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中國服務業對外開放的戰略與開放程度分析 / China's opening-up strategy and the degree of openness in its service industry林佑龍, Lin, Yu Lung Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用文獻分析法探究中國服務業對外開放的戰略與政策,同時採用Marchetti and Roy(2008)的量化分析法,計算中國目前所有服務貿易協定之開放程度,並探討中國各大部門之開放情形,得到許多重要結論。首先,本文認為中國在服務業對外開放的戰略面和政策面實為相互呼應,於2001年加入WTO之後即全面擴大服務業的對外開放,並且日益重視服務貿易的發展,特別是新興服務貿易。其次,儘管中國於雙邊簽署許多服務貿易協定,但除了對香港(和澳門)新增約10.7%的開放程度之外,其餘國家平均僅新增2.6%的開放程度,可見中國實質開放程度並不高。另外,本文亦發現中國在採礦相關、醫院和旅遊等服務部門,會視部門類型之不同,決定不同之開放對象。最後,文末整理臺灣應於ECFA服務貿易談判盡力爭取開放之部門,並提出若干談判策略建議。 / In recent years, China has made remarkable progress in developing its service industry, and its proportion of trade in services in the world has risen significantly. Until October 2012, China has already signed nine bilateral agreements on trade in services with Hong Kong, Macao, ASEAN, Singapore, New Zealand, Chile, Pakistan, Peru and Costa Rica, showing its activeness and resolution to open up the services market. Taiwan is also negotiating with China about the negotiation of trade in services. Therefore, to understand China’s opening-up strategy and analyze both the content of commitments and the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services China have signed, have become one of the major economic issues for Taiwan’s government.
This thesis used literature analysis method to explore China’s opening-up strategies and policies in its service industry, and applied the quantitative method based on Marchetti and Roy(2008) to calculate the degree of openness in all agreements on trade in services China have signed. Meanwhile, the current situation of China’s service sectors was examined separately.
There are three principal findings. First of all, China’s opening-up strategy in service industry is very consistent to its policies. Since China joined the WTO in 2001, it has not only significantly opened up its services market, but also made more efforts into the development of trade in services, especially the emerging sectors. Second, although China has signed many bilateral agreements on trade in services, the real degree of openness is not high. Except Hong Kong (and Macau), which gets approximately 10.7 percentages more in the degree of openness stipulated in the WTO agreement, the rest of countries only get 2.6 percentages more degree of the openness in average. Third, for particular purposes, China would give different treatment to different countries in service industries like services incidental to mining, hospital services, and touristic services. Finally, this thesis lists some service sectors, which Taiwan should strive for China’s opening-up on the negotiation of Trade in Services, and provides some suggestions for negotiation strategy.
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中共環保政策的演變與問題-兼論北京奧運環環境治理 / Evolution and problems of China's environmental policy -With an analysis on the environmental management of the Beijing Olympics林美瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
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Examining the Six-Party Talks process on North Korea : dynamic interactions among the principal statesHur, Mi-yeon January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis aims to provide a comprehensive and historical analysis of foreign policy behaviour of the principal states involved in nuclear talks on North Korea known as the Six-Party Talks (SPT). Despite the failure in achieving a primary objective of denuclearizing North Korea, the SPT were believed to provide interesting and informative cases to investigate dynamic interactions among states engaged in security talks with different motives and interests. For a holistic approach to foreign policy analysis, the thesis adopts a newly introduced theoretical framework called Interactionist Role Theory (IRT) which integrates the levels of analysis from individuals to international system by incorporating the concept of ‘roles’. Based on IRT, the thesis examines what drove the concerned states’ foreign policy shifts; what kinds of discrepancies the states experienced between or among competing roles (role conflicts); how successful their deliberate policy implementations were (role-makings); and what structural effects their foreign policy decisions had on the overall Six-Party Talks process. The thesis findings support the IRT premise that it is critical to understand a state’s perceived ideal roles to accurately identify the state’s motives for actions regarding particular foreign policy issues. The prevalence of inter-role conflicts at the time of states’ role-makings evinces that the SPT as social constraints did exert competing role expectations that challenged the member states’ role conceptions. Above all, the sequential analysis of the SPT process clearly shows the mutual influence between the member states (agents) and the SPT (social structure), which implies successful multilateral negotiations require reciprocal relations among participating states where all parties’ desired roles (role conceptions) are mutually verified and affirmed. The thesis is deemed to give insightful messages to conventional foreign policy readings that predominantly view the nuclear drama in the Northeast Asia region from a binary focus of US-DPRK mutual deterrence.
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淺析中國大陸女裝品牌的商標註冊與保護現狀 / A brief analysis of registration and protection of the trademark in China——A perspective from women's clothing brands宋雨桐, Song, Yu Tong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究通過對商標的基本解釋、意義與類型的歸納,商標註冊保護程序與要件的列舉,綜合分析目前中國大陸商標的註冊與保護概況。在對女裝品牌相關的文獻進行綜述和總結之後,通過資料檢索、統計分析、判決分析等方式,利用網路平台並在不同網路平台中查找那些關於中國大陸常見的女裝品牌。再通過中國大陸商標局檢索出與這些女裝品牌相關的商標註冊情況,這些註冊情況涵蓋了註冊時間、註冊申請人、註冊公告時間、商標專用權期限等,本論文針對這些信息進行整理、分析和總結,得出有關中國大陸女裝品牌的商標概況。通過在中國裁判文書網,檢索商標名稱以及對應的商標申請人的法律判決狀況,以篩選出的女裝品牌為代表,了解目前中國大陸女裝品牌的商標相關的法律問題。最後本論文結合淘寶網品牌總銷量的相關情況,綜合分析商標註冊的多寡對於這些女裝品牌的銷量和該些女裝品牌註冊商標的爭議之間的影響狀況,總結出女裝品牌商標註冊與保護問題的相關建議。 / With the development of society, people can gain more goods they need than before, like some beautiful clothes, especially for women. And nowadays there are many women’s clothing brands exist in the market of China, this article is based on this phenomenon and focus on the brands of women’s clothing which people can easily buy.
In this article, the author interpret and define what brand and what women’s clothing brand is. Also, the author will illuminate how to register a trademark in China, and what protection Chinese government and Chinese trademark related laws offer, meanwhile the writer will collect and select the existing women’s clothing brands by searching different information from the internet. Then the writer will search these brands from “Trademark Office of The State Administration For Industry & Commerce of the People’s Republic of China”, collect these brands’ registrant, registration time, publication time, the period of their exclusive rights and so on. The writer will focus on the information above, try to reorganize and analyze the information mentioned above and draw some conclusions from that. The author will search the trademark-related judgment of these selected brands by “China Judgements Online”, as well as collect the sales volume of these brands by “Taobao”. At last the author will use the software of “Excel” and “R” to analyze the data above.
After doing all the things above, the author will draw a conclusion and could give some related suggestion on the topic of the registration and protection of the trademarks’ status in China from women’s clothing brands.
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Korea's export performance: three empirical essaysKang, Shin-jae January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Economics / Wayne Nafziger / This dissertation constructs three empirical essays. The first essay illustrates the causality on the relationship between output (GDP) growth and exports. By using the Modified Wald (MWald) test we observe unidirectional causality from exports to GDP. More specifically, for the robustness we use a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) model and the Generalized Impulse Response Function Analysis (GIRA). The VECM and the GIRA yield bidirectional causality between exports and GDP, which weakly supports the unidirectional result of the to MWald test. Meanwhile, we confirm that there is structure break by using the structural break test. These results are plausible and consistent with the expectations of our study for the Export Led Growth Hypothesis (ELGH). However, compared with previous studies on the ELGH for Korea, our results are different. Other studies show a bidirectional causality relationship but this study only has unidirectional causality. These differences may be caused from different observation data, various variables, and use of different econometric methodologies. Also, model selection and omitting variables can also significantly change the results of causality testing.
The second essay investigates a degree of competition between Korea's and China's exports in the U.S. market by using the substitute elasticity on a simple demand model. The market share of Korean exports has been decreasing while that of China's has been increasing. The results of this study are as follows. First, we find that Korea has a dominant market share of only goods group code 27 in commodity groups over that of China, otherwise having China's dominant market shares over those of Korea for other export sections by using historical trade data. Second, most estimates of substitute elasticity between both countries' exports in the U.S. market are small (inelastic). However, 61 (apparel articles and accessories, knit or crochet), 62 (apparel articles and accessories, not knit etc) and 85 (electric machinery etc, sound equipments, TV equipment, parts) commodity groups' substitute elasticities are large (elastic) and are competitive in the U.S. market compared with those of China. A small value of the elasticity of substitution may be due to an identification problem for a simple standard model as well as measurement errors in prices as a unit value in this study. So, in order to avoid problems such as these, we may need to use appropriate instrumental or proxy variables in the simple standard model, which highly correlate with the independent (unit price) variables and are uncorrelated with measurement error terms. In practice, it is not easy to find good instrumental variables.
The final essay evaluates the roles of price and income as important factors that affect Korea's exports by using the most recent monthly data. By using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach we find the long-run relationship of variables and estimate the long-run price and income elasticities. However, the estimates of these long-run elasticities are statistically insignificant. This may be due to some misspecifications or measurement errors in our model. Meanwhile, due to the existence of the long-run relationship between variables, we construct the Error Correction Model (ECM) in order to observe the short-run dynamics of the elasticities. Specifically, we add a dummy variable into our export demand model to achieve more efficient estimations since the dummy variable reflects a shock in Korea's export; Korea's economic crisis in 1997. In contrast to the long-run elasticity, we find that the short-run elasticities' estimates are more statistically significant. When we use the structure break test to check the structural stability of Korea's export demand, we find that there is no structural break point of 1997. Therefore, a shock of Korea's economic crisis in 1997 might not significantly affect Korea's export demand in a given sample. However, the Information Technology (IT) bubble of the world economy in 2001 and the entry of Korea into the OECD had triggered an increase in Korea's export demand due to existing structural break points of both events. In addition, we find that income elasticities are larger than price elasticities in the short run. This implies that income has more of an impact than that of price for the export demand model in the short run. This also implies that the change of Korea's exports in the short run is more sensitive to changes in foreign income (industrial production) compared with that of price (exchange rate). An interesting result, thus, is that Korea's exports in the short run may have higher export performance on income than that of price (exchange rate). This might be a consequence of the dependence of an increase in foreign income in recent years. In recent years, developing countries have greatly increased their economic growth compared with that of developed countries and Korea's exports have increased into these developing countries. Thus, we confirm that an increase in Korea's exports is mainly affected by income compared with price, specifically in the short run by using recent data.
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上路探尋失落的中國 ——以公路電影《落葉歸根》、《後會無期》、《心花路放》為例 / On the road seeking the lost China: using getting home, the continent and breakup buddies as case studies譚玥 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀以來,中國出現了大量的公路電影,尤其在2010年以後,公路電影不僅收穫了卓越的票房成績,也受到了廣泛的關注。中國公路電影在發展的過程當中,逐漸從對西方公路類型的挪用轉向了建立出屬於中國公路電影獨特的本土特徵,在電影的敘事、意象、人物設置、配樂等方面都表現出了其特別之處。中國的公路電影聚焦社會現實,反映了在中國社會轉型這個特殊時期的社會現實,暴露中國社會的種種現代性問題。本研究將選取《落葉歸根》、《心花路放》、《後會無期》這三個電影文本,使用類型批評、文本分析、符號研究的研究方法,探究在中國的現代化建設和社會轉型當中究竟失落了什麼。 / This study will select Breakup Buddies, The Continent and Getting Home as case studies, and use the genre criticism, textual analysis, semiotic analysis, to explore what has been lost in the social transformation of China's modernization construction. Since the 21st century, especially during the period after 2010, there have been a lot of road movies in China's film industry. Road movie have not only hit remarkable outcome at the box office, but also has received the general attention. During the development of China's road movies, the style gradually changed from duplicating western road movies to establishing distinctive and native characteristics, which reflect on the unique narratives, images, characterization and soundtrack in those movies. China's road movies focus on the society and reflect reality during the special period of social transformation in China, which also expose problems of modernity of Chinese society.
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Možnosti pro české firmy v rámci nového Čínského pětiletého plánu 2016-2020 / The opportunities arising for Czech companies from the 13th Five-Year Plan 2016-2020Knýblová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis explores the opportunities arising for Czech companies from the 13th Five-Year Plan for the economic and social development of the Peoples Republic of China for the period of 2016-2020, and the impact of Czech-Chinese political relations onto their trading cooperation. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the Chinese economy; it describes its economic history, recent development and current state. The following part focuses on the trading cooperation between the PCR and the Czech Republic and its evaluation. The introductory chapter of the analytical part provides a description of the main points of the 13th Five-Year Plan of the PCR. With regard to the main objective of the thesis, the practical part analyses specific opportunities for Czech companies in areas supported by the Chinese government in accordance with the five-year plan. The survey discovered that both the five-year plan and the political situation have a positive influence on Czech companies business activities in the PCR. This, however, does not apply to all companies equally; it is especially true for large companies while other factors play a decisive role in the case of smaller firms. The survey uses primarily qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews and semi-structured questionnaire. A SWOT analysis identifies the opportunities and threats associated with entering the Chinese market.
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Three Essays on Financial Development in Emerging MarketsDiekmann, Katharina 13 May 2013 (has links)
This dissertation collects three essays which deal with financial development in emerging markets. Owing to the appliance of different econometric methods on several data sets, insights in the behavior of and the impacts from financial markets are generated. Usually, the financial markets in emerging countries are characterized by the presence of credit constraints.
In the first chapter it is shown that the financial development in 19th century Germany generally affected the economy in a positive way. Additionally, when different economic sectors are under investigation, it is revealed that the reaction due to financial development is not homogeneously across the sectors. A structural vector autoregression (VAR) framework is applied to a new annual data set from 1870 to 1912 that was initially compiled by Walther Hoffmann (1965). With respect to the literature, the most important difference of this analysis is the focus on different sectors in the economy and the interpretation of the results in the context of a two-sector growth model. It is revealed that all sectors were affected significantly by shocks from the banking system. Interestingly, this link is the strongest in sectors with small or non-tradable-goods-producing firms, such as construction, services, transportation and agriculture. In this regard, the growth patterns in 19th century Germany are reminiscent to those in today's emerging markets.
The second chapter deals with the integration of the stock markets of mainland China with those of the United States and Hong Kong. Market integration and the resulting welfare gains as risk sharing, increasing investment and growth benefits has become a central topic in international finance research. This chapter investigates stock market integration after stock market liberalization which is assessed by spillover effects from Hong Kong and the United States to Chinese stock market indices. Dividing the sample in pre- and post-liberalization phases, causality in variance procedure is applied using four mainland China stock market indices, two indices of the stock exchange in Hong Kong and the Dow Jones Industrials index in the main part. Evidence of global and regional integration is found, but no evidence for increasing integration after the partial opening of the Chinese stock markets, neither with Hong Kong nor with the United States.
Based on the idea presented in the first chapter, the third chapter examines one of today's emerging markets. As China is experiencing remarkable economic growth in the recent decades, it is analyzed if and to what extent the ongoing deregulations in the financial system contribute to this development. Structural VARs for gross domestic product as well as for sectoral output data in conjunction with two different bank lending variables are applied. It is indicated that China is positive affected by financial development and that all sectors benefit from domestic bank lending enlargements but to different degrees. Especially in the sectors where mainly state-owned enterprises are represented - such as construction, trade and transportation - shocks in bank lending have a strong positive influence while sectors where private enterprises are prevalent, seem to be more credit constrained.
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Examining the Six-Party Talks Process on North Korea: Dynamic Interactions among the Principal StatesHur, Mi-yeon January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis aims to provide a comprehensive and historical analysis of foreign policy behaviour of the principal states involved in nuclear talks on North Korea known as the Six-Party Talks (SPT). Despite the failure in achieving a primary objective of denuclearizing North Korea, the SPT were believed to provide interesting and informative cases to investigate dynamic interactions among states engaged in security talks with different motives and interests. For a holistic approach to foreign policy analysis, the thesis adopts a newly introduced theoretical framework called Interactionist Role Theory (IRT) which integrates the levels of analysis from individuals to international system by incorporating the concept of ‘roles’.
Based on IRT, the thesis examines what drove the concerned states’ foreign policy shifts; what kinds of discrepancies the states experienced between or among competing roles (role conflicts); how successful their deliberate policy implementations were (role-makings); and what structural effects their foreign policy decisions had on the overall Six-Party Talks process. The thesis findings support the IRT premise that it is critical to understand a state’s perceived ideal roles to accurately identify the state’s motives for actions regarding particular foreign policy issues. The prevalence of inter-role conflicts at the time of states’ role-makings evinces that the SPT as social constraints did exert competing role expectations that challenged the member states’ role conceptions.
Above all, the sequential analysis of the SPT process clearly shows the mutual influence between the member states (agents) and the SPT (social structure), which implies successful multilateral negotiations require reciprocal relations among participating states where all parties’ desired roles (role conceptions) are mutually verified and affirmed. The thesis is deemed to give insightful messages to conventional foreign policy readings that predominantly view the nuclear drama in the Northeast Asia region from a binary focus of US-DPRK mutual deterrence. / The full text has been embargoed.
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Роль банковской системы Китайской Народной Республики в развитии национальной экономики : магистерская диссертация / The role of the banking system of the People's Republic of China in the development of the national economyЛи, Ю., Li, Y. January 2024 (has links)
The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and applications. The first chapter examines the methodological foundations and basic principles of banking. The second chapter examines the features of the banking system of the People's Republic of China (China) in modern conditions. The third chapter reveals the role of commercial banks in China in the development of the country's national economy. In conclusion, the main conclusions are drawn. / Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассмотрены методологические основы и основные принципы банковской деятельности. Во второй главе исследованы особенности деятельности банковской системы КНР (Китая) в современных условиях. В третьей главе раскрыта роль коммерческих банков Китая в развитии национальной экономики страны. В заключении сформированы основные выводы.
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