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Investigation of the Relationships Between Geotechnical Sediment Properties and Sediment Dynamics Using Geotechnical and Geophysical Field MeasurementsJaber, Reem Atef 18 July 2022 (has links)
Seabed surface sediments vary with active geomorphodynamics and sediment remobilization processes. Understanding relations between geotechnical sediment properties and sediment mobilization processes can potentially improve predictions of coastal erosion and hazard mitigation. Portable free fall penetrometers have emerged as an economic and useful tool for rapid geotechnical site characterization and uppermost sediment layer investigation. Acoustic methods have been used to assess seabed layering, scour evolution, and seabed morphology. However, there still exist major limitations in using these methods for classification and characterization of seabed sediment surface layers in the context of local sediment dynamics. Therefore, the goal of this research is to advance field data collection methods and field data availability towards advancing the current understanding and prediction of nearshore sediment dynamics.
Geotechnical and geophysical measurements were conducted at different sites: Delaware Bay, Delaware; Pea Island, North Carolina; York River, Virginia; Potomac River, Maryland; Guadalupe River, Brazos River, Colorado River, Texas with different soil types and properties, hydrodynamic conditions, and morphological settings. The data collected was utilized to address the research goals through: (1) combining geotechnical and acoustic measurements to get better insight on sediment dynamics and erodibility, (2) proposing a framework that utilizes PFFP data to classify soil and estimate certain sediment properties (relative density and friction angle for sand and undrained shear strength for clays), relevant for local sediment dynamics, and (3) investigating how relevant geotechnical properties are reflected in acoustic, and specifically chirp sonar measurements.
The findings of this research support the capability of portable free fall penetrometer to estimate sediment properties in topmost layers for different soil types such as friction angles, with an accuracy of ± 1° and undrained shear strength values, with <10% mismatches. Geoacoustic parameters such as acoustic impedance can also be calculated from acoustic measurements and correlated to certain sediment properties such as porosity and bulk density. Combining both measurements can yield better site characterization and accurate estimation of sediment properties for a better prediction of sediment dynamics. / Doctor of Philosophy / As the impacts of climate change seem to worsen, the likelihood of extreme events increases. This includes more frequent and severe events such as erosion, storm surges, melting glaciers, and sea level rise that impacts coastlines and coastal infrastructure. The increase in water levels increases the frequency of coastal hazards and flooding. These events result in devastating consequences, economically and environmentally, and disrupt people's lives all over the world. To adapt and reduce the severity of these consequences, there is a need to capture the changes in seabed, and a better understanding of seabed properties and their erodibility. This requires a reliable site characterization and an accurate estimate of seabed properties, which remain a challenge for different marine environments.
There exist different site investigation methods to estimate seabed sediment properties that fall under geotechnical or geophysical types. One of the common geotechnical methods is a Portable free fall penetrometer (PFFPs), that presents a robust and economical tool for a rapid site assessment of topmost seabed layers. Geophysical tools, and mainly acoustic methods, are also often used to complement geotechnical methods due to their ability to cover vast areas in efficient time. However, both methods still face limitations in assessing seabed layers and properties. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop a framework that paves the way for a reliable assessment of seabed properties using geotechnical and geophysical methods.
Both methods were utilized for data collection in different locations across the US: Delaware Bay, Delaware; Pea Island, North Carolina; York River, Virginia; Potomac River, Maryland. Three additional sites Guadalupe, Brazos River, and Colorado Rivers, Texas were surveyed post hurricane Harvey that resulted in extreme flooding events. The measurements are collected from different coastal environments. This better account for the diversity in seabed to achieve a more generalized and well-integrated methodology to assess seabed layers under different conditions.
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Procesado Tiempo-Frecuencia: Aplicación a la percepción humana del sonidoCamacho García, Andrés 12 March 2014 (has links)
Esta tesis está dedicada al estudio de las distintas herramientas que se disponen en el campo del Procesado Digital de Señales para analizar la percepción humana del sonido. Para ello, en la primera parte de la tesis se exponen los fundamentos fisiológicos de la percepción humana del sonido, así como los métodos y parámetros fundamentales que permiten evaluar la percepción subjetiva producida, lo que también se conoce como estudio psicoacústico de los sonidos. El análisis psicoacústico permite calcular el valor de una serie de parámetros del sonido para combinarlos de una forma adecuada con el fin de obtener una calificación de su calidad percibida (Sound Quality), lo más parecida posible a la que percibiría una persona. Según los parámetros psicoacústicos combinados, podremos obtener la calificación del grado de molestia, bienestar, stress, disonancia, etc. que produce el sonido en una persona.
Respecto a las herramientas disponibles en el campo del Procesado Digital de Señales que puedan ayudar a mejorar el análisis psicoacústico, en esta tesis se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de las posibilidades del procesado Tiempo-Frecuencia. Además de realizar este estudio, el trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en la aplicación del análisis psicoacústico para la calificación de la molestia que producen ciertos tipos de ruido como son los ruidos de motor, ya sea el ruido de combustión producido por el motor, ya sea el ruido de escape. Se sabe que la molestia producida por estos ruidos se puede modelar utilizando una combinación de valores de Loudness (Sonoridad), Sharpness (Agudeza o Tonalidad) y Roughness (Aspereza). El cálculo de los dos primeros parámetros está estandarizado, mientras que existen varias aproximaciones para el cálculo del Roughness, presentando todas ellas serias limitaciones al analizar sonidos de motor, puesto que fueron desarrolladas y probadas para aplicarlas a señales simples.
En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un modelo de síntesis de seña / Camacho García, A. (2011). Procesado Tiempo-Frecuencia: Aplicación a la percepción humana del sonido [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36417
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Les processus sédimentaires, depuis la pente continentale jusqu'au bassin, en contexte de tectonique active : analyse comparée entre la Marge Calabro-Ionienne et la Marge Ligure durant les derniers 5 Ma / Slope to basin sedimentary processes in tectonically active settings : a comparative analysis of the Calabro-Ionian and Ligurian Margin, during the last 5 MaCoste, Marianne 28 May 2014 (has links)
Les marges continentales, passives ou actives, sont la principale voie de transfert sédimentaire entre le plateau continental et le bassin océanique profond et les plaines abyssales. Les pentes continentales sont le siège de processus d’érosion/dépôt sous le contrôle de transfert de flux particulaires continentaux chenalisés par des structures érosives, telles que les canyons sous‐marins, puis redistribues à l’ensemble de la marge. Les canyons érodent fortement les pentes continentales et contribuent à l’évolution de leur morphologie au cours du temps. On retrouve cependant des canyons sous‐marins qui ne sont pas en relation avec la présence d’un réseau fluviatile. De ce fait, la formation et l’évolution des canyons sous‐marins sont encore peu comprises. Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse aux processus de formation et d’évolution de six canyons sous-marins sur la Marge Ouest du Bassin Ligure et à dix systèmes de canyons sur la Marge Calabro-Ionienne. Le but de cette étude est de contraindre les principales caractéristiques morphométriques (longueur, largeur, profondeur, inclinaison, sinuosité), morphologique (éléments architecturaux, configuration) des canyons, de caractériser leur évolution amont‐aval et d’analyser leur structure interne, afin de mieux comprendre l’origine des canyons sous‐marins, leurs mécanismes de construction et leur évolution au cours du temps en relation avec le contexte géologique régional et leurs potentiels bassins versants subaérien. Pour cela, une approche basée sur une analyse morpho-bathymétrique et géophysiques a été mise en œuvre à partir de relevés bathymétriques complets des marges, de profils de sismiques, de Chirp et de SAR. / Sediment transfer from the continental shelf to the deep basin is of great interest as it partially controls the morphological and architectural evolution of continental margins. Transfer of particles on the continental slope associates with processes of erosion and deposition that control the construction of typical features such as submarine canyons. Because they strongly erode the continental slope, canyons contribute significantly to its morphological evolution through time. However, a number of studies have evidenced submarine canyons that do not connect with sub‐aerial channelized systems, questioning their processes of formation and evolution. This study aims to better understand the processes of formation and evolution of six submarine canyons identified on the western margin of the Ligurian Basin and ten canyons systems on the Calabro-Ionian margin. From morphometric and structural analyses based respectively on bathymetric, seismic‐reflexion (24‐channel profiles) data, Chirp and SAR profiles we constrained the main morphometric characteristics (length, width, depth, slope gradient, sinuosity index), morphologic (architectural elements and configuration) of canyons, their downward evolution and we analyzed their internal structure in order to better understand their origin, construction mechanisms and evolution in relation with the regional geological context and their potentials subaerial systems.
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Evolução quaternária superior e formação de gás raso em ambiente estuarino tropical: o caso do Canal de Bertioga, São Paulo. / Late Quaternary Evolution and Shallow Gas Formation in a Tropical Estuarine Environment: The Case of the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo.Felix, Cesar Alexandre 17 September 2012 (has links)
Estudos de acumulações de gás raso e os efeitos destes fenômenos nas ondas sísmicas são objeto de trabalho de diversos pesquisadores em diferentes partes do planeta. As respostas das acumulações de gás nas ondas sísmicas se diferenciam pelas diversas frequências dos equipamentos sísmicos e trazem informações importantes no que concerne à formação e evolução dos ambientes em questão. O Canal da Bertioga se situa no litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e consiste em um ambiente de características estuarinas que conecta a plataforma continental, em sua desembocadura oceânica, e a Baixada Santista em sua desembocadura continental. Trata-se de um sistema de baixa hidrodinâmica, com profundidades máximas de 18m, e sofre influência de seus afluentes oriundos da serra do mar. Na presente pesquisa, foram utilizadas as fontes Pinger (24 kHz), Chirp (2 - 8 kHz) e Boomer (0,5 - 2 kHz) operando simultaneamente para o levantamento de dados geofísicos e amostragens superficiais com um amostrador de mandíbulas do tipo Van Veen. Foram também obtidos cinco testemunhos sedimentares, dos quais foram obtidos dados de taxa de sedimentação. O levantamento sísmico permitiu a identificação de diversas fácies acústicas de gás nos sedimentos assim como padrões de escape. Em função da identificação dos padrões de ocorrência destas formações de gás se pôde dividir o Canal da Bertioga em três setores: Estreito, Largo do Candinho e Canal Leste. No trecho denominado de Estreito as Coberturas acústicas foram predominantes com pouca variação de cota (± 3 m), os escapes de gás foram menos ocorrentes se comparados às outras áreas e se deu especialmente em forma de Pináculos de Turbidez. No Largo do Candinho predominaram as Sombras Negras e Coberturas Acústicas muito rasas, em torno de 1 a 2 m do substrato, com grande ocorrência de escape de gás do tipo Plumas Acústicas. Por fim, O Canal Leste apresentou as maiores variações nas cotas das Coberturas Acústicas, com ocorrências mais profundas (8 m em média) e escapes de gás em forma de Plumas Intrassedimentares. Foram definidas unidades estratigráficas deposicionais que contribuíram para a proposição de uma compartimentação do canal, em função dos padrões de ocorrência de gás. A fonte boomer permitiu identificar quatro unidades estratigráficas No Canal Leste, duas no Largo do Candinho e apenas uma no Estreito, neste último trecho a penetração do sinal foi especialmente comprometida em função da constante ocorrência das Coberturas Acústicas. Diante destas evidências pôde-se concluir que o Canal da Bertioga evoluiu como dois sistemas distintos, os quais foram separados durante as regressões marinhas e conectados novamente em trato de mar alto. A mudança brusca das cotas de ocorrência das Coberturas Acústicas entre o Canal Leste e o Largo do Candinho, além de evidências de falhamentos neotectônicos do Pleistoceno tardio sugerem que a conexão destes ambientes (Estreito + Largo do Candinho e Canal Leste) pode ter sido abrupta. / Studies of shallow gas accumulations and the effects of these components in the seismic waves are studied by several researchers in different parts of the world. The responses of the gas accumulations in the seismic waves are distinguished by different frequencies of seismic equipment and provide important information regarding the formation and evolution of the environments. The Channel of Bertioga is located on the southern coast of São Paulo, Brazil, and it\'s an environment with estuarine characteristics that connects the Sea of Bertioga to its oceanic mouth, and the city of Santos to it\'s continental mouth. This is a low hydrodynamic system with maximum depths of 18m, and is influenced by its tributaries from the Serra do Mar mountains. The present study was conducted with the sources Pinger (24kHz), Chirp (2 - 8 kHz) and Boomer (0.5 - 2 kHz) operating simultaneously for the geophysical survey data, surficial sediment sampling was made with a Van Veen grab. Five cores were also acquired, of which the sedimentation rate was obtained. The seismic survey allowed the identification of several buried gas facies and seepages. Regarding the patterns in the occurrence of gas formations the Bertioga Channel could be split into three sectors: The Narrow Sector, Candinho and Eastern Sector. In the Narrow part, the Acoustic Blankings were predominant with little variation in elevation (± 3 m), seepages occurred less compared to other areas and were mostly consisting of Turbidity Pinnacles. In the Candinho sector, Black Shadows and Acoustic Blankets about 1 to 2m of the substrate prevailed, with high occurrence of seepages in the form of Acoustic Plumes. Finally, the Eastern Sector had the highest changes in the levels of Acoustic Blankets, with the deepest occurrences (8m on average) and seepages in the form of Intrasedimentary Plumes. Some stratigraphic units were defined, which contributed to the previous division by the gas occurrences. The Booomer source allowed the identification of four Stratigraphic Units inthe Eastern Channel, two in the Candinho sector and only one Stratigraphic Unit in the Narrow Sector. In the last sector signal penetration was particularly compromised due to the constant occurrence of Acoustic Blankets. Given this evidence, it was concluded that the Bertioga Channel evolved as two distinct systems, which were separated during the marine regressions and re-connected during marine transgressions. The sudden change in the depths of occurrence in Acoustic Blankets between the Eastern Channel and Candinho, and evidence of neotectonic faulting in the Late Pleistocene suggest that the connection of these environments (Narrow Sector + Candinho and Canal East) may have been abrupt.
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Evolução quaternária superior e formação de gás raso em ambiente estuarino tropical: o caso do Canal de Bertioga, São Paulo. / Late Quaternary Evolution and Shallow Gas Formation in a Tropical Estuarine Environment: The Case of the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo.Cesar Alexandre Felix 17 September 2012 (has links)
Estudos de acumulações de gás raso e os efeitos destes fenômenos nas ondas sísmicas são objeto de trabalho de diversos pesquisadores em diferentes partes do planeta. As respostas das acumulações de gás nas ondas sísmicas se diferenciam pelas diversas frequências dos equipamentos sísmicos e trazem informações importantes no que concerne à formação e evolução dos ambientes em questão. O Canal da Bertioga se situa no litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e consiste em um ambiente de características estuarinas que conecta a plataforma continental, em sua desembocadura oceânica, e a Baixada Santista em sua desembocadura continental. Trata-se de um sistema de baixa hidrodinâmica, com profundidades máximas de 18m, e sofre influência de seus afluentes oriundos da serra do mar. Na presente pesquisa, foram utilizadas as fontes Pinger (24 kHz), Chirp (2 - 8 kHz) e Boomer (0,5 - 2 kHz) operando simultaneamente para o levantamento de dados geofísicos e amostragens superficiais com um amostrador de mandíbulas do tipo Van Veen. Foram também obtidos cinco testemunhos sedimentares, dos quais foram obtidos dados de taxa de sedimentação. O levantamento sísmico permitiu a identificação de diversas fácies acústicas de gás nos sedimentos assim como padrões de escape. Em função da identificação dos padrões de ocorrência destas formações de gás se pôde dividir o Canal da Bertioga em três setores: Estreito, Largo do Candinho e Canal Leste. No trecho denominado de Estreito as Coberturas acústicas foram predominantes com pouca variação de cota (± 3 m), os escapes de gás foram menos ocorrentes se comparados às outras áreas e se deu especialmente em forma de Pináculos de Turbidez. No Largo do Candinho predominaram as Sombras Negras e Coberturas Acústicas muito rasas, em torno de 1 a 2 m do substrato, com grande ocorrência de escape de gás do tipo Plumas Acústicas. Por fim, O Canal Leste apresentou as maiores variações nas cotas das Coberturas Acústicas, com ocorrências mais profundas (8 m em média) e escapes de gás em forma de Plumas Intrassedimentares. Foram definidas unidades estratigráficas deposicionais que contribuíram para a proposição de uma compartimentação do canal, em função dos padrões de ocorrência de gás. A fonte boomer permitiu identificar quatro unidades estratigráficas No Canal Leste, duas no Largo do Candinho e apenas uma no Estreito, neste último trecho a penetração do sinal foi especialmente comprometida em função da constante ocorrência das Coberturas Acústicas. Diante destas evidências pôde-se concluir que o Canal da Bertioga evoluiu como dois sistemas distintos, os quais foram separados durante as regressões marinhas e conectados novamente em trato de mar alto. A mudança brusca das cotas de ocorrência das Coberturas Acústicas entre o Canal Leste e o Largo do Candinho, além de evidências de falhamentos neotectônicos do Pleistoceno tardio sugerem que a conexão destes ambientes (Estreito + Largo do Candinho e Canal Leste) pode ter sido abrupta. / Studies of shallow gas accumulations and the effects of these components in the seismic waves are studied by several researchers in different parts of the world. The responses of the gas accumulations in the seismic waves are distinguished by different frequencies of seismic equipment and provide important information regarding the formation and evolution of the environments. The Channel of Bertioga is located on the southern coast of São Paulo, Brazil, and it\'s an environment with estuarine characteristics that connects the Sea of Bertioga to its oceanic mouth, and the city of Santos to it\'s continental mouth. This is a low hydrodynamic system with maximum depths of 18m, and is influenced by its tributaries from the Serra do Mar mountains. The present study was conducted with the sources Pinger (24kHz), Chirp (2 - 8 kHz) and Boomer (0.5 - 2 kHz) operating simultaneously for the geophysical survey data, surficial sediment sampling was made with a Van Veen grab. Five cores were also acquired, of which the sedimentation rate was obtained. The seismic survey allowed the identification of several buried gas facies and seepages. Regarding the patterns in the occurrence of gas formations the Bertioga Channel could be split into three sectors: The Narrow Sector, Candinho and Eastern Sector. In the Narrow part, the Acoustic Blankings were predominant with little variation in elevation (± 3 m), seepages occurred less compared to other areas and were mostly consisting of Turbidity Pinnacles. In the Candinho sector, Black Shadows and Acoustic Blankets about 1 to 2m of the substrate prevailed, with high occurrence of seepages in the form of Acoustic Plumes. Finally, the Eastern Sector had the highest changes in the levels of Acoustic Blankets, with the deepest occurrences (8m on average) and seepages in the form of Intrasedimentary Plumes. Some stratigraphic units were defined, which contributed to the previous division by the gas occurrences. The Booomer source allowed the identification of four Stratigraphic Units inthe Eastern Channel, two in the Candinho sector and only one Stratigraphic Unit in the Narrow Sector. In the last sector signal penetration was particularly compromised due to the constant occurrence of Acoustic Blankets. Given this evidence, it was concluded that the Bertioga Channel evolved as two distinct systems, which were separated during the marine regressions and re-connected during marine transgressions. The sudden change in the depths of occurrence in Acoustic Blankets between the Eastern Channel and Candinho, and evidence of neotectonic faulting in the Late Pleistocene suggest that the connection of these environments (Narrow Sector + Candinho and Canal East) may have been abrupt.
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Cohérence, accordabilité, propriétés spectrales et spatiales de sources de lumière extrême-ultraviolette femtoseconde / Coherence, tunability, spectral and spatial properties of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light sources / Koherenca, nastavljivost ter spektralna in prostorska natačnost femtosekundnih izvorov v ekstremnem UV področjuMahieu, Benoît 17 June 2013 (has links)
Les lasers à électrons libres (LELs) à simple passage représentent actuellement la possibilité la plus prometteuse pour fournir des impulsions lumineuses de haute énergie (µJ à mJ) à des échelles de durée femtoseconde (1 fs = 10⁻¹⁵s) et des longueurs d’ondes ultra-courtes (résolution nanométrique i.e., jusqu’aux domaines de l’extrême-ultraviolet et des rayons X). Les LELs émettant dans l’extrême-ultraviolet sont une technologie encore jeune, si bien que de nombreuses questions restent ouvertes. Celles posées au sein de ce manuscrit concernent la configuration dite injectée, dans laquelle le processus est initié par une source externe cohérente (le “seed"). Nous nous concentrons particulièrement dans cette thèse sur les caractéristiques transverses et longitudinales de la lumière, sa cohérence, les propriétés de la phase temporelle et les liens directs entre le seed et l’émission LEL. La technique de génération dans un gaz noble d’harmoniques d’ordres élevés d’un laser femtoseconde (GHE) se montre à la fois complémentaire et en compétition avec les LELs. En compétition car les impulsions produites ont des qualités similaires à celles obtenues avec un LEL ; complémentaire car le rayonnement GHE peut être utilisé comme seed ou en combinaison avec la lumière LEL, par exemple pour effectuer des expériences mettant en jeu de multiples faisceaux. Bien que la GHE fournisse des impulsions moins puissantes, l’implémentation d’une telle source requiert un effort significativement moins important. Le taux de conversion harmonique, l’accordabilité et la qualité spatiale du faisceau généré, et la manière dont ces paramètres dépendent du laser générateur sont les problématiques traitées au sein de ce manuscrit. La volonté de la communauté scientifique d’effectuer des expériences novatrices demande des études profondes et l’optimisation des sources de GHE et des LELs. En particulier, sur la source LEL injectée FERMI@Elettra de Trieste, l’induction d’une dérive de fréquence dans le rayonnement a conduit à des résultats marquants. Entre autres, une méthode de génération d’impulsions scindées avec différentes longueurs d’ondes a été analysée et développée. Une telle possibilité ouvre la voie à l’utilisation des LELs injectés en tant que source autonome pour des installations de type pompe-sonde à deux couleurs. Plus généralement, l’étude des phénomènes mis en jeu dans les processus de GHE et du LEL ainsi que la caractérisation des propriétés de leur lumière sont des sujets intrinsèquement excitants, ayant des connexions directes avec de nombreux aspects fondamentaux de la physique. / Single-pass free-electron lasers (FELs) are currently the most promising facilities for providing light pulses with high energies (µJ to mJ) at femtosecond time scales (1 fs = 10⁻¹⁵s) and with ultrashort wavelengths (nanometer resolution i.e., down to extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray spectral regions). Extreme-ultraviolet FELs are still quite young so that many questions remain open. Those addressed within this manuscript concern the so-called seeded configuration, where an external coherent source (the “seed") initiates the process. In particular, we focus in this thesis on the transverse and longitudinal characteristics of the light, its coherence, the properties of the temporal phase and the direct correlations between the seed and the FEL emission. With regard to FELs, high-order harmonics of femtosecond laser pulses generated in noble gases (HHG technique) exhibit both competitive and complementary features. Competitive, because the produced pulses have similar assets as the ones provided by an FEL. Complementary, because the generated harmonics can be used as a seed or, in combination with FEL light, to perform multi-beam experiments. Even though less powerful pulses are produced by a HHG source, its implementation requires a significantly smaller effort. The efficiency of harmonic conversion, the tunability and spatial quality of the generated beam, and how these parameters depend on the driving laser are the issues discussed within this manuscript. The general will of the scientific community to perform novel experiments requires deep studies and optimization of FEL and HHG sources. In particular, on the seeded FEL facility FERMI@Elettra of Trieste, the induction of chirp in the radiation has led to remarkable results. Among others, a method of generation of split pulses with different wavelengths has been construed and developed. Such a possibility paves the way for the use of seeded FEL facilities as stand-alone sources for two-colour pump-probe setups. More generally, the study of phenomena involved in the FEL and HHG processes, together with the characterization of the light properties, are intrinsically exciting matters that have direct connections with fundamental aspects of physics. / Laser na proste elektrone (LPE, ang. free-electron laser - FEL) z enojnim prehodom je trenutno najbolj obetaven vir femtosekundnih (1 fs = 10⁻¹⁵ s) svetlobnih pulzov z visoko energijo (μJ do mJ) in ultra kratko valovno dolžino (nanometrska ločljivost, t.j., vse do spektralnega območja ekstremne ultravijolične in rentgenske svetlobe). LPE-ji, ki delujejo na področju ekstremne ultravijolične svetlobe, so razmeroma novi svetlobni viri, kar pomeni, da so glede njihovega delovanja odprta še mnoga vprašanja. V pričujočem doktorskem delu smo se ukvarjali predvsem z dvostopenjsko konfiguracijo, pri kateri LPE ojači zunanje (koherentno) elektromagnetno valovanje (seed). Osredotočili smo se na transverzalne in longitudinalne lastnosti proizvedene svetlobe, koherenco, lastnosti časovne faze ter na direktne korelacije med zunanjim virom (seed) in sevanjem LPE-ja. Poleg LPE-jev so v vzponu tudi svetlobni viri, ki temeljijo na generaciji visokih harmonikov (GVH, ang. high-order harmonic generation - HHG) v žlahtnih plinih. Ti svetlobni viri so zaradi podobnih lastnosti pulzov konkurenčni LPE-jem, po drugi strani pa predstavljajo komplementarne izvore svetlobe, ker jih je mogoče uporabiti v dvostopenjski LPE konfiguraciji kot vir zunanjega elektromagnetnega valovanja (seed) ali v kombinaciji z LPE-jem v eksperimentih z dvema ali več žarki. Kljub temu, da so ti svetlobni viri šibkejši v primerjavi z LPE-ji, je njihova izvedba bistveno lažja. V dizertaciji obravnavamo izkoristek harmonične pretvorbe virov, ki temeljijo na principu GVH, nastavljivost in prostorsko kakovost žarkov, ter odvisnost omenjenih parametrov od gonilnega laserja. Zaradi vse večje težnje po novih eksperimentih na vseh znanstvenih področjih sta ključna zelo natančno poznavanje delovanja in optimizacija LPE-jev in virov, ki temeljijo na GVH. Med bolj pomembne dosežke na LPE-ju FERMI@Elettra v Trstu spadajo možnost spreminjanja trenutne frekvence proizvedene svetlobe (ang. chirp) na podlagi katere je bila razvita metoda za generacijo razdeljenih pulzov z različnimi valovnimi dolžinami. S pomočjo te metode bo možno dvostopenjske LPE-je uporabljati kot samostojne vire svetlobe za poskuse v t.i. načinu « pump-probe ». V dizertaciji so predstavljene študije pojavov, ki so prisotni pri generaciji svetlobe v LPE-jih ter virih, ki temeljijo na GVH. Ti pojavi so, skupaj z metodami karakterizacije proizvedene svetlobe, tesno povezani s temeljnimi principi v fiziki.
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Analyse multi-échelles des déstabilisations sous-marines de la Marge Ligure : implications sur la répartition spatio-temporelle des facteurs déclenchant [sic] / Multi-scale analysis of submarine landslides on the Ligurian Margin : implication on the spatio-temporal distribution of the triggering factorsHassoun, Virginie 30 September 2014 (has links)
La marge Ligure est une marge passive soumise à une déformation tectonique compressive associée à la tectonique salifère messinienne. La reprise en compression de la marge s’accompagne d’une sismicité modérée récurrente ponctuée d’évènements plus forts. La marge Ligure est le siège d’une sédimentation importante au Plio-Quaternaire. Elle constitue un environnement propice à l’étude des déstabilisations gravitaires. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de décrire et caractériser les principaux mouvements en masse ayant affecté la marge continentale Ligure au cours du Plio-Quaternaire, de localiser les principales zones sujettes aux déstabilisations et d’identifier les facteurs pré-conditionnant et déclenchant les ruptures dans le but de mieux évaluer l’aléa gravitaire. Une large couverture de données bathymétriques, géophysiques et des carottages acquis sur l’ensemble de la marge a permis de réaliser une étude multi-échelles des processus de ruptures gravitaires et des facteurs déclenchant associés. Près de 1500 glissements ont été identifiés. L’étude de leur répartition spatio-temporelle illustre que l’ensemble de la marge a toujours été affectée par des déstabilisations de pente mais que les principales zones de ruptures auraient migré vers l’ouest au cours du Plio-Quaternaire. Les grandes ruptures sous-marines sont préférentiellement associées aux zones de déformation maximale, cette dernière étant contrôlée par la tectonique crustale et/ou la tectonique salifère. Il apparaît que les ruptures résultent plus généralement d’une association de facteurs distincts qui ont participé à fragiliser la stabilité des dépôts de la pente et qui ont pu provoquer leur rupture. / The Ligurian margin is a passive margin characterized by high sedimentation rates during the Plio-Quaternary. It is affected by a compressive tectonic deformation leading to the inversion of the margin, together with a salt tectonic. The present-day moderate seismic activity is punctuated by stronger seismic events. Thus, this margin offers a good natural laboratory to study submarine landslides and their triggering factors. Although the Var Turbidite System has been well investigated over the last 20 years, the morphology and tectonics/sedimentary processes affecting the whole margin remained poorly known. This study aims to describe and to characterize the main types of mass movements, their preferential locations along the Ligurian margin during the Plio-Quaternary and their triggering factors to improve geohazards assessment related to landslides. A dataset including bathymetric and geophysical data and cores allowed to realize a multi-scale study of submarine failures and their associated triggering factors. About 1500 landslides were identified on the margin and in the basin. The study of their spatio-temporal distribution revealed that the margin has always been affected by mass-wasting processes and that the main zones of landsliding migrated westward during the Plio-Quaternary. The largest submarine landslides are preferentially associated with the highest deformation rates and their location is controlled by crustal tectonics and/or salt tectonics. The initiation of failures results from the combination of several factors including the margin deformation, earthquakes, salt tectonics and sediment under-consolidation.
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Detekce poruch v materiálech pomocí spektrální analýzy v reálném čase / Real-time detection of damages in materials using spectral analysisVašátko, Karel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with detection of the natural frequencies in the material structures using algorithms working in real-time. It is used for detection of material damage. Is described physic of material, issue of discrete signals and their spectrums and methods for the calculation of the spectral components of the signal. These metods are implemented to Matlab programming environment. Methods are tested with simulated data and real signal.
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Sondeur de canal de propagation multi-capteurs appliqué à la mesure de canal de propagation pour l'Ultra Large Bande (6 GHz - 8.5 GHz) à l'intérieur des bâtimentsEl Arja, Hajar 20 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente la conception d'un sondeur de canal de propagation en intérieur de bâtiment en contexte Ultra Large Bande ULB. Le sondeur est basé sur une architecture parallèle en réception composée de circuits cinq ports et d'un réseau d'antennes imprimées LTSA (Linear Tapered Slot Antenna). Le sondeur a été réalisé et testé dans la bande de fréquence ULB (6 to 8.5 GHz) alloué par l'ETSI . Les mesures réalisées ont permis d'étudier les directions d'arrivée (DOA) ainsi que le temps d'arrivée des ondes correspondantes aux multi trajets à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment. L'association de la technique cinq-port et de la méthode d'estimation MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) permet d'avoir un sondeur à faible coût de réalisation et à haute précision d'estimation. Plusieurs scénarios de propagation sont traités dans le manuscrit que se soit en condition de visibilité (LOS) ou de non visibilité (NLOS)
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Fibre Bragg Grating Components for Filtering, Switching and LasingYu, Zhangwei January 2008 (has links)
Fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) are key components for a vast number of applications in optical communication systems, microwave photonics systems, and optical sensors, etc. The main topic of this thesis is fibre Bragg grating fabrication and applications in direct microwave optical filtering, high speed switching and switchable dual-wavelength fibre lasers. First, a brief overview is given about the photosensitivity in optical fibre, basic FBG fabrication techniques, the popular coupled-mode theory for describing fundamental characteristics of FBGs and the Transfer Matrix method for the numerical simulations of complex-structured FBGs. An advanced FBG fabrication system based on the technique of multiple printing in fibre (with a continuous-wave source) has been used to write complex FBGs incorporating phase shifts, apodization and chirp. A single double-peaked superimposed grating working in reflection can be employed as a direct optical filter for millimetre-wave signals. Bit error rate measurements confirmed that the filter exhibited nearly on-off behaviour in the passband with a 3-dB bandwidth of 2 GHz for a central frequency of 20 GHz, as expected from the optical spectrum reflection. The presented technique can be used in radio-over-fibre systems or simultaneous up-conversion of ultra-wide band signals and filtering. This thesis focused mostly on the research of two 4-cm long Hamming-apodized gratings written in side-hole fibres with internal electrodes. The temperature dependence measurements showed that the birefringence of the component increased with the temperature. Dynamic measurement has shown nanosecond full off-on and on-off switching. During the electrical pulse action, the grating wavelength was blue-shifted for the x-polarization and red-shifted for the y-polarization due to the mechanical stress. Both peaks subsequently experienced a red-shift due to the relaxation of mechanical stress and the increasing core temperature transferred from the metal in many microseconds. All the wavelength shifts of the two polarizations depend quadratically on the electrical pulse voltage and linearly on the pulse duration. Numerical simulations gave accurate description of the experimental results and were useful to understand the physics behind the birefringence switching. Finally, two switchable dual-wavelength erbium-doped fibre lasers based on FBG feedback were proposed. In one method, an overlapping cavity for the two lasing wavelengths and hybrid gain medium in the fibre laser were introduced. Dual-wavelength switching was achieved by controlling the Raman pump power. The other method employed an injection technique and the dual-wavelength switching was controlled by the power of the injection laser. The switching time was measured to be ~50 ms. Detailed characteristics of the dual-wavelength switching in the two fibre lasers were experimentally studied and corresponding principles were physically explained. / QC 20100922
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