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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bifurcações em PLLs de terceira ordem em redes OWMS. / Bifurcations on 3rd order PLLs in OWMS networks.

Carlos Nehemy Marmo 23 October 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo qualitativo das equações diferenciais nãolineares que descrevem o sincronismo de fase nos PLLs de 3ª ordem que compõem redes OWMS de topologia mista, Estrela Simples e Cadeia Simples. O objetivo é determinar, através da Teoria de Bifurcações, os valores ou relações entre os parâmetros constitutivos da rede que permitam a existência e a estabilidade do estado síncrono, quando são aplicadas, no oscilador mestre, duas funções de excitação muito comuns na prática: o degrau e a rampa de fase. Na determinação da estabilidade dos pontos de equilíbrio, sob o ponto de vista de Lyapunov, a existência de pontos de equilíbrio não-hiperbólicos não permite uma aproximação linear e, nesses casos, é aplicado o Teorema da Variedade Central. Essa técnica de simplificação de sistemas dinâmicos permite fazer uma aproximação homeomórfica em torno desses pontos, preservando a orientação no espaço de fases e possibilitando determinar localmente suas estabilidades. / This work presents a qualitative study of the non-linear differential equations that describe the synchronous state in 3rd order PLLs that compose One-way masterslave time distribution networks with Single Star and Single Chain topologies. Using bifurcation theory, the dynamical behavior of third-order phase-locked loops employed to extract the syncronous state in each node is analyzed depending on constitutive node parameters when two usual inputs, the step and the ramp phase pertubations, are supposed to appear in the master node. When parameter combinations result in non hyperbolic synchronous states, from Lyapunov point of view, the linear approximation does not provide any information about the local behavior of the system. In this case, the center manifold theorem permits the construction of an equivalent vector field representing the asymptotic behavior of the original system in the neighborhood of these points. Thus, the local stability can be determined.

Reduced order modeling, nonlinear analysis and control methods for flow control problems

Kasnakoglu, Cosku 10 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Βελτιστοποίηση διεργασιών υπό περιοδική λειτουργία

Δερμιτζάκης, Ιωάννης 19 August 2009 (has links)
Το Πι-κριτήριο των Bittanti et al. (1973) έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί εκτενώς σε εφαρμογές με στόχο την πρόβλεψη ενδεχόμενης βελτίωσης της απόδοσης ενός μη γραμμικού συστήματος υπό περιοδική είσοδο. Το κριτήριο όμως έχει τοπική ισχύ και περιορίζεται σε περιοδικές διαταραχές μικρού πλάτους. Η παρούσα εργασία αναπτύσσει μια μέθοδο προσδιορισμού διορθώσεων υψηλότερης τάξης στο πι-κριτήριο, προερχόμενη από βασικά αποτελέσματα της θεωρίας κεντρικής πολλαπλότητας (Center Manifold theory). Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος βασίζεται στην επίλυση της μερικής διαφορικής εξίσωσης της κεντρικής πολλαπλότητας με χρήση δυναμοσειρών. Το τελικό αποτέλεσμα της προτεινόμενης προσέγγισης είναι ο κατά προσέγγιση υπολογισμός του δείκτη απόδοσης υπό μορφή σειράς, η οποία παρέχει ακριβή αποτελέσματα σε μεγαλύτερα εύρη. Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος εφαρμόζεται σε έναν συνεχή αντιδραστήρα πλήρους ανάδευσης (CSTR), όπου στόχος είναι η μεγιστοποίηση της παραγωγής του επιθυμητού προϊόντος. Κατασκευάστηκε αλγόριθμος που προβλέπει την μόνιμη κατάσταση στην οποία καταλήγει ένα σύστημα απομάκρυνσης αζώτου που αποτελείται από αντιδραστήρα εμβολικής ροής και δεξαμενή δευτεροβάθμιας καθίζησης με ανακύκλωση. Με χρήση υπολογιστικού μοντέλου βασιζόμενο στο ASM3 υπολογίστηκαν οι μόνιμες καταστάσεις αυτού του συστήματος για ένα εύρος καταστάσεων λειτουργίας. Βρέθηκαν οι βέλτιστες τιμές των βαθμών ελευθερίας για την ελαχιστοποίηση του συνολικού αερισμού και για την ελαχιστοποίηση του συνολικού αζώτου στην απορροή. Και στις δύο περιπτώσεις στις βέλτιστες μόνιμες καταστάσεις παρατηρήθηκε έκπλυση των Nitrobacter δηλαδή παράκαμψη της παραγωγής των νιτρικών. / The frequency-dependent Pi criterion of Bittanti et al. (1973) has been used extensively in applications to predict potential performance improvement under periodic forcing in a nonlinear system. The criterion, however, is local in nature and is limited to periodic forcing functions of small magnitude. The present work develops a method to determine higher-order corrections to the pi criterion, derived from basic results of Center Manifold theory. The proposed method is based on solving the Center Manifold partial differential equation via power series. The end result of the proposed approach is the approximate calculation of the performance index in the form of a series expansion, which provides accurate results under larger amplitudes. The proposed method is applied to a continuous stirred tank reactor, where the yield of the desired product must be maximized. An algorithm was constructed, that predicts the steady state of a nitrogen removal system consisting of a plug flow reactor and a secondary clarifier with recycle. Using a numerical model based on ASM3 and a grid of degrees of freedom, the steady states of this system were calculated. The optimal values for minimizing the total aeration were found, as well as those for minimizing the total nitrogen exit flow. In both cases the Nitrobacter bacteria were washed out thus indicating the bypassing of nitrate production.

Sur un modèle d'érythropoïèse comportant un taux de mortalité dynamique

Paquin-Lefebvre, Frédéric 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire concerne la modélisation mathématique de l’érythropoïèse, à savoir le processus de production des érythrocytes (ou globules rouges) et sa régulation par l’érythropoïétine, une hormone de contrôle. Nous proposons une extension d’un modèle d’érythropoïèse tenant compte du vieillissement des cellules matures. D’abord, nous considérons un modèle structuré en maturité avec condition limite mouvante, dont la dynamique est capturée par des équations d’advection. Biologiquement, la condition limite mouvante signifie que la durée de vie maximale varie afin qu’il y ait toujours un flux constant de cellules éliminées. Par la suite, des hypothèses sur la biologie sont introduites pour simplifier ce modèle et le ramener à un système de trois équations différentielles à retard pour la population totale, la concentration d’hormones ainsi que la durée de vie maximale. Un système alternatif composé de deux équations avec deux retards constants est obtenu en supposant que la durée de vie maximale soit fixe. Enfin, un nouveau modèle est introduit, lequel comporte un taux de mortalité augmentant exponentiellement en fonction du niveau de maturité des érythrocytes. Une analyse de stabilité linéaire permet de détecter des bifurcations de Hopf simple et double émergeant des variations du gain dans la boucle de feedback et de paramètres associés à la fonction de survie. Des simulations numériques suggèrent aussi une perte de stabilité causée par des interactions entre deux modes linéaires et l’existence d’un tore de dimension deux dans l’espace de phase autour de la solution stationnaire. / This thesis addresses erythropoiesis mathematical modeling, which is the process of erythrocytes production and its regulation by erythropeitin. We propose an erythropoiesis model extension which includes aging of mature cells. First, we consider an age-structured model with moving boundary condition, whose dynamics are represented by advection equations. Biologically, the moving boundary condition means that the maximal lifespan varies to account for a constant degraded cells flux. Then, hypotheses are introduced to simplify and transform the model into a system of three delay differential equations for the total population, the hormone concentration and the maximal lifespan. An alternative model composed of two equations with two constant delays is obtained by supposing that the maximal lifespan is constant. Finally, a new model is introduced, which includes an exponential death rate depending on erythrocytes maturity level. A linear stability analysis allows to detect simple and double Hopf bifurcations emerging from variations of the gain in the feedback loop and from parameters associated to the survival function. Numerical simulations also suggest a loss of stability caused by interactions between two linear modes and the existence of a two dimensional torus in the phase space close to the stationary solution.

Exponential dichotomy and smooth invariant center manifolds for semilinear hyperbolic systems

Lichtner, Mark 25 August 2006 (has links)
Es wird gezeigt, dass ein Satz über die Abbildung spektraler Lücken, welcher exponentielle Dichotomie charakterisiert, für eine allgemeine Klasse (SH) von semilinearen hyperbolischen Systemen von partiellen Differentialgleichungen in einem Banach-Raum X von stetigen Funktionen gilt. Dies beantwortet ein Schlüsselproblem für die Existenz und Glattheit invarianter Mannigfaltigkeiten semilinearer hyperbolischer Systeme. Unter natürlichen Annahmen an die Nichtlinearitäten wird gezeigt, dass schwache Lösungen von (SH) einen glatten Halbfluß im Raum X bilden. Für Linearisierungen werden hochfrequente Abschätzungen für Spektren sowie Resolventen unter Verwendung von reduzierten (block)diagonal Systemen hergestellt. Darauf aufbauend wird der Abbildungssatz für spektrale Lücken im kleinen Raum X bewiesen: Eine offene spektrale Lücke des Generators wird exponentiell auf eine offene spektrale Lücke der Halbruppe abgebildet und umgekehrt. Es folgt, dass ein Phänomen wie im Gegenbeispiel von Renardy nicht auftreten kann. Unter Verwendung der allgemeinen Theorie implizieren die Ergebnisse die Existenz von glatten Zentrumsmannigfaltigkeiten für (SH). Die Ergebnisse werden auf traveling wave Modelle für die Dynamik von Halbleiter Lasern angewandt. Für diese werden Moden Approximationen (Systeme von gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen, welche die Dynamik auf gewissen Zentrumsmannigfaltigkeiten approximativ beschreiben) hergeleitet und gerechtfertigt, die generische Bifurkation von modulierten Wellen aus rotierenden Wellen wird gezeigt. Globale Existenz und glatte Abhängigkeit von nichtautonomen traveling wave Modellen werden betrachtet, außerdem werden Moden Approximationen für solche nichtautonomen Modelle rigoros hergeleitet. Insbesondere arbeitet die Theorie für die Stabilitäts- und Bifurkationsanalyse von Turing Modellen mit korellierter Zufallsbewegung. Ferner beinhaltet die Klasse (SH) neutrale und retardierte funktionale Differentialgleichungen. / A spectral gap mapping theorem, which characterizes exponential dichotomy, is proven for a general class of semilinear hyperbolic systems of PDEs in a Banach space X of continuous functions. This resolves a key problem on existence and smoothness of invariant manifolds for semilinear hyperbolic systems. It is shown that weak solutions to (SH) form a smooth semiflow in X under natural conditions on the nonlinearities. For linearizations high frequency estimates of spectra and resolvents in terms of reduced diagonal and blockdiagonal systems are given. Using these estimates a spectral gap mapping theorem in the small Banach space X is proven: An open spectral gap of the generator is mapped exponentially to an open spectral gap of the semigroup and vice versa. Hence, a phenomenon like in Renardy''s counterexample cannot appear for linearizations of (SH). By the general theory the results imply existence of smooth center manifolds for (SH). Moreoever, the results are applied to traveling wave models of semiconductor laser dynamics. For such models mode approximations (ODE systems which approximately describe the dynamics on center manifolds) are derived and justified, and generic bifurcations of modulated waves from rotating waves are shown. Global existence and smooth dependence of nonautonomous traveling wave models with more general solutions, which possess jumps, are considered, and mode approximations are derived for such nonautonomous models. In particular the theory applies to stability and bifurcation analysis for Turing models with correlated random walk. Moreover, the class (SH) includes neutral and retarded functional differential equations.

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