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Análise comparativa de algoritmos de correlação local baseados em intensidade luminosa. / Comparative analysis of intensity based local correlation algorithm.Nishimura, Claudio Massumi Oda 05 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresentou uma análise comparativa de algumas técnicas de correlações locais baseadas em intensidade luminosa, as quais são: Soma das Diferenças Absolutas, Soma dos Quadrados das Diferenças, Correlação Cruzada Normalizada, Transformada Rank e Transformada Censo. Para as comparações foram adotadas imagens estéreos disponíveis em repositórios de universidades e suas variantes com a inclusão de ruído e variação de intensidade luminosa. Após a implementação dos algoritmos escolhidos e a comparação de seus resultados, foi obtido que a Transformada Censo é um dos métodos com os piores resultados apresentando grande quantidade de correlações erradas. Foram apresentadas modificações para melhorar a performance desse método e os resultados obtidos foram melhores. / This work presents a comparative analysis of some local area intensity based correlation algorithm, which are: Sum of Absolute Differences, Sum of Squared Differences, Normalized Cross-Correlation, Rank Transform and Census Transform. For the tests stereo data sets are adopted. These data sets are available at universities websites and their variants with the inclusion of noise and variation of luminosity are created. After implementing the chosen algorithms a comparison were performed and the Census Transform was one of the methods that got the worst results showing large quantity of false correlations. On this work was presented some modifications to improve the performance of the Census Transform and the results obtained were better than the original Census Transform.
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Eficiência produtiva da agropecuária familiar e patronal nas regiões brasileiras / Production efficiency of farm households and business farms in the Brazilian regionsImori, Denise 10 January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a eficiência técnica dos estabelecimentos agropecuários do Brasil e de suas regiões, utilizando como base os dados do Censo Agropecuário 2006. Mais especificamente, esta dissertação procura comparar as eficiências técnicas dos estabelecimentos rurais familiares em relação aos de caráter patronal, considerando-se as diferenças regionais no país. Para tanto, estimaram-se, sob diferentes hipóteses, fronteiras estocásticas de produção e, simultaneamente, modelos de efeitos de ineficiência. Com isso, foi possível mensurar as eficiências técnicas dos estabelecimentos rurais, bem como analisar as influências de fatores relacionados ao ambiente produtivo, permitindo a indicação de políticas públicas voltadas ao aperfeiçoamento do desempenho dos produtores. Nas estimações empíricas, observou-se menor eficiência técnica para os estabelecimentos familiares. Em termos regionais, destacou-se, no que concerne à eficiência técnica dos estabelecimentos patronais, a região Sul do país, a qual também apresentou, ao lado do Centro-Oeste, os índices mais elevados para os estabelecimentos familiares, em média. Quanto à influência do ambiente produtivo, obteve-se que a educação formal e o acesso a crédito sobressaem como importantes fatores para a eficiência técnica da agropecuária brasileira. / This dissertation aims to analyze the technical efficiency of farms in Brazil and its regions, based on the data from the 2006 Census of Agriculture. More specifically, this dissertation seeks to compare the technical efficiency of farm households in relation to business farms, considering the regional differences in the country. To do so, one simultaneously estimated, under different assumptions, stochastic production frontiers and inefficiency effects models. Thus, it was possible to measure the technical efficiency of farms, as well as analyze the influence of factors related to the production environment, allowing the indication of public policies aimed at improving the performance of producers. In the empirical estimation, it was observed, as expected, lower technical efficiency for farm households. In regional terms, with respect to the technical efficiency of business farms, the South region of Brazil stood out, also presenting, along with the Midwest region, the highest efficiency rates for farm household, on average. Regarding the influence of production environment, it was found that formal education and access to credit are noteworthy as important factors for the technical efficiency of Brazilian agriculture.
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Formas de representação da densidade demográfica para a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo com base em dados do Censo 2010 do IBGE / Means of representation of demographic density for Região Metropolitana de São Paulo based in 2010 IBGE Census dataYamada, Mauricio 19 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal desenvolver formas de representação da densidade demográfica para a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Acredita-se que estes estudos possam estabelecer metodologias de trabalho úteis para subsidiar ações de planejamento e gestão desta complexa metrópole. Os estudos desenvolvem um procedimento com análise espacial realizado em ambiente SIG, o tratamento dasimétrico. O tratamento dasimétrico procura resolver certas incoerências do método coroplético, quando este é aplicado a bases censitárias, para isso conta com bases auxiliares de informação para melhor localizar a distribuição de densidade populacional. Tal procedimento é oportuno pois conta-se com considerável patrimônio cartográfico disponível para a área em estudo. Para dar coerência aos procedimentos realizados, faz uma revisão com um viés humanista, procurando entender o estado da evolução da Cartografia, posicionando a análise espacial em meio a outras linguagens, correntes cartográficas e suas discussões. / This research has as main purpose to develop types of demographic density representation from the Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Its believed that studies could establish useful work methodologies to subsidize planning actions and management of this complex metropolis. Studies develop a procedure with spatial analysis accomplished in GIS environment, the dasymetric treatment. The dasymetric treatment seeks to solve certain inconsistencies from choropleth method, when this is applied to a census basis, for this auxiliary basis of information is needed to better locate the distribution of population density. Such procedure is timely because it can count on considerable cartographic property available to the study site. To give consistency for performed procedures, revises with a humanistic bias, looking for understand the evolution status of Cartography, positioning the spatial analysis amid other languages, cartographic chains and their discussions.
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Alfabetização na perspectiva de gênero em São Francisco de Paula/RS : uma análise dos censos demográficos brasileiros (1920-2010)Klein, Ana Quézia Roldão da Silva Klein January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como tema a construção da história da alfabetização na perspectiva de gênero, no município de São Francisco de Paula/RS. Trata-se de um estudo histórico da educação sob o ponto de vista da relação de igualdade/desigualdade de gênero quanto à alfabetização. O primeiro capítulo trata do projeto de universalização da instrução pública de Condorcet, com ênfase na defesa da escolarização pública, laica, universal e da instrução feminina. O segundo capítulo trata da luta histórica pela igualdade de gênero quanto à alfabetização. Já o terceiro capítulo procede à análise das taxas de alfabetização no município de São Francisco de Paula/RS em um percurso histórico que compreende os censos demográficos brasileiros de 1920 até 2010. Esta análise da trajetória da alfabetização também contou com um estudo dos dados de alfabetização e analfabetismo para o Rio Grande do Sul e para o Brasil a partir de uma série de censos: 1920, 1950, 1980 e 2010, considerando como ponto de partida as taxas de analfabetismo do primeiro recenseamento brasileiro de 1872. A pesquisa revelou, com base no censo de 2010, que as atuais taxas de analfabetismo, tanto para o município da pesquisa, como para o Estado e para o Brasil, são muito inferiores àquelas verificadas no primeiro recenseamento brasileiro de 1872, assim como no recenseamento de 1920. As taxas de alfabetização entre os sexos, a partir do censo demográfico de 1920 até o de 1950, apresentam relativa superioridade masculina, superioridade que, a partir do censo de 1950, vai perdendo força e até invertendo-se. Com efeito, a análise das taxas de alfabetização dos censos de 1950, 1980 e 2010 por grupos de idade, tanto para o Brasil, como para o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, revelou que as mulheres das gerações mais jovens, são proporcionalmente mais alfabetizadas do que os homens destas mesmas gerações, ao contrário do que ainda se tem nas gerações de mais idade. As taxas gerais de alfabetização, isto é, da população total de 10 ou 15 anos ou mais, nestes mesmos censos, no município da pesquisa, indicam um crescimento das taxas de alfabetização relativamente maior entre as mulheres do que entre os homens, porém mantendo-se ainda superioridade em favor do sexo masculino, mas com quase eliminação da desigualdade no censo de 2010. Conclui-se que, mesmo que as taxas de analfabetismo tenham diminuído consideravelmente, permanece o desafio da alfabetização para todos, para mulheres e homens brasileiros, para a superação completa do analfabetismo ainda existente. Esta pesquisa ressaltou também a estreita relação entre alfabetização e escolarização, destacando os efeitos que esta tem sobre aquela, como sustentado por Cook-Gumperz (1991). / This research has as a theme the construction of the history of literacy according to the gender perspective, in the municipality of São Francisco de Paula/ RS state . It´s about a historical study of the education under the view of the relation of equality and inequality gender as literacy. The first chapter approaches the Condorcet’s public education universal project emphasizing the defense of public education, secular, universal and of female instruction. The second chapter is about the historical struggle for gender equality as literacy. The third chapter proceeds the analysis of literacy taxes in São Francisco de Paula municipality in Rio Grande do Sul state during a historic route that includes the Brazilian population censuses from 1920 to 2010. This analysis of literacy course also used the literacy and illiteracy data for Rio Grande do Sul State and for Brazil as well from many censuses: 1920, 1950, 1980 and 2010, considering as a starting point the literacy and illiteracy rates of the first Brazilian census in the 1872. This research revealed, illiteracy, as for Rio Grande do Sul state and for Brazil, they are much lower than those noticed in the first census of 1782, as well as in the census of 1920. The illiteracy rates of the sexes, from the 1920 census to 1950, shows a slightly male superiority, this superiority that from 1950 is losing strength and even reversing. Indeed, the analysis of literacy rates of census of 1950, 1980 and 2010 according to age, both for Brazil and for Rio Grande do Sul state, revealed that the young women generation are proportionally more literacy than the men of these generations, contrary to what it still has on the older generations. The general literacy rates of the total population of 10 or 15 years old or more, in these same censuses, in the municipality of the research, indicate an increase in the rates of literacy slightly higher among women than among men, although still keeping superiority in favor male, but with almost elimination of inequality in the 2010 census. It follows that even illiteracy rates have considerably decreased, remains the challenge, of literacy for all, for Brazilian women and men to the complete overcoming of illiteracy still existing. This research also reported the close relationship between literary and schooling, highlighting the effects that this has on that, as supported by Cook- Gumperz (1991).
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Análise evolutiva da qualidade de vida urbana nos distritos ao sul do município de São Paulo através de práticas de geoprocessamento / Evolutionary analysis of the quality of urban life in the southern districts of São Paulo through practices of GisMartini, Bibiana 12 September 2011 (has links)
A discussão sobre a qualidade de vida é um tema bastante importante na ciência geográfica já que trata da interface entre a sociedade e seu território considerando para tal tanto os aspectos sociais e econômicos (como uma sociedade se organiza) quanto os físicos-territoriais e ambientais, para melhor se desenvolver em dado território. O objetivo desta pesquisa pode ser resumido na análise evolutiva da qualidade de vida urbana nos distritos ao sul do município de São Paulo nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Como embasamento metodológico utilizamos o mecanismo de análise, tanto evolutiva quanto comparativa. O método de análise considera o todo (a qualidade de vida urbana) e suas partes componentes (as variáveis de análise) entre elas: os dados de população, infra-estrutura urbana também aspectos relacionados aos responsáveis por domicílios e seus domicílios. Vale salientar ainda que esta análise tem como base os dados censitários e os dados orbitais - imagens de satélite IKONOS II e fotografias aéreas. E como recorte os setores censitários sobrepostos às Zonas Residenciais Homogêneas Z.R.H, associando com isso os dados sócio-econômicos da população à realidade da expansão urbana do município de São Paulo. Os resultados nos permitem algumas observações interessantes: primeiramente foi possível avaliar que as porções do espaço com melhor índice de qualidade de vida urbana (em sua maioria) estão mais próximas do centro da cidade. E também que as condições de infra-estrutura básica apresentam porcentagens consideradas razoáveis e que acompanham o eixo de desenvolvimento da malha urbana, ou seja, a cidade se expande e, posteriormente, os serviços vão sendo atendidos, porém com intervalos de tempo significativos. O IQVU sofreu alterações consideráveis ao compararmos as duas datas, apresentando uma redução em geral no desenvolvimento do índice. Essas alterações vão desde uma maior heterogeneidade da disposição do índice entre os setores censitários que nos apresenta as categorias B e C recobrindo a maior parte da área. Para a década de 1990 temos uma supremacia em área e setores censitários recobertos pela categoria B e para a década de 2000 temos a maior porcentagem da área recoberta pela categoria C. Além disso temos alterações para as categorias A e D que em relação ao seus totais são significativas, porém em relação ao IQVU para a totalidade da área de estudo são bastante modestos. / The discussion about the quality of life is a very important issue in geographical science because it deals with the interaction of society and its territory in other words, considering both social and economic aspects (they are how a certain society is organized) and physical-territorial and environmental, for a better territory development. The main objective of this work is the evolutionary analysis of the quality of urban life in the southern districts of São Paulo between the 1990 and 2000 decades. As a basement methodological we have evolutionary and comparative analysis mechanism is used the method of analysis considered as a whole (the quality of urban life) and its component parts (analysis variables) including: population data, urban infrastructure in many aspects of that. It is important emphasize that this analysis is based on census data and orbital data - IKONOS II satellite images and aerial photographs. We used as category of analysis we have the overlapping between census data and residential areas (ZRH), associating it with the socio-economic reality of the population to urban expansion of São Paulo. As a result we have some interesting observations: first, it was possible to assess which portions of space in the index of quality of urban life (mostly) are closer to the city center. And also the percentage of conditional of basic infrastructure have percentages that were reasonable and accompanying the axis of the urban development, i.e., the city expands and then the services are being met, but with significant time intervals. The IQVU had significant changes when comparing the two dates, a decrease in the overall development of the index. These changes range from a greater heterogeneity of the available index of census tracts that presents us with the categories \"B\" and \"C\" covering most of the area. In the 1990s we have supremacy in the area and covered by the census category \"B\" and the 2000s have the highest percentage of area covered by \"C\". In addition we have changes to the categories \"A\" and \"D\" that in relation to their totals are significant, but compared to IQVU for the entire study area are quite modest.
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New care home admission following acute hospitalisation : a mixed methods approachBurton, Jennifer Kirsty January 2018 (has links)
Care home admission following acute hospitalisation is a lived reality across Scotland, experienced by over 8,000 people annually. The aim of this thesis was to develop an understanding of new care home admission following acute hospitalisation. Methods and findings from the mixed-methods approach are presented in three parts. Part One: Identifying relevant research - includes a review of quality assessment tools for systematic reviewing; a systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative data from observational studies of predictors of care home admission from hospital; and a methodological chapter on developing a search filter to improve accessibility of existing research findings supported by the findings of an international survey of care home researchers. The systematic review identified 53 relevant studies from 16 countries comprising a total population of 1,457,881 participants. Quantitative synthesis of the results from 11 of the studies found that increased age (OR 1.02 per year increase; 95%CI 1.00-1.04), female sex (OR 1.41; 95%CI 1.03-1.92), dementia & cognitive impairment (OR 2.14; 95%CI 1.24-3.70) and functional dependency (OR 2.06; 95%CI 1.58-2.69) were all associated with an increased risk of care home admission after hospitalisation. Despite international variation in service provision, only two studies described the model of care provided in the care home setting. The survey identified that there is a lack of shared terminology in the published literature to describe settings for adults who are unable to live independently in their own homes and require care in a long-term institutional setting. A search filter to identify relevant research could help to overcome differences in terminology and improve synthesis of existing research evidence. Part Two: Exploring current clinical practice - reports the findings of a retrospective cohort study of new care home admissions from hospital using case-note review methodology accompanied by findings from inductive thematic analysis of a single dataset from a qualitative case study design exploring the experiences of a patient, their family, and practitioners (n=5). The cohort study (n=100) found a heterogeneous picture with long hospital admissions (range 14-231 days), frequent transfers of care (31% experienced three or more transfers), varied levels of documented assessment and a lack of documented patient involvement in the decision-making processes. The qualitative interviews allowed the patient voice to emerge, alongside the professional and family narrative which dominated case-note documentation. Inductive thematic analysis identified nine major themes exploring how decisions are made to discharge individuals directly into a care home from the acute hospital setting: biography & personality; professional role; family role; limitations in local model of care; ownership of decision; risk; realising preferences; uncertainty of care home admission process; and psychological impact of in-hospital care. Part Three: Harnessing routinely-collected data - includes the challenges of identifying care home residency at admission and discharge from hospital, presenting analysis of the accuracy of Scottish Morbidity Record 1 (SMR01) coding in NHS Fife and the Community Health Index (CHI) Institution Flag in NHS Fife and NHS Tayside. This is followed by a descriptive analysis of the Scottish Care Home Census (2013-16) as a novel social care data source to explore care home admissions from hospital and the methodology for a data linkage study using these data. Identifying care home residents in routine data sources is challenging. In 18,720 admissions to NHS Fife, SMR01 coding had a sensitivity of 86.0% and positive predictive value of 85.8% in identifying care home residents on admission. At discharge the sensitivity was 87.0% and positive predictive value was 84.5%. From a sample of 10,000 records, the CHI Institution Flag had a sensitivity of 58.6% in NHS Fife and 89.3% in NHS Tayside, with positive predictive values of 99.7% and 97.7% respectively. From 2013-16, of 21,368 admissions to care homes in Scotland, 56.7% were admitted from hospital. There was significant regional variation in rates of care home admission from hospital (35.9-64.7%) and proportion of Local Authority funded places provided to admissions from hospital (34.4-73.9%). Those admitted from hospital appeared to be more dependent and sicker than those admitted from home. This thesis has established a series of challenges in how care homes and their residents are identified. It has questioned the adequacy of the evidence to guide practitioners and sought to raise the profile of this vulnerable and complex population and how best to support them in making decisions regarding admission from the acute hospital. It has progressed our understanding of this under-explored area and proposes a programme of future mixed-methods research involving patients, families, practitioners and policy-makers.
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Struktury obyvatelstva okresu Most: historie, současnost a možné varianty budoucího vývoje / The structure of the population of Most district: history, present and possible future development optionsTrpálková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The structure of the population of Most district: history, present and possible future development options Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the historical, current and possible future development of the structure of the population, which live in the analyzed district of Most. Within the district are compared the structures of the population by sex, age, marital status, educational attainment, nationality, religion and economy activity in each selected years. In the first part, the history of settlement of the current district is briefly explained. Development of the settlement in the 20th century and development of the structures of population follows. In the next part, the current structures of the population and possible options for future development of the population of the district are given. Differences of the structures of the population structure during the existence of life in the district are evaluated in the conclusion part. Keywords: Most district, census, structure of the population
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O trabalho de crianças e adolescentes com ênfase nas piores formas: uma análise dos censos demográficos do Brasil de 2000 e 2010 / Child labor with emphasis on its worst forms: an analysis of the 2000 and 2010 Brazilian demographic censusGeraldo Costa Júnior 06 February 2014 (has links)
O trabalho infantil é hoje bastante discutido nas agendas de governo do mundo inteiro. Desde que as primeiras discussões e debates acerca do tema começaram, obteve-se um grande avanço a partir da ratificação da convenção nº. 182 da OIT, que versa sobre as piores formas de trabalho infantil. Cerca de 87% dos Estados membros já ratificaram a Convenção n.º 182, incluindo o Brasil. Em 2010, firmou-se um compromisso, no âmbito da OIT, que estabelece como prioridade a eliminação das piores formas de trabalho infantil até 2016. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é identificar os determinantes da redução do trabalho infantil no Brasil, especificamente entre os anos 2000 e 2010, tendo como foco o trabalho nas atividades enquadradas na categoria \"piores formas de trabalho infantil\". Buscou-se identificar as características atuais deste tipo de trabalho no que se refere à: características da própria criança, isto é, gênero, cor e idade; características regionais de onde a criança trabalhadora está inserida, abrangendo as cinco grande regiões do Brasil, e características locais, em termos de zona rural e urbana e zona metropolitana e não-metropolitana, entre outras. Dentre os modelos econométricos disponíveis na literatura, optou-se por utilizar o modelo probit. Como variável dependente definiu-se trabalho perigoso. Esta variável assume valor 1 se a criança ou adolescente realiza algum trabalho perigoso e 0 se realiza algum outro tipo de trabalho. Fez-se também uma ampla análise descritiva do trabalho infantil ao longo da década de 2000, inclusive das piores formas de trabalho infantil. Utilizou-se os dados do Censo Demográfico 2000 e do Censo Demográfico 2010. Foram analisadas crianças nas faixas etárias de 10 a 15 anos e adolescentes ou jovens na faixa etária de 16 a 17 anos. A década de 2000 foi de mudanças para o mercado de trabalho infantil. Neste período o trabalho infantil diminui substancialmente, em todas as regiões, porém em algumas mais que em outras. As regiões Norte e Nordeste foram as que apresentaram maiores reduções relativas em casos de trabalho infantil. As regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste são as que proporcionalmente concentram mais casos de trabalho infantil. Um fato importante ocorrido ao longo da década foi que o trabalho infantil passou a ser proporcionalmente maior em zonas urbanas do que em zonas rurais, e neste movimento, os casos de trabalho infantil tenderam a se concentrar mais em regiões metropolitanas. Em geral, os casos de piores formas de trabalho infantil diminuíram ao longo da década. a face da crianças ou jovem que exerce alguma das piores formas de trabalho infantil é negra, feminina e mais próxima dos 16 ou 17 anos de idade. / Child labor is now discussed in government agendas around the world. Since the first discussions and debates on the subject began, great advance has been achieved with the ratification of Convention 182, related to the worst forms of child labor. About 87% of the country members have ratified the Convention 182, including Brazil. In 2010, a commitment was firmed in order to prioritize the elimination of the worst forms of child labor by 2016. The overall aim of this research is to identify the determinants of the reduction of child labor in Brazil, specifically between 2000 and 2010, focusing on the work activities included in the category \" worst forms of child labor \". Efforts were made to identify the current characteristics of child labor in relation to: the child\'s own characteristics, i.e., gender, race and age; regional characteristics where the working children live, covering the five major regions of Brazil, and local characteristics such as rural and urban areas and metropolitan and non- metropolitan areas. Among the econometric models available in the literature, the probit model was chosen. The dependent variable was defined as harzadous work. This variable assumes value 1 if the child works in some dangerous activity and 0 if a child works in some other activity. Furthermore, an extensive descriptive analysis of child labor throughout the 2000s was carried out, including an analysis of the worst forms of child labor. The data used in this work was extracted from the Brazilian Population Census for the years 2000 and 2010. Children were divided in two different age groups, one for those aged 10 to 15 and the other for those aged 16-17. The last decade experienced changes in the child labor market. During this period, child labor decreased substantially in all regions, but more intensively so in some regions. The North and Northeast regions showed the largest relative reductions in cases of child labor. The South and Midwest regions registered proportionately more cases of child labor. An important fact occurred during the decade was that child labor became proportionally greater in urban in comparison with rural areas, and within this movement, child labor cases tended to focus more on metropolitan areas. In general, the worst forms of child labor declined over the decade as well. The face of the child or young person who exercises some of the worst forms of child labor is black , female and closer to 16 or 17 years old.
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Review of Encyclopedia of The U.S. Census: From The Constitution To The American Community Survey ed. by Margo J. Anderson, Constance F. Citro, and Joseph J. SalvoTolley, Rebecca 01 June 2012 (has links)
Review of Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census : From the Constitution to the American Community Survey 2nd Ed. Margo J. Anderson, Constance F. Citro, and Joseph J. Salvo. 2011. 456p, 1608710254, $175.00
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Multi-stage contests : theory and experimentsGelder, Alan Bruce 01 July 2014 (has links)
In a multi-stage contest known as a two-player race, players display two fundamental behaviors: (1) The laggard will make a last stand in order to avoid the cost of losing; and (2) the player who is ahead will defend his lead if it is threatened. Last stand behavior, in particular, contrasts with previous research where the underdog simply gives up. The distinctive results are achieved by introducing losing penalties and discounting into the racing environment. This framework permits the momentum effect, typically ascribed to the winner of early stages, to be more thoroughly examined. I study the likelihood that the underdog will catch up. I find that neck-and-neck races are common when the losing penalty is large relative to the winning prize, while landslide victories occur when the prize is relatively large. Closed-form solutions are given for the case where players have a common winning prize and losing penalty.
Chapter 2 then experimentally examines the prediction of last stand behavior in a multi-battle contest with a winning prize and losing penalty, as well as the contrasting prediction of surrendering in the corresponding contest with no penalty. We find varied evidence in support of these hypotheses in the aggregated data, but more conclusive evidence when scrutinizing individual player behavior. Players tend to adopt one of several strategies. We develop a taxonomy to classify player types and study how the different strategies interact. The last stand and surrendering behaviors have implications for winning margins and the likelihood of an upset, which we investigate. Behaviorally, players are typically more aggressive when they reach a state in the contest by winning rather than by losing.
The third and final chapter is a distinct departure from the study of multi-battle contests. Using comprehensive census data for Cornwall County, England, I create a panel dataset that spans six censuses (1841--1891)—possibly the largest panel dataset for Victorian England at present. I present the methodology for linking individuals and families across these censuses. This methodology incorporates recent advances in census linking (including the use of machine learning) and introduces new methods for tracking migration and changes in household composition. I achieve a forward matching rate of 43%. The additional inclusion of marriage and death records could allow for well over 60% of the population to be accounted for from one census to the next. Using this new panel, I investigate the frequency with which sons pursue the same occupations that they observed their fathers doing while growing up. For sons that did not follow in their father's footsteps, I identify some correlates that may have contributed to the change.
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