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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Приступи развоју базe података Општег информационог модела за електроенергетске мреже / Pristupi razvoju baze podataka Opšteg informacionog modela za elektroenergetske mreže / Approaches for Developing a Database for Common Information Model of Power Grids

Dević Saša 01 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Општи информациони модел (CIM) користи се за опис електроенергетске мреже и за размену података између оператера преносних електроенергетских система. Како је модел постајао све заступљенији, појавила се потреба за његовим складиштењем. У раду је развијен методолошки приступ за развој базе података која би подржала релативно једноставно складиштење и рад са инстанцама CIM модела, које описују тренутно, активно стање у систему. Такође, омогућено је и праћење претходних, историјских стања CIM инстанци, као и њихова рестаурација у жељено стање. Очекује се да предложени приступ олакша увођење CIM модела у различита, наменска програмска решења.</p> / <p>Opšti informacioni model (CIM) koristi se za opis elektroenergetske mreže i za razmenu podataka između operatera prenosnih elektroenergetskih sistema. Kako je model postajao sve zastupljeniji, pojavila se potreba za njegovim skladištenjem. U radu je razvijen metodološki pristup za razvoj baze podataka koja bi podržala relativno jednostavno skladištenje i rad sa instancama CIM modela, koje opisuju trenutno, aktivno stanje u sistemu. Takođe, omogućeno je i praćenje prethodnih, istorijskih stanja CIM instanci, kao i njihova restauracija u željeno stanje. Očekuje se da predloženi pristup olakša uvođenje CIM modela u različita, namenska programska rešenja.</p> / <p>Common Information Model (CIM) is used for describing power grid networks<br />and data exchange among transmission system operators (TSO). As the<br />model became widely used, there was a need to store such model. In this<br />thesis we present a methodological approach to development of a database<br />that supports relatively easy storing and managing CIM instances, which<br />describe current, active state of the system. Also, tracking changes and<br />restoring CIM instances to its previous states are supported. We expect that<br />such methodological approach would ease the implementation of CIM model<br />in various, domain specific software solutions.</p>

Composi??o qu?mica do ?leo essencial de Lippia origanoides Kunth e atividade antimicrobiana frente a diferentes sorotipos de Haemophilus parasuis

Cerqueira, Valdeane Dias 28 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Natalie Mendes (nataliermendes@gmail.com) on 2015-07-28T23:01:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 COMPOSI??O QU?MICA DO ?LEO ESSENCIAL DE Lippia origanoides Kunth E ATIVIDADE ANTIMICROBIANA FRENTE A DIFERENTES SOROTIPOS~1.pdf: 1434340 bytes, checksum: 8072381e4bdaa1aac1583317e834ac0d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-28T23:01:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 COMPOSI??O QU?MICA DO ?LEO ESSENCIAL DE Lippia origanoides Kunth E ATIVIDADE ANTIMICROBIANA FRENTE A DIFERENTES SOROTIPOS~1.pdf: 1434340 bytes, checksum: 8072381e4bdaa1aac1583317e834ac0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Pig farming has become increasingly important in recent years in Brazil, because of this, studies for the treatment of diseases that cause the loss of mass of meat animals has increased significantly, such as the Glasser's disease caused by Haemophilus parasuis. Some initial studies have shown human resistance to antibiotics due to the consumption of meat produced with high levels of these substances, and alternatively treatments have been developed from natural products. Lippia origanoides Kunth is presented as a natural source of antimicrobial substances due to the composition of the essential oil obtained, mainly, from the leaves of this plant. In this study the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Lippia origanoides Kunth, by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) against Haemophilus parasuis serotypes 1,2,4,5,9,10,12,13,14 and one untypable was studied. Essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation of the dried leaves and the chemical composition analysis revealed the presence of carvacrol as the predominant component, which characterizes the chemotype B. The results of the antimicrobial activity demonstrated the inhibitory effect of essential oil samples for all tested bacteria. The best result was 0.005% against the sample MV12315 (serotype 10) while the least satisfactory was 0.078% against the sample MV12196 (serotype 12). Results demonstrate the bactericidal action of the oil against the different serotypes of Haemophilus parasuis. / A suinocultura vem se sobressaindo nos ?ltimos anos no Brasil, por isso aumentam os estudos para tratamento das doen?as que causam perdas de carca?a dos animais, como a doen?a de Gl?sser, provocada pelo Haemophilus parasuis. Alguns trabalhos incipientes demonstram a resist?ncia humana a antibi?ticos devido ao consumo de carnes produzidas com altos ?ndices destas subst?ncias, e tratamento alternativos com produtos naturais vem sendo desenvolvidos. Lippia origanoides Kunth se apresenta como uma fonte natural de subst?ncias antimicrobianas devido ? composi??o do seu ?leo essencial obtido principalmente das folhas desta planta. Este trabalho avaliou a atividade antimicrobiana do ?leo essencial de Lippia origanoides atrav?s da determina??o da Concentra??o Inibit?ria M?nima (CIM) e Concentra??o Bactericida M?nima (CBM) frente a amostras de campo do Haemophilus parasuis com sorotipos 1,2,4,5,9,10,12,13,14 e um n?o sorotip?vel. Os ?leos essenciais foram obtidos por hidrodestila??o das folhas secas ap?s tr?s horas, e na an?lise da composi??o qu?mica, o carvacrol foi identificado como componente predominante, caracterizando-o como quimiotipo B. Os resultados de atividade antimicrobiana demonstram o efeito inibit?rio do ?leo essencial para todas as amostras de bact?rias testadas. O melhor resultado encontrado foi de 0,005% frente a amostra MV12315 (sorotipo 10) enquanto o menos satisfat?rio foi de 0,078% contra a amostra MV12196 (sorotipo 12). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a a??o bactericida do ?leo para os diferentes sorotipos do Haemophilus parasuis.

Incorporating voltage security into the planning, operation and monitoring of restructured electric energy markets

Nair, Nirmal-Kumar 12 April 2006 (has links)
As open access market principles are applied to power systems, significant changes are happening in their planning, operation and control. In the emerging marketplace, systems are operating under higher loading conditions as markets focus greater attention to operating costs than stability and security margins. Since operating stability is a basic requirement for any power system, there is need for newer tools to ensure stability and security margins being strictly enforced in the competitive marketplace. This dissertation investigates issues associated with incorporating voltage security into the unbundled operating environment of electricity markets. It includes addressing voltage security in the monitoring, operational and planning horizons of restructured power system. This dissertation presents a new decomposition procedure to estimate voltage security usage by transactions. The procedure follows physical law and uses an index that can be monitored knowing the state of the system. The expression derived is based on composite market coordination models that have both PoolCo and OpCo transactions, in a shared stressed transmission grid. Our procedure is able to equitably distinguish the impacts of individual transactions on voltage stability, at load buses, in a simple and fast manner. This dissertation formulates a new voltage stability constrained optimal power flow (VSCOPF) using a simple voltage security index. In modern planning, composite power system reliability analysis that encompasses both adequacy and security issues is being developed. We have illustrated the applicability of our VSCOPF into composite reliability analysis. This dissertation also delves into the various applications of voltage security index. Increasingly, FACT devices are being used in restructured markets to mitigate a variety of operational problems. Their control effects on voltage security would be demonstrated using our VSCOPF procedure. Further, this dissertation investigates the application of steady state voltage stability index to detect potential dynamic voltage collapse. Finally, this dissertation examines developments in representation, standardization, communication and exchange of power system data. Power system data is the key input to all analytical engines for system operation, monitoring and control. Data exchange and dissemination could impact voltage security evaluation and therefore needs to be critically examined.

Digital secondary substations with auto-configuration of station monitoring through IEC 61850 and CIM

Wistedt, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explore the possibility to automate a process for configuration of secondary substations monitoring and control. By using a network information system (NIS), information of secondary substations can be extracted, such as feeder naming, primary equipment type, rating and model. From this information an automated process of configuring the secondary substation is possible, which open up the possibility to cost-efficiently digitalise the distribution grid. In the project, the standard IEC 61850 for configuration of communications of intelligent electrical devices was used to automate and standardize the process. The process starts with a extracted IEC 61970 CIM file from the NIS. The IEC 61970 CIM file is converted into a IEC 61850 SCL file through an system engineering tool. The configuration is based of information from the NIS, where the models and types of the equipments decides what type of functionality that is needed for the secondary substation. With help of the created SCL file hardware and human-machine interface (HMI) was configured, creating a full functional system for the secondary substation monitoring and control equipment. The usage of 400V capable input module together with bus couplers, configured in IEC 61850, lowers the configuration needed for the hardware. The usage of SCL files also helps automate the creation of HMI for the secondary substation through IEC 61850 based tools in SCADA software. Creating views of both single-line diagrams as well as digital representation of the secondary substation outgoing feeders with measured values on display. The result of the project helps show NIS information is sufficient and standards mature enough to allow an almost fully automated system. Lowering the total time spent on each stations configuration to around two hours. Leading the way for future development of automating software for configurations of the secondary substations.

Urban Space Index / Stadsmiljö index

Toljan, Irena January 2019 (has links)
Architects and urban designers have a unique background to deal with the experiential qualities of cities. Quality of urban spaces is an essential aspect of livability (Southworth, 2003). The quality of urban spaces is important, specifically the interaction between buildings and the street, and it has been explored by Jane Jacobs, Jan Gehl and many more. BIM and CIM is new technology to analyze and design buildings and cities. With fast technology development, there are many options today on how to deal with the experiential qualities and make a 3D model using image-based input.

Semantic Data Integration in Manufacturing Design with a Case Study of Structural Analysis

Sarkar, Arkopaul 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Železniční přeprava pevných paliv u společnosti ČD Cargo / Transport of solid fuels by ČD Cargo

Zrzavý, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to characterize the company ČD Cargo with special focus on the transport of solid fuels. It describes the historical development of this company, its present-day activities and services. Statistic part of this thesis contains time lines, defining the development of transport of solid fuels and its part in the overall transport. There is also an outline of an expected scenario of future solid fuel transport in connection with domestic resources depletion. Much consideration is also given to the unification of transport documents and European integration with a view to actions and objectives of transport policy concerning railway freight trafic.

Prévalence et incidence de la douleur lombaire récurrente au Québec : une perspective administrative / Prevalence and incidence of claims-based recurrent low back pain in Quebec : an administrative perspective

Beaudet, Nicolas January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : La douleur lombaire (DL) est l’une des conditions musculosquelettiques les plus fréquentes et coûteuses au Canada. La prévalence annuelle de DL aigüe varierait de 19 % à 57 %, et un patient sur quatre souffrirait de récurrence dans la même année. La présente étude vise donc à produire une analyse descriptive de l’épidémiologie de la DL récurrente à l’échelle de la population. Une nouvelle approche méthodologique est proposée afin d’optimiser l’identification de vrais cas incidents de DL récurrente à partir d’une analyse secondaire de données administratives. Puisque 10 % des patients ayant de la DL seraient responsables de 80 % des coûts qui y sont associés, nous avons également déterminé la tendance séculaire des coûts d’interventions médicales des patients récurrents incidents entre 2003 et 2008. En utilisant le fichier des services médicaux rémunérés à l’acte de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec, des cohortes prévalentes ont été construites à partir de 401 264 dossiers de patients ayant consulté au moins trois fois pour de la DL entre 1999 et 2008. Onze ans d’historique médical des 81 329 patients de la cohorte de 2007 ont ensuite été analysés afin d’exclure les patients ayant eu des consultations antérieures de DL. Une valeur prédictive positive et un coefficient de Kappa élevés ont permis d’identifier une clairance optimale pour récupérer les cas véritablement incidents. Les coûts de consultations ont ensuite été calculés pour tous les patients incidents de 2003 à 2007 à partir des manuels de facturation. Nous avons observé une prévalence annuelle de la DL récurrente de 1,64 % en 2000 chez les hommes diminuant à 1,33 % en 2007. Cette baisse a majoritairement eu lieu dans le groupe d’âge des 35-59 ans. Les femmes âgées (> 65 ans) étaient 1,4 fois plus à risque de consulter un médecin de manière récurrente que les hommes du même âge. L’incidence annuelle de la DL en 2007 était de 242 par 100 000 personnes. Les hommes de 18 à 34 ans étaient 1,2 fois plus à risque que les femmes de développer un premier épisode récurrent et les personnes âgées 1,9 fois plus à risque que les jeunes. L’incidence annuelle a diminué de 12 % entre 2003 et 2007 pendant que les coûts totaux augmentaient de 1,4 %. La médiane des coûts était la plus élevée chez les femmes âgées et tendait à augmenter dans le temps. Ces analyses secondaires suggèrent de s’intéresser particulièrement à la DL chez les personnes très âgées, et de déterminer si la baisse de fréquence de consultations récurrentes observée dans le temps est liée à une meilleure gestion de la DL ou à un problème d’accessibilité. Les coûts devraient faire l’objet d’un suivi continu pour limiter les hausses. // Abstract : Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most frequent and costly musculoskeletal health conditions in Canada. Annual prevalence was found to vary between 19 % and 57 % and likely one out of four patients experience a LBP recurrence within one year. The body of knowledge on the prevalence of recurrent LBP is still limited. This study sought to present a descriptive analysis on the epidemiology of recurrent LBP in a medical population. A new methodology is also proposed to identify true cases of incident recurrent LBP. Since 10 % of LBP patients have been reported to generate 80 % of the costs, we will sought to determine the secular trend of medical costs for the incident cohorts of 2003 to 2008. Using the Canadian province of Quebec medical administrative physicians’ claims database, 401 264 prevalent claims-based recurrent LBP patients were identified between 1999 to 2008 for having consulted at least three times for LBP in a period of 365 days. The medical history of 81 329 prevalent patients in 2007 was screened for a retrospective period of 11 years. High positive predictive values and Kappa statistics were used to determine the optimal clearance period for capturing true incidence cases among patients with no prior encounters for LBP. Physicians’ claims manuals were then used to apply a price for every intervention provided to LBP incident patients in their index year and follow-up years. We observed a decrease from 1.64 % to 1.33 % in the LBP annual prevalence between 2000 and 2007 for men. This decrease was mostly observed between 35 and 59 years of age. Older women (≥ 65 years) were 1.4 times more at risk to consult a physician for LBP in a recurrent manner than older men. The annual incidence in 2007 of adult claims-based recurrent LBP was 242 per 100 000 persons. Males of 18 to 34 years of age were found 1.2 times more at risk than their counterparts. Altogether, elderlies were 1.9 times more at risk than young adults to consult in a recurrent manner for LBP. The annual incidence decreased by 12 % between 2003 and 2007, while the direct costs increase by 1.4 %. The median cost for consultations was highest for elder women and increasing in time. These secondary analyses emphasize the importance to keep the watch on the elders in regards to LBP, and to determine if the timely decrease in morbidity is related to improvements in LBP management or to a medical accessibility issue. Also, costs will need to be surveyed on a regular basis to limit the impact of future increases.

電腦整合製造資訊流程的探討 / The Study of Information Flow in CIM

李淑英, Lee Shwu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在電腦整合製造(Computer Integrated Manufacturing)的系統中 ,資訊整合的良好與否,往往是系統成敗的關鍵所在。在現行組織中,常 常因為資訊的缺乏相互溝通,造成資訊的重覆製作,遂使得人力、時間經 常耗費在一些沒有價值的活動上,因而造成組織中的工作效率無法提升; 然而要真正瞭解組織中各個地區、各部單位到底擁有那些資訊,以及需求 那些資訊,並且將這些往來的資訊整合起來,卻是件相當不容易的事。為 達到此目的則端賴一完整的資訊流程(Information Flow)分析方法,並 參照電腦整合製造資訊流程參考模式(Reference Model )來幫助我們尋 找及建立製造企業內正確的資訊流程。在本研究中,我們採用由上往下 ( Top-Down)的分析方式,並透過功能拆解(Functional Decomposition)的技術來分析電腦整合製造系統中資訊流程的關聯性, 最後再使用物件導向方法(Object-Oriented Method)來分析系統內細部 的資訊流程;經上述方式,我們發展出一套電腦整合製造系統資訊流程分 析方法,此方法中包含了分析進行的步驟與使用工具。此外,我們亦將依 據此套分析方法,試圖提出一套電腦整合製造資訊流程參考模式,以提供 分析時參考的依據,並驗證此套分析方法的可用性。

Pulverspritzgießen von Metall-Keramik-Verbunden

Baumann, Andreas 14 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten Metall-Keramik-Verbunde wurden mittels Pulverspritzgießen hergestellt. Unter Anwendung der teilautomatisierten Verfahrensoptionen Mehrkomponentenspritzgießen und Inmould-Labelling, welches u. a. die Verwendung tiefgezogener Grünfolien beinhaltete, wurden hierzu 2K-Prüfkörpergeometrien (Zugstab, Biegebruchstab, Ringverbund) und 2K-Demonstratoren (Innenzahnrad, Fadenführer, Greifer) jeweils bestehend aus Stahl 17-4PH und ZrO2 (3%Y2O3), im Co-Sinterverfahren unter H2-Atmosphäre bei 1350°C, entwickelt. Schlüssel zur Darstellung schwindungskonformer ZrO2- und Stahl 17-4PH-Formgebungsmassen war der Angleich der Pulverpackungsdichte. Untersucht wurde neben der Werkstoff- und Gefügeausbildung das sich während dem Formgebungs- und Sinterprozess ausbildende Metall-Keramik-Interface sowie die sich bevorzugt in diesem Bereich manifestierenden Verbundeigenspannungen. Neben der stoffschlüssigen Versinterung beider Partner konnte eine Steigerung der Verbundfestigkeit durch Legierungsmodifikation unter Ausschluss technologischer Fehlerquellen erreicht und spezifiziert werden.

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