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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Approach To Urban River Rehabilitation For Coexistence Of River And Its Respective City: Porsuk River Case And City Of Eskisehir

Simsek, Gul 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
All living things mostly the humans, as builders of civilizations, have always been in intrinsic bonds with water. This interaction between water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers etc.) and settlements has existed since ancient civilizations. Among water resources, &lsquo / flowing waters&rsquo / such as rivers, streams, creeks, etc. have a prominent role as they are the lifeblood of most cities in terms of providing transportation, security, energy, irrigation, commerce, and recreation. By the late 19th century, developments of terrestrial transportation modes diminished the magnetism of rivers and riverfronts, and growing industries led to the deterioration of rivers. Owing to these reasons, along with many others, they turned into sewage channels, were covered up, and became water scopes detached from the urban life. Particularly since the 1970s, with more attention given to sustainability of resources, a greater awareness has grown of the vital role of urban rivers as a resource for humans and a lifeline for cities. After being neglected for decades, urban rivers have started to be rehabilitated to solve the related problems. The new approach to urban river rehabilitation beyond classical practices that aim at recovering the physical conditions of rivers has come to the fore to address the problems comprehensively. Instead of independent and one-dimensional practices, the urban rivers have become to be seen as a vital part of urban water system and of the city itself. While rehabilitating urban rivers, recovering river health can be ensured provided that the entire urban water ecosystem is taken into consideration. The ecocity approach is one of the major new approaches that geared toward achieving a healthy city, and sustainability of water system is the significant goal within this approach. In this regard, the thesis first asserts that the ecocity criteria are likely to give way to a more sustainable future for urban rivers. Besides being a part of the ecosystem, urban rivers have transformed together with the surrounding built environment throughout the history of cities. Significant focal elements of the urban pattern, urban rivers should be dealt with other urban focal points, with the introduced concept of river-city integration, which is proposed as the second assertion of the thesis. In this respect, the study attempts to investigate urban rivers and their rehabilitation in relation with both the ecocity approach, and the river-city integration concept. The research methodology in the present study involves comparative anaysis of best practices and case study analysis. Porsuk River and the city of Eskisehir, which the river passes through, were selected as a case for empirical study. Criteria sets that determined within the frames of ecocity and river-city integration, and the testing of the criteria in the case area offers an opportunity to contribute to literature of river and city coexistence.

High risk sexual offenders : the association between sexual paraphilias, fantasies and psychopathy

Freimuth, Tabatha 05 1900 (has links)
High risk offenders are a complex and heterogeneous group of offenders about whom researchers, clinicians, and society still know relatively little. In response to the paucity of information that is specifically applicable to high risk offenders, the present study examined RCMP Integrated Sexual Predator Intelligence Network (ISPIN) data to investigate the relationship between sexual paraphilias, sexual fantasy, and psychopathy among 139 of the highest risk sexual offenders in British Columbia. The sample included 41 child molesters, 42 rapists, 18 rapist/molesters, 30 mixed offenders, and 6 “other” sexual offenders. The majority of offenders in this sample were diagnosed with one primary paraphilia (67%). Data analysis revealed significant differences between offender types for criminal history variables including past sexual and nonsexual convictions, number of victims, and age of offending onset. For example, offenders who victimized children (i.e., exclusive child molesters & rapist/molesters) had a greater number of past sexual convictions than did offenders who victimized adults exclusively. Further, there were significant differences between offender types for paraphilia diagnoses, sexual fantasy themes, and levels of psychopathy. For example, exclusive child molesters were significantly more likely to receive a paraphilia diagnosis, were more likely to report having sexual fantasies, and had lower Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) scores than other offender types. Results from the current study will serve to facilitate a more refined and informed understanding of sexual offending behaviour, with important implications for future research, assessment, and treatment issues, as well as law enforcement practices when working with high risk sexual offenders.

Quality systems to avoid secondary brain injury in neurointensive care

Nyholm, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI) depends on the extent of primary cell death and on the development of secondary brain injury. The general aim of this thesis was to find strategies and quality systems to minimize the extent of secondary insults in neurointensive care (NIC). An established standardized management protocol system, multimodality monitoring and computerized data collection, and analysis systems were used. The Uppsala TBI register was established for regular monitoring of NIC quality indexes. For 2008-2010 the proportion of patients improving during NIC was 60-80%, whereas 10% deteriorated. The percentage of ‘talk and die’ cases was < 1%. The occurrences of secondary insults were less than 5% of good monitoring time (GMT) for intracranial pressure (ICP) > 25 mmHg, cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) < 50 mmHg and systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg. Favorable outcome was achieved by 64% of adults. Nurse checklists of secondary insult occurrence were introduced. Evaluation of the use of nursing checklists showed that the nurses documented their assessments in 84-85% of the shifts and duration of monitoring time at insult level was significantly longer when secondary insults were reported regarding ICP, CPP and temperature. The use of nurse checklist was found to be feasible and accurate.  A clinical tool to avoid secondary insults related to nursing interventions was developed. Secondary brain insults occurred in about 10% of nursing interventions. There were substantial variations between patients. The risk ratios of developing an ICP insult were 4.7 when baseline ICP ≥ 15 mmHg, 2.9 when ICP amplitude ≥ 6 mmHg and 1.7 when pressure autoregulation ≥ 0.3. Hyperthermia, which is a known frequent secondary insult, was studied. Hyperthermia was most common on Day 7 after admission and 90% of the TBI patients had hyperthermia during the first 10 days at the NIC unit. The effects of hyperthermia on intracranial dynamics (ICP, brain energy metabolism and BtipO2) were small but individual differences were observed. Hyperthermia increased ICP slightly more when temperature increased in the groups with low compliance and impaired pressure autoregulation. Ischemic pattern was never observed in the microdialysis samples. The treatment of hyperthermia may be individualized and guided by multimodality monitoring.

Software Process Improvement Framework

Nikitina, Natalja January 2014 (has links)
Many software development organizations today are keen on improving their software development processes in order to develop software products faster, cheaper or better. For that reason, Software Process Improvement (SPI) has received significant attention from the research community over the last few decades. Process maturity models have become widely known for benchmarking software processes against predefined practices and for identifying processes to be improved or implemented, whereas process improvement approaches were developed for guiding the actual process improvement process. However, despite a wide number of provided guidelines on how to standardize the processes and how to run process improvement efforts, only a few SPI initiatives have succeeded. About 70% of the SPI initiatives fail and a significant number do not even get started. Many studies argue that the success of the SPI initiatives is dependent on the organizational, social and managerial aspects of process improvement. Those aspects however are not sufficiently covered by the existing SPI approaches and models. The little knowledge on organizational, social and managerial aspects of SPI that is available is mostly scattered across the domain. Hence, there is lack of a holistic overview of the current SPI domain that provides sufficient coverage of organizational, social and managerial aspects of SPI. This thesis has explored the organizational, social and managerial aspects of SPI and placed them into the context of the SPI domain. Its main research result is Software Process Improvement Framework (SPIF). The framework provides an overview of the SPI domain and positions theories representing organizational, social and managerial aspects of SPI in the context of existing SPI approaches, models, methods and practices. SPIF is based on the existing theoretical framework for SPI environment proposed by Sami Zahran. The SPIF framework has been additionally complimented with four additional outcomes of this study. Those are: 1) a list of organizational, social and managerial factors facilitating SPI effort, 2) a list of contextual factors impacting process change, 3) a process model for guiding software method adoption, and 4) a checklist representing the properties of successful and sustainable SPI projects. The research was based on a strong industrial cooperation. As many as thirty software development organizations were involved in this research. Methodologically, the research was conducted in line with the inductive reasoning, which guided the research into building the knowledge from empirical studies. However, at some stages of this research, literature studies were incorporated. The main research methods of this study are action research and case studies, whereas data collection methods are primarily structured interviews, participatory observations and surveys. The thesis concludes that implementing a recommended software development processes or practices using well defined SPI approaches is not enough. In order to implement successful and lasting process improvement, organizations also need to consider organizational, social and managerial aspects of SPI. The SPIF framework and other results of this thesis may significantly benefit software development organizations that plan to conduct software process change, or have already done it. These organizations may use SPIF for getting an overview of the process improvement process and the theories, methods and tools that should support it. The other results of this thesis can be used for: 1) incorporating organizational, social and managerial aspects in process changes, 2) for adapting process improvements in various organizational contexts, 3) for guiding adoptions of new software development methods, and finally 4) for evaluating and improving process improvement efforts. / <p>QC 20140213</p>

Dataskyddsförordningen GDPR:S påverkan på befintliga informationssystem : En studie om hur befintliga informationsystem påverkas av GDPR, med fokus på Privacy by Design / The General Data Protection Regulation's effect on existing information systems : A study on the effect of GDPR on existing information systems, with focus on Privacy by Design

Åkerman, Hedwig January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt hur den nya dataskyddsförordningen GDPR påverkar befintliga informationssystem. Genom arbetet har ett fokus även legat på metoden Privacy by Design och hur väl den uppfylls.GDPR ersätter Personuppgiftslagen i Sverige och innebär även att Missbruksregeln försvinner. Denna förändring kan tänkas resultera i större utmaningar för många företag, eftersom de krav som ställs är högre än tidigare. GDPR innebär ett utökat skydd för den personliga integriteten och ger EU:s medborgare fler rättigheter gällande hur personuppgifter bör behandlas. I och med att många befintliga informationssystem ej skapats med hänsyn till mycket av det GDPR ställer krav på, finns en trolig riskatt flera befintliga informationssystem blir svåra att uppdatera för att vara i linje med förordningen. Då GDPR även inkluderar krav med relevans till metoden Privacy by Design, är det troligt att företag som bättre uppfyller Privacy by Design även kan vara bättre i linje med GDPR. Från de deltagande respondenterna framgick det att en majoritet av de sju grundläggande principerna inom Privacy by Design uppfylls. Viss avsaknad kunde dock ses beroende på vilken organisation eller informationssystem det gällde. Vad som ansågs mest utmanande med dataskyddsförordningen uttryckte samtliga respondenter var förståelse av innebörd och intention med förordningstexten. Gällande vad som upplevdes som det tekniskt mest utmanande kunde mönster identifieras för ett antal krav. De krav som identifierades som väsentliga för befintliga informationssystem att anpassas efter, samt vilka principer inom Privacy by Designsom bättre uppfylldes, låg sedan i grund till en checklista. Checklistan blirett redskapsom ger en riktning för hur dessa punkter kan bemötas. / This study has examined how the new data protection regulation GDPR affect existing information systems. The study has had a focus on the method Privacy by Design and how well its principles are fulfilled by different companies. In Sweden, the GDPR will replace the personal data act, ‘Personuppgiftslagen’. This change may result in greater challenges for companies since the requirements of GDPR are higher than they were before. The GDPR means a greater protection of privacy and it gives EU citizens more rights regarding how their personal data should be processed. Many of the older, existing information systems weren’t created with regards to what GDPR demands. It is possible that this creates a risk for several existing information systems not being compliant with the regulation, because of difficulties in updating the systems. The GDPR also includes requirements related to Privacy by Design, and it is likely that companies that better meet the Privacy by Design principles are better compliant with the GDPR. From the participating respondents, it was shown that a majority of the seven fundamental principles of Privacy by Design are met. However, an absence of some principles could be seen depending on the organisation or information system. The most challenging aspect of the GDPR according to all respondents was to understand the meaning and intent of the regulation. Regarding what was perceived as the most challenging technical aspect of the GDPR, there were patterns for several requirements from the regulation. The requirements that were considered the essential ones for existing information systems to adapt to, as well as the principles that were better fulfilled were the factors the checklist was based on. The checklist can serve as a tool that provides a direction for how the identified issues can be addressed.

Avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias dos serviços de alimentação de um shopping center do município de Porto Alegre/RS / Evaluation of the hygienic status of food services located in a shopping mall from Porto Alegre, Brazil

Wingert, Carine January 2012 (has links)
Diversas condições durante as etapas de produção dos alimentos podem levar à introdução de micro-organismos patogênicos nas refeições. Esse fato pode ser relevante nos serviços de alimentação localizados em shopping centers pela limitada área física, número de equipamentos insuficientes e volume de refeições servidas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar esse tipo de estabelecimento quanto ao cumprimento de boas práticas e verificar a presença de matéria orgânica e contaminação bacteriana residual em refrigeradores que haviam sido submetidos à limpeza de rotina. Vinte estabelecimentos localizados em um shopping center de Porto Alegre foram incluídos no estudo. Em cada estabelecimento foi aplicada a Lista de Verificação em Boas Práticas para Serviços de Alimentação prevista na Portaria nº 78 de 28 de Janeiro de 2009 (CEVS) e foram colhidas três amostras com intervalo mensal da parede interna do refrigerador no dia subsequente à limpeza de rotina. As amostras foram avaliadas pelo sistema Clean Trace (3M), quanto à presença de Listeria sp., Coliformes Totais e Escherichia coli. Os dados resultantes da aplicação da Lista de Verificação apontaram que 55% dos estabelecimentos não atingiram a pontuação mínima (>75%) para serem considerados satisfatórios. Em 95% (57/60) das amostras colhidas nos refrigeradores, demonstrou-se a presença de matéria orgânica residual. Já as análises microbiológicas apontaram ausência de Listeria sp., presença de de Coliformes Totais e E. coli em 8,3% e 1,6% das amostras, respectivamente. Não houve associação entre a classificação do estabelecimento (satisfatório/insatisfatório) e a presença de matéria orgânica residual ou Coliformes Totais nos refrigeradores. Estes resultados demonstram a necessidade de constante revisão e monitoramento dos processos de higienização de equipamentos em serviços de alimentação. / Several conditions during all stages of food production can lead to the introduction of pathogenic micro-organisms in food. This fact may be relevant in the food service located in shopping malls by limited physical area, insufficient number of equipment and volume of meals served. The aim of this study was to evaluate this type of establishment for compliance with good practices and verify the presence of organic matter and residual bacterial contamination in refrigerators that had been submitted to routine cleaning. Twenty establishments located in a shopping center from Porto Alegre were included in the study. In each establishment a Checklist for Good Practice for Food Services, provided by Resoltuion No. 78 published on January 28th 2009 (CEVS), was aplied, and three samples were collected at monthly intervals from the inner wall of the refrigerator on the day following the routine cleaning. The samples were evaluated by the Clean Trace system (3M) for the presence of Listeria sp., Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli. The data resulting from application of the Checklist showed that 55% of establishments didn’t attained the minimum score (> 75%) to be classified satisfactory. From de samples taken on the refrigerator’s inner wall, 95% (57/60) demonstrated the presence of residual organic. Nevertheless, microbiological analyzes showed absence of Listeria sp., and isolation of Total Coliforms and E. coli in 8.3% and 1.6% of the samples, respectively. There was no association between the classification of the establishment (satisfactory / unsatisfactory) and the presence of residual organic matter or total coliform in the refrigerator. The results demonstrate the need for constant review and monitoring and improvement of sanitizing procedures of equipment in food service.

Controle sanitário em laboratórios clínicos no Município do Rio de Janeiro: proposta de roteiro de inspeção / Sanitary control in clinical laboratories in the Rio de Jane iro city: a proposal of guideline

Chaves, Josefa Sieira Caamaño January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Sousa (alexandre.sousa@incqs.fiocruz.br) on 2014-10-21T17:32:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Josefa.pdf: 1139952 bytes, checksum: a0435a26c74f1153e99f303ba64f898a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-21T17:32:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Josefa.pdf: 1139952 bytes, checksum: a0435a26c74f1153e99f303ba64f898a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Vigilância Sanitária. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Com a descentralização das ações de Vigilância Sanitária, efetivada em fevereiro de 2005,tornou-secompetência da Vigilância Sanitária Municipal do Rio de Janeiro (Visa municipal) a inspeção e orientação de estabelecimentos de saúde, como laboratórios clínicos e postos de coleta extra-hospitalares situados no município do Rio de Janeiro. Atualmente, estes estabelecimentos devem estar cadastrados na Visa municipal e serão objeto de inspeções periódicas por equipe multidisciplinar. Embora a descentralização tenha sido fortalecedora da gestão pública na esfera municipal, veio cercada de problemas, dentre os quais a falta de roteiros de inspeção, fato que leva a questionamentos sobre a qualificação das ações do serviço da Vigilância Sanitária dos municípios e que evidencia a falta de padronização de suas atividades. O roteiro de inspeção, por ser uma lista de verificação objetiva, atua como instrumento técnico norteador das ações sanitárias, permitindo também, que os laboratórios clínicos o utilizem em auto-avaliações, tendo em vista que, deverão adequar-se na íntegra à legislação sanitária vigente englobada nos itens nele contidos. O roteiro a ser proposto neste trabalho, se baseará em legislação sanitária vigente, em normas de Boas Práticas de Laboratórios Clínicos e incluirá informações regulamentares relativas à normas de biossegurança, gerenciamento de resíduos de serviços da saúde, testes de diagnóstico, recepção, aliquotagem, armazenamento, transporte e processamento de amostras biológicas, além de itens de verificação como: organização de pessoal, estrutura física, validação de ensaios, controle da qualidade interno e externo, sistema da informação que garanta a rastreabilidade dos exames, transmissão e arquivamento de dados e gestão de qualidade total. A expectativa é que, o roteiro proposto, possa ser utilizado em futuras inspeções sanitárias em laboratórios clínicos do Município do Rio de Janeiro, pois a promoção da saúde traduz-se na manutenção da qualidade de vida, minimizando e prevenindo riscos ao meio ambiente e à saúde da população de forma individual e/ou coletiva / With the decentralization of health surveillance activities, effective in February 2005, it became the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Health Surveillance's responsibility to inspect and guide health facilities, such as clinical laboratories and collection points outside hospitals located in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. These establishments must be registered in the Municipal Health Surveillance and will undergo periodic inspections by a multidisciplinary team. Although the decentralization has been empowering to the public administration at the municipal level, it has had its problems, among which the lack of inspection procedures, a fact that leads to questions about the qualification of the Municipal Health Surveillance actions and highlights the lack of standardization of their activities. The inspection procedure, which is an objective checklist, acts as a technical instrument that guides public health activities, allowing also that clinical laboratories use it in self-assessments considering that they must completely conform to the health surveillance) legislation in force. The procedure that is proposed in this paper is based on current health surveillance legislation, on standards of good clinical laboratory practices and include information on biosafety standards, waste management, health services, diagnostic tests, reception, fractionation, storage , transport and processing of biological samples, and on checklist items such as organization of personnel, physical structure, (testing validation), internal and external quality control, information system to ensure traceability of tests, transmission and archiving of data and total quality management. It is expected that there proposed procedure will be used in future health inspections in clinical laboratories in the city of Rio de Janeiro, because health promotion is reflected in the maintenance of quality of life, preventing and minimizing risks to the environment and health of the population, individually and / or collectively.

Adaptação de um checklist de boas práticas de fabricação para agroindústrias familiares com potencial de adesão ao SUSAF-RS

Machado, Maluza January 2017 (has links)
Este projeto tem por objetivo desenvolver um checklist de boas práticas de fabricação (BPF) adaptado ao público das agroindústrias familiares de pequeno porte (AFPP) produtoras de embutidos, de modo que sirva como ferramenta de auxílio na recomendação das AFPP ao SUSAF-RS (Sistema Estadual Unificado de Sanidade Agroindustrial Familiar e de Pequeno Porte do RS). Foram visitadas 20 agroindústrias situadas nas regionais da Emater de Lajeado e Soledade, onde foi aplicado o checklist de BPF original (BRASIL, 2002) bem como o checklist adaptado desenvolvido. As agroindústrias foram classificadas em G1, G2 e G3 conforme o percentual de conformidade (C). A proposta do checklist adaptado se justificou uma vez que o instrumento proposto apresentou resultado de agroindústrias classificadas com G1 (>75% C) significativamente superior em relação à classificação obtida das mesmas agroindústrias submetidas ao checklist original. O checklist adaptado mostrou que a maioria das agroindústrias foi classificada como pertencente ao G2 com média de conformidade de 59,2%. Somente 4 agroindústrias, além da unidade onde foi aplicado o piloto, obtiveram mais de 75% de C sendo classificadas como G1. Todas estas estão registradas em Serviços de Inspeção Municipais já aderidos ao SUSAF, e uma apresenta registro no Serviço de Inspeção Estadual. Além destas, 8 agroindústrias foram classificadas no G2 e 7 foram classificadas no G3. As principais não conformidades (NC) identificadas nas classificações G2 e G3 foram relacionadas à gestão documental (SG5) e falhas no quesito higiênico-sanitário (SG2), sendo que 5 das 8 agroindústrias classificadas como G2 apresentaram C superior a 65%. Nestes casos, a gestão documental foi o principal gargalo para o não atingimento dos 75% de C preconizado. Ressalta-se que das 7 agroindústrias classificadas como G3, 4 apresentaram índices preocupantes no quesito sanitário (SG2) com C inferior a 25%. O trabalho evidenciou que as AFPPs localizadas em municípios cujos SIMs não estão estruturados, atrelado à presença de RTs pouco atuantes, ocasionam baixo índice de BPF, pois carecem de informações técnicas e capacitação para implantação das mesmas. Percebeu-se que a realidade da AFPP é distinta à da indústria de larga escala. Por isso, parece justo que os dois segmentos sejam avaliados de forma diferenciada, justificando o propósito do projeto. / This project deals with the adaptation of a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) checklist for application in small farm agroindustry producing sausages. The objective will be to enable the proposed checklist to serve as an aid tool in the recommendation of this profile of agroindustries to SUSAF-RS (Unified State System of Agroindustrial Health and Small Porte of RS). Twenty agroindustries distributed in the regional municipalities of Emater de Lajeado and Soledade were visited, where the original BPF checklist (BRASIL, 2002) was applied as well as the adapted checklist. The agroindustries were classified in G1, G2 and G3 according to the percentage of compliance (C). The proposal of the checklist adapted to measure BPF in the scope of the small farm agroindustry was justified, since the proposed instrument presented a result of agroindustries classified with G1 (> 75% C) significantly higher than the classification obtained from the same agroindustries submitted to the original checklist. The adapted checklist showed that most agro-industries were classified as belonging to G2 with a mean of 59.2% compliance. Only 4 agroindustries, besides the unit where the pilot was applied, obtained more than 75% of C being classified as G1, therefore, with GMP implanted. All of these are registered in Municipal Inspection Services that have already joined the SUSAF. In addition, 8 agro-industries were classified in G2 and 7 were classified in G3. The main non-conformities (NC) identified in the G2 and G3 classifications were related to document management (SG5) and sanitary-sanitary (SG2) failures, with 5 of the 8 agro-industries classified in G2 presenting C above 65%. cases, document management was the main bottleneck for not achieving the 75% of C recommended. It is noteworthy that of the 7 agroindustries classified as G3, 4 presented worrying rates in the sanitary (SG2) with C less than 25%. The work can show that the small farm agroindustry s located in municipalities whose Inspcetion Local Service are not fully structured, coupled with the presence of weakly active professional suporting, present a low GMP index, since they lack technical information and capacity to implement the Manual of GMPs and SSOPs. It was perceived that the reality of small farm agroindustry is distinct from that of large-scale industry. Therefore, it seems fair that these two segments are evaluated in a differentiated way, justifying the purpose of the project.

Práticas e avaliação da sustentabilidade nos canteiros de obras

Zeule, Ludimilla de Oliveira 06 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6388.pdf: 21386897 bytes, checksum: cefe21747b085edb2abd307e6772d66f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-06 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This paper addresses the concept of sustainability and its application in construction sites. The construction sector seen as great usufruidor of natural resources and the waste generator to interfere in the natural characteristics of the environment. In order to change this paradigm is a set of necessary actions related to the integration of sustainable practices that seek to reduce waste indices, improve quality processes and qualify manpower. Seeking to identify how sustainable a construction site can be, this work proposes a methodology for evaluating the implementation of sustainability based on practices aimed at execution phase adopted by seals environmental certifications existing, through a checklist of six items: sustainable site, rational use of water, rational use of energy, materials and resources, environmental quality, and innovation processes. The main purpose of this tool is to identify good practices, scoring the situations observed and classify sites in sustainability levels. The checklist was applied in six construction systems sites and geographies distinct, aiming at studying the different occurrences. In a final step the results of the visits were compiled, and from exposure of the analyzed data it was found that the checklist should function as a guide of recommendations in the execution phase of construction. It was found a list of viability for different types of works, such as Housing Development Social Interest (EHIS), certified environmentally or not, located in different geographical regions. It was concluded that the companies visited are concerned with environmental issues in accordance with the business strategy adopted, and that sometimes occurs lack of planning, knowledge and support tools for adequate insertion of sustainable practices at construction sites. / Esta dissertação aborda o conceito da sustentabilidade e a sua aplicação nos canteiros de obras. O setor da construção civil é visto como grande usufruidor dos recursos naturais e gerador de resíduos que interferem nas características naturais do meio ambiente. Para mudar esse paradigma é necessário um conjunto de ações ligadas à inserção de práticas sustentáveis que busquem diminuir índices de desperdício, melhorar a qualidade nos processos e qualificar a mão de obra. Buscando identificar o quão sustentável um canteiro de obras pode ser, este trabalho vem propor uma metodologia de avaliação da sustentabilidade com base em boas práticas adotadas pelos selos de certificações ambientais existentes, por meio de uma lista de verificação com seis itens: canteiro sustentável, uso racional da água, uso racional de energia, materiais e recursos, qualidade do ambiente, inovações e processos. O objetivo principal desta ferramenta é identificar as boas práticas, pontuar as situações observadas e classificar os canteiros em níveis de sustentabilidade. A lista de verificação foi aplicada em seis canteiros de sistemas construtivos e localidades distintas, com intuito de observar as diferentes ocorrências. Numa etapa final foram compilados os resultados das visitas, e a partir da exposição dos dados analisados foi possível constatar que lista de verificação pode funcionar como um roteiro de recomendações para a fase de execução das obras. Verificou-se a viabilidade da lista para diferentes tipos de obras, como Empreendimento Habitacional de Interesse Social (EHIS), certificadas ambientalmente ou não, localizadas em diferentes regiões geográficas. Concluiu-se que as empresas visitadas preocupam-se com as questões ambientais de acordo com a estratégia empresarial adotada, e que algumas vezes ocorre falta de planejamento, de conhecimento e de ferramentas de apoio para inserção adequada de práticas sustentáveis nos canteiros de obras.

Adaptação da lista de verificação ergonômica da ILO: um estudo de caso em dois canteiros de obras de edificações verticais

Costa, Renata Paiva da Nóbrega 26 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:53:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6781492 bytes, checksum: fe2dd68453a98e9b423873de0eafac83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper proposes a ergonomic checklist for the Civil Construction Industry, which was adapted from the checklist of ILO (International Labour Organization) listed on the Ergonomic Checkpoints manual. The original list is presented as an important tool for identifying private ergonomic problems addressing 128 work-related interventions, but some conclusions limit their application in construction industry. Therefore, in order to adjust it to the reality of the industry, it was held a survey over two vertical residential-buildings construction sites owned by construction companies of the state of Paraíba, one being a small business work, located in the city of Patos, and the other a mid-sized one, located in the city of João Pessoa. During the research, it was made technical in situ visitations which allowed data collection through direct observation and photographic recording, and the achievement of a health and safety conditions of construction sites diagnosis, according to NR 18, and the ILO checklist application on activities of: plaster coating, electrical installations, hydro sanitary installations, mortar coating, window frames installation, cementation and texture on walls, iron framework, mortar preparation, iron structures painting, manufacture of wooden guardrails, frame vertical transport, unloading and transportation of rebar and installation of granite countertops. This set of actions allowed the achievement of the research general objective, the ergonomic checklist adapted to the ICC, with 76 points, representing a decrease of 40.63% on the addressed points, and the separation of convenience, welfare and work organization items. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed list can be used on ICC, as a simple, easy handling tool that enables rapid decision-making at short-term, serving as a prevention tool to preferentially integrate a Health and Workplace Safety Management System that seeks continuous improvement with the end of reducing accidents and improving the working conditions, the environment and the life quality of construction workers. / Este trabalho propõe uma lista de verificação ergonômica para a Indústria da Construção Civil, a qual foi adaptada da lista de verificação da ILO (International Labour Organization) constante no manual Pontos de Verificação Ergonômica. A lista original se apresenta como uma ferramenta importante para identificação de problemas ergonômicos particulares, abordando 128 intervenções ligadas ao trabalho, porém, algumas constatações limitam sua aplicação na construção civil. Dessa forma, com o intuito de adequá-la à realidade do setor, realizou-se um estudo em dois canteiros de obras de edificações residenciais verticais, pertencentes a empresas construtoras do estado da Paraíba, sendo uma obra de pequeno porte, localizada na cidade de Patos, e a outra de médio porte, localizada na cidade de João Pessoa. Durante a pesquisa foram feitas visitas técnicas in loco, que permitiram a coleta de dados através da observação direta e do registro fotográfico, a realização de um diagnóstico das condições de Saúde e Segurança dos canteiros de obras, de acordo com NR 18, além da aplicação da lista de verificação da ILO nas atividades de: revestimento em gesso, instalações elétricas, instalações hidrossanitárias, revestimento em argamassa, instalação de esquadrias, emassamento e textura em paredes, armação de ferro, preparação de argamassa, pintura de estruturas de ferro, confecção de guarda corpos em madeira, transporte vertical de armação, descarga e transporte de vergalhões e instalação de balcões em granito. O conjunto dessas ações permitiu que se alcançasse o objetivo geral da pesquisa, a lista de verificação ergonômica adaptada à ICC, com 76 pontos, que representa uma redução de 40,63% dos pontos abordados, e a separação dos itens comodidade e bem estar e organização do trabalho. Por fim, conclui-se que a lista proposta poderá ser utilizada na ICC, como uma ferramenta simples, de fácil manuseio e que possibilite tomadas de decisões rápidas e de curto prazo, servindo como um instrumento de prevenção que, preferencialmente, integre um Sistema de Gestão da Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho que busque melhorias contínuas em termos de redução de acidentes de trabalho e melhoria das condições de trabalho, do meio ambiente e da qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores da construção.

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