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Supervision des réseaux et services pair à pairDoyen, Guillaume 12 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le modèle pair à pair (P2P) est aujourd'hui utilisé dans des environnements contraints. Néanmoins, pour pouvoir garantir un niveau de service, il requiert l'intégration d'une infrastructure de supervision adaptée. Ce dernier point constitue le cadre de notre travail. Concernant la modélisation de l'information de gestion, nous avons conçu une extension de CIM pour le modèle P2P. Pour la valider, nous l'avons implantée sur Jxta. Nous avons ensuite spécialisé notre modèle de l'information pour les tables de hachage distribuées (DHT). Nous avons abstrait le fonctionnement des DHTs, proposé un ensemble de métriques qui caractérisent leur performance, et déduit un modèle de l'information qui les intègre. Enfin, concernant l'organisation du plan de gestion, nous avons proposé un modèle hiérarchique, qui permet aux pairs de s'organiser selon une arborescence de gestionnaires et d'agents. Cette proposition a été mise en oeuvre sur une implantation de Pastry.
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TALISMAN: desarrollo ágil de Software con Arquitecturas Dirigidas por ModelosPelayo García-Bustelo, Begoña Cristina 12 July 2007 (has links)
La especificación Model Driven Architecture (MDA), es una especialización del desarrollo dirigido por modelos que separa la lógica del negocio del software y las plataformas tecnológicas. Para ello MDA define tres tipos de modelos. Los CIM, Computation Independent Model, asociados al dominio del negocio, los PIM, Platform Independent Model, asociados a modelos abstractos del software, y los PSM, Platform Specific Model, relacionados con modelos de software específicos de plataformas tecnológicas.
Sin embargo MDA no detalla cómo deben ser los modelos CIM y tampoco describe cómo deben ser transformados a modelos PIM. Como solución a dicho problema, esta tesis presenta una recomendación que propone un proceso de desarrollo de software basado en la creación de modelos de procesos del negocio, clasificados como CIM, que son asociados a los modelos iniciales del software, considerados PIM.
Partiendo de una interpretación válida de MDA, la recomendación propuesta se apoya además en la aplicación de otras disciplinas de gran actualidad. Entre ellas destacamos el uso de desarrollo ágil de software, para la definición adecuada de los procesos del negocio.
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Design of a Secure Network Management System / Design av ett säkert nätverksövervakningssystemTerlegård, Tim January 2002 (has links)
<p>The size and complexity of local area and wide area networks are continually growing and so do the requirements of high availability. Today we rely on the technology and it should always work. Network management is therefore getting more and more important. Network management includes: monitoring and isolating faults, measuring performance, configuring the resources, making sure the network is secured and more. </p><p>Since in the early 1990s the management has typically been done with SNMPv1 or CMIP and using the client/server model. SNMPv1 is insecure, CMIP is complex and the traditional centralized paradigm is no longer sufficient to handle the management requirements of large networks. </p><p>As the demands for security and flexibility increases, new ways to manage networks are needed. This research tries to find out how a network management system should function, what management protocol to use, how to enhance the flexibility and how to make the system more secure.</p>
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An investigation of factors impacting life-cycle application of Civil Integrated Management (CIM)Sankaran, Bharathwaj 02 February 2015 (has links)
Highway projects are delivered in a complex environment that involves participation of diverse stakeholders with different objectives. Technological advancements have provided better tools and techniques that if incorporated can lead to effective project delivery complying with the multitude of objectives. Often the projects are cost-driven, schedule-driven, or both. Presence of ongoing traffic poses an additional challenge for the developers as it impacts the safety and comfort of both the commuters and the construction workers. A wide variety of tools, techniques and work processes are adopted across many projects depending on the project and agency requirements to make the process of project management efficient across its life-cycle. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) is a terminology that encompasses all such tools and technologies that can facilitate the process of digital project delivery and asset management. This study examines the current state of practice for CIM through surveys conducted at agency and project level. The results of these surveys are summarized to provide an understanding of the organizational and contractual issues related to CIM implementation and comprehend the process of technologies implementation and associated performance benefits at the project-level. Significant factors impacting successful life-cycle CIM utilization are elicited through the surveys and follow-up interviews and are investigated further under four main categories – Technology Implementation Planning, Model-based workflow and processes, design for construction automation and Information Management. Specific examples have been provided for each of these factors to demonstrate their utility on projects. The findings of this study will provide practitioners a list of key issues to be considered for profitable and effective implementation of the CIM technologies across a project’s life-cycle. / text
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[pt] Este trabalho investiga a formação de biofilmes sobre
de aço inoxidável S32750, conhecido como superduplex, por
cepas de bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS) em circuito
de teste, submetido a condições de vazão e temperatura
constantes, utilizando como fluido de processo a água do
mar sintética. As ligas de superduplex são geralmente
empregadas em serviços cuja concentração de íons cloretos
alta. As BRS desempenham papel significativo nos
corrosivos por pites em aços inoxidáveis. Foram
corpos de prova em S32750 e em AISI 316, a título de
comparação com a literatura, que foram expostos ao fluido
de processo por 15 e 35 dias. Também foi avaliada a
influência das características físicas da superfície e
isso foram testados três diferentes tratamentos
superficiais nos corpos de prova antes de serem inseridos
no sistema: jateamento com microsfera de vidro e
com pasta de diamante com grãos de 6 μm e 1μm. Foram
realizados a quantificação das BRS sésseis e
o teor de sulfetos totais produzidos, a quantificação dos
ácidos orgânicos e sulfato depletado, a morfologia dos
biofilmes, a rugosidade superficial, além da avaliação
pites formados. Foram realizados ensaios abióticos
(sem a presença de bactérias) a fim de avaliar a ação
corrosiva do meio. / [en] The goal of this work is to determine the biofilm
colonization on the surface of superduplex stainless steel
S32750 by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) in a flow
loop at constant flow rate and room temperature, exposed to
artificial sea water. The duplex stainless steel has been
widely used as material for offshore applications due
to their excellent corrosion resistance in chloride
environments, compared with austenitic stainless steel. At
high concentrations these sulfides are known to adsorb
and catalyze anodic dissolution and hence facilitate
pitting. The samples of S32750 were exposed to flowing
conditions for 15 and 35 days. Other 316 stainless steel
coupons were exposed under the same time in order to
compare with superduplex. The physical and chemical
characteristics of a solid surface affect biofilm formation
in flowing systems. Surface roughness affects bacterial
adhesion. The degree of surface roughness may well be a
critical factor in biofilm development. Some
coupons were ground and others were polished (6 μm e 1 μm -
diamond paste). The bacterial cells were quantified using
most probable number (NMP) method. It was also quantified
the total sulfide, the organics acids and sulfate depleted.
Biofilm morphology, surface roughness and pitting formation
were explored.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Pythiosis is a chronic disease that affects humans, other mammals and birds. It is caused by the
aquatic oomycete Pythium insidiosum. Pythiosis progresses rapidly and can become life
threatening if not treated in the early stages. The absence of ergosterol in the cell wall of this
oomycete prevents the treatment of pythiosis with antifungal therapy because most antifungal
drugs act by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol. Members of the genus Pythium are known to
be susceptible to some antimicrobial of the tetracycline, macrolide, aminoglycoside and
chloramphenicol classes. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro susceptibility of isolates of P.
insidiosum to the aminoglycosides gentamicin, neomycin, paromomycin and streptomycin and to
the minocycline derivative tigecycline. The susceptibility tests were carried out with 24 P.
insidiosum isolates using the broth microdilution method in accordance with Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) document M38-A2. The minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) values for gentamicin, neomycin, paromomycin and streptomycin ranged
from 32 to 64 mg/L, and the minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) values ranged from 32 to
128 mg/L. Tigecycline had a good inhibitory activity, with values of mic MIC (0.25-2 mg/L) and
MFC (1-8 mg/L) values. The observed in vitro susceptibility to tigecycline makes this drug a
good option for future in vivo assays investigating options of treatment of pythiosis. / Pitiose é uma doença crônica que afeta humanos, outros mamíferos e pássaros. O seu agente
etiológico é um oomiceto aquático denominado Pythium insidiosum. A Pitiose evolui
rapidamente e pode se tornar fatal se não tratada nos primeiros estágios. A ausência de ergosterol
na parede da célula deste oomiceto impede o tratamento de pitiose com terapia antifúngica, pois a
maioria das drogas antifúngicas atua sobre a síntese de ergosterol. Os membros do gênero
Pythium são conhecidos por serem susceptíveis a alguns antimicrobianos do grupo das
tetraciclinas, macrolídeos, aminoglicosídeos e cloranfenicol. Este estudo teve como objetivo
avaliar a susceptibilidade in vitro de isolados de P. insidiosum frente aos aminoglicosídeos
gentamicina, neomicina, paromomicina e estreptomicina e ao derivado da minociclina
denominado de tigeciclina. Os testes de susceptibilidade foram realizados com 24 isolados de P.
insidiosum, utilizando o método de microdiluição em caldo, de acordo com o documento M38-
A2 do Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Os valores de Concentração Inibitória
Mínima (CIM) de gentamicina, neomicina, paromomicina e estreptomicina variaram de 32 a 64
mg/L, e os valores de concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) variaram de 32 a 128 mg/l.
Tigeciclina apresentou boa atividade inibitória, com valores de CIM (0,25-2 mg/L) e CFM (1-8
mg/L). A susceptibilidade à tigeciclina observada in vitro faz deste fármaco uma boa opção em
futuros ensaios e in vivo, investigando o tratamento da pitiose.
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Design of a Secure Network Management System / Design av ett säkert nätverksövervakningssystemTerlegård, Tim January 2002 (has links)
The size and complexity of local area and wide area networks are continually growing and so do the requirements of high availability. Today we rely on the technology and it should always work. Network management is therefore getting more and more important. Network management includes: monitoring and isolating faults, measuring performance, configuring the resources, making sure the network is secured and more. Since in the early 1990s the management has typically been done with SNMPv1 or CMIP and using the client/server model. SNMPv1 is insecure, CMIP is complex and the traditional centralized paradigm is no longer sufficient to handle the management requirements of large networks. As the demands for security and flexibility increases, new ways to manage networks are needed. This research tries to find out how a network management system should function, what management protocol to use, how to enhance the flexibility and how to make the system more secure.
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An Internship at Miami University Libraries Center for Information ManagementO'Hara, Karen Mary 02 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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The integration of CAD/CAM with virtual machining simulation and cost estimationJohnson, Chad A. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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För att uppnå optimal resursdelning och öka hållbar energiförsörjning, stiger behovet av gränsöverskridande kraftöverföring ständigt. Därför frekventa utbyta information med detaljerade galler uppgifter krävs. För att standardisera sådant utbyte och därigenom främja gemensam kraftsystemstudier i Europa, Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) grundar sig på IEC CIM (Common Information Models) utfärdats av ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission Operators for Electricity) i 2013. En CGMES bedömning av överensstämmelse processen också inrättats att uppmuntra och undersöka antagandet av CGMES med relevanta kraftsystemtillämpningar. Huvudsyftet med denna avhandling är att validera att Network Manager produkten av ABB har genomfört CGMES ordentligt. Effektflödesberäkningar utförs baserat på ENTSO-Es provnäten och erhållna lösningarna jämförs med standard resultat samt resultaten från Power Factory (ett kraftsystem analysverktyg från DIgSILENT som redan har passerat bedömningen av överensstämmelse med framgång). Jämförelse resultaten analyseras alltså för att identifiera orsakerna till eventuella avvikelser från standardeffektflödeslösningar och ge förslag på framtida utveckling av Network Manager. / To achieve optimal resource sharing and enhance the sustainability of energy supply, the need for cross-border power transmission is continuously growing. Therefore, frequent information exchange with detailed grid data is required. To standardize such exchange and thus to facilitate common power system studies in Europe, the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) based on IEC CIM (Common Information Models) was issued by ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission Operators for Electricity) in 2013. A CGMES conformity assessment process was also set up to encourage and examine the adoption of CGMES with relevant power system applications. The main purpose of this thesis is to validate that the Network Manager product of ABB has implemented CGMES properly. Power flow calculations are performed based on ENTSO-E’s test networks and the solutions obtained are compared with the standard results as well as the results from Power Factory (a power system analysis tool from DIgSILENT that has already passed the conformity assessment successfully). The comparison results are analyzed thus to identify causes of any variation from the standard power flow solutions and to give suggestions for future development of Network Manager.
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