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The psychometric properties of the child PTSD checklist in a sample of treatment-seeking children and adolescents from a youth stress clinic in the Western CapeSchultz, Friederike Frank January 2009 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / Exposure to severe trauma and resulting PTSD affects individuals of all ages, cultures and geographical areas. Epidemiological surveys reveal that approximately one third of the general population is exposed to a traumatic event at some point in their lives. From the people exposed to a traumatic event about 10% will develop PTSD. Compelling evidence further suggests that the PTSD prevalence in South Africa is even higher,especially among the youth, and has thus been identified as a significant public health concern. In order to adequately address the diverse effects of PTSD,reliable and valid instruments diagnosing PTSD are required. It is a further imperative that these instruments are adapted to the specific context in which they will be utilized. This study thus focused on assessing the psychometric properties (factorial validity and internal consistency) of the Child PTSD Checklist in a sample of treatment-seeking children adolescents in the Western Cape. For the purpose of this study secondary data from a larger, longitudinal study investigating PTSD in children and adolescents was utilized.The preliminary study employed a quantitative research design in order to obtain data from the participants. The sample comprised of 200 children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 18 years that were selected from the Youth Stress Clinic. In terms of the psychometric properties the scale demonstrated excellent internal consistency(Cronbach’s alpha = 0.93). Exploratory factor analysis revealed a three factor structure(anxiety and avoidance, anger and dissociation, depressive symptoms) which accounted for 41,96 % of the total variance. In conclusion, the Child PTSD Checklist appears to be a promising tool for assessing PTSD in trauma-exposed youth in clinic settings, however further studies are needed to address its broader utility.
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Att använda checklista inför vaken patient : operationssjuksköterskans upplevelserNagel, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: WHO:s checklista är avsedd för operationskliniker världen över som vill reducera komplikationer i samband med operativa ingrepp. Studier har visat att checklistan inte bara förbättrade patientsäkerheten utan också bidrog till bättre teamarbete och kommunikation mellan personal. Få studier finns om hur patienter som är vakna under operation påverkas av att man använder checklista. Syfte: Syftet med denna pilotstudie var att belysa hur ett antal operationssjuksköterskor upplevde att använda checklistan inför vaken patient. Metod: En pilotstudie med kvalitativ ansats där datainsamlingen genomfördes i form av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med tre operationssjuksköterskor. Det samlade intervjumaterialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet: Resultatet presenterades utifrån sex kategorier som beskrev hur operationssjuksköterskorna upplevde att använda checklistan inför vaken patient; Anpassning, Information, Kommunikation, Obehag, Oro och Säkerhet. Slutsats: Operationssjuksköterskorna upplevde säkerheten i arbetet kring patienten som den viktigaste aspekten med att använda checklista. Samtidigt var man dock tveksam till att använda den inför vaken patient. Detta beskrevs i form av oro för patienten och en egen obehags-känsla. Operationssjuksköterskorna funderade kring möjligheter med förändringar i en sådan situation, exempelvis genom information om checklistan preoperativt, att tala tyst eller vid sidan om patienten. Inga tydliga förslag gavs om hur checklistan skulle anpassas till vaken patient. / Background: The WHO checklist is intended for operating clinics around the world to reduce the number of complications combined with surgery. Studies have shown that the checklist not only does improve patient safety but also contributes to better teamwork and communication between staff. Little is known how the checklist affects non sedated patients undergoing surgery. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate how a couple of theatre nurses experience the use of checklist in presents of non sedated patient. Method: The study hade a qualitative approach and semistructured interviews were made involving three theatre nurses. The collected material was analyzed by content analysis. Result: The result was presented six categories describing how the theatre nurses experienced using the checklist in presents of non sedated patient; adjustment, information, communication, anxiety, discomfort, safety. Conclusions: The theatre nurses experienced safety as the most important issue in using the checklist. At the same time they were doubtful to use it in presents of non sedated patients. They described it as a feeling of discomfort and an unpleasant feeling that they felt. The theatre nurses suggested that more preoperative information conserning the checklist and other adjustments could make it easier to use the checklist in front of non sedated patients. However, they gave no specific suggestions how to adjust the checklist to non sedated patients.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseKozlová, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The work deals with external and internal analysis, aimed at human resources. Due to the extent thesis was devoted to external analysis PEST analysis. Here are the factors that directly or indirectly may affect human resources in the enterprise. Internal analysis includes a description of physical, human, financial and intangible resources in the enterprise. The final section is devoted to checklist investigation that aims to determine why employees chose Engel strojírenská company and are satisfied with working conditions in the company.
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Operationsteamets följsamhet till signout : En observationsstudie / The surgical team´s compliance to signout : An observational studyLuhar, Virali, Bergström, Linn January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2008 gav Världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) ut en checklista för säker kirurgi. Syftet med denna checklista var att öka patientsäkerheten. Efter införandet av checklistan har antalet dödsfall och komplikationer efter kirurgi minskat. Flera studier visar att checklista inte följs fullt ut trots det goda resultatet. Det finns dock få studier som har undersökt följsamheten till den sista fasen i checklistan, signout. Syfte: Att beskriva operationsteamets följsamhet till signout. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en icke-deltagande observationsstudie med kvantitativ, deskriptiv ansats. Med hjälp av ett observationsformulär genomfördes totalt 24 observationer på två operationsenheter. Resultat: Följsamheten till signout var medelgod, 42 %. Vissa delmoment kontrollerades mer frekvent än andra och några berördes inte alls. Operatören var den som initierade i mer än hälften av observationerna och anestesisjuksköterskan hade högst frekvens i pausning. Slutsats: Vid initiering, pausning och specifika delmoment var det främst operatören som utmärkte sig. Här sågs ett tydligt samband av operatörens roll i studiens resultat. Det finns skillnad mellan den dokumenterade och den faktiska följsamheten till checklistan. För att öka följsamheten och därmed patientsäkerheten, behövs tydligare riktlinjer kring vem som ska ansvara och när signout ska genomföras. / Background: In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a checklist for safe surgery. The purpose of this checklist was to increase patient safety. Since the introduction of the checklist mortality and complications after surgery has decreased. Several studies show that the checklist is not fully followed despite the good results. However, there are few studies that have examined compliance with the final phase of the checklist, signout. Aim: To describe the surgical team's compliance to signout. Method: The study was conducted as a non-participant observational study with a quantitative, descriptive strategy. Using an observation form, a total of 24 observations were performed on two operating units. Result: The signout compliance was average, 42%. Some sub-parts were checked more frequently than others and some were not confirmed at all. The surgeon was the one who initiated in more than half of the observations and the anesthesia nurse had the highest frequency at pausing. Conclusion: In the initiation, pause and specific sub-parts, it was mainly the surgeon who distinguished himself. Here, a clear connection was seen between the surgeon's role and the result of the study. There is a difference between the documented and the actual compliance to the checklist. To increase compliance and thereby patient safety, clearer guidelines are needed regarding who should be responsible and when to start signout.
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Upravená realita v kokpitu / Augmented Reality in CockpitTabášek, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá využitím rozšířené reality v letectví. V této oblasti se zaměřuje na kontrolní seznamy v kokpitu využívané ve všech fázích letu k zajištění vykonání všech důležitých úkonů. Pro tento účel je vyvinuta mobilní aplikace, jejímž cílem je provést pilota krok po kroku kontrolním seznamem. Každý krok vyžaduje provedení určitého úkonu na konkrétním letovém nástroji nacházejícím se v kokpitu letadla. Příslušný letový nástroj spojený s aktivním úkolem je identifikován a označen vhodnou vizualizací. Experimentální aplikace je implementována s využitím herního nástroje Unity a AR Foundation frameworku. Implementovaná aplikace byla testována během letu s pozitivní zpětnou vazbou od účastníků testování.
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Teaching Study Skills to College Students Using Checklist TrainingKong, Sarah T. 01 January 2021 (has links)
Deficits in the study skills of college students can lead to lower academic performance and disqualification. Although behavior analytic research has evaluated methods for teaching, structuring in-class notes, increasing attendance, and improving participation, no studies have evaluated methods for improving independent studying outside of the classroom using a single-case design. We evaluated the effects of a study skills training package using a multiple probe design across skills with college students. Sessions took place in a room arranged to emulate the typical study space found in a dorm or library. During sessions, participants were given a 3–6 page reading from a textbook on research methods and statistics. We modified the readings to equate the number of headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and bolded terms. Using a combination of a checklist with picture models and performance feedback, we taught college students how to set up their study space, take notes, and study their notes by writing answers to study questions. Some participants received instructions to check items off the checklist as they completed them. As a supplemental measure, we probed quiz performance during baseline and after a participant mastered each skill. Checklist training improved targeted study skills for all four participants. Explicit instructions to check items off the checklist improved performance for one participant when consistent performance did not maintain after training and produced high levels of performance when implemented at the beginning of training for another participant.
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Alla redo för time-out och sign-out? : Operationsteamets följsamhet till time-out och sign-out i WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi / Everyone ready for a time-out and sign-out? : Surgical team´s compliance to time-out and sign-out in the WHO Surgical safety checklistAlbinsson, Elisa, Nilssen, Gunnhild January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: 2008 infördes WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi för att minska antal dödsfall, förbättra patientsäkerheten och reducera risken för vårdskador i samband med kirurgi genom att ha ett kommunikationsverktyg som säkrar att kontroller och insatser blir utförda. Tidigare studier visar varierande följsamhet till checklistan och att olika delmoment inte utförs i sin helhet. Syfte: Att undersöka operationsteamets följsamhet till time-out och sign-out i WHO:s checklista för säker kirurgi. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie utförd som en icke-deltagande observationsstudie. Data samlades in via 24 observationer vid två sjukhus med hjälp av ett strukturerat observationsprotokoll. Data analyserades med hjälp av SPSS och redovisas genom deskriptiv statistik i form av cirkel- och stapeldiagram, tabeller samt löpande text. Resultat: Time-out initierades i 95,8 % av observationerna och utfördes komplett i 4,2 %. Sign-out initierades i 100 % av observationerna och 29,2 % utfördes komplett. Ingen i operationsteamet intog rollen som checklisteansvarig. Vid 19 av 22 observationer signerades samtliga tre delmoment i Orbit innan sign-out var genomförd. Slutsats: Både time-out och sign-out genomförs i hög grad, dock varierar följsamheten till checklistans samtliga kontrollpunkter vid de två delmomenten. Studien påvisar att diskrepans finns mellan den faktiska användningen av checklistan och den administrativa inrapporterade användningen av checklistan. / Background: In 2008, the WHO Surgical safety checklist was introduced to reduce mortality, improve patient safety and reduce risk of medical injuries in connection to surgery by means of a communication tool ensuring that checks and interventions are performed. Previous studies show a variation in compliance to the checklist, and that different items not are entirely performed. Aim: To describe the surgical team’s compliance to time-out and sign-out in the WHO Surgical safety checklist. Method: A quantitative cross-sectional study conducted as a non-participatory observational study. Data was collected during 24 observations at two hospitals using a structured observational protocol. Data was analysed using SPSS and reported through descriptive statistics, using pie and bar charts as well as tables and discussion. Result: Time-out was initiated in 95,8 % of the observations and completed in 4,2%. Sign-out was initiated in 100 % of the observations and 29,2 % were completed. No member of the surgical team was responsible for performing the safety checks. In 19 of 22 observations, all three parts of the checklist were signed in Orbit before the sign-out was completed. Conclusion: Both time-out and sign-out are carried out to a great extent, however, compliance with all items of the checklist varies. The study shows a discrepancy between the actual use of the checklist and the administratively reported use of the checklist.
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Erstellung einer Checkliste zur Beurteilung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten nach ergonomischen GesichtspunktenGauermann, Christoph 18 December 2013 (has links)
Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen des Muskel-Skelett-Systems sind unter Physiotherapeuten sehr häufig. Die präventive Forschung hat diese Berufsgruppe bisher kaum untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt die Veränderung des Arbeitsumfeldes einen vielversprechenden Ansatz für die Verhinderung arbeitsbedingter Erkrankungen dar. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erstellung einer Checkliste zur Bewertung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten zu erstellen.
Material und Methoden:
Es wurde im September 2011 eine Literatursuche mit folgenden Datenbanken und Suchmaschinen durchgeführt: „CEBP“, „Cochrane“, „Ebsco“, „GoogleScholar“, „Medpilot“, „PeDro“, „Pubmed“ und dem Online-Katalog der württembergischen Landesbibliothek. Nach systematischem Aussortieren verblieben 13 Studien und zwei Bücher, zu denen durch unsystematische Suche weitere zwei Bücher hinzukamen. Aus den Suchergebnissen wurden Daten erhoben, die für die Erstellung einer Checkliste relevant sind.
Es entstand eine literaturgestützte Checkliste, die sowohl direkt angewendet, als auch als Hilfe zur Entwicklung einer individuellen Arbeitsplatzumgestaltung verwendet werden kann.
Eine literaturgestützte Checkliste zur Beurteilung des Arbeitsplatzes eines Physiotherapeuten ist, nach Wissensstand des Autors, in dieser Form einzigartig. Jeder einzelne Punkt der Checkliste wird näher und von verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchtet. / Introduction:
Work related musculoskeletal disorders are common among physiotherapists. Preventive research examined this profession rarely until today. In this background changing working environment could be an important way to prevent work related illnesses. The aim of this study is the creation of a checklist for assessing the workplace of a physiotherapist.
Material and Methods:
A search for literature took place in September 2011 in following databases and search engines: “CEBP“, “Cochrane“, “Ebsco“, “GoogleScholar“, “Medpilot“, “PeDro“, “Pubmed“ and the online-catalogue of the “württembergische Landesbibliothek”. After a systematic sort out remained 13 studies and two books to which another two books from an unsystematic search were added. From the results of the searches relevant data to create a checklist were extracted.
A literature-based checklist was developed, which can be used directly or as a help to develop an individual workplace change program.
In the knowledge of the author a literature-based checklist for assessing the workplace of a physiotherapist is unique. Each checklist item is described more closely and discussed separately.
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Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att använda ”Checklista för säker kirurgi” i sitt dagliga arbete / Anesthesiology nurses' experiences of using the “Safe Surgery Checklist” in their daily workMorin, Alexander, Andersson, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Att genomgå ett kirurgiskt ingrepp är förenat med risk för komplikationer. WHO har utarbetat en checklista för säker kirurgi som används av operationspersonal för att minska risken för komplikationer. Patientsäkerhet finns med som en av grundpelarna i kompetensbeskrivningen för anestesisjuksköterskor, och i enlighet med denna ska anestesisjuksköterskan arbeta på ett patientsäkert sätt och uppmärksamma arbetsrelaterade risker. Syftet med studien var att undersöka anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att använda ”Checklista för säker kirurgi” i sitt dagliga arbete. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes där datainsamlingen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju anestesisjuksköterskor. Analys av data gjordes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som resulterade i fyra kategorier: Att vården blir tryggare genom en heltäckande bild, Att praktiska skäl medför att anestesisjuksköterskor tar stort ansvar för genomförandet av checklistan, Att göra avsteg men med checklistan i huvudet och Att alla i teamet måste vara delaktiga och ta ansvar. Slutsatser som kan dras är att mer fokus på utbildning av checklistan för samtliga berörda professioner skulle kunna generera ökad följsamhet vid användning av checklistan, ökad förståelse för varandras yrkesområden samt ökad sammanhållningen i teamet. Det bör läggas mer fokus på såväl modifiering av checklistan som kan användas vid akuta situationer som på åtgärder som främjar kommunikationen och kulturen på operationssalen. Vidare studier bör göras om varför avsteg görs och hur detta kan motverkas så att patientsäkerheten kan upprätthållas. / Having a surgical procedure is associated with risk of complications. WHO has prepared a checklist for safe surgery used by surgical staff to reduce the risk of complications. Patient safety is included as one of the cornerstones in the competence description for anesthesia nurses, and in accordance with this, the anesthesia nurse should work in a patient-safe manner and pay attention to work-related risks. The aim of the study was to examine anesthesia nurses' experiences of using the "Safe Surgery Checklist" in their daily work.A qualitative study was conducted in which seven anesthesia nurses participated. Data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis, which resulted in four categories: Care becomes safer through a comprehensive picture; Anesthesia nurses take great responsibility for the implementation of the checklist due to practical reasons; Making deviations but with the checklist in mind; and Everyone in the team must be involved and take responsibility. Conclusions that can be drawn are that more focus are needed on the education of all professions involved, which could generate increased compliance when using the checklist, increased understanding of each other’s occupations and increase cohesion in the team. Also, there should be more focus on modification of the checklist that can be used in emergency situations and on measures that promote communication and culture in the operating room. Further studies should be done on why deviations are made and how this can be counteracted so that patient safety can be maintained.
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EN INTERVENTIONSSTUDIE FÖR SÄKER KOMMUNIKATION UNDER LARM : Sign In, Time Out och Sign Out på en Akutmottagning i MellansverigeBerglund, Marika, Larsson, Irene January 2022 (has links)
Previous research has shown that there are multiple risks in emergency care of acutely ill or injured patients. Communication, teamwork, and nurses’ experiences in the care of these patients are central aspects of maintaining a high level of patient safety and quality of care. The aim of this study was to examine nurses' experience of the implementation of a new scribe-document to improve safe communication and treatment of code patients. The Method is a mixed method composed of quantitative and qualitative data. A new scribe-document for the codes was created with a checklist for Sign In, Time Out and Sign Out inspired by the Safe Surgical Checklist from WHO. The interventional study is compiled of quantitative questionnaires which were compiled for the study. As a complement to the questionnaires five interviews were conducted with nurses which were then analyzed by a manifest content analysis. The results show different themes which are a result of the interviews; “The importance of a functioning team,” “Expecting the unexpected,” “Structured communication improves the code” and “The checklist gives structure and support when it is used.” The results also show that the checklist was well received by the nurses in the specific emergency department. The conclusion is that the checklist gives a good result when it is used, although better implementation and more education is necessary. Key words: Checklist, Communication, Emergency Care, Mixed Method, Patient Safety.
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