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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


D'SOUZA, VINOD DONATUS 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Kirurgiska säkerhetschecklistor i praktiken : Operationsteamets attityder och uppfattningar

Sälik, Charlotta, Engström, Serah January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Operationsteamet består av ett komplext samspel mellan olika professioner som tillsammans ska arbeta kring patienten vid kirurgiska ingrepp. Kirurgisk säkerhetschecklista [KSC] är ett redskap som ska bistå med hjälp för samarbetet och kommunikationen inom operationsteamet. Det finns en stor mängd forskning som bevisar hur KSC förbättrar mortalitet, morbiditet och patientsäkerheten, trots detta har operationsteamet bristande följsamhet gentemot KSC. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva operationsteamets uppfattningar av att använda KSC. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad ansats. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades, sönderdelades, tematiserades och sammanfogades till denna översikts resultat. Resultat: KSC kunde bidra till förbättrat teamarbete, kommunikation, och arbetsmiljö på operationssalen, samtidigt uppmärksammades olika hinder med samarbetet kring KSC. Personliga attityder, ställningstaganden och övertygelser hos de olika professionerna var faktorer som påverkade teamarbetet. Hur operationsteamet var lett påverkade även samarbetet kring KSC. Upplevelsen av tidsbrist och svårigheter med timing försvårade genomgången av KSC. Slutsats: Det är essentiellt att förstå den komplicerade arbetsmiljön på operationssalarna och hur KSC kan underlätta arbetet i operationssalen men även vilka faktorer som försvårar för operationsteamet att arbeta säkert. För att bilda en djupare uppfattning om operationsteamets komplexitet och arbete med KSC krävs vidare forskning. Resultatet av denna litteraturöversikt skulle kunna bistå med hjälp för klinikerna i sitt arbete kring säkerheten och samarbetet på operationssalarna. / Background: The surgical team consists of a complex interaction between different professionals who work together around the patient during surgical procedures. Surgical Safety Checklist [SSC] is a tool that should assist the interaction and communication within the surgical team. There is a great deal of research that proves how SSC improves mortality, morbidity and patient safety. The surgical team has despite that a lack of compliance with SSC. Aim: The aim of this litterateur review was to describe the surgical team’s perceptions of using the SSC. Method: The literature review was based on 14 scientific articles of qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches. The articles were quality checked, analysed, broken down, thematized and merged into the result of this overview. Result: SSC was able to contribute to improved teamwork, communication, and work environment in the operating room, while at the same time various obstacles were highlighted with the collaboration around SSC. Personal attitudes, standpoints and beliefs within the various professions were factors that influenced teamwork. How the surgical team was led also affected the collaboration around SSC. The experience of lack of time and difficulties with timing made the performance of SSC more difficult. Conclusion: It is essential to understand the complicated work environment in the operating rooms and how SSC can facilitate the work in the operating room, also what factors hinder the operating team to work safely. In order to form a deeper understanding of the complexity of the operation team and their work with SSC, further research is needed. The result of this literature review could be of assistance to clinics in their work to improve safety and collaboration in the operating rooms.

Instruments Bias in Assessment Centers

Cunningham, Howard Michael 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of behavioral checklist critical item content on subsequent global, Likert-type ratings. It was hypothesized that assessment center participants rated with positive critical items would receive higher scores on subsequent global ratings than would participants rated with negative critical items. Additionally, it was hypothesized that volunteers would receive better ratings than nonvolunteers. Finally, it was hypothesized that behavioral ratings would show less susceptibility to halo effect than global ratings.

Stressade och pressade situationer : En studie om hantering av stressade och pressade situationer ombord utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv / Stressed and pressured situations : A study on handling stressed and pressured situations on board from a leadership perspective

Sternemo, Felicia, Musika, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersökte hanteringen av stressade och pressade situationer inom sjöfarten genom intervjuer med sex nautiska sjöbefäl. Syftet var att undersöka hur nautiska befäl upplever stressade och pressade situationer ombord på fartyg, vilka metoder och strategier som används för att hantera dessa situationer samt hur erfarenheter kan bidra till framtida ledarskap. Öppna semistrukturerade intervjuer i en neutral miljö användes för att dokumentera sjöbefälens erfarenheter och beteenden i stressade och pressade situationer. Resultaten visar att checklistor och gruppdynamik spelar en viktig roll för att effektivt lösa stressade och pressade situationer. Denna studie betonar vikten av närvaro, snabb problemlösning och övning på checklistor för att förbereda sig för potentiella nödsituationer. Genom att förstå de faktorer som påverkar befälens beslutsfattande och självinsikt under stressade och pressade incidenter, kan slutsatserna dras om hur upplevelsen av sådana incidenter formar framtida ledare. / The study examined the management of stressed and pressured situations within the maritime industry through interviews with six nautical officers. The aim was to investigate how nautical officers experience stressful and pressured situations on board ships, which methods and strategies are used to handle these situations, and how experiences can contribute to future leadership. Open semi-structured interviews in a neutral environment were used to document the experiences and behaviors of maritime officers in a stressful and pressured situation. The results indicate that checklists and group dynamics play a crucial role in effectively resolving stressful and pressured situations. This study emphasizes the importance of presence, rapid problem-solving and practice with checklists to prepare for potential emergencies. By understanding the factors influencing officers decision-making and self-awareness during stressful and pressured incidents, conclusions can be drawn about how the experience of such incidents shapes future leaders.

Selbstständig(er) durch Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung? : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Förderung von Metakognitionsstrategien bei Schülerinnen und Schülern durch "Ich-kann"-Checklisten ; Ergebnisse einer gezielten Intervention im Fach Deutsch in der 7. gymnasialen Jahrgangsstufe / Self-reliance through self-assessment and third-party assessment? : the potential and the limits of fostering the use of "Can do" checklists as a meta-cognitive strategy ; findings of a targeted intervention following 13 and 14 year old German class Gymnasium students

Friedrich, Katja January 2012 (has links)
Neben der Frage nach der leistungssteigernden Wirkung von sogenannten "Ich-kann"-Checklisten auf die Metakognitionsstrategien der Schülerinnen und Schüler, geht die Arbeit auch den Fragen nach, welche Schülerinnen und Schüler "Ich-kann"-Checklisten nutzen, in welcher Form und unter welchen Kontextmerkmalen sie am wirksamsten sind. Dabei handelt es sich um Listen mit festgelegten, fachlichen und überfachlichen Kompetenzen einer bzw. mehrerer Unterrichtseinheiten, die in Form von „Ich-kann“-Formulierungen für Schüler geschrieben sind und die Aufforderung einer Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung beinhalten. Blickt man in die Veröffentlichungen der letzten Jahre zu diesem Thema und in die schulische Praxis, so ist eine deutliche Hinwendung zur Entwicklung und Arbeit mit „Ich-kann“-Checklisten und Kompetenzrastern zu erkennen. Umso erstaunlicher ist es, dass diesbezüglich so gut wie keine empirischen Untersuchungen vorliegen (vgl. Bastian & Merziger, 2007; Merziger, 2007). Basierend auf einer quantitativen Erhebung von 197 Gymnasialschülerinnen und -schülern in der 7. Jahrgangsstufe im Fach Deutsch wurde über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren diesen übergeordneten Fragen nachgegangen. Die Ergebnisse lassen die Aussagen zu, dass "Ich-kann"-Checklisten insbesondere für Jungen ein wirksames pädagogisches Instrument der Selbstregulation darstellen. So fördert die Arbeit mit "Ich-kann"-Checklisten nicht nur die Steuerung eigener Lernprozesse, sondern auch die Anstrengungsbereitschaft der Schülerinnen und Schüler, mehr für das Fach tun zu wollen. Eine während der Intervention erfolgte Selbsteinschätzung über den Leistungsstand mittels der "Ich-kann"-Checklisten fördert dabei den freiwilligen außerunterrichtlichen Gebrauch. / This paper examines the performance enhancing effect of so called “Can Do” checklists on the metacognitive strategies of 13 to 14 year old Gymnasium students. This study analyzes which students actually use “Can Do” checklists, in what form they apply them, and the specific circumstances in which they appear to be most effective. These checklists define fundamental, subject-specific, and interdisciplinary competencies that are formulated into written “Can Do” lessons that require both self-assessment and third-party assessment. The increasing development and application of “Can Do” checklists and performance metrics is clearly seen both in the recent scholarly papers that address this issue and in classroom practice. The fact that this trend is emerging despite the lack of empirical studies is particularly surprising (e.g. Bastian & Merzinger, 2007; Merzinger, 2007). These salient questions were examined through analysis of a two-year quantitative survey that monitored two consecutive classes of 197 Gymnasium students in their German class during their 7th academic year. The results of this study indicate that “Can Do” checklists are an effective pedagogical tool for self-evaluation especially for boys. Applying this methodology both fosters self management of the learning process and motivates the student to invest more effort into the subject. The benefits of continuous performance self-assessment using “Can Do” checklists also transfer voluntarily beyond the classroom.

Avaliação de desempenho para estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais. / Performance evaluation for industrial wastewater treatments plants.

Lilian Heeren Raschle 12 April 2013 (has links)
O processo produtivo industrial pode gerar uma grande quantidade de efluentes líquidos. Esses efluentes, quando não tratados, podem poluir o solo e a água, podendo causar grande impacto ambiental. Nesse sentido é imprescindível que todas as indústrias que geram efluentes líquidos possuam uma estação de tratamento. Porém, para que a estação esteja permanentemente funcionando de acordo com seu objetivo, essa deve ser rotineiramente avaliada. Dessa forma, a avaliação de desempenho para Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes Industriais (ETEI) se torna uma ferramenta importante para a manutenção da eficiência da estação, pois se justifica por procurar pontos vulneráveis da planta de tratamento fornecendo os subsídios necessários à elaboração do diagnóstico e projetos de adequação dos sistemas, permitindo que os efluentes tratados fiquem em conformidade com as exigências estabelecidas pela legislação ambiental. Neste trabalho, foi elaborada uma proposta metodológica, formada por um roteiro, composto por níveis de questionamentos, que auxilia o avaliador na análise de desempenho da ETEI. Complementando esse roteiro foram elaboradas algumas listas de verificação que contribuem para guiar o avaliador em suas análises. Na elaboração das listas, manuais desenvolvidos em diversos países foram considerados. As listas de verificação incluem perguntas para a avaliação dos dados gerais da indústria, para seu Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) e para alguns sistemas e unidades operacionais da estação de tratamento. Para exemplificar um dos níveis de questionamento do roteiro foi incluído um estudo de caso, no qual o afluente e o efluente de uma indústria mineradora foram avaliados através da técnica estatística multivariada Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), para demonstração do desempenho da estação de tratamento. O resultado da avaliação realizada demonstrou um bom desempenho da ETEI em tratar os efluentes líquidos. Espera-se, portanto, que este trabalho seja útil para a avaliação de desempenho em plantas de tratamento de efluentes industriais. / The industrial production process can generate large amounts of wastewater. These effluents, when untreated, can pollute soil and water, causing great environmental impact. In this sense it is essential that all industries that generate wastewater own a treatment plant. In order to keep the treatment plant permanently functioning according to its purpose, it should be routinely evaluated. Therefore the performance evaluation for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants (IWTP) becomes an important tool for maintaining its efficiency, and justifies itself by seeking vulnerable points on the treatment plant and providing subsidies needed to produce diagnosis and projects to adequate the systems, allowing treated effluent to remain in compliance with the requirements established by the environmental legislation. In this work, a methodological proposal was designed, formed by a road map composed of levels of questioning, which assists the evaluator in the performance analysis of IWTP. In complement to this road map some checklists were developed to help guide the evaluator in his analyzes. While preparing these lists, manuals developed in several countries were considered. The checklists include questions to assess the general data of the industry, its Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and some systems and operations of the treatment plant. To illustrate one of the road map questioning levels a case study was included, in which the influent and effluent of a mining industry are evaluated by multivariate statistical technique called Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to demonstrate the performance of the IWTP. The result of the assessment showed a good performance by the IWTP while treating wastewater. It is expected, therefore, that this study is useful for evaluating the performance in plants where industrial effluents are treated.

Avaliação de desempenho para estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais. / Performance evaluation for industrial wastewater treatments plants.

Lilian Heeren Raschle 12 April 2013 (has links)
O processo produtivo industrial pode gerar uma grande quantidade de efluentes líquidos. Esses efluentes, quando não tratados, podem poluir o solo e a água, podendo causar grande impacto ambiental. Nesse sentido é imprescindível que todas as indústrias que geram efluentes líquidos possuam uma estação de tratamento. Porém, para que a estação esteja permanentemente funcionando de acordo com seu objetivo, essa deve ser rotineiramente avaliada. Dessa forma, a avaliação de desempenho para Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes Industriais (ETEI) se torna uma ferramenta importante para a manutenção da eficiência da estação, pois se justifica por procurar pontos vulneráveis da planta de tratamento fornecendo os subsídios necessários à elaboração do diagnóstico e projetos de adequação dos sistemas, permitindo que os efluentes tratados fiquem em conformidade com as exigências estabelecidas pela legislação ambiental. Neste trabalho, foi elaborada uma proposta metodológica, formada por um roteiro, composto por níveis de questionamentos, que auxilia o avaliador na análise de desempenho da ETEI. Complementando esse roteiro foram elaboradas algumas listas de verificação que contribuem para guiar o avaliador em suas análises. Na elaboração das listas, manuais desenvolvidos em diversos países foram considerados. As listas de verificação incluem perguntas para a avaliação dos dados gerais da indústria, para seu Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) e para alguns sistemas e unidades operacionais da estação de tratamento. Para exemplificar um dos níveis de questionamento do roteiro foi incluído um estudo de caso, no qual o afluente e o efluente de uma indústria mineradora foram avaliados através da técnica estatística multivariada Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), para demonstração do desempenho da estação de tratamento. O resultado da avaliação realizada demonstrou um bom desempenho da ETEI em tratar os efluentes líquidos. Espera-se, portanto, que este trabalho seja útil para a avaliação de desempenho em plantas de tratamento de efluentes industriais. / The industrial production process can generate large amounts of wastewater. These effluents, when untreated, can pollute soil and water, causing great environmental impact. In this sense it is essential that all industries that generate wastewater own a treatment plant. In order to keep the treatment plant permanently functioning according to its purpose, it should be routinely evaluated. Therefore the performance evaluation for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants (IWTP) becomes an important tool for maintaining its efficiency, and justifies itself by seeking vulnerable points on the treatment plant and providing subsidies needed to produce diagnosis and projects to adequate the systems, allowing treated effluent to remain in compliance with the requirements established by the environmental legislation. In this work, a methodological proposal was designed, formed by a road map composed of levels of questioning, which assists the evaluator in the performance analysis of IWTP. In complement to this road map some checklists were developed to help guide the evaluator in his analyzes. While preparing these lists, manuals developed in several countries were considered. The checklists include questions to assess the general data of the industry, its Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and some systems and operations of the treatment plant. To illustrate one of the road map questioning levels a case study was included, in which the influent and effluent of a mining industry are evaluated by multivariate statistical technique called Principal Component Analysis (PCA), to demonstrate the performance of the IWTP. The result of the assessment showed a good performance by the IWTP while treating wastewater. It is expected, therefore, that this study is useful for evaluating the performance in plants where industrial effluents are treated.

Preventivně výchovná činnost jako nedílná součást komplexního zabezpečování požární ochrany / Preventively educational proceeding as an integral part of a complex assurance of a fire protection

LEDVINOVÁ, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
The topic concerned - preventive educational activity as an inseparable part of comprehensive fire protection - deals with education of citizens, particularly children. The thesis is based on the fact that readiness of citizens for danger, emergency situations and their management is a public interest issue. The role of citizens and their involvement improve in contemporary society. Various natural disasters, mass catastrophes connected with endangered lives, fires of cars and large fires caused by dry weather make us all seek information that will make management of extraordinary situations easier. The historical description provides the development of education and preparation for safety threats and risks in the Czech environment since the second half of the 19th century until the present time. The main problem of today is growing passivity of the general public who consider the timely arrival of fire brigades a matter of fact. Fires then catch people unawares in situations that may arise. The latter part of the thesis deals with the present state of the issue in the Czech Republic. In order to ascertain current situation I made a survey, which served as a basis for my further work. The positive aspect was that if someone did not know the answer to the questions, he or she were inspired to search and get the relevant information, as he or she were surprised by their (lack of) knowledge in the area of fire protection. At least half of the respondents did so, which I consider a success. It shows that the interest of the public and youth in the possibility of obtaining education and preparation for emergency situations is inspired by the realization of potential threats and subsequent detection and designation of imperfections in their own knowledge and skills

Planerade läkarbedömningar för patienter med KOL och samsjuklighet i primärvården : Fallstudie av ett förbättringsarbete på en vårdcentral / Physician follow-ups of patients with COPD and comorbidity in primary health care : A case study of a quality improvement project at a health care centre

Lokrantz, Lena January 2021 (has links)
På den studerade vårdcentralen fanns ett behov av rutiner för läkaruppföljning av patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) med syfte att förbättra deras sjukdomskontroll. Tidigare studier och erfarenheter visade att KOL ofta förekommer samtidigt med andra sjukdomar och frågeställningen om KOL och andra sjukdomar ska bedömas var för sig eller vid samma läkarbesök kom upp. 16 patienter kom på läkarbesök till någon av sju inkluderade läkare där hälften av patienterna skulle få enbart KOL uppföljt och andra hälften både KOL och en eller flera andra kroniska sjukdomar. Vad som gjorts under besöken jämfördes med gällande checklistor för respektive sjukdomar. Patienternas och läkarnas upplevelser av besöken och önskemål om uppföljning i framtiden sammanställdes utifrån individuella intervjuer för patienterna och fokusgrupper för läkarna. Bedömningar av multisjuklighet visade sig vara svårt och några läkare använde flera checklistor medan andra inte använde checklistor alls eller i liten utsträckning. Antalet kontrollerade punkter sjönk för alla sjukdomar sammanräknade när flera sjukdomar sambedömdes men minskade mer för KOL än för alla sjukdomarna sammanräknade. Intervjudata styrkte att KOL ofta nedprioriteras till förmån för andra samtalsämnen. Både patienter och läkare kände sig trygga med att specialistsjuksköterskorna gör bra bedömningar och en extra ansträngning bör göras för att se till att alla patienter får kontakt med dem, inte minst för att de höll telefonkontakt med sina patienter under COVID-19-pandemin. Vikten av det parallella arbetet med listning på fast läkare lyftes fram av både patienter och läkare och en idé om att erbjuda patienter med multisjuklighet flera personcentrerade snarare än sjukdomscentrerade årskontroller hos samma läkare, kom fram. Hur läkarbedömningarna ska planeras framöver, behöver diskuteras vidare på arbetsplatsen men troligen finns inte ett sätt som passar alla patienter, läkare och situationer. / At the studied primary health care center, there was a need for routines for physician follow-up of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) aiming to improve disease control. Patients with COPD diagnosis are often diagnosed with other chronic conditions and the question of assessing them separately or at the same doctor's visit came up. 16 patients and 7 doctors were included, where half of the patients would have COPD followed up and the other half both COPD and one or more other diseases. What was done during the visits was compared with the current checklists for each disease. The patients’ and doctors' experiences of the visits and requests for follow-up in the future were obtained with individual interviews for the patients and focus groups for the doctors. Assessments of multi-morbidity proved to be hard and some physicians used multiple checklists while others did not. The number of controlled points decreased for all diseases added up when several diseases were co-assessed but decreased more for COPD than all diseases together. Interview data proved that COPD is often downgraded in favor of other topics. Both patients and physicians felt confident that the specialist nurses made good assessments and an extra effort should be made to ensure that all patients get in touch with them, not least because they turned out to have kept in touch with all their patients during the COVID-19- pandemic. The importance of the parallel work with listing on a regular doctor was emphasized, and an idea emerged to offer patients with multiple illnesses several person-centered rather than disease-centered annual check-ups at the same doctor. How medical assessments should be planned in the future needs to be discussed further in the workplace, but there is probably no way that suits all patients, physicians and situations.

Uitkomsgebaseerde assesseringsmodel vir die ontvangsjaar

Davin, Reda J. (Reda Johanna) 30 June 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study addresses the problem of the lack of an assessment model for the reception year that is theoretically grounded and can be implemented in practice by developing an outcomes-based assessment model. Assessment in an outcomes-based approach moves from an evaluative model to a model designed to appraise the learner's development and learning. Learners are assessed continuously and in an holistic manner by means of multiple methods that are part of the daily facilitation of learning. Following an introductory orientation (chapter 1), it is indicated that despite the radical transformation in education there are as yet few signs of any direct impact on assessment practices in the reception year. The importance of assessment in an outcomes-based model is firmly rooted in official policies but its implementation in practice is problematic. Assessment in the reception year is also complicated by problems in teaching practice. The unique nature of outcomes-based teaching is analysed in depth in chapter 2 in order to draw up theoretical guidelines on which to base the assessment model. The theoretical reflection in chapter 3 provides answers to the question: "Why should assessment take place?" The question is answered after considering the distinctive nature of and main reasons for reception year teaching. In an outcomes-based teaching approach it is particularly important to answer this question because assessment is more than simply evaluating the extent to which demarcated contents have been mastered. Chapter 4 explores authentic assessment methods that accommodate the unique nature of reception year teaching and an outcomes-based approach. Methods such as parent interviews, portfolios of learners' work and observation by means of incident records, checklists and participation charts are appropriate assessment methods. The points at which assessment information is collected and how it is interpreted and communicated are also examined. The proposed model, based on the theoretical findings, was presented to experts in the field of early childhood development for their input on its practical implementability. It was found that the model can be implemented in practice, provided in-service training is provided. The final chapter of the study consists of a summary, findings and recommendations regarding the practical implementation of the assessment model in the reception year. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Teacher Education)

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