis en place lors de la résistance des plantes vis-à-vis d'agents pathogènes a pour objectif de proposer des alternatives à l'utilisation de produits phytosanitaires utilisés en agriculture. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la résistance induite aux pathogènes par l'acide β-aminobutyrique (BABA) chez la vigne. En effet, cet acide aminé non protéique favorise un état physiologique particulier, appelé potentialisation, dans lequel la plante est capable de mobiliser plus rapidement et/ou plus intensément ses réactions de défense en réponse à un stress. Contrairement aux éliciteurs comme les oligogalacturonates (OG), nous avons montré que le BABA seul n’induisait pas les événements précoces de signalisation sur suspensions cellulaires de vigne, tels que les variations de la concentration en calcium cytosolique libre ([Ca2+]cyt), la production de monoxyde d’azote (NO), la production d’H2O2, la phosphorylation de MAPkinases, ni l’expression de gènes de défense. Seules la production d’H2O2 et l’expression plus intense du gène RbohD codant une NADPH oxydase sont potentialisées par le BABA dans les suspensions cellulaires élicitées par les OG. In planta, le BABA potentialise également une production d’H2O2 en réponse à l’infection par l’oomycète Plasmopara viticola. L’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de NADPH oxydase abolit complètement cette production d’H2O2 et bloque partiellement la résistance induite par le BABA. Nous montrons donc que la potentialisation de la production d’H2O2 dépendante d’une NADPH oxydase contribue à l’établissement de la résistance induite par le BABA chez la vigne. Une deuxième partie a permis d’appréhender les événements cellulaires impliqués dans la résistance des plantes en se focalisant sur le mutant pad2 (phytoalexin deficient) d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce mutant présente une sensibilité accrue à différents pathogènes et contient un taux de glutathion de l’ordre de 20 % par rapport à l’écotype sauvage. Nous avons tout d’abord montré que le faible taux de glutathion dépendait d’une quantité réduite de la première enzyme de sa biosynthèse, la glutamate-cystéine ligase. Le glutathion étant impliqué dans la mise en place des réactions de défense, nous avons tenté de définir le lien entre la déficience en glutathion et la sensibilité de pad2 aux pathogènes. Nous avons tout d’abord montré que pad2 possédait un état redox du glutathion plus oxydé que le sauvage. Une analyse transcriptomique à l’état basal a révélé que la plupart des gènes différentiellement exprimés étaient réprimés chez pad2. Parmi ces gènes, certains codent des protéines impliquées dans les flux d’ions qui pourraient déréguler la dépolarisation membranaire. Nous avons ainsi confirmé que la dépolarisation de la membrane plasmique est amoindrie chez pad2 en réponse aux OG. De plus, des événements en aval tels que la production d’H2O2 et la production de NO sont également plus faibles chez le mutant par rapport au sauvage. Cette absence de la production d’H2O2 a également été spécifiquement observée sur plantes pad2 infectées par l’oomycète Phytophthora brassicae. Il en résulte un développement accru du pathogène corrélé à une absence de réponse hypersensible, une mort cellulaire localisée normalement observée dans le cas du sauvage résistant. En réponse aux OG ou à l’infection par P. brassicae, les analyses transcriptomiques font ressortir un fort enrichissement de gènes relatifs à la dégradation des protéines chez pad2. De manière globale, nos résultats suggèrent que la déficience en glutathion chez pad2 pourrait profondément modifier le turn-over des protéines, perturbant ainsi la signalisation cellulaire et les réponses biologiques associées. / Alternative strategies are required to reduce pesticide input into the environment for effective and sustainable plant protection. One solution is the activation of plant basal resistance that relies on the application of resistance inducer molecules. In the first part of this study, we analyzed the mode of action of β-aminobutyric acid (BABA), a non-protein amino acid, in the grapevine induced resistance. BABA confers a physiological state, called priming, during which plants are able to mobilize better and/or more rapidly defense responses to biotic or abiotic stress. Unlike oligogalacturonides (OG), we showed that BABA did not induce early signaling events in grapevine cells such as variations of cytosolic free calcium concentration, H2O2 and nitric oxide production, MAPkinase phosphorylation, nor the expression of defense-related genes. Among them, only H2O2 production and the expression of RbohD gene, which encodes a NADPH oxidase, are primed by BABA in OG-treated cells. Moreover, BABA-treated plants display a stronger accumulation of H2O2 in response to the oomycete Plasmopara viticola. Application of an NADPH oxidase inhibitor completely abolishes this H2O2 production and leads to a reduction of BABA-induced resistance against P. viticola. These data suggest that the priming of an NADPH oxidase-dependent H2O2 production contributes to BABA-induced resistance in grapevine. The second part consisted to analyze molecular events involved in plant resistance by using the pad2 (phytoalexin deficient) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana which is susceptible to a broad range of pathogens. We showed that the glutathione depletion depends on the low amount of glutamate-cysteine ligase protein, the first enzyme involved in its biosynthesis. We studied molecular events, which are involved in defense mechanisms, to understand the impact of the glutathione content on pad2 susceptibility. Our results show that the redox state of glutathione is more oxidized in pad2 than in wild type Col-0. Since cellular redox state change is known to regulate gene expression, a basal transcriptome analysis has been performed in pad2 and wild type plants. Interestingly, most of the identified genes in pad2 are down-regulated, some of them encoding proteins involved in ion fluxes. As expected, the plasma membrane depolarization and events downstream like H2O2 and NO production are impaired in pad2 in response to OG. During infection with Phytophthora brassicae, the lack of H2O2 production is concomitant with an absence of the hypersensitive response, a localize cell death observed in the resistant wild type. After OG treatment or P. brassicae infection, microarray analysis brings out genes related to protein machinery including degradation in pad2. Taken together, these data suggest that the depletion of glutathione has an impact on protein turn-over which disturbs cell signaling events and related biological responses.

Rekombinantní příprava DNA vazebné domény transkripčního faktoru TEAD4 / Recombinant preparation of DNA binding domain of transcription factor TEAD4

Zákopčaník, Marek January 2020 (has links)
6 Abstract Transcription factors play a key role in the management of cell growth and differ- entiation and their deregulation is associated with many cancers. TEAD proteins utilise highly conserved DNA binding domain to recognise specific DNA sequences. This domain could facilitate new drug design and development. The goal of this master thesis includes recombinant preparation of DNA binding domain of transcriptional factor TEAD4 extended by a part of an unstruc- tured variable sequence, which connects this domain with transactivation domain. Purification steps include affinity chromatography followed by size exclusion chro- matography. The characterization of produced protein was performed by mass spectrometry and finally, native gel electrophoresis was used to prove the ability of the produced protein to bind DNA. During purification steps, a fragmentation from C-terminus was observed. Based on analysis of the mass spectra, three most represented forms of produced protein were described all of which were fragmented. The most abundant form (55%) consisted of amino acids 30-131 from TEAD4 protein. Second most abun- dant form (18%) consisted of amino acids 30-144 and the third form consisted of amino acids 30-81. Native gel electrophoresis verified the ability to bind DNA, the efficiency was however lower...

Taking Lessons from CAR-T Cells and Going Beyond: Tailoring Design and Signaling for CAR-NK Cells in Cancer Therapy

Ruppel, Katharina Eva, Fricke, Stephan, Köhl, Ulrike, Schmiedel, Dominik 08 June 2023 (has links)
Cancer immunotherapies utilize the capabilities of the immune system to efficiently target malignant cells. In recent years, chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) equipped T cells showed promising results against B cell lymphomas. Autologous CAR-T cells require patientspecific manufacturing and thus extensive production facilities, resulting in high priced therapies. Along with potentially severe side effects, these are the major drawbacks of CAR-T cells therapies. Natural Killer (NK) cells pose an alternative for CAR equipped immune cells. Since NK cells can be safely transferred from healthy donors to cancer patients, they present a suitable platform for an allogeneic “off-the-shelf” immunotherapy. However, administration of activated NK cells in cancer therapy has until now shown poor anti-cancer responses, especially in solid tumors. Genetic modifications such as CARs promise to enhance recognition of tumor cells, thereby increasing anti-tumor effects and improving clinical efficacy. Although the cell biology of T and NK cells deviates in many aspects, the development of CAR-NK cells frequently follows within the footsteps of CART cells, meaning that T cell technologies are simply adopted to NK cells. In this review, we underline the unique properties of NK cells and their potential in CAR therapies. First, we summarize the characteristics of NK cell biology with a focus on signaling, a fine-tuned interaction of activating and inhibitory receptors. We then discuss why tailored NK cellspecific CAR designs promise superior efficacy compared to designs developed for T cells. We summarize current findings and developments in the CAR-NK landscape: different CAR formats and modifications to optimize signaling, to target a broader pool of antigens or to increase in vivo persistence. Finally, we address challenges beyond NK cell engineering, including expansion and manufacturing, that need to be addressed to pave the way for CAR-NK therapies from the bench to the clinics.

Defining Mutation-Specific NRAS Functions that Drive Melanomagenesis

Murphy, Brandon M. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

AXL receptor tyrosine kinase in breast cancer : defining novel substrates and pathways involved in cell motility and invasion

Abu-Thuraia, Afnan 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué et le plus mortelle chez la femme, où sa progression vers le stade métastatique constitue une menace pour la vie des patientes. La présence de métastases représente le défi clinique central de l'oncologie des tumeurs solides, de sorte que les mécanismes et les voies sous-jacents au processus métastatique doivent être mieux définis. L'expression aberrante du récepteur tyrosine kinase (RTK) AXL a été liée cliniquement à la formation de métastases et à l'acquisition d'une résistance aux médicaments contre le cancer. AXL est un membre de la sous-famille des récepteurs tyrosine kinase TAM et intervient dans plusieurs processus biologiques tels que l'atténuation de la réponse immunitaire, l'élimination des cellules apoptotiques et la promotion de la survie cellulaire. L'expression d'AXL dans les tumeurs primaires humaines corrèle avec la faible survie des patients. Malgré sa régulation positive préférentielle dans les lignées cellulaires triple négatives / basales B, des études ont montré que l’expression d’AXL est indépendante du sous-type de la tumeur mammaire des patients. AXL peut être activé par son ligand GAS6 ou par d'autres RTK. Lors de son activation, AXL induit une signalisation en aval entraînant l'activation d'intermédiaires de signalisation canoniques, notamment MAPK, AKT et PI 3-kinases. Cependant, les voies de signalisation spécifiques engagées par AXL pour conférer un tel pouvoir pro-invasion ne sont pas connues. Ainsi, le but de cette thèse est d'identifier des substrats spécifiques d’AXL et des voies en aval qui jouent un rôle important dans le maintien d'un état « EMT » et d'un renforcement du phénotype mésenchymal dans les cellules cancéreuses. À la recherche de régulateurs en amont du complexe ELMO/DOCK1 impliqués dans l’activation de RAC, nous présentons au chapitre 2 les protéines d’échafaudage ELMO en tant que substrats directs et partenaires de liaison d’AXL. Grâce à des approches de protéomique et de mutagenèse, nous révélons que la kinase AXL phosphoryle ELMO1/2 sur un résidu tyrosine carboxy-terminal conservé. Dans les cellules cancéreuses du sein, l'activation d'AXL dépendante de GAS6 a conduit à la phosphorylation endogène d'ELMO2 sur Tyr-713, menant ainsi à la formation du complexe AXL/ELMO. En outre, l'activation de RAC induite par GAS6 dans les cellules cancéreuses du sein dépendait de l'expression d'ELMO2. Semblable au blocage d’AXL, l'inhibition d’ELMO2 ou l'inhibition pharmacologique de DOCK1 supprime l'invasion des cellules du cancer du sein, qui, selon nous, dépendait de l'état de phosphorylation d'ELMO. Notre travail au chapitre 2 définit un nouveau mécanisme par lequel AXL favorise la prolifération et l'invasion cellulaire et identifie l'inhibition de la voie ELMO/DOCK comme une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour arrêter les métastases induites par AXL. Bien qu'il soit encore difficile de savoir comment les signaux d’AXL induisent son phénotype pro-invasif, notre travail au Chapitre 3 vise à identifier des substrats et des voies de signalisation spécifiques qui sont significativement modulés lors de l'activation d'AXL. Pour y remédier, nous avons défini le phosphoprotéome de la régulation d’AXL dans des cellules cancéreuses du sein triple-négatives en utilisant une approche quantitative. Nous révélons qu’AXL module de manière robuste, parmi de nombreux processus et voies biologiques importants, la phosphorylation d'un réseau de protéines d'adhésion focale (FA) aboutissant à un désassemblage plus rapide des FA. De manière intéressante, nous avons trouvé que la modulation de la voie FA était unique à AXL par rapport à d'autres RTK tels que l'EGFR. En particulier, nous avons trouvé qu’AXL phosphoryle la protéine NEDD9, modulant la formation du complexe NEDD9/CRKII/DOCK3, qui orchestre la phosphorylation de la pseudo-kinase PEAK1 médiée par AXL. Nos données révèlent un mécanisme distinct par lequel les complexes PEAK1 avec la kinase CSK médient la phosphorylation de PXN et le renouvellement des FA induit par AXL. En utilisant l'injection orthotopique de cellules cancéreuses du sein dans le tissu adipeux mammaire des souris et dans la veine de la queue, nous révélons que l'inactivation de PEAK1 par CRISPR diminue la croissance tumorale et les métastases in vivo. De plus, notre travail au chapitre 3 révèle une contribution unique et inattendue de la signalisation d’AXL à la dynamique des FA, révélant un mécanisme longtemps recherché sous-tendant l'activité invasive d'AXL. Cette compréhension approfondie des réseaux de signalisation régulés par AXL identifie PEAK1 comme une nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans les tumeurs AXL positives. En conclusion, cette thèse a identifié, pour la première fois, le phosphoprotéome d’AXL et des voies de signalisation spécifique à AXL, pouvant justifier le rôle du récepteur en tant que promoteur de métastases et de résistance aux médicaments. Notre travail révèle de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques qui pourraient avoir un grand potentiel si elles sont utilisées en thérapie combinatoire avec l’inhibition d’AXL pour prévenir la formation de métastases des tumeurs AXL positives. / Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women where its progression to the metastatic stage poses a threat to the life of patients. The metastatic disease represents the central clinical challenge of solid tumor oncology such that mechanisms and pathways underlying the metastatic process must be better defined. The aberrant expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) AXL has been linked clinically to metastasis and acquisition of drug resistance. AXL is a member of the TAM subfamily and functions in several biological processes such as dampening the immune response, clearing apoptotic cells and promoting cell survival. Despite its preferential upregulation in triple negative/basal B cell lines, studies have shown AXL expression in the clinic to be subtype independent. AXL can be activated by its ligand GAS6 or by a crosstalk with other RTKs. Upon its activation, AXL induces downstream signaling resulting in the activation of canonical signaling intermediates including MAPKs, AKT and PI 3-kinases. However, the specific signaling pathways engaged by AXL to confer such enhanced pro-invasion power are not known and the goal of this thesis is to identify AXL-specific substrates and downstream pathways that are behind AXL’s significant role in maintaining an EMT state and reinforced mesenchymal phenotype in cancer cells. In search of upstream regulators of ELMO/DOCK1 complex involved in RAC activation, we reported ELMO scaffolds as direct substrates and binding partners of AXL. Through proteomics and mutagenesis approaches, we revealed phosphorylation of ELMO1/2 by AXL kinase on a conserved carboxyl-terminal tyrosine residue. In breast cancer cells, GAS6-dependent activation of AXL led to endogenous ELMO2 phosphorylation on Tyr-713 and AXL/ELMO complex formation. In addition, GAS6-induced RAC activation in breast cancer cells was dependent on ELMO2 expression and phosphorylation. Our work in chapter 2 defines a new mechanism by which AXL promotes cell proliferation and invasion and identifies inhibition of ELMO/DOCK pathway as a potential therapeutic target to stop AXL-induced metastases. While it still remains elusive how AXL signals to induce its pro-invasive phenotype, our work strove to identify specific substrates and signaling pathways that are significantly modulated upon AXL activation using a quantitative phosphoproteomics approach. By generating GAS6-induced AXL phosphoproteome, we found that AXL robustly modulates, among many different significant biological processes and pathways, the phosphorylation of a network of focal adhesion (FA) proteins culminating in faster FA disassembly. Interestingly, we found AXL modulation of FA pathway to be unique to AXL in comparison with other RTKs such as EGFR. NEDD9 FA protein was identified to be a direct substrate of AXL, where its phosphorylation modulates its complex formation with CRKII/DOCK3, and this subsequently orchestrates the AXL-mediated phosphorylation of the pseudo-kinase PEAK1. Our data revealed a distinct mechanism by which PEAK1 complexes with CSK kinase, mediating PXN phosphorylation and AXL-induced FA turnover. Using in vivo assays such as tail-vein metastasis assay and tumor growth assay, we revealed that gene inactivation of PEAK1 by CRISPR CAS9 decreased tumor growth and metastasis. Furthermore, our work in chapter 3 uncovers an unexpected and unique robust contribution of AXL signaling to FA dynamics revealing a long sought-after mechanism underlying AXL pro-invasive activity. This in-depth understanding of AXL regulated signaling networks identifies PEAK1 as a new therapeutic target in AXL positive tumors. In conclusion, this thesis identified, for the first time, AXL phosphoproteome and AXL specific downstream signaling pathways that may justify AXL’s role as a promoter of metastasis and drug resistance. Our work reveals novel therapeutic drug targets that may hold a great potential if used in combinational therapeutics with AXL inhibition to prevent metastasis of AXL positive tumors.

Investigation of the non-canonical roles and regulation mechanisms of β-arrestin 1/2

Sokrat, Badr 04 1900 (has links)
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG) constituent la plus grande famille de récepteurs à domaines transmembranaires et sont impliqués dans divers processus biologiques, ce qui en fait une cible privilégiée pour le développement de médicaments. Parmi les protéines qui régulent la signalisation des RCPG, les β-arrestines sont impliquées dans plusieurs fonctions canoniques telles que la désensibilisation, l'internalisation et le trafic des récepteurs. En outre, la β-arrestine accomplit aussi des fonctions non-canoniques en agissant comme un échafaudage pour des complexes de signalisation notamment pour la voie MAPK et ainsi favorise certaines voies de signalisation intracellulaire. La présente thèse visait à explorer des fonctions non-canoniques et de nouveaux mécanismes possibles de régulation de la β-arrestine induite par l'activation des RCPG. Le premier projet visait à mettre en évidence le mécanisme de trafic des protéines G de la membrane plasmique vers les endosomes et le rôle que joue la β-arrestine dans ce processus. Nous avons montré que la sous-unité Gαs se dissocie de la membrane plasmique indépendamment de la β-arrestine après l'activation des récepteurs, alors que le dimère Gβγ nécessite la présence de la β-arrestine. Nous avons également mis en évidence la formation d'un complexe composé du récepteur V2 de la vasopressine, de la β-arrestine et de l'hétérodimère Gβγ et que ce complexe est crucial pour la translocation des protéines G vers les endosomes. Cette étude met en évidence le rôle de la β-arrestine dans le trafic endosomal des protéines G et établit les bases pour expliquer sa contribution dans la médiation de la signalisation soutenue des protéines G dans les endosomes. Le second projet avait pour objectif d'explorer le rôle de l'ubiquitination du récepteur du glucagon (GCGR) sur sa signalisation et les fonctions de la β-arrestine. Nous avons montré que l'état d'ubiquitination de ce récepteur cause un biais de signalisation, car le GCGR déubiquitiné présente une diminution du couplage et de l'activité des protéines G alors que la liaison à la β-arrestine est augmentée. Ceci contribue à l’activation de la voie de signalisation MAPK p38 de manière dépendante de la β-arrestine 1. Nous avons également montré que le biais en faveur de la β-arrestine ne réduit pas la sécrétion d'insuline médiée par le GCGR dans les cellules β pancréatiques. Cette étude suggère que la sécrétion d’insuline dépendante du GCGR implique à la fois une signalisation dépendante des protéines G, mais aussi de la β-arrestine. Le statut d'ubiquitination du GCGR oriente la signalisation du récepteur par différents effecteurs pour réguler la sécrétion d'insuline et l'homéostasie du glucose. Le troisième projet visait à identifier de nouveaux interacteurs des β-arrestines 1/2 et à caractériser le rôle de ces interactions dans le contexte de la signalisation des RCPG. Nous avons identifié plus de 100 nouveaux interacteurs potentiels des β-arrestines 1/2 en utilisant l'approche protéomique BioID. Nous avons confirmé l'interaction de l'enzyme atypique de conjugaison de l'ubiquitine UBE2O avec les β-arrestines. Nous avons également montré que UBE2O module le trafic des β-arrestines entre la membrane plasmique et les endosomes. Cette étude ouvre de nouvelles voies pour explorer des fonctions potentielles des β-arrestines médiées par leurs liaisons à des interacteurs jusqu'alors non identifiés. Les résultats compilés dans cette thèse permettent de dresser un tableau plus étendu des mécanismes régulant les fonctions de la β-arrestine ainsi que de nouveaux rôles potentiels que cette protéine joue dans la signalisation des RCPG. La caractérisation des fonctions non-canoniques et des mécanismes de régulation de la β-arrestine est une avenue prometteuse qui pourrait mener au développement de thérapies ciblant les RCPG. / G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of transmembrane receptors and are involved in various biological processes, making them an interesting target for drug discovery. GPCR signaling is regulated by various proteins, including the β-arrestin family that mediate various canonical functions such as receptor desensitization, internalization, and trafficking. β-arrestin also fulfills certain non-canonical roles and has been shown to trigger intracellular signaling by acting as a scaffold for signaling complexes such as for the MAPK pathway. The present thesis aimed to explore non-canonical functions and possible novel mechanism of regulation of β-arrestin following GPCR activation. The objective of the first project was to uncover G protein trafficking mechanism from the plasma membrane to the endosomes and the role that β-arrestin plays in this process. We showed that the Gαs subunit dissociates from the plasma membrane independently of β-arrestin after receptor activation while the Gβγ dimer requires β-arrestin for its trafficking. We also revealed the formation of a complex composed of the vasopressin V2 receptor, β-arrestin, and the Gβγ heterodimer and that this complex is critical for G protein translocation to the endosomes. This study highlights the role of β-arrestin in Gβγ trafficking and lays the basis for explaining the role of β-arrestin in mediating sustained endosomal G protein signaling. The aim of the second project was to explore the role of the glucagon receptor (GCGR) ubiquitination on signaling and β-arrestin functions. We showed that the ubiquitination state of the receptor controls signaling bias as a deubiquitinated GCGR exhibits decreased G protein coupling and activity while β-arrestin binding is enhanced. Deubiquitinated GCGR signaling is also redirected to a β-arrestin 1-dependent p38 MAPK pathway. We also revealed that this β-arrestin bias does not reduce GCGR-mediated insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. This study suggests that GCGR-dependent insulin secretion involves both G-protein and β-arrestin-dependent signaling. The ubiquitination status of GCGR directs signaling through different effectors to regulate insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. The third project aimed to identify novel interactors of β-arrestin 1/2 and characterize the role of these interactions in the context of GPCR signaling. We identified over 100 new β-arrestin 1/2 potential interactions using the BioID proteomic approach. We confirmed the interaction of the atypical ubiquitin conjugating enzyme UBE2O with β-arrestin by co-immunoprecipitation and by BRET. We also showed that UBE2O modulates β-arrestin trafficking between the plasma membrane and early endosomes. The results of this study open new avenues to explore novel functions and regulation mechanisms of β-arrestin mediated by their interactions with previously unidentified interactors. The findings compiled in this thesis shed light on a broader picture of the mechanisms regulating β-arrestin functions, as well as the potential novel roles this protein plays in GPCR signaling. The characterization of non-canonical functions and regulatory mechanisms of β-arrestin is an exciting avenue that could be important in the development of future therapies targeting GPCRs.

An investigation into dynamic and functional properties of prokaryotic signalling networks

Kothamachu, Varun Bhaskar January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate dynamic and computational properties of prokaryotic signalling architectures commonly known as the Two Component Signalling networks and phosphorelays. The aim of this study is to understand the information processing capabilities of different prokaryotic signalling architectures by examining the dynamics they exhibit. I present original investigations into the dynamics of different phosphorelay architectures and identify network architectures that include a commonly found four step phosphorelay architecture with a capacity for tuning its steady state output to implement different signal-response behaviours viz. sigmoidal and hyperbolic response. Biologically, this tuning can be implemented through physiological processes like regulating total protein concentrations (e.g. via transcriptional regulation or feedback), altering reaction rate constants through binding of auxiliary proteins on relay components, or by regulating bi-functional activity in relays which are mediated by bifunctional histidine kinases. This study explores the importance of different biochemical arrangements of signalling networks and their corresponding response dynamics. Following investigations into the significance of various biochemical reactions and topological variants of a four step relay architecture, I explore the effects of having different types of proteins in signalling networks. I show how multi-domain proteins in a phosphorelay architecture with multiple phosphotransfer steps occurring on the same protein can exhibit multistability through a combination of double negative and positive feedback loops. I derive a minimal multistable (core) architecture and show how component sharing amongst networks containing this multistable core can implement computational logic (like AND, OR and ADDER functions) that allows cells to integrate multiple inputs and compute an appropriate response. I examine the genomic distribution of single and multi domain kinases and annotate their partner response regulator proteins across prokaryotic genomes to find the biological significance of dynamics that these networks embed and the processes they regulate in a cell. I extract data from a prokaryotic two component protein database and take a sequence based functional annotation approach to identify the process, function and localisation of different response regulators as signalling partners in these networks. In summary, work presented in this thesis explores the dynamic and computational properties of different prokaryotic signalling networks and uses them to draw an insight into the biological significance of multidomain sensor kinases in living cells. The thesis concludes with a discussion on how this understanding of the dynamic and computational properties of prokaryotic signalling networks can be used to design synthetic circuits involving different proteins comprising two component and phosphorelay architectures.

Calcium-related fungal genes implicated in arbuscular mycorrhiza / Gènes fongiques liés au calcium impliqués dans la mycorhize à arbuscules

Liu, Yi 10 December 2012 (has links)
Les fluctuations du taux de calcium (Ca2+) intracellulaire sont impliquées dans les événements de signalisation et de régulation de différents processus cellulaires. Alors que le role du Ca2+ dans la réponse des plantes lors des interactions mycorhiziennes à arbuscules (MA) interactions est bien documentée, il n’existe aucune information concernant la régulation ou le rôle de ce messager secondaire chez le symbiote fongique. La base moléculaire de l'homéostasie calcique fongique dans la symbiose MA a été analysée en étudiant l'expression de gènes fongiques liés au Ca2+. Dans un premier temps, des gènes de G. mosseae codant putativement pour une protéine kinase-like MAP3k (Gm2) et une P-type ATPase (Gm152) ont été étudiés. L’expression des deux gènes est stimulée par les exudats racinaires d’A. sinicum, suggérant un rôle dans les interactions précoces avant l'établissement de la symbiose. L’obtention de la séquence d'ADNc pleine longueur de Gm152 a confirmé son identité. Une étude plus approfondie du rôle de Ca2+ dans les processus fongiques impliqués dans la symbiose MA a été réalisée chez G. intraradices. L'expression de sept gènes fongiques encodant six protéines de transport membranaire calcique et une protéine kinase nucléaire, sélectionnés du séquençage transcriptomique du G. intraradices, était stimulée lors de la colonisation des racines de M. truncatula type sauvage (lignée J5) mais pas chez le mutant non-mycorhizienne dmi3/Mtsym13. La cartographie par microdissection laser des transcrits des gènes fongiques a indiqué une activation différentielle dans les arbuscules et/ou dans hyphes intercellulaires. Les variations tempo-spatiales de l'expression des gènes fongiques suggèrent des roles différents dans le développement ou le fonctionnement de la symbiose MA. L’ADNc pleine longueur a été obtenue de trois gènes de G. intraradices encodant un PMR1-like réticulum endoplasmique ATPase, un VCX1-like transporteur ionique vacuolaire et un CCaMK nucléaire pour des analyses fonctionnelles chez la levure afin de mieux comprendre leur rôle dans la symbiose MA. Les mécanismes par lesquels les protéines liées au Ca2+ pourraient jouer un rôle chez G. intraradices dans la mobilisation et la perception du messager secondaire au cours des interactions MA sont discutés / Fluctuations in intracellular (Ca2+) calcium levels generate signaling events and regulate different cellular processes. Whilst the implication of Ca2+ in plant cell responses during arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) interactions is well documented, nothing is known about the regulation or role of this secondary meesenger in the fungal symbiont. The molecular basis of fungal calcium homeostasis in the AM symbiosis was analyzed by investigating the expression of Ca2+-related fungal genes. In a first study, G. mosseae genes putatively encoding a MAP3k-like protein kinase (Gm2) and a P-type ATPase (Gm152) were investigated. Both Ca2+-related genes were up-regulated by A. sinicum root exudates, suggesting a role in early interactions prior to symbiosis establishment. The full-length cDNA sequence of Gm152 obtained from germinating spores of G. mosseae confirmed its identity. The role of Ca2+ in fungal processes leading to establishment of an AM symbiosis was investigated in more detail in G. intraradices-M. truncatula interactions. Enhanced expression of genes encoding six membrane transport proteins and one nuclear protein kinase, selected from the G. intraradices transcriptome database, was related to colonization of wild-type M. truncatula (line J5) roots and not observed with the mycorrhiza-resistant mutant dmi3/Mtsym13. Laser microdissection mapping of transcripts indicated that the Ca2+-related G. intraradices genes were differentially up-regulated in arbuscules and/or in intercellular hyphae. The tempo-spatial variations in fungal gene expression suggest different roles in the development or functioning of the AM symbiosis. Full-length cDNA of three G. intraradices genes putatively encoding a PMR-like endoplasmic reticulum P-type ATPase, a VCX1-like vacuolar Ca2+ ion transporter and a nuclear CCaMK were obtained for functional analyses in yeast mutants to gain insight into their role in the mycorrhizal symbiosis. Possible mechanisms are discussed in which Ca2+-related proteins of G. intraradices may play a role in the mobilization and perception of the intracellular messenger by the AM fungus during symbiotic interactions with host roots

Vliv malých DNA virů na regulaci tvorby interferónu / Effect of small DNA viruses on regulation of interferon production

Hofman, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) represent innate immune cells capable to detect viruses in their endosomal environment via Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Viral nuclear acid recognition leads to the massive production of type I interferon (IFN I) and induction of the antiviral state in uninfected cells. Crosslinking of the surface regulatory receptors, such as BDCA-2, with monoclonal antibodies or with some viruses leads to the activation of MEK1/2- ERK signaling pathway and inhibition of IFN I production in pDC. In this study, the role of MEK1/2 kinase has been highlighted. Its inhibition reversed the inhibitory effect of BDCA-2 crosslinking and its direct activation with PMA led to the inhibition of IFN-α production. Yet an unclear role of pDC in sensing of BK polyomavirus virus (BKV) responsible for kidney transplant rejection was investigated as a major topic of this thesis. Experiments with the pDC cell line Gen2.2 and HRPTEC primary cell line showed that pDCs were not able to detect BKV particles, however, exposure of activated Gen2.2 cells to BKV inoculum dramatically upregulated production of IFN-α. Most importantly, coculture of Gen2.2 cells with BKV- infected HRPTEC cells resulted in IFN-α and TNF-α production, which was prevented by Bafilomycin. These results suggest that BKV-infected...

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