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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


郭維雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究動機原在對川西山區人群變遷的歷程作一通盤的考察;繼而欲以川隴交界地區的白馬人為重心,以歷史、地域與文化三面向為觀察途徑。在第一章緒論裡,曾介紹相關學科的演進以建構歷史民族誌撰述的框架,同時就川西山區歷史民族誌的研究歷程、白馬人系屬問題之提出與相關研究概況作回顧。 第二章與第三章所記述的是歷史記憶與文獻解讀的層面,前一章著眼於川西山區全景在魏晉時期以前曾經出現的人群活動、神話傳說及其歷史記載,並試圖在不同的地理分區歸納出個別人群之間的文化類型;其後一章則集中考究活動於川隴之間的古代氐人及其遺裔的歷史,間或以當時華夏人群西部邊緣的消長為時空背景,對照出其人群歷史興衰的過程。 第四章以川隴山區的地理環境為主軸,分別討論今日白馬聚落與古代氐人部落的向外活動軌跡,由對外通道的變遷亦可了解其歷史重心的轉移過程;第五章則以白馬聚落的文化內涵與社會變遷為研究對象,得知古代的氐人與今日的白馬人之間不僅文化風貌極為接近而有前後相承的類緣關係,在地緣上可比對出古代氐羌系人群的文化分布範圍。第六章則以「在變與常之間的山區人群歷史與文化」為全文結論,希冀作為進一步研究其他山區人群歷史民族誌的開端。

中國邊遠地區新型農村合作醫療政策評估 : 以四川省涼山彜族自治州會理縣為例 / 以四川省涼山彜族自治州會理縣為例

周超 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

點傳師與資本家-宗教與勞動控制的關係,以一貫道為例 / Dian-Chuan-Shi And Capital-The Relationship Between Religion and Labor Control - An Example by I-Kuan-Tao

李怡道, Lee, Yi-Tao Unknown Date (has links)
宗教與勞動控制的關係,在西方的資本主義研究裡,通常是將宗教當成是一個外部的力量,由資產階級所控制的教會或者宗教組織,透過教會的教育與道德規約系統,傳達與建立對資產階級有利的意識型態,從而間接地協助資產階級確立社會的統治權。 我將這樣的關係,拿到台灣來考察,以一貫道為例子進行研究。在勞動倫理的研究中發現一貫道的勞動倫理,是立基於天命觀──即是認為今生的貧富貴賤是由前世的生活內容所決定──來發展,於是,身為資本家或是受僱的工人這樣的社會關係,便被天命觀神秘化,被解釋成一種因為天命而來無可改動的社會位置。在直接借用儒家義理的狀況之下,勞動倫理發展為強調勤勞、節制,這個部分與韋伯對新教倫理與資本主義的關係的解釋是相吻合的。 教義與勞動倫理的傳達,則是透過宗教領導人:點傳師來傳達。點傳師一職的神聖來源早期是依靠分享張天然個人的卡里斯瑪,在張天然死後,各組織雖有差異,但是大抵是透過領天命的宣稱來確立自己的神聖性,今日道場上的點傳師以及師母線的前人(高階層的點傳師)並且利用人際關係的互動操作,來保護自己領有天命的神聖身分,避開過多日常與道親的互動,使得神聖身分更加不易受到挑戰。當點傳師將所傳達的勞動倫理拉高到修道的位置,加上點傳師不易挑戰的神聖身分,可以推論一貫道的倫理價值觀有相當的傳達效果,並可推論對資本主義的發展有明顯的助益。 一貫道與勞動控制的關係,並不僅止於站在勞動現場之外,傳達對資本有利的價值觀與意識型態。 一貫道這個宗教組織,由於在修行的法門上有明顯的世俗性格,強調聖凡兼修,使得所有的信徒包括宗教領導人都不用拋棄世俗的生活內容,便可以求道或者是擔任聖職。加上一貫道各組織的經費來源,多是依靠信徒不定期、非強制的捐獻,使得一貫道對富有信徒的依賴程度相當高。另外,由於擔任一貫道的點傳師是無給職,在資本主義社會發展下,將會使點傳師一職的授與產生了現實的限制,包括時間上的限制以及經濟能力的限制,以現狀來看,展現為一貫道的點傳師中有相當高比例的資本家。加上一貫道相當強調傳道渡人,使得點傳師資本家在企業中多設有佛堂並且向員工傳道。 本論文以長榮企業的張榮發為例,指出點傳師資本家的出現,在資本家的性格上與其他資本家並無二致,但是由於增加了使用天命來解釋勞資關係,使勞資關係神秘化且不可挑戰,加上在企業中傳道,使工人與資本家的關係增加了一個道親與點傳師的關係,於是得以更加容易地進行勞動控制。在一貫道的例子裡,宗教直接進入勞動現場,並且直接參與勞動控制,有機會發展為對工人身心靈三方面全面的控制。

"平妖傳"研究 / Study of the early Chinese vernacular novel, P'ing-yao Chuan ;"Study of the early Chinese vernacular novel, Ping yao Chuan";"平妖傳研究"

林嵩 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

Hodnota zdraví v subjektivních teoriích dospělých cvičících tai chi chuan / The value of health in the health beliefs of adult exercising tai chi chuan

CAISOVÁ, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with health beliefs of adults exercising tai chi chuan. The theoretical part defines basic concepts of the subject and in the practical part with the help of case studies characteristics of respondents and episodic individual interviews explores whether exercise TCC improves quality of the life and health of the respondents in their health beliefs according to my proposed theoretical models of the process of realizing health. The substance of this pilot study is to discover whether long-term exercise TCC helps exercisers respondents to change their attitude to health and lifestyle. And what changes they are experiencing.

Room 2046: A Political Reading of Wong Kar-Wai's Chow-Mo Wan Trilogy through Narrative Elements and Mise-en-scene

Baldwin, Jillian 12 1900 (has links)
As ownership of Hong Kong changed hands from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China in 1997, citizens and filmmakers of the city became highly aware of the political environment. Film director Wong Kar-Wai creates visually stimulating films that express the anxieties and frustrations of the citizens of Hong Kong during this period. This study provides a political reading of Days of Being Wild (1991), In the Mood for Love (2000), and 2046 (2004) through analyzing various story elements and details within the mise-en-scene. Story elements include setting, dialogue, character relationships, character identities, thematic motifs, musical references, numerology, and genre manipulation. Wong also uses details within the films' mise-en-scene, such as props and color, to express political frustrations. To provide color interpretations, various traditional aesthetic guidelines, such as those prescribed by Taoism, Cantonese and Beijing opera, and feng shui, are used to read the films' negative comments on the handover process and the governments involved. When studied together the three films illustrate how Wong Kar-Wai creates narrative and visual references to the time and atmosphere in which he works, namely pre-and-post handover Hong Kong.

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