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Reconstruindo as florestas tropicais úmidas do eoceno-oligoceno do sudeste do Brasil (Bacias de Fonseca e Gandarela, Minas Gerais) com folhas de fabaceae, myrtaceae e outras angiospermas : origens da Mata Atlântica / Reconstructing the Eocene-oligocene tropical rainforests from the Southeastern Brazil (Fonseca and Gandarela Basins, Minas Gerais) with leaves of fabacea, myrtaceae and other angiosperms : the Mata Atlantica originsFanton, Jean Carlo Mari, 1983- 27 March 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Fresia Soledad Ricardi Tores Branco / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T19:10:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Folhas isoladas de angiospermas preservadas em depósitos fluvio-lacustres das bacias de Fonseca e Gandarela foram analisadas visando reconstruir o paleoambiente. Angiospermas são bons indicadores climáticos, pois a distribuição de suas espécies no espaço/tempo e influenciada pelo clima. Localizadas no centro-sul de Minas Gerais, as bacias de Fonseca e Gandarela são grabens encravados no embasamento Pré-Cambriano, depositados nos intervalos Neoeoceno-Eoligoceno e Neoeoceno- Eomioceno (respectivamente), segundo dados paleológicos. Como métodos, alem da morfotipificação, características arquiteturais informativas permitiram identificações taxonômicas com base apenas em folhas. Para estimar as paleotemperaturas, aplicou-se a Analise da Margem Foliar (LMA) utilizando a relação entre a proporção de espécies arbóreas "dicotiledôneas" com margens lisas (pE) e a media anual de temperatura (MAT). Antes, a habilidade de modelos sul-americanos foi testada em florestas atlânticas do sudeste. Devido à pEs altas (0,78-0,87), as temperaturas dos locais quentes-baixos (MAT ? 23°C) foram estimadas corretamente, mas o erro foi maior nos locais frios-elevados (MAT ? 22°C, 610-890 m). Mesmo que linhagens obrigatoriamente lisas estiveram super-representadas tanto nos locais quentes quanto frios (em media 38% das espécies/local), o desenvolvimento de terras altas desde o Neocretaceo e Cenozóico no sudeste inviabiliza hipóteses de tempo insuficiente para a evolução de margens denteadas nas angiospermas adaptadas a altitude. Para Fonseca (40 morfotipos) e Gandarela (20) foram obtidas pEs tão altas (0,90 e 0,95) quanto às de florestas equatoriais amazônicas atuais. MATs ? 24,7°C foram reconstruídas pela maioria dos modelos (em media ?27-28°C), faixa megatermica hoje registrada principalmente em terras-baixas do norte e nordeste do Brasil. Mais da metade dos 25 morfotipos aqui descritos foram identificados em famílias tropicais, como Lauraceae (FS06, GR03 e GR09), Fabaceae (FS01-03, FS05, FS09 e GR08), Combretaceae (FS08) e Myrtaceae (FS11-13 e GR02). Todas são linhagens com uma longa historia evolutiva (no mínimo desde o Paleoceno-Eoceno) no norte (Fabaceae e Lauraceae) e no sul (Myrtaceae) da America do Sul, expondo um antigo legado de tropical idade e influencia floristica mista (boreal-laurasiana e austral-antartica). Hoje no sudeste, tais famílias controlam boa parte dos recursos ecológicos na Mata Atlântica e provavelmente já o faziam nas florestas do Neopaleogeno. Devido à composição e certas condições ambientais compartilhadas, as florestas ombrofilas do compartimento sul da Mata Atlântica (inclusive a Floresta Ombrofila Mista, FOM) são analogias modernas parcialmente comparáveis com Fonseca e Gandarela: temperaturas e pluviosidade elevadas mantendo um dossel sempre-verde e multiestratificado, dominado por angiospermas (Myrtaceae, Lauraceae e Fabaceae) e coníferas austrais (Podocarpaceae e Araucariaceae). Confirmam a reconstrução de florestas tropicais úmidas: (1) o conjunto fisionômico da Formação Fonseca (onde 40- 65% dos morfotipos avaliados têm ápice acuminado, 80-90% margens lisas e 50% notofilo-mesofilos) e (2) a presença de linhagens que demandam umidade e intolerantes ao frio, como podocarpaceas dacrydioides (Dacrydiumites) e mirtaceas como FS13 (identificado em Curitiba), exibindo uma folha acuminada 2× maior que da atual C. prismática, espécie endêmica da FOM. O cenário reconstruído se ajusta aos níveis superiores de CO2 atmosférico, maior zona tropical e invernos relativamente brandos do final do Paleogeno / Abstract: Isolated fossil angiosperm leaves preserved in fluvial-lacustrine deposits from the Fonseca and Gandarela basins were analyzed to reconstruct the paleoenvironment. Angiosperms are good climatic indicators since the species distribution in space/time is influenced by the climate. Located in central-southern part of the State of Minas Gerais, the Fonseca and Gandarela basins are grabens embedded in the Precambrian basement, deposited during the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene interval, according to palynological data. As methods, informative architecture characteristics allowed taxonomic identifications solely on the basis of leaves. To estimate paleotemperatures, the Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA) was applied, based on the relationship between the proportion of untoothed woody "dicot" species (pE) and mean annual temperature (MAT). Before, the ability of South American models was tested on modern sites of Atlantic forests from southeastern Brazil. Because of high pEs (0,78-0,87), temperatures of the low-elevation sites (MAT ? 23°C) were predicted accurately, but the error was greater in the high-elevation ones (MAT ? 22°C, 610-890 m). Although obligate untoothed lineages were richly represented in low and high-temperature sites (in average 38% of the species per site), the development of highlands in southeastern Brazil since the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic invalidate hypotheses about an insufficient time to evolve teeth in angiosperms adapted to high-elevations. Both fossil floras Fonseca (40 morphotypes) and Gandarela (20) showed pEs (0,90 and 0,95) so high as observed in Amazonian equatorial rainforests. MATs ? 24,7°C were yielded for the majority of the models (in average ?27-28°C), isotherm today registered mainly in lowlands from northern Brazil. Over half of the morphotypes described were identified in families essentially tropical, such as Lauraceae (FS06, GR03 and GR09), Fabaceae (FS01-03, FS05, FS09 and GR08), Combretaceae (FS08) and Myrtaceae (FS11-13 and GR02). All these lineages have a long evolutionary history (since at least the Paleocene- Eocene) in the north (Fabaceae and Lauraceae) and south (Myrtaceae) of South America, revealing an antique legacy of tropicality and mixed floristic influence from boreal-laurasian and austral-Antarctic regions. Today, such families have controlled a major portion of the ecological resources in the Atlantic forests from southeastern Brazil probably retaining dominance since the Paleogene. Similar composition and some environmental aspects suggest that the rainforests from the southern Atlantic block (including Araucaria rainforest) are the closest living analogues to the Fonseca and Gandarela extinct vegetation: high temperatures and heavy rainfall sustaining an evergreen and multilayered canopy dominated by angiosperms (Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Fabaceae) and austral conifers (Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae). Additional evidence supporting the tropical rainforest hypothesis is: (1) the Fonseca Formation leaf physiognomy (40-65% of the morphotypes evaluated have drip tips, 80-90% untoothed margins and 50% are notophyll-mesophyll), and (2) the presence of water-demanding and coldintolerant lineages, such as dacrydioid podocarps (Dacrydiumites) and the Myrtaceae morphotype FS13 (identified as Curitiba), which bears an acuminate leaf 2× longer than the extant C. prismatica. The paleoenvironment reconstructed agree with the higher atmospheric CO2 levels, the wider Tropical zone and the relatively mild winters during the Late Paleogene / Doutorado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Doutor em Ciências
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Etude géochimique et géochronologique d'un massif basique et ultrabasique des zones internes de la chaîne des Maghrébides (Edough, NE Algégrie) : contraintes sur l'évolution de la Méditerranée Occidentale au Cénozoïque / Basic and Ultra-basic from N-E Algeria (Collo, Voile Noire and Edough) : Highlights on Western Mediterranean openingFernandez, Laure 15 December 2015 (has links)
Le massif de l’Edough représente le massif cristallin le plus oriental de la chaîne des Maghrébides. Ce massif, peu étudié, est cependant particulièrement intéressant car il permet de faire le lien avec les autres segments de la chaîne Alpine Péri-Méditerranéenne. Il se présente sous la forme d’un dôme métamorphique principalement constitué de gneiss et migmatites contenant en son cœur des amphibolites à grenat et des métapéridotites (péridotites de Sidi Mohamed). Au Nord, il est chevauché par l’unité de Kef Lakhal composée d’amphibolites massives, qui sont séparées du dôme par une unité de mélange contenant des lithologies de nature très variée. Trois de ces unités ont été étudiées: les péridotites de Sidi Mohamed, l’unité de mélange, et l'unité de Kef Lakhal. Les objectifs de ce doctorat consistent à: i) caractériser ces différentes unités en terme de source, processus enregistrés et évolution, ii) contraindre l'âge de ces unités et, éventuellement, l'âge du/des métamorphisme(s) enregistré(s), iii) replacer ces différentes unités dans un contexte global de la géodynamique du bassin Méditerranéen au cours du Cénozoïque. Ainsi une approche combinée couplant pétrologie, géochimie et géochronologie a été réalisée sur un échantillonnage prélevé en 2012, et principalement focalisé sur les lithologies basiques et ultra-basiques ainsi que sur les zones de contact entre ces trois unités. La méthodologie mise en oeuvre consiste, à la fois, en des analyses in situ (éléments majeurs et traces, géochronologie U-Pb, isotopes Hf) et des mesures sur roches totale et fractions minérales (éléments majeur et traces, géochronologie Ar-Ar et isotopes Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf). Dans la zone de Sidi Mohamed, les amphibolites à grenat proviennent d’un manteau similaire à celui des témoins retrouvés au niveau du bloc d’Alboran et enregistrent un évènement métamorphique à c. 18 Ma. Les roches ultramafiques situées au cœur du dôme possèdent des signatures isotopiques de type manteau sous-continental avec une influence de processus de subduction et une empreinte géochimique plus tardive liée aux processus d’exhumation. L’unité de mélange est interprétée comme une marge passive Permo-Carbonifère. Les amphibolites proviennent d’un manteau modifié par une ancienne subduction. Cette unité de mélange contient des reliques métamorphisées sous conditions d’Ultra-Haute Pression marquées notamment, par la présence de diamants inclus dans un méga-cristal de grenat dont le protolithe est de type N-MORB. Le stade prograde de l'évènement UHP a été daté à c. 32 Ma et l'exhumation puis le charriage sur le socle de l’Edough se produisent à c. 21 Ma. L’unité amphibolitique de Kef Lakhal présente des signatures de type croute océanique N-MORB et représenterait un vestige de la Téthys entré en subduction puis exhumé à c. 21 Ma. Nous proposons que le massif de l’Edough représente la marge passive Nord-Africaine d’âge Permo-Carbonifère sur laquelle un fragment de croûte océanique Téthysienne a été charriée au cours du Miocène. L’exhumation du massif se produit en deux stades dont le premier à ~21 Ma est suivi par la formation d’un Metamorphic Core Complex à partir de 18 Ma. Nous relions ces processus rapides à des mouvements de la fosse de subduction et du panneau plongeant. / The Edough massif is the Easternmost crystalline massif of the Maghrebide belt. This area presents strong similarities with the internal zones of the Peri-Mediterranean Alpine belt but its evolution stillremains poorly constrained. Edough can be approximated as a metamorphic dome of gneisses and migmatites containing garnet amphibolite and metaperidotites of Sidi Mohamed in its core. In the North, the dome is overlain by a nappe stack constituted by a “melange” unit composed of various lithologies and, upward, by the Kef Lakhal massive amphibolites of oceanic origin. This work is focused on three units containing mafic and ultramafic lithologies i.e. the Sidi Mohamed peridotites, the “melange” unit and the Kef Lakhal amphibolites. The aim of this Ph.D. work is to characterize all three units, to determine their relationships and establish the timing of the main events identified. We chose a combined geochronological-geochemical approach using in situ analyses (major and trace elements, U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes on accessory minerals) and bulk analyses on whole rock/mineral fraction (major and trace elements, Ar-Ar geochronology and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes). We show that the Sidi Mohamed mafic rocks display an affinity with the Alboran mantle. The mantle rocks from Sidi Mohamed display affinities with a subcontinental mantle influenced by subduction processes and late metamorphism at crustal levels. The melange unit is interpreted as a Permo-Carboniferous passive margin. The amphibolite lenses in the mélange unit originate from a mantle modified by subduction processes. This unit contains relics of Ultra-High Pressure rocks as evidenced by the occurrence of diamonds in a megacrystal of garnet showing oceanic affinities. These ultra-high pressure rocks document a prograde stage at ~32 Ma and exhumation to lower crustal levels at ~21 Ma. The Kef Lakhal unit displays oceanic crust-like signatures and characteristics of fluid induced signatures. We interpret the Kef Lakhal amphibolites as a shallow subducted Tethys fragment, which was exhumed at 21 Ma. We propose that the Edough massif represents the Permo-carboniferous passive margin of Africa basement onto which a fragment of the Tethys Ocean was thrusted. The whole massif was finally exhumed as a metamorphic core complex at 18 Ma and experienced fast cooling until ~16 Ma. We relate this fast processes to the interplay between trench and slab movements.
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Paléoréseaux hydrographiques et paléoreliefs en période de tectonique active : l’Eocène-Miocène basal (45-20 Ma) du bassin du SE de la France, témoin de la formation des Alpes occidentales / Palaeodrainage networks and palaeotopographies during an active tectonic period : the Eocene-early Miocene (45-20 Ma) of the French South Alpine Foreland Basin, witness of the Western Alps formationGrosjean, Anne-Sabine 16 May 2013 (has links)
Les réseaux hydrographiques sont les principaux vecteurs de l'érosion des reliefs et de transport des sédiments jusqu'aux bassins. Leur développement, contraint par la tectonique et le climat, est au coeur des recherches sur l'évolution des chaînes de montagnes. Or, la dynamique et la stabilité des réseaux de drainage dans les bassins d'avant-pays, soumis à la subsidence flexurale et à la tectonique locale, restent mal connus. Cette étude s'intéresse à la formation et la dynamique érosive du réseau de drainage du bassin d'avant-pays du SE de la France en lien avec l'exhumation des Alpes occidentales à l'Eocène-Miocène basal (45-20 Ma). Les résultats sédimentologiques et structuraux montrent que ce réseau a été formé précocement au cours de la subsidence du bassin à la faveur de la tectonique compressive régionale. Les sédiments Eocènes déposés dans les paléo-vallées reflètent d'abord un réseau local. A l'Oligocène, l'exhumation des Alpes induit l'extension du réseau jusqu'aux massifs internes alors en érosion. Les galets exotiques déposés dans le bassin contiennent des fractures dévoilant une circulation complexe d'eau (probablement météorique) dans les Alpes. L'étude géochimique des inclusions fluides indique que cette eau a été piégée dans ces veines sous environ 2 km de roches, suggérant l'altitude des reliefs alpins à l'Oligocène. Aujourd'hui, le réseau hydrographique réemprunte en partie les vallées Miocènes, indiquant une relative stabilité de sa géométrie depuis 25 Ma, malgré une activité tectonique constante. Ces résultats peuvent servir de contrainte aux modèles d'évolution des réseaux hydrographiques dans les bassins à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles / Drainage networks represent the main vectors of erosion of topographies and transport of sediments toward the basins. Their development is constrained by both tectonics and climate, and thus represents the focus of research of mountain belt evolution. However, in foreland basins, the drainage network dynamics and stability are still not well understood due to the overlapping effect of local tectonic activity on the flexural subsidence. This study focus on the formation and on the erosive dynamics of the drainage network in the French South Alpine Foreland Basin that is related to the Western Alps exhumation during the Eocene-early Miocene (45-20 Ma). Combined sedimentological and structural results show that the drainage network has been tectonically-formed during the early stage of subsidence of the basin due to the regional compressional stress. Primarily, the Eocene sediments deposited in the palaeovalleys highlight a local network. During the Oligocene, the Alps exhumation induces the development of the network to the internal massifs that are then eroded. Some exotic pebbles deposited in the basin contain veins that evidence for a complex water circulation (probably meteoric water) within the Alps. The geochemical study of fluid inclusions indicates that the water has been trapped under about 2 km of rocks suggesting the altitude of the alpine reliefs at the Oligocene. Despite a constant tectonic activity, the modern drainage network partially uses the Miocene palaeovalleys that suggest a geometrical stability since about 25 Ma. These results can serve to constrain the various models of drainage network evolution in basins at different space and time scales
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Late cenozoic sediments in the San Pedro Valley near St. David, ArizonaGray, Robert Stephen, 1934-, Gray, Robert Stephen, 1934- January 1965 (has links)
No description available.
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Cenozoic Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Southeastern Salmon Basin, East-Central IdahoBlankenau, James J. 01 May 1999 (has links)
The southeastern Salmon basin (SB) of east-central Idaho is a complex east-dipping half graben containing four unconformity-bounded sequences of Tertiary volcanic, alluvial fan, lacustrine, and fluvial deposits. From oldest to youngest these are the Challis volcanic group, sedimentary rocks of Tendoy (new name), sedimentary rocks of Sacajaweja (new name), and Quaternary-Tertiary deposits . The thick sequence of volcanic rocks was deposited in a southeast-trending paleovalley . New mapping, cross-cutting relationships, 40Ar/39Ar age determinations, and angular unconformities show that the SB has experienced at least four episodes of extension, and that it lies in the core of an Eocene to Oligocene rift zone. T
he largest episodes of extension in the SB were the second and third episodes of extension. These were responsible for the deposition of the sedimentary rocks of Tendoy and sedimentary rocks of Sacajaweja, respectively. Episode 2 occurred along the west southwest-dipping Agency Yearian fault, and can be attributed to gravitational collapse of the Sevier fold and thrust belt between the late middle Eocene and Oligocene (?). Several southwest-dipping low-angle normal faults were active during the third episode and may have been active into early Miocene time. The third episode of extension reflects continued gravitational collapse. Also active during episode 3 was the Salmon basin detachment fault, which is interpreted as a regional detachment based on its lateral extent and low dip angle (11°).
Extensional folds are common in the southeastern Salmon basin and represent at least two generations of folds. Interference between northnortheast and southeast-trending folds locally produced dome and basin features. The folds are typically open to gentle, and have a maximum fold height of 2.2 km. Most of the folds are fault-bend folds, and some are associated with growth strata. The development of the Tendoy anticline and Pattee Creek syncline in the hanging wall of the Agency-Yearian fault produced two depositional basins during the deposition of the sedimentary rocks of Tendoy. Facies patterns and megabreccia deposits in the subbasins indicate that there was considerable topography along the margins of the subbasins .
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Volcanic stratigraphy and a kinematic analysis of NE-trending faults of Allens Ranch 7.5' quadrangle, Utah County, UtahMcKean, Adam Paul 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The mineral resources of the Tintic Mining District are influenced by three major events in its geologic history; the Mesozoic Sevier Orogeny, Paleogene volcanism and Late Neogene Basin and Range extension. In this paper a detailed analysis of each these geologic events is presented to help us understand the structural host, mineralization and exhumation of the Tintic Mining District ore. A kinematic analysis of the faults was completed to determine the origin of NE-trending faults, Sevier Orogeny or Basin and Range extension, in the northern part of the East Tintic Mountains in Allens Ranch 7.5' quadrangle, near the eastern margin of the Great Basin of central Utah. The structural history of the NE-trending faults found in the quadrangle was reconstructed to determine stress directions and fault kinematics. Maximum paleostress direction for the East Tintic fold and thrust system is between 80º–100º with fold axes oriented at ~350º. For example, the Gardison Ridge and Tintic Prince faults are NE-trending right-lateral transverse faults that formed at ~30º to paleostress directions similar to those of the Sevier Orogeny. The dominant NE-trending faults in the region are likely due to (1) differential shortening during progressive orocline development, (2) the pre-deformational Pennsylvanian-Permian Oquirrh basin geometry, and (3) the influence of the Leamington transverse zones of the Provo salient. Conversely, mixed paleostress directions for the north-trending Tintic Davis Canyon fault show it is a Basin and Range extension-related normal fault that may have originated as a Sevier related fault. Other N-trending faults within the quadrangle are only related to Basin and Range extension. However, large offset, range-bounding faults are buried by valley fill throughout the quadrangle and no young fault scarps are identified cutting Lake Bonneville deposits. An Oligocene to Miocene suite of extrusive volcanic units in the quadrangle correlates well with those of the East Tintic and Soldiers Pass volcanic fields. The Paleogene volcanic section is dominated by a suite of high-K calc-alkaline extrusive rocks (35 to 32 Ma). This intermediate to silicic sequence was followed by eruption of the mildly alkaline Mosida Basalt during the Miocene (19.5 Ma) marking the transition from subduction-related intermediate and silicic volcanism to extension-related mafic volcanism in the eastern Great Basin.
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Cenozoic Molluscan Biodiversity: An Examination of Patterns of Biodiversity Change at Global, Regional, and Local Spatial ScalesHendy, Austin J. W. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The cenozoic stratigraphy and associated heavy mineral palaeo-placer deposit on Geelwal Karoo : West Coast, South AfricaElferink, Lisa 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The farm Geelwal Karoo is situated some 16km north of the Olifants River mouth on the West Coast of
South Africa and hosts fluvial, marine and aeolian deposits of post-Gondwana age. The oldest basal fluvial
succession, unconformably overlies Proterozoic and Palaeozoic basement rocks and is in turn capped by
aeolianite and littoral packages representing two transgressive cycles.
The fluvial channel clay succession is deposited in shallow bedrock-incised channels, has a wedge-shape
and is deposited parallel to the present coastline. The flow direction is along the coast and the northwardtapering,
angular, poorly sorted basal vein-quartz lag indicates a northward palaeo-flow direction. Less than
1% total heavy minerals (THM) is found in the matrix of these gravel units and the heavy mineral suite is
distinguished by zircon, pseudorutile and kyanite. The channel clay unit is dominated by an upper, mediumgrained
quartzose sand and kaolin clay facies, which shows advanced post-depositional weathering. The
fluvial unit is correlated with the channel clay unit of Hondeklip Bay and a Cretaceous age is proposed for the
initial channel incision.
The two shallow marine successions have been correlated with the Late Miocene, Early Pleistocene, +30m
and +50m packages respectively. These marine sediments were first described by John Pether (1994) in
the Hondeklip Bay area and were named according to their transgressive maxima. They are transgressive
successions arranged en echelon down the coastal bedrock gradient, from oldest and highest to youngest.
The offshore environment of the +50m package consists of fine silty sand, which is moderately sorted. The
mineral assemblage is dominated by quartz and the average THM is 18%. The inshore environment is
distinguished by a single poorly sorted basal cobble lag which shows an overall fining upward succession.
The beachface environment is composed of medium to fine-grained sand, which is moderate to well-sorted.
Mineral diversity is greatest in the inshore and beachface environments and the average THM for these two
units is greater than 35%. The +30m package has been extensively eroded due to its lower erosion and
outcrops were sporadic along the coast. The +30m offshore sediments are recognised by fine sediments
with high concentrations of glauconite and organic matter. The inshore environment is distinguished by
numerous poorly sorted pebble lags with fining upward successions. Both the inshore and beachface units
have higher feldspar concentrations than the corresponding +50m units. The average THM for these two
units is less than 3%.
The aeolianite unit, which comprises several distinct units, extends over the entire length of the study area
and is characterized by calcrete and red bed horizons. Colour variations in the otherwise homogeneous unit
are due to heavy mineral enrichment and/or different degrees of in situ weathering and cementation. The
unit is composed exclusively of fine- to medium-grained sand and the THM concentration averages 9%.
This unit is composed of more than one generation of aeolian sand and forms part of an aeolian transport
corridor which transported sand from the beach to the interior. The oldest unit has been equated with the
Upper Miocene Prospect Hill Formation, whereas the more recent yellow dune sand is equated with the
Pleistocene Springfontyn Formation. At Geelwal Karoo, only the heavy sand placer in the +50m package was deemed to be of any economic
significance. The average THM of this placer was calculated to be 40% and some 150 thousand tons of Tibearing
material can be expected from this succession. This relatively small volume of heavy minerals and
extensive cementation however, make this placer a less attractive prospect than the neighbouring Namakwa
Sands operation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die plaas Geelwal Karoo is ongeveer 16km noord van die Olifantsriviermond aan die Weskus van Suid-
Afrika geleë en het voorkomste van fluviale, marine en eoliese afsettings van post-Gondwana ouderdom. Die
oudste eenheid, ‘n basale fluviale eenheid, oorlê Proterosoiëse en Paleosoiëse plaaslike vloer gesteentes
wat op hulle beurt weer bedek word deur eoliese en littorale eenhede verteenwoordigene ven twee
transgressiewe siklusse.
Die fluviale kanaalklei-opeenvolging, afgeset in vlak ingesnyde rotsbedding-kanale, is wigvormig en is
afgeset parallel aan die huidige kuslyn in ‘n alluviale waaier-afsetting. Die vloeirigting was langs die kus en
die noorwaards toespitsende, hoekige, swak gesorteerde basale aar-kwarts bodemgruis dui op ‘n
noordwaards palaeo-vloeirigting. Minder as 1% totale swaarminerale (TSM) is gevind in die tussenmassa
van hierdie gruis-eenhede en die swaarmineraal reeks word onderskei deur sirkoon, pseudo-rutiel en kianiet.
Die kanaalklei eenheid word oorheers deur ‘n boonste, medium-korrelrige kwarts-bevattende sand en
kaolien kleifasies was dui op gevorderde verwering na afsetting. Die fluviale eenheid word gekorreleer met
die kleikanaal en ‘n Kryt-ouderdom word voorgestel vir die aanvanklike insnyding van die kanaal.
Die twee vlak marine opeenvolgings word gekorreleer met die Laat Mioseen, vroeg Pleistoseen, naamlik die
+30m en +50m eenhede onderskeidelik. Die aflandige omgewing van die +50m eenhied bestaan uit matiggesorteerde,
fyn slikkerige sand. Die mineraalversameling word oorheers deur kwarts en die gemiddelde
TSM is 18%. Die subgetysone word onderskei deur ‘n enkele swak-gesorteerde gruislaag en is oorwegende
opwaarts fynerwordend. Die strandomgewing is goed verteenwordige en bestaan uit matig tot goedgesorteerde
medium- tot fynkorrelrige sand. Die grootste mineraal-diversiteit kom voor in die subgety- en
strandomgewings en die gemiddelde TSM vir hierdie eenhede is hoër as 35%.
As gevolg van algemene erosie kom die +30m eenheid sporadies voor. Die aflandige omgeving is herken
deur fyn kleierige of slikkerige sedimente met hoe konsentrasies gloukoniet en organiese materiaal. Die
subgetysone omgewing is gekenmerk deur verskeie gruislae wat almal opwaarts fynwordend is. Altwee die
subgety- en strandomgewings het hoer feldspar konsentrasies as die +50m eenhede. Die gemiddelde THM
vir hierdie enhede is minder as 3%.
Die eolitiese eenheid, bestaan uit verskeie duidelik-onderskeibare eenhede, beslaan die totale lengte van die
studiegebied en word kenmerk deur uitgebreide kalkreet en rooi-laag horisonne. Kleurverskille in die
andersins homogene eenheid kan verklaar word in terme van lae swaarmineraal konsentrasies en/of as
gevolg wan verskillende grade van in situ verwering en sementering. Die eenheid bestaan uitsluitlik uit fyntot
medium-korrelrige sand en het ‘n gemiddelde TSM konsentrasie van 9%. Die eenheid bestaan uit meer
as een generasie eoliese sand en maak deel uit van ‘n eoliese vervoersisteem wat sand vanaf die strand na
die binneland vervoer het. Die oudste sande in hierdie eenheid is gekorreleer met die Laat Mioseen
Prospect Hill Formasie terwyl die meer onlangse geelduin sand vergelyk word met die Pleistoseen
Springbokfontein Formasie. By Geelwal Karoo is slegs die +50m eenhede beskou as economies van belang. Die gemiddelde TSM van
hierdie swaarmineraal-ertsligaam is bereken op 40% met ‘n verwagte 150 duisend ton Ti-draende material
van die opeenvolging. Die relatiewe klein volume swaarminerale en uitgebreide sementering het tot gevolg
dat dit ‘n minder aanloklike proposisie is as die aanliggende Namakwa Sands aanleg.
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Cenozoic history of North Atlantic deep sea carbonate preservationLänje, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
Carbonate preservation in the oceans occurs at a depth called the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). The CCD is where the input rate of carbonate from the surface of the ocean is balanced by the dissolution rate. Factors controlling the CCD are the CO2 in the atmosphere, weathering, and productivity in the surface water, the depth of the lysocline and deep water currents (and their ocean circulation). Two previous studies have investigated the variation of the CCD through geologic time, one in the equatorial Pacific (Pälike et al., 2012) and the other compiled results from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Van Andel, 1975). The project consisted of compiling a database of sediment lithologies for many more sites in the Atlantic since the compilation by Van Andel, 1975, and together with a subsidence model of the ocean crust the systematic variations of CCD could be investigated. The results show that the CCD varies both spatially and temporally in accordance with previous studies. The reconstruction of the CCD needs further analysis, and possibly data from the oldest drilling program, the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). One result that is very important is that this study includes a total of 91 sites in the Atlantic Ocean, far more than in any of the other two studies. Future work can build upon the already started database of sediment lithologies.
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Caracterização geológica do município de Assis: a importância do estudo das coberturas cenozóicasBongiovanni, Solange [UNESP] 19 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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bongiovanni_s_dr_rcla.pdf: 6925595 bytes, checksum: b17dff97b8412856e4b86d0e9fff8b04 (MD5) / Para a ocupação racional de uma área ou região, de forma a minimizar o impacto ambiental e aproveitar da melhor maneira possível os seus recursos naturais é indispensável um bom conhecimento do meio físico. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi realizar a caracterização geológica do município de Assis, com a finalidade de se produzir informações e cartografia pertinente, que pudessem orientar, entre outros, a administração municipal na tomada de decisões sociopolíticas e administrativas,no ordenamento territorial do município. Atividades de campo e laboratório resultaram na confecção de um mapa geológico do município em escala 1:50.000, com as seguintes unidades litológicas: Formação Serra Geral, Formação Adamantina, Aloformação Paranavaí – unidade 1; Aloformação Paranavaí – unidade 2, aluviões atuais e uma unidade constituída pela mistura, em proporção variada, de alteração do basalto mais o material arenoso da aloformação. Estas unidades foram caracterizadas com base em observações de campo, análises granulométricas, petrográficas em amostras e frações silte grosso e areia muito fina, difração de raios X na fração fina e química de elementos maiores e alguns menores. Os dados obtidos foram interpretados de forma integrada possibilitando interpretações genéticas e discussão relativas à ocupação espacial. / For the rational occupation of an area or region, in order to minimize the environmental impact and make the best possible use of its natural resources, it is essential a sound knowledge of the physical environment. The purpose of this research was to carry out a geological characterization of the municipality of Assis, in order to produce relevant information and mapping, which may be useful, among others, for the municipal administration in decision-making policies for its territorial organization. Activities of field work and laboratory analysis resulted in the preparation of a geological map of the municipality, on scale 1:50.000, with the following lithological units: Serra Geral Formation; Adamantina Formation, Paranavaí Alloformation - Unit 1;Paranavaí Alloformation - Unit 2, present Alluvium and a unit constituted by varied proportion mixture of basalt alteration and sandier material. These units were characterized on the basis of field observations, granulometric and petrographic analyses of samples and thick fractions of silt and very fine sand, X-ray diffraction in the fine fraction and chemistry of elements both larger and smaller. The data were interpreted in an integrated manner making possible genetic interpretations and discussion on space occupation.
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