Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chipseq"" "subject:"chip's""
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The impacts of the widely used herbicide atrazine on epigenetic processes of meiosis and transgenerational inheritance / Impact d’un herbicide largement utilisé, l’atrazine, sur les régulations épigénétiques de la méiose et l’héritage transgénérationelHao, Chunxiang 07 July 2016 (has links)
Les facteurs environnementaux, tels que les pesticides, peuvent induire des changements phénotypiques dans une variété d'organisme incluant les mammifères. Nous avons étudié chez la souris les effets d'un pesticide largement utilisé, l'atrazine (ATZ), sur la méiose, une étape clé du processus de spermatogenèse. L'utilisation des méthodes de puces à ADN (Gene-Chip) et de séquençage de chromatine immunoprécipité (ChIP-seq) nous a permis de mettre en évidence l'effet de l'ATZ sur une variété de fonctions cellulaires, incluant l'activité GTPase, la fonction mitochondriale et le métabolisme des hormones stéroïdes. De plus, les souris traitées présentent un enrichissement des marques d'histone H3K4me3 au niveau des régions de forte recombinaison (sites de cassures double brin) de gènes très long et une réduction de ces mêmes marques au niveau des régions pseudo-autosomal du chromosome X. Nos données démontrent que l'exposition à l'ATZ interfère avec le déroulement normal de la méiose, ceci affectant la production des spermatozoïdes. Nous avons trouvé que les marques H3K4me3, chez la souris mâle, sont largement affectées par l'ATZ grâce à l'utilisation de technique de séquençage du génome entier. La reprogrammation embryonnaire nécessite l'action coordonnée d'un grand nombre de gène et de facteurs épigénétiques afin de permettre la transition de cellules somatique en cellules germinales. Les modifications épigénétiques imposées pendant la transition des cellules somatiques en cellules germinales et affectées par des expositions nocives, peuvent être héritées et transmises aux générations suivantes via les gamètes. Dans cette étude, nous avons examiné l'héritage des histones modifié aux générations suivantes. Nous avons exposés des femelles gestantes CD1 non consanguines à l'ATZ et les mâles issus de ces femelles ont été croisés pendant trois générations avec des femelles non traitées. Nous avons démontré ici que l'exposition à l'ATZ réduit le nombre de spermatozoïdes sans affecter la morphologie cellulaire ou la proportion des différents types cellulaires constituant l'épithélium séminifère chez les individus issus de la 3ème génération après traitement. Beaucoup de gènes associés avec la réparation de l'ADN, la reproduction et les fonctions mitochondriales sont dérégulés chez les mâles issus de la 3ème génération après traitement. De façon importante, l'exposition à l'ATZ change dramatiquement l'initiation de la transcription, l'épissage et la polyadénylation alternative des ARN. Nous avons aussi observé chez les mâles F3 issus de souris traitées à l'ATZ une altération de la localisation des marques H3K4me3 dans le promoteur de gène associé à la régulation de processus métaboliques cellulaires, à la régulation de la transcription et à la mitose. Les changements de localisation des marques H3K4me3 chez les mâles F3 issus de souris traitées à l'ATZ correspondent à des changements de la localisation de ces marques au niveau de gènes impliqués dans la différenciation des cellules de type souche de la génération F1.Nos données suggèrent que l'héritage transgénérationnel est permis grâce à de multiples voies et repose sur le statut épigénétique de gènes impliqués dans la différenciation des cellules de type souches tels que Pou5f1 et Sox2, l'action des facteurs de transcription et la rétention d'histones dans le sperme. / Environmental factors such as pesticides can cause phenotypic changes in various organisms, including mammals. We studied the effects of the widely used herbicide atrazine (ATZ) on meiosis, a key step of gametogenesis, in male mice. We demonstrate that exposure to ATZ reduces testosterone levels and the number of spermatozoa in the epididymis and delays meiosis. Using Gene-Chip and ChIP-Seq analysis of H3K4me3 marks, we found that a broad range of cellular functions, including GTPase activity, mitochondrial function and steroid-hormone metabolism, are affected by ATZ. Furthermore, treated mice display enriched histone H3K4me3 marks in regions of strong recombination (double-strand break sites), within very large genes and reduced marks in the pseudoautosomal region of X chromosome. Our data demonstrate that atrazine exposure interferes with normal meiosis, which affects spermatozoa production.We found that the H3K4me3 marks in male mice are broadly affected by the widely used herbicide atrazine with genome wide ChIP-sequencing. Embryonic reprogramming requires the coordinated action of many genes and epigenetic factors to perform somatic to germline transition. The epigenetic modifications imposed during somatic to germline transition and affected by harmful exposure can be inherited and transferred to subsequent generations via the gametes. In this study, we examine the inheritance of altered histone modifications by subsequent generations. We exposed pregnant outbred CD1 female mice to the widely used herbicide atrazine (ATZ), and the male progeny were crossed for three generations with untreated females. We demonstrate here that exposure to ATZ reduces the number of spermatozoa without changing the cell morphology or types in testis tissue in the third generation after treatment. Many genes associated with DNA repair, reproduction and mitochondrial function became dysregulated in the third generation (F3) of males after treatment. Importantly, exposure to ATZ dramatically changes the transcription initiation, splicing and alternative polyadenylation of RNA. We also observed altered occupancy of H3K4me3 markers in the F3 generation of ATZ-derived males in gene promoters associated with the regulation of cellular metabolic processes, transcriptional regulation and mitosis. The changes in H3K4me3 occupancy in F3 ATZ-derived males correspond to changes in the H3K4me3 occupancy of stem cell differentiation genes in the F1 generation. Our data suggest that transgenerational inheritance is accomplished through multiple pathways and relies on the epigenetic state of stem cell differentiation genes such as Pou5f1 and Sox2, transcription factor action and sperm histone retention.
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Développement d’outils pour l’analyse de données de ChIP-seq et l’identification des facteurs de transcriptionMercier, Eloi 10 1900 (has links)
La méthode ChIP-seq est une technologie combinant la technique de chromatine immunoprecipitation
avec le séquençage haut-débit et permettant l’analyse in vivo des facteurs
de transcription à grande échelle. Le traitement des grandes quantités de données ainsi
générées nécessite des moyens informatiques performants et de nombreux outils ont vu
le jour récemment. Reste cependant que cette multiplication des logiciels réalisant chacun
une étape de l’analyse engendre des problèmes de compatibilité et complique les
analyses. Il existe ainsi un besoin important pour une suite de logiciels performante et
flexible permettant l’identification des motifs. Nous proposons ici un ensemble complet
d’analyse de données ChIP-seq disponible librement dans R et composé de trois modules
PICS, rGADEM et MotIV. A travers l’analyse de quatre jeux de données des facteurs de
transcription CTCF, STAT1, FOXA1 et ER nous avons démontré l’efficacité de notre
ensemble d’analyse et mis en avant les fonctionnalités novatrices de celui-ci, notamment
concernant le traitement des résultats par MotIV conduisant à la découverte de motifs
non détectés par les autres algorithmes. / ChIP-seq is a technology combining the chromatin immunoprecipitation method
with high-throughput sequencing and allowing the analysis of transcription factors in
vivo on a genome wide scale. The treatment of such amount of data generated by this
method requires strong computer resources and new tools have been recently developed.
Though this proliferation of software performing only one step of the analyze leads to
compatibility problems and complicates the analysis. Thus, there is a real need for an
integrated, powerful and flexible pipeline for motifs identification. Here we proposed a
complete pipeline for the analysis of ChIP-seq data freely available in R and composed
of three R packages PICS, rGADEM and MotIV. Analyzing four data sets for the human
transcription factors CTCF, STAT1, FOXA1 and ER we demonstrated the efficiency of
or pipeline and highlighted its new features, especially concerning the processing of the
results by MotIV that led to the identification of motif not detected by other methods.
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Mise au point de méthodologies statistiques appliquées à des données issues de la génomique : puces à ADN, ChIP-chip et ChIP-Seq. / Development of statistical methodologies applied to genomics data : microarray, ChIP-chip and ChIP-Seq.Salipante, Florian 11 July 2011 (has links)
La recherche dans le domaine de la génomique génère de données colossales dont la dimension ne cesse de s'accroître avec la technologie. Pour traiter cette masse d'information, la statistique est devenue un outil indispensable. Ce nouveau type de données représente un véritable challenge dans la mesure où ces données sont de très grande dimension, qu'elles sont très "bruitées" et qu'il n'existe généralement pas de "golden standard" permettant de valider les résultats. Au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'analyse statistique de trois types de données : les puces à ADN, les ChIP-chip et les ChIP-Seq. Pour chacune d'entres elles, une nouvelle approche a été mise au point. Dans le cas des données de puces à ADN, la méthode GAGG permet de détecter les gènes différentiellement exprimés et de les grouper par type de profils. Pour ce faire, un Algorithme Génétique est utilisé de manière à optimiser deux critères liés à des méthodes voisines de l'ACP et des k-means. Pour les données de ChIP-chip, la méthode POTChIPS a été réalisée. Elle permet de repérer sur le génome, les sites de fixation d'une protéine d'intérêt (ex : un facteur de transcription). Dans cette méthode, une extraction des pics du signal est réalisée puis un seuil de significativité est déterminé à partir d'une modélisation POT. Enfin, pour ce qui est des données de ChIP-Seq, l'objectif est le même que pour les ChIP-chip, à savoir, repérer les sites de fixation d'une protéine sur l'ADN. La méthode POTSeq, mise au point au cours de cette thèse, est une adaptation de POTChIPS aux données de ChIP-Seq. / Research in Genomics produces very huge data which still increase with technology. Statistics is becoming essential to treat this amount of information. These new kind of data represent a great challenge in data analysis because of the great dimensions, the important background and the absence of "golden standard" which could allow to validate the obtained results. During this PhD thesis, we focused on statistical analysis for three kinds of data: DNA microarray, ChIP-chip and ChIP-Seq. For each one, a new approach have been proposed. For DNA microarrays, the GAGG method allows to detect differentially expressed genes and to cluster them by profile types. To do so, a Genetic Algorithm is used in order to optimize two criteria related to two nearby methods of PCA and $k$-means. In the case of ChIP-chip data, the POTChIPS method have been proposed. It allows to detect the binding sites of a protein of interest (a transcription factor e.g.) along the genome. In this method a peak extraction i realized then a significant threshold is obtained from a POT modelization. Finally, for ChIP-Seq data, the goal is the same that the one of chIP-chip, i.e., to find on DNA the binding sites of a protein of interest. The POTSeq method is an adaptation of POTChIPS for ChIP-Seq.La méthode POTSeq, mise au point au cours de cette thèse, est une adaptation de POTChIPS aux données de ChIP-Seq.
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Estudo do transcriptoma associado ao déficit hídrico e desenvolvimento de imunoprecipitação de cromatina em cana de açucar para estudos de redes regulatórias transcricionais / Transcriptomics associated with water deficit and development of chromatin immunoprecipitation in sugarcane to study transcriptional regulatory networksCosta, Maximiller Dal-Bianco Lamas 09 March 2012 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma gramínea C4 usada por séculos como a principal fonte de açúcar e mais recentemente para obtenção de etanol. Devido a sua grande importância no cenário econômico mundial, estudos em cana-de-açúcar são cada vez mais importantes no sentido de prover informações que possam levar ao aumento de produtividade para suprir tanto a demanda interna quanto externa. No entanto, a quantidade de dados moleculares e biotecnológicos disponíveis está muito aquém do necessário, e investimentos na obtenção de novos conhecimentos serão necessários se quisermos evoluir neste campo, assim como manter o nosso país como líder na produção de etanol. Neste trabalho, conduzimos experimentos em campo para comparar variedades contrastantes para a tolerância ao déficit hídrico e realizamos diagnósticos fisiológicos e moleculares para diferenciar as variedades. O estresse hídrico levou à diminuição do crescimento e desenvolvimento de todas as três variedades analisadas. A variedade RB855536 foi identificada como a menos produtiva das três, visto que em condições de déficit hídrico ela diminui mais seu crescimento, sofre mais efeitos do estresse oxidativo, acumula mais osmólitos e tem o ciclo de Calvin menos ativo. A variedade RB867515 teve um melhor desempenho, não acumulou osmólitos, não teve aumento na concentração de prolina, teve sinais menores de estresse oxidativo e um melhor funcionamento do ciclo de Calvin. Além disto, nós observamos a indução de transcritos na via de resposta do ABA e proteínas relacionadas com a fotossíntese, transporte de água e dobramento protéico. A variedade RB92579 teve um padrão similar ao encontrado para a RB867515, mas teve uma maior fotossíntese, um menor estresse oxidativo e uma menor perda de pigmentos. Nossos dados avançaram na identificação de genes envolvidos na resposta ao déficit hídrico em cana-de-açúcar assim como permitiram distinguir as variedades utilizadas no estudo. A partir de uma prospecção inicial de dados de transcriptoma previamente obtidos pelo grupo, foram selecionados fatores de transcrição associados a características agronômicas de interesse. Produzimos anticorpos para 5 TFs de cana-de-açúcar e padronizamos a metodologia de ChIP-Seq utilizando a plataforma de sequenciamento Roche 454. Uma análise dos dados de ChIP-Seq usando anticorpos para a RNA Polimerase II nos permitiu detectar contaminações com DNA humano, provavelmente pela utilização de gDNA como controle das reamplificações, assim como a detecção de mapeamento de muitas regiões repetitivas, o que pode ser normal, podendo indicar locais de ligação da Polimerase II ou então background. O mapeamento de praticamente todos os dados de sorgo em cana evidenciou a similaridade entre estes organismos, mas a maior quantidade de mapeamento em cana evidencia uma maior complexidade de seu genoma. Os resultados foram importantes por permitir o estabelecimento de uma metodologia de mapeamento de regiões regulatórias no genoma da cana-de-açúcar e significa um importante passo no estabelecimento de redes regulatórias associadas a características agronômicas de interesse / Sugarcane is a C4 grass used for centuries as the main source of sugar and more recently for ethanol production. We have seen an increasing interest in recent years to understand sugarcane to improve yield and supply the increasing world demand. However, the amount of molecular data available is far from ideal, and investments in acquiring new knowledge will be necessary to progress in this field if we want to maintain our country as a pioneer in ethanol production. In this work, we conducted field experiments to compare varieties contrasting to drought tolerance and performed physiological and molecular analysis. The stress condition led to reduced growth and development of all three varieties. The variety RB855536 was identified as the least productive, suffered more effects of oxidative stress, has accumulated more osmolytes and has the Calvin cycle less active. The variety RB867515 had a better performance, did not accumulate osmolytes, had no increase in the concentration of proline, had minor signs of oxidative stress and a better functioning of the Calvin cycle. In addition, we observed an induction of transcripts in the ABA response pathway and proteins related to photosynthesis, water transport and protein folding. The variety RB92579 had a pattern similar to that found in RB867515, but presented increased photosynthesis, lower oxidative stress and a lower loss of pigment. We succeded in identifying genes involved in the response to water stress in sugarcane as well as in distinguishing the varieties used in the study. We selected transcription factors associated with agronomical traits from the transcriptome data previously obtained by the group. We produced antibodies for 5 sugarcane TFs and standardized the methodology of ChIP-Seq using the 454 sequencing platform. Data analysis of ChIP-Seq using RNA Pol II antibody allowed us to detect contamination with the human genome, probably due to the use of gDNA in the reamplification control, as well as to map the detection repetitive regions, which may be binding sites of Pol II or background. The data reveals that sorghum and the sugarcane genome are similar despite the complexity of sugarcane. The results were important since they allow the beggining of studies to map regulatory regions in the sugarcane genome, as well as the uncovery of regulatory networks associated with agronomic traits of interest
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Etude de la localisation à grande échelle de la machinerie de transcription de classe III, et de sa relation avec le facteur de transcription TFIIS dans les cellules souches embryonnaires de souris / Genomic binding of Pol III transcription machinery and relationship with TFIIS transcription factor distribution in mouse embryonic stem cellsCarriere, Lucie 29 September 2011 (has links)
Chez les eucaryotes, l’ARN polymérase (RNAP) III transcrit les ARN de transferts, l’ARN ribosomique 5S, et plusieurs douzaines d’autres ARNs non traduits. Le génome des mammifères contient plusieurs milliers d’éléments répétés, les SINEs. In vitro, leur transcription dépend de la RNAP III. Le taux de transcription de la RNAP III détermine la croissance et la prolifération cellulaires, sa dérégulation a été associée à de nombreux cancers. Afin de caractériser la distribution sur l’ensemble du génome de la RNAP III et de ses facteurs de transcription TFIIIB et TFIIIC, nous avons développé un protocole très spécifique de ChIP-seq en tandem. Nous avons déterminé l’ensemble des gènes liés par la RNAP III dans les cellules souches embryonnaires de souris. Cet ensemble est bien inférieur au nombre de gènes prédits dans le génome. Nous avons également observé la RNAP III et ses facteurs de transcription liés à 30 régions non annotées, seule une d’entre elles est conservée chez l’humain. Un très faible nombre de SINEs sur un demi-million prédits est associé à la RNAP III. Notre étude révèle de nombreux sites liés uniquement par TFIIIC, nommés « extra-TFIIIC loci », ETC chez la levure. Ces sites sont associés à la protéine CTCF, et à la cohésine. La cohésine occupe les sites liés par CTCF, et contribue à la formation de boucles ADN, associées à la répression ou à l’activation de l’expression des gènes. Ces données suggèrent que TFIIIC peut jouer un rôle dans l’organisation de l’architecture chromosomique chez les souris. Nous avons également démontré que TCEA1, l’isoforme ubiquitaire de TFIIS, le facteur d’élongation de la RNAP II, est associée aux gènes actifs de classe III. Ceci suggére que TFIIS est un facteur de transcription de classe III. Finalement, la distribution de TFIIS aux gènes de classe II indique que le recrutement de TFIIS n’est pas suffisant pour contrôler la transition de la RNAP II pausée en 5’ des gènes en élongation. / In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase (RNAP) III transcribes the tRNAs, the 5S ribosomal RNA and a half a dozen known untranslated RNA. Mammalian genome contains several thousand of repeated elements, the Short interspersed repetitive elements (SINE). In vitro, they are transcribed by RNAP III. RNAP III transcription levels determine cell growth and proliferation and, importantly, its deregulation is associated with cancer. Looking at the genome-wide distribution of RNAP III and its transcription factors, TFIIIB and TFIIIC, we develop a highly specific tandem ChIP-sequencing method. We have determined the set of genes that are transcribed by RNAP III in mouse embryonic stem cells. We discovered that not all known class III genes were transcribed in ES cells. We also observed that RNAP III and its transcription factors were present at thirty unannotated sites on the mouse genome, only one of which was conserved in human. Only a couple of hundreds of SINEs out of more than half a million are associated with RNAP III in mouse ES cells. Our study reveals numerous ‘TFIIIC-only’ sites, called ETC for extra-TFIIIC loci in yeast. These sites are correlated with association of CTCF and the cohesin. Cohesin has been shown to occupy sites bound by CTCF and to contribute to DNA loop formation associated with gene repression or activation. This observation suggests that TFIIIC may play a role in chromosome organization in mouse. We also demonstrated that TCEA1, the ubiquitous isoform of TFIIS RNAP II elongation factor, is associated with active class III genes suggesting that TFIIS is a RNAP III transcription factor in mammals. Finally, the distribution of TFIIS on RNAP II-transcribed genes indicated that its recruitment does not control the transition of RNAP II paused at genes 5’ end into elongation.
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Tagging methods as a tool to investigate histone H3 methylation dynamics in mouse embryonic stem cellsCiotta, Giovanni 20 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Covalent modification of histones is an important factor in the regulation of the chromatin structure implicated in DNA replication, repair, recombination, and transcription, as well as in RNA processing. In recent years, histone methylation has emerged as one of the key modifications regulating chromatin function. However, the mechanisms involved are complex and not well understood. Histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation is deposited by a family of histone H3K4 methyltransferases (HMTs) that share a conserved SET domain. In mammalian cells, six family members have been characterized: Setd1a and Setd1b (the mammalian orthologs of yeast Set1) and four Mixed lineage leukemia (Mll) family HMTs, which share limited similarity with yeast Set1 beyond the SET domain. Several studies demonstrated that the H3K4 methyltransferases exist as multiprotein complexes. To functionally dissect H3K4 methyltransferase complexes, GFP tagging of the core subunit Ash2l and the complex-specific subunits Cxxc1 and Wdr82 (Setd1a/b complexes) Men1 (Mll1/2 complexes), and Ptip (Mll3/Mll4 complexes), was used. The fusion proteins were successfully expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells), analyzed by confocal microscopy, Mass Spectrometry (MS) and ChIP-seq. Ptip was the only subunit able to bind mitotic chromatin. Additionally, both Ptip and Wdr82 were found to associate with cell cycle regulators, suggesting a possible role of the two proteins or respective complexes in cell cycle regulation.
Mass Spectrometry revealed that Wdr82 and Ptip interact with members of he PAF complex, and ChIP-seq showed that Wdr82, Cxxc1 and Ptip positively modulate pluripotency genes. Thus, Setd1a/b and Mll3/4 complexes might act together in the regulation of embryonic stem cells identity. Protein pull downs identified at least one new Setd1a/b interactor, Bod1l that is orthologous to the yeast protein Sgh1, a component of the Set1C complex. Furthermore, our MS and ChIP-seq data suggested that only Mll2 complex binds to bivalent promoters, wheras Mll2 and Setd1a complexes might function together in a set of promoters.
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Development of bioinformatics methods for the analysis of large collections of transcription factor binding motifs : positional motif enrichment and motif clustering / Développement de méthodes bioinformatiques pour l'analyse de collections massives de motifs de liaison pour des facteurs transcriptionnels : enrichissement local et clustering de motifsCastro-Mondragon, Jaime 13 July 2017 (has links)
Les facteurs transcriptionnels (TF) sont des protéines qui contrôlent l'expression des gènes. Leurs motifs de liaison (TFBM, également appelés motifs) sont généralement représentés sous forme de matrices de scores spécifiques de positions (PSSM). L'analyse de motifs est utilisée en routine afin de découvrir des facteurs candidats pour la régulation d'un jeu de séquences d'intérêt. L'avénement des méthodes à haut débit a permis de détecter des centaines de motifs, qui sont disponibles dans des bases de données. Durant ma thèse, j'ai développé deux nouvelles méthodes et implémenté des outils logiciels pour le traitement de collections massives de motifs: matrix-clustering regroupe les motifs par similarité; position-scan détecte les motifs présentant des préférences de position relativement à une coordonnée de référence. Les méthodes que j'ai développées ont été évaluées sur base de cas d'études, et utilisées pour extraire de l'information interprétable à partir de différents jeux de données de Drosophila melanogaster et Homo sapiens. Les résultats démontrent la pertinence de ces méthodes pour l'analyse de données à haut débit, et l'intérêt de les intégrer dans des pipelines d'analyse de motifs. / Transcription Factors (TFs) are DNA-binding proteins that control gene expression. TF binding motifs (TFBMs, simply called “motifs”) are usually represented as Position Specific Scoring Matrices (PSSMs), which can be visualized as sequence logos. The advent of high-throughput methods has allowed the detection of thousands of motifs which are usually stored in databases. In this work I developed two novel methods and implemented software tools to handle large collection of motifs in order to extract interpretable information from high-throughput data: (i) matrix-clustering regroups motifs by similarity and offers a dynamic interface; (2) position-scan detects TFBMs with positional preferences relative to a given reference location (e.g. ChIP-seq peaks, transcription start sites). The methods I developed have been evaluated based on control cases, and applied to extract meaningful information from different datasets from Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. The results show that these methods enable to analyse motifs in high-throughput datasets, and can be integrated in motif analysis workflows.
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Estudo do transcriptoma associado ao déficit hídrico e desenvolvimento de imunoprecipitação de cromatina em cana de açucar para estudos de redes regulatórias transcricionais / Transcriptomics associated with water deficit and development of chromatin immunoprecipitation in sugarcane to study transcriptional regulatory networksMaximiller Dal-Bianco Lamas Costa 09 March 2012 (has links)
A cana-de-açúcar é uma gramínea C4 usada por séculos como a principal fonte de açúcar e mais recentemente para obtenção de etanol. Devido a sua grande importância no cenário econômico mundial, estudos em cana-de-açúcar são cada vez mais importantes no sentido de prover informações que possam levar ao aumento de produtividade para suprir tanto a demanda interna quanto externa. No entanto, a quantidade de dados moleculares e biotecnológicos disponíveis está muito aquém do necessário, e investimentos na obtenção de novos conhecimentos serão necessários se quisermos evoluir neste campo, assim como manter o nosso país como líder na produção de etanol. Neste trabalho, conduzimos experimentos em campo para comparar variedades contrastantes para a tolerância ao déficit hídrico e realizamos diagnósticos fisiológicos e moleculares para diferenciar as variedades. O estresse hídrico levou à diminuição do crescimento e desenvolvimento de todas as três variedades analisadas. A variedade RB855536 foi identificada como a menos produtiva das três, visto que em condições de déficit hídrico ela diminui mais seu crescimento, sofre mais efeitos do estresse oxidativo, acumula mais osmólitos e tem o ciclo de Calvin menos ativo. A variedade RB867515 teve um melhor desempenho, não acumulou osmólitos, não teve aumento na concentração de prolina, teve sinais menores de estresse oxidativo e um melhor funcionamento do ciclo de Calvin. Além disto, nós observamos a indução de transcritos na via de resposta do ABA e proteínas relacionadas com a fotossíntese, transporte de água e dobramento protéico. A variedade RB92579 teve um padrão similar ao encontrado para a RB867515, mas teve uma maior fotossíntese, um menor estresse oxidativo e uma menor perda de pigmentos. Nossos dados avançaram na identificação de genes envolvidos na resposta ao déficit hídrico em cana-de-açúcar assim como permitiram distinguir as variedades utilizadas no estudo. A partir de uma prospecção inicial de dados de transcriptoma previamente obtidos pelo grupo, foram selecionados fatores de transcrição associados a características agronômicas de interesse. Produzimos anticorpos para 5 TFs de cana-de-açúcar e padronizamos a metodologia de ChIP-Seq utilizando a plataforma de sequenciamento Roche 454. Uma análise dos dados de ChIP-Seq usando anticorpos para a RNA Polimerase II nos permitiu detectar contaminações com DNA humano, provavelmente pela utilização de gDNA como controle das reamplificações, assim como a detecção de mapeamento de muitas regiões repetitivas, o que pode ser normal, podendo indicar locais de ligação da Polimerase II ou então background. O mapeamento de praticamente todos os dados de sorgo em cana evidenciou a similaridade entre estes organismos, mas a maior quantidade de mapeamento em cana evidencia uma maior complexidade de seu genoma. Os resultados foram importantes por permitir o estabelecimento de uma metodologia de mapeamento de regiões regulatórias no genoma da cana-de-açúcar e significa um importante passo no estabelecimento de redes regulatórias associadas a características agronômicas de interesse / Sugarcane is a C4 grass used for centuries as the main source of sugar and more recently for ethanol production. We have seen an increasing interest in recent years to understand sugarcane to improve yield and supply the increasing world demand. However, the amount of molecular data available is far from ideal, and investments in acquiring new knowledge will be necessary to progress in this field if we want to maintain our country as a pioneer in ethanol production. In this work, we conducted field experiments to compare varieties contrasting to drought tolerance and performed physiological and molecular analysis. The stress condition led to reduced growth and development of all three varieties. The variety RB855536 was identified as the least productive, suffered more effects of oxidative stress, has accumulated more osmolytes and has the Calvin cycle less active. The variety RB867515 had a better performance, did not accumulate osmolytes, had no increase in the concentration of proline, had minor signs of oxidative stress and a better functioning of the Calvin cycle. In addition, we observed an induction of transcripts in the ABA response pathway and proteins related to photosynthesis, water transport and protein folding. The variety RB92579 had a pattern similar to that found in RB867515, but presented increased photosynthesis, lower oxidative stress and a lower loss of pigment. We succeded in identifying genes involved in the response to water stress in sugarcane as well as in distinguishing the varieties used in the study. We selected transcription factors associated with agronomical traits from the transcriptome data previously obtained by the group. We produced antibodies for 5 sugarcane TFs and standardized the methodology of ChIP-Seq using the 454 sequencing platform. Data analysis of ChIP-Seq using RNA Pol II antibody allowed us to detect contamination with the human genome, probably due to the use of gDNA in the reamplification control, as well as to map the detection repetitive regions, which may be binding sites of Pol II or background. The data reveals that sorghum and the sugarcane genome are similar despite the complexity of sugarcane. The results were important since they allow the beggining of studies to map regulatory regions in the sugarcane genome, as well as the uncovery of regulatory networks associated with agronomic traits of interest
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Rôle du facteur de transcription RFX6 dans la différenciation et la fonction des cellules β sécrétrices d'insuline : identification et étude de gènes cibles / Role of the RFX6 transcription factor in insulin secreting beta cells differenciation and function : identification and study of target genesStrasser, Perrine 28 September 2015 (has links)
La régulation de l’homéostasie du glucose dans l’organisme est la fonction principale des cellules beta sécrétrices d’insuline dans le pancréas endocrine. Le facteur de transcription à domaine « winged helix », RFX6, a récemment, été identifié comme un nouveau régulateur de la différenciation endocrine pancréatique en aval de Ngn3 chez le poisson zèbre, la souris et l’homme. De plus, diverses mutations de Rfx6 chez l’homme ont été identifiées et reliées au syndrome de Mitchell Riley notamment caractérisé par un diabète néonatal, une atrésie de l’intestin grêle et une malabsorption intestinale. Lors de mes travaux de thèse, une approche combinée de transcriptomique chez la souris et la recherche des sites de fixation de RFX6 dans une lignée cellulaire beta et dans les ilots pancréatiques a permis de démontrer son importance dans le maintien de l’identité et de la fonction de la cellule beta. Pour la première fois, l’identification des cibles directes de RFX6 in vivo a été réalisée et a permis l’identification de l’ensemble du répertoire des gènes régulés directement par RFX6 dans les cellules beta qui n’ont pas été révélés dans le système cellulaire. Cette étude aura également permis d’identifier Mlxipl comme principale cible directement régulée par Rfx6 à la fois chez la souris et l’homme. Les expériences réalisées ont ainsi permis de déterminer les gènes cibles directs de RFX6 et contribué à élucider le rôle de ce facteur de transcription dans la différenciation et la fonction des cellules beta sécrétrices d’insuline. / Glucose homeostasis regulation in the body is the main function of insulin secreting beta cells in the endocrine pancreas. The winged-helix transcription factor RFX6 has recently been identified as a new pancreatic endocrine differentiation regulator, downstream of Ngn3,in zebra fish, mouse and human. Moreover, several Rfx6 mutations in humans were discovered and linked to the Mitchell Riley syndrome, which is characterized by neonatal diabetes, intestinal atresia and malabsorption. My thesis consisted of using an approach combining transcriptomic analysis in mouse and the identification of RFX6 target genes in a beta cell line as well as in pancreatic islets. This work has demonstrated the crucial role of RFX6 in maintaining beta cell identity and function. For the first time, RFX6 target genes were identified in vivo as well as the whole repertoire of directly regulated RFX6 target genesin beta cells, which were previously unidentified in the beta cell line. These studies have also shown that Mlxipl is a main RFX6 regulated target gene in mice and human. Overall, this work has allowed the clear identification of RFX6 target genes, thus contributing inunderstanding the role of this crucial transcription factor in the differentiation and function of insulin secreting beta cells.
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Analyse bioinformatique des modifications post-traductionnelles du domaine carboxyl-terminal de l'Arn polymérase II / Bioinformatic analysis of post-translational modifications of the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase IIDescostes, Nicolas 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le processus transcriptionnel par l'ARN polymérase II (Pol II) chez les eucaryotes se déroule en trois étapes : L'initiation, l'élongation et la terminaison. De nombreux facteurs de transcription, des modifications de la chromatine (épigénétique) et des éléments régulateurs distants interviennent dans ce processus. La sous-unité RPB1 de l'ARN Pol II contient un domaine carboxyle terminale (CTD) composée d'une répétition de sept acides-aminés. Au travers de différentes modifications biochimiques, ce domaine coordonne le processus transcriptionnel par le recrutement de différents facteurs. Le CTD est également impliqué dans la coordination de la transcription au niveau de l'initiation, de l'élongation et de la terminaison par le biais de modifications épigénétiques et nucléosomales, mais aussi par l'action de régulateurs distants (enhancers) et probablement de changements de conformation tridimensionnelle du génome. Mon travail de thèse a consisté en l'étude de deux modifications biochimiques du CTD de l'ARN Pol II par traitement bioinformatique de données issues du séquençage haut-débit. J'ai pu montrer que la phosphorylation de la thréonine 4 influence l'élongation de la transcription chez l'humain. J'ai également montré que la phosphorylation de la tyrosine 1 est présente durant l'initiation, est préférentiellement localisée dans la direction anti-sens, est hyper-phosphorylée aux enhancers transcrits et tissus spécifiques et est une marque caractéristique de ces modules génomiques. Ce travail de doctorat a constitué une contribution à la compréhension du processus transcriptionnel chez l'humain par l'utilisation de méthodes bioinformatiques innovantes. / The biggest subunit of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II contains a carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) that consists in a repetition of seven amino-acids ranging from 26 in yeast to 52 in mammals. Specific biochemical modifications of CTD residues have been linked to specific stages of the transcriptional process. The CTD acts as a recruitment platform for processing factors that are involved in initiation, promoter proximal pausing, early and productive elongation (alternative splicing), 3' processing, termination and epigenetics.During my PhD, I used bioinformatics and high-throughput sequencing data to study two novel biochemical modifications of the CTD in human. I showed, in collaboration with biologists and bioinformaticians, that threonine 4 phosphorylation is important for proper elongation and probably termination of transcription. I showed also that tyrosine 1 phosphorylation is present during early transcription, antisense transcription (at divergent promoters) and is hyperphosphorylated at transcribed and tissue specific enhancers.Overall my doctorate has contributed to the understanding of the transcriptional process in human through the use of innovative bioinformatic methods.
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