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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillför jag, tillhör jag : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur Svenska kyrkan och Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsenattraherar och upptar ungdomar i den kristna gemenskapen / I belong where I can participate : A qualitative interview study of how The Churchof Sweden and EvangeliskaFosterlandsstiftelsen attracts the youth nto theChristian fellowship

Henriksson, Linda January 2016 (has links)
This study intends to examine, discuss and compare how The Church of Sweden: Svenskakyrkan, and the co-church Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen (EFS) in north Sweden attractsmembers, especially the youth. The study rests on a hypothesis based on sociological theoriesthat EFS attracts more members due to its understanding of community, fellowship, belongingand identity.Scholars like Fredrik Modéus and Martin Modéus debates that the major transformations andchanges in The Church of Sweden in the twentieth century have affected the congregations’role and participation in the church. The view of the congregation as the centre of the churchhas shifted and the congregation have been given a more secondary role in the church. TheChurch of Sweden has developed a professionalism witch gives the congregation less space toparticipate and work voluntarily.To examine the hypothesis 10 qualitative interviews have been conducted with preachers andeducators from the two churches. The interviews were then analysed with hermeneutic andphenomenology as methods. The results show that the churches have different views on itscongregations and the participations of members; which affects the sense of fellowship andbelonging to the church. EFS view on voluntary work and fellowship can be two of thereasons EFS attracts new members.

Tyst och stilla i kyrkan : En kvalitativ studie om meditationspraktik inom Svenska kyrkan / Still and Silent In the Church : A qualitative study of the meditation practice within the Church of Sweden

Olsson, Edward January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate what approach or approaches the Church of Sweden have to meditation and how meditation is used by the parishes that this investigation is built upon. I have made two question formulations to meet this purposes:  Why does the parishes I have studied organize meditation?  How is meditation used and performed by the parishes in the Church of Sweden that I have studied? I have in order to answer this questions used a ritual theoretic model, composed of Peter Habbe´s theory as it is described in Att se och tänka med ritual – kontrakterande ritualer i de isländska släktsagorna and Caroline Humphrey and James Laidlaw´s ritual theory that is presented in their work The Archetypal Actions of Ritual – A theory of ritual illustrated by the Jain rite of worship. The theoretical model that I have put together consists of what is characterizing a ritual, and through this model I have examined my empirical material, the phenomenon of meditation and how it crystallizes in the context of the Church of Sweden. The empirical material consists of five interviews with five leaders of meditation in the Church of Sweden and three participative observations at three meditation occasions held by parishes in the Church of Sweden. The interviews are qualitative deep interviews that have a semi–structured nature. Based on this material, I have then typologized the phenomenon through my theoretical model and from there answered the research questions that my purpose demanded. The meditation in the parishes that I have visited in this study are very similar, and there is conformity among the parishes in order how the meditation is to be executed. The most differentiating inquiry among the parishes is why they are organizing meditation, if it is because the participants are to embrace the Christian faith, or if everyone is free to participate with the faith or non–faith he or she has got. In this question there is a split up in two groups among my informants, those who deem that the meditation has to have a pronounced Christian orientation, and those who deem that it isn´t possible to divide the meditation activity in confession or non–confession, and that it is up to everyone to decide the orientation of the meditation. / Denna c-uppsats har som syfte att undersöka vilket eller vilka förhållningsätt Svenska kyrkan har till aktiviteten meditation och hur den används inom de församlingar som ligger till grund för denna undersökning. För att möta denna föresats har jag formulerat två frågeställningar:  Varför anordnar de församlingar jag studerat meditation?  Hur används och utförs meditation av de församlingar i Svenska kyrkan jag studerat? För att besvara dessa frågor har jag använt mig av en ritualteoretisk modell, sammansatt av Peter Habbes teori som beskrivs i Att se och tänka med ritual – kontrakterande ritualer i de isländska släktsagorna samt Caroline Humphrey och James Laidlaws ritualteori som läggs fram i deras verk The Archetypal Actions of Ritual – A theory of ritual illustrated by the Jain rite of worship. Den teoretiska modell jag satt samman utifrån dessa teorier består av vad som karaktäriserar ett ritual och jag har genom denna undersökt mitt empiriska material och fenomenet meditation och hur det utkristalliserar sig i Svenska kyrkans kontext. Mitt empiriska material består av fem intervjuer med fem meditationsledare inom Svenska kyrkan samt tre deltagande observationer på tre meditationstillfällen anordnade av församlingar inom Svenska kyrkan. Intervjuerna är kvalitativa djupintervjuer som är semi–strukturerade till sin natur. Utifrån detta material har jag sedan typologiserat fenomenet utifrån min teoretiska modell och därifrån besvarat de forskningsfrågor som mitt syfte krävt. Meditationen inom de olika församlingarna jag har besökt i denna studie är mycket likartad och det råder konformitet mellan församlingarna när det gäller hur de utför och lär ut meditation. Det som skiljer mest mellan församlingarna är frågan om varför man anordnar meditation, om det är för att deltagarna ska anamma den kristna tron eller om var och en är fri att delta med den tro eller icke–tro hen har. I denna fråga kan mina informanter delas upp i två grupper, de som anser att meditationen måste ha en uttalat kristen inriktning för att användas inom Svenska kyrkan, och de som anser att meditation inte kan delas in i konfessionell eller icke–konfessionell och att det är upp till var och en att bestämma inriktning på meditationen.

"En liten dusch för själen" : Heterogen andlighet bland Svenska kyrkans medlemmar

Olsson, Cristoffer January 2016 (has links)
The thesis explores relations between members of the Church of Sweden and heterogeneous spirituality. More specifically heterogeneous spirituality is studied within the Church, a terrain understudied. The purpose statement, method and material are all bifurcated, following a mixed methods design. Prevalence and contents of heterogeneous spirituality are examined through statistical secondary analysis and semi-structured interviews. Common variables and questions are studied quantitatively and qualitatively. The examination is preceded by an underlying operationalization in which categories are determined as indicators of religion or spirituality, understood as ideal types corresponding to Paul Heelas' and Linda Woodhead's concepts life-as religion and subjective-life spirituality. The operational definitions enable a simultaneous exploration of three disparate theoretical perspectives. Two are associated with Heelas and Woodhead, namely the process of subjectivization and the spiritual revolution claim. The third is derived from Grace Davies works on believing and belonging, which predict growing heterogeneity in the religious landscape. The quantitative material consists of the extensive Enköpingsstudien and Medlem 2004. The secondary analysis' main contribution is tests of significance of variables previously overlooked, as well as a study of variables in detail previously explored as items within larger groups. The qualitative materials consist of semi-structured interviews with participants in spiritual networks within the Church of Sweden, exclusively recruited in the Diocese of Stockholm. The follow-up of identical questions quantitatively and qualitatively enables a dialogue between etic and emic perspectives. The interviews shed light over how etic indicators in fact can be interpreted by respondents in a given context. A premise for the spiritual revolution claim is conflict between religion and spirituality, manifest in the heartlands of the congregational domain and the holistic milieu. Expected consequences are negative association between variables characterizing life-as and subjective-life quantitatively, expressions of conflict or incompatibility qualitatively. Results supporting the claim were at large absent. Better fares Davies prediction of increasing heterogeneity, characterized by positive association as well as expressions of compatibility. Lastly, the informants' statements were permeated by signs of subjectivization. One conclusion is that Heelas' and Woodhead's implementation of life-as religion and subjective-life spirituality as distinct and rival milieus is unwarranted. Subjectivization seems to, contrary to Heelas and Woodhead, influence the congregational domain to a large extent.  This compromise use of the dichotomy religion and spirituality as largely distinct and differentiated phenomena. The overall tendency in the material is co-existence rather than conflict. Referring to Davie's phrase Believing without Belonging, I argue that Belonging and Believing Something Else better captures the members relationship to belief, belonging and heterogeneous spirituality.

Förväntningar på ett intranät : åtta stiftsinformatörers syn på kommunikation i Svenska kyrkan

Blom, Maja January 2008 (has links)
<p>Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the expectations towards the launch of an intranet in a large organisation.</p><p>Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used to fulfil the purpose of this essay. Indepth interviews have been made with eight informants of dioceses.</p><p>Main Results: The study shows that the eight informants of dioceses all are positive towards the launch of an intranet in the organisation. They believe that it in time will lead to a more effective intern communication with less channels and more efficient messages.</p>

Förväntningar på ett intranät : åtta stiftsinformatörers syn på kommunikation i Svenska kyrkan

Blom, Maja January 2008 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the expectations towards the launch of an intranet in a large organisation. Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used to fulfil the purpose of this essay. Indepth interviews have been made with eight informants of dioceses. Main Results: The study shows that the eight informants of dioceses all are positive towards the launch of an intranet in the organisation. They believe that it in time will lead to a more effective intern communication with less channels and more efficient messages.

Förändring av Missionssynen? : Perspektiv på Svenska kyrkans mission 1945–2000 speglad av ledning och missionärer

Björck, Gustaf January 2014 (has links)
A change in missiology?: Perspectives on the theology of the Church of Sweden Mission 1945-2000, as reflected through leadership and by missionaries. Like orhermissionary organisations, the Church of Sweden Mission (CSM) has undegone farreaching change and development since its foundation in yhe nineteenth century, This study focuses on how missionaries and CSM's leadership have perceived the developments that have taken place. A survey was constructed and sent to all living missionaries during 2004-2005. Then six focus-group discussions were organised and various appeals for financial collections in local churches during the period 1945-1999 have been scrutinised. The methods employed are based on qualitative analysis (focus-groups), quantitative analysis (survey) and text analysis. A pilot survey, sent to a limited number of persons, was carried out in 2001 and provided guidance for the foumulation of questions both for the survey and for the focus-groups. Chapter 2 give Swedish historical perspectives on mission and missiology from the first beginning of interest in foreign mission around the year 1800 til 2000. Chapter 3 gives international perspectives on missiology after 1945 focusing two major international handbooks on missiology and a Norwegian handbook. Chapter 4: Survey to all missionaries 2004-2005. The answers to the survey showed a clear tendency in the shift of motivation from mission to dialogue and from evangelisation to diaconal and humanitarian goals. 38 per cent say that they have changed their own missiology. Chapter 5: Focus group discussions in 2005. The majority of the participants in the six different focus-group discussions stated that the CSM had gone through major changes both theologically and practically, during the period under study. Chapter 6: Appeals for collections 1945-1999. The analysis shows that evangelisation remained the overall motive that was given for the whole period. On one hand there was a widespread continuity over the whole period, and on the oter hand a certain change in diaconal motives from the 1970s onwards, which were more often presented side by side with evangelisation. All three studies point to a change from conservative theology, to first to liberal theology and then on to radical theology. The change being less clear in the collection appeals than in the survey and the focus-group discussions.

Svenska kyrkan och kyrkovalet 2017 : Ett sekulariseringsteoretiskt perspektiv på dagstidningars rapportering kring valet 2017 i Svenska kyrkan / The church of Sweden and church election 2017 : A theoretical secular perspective of newspapers presentation of the election 2017 in the church of Sweden.

Wahlström, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This study’s purpose is to analyze Grace Davies theory, which points out that churches throughout the west is facing difficulties with declining memberships as a result of a separation process between the churches and the state. In contrast to Davies theory, Sweden saw an increase in number of voters in year 2017’s church election, which leads to question whether Davies theory is overemphasized or if the church of Sweden is in a unique position. This study aims to analyze the current landscape of churches in the west through media and to do this, the study delimitates to four Swedish daily newspapers: Dagens Nyheter, Sveriges Television, Kyrkans Tidning and Svenska Dagbladet, to provide content through different perspectives. To apply the information gathered, the study uses a qualitative content analysis, since it offers tools for categorizing, interpretation and understanding of the newspapers substance. This study approaches the church election through three theories, which argues that the church of Sweden has lost its dominating role in society and is now under the influence of media, the state and secular forces. The critical part of media’s relation to this year’s church election is found in the presentation of the church of Sweden as a political figure, rather than a faith community. The result shows through media’s presentation that the majority is indeed based on political influence and that Davies theory might indeed be true. Though it also shows a resistance to politics in the church domain, which argues that the churches ongoing negative trend might reverse in the future.

Diakoni - Svenska kyrkan som välfärdsaktör

Gynning, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Socialt arbete förknippas ofta med myndighetsutövning eller behandling, trots att socialt arbete förekommer i andra verksamheter varav Svenska kyrkan har en lång tradition av socialt arbete. Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur det sociala arbetet ser ut som diakonin bedriver i Svenska kyrkan idag samt vad Svenska kyrkans roll som välfärdsaktör betyder för det svenska samhället. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod där texter analyserats. Resultatet av dessa texter har gett en inblick i de verksamheter som diakonin bedriver i Svenska kyrkan. De teman som funnits i resultatet är verksamheter, förhållningssätt, diakonens roll som röstbärare samt utmaningar för det diakonala arbetet utifrån ett organisatoriskt perspektiv. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån dokumentet ”Vägledning för diakoni” som är framtaget av Svenska kyrkan. Resultatet har även analyserats utifrån vad Erik Blennberger (2016) skriver om välfärd, samt kapitlet i Svensson m.fl (2008) om roller och yrkesroller. Slutsatsen blev att diakonin bedriver många olika verksamheter varav några har samarbete med offentlig sektor och några är helt i församlingens egen regi. En annan slutsats är att diakonerna tar på sig många olika roller som socialarbetare i Svenska kyrkan, varav en är röstbärare för de medmänniskor som behöver det. Den tredje och sista slutsatsen blev att det finns en utmaning i de organisatoriska ramarna för diakonin, då diakoner kan känna sig bundna och icke hörda. Detta påverkar diakonernas arbete och det finns en uppmaning om att höja rösterna för en förändring och förbättring för både diakoner som kollegor och för alla medmänniskor. / Social work is often associated through the exercise of public agency/authority or through treatment work, even though social work is also present in many other occupations. One of those occupations being the church of Sweden, which has a long tradition of social work. The purpose of this essay is to study what the social work is that is operated by the deacons of the church of Sweden, and also what the role is for the church of Sweden as a factor in the Swedish welfare society. The study has been made with a qualitative method, where several texts have been analysed. The results of these texts have presented an insight to the activities managed by the deacons of the church of Sweden. The findings of this study have developed into themes, which are the activities, the approach, the deacons role as ”a voice for those who can not speak for themselves”, and also challenges in the work by deacons in the perspective of structure and organisation. The results have been analysed by using a document about guidance for diaconal work produced by the Church of Sweden. The results have also been analysed by what Erik Blennberger (2016) writes about welfare, and the chapter in Svensson m. fl (2008) about roles and profession. The conclusion is that the deacons of the church of Sweden operate many activities wherein some are through the cooperation with the public sector, and some are completely within the management of the parish. Another conclusion is that the deacons take on multiple roles as social workers in the church of Sweden, where one is providing agency as “a voice for those who can not speak for themselves”. The third and last conclusion is that there are many challenges that come within the structure and organisation for the deacons, where they might feel bound and unheard. This affects the deacons and there is an exhortation to raise the voices to change and improve the work for not only the deacons as colleagues, but also for all people.

Guds dissident : En analys av Dag Sandahls kyrkokritik 1973-2018 / The Dissident of God : An Analysis of Dag Sandahl’s Critique of the Church 1973-2018

Lidström, Victor January 2020 (has links)
In this master thesis the critique of the development within the Church of Sweden, by the Swedish Lutheran minister Dag Sandahl, is examined and analysed. Sandahl is an outspoken critic, and self-described dissident, in the Church of Sweden. He is primarily known for questioning, and being an opponent to, the opening up of the priesthood to women dated 1958 in the Church of Sweden. The source material used consists of monographs with critique of the Church published by Sandahl between 1973 and 2018. The thesis concludes that Sandahl’s critique touches a broad array of themes and occurrences within the life of the Church – primarily the Church of Sweden – such as the Church’s self-understanding as a national church and not part of the Church catholic, a functionalistic view of ministry leading to the ordination of women to the priesthood, the rough treatment of the opposing minority and the politicized General Synod. It is argued that Sandahl’s critique is best understood in terms of lived ecclesiology and ecclesiology proper.

‘’Now, God himself is preaching’’: Perspectives on the Spanish flu from magazines affiliated with the Church of Sweden

Karlsson, Love January 2021 (has links)
This study explores how the Church of Sweden was impacted by the Spanish flu in 1918-1920 and how people affiliated with the church interpreted the pandemic theologically. The material analyzed is trade-magazines for people affiliated with the Church from the relevant years. During the current Corona-pandemic, the activities of religious organizations have been given a lot of media attention as potential risk-events for infections. The religious beliefs of those organizations are scrutinized to explain why they feel safe to gather. After gatherings, possible effects such as large-scale outbreaks are often the focus of negative attention. Historically, however, there seems to be few studies on how religious organizations handled ongoing pandemics and the theological beliefs that motivated their choices. This study tries to look at the people working for the Church of Sweden in 1918-1920: how were they affected by the pandemic, how did they interpret the events theologically and what did they do in response to it.

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