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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Uppdraget som chef är att ge förutsättningar för att lösa, inte att lösa" : en kvalitativ studie om det goda ledarskapet, sett ur ledarnas perspektiv

Bohman, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Engagerade, kompetenta medarbetare är en grundförutsättning för att sjukvården ska fungera idag och i framtiden. Framgångsrikt medarbetarengagemang kräver bland annat ett tydligt ledarskap där medarbetarna ges möjlighet till egenmakt. Förutom uppgiften som samordnare av mänskliga och materiella resurser visar och tydliggör ledaren organisationens värderingar, riktlinjer, mål och färdriktning. För att detta ska lyckas krävs färdigheter och kunskaper inom olika områden där folkhälsovetenskap och pedagogik troligen spelar en större roll än vad många ledare själv är medvetna om. Syftet med studien är att belysa hur ledare som utmärker sig positivt i bedömningen av ledaregenskaper resonerar kring sitt ledarskap samt hur de beskriver utövandet av sitt ledarskap. Studien syftar även till att undersöka hur och i vilken omfattning olika modeller för hälsa och lärande finns med i det ledarskap som studeras. För insamling av data användes kvalitativa intervjuer av semistrukturerad karaktär med sju första linjens chefer på ett universitetssjukhus som, i av sjukhuset fastställda parametrar för gott ledarskap, visat bra resultat. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att cheferna till stor del använder olika modeller för hälsa och lärande, till exempel känslan av sammanhang och lärandets loopar, om än omedvetet. Genom tydlighet och delaktighet skapas förtroende, förståelse och drivkrafter så att alla arbetar mot samma mål och medarbetarna känner sig som en viktig del av ett sammanhang. Genom att fokusera på hur cheferna som inkluderades i studien resonerar kring sitt ledarskap och hur de använder olika modeller för hälsa och lärande kan erfarenheterna från studien förhoppningsvis användas i framtida ledarskapsutbildningar, chefsrekryteringar och ledarförsörjningsprogram. Erfarenheterna kan spridas så att fler chefer, på olika nivåer, ökar sina kunskaper och sin medvetenhet kring modellerna för hälsa och lärande i syfte att skapa en god arbetsmiljö där medarbetare trivs och stannar kvar och där patienterna får den bästa tänkbara vården. / Dedicated, qualified employees are essential conditions to the healthcare system to function today and tomorrow. Succesful employee commitment requires for instance a clear leadership where employees are given the opportunity to empowerment and where the leader in addition to the task as coordinator of human and material resources shows and clarifies the values, guidelines, goals and direction of the organization. To succeed in this, skills and knowledge in different areas are required and where public health and pedagogics probably plays a much larger role than many leaders are aware of. The aim of this study was to highlight how the leaders who is characterized positively reason about their leadership and how they describe the practice of their leadership. The aim was also to examine how and to what extent models for health and learning are parts of this leadership. Qualitative interviews of semistructured nature with seven firstline managers who, by the hospital defined parameter, had showed good results, were used as data collection. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The results showed that the managers largely used different kinds of models for health and learning, even if unconsciously. By clarity and participation, confidence, comprehension and motivations are created so that everyone is working towards the same goal and the employees feel like important parts of a coherence. By focusing on how these managers exert their leadership and how they are using different models this experience can be used in future leadership training, executive recruitment and programs of leadership succession. The experience from this study can be spread so that managers, in different levels, increase their knowledge and their awareness about the models in order to create a working environment where employees thrive and remain, and where the patients get the best possible care.

The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales

Kuo, Ju-ping 25 July 2003 (has links)
This thesis aims to interpret the elements of beauty and art in the marriages portrayed in Geoffrey Chaucer¡¦s Canterbury Tales by means of St. Thomas Aquinas¡¦s theory of beauty and that of art. St. Thomas asserts that beauty consists of three elements: proportion, clarity and integrity, and that art imitates and denotes production. I take beauty and art as the crucial concepts and use analogy as the inquiring tool to examine the imaginary domain between beauty and art as applied to marriage, meanwhile investigating the implied language of intercommunication between aesthetics and marriage. Marriage is taken as a representation of beauty; its different forms and contents portrayed in Chaucer¡¦s various tales will be analyzed so as to see to what extent they reflect and diverge from medieval aesthetic sensitivity and how aesthetic theory can be adopted to interpret medieval marriage. In Chapter One, the theory of ¡§proportion¡¨ is applied to the various forms of marriage depicted in the Tales to explore how the marriage of the nobility and that of the commoners will correspond to this element of beauty, as portrayed in ¡§The Clerk¡¦s Tale,¡¨ ¡§The Man of Law¡¦s Tale,¡¨ ¡§The Second Nun¡¦s Tale,¡¨ ¡§The Franklin¡¦s Tale,¡¨ ¡§The Merchant¡¦s Tale,¡¨ ¡§The Miller¡¦s Tale,¡¨ ¡§The Wife of Bath¡¦s Prologue¡¨ and her tale. Chapter Two examines the roles the variants of ¡§clarity,¡¨ that is, physical and spiritual beauty, play in marriage, and a debate on the coexistence and non-coexistence of physical and spiritual beauty of a wife among the pilgrim-tellers will be demonstrated. Furthermore, in Chapter Three I shall extend the medieval concept of art to that of the ¡§procreative art¡¨ in marriage, and explore the relationship between the procreative art and the ¡§integrity¡¨ of marriage in the aforementioned tales. The conclusion discusses Chaucer¡¦s positions on the aesthetics of marriage of the nobility and that of the commoners portrayed in the tales.

Klarspråk i myndighetstext : En undersökning av begripligheten i Skatteverkets förfrågningar, överväganden och beslut / Palin language in official texts : An investigation of comprehensibility in The Swedish Tax Authority's inquiries, deliberations and decisions

Marcusson, Eva January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

The Combined Effects of Light and Temperature on Coral Bleaching: A Case Study of the Florida Reef Tract Using Satellite Data

Barnes, Brian Burnel 01 January 2013 (has links)
Coral reefs are greatly impacted by the physical characteristics of the water surrounding them. Incidence and severity of mass coral bleaching and mortality events are increasing worldwide due primarily to increased water temperature, but also in response to other stressors. This decline in reef health demands clearer understanding of the compounding effects of multiple stressors, as well as widespread assessment of coral reef health in near-real time. Satellites offer a means by which some of the physical stressors on coral reefs can be measured. The synoptic spatial coverage and high repeat sampling frequency of such instruments allow for a quantity of data unattainable by in situ measurements. Unfortunately, errors in cloudmasking algorithms contaminate satellite derived sea surface temperature (SST) measurements, especially during anomalously cold events. Similarly, benthic interference of satellite-derived reflectance signals has resulted in large errors in derivations of water quality or clarity in coral reef environments. This work provides solutions to these issues for the coral reef environments of the Florida Keys. Specifically, improved SST cloudmasking algorithms were developed for both Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR; Appendix A) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data (Appendix B). Both of these improved algorithms were used to reveal the extent and severity of a January 2010 cold event that resulted in widespread mortality of Florida Keys corals. Applied to SST data from 2010, the improved MODIS cloudmasking algorithm also showed improved quantity of SST retrievals with minimal sacrifice in data quality. Two separate algorithms to derive water clarity from MODIS measurements of optically shallow waters were developed and validated, one focusing on the diffuse downwelling attenuation coefficient (Kd, m-1) in visible bands (Appendix C), the other on Kd in the ultraviolet (Appendix D). The former utilized a semi-analytical approach to remove bottom influence, modified from an existing algorithm. The latter relied on empirical relationships between an extensive in situ training dataset and variations in MODIS-derived spectral shape, determined using a stepwise principal components regression. Both of these algorithms showed satisfactory validation statistics, and were used to elucidate spatiotemporal patterns of water clarity in the Florida Keys. Finally, an approach was developed to use Landsat data to detect concurrent MODIS-derived reflectance anomalies with over 90% accuracy (Appendix E). Application of this approach to historical Landsat data allowed for long-term, synoptic assessment of the water environment of the Florida Keys ecosystem. Using this approach, shifts in seagrass density, turbidity increases, black water events, and phytoplankton blooms were detected using Landsat data and corroborated with known environmental events. Many of these satellite data products were combined with in situ reports of coral bleaching to determine the specific environmental parameters individually and synergistically contributing to coral bleaching. As such, SST and visible light penetration were found to be parsimoniously explaining variance in bleaching intensity, as were the interactions between SST, wind and UV penetration. These relationships were subsequently used to create a predictive model for coral bleaching via canonical analysis of principal coordinates. Leave-one-out-cross-validation indicated that this model predicted `severe bleaching' and `no bleaching' conditions with 64% and 60% classification success, respectively, nearly 3 times greater than that predicted by chance. This model also showed improvement over similar models created using only temperature data, further indicating that satellite assessment of coral bleaching based only on SST data can be improved with other environmental data. Future work should further supplement the environmental parameters considered in this research with databases of other coral stressors, as well as improved quantification of the temperature at the depth of corals, in order to gain a more complete understanding of coral bleaching in response to environmental stress. Overall, this dissertation presents five new algorithms to the field of satellite oceanography research. Although validated primarily in the Florida Keys region, most of these algorithms should be directly applicable for use in other coastal environments. Identification of the specific environmental factors contributing to coral bleaching enhances understanding of the interplay between multiple causes of reef decline, while the predictive model for coral bleaching may provide researchers and managers with widespread, near real-time assessments of coral reef health.

Monitoring water quality in Tampa Bay: Coupling in situ and remote sensing

Chen, Zhiqiang 01 June 2006 (has links)
Water quality in Tampa Bay was examined using concurrent in situ and satellite remote sensing observations. Chlorophyll and suspended sediment concentrations showed large short-term variability, primarily driven by tide and wind forcing. Superimposed on these high frequency variations were recurrent phytoplankton blooms stimulated by decreases in turbidity 1-2 days after wind-induced bottom sediment resuspension events; the blooms were particularly strong if neap tides occurred after the wind events. The in situ data show that observations once per month are inadequate to sample short-term variability and that therefore the current monthly water quality surveys may have uncertainties of -50 to 200% if they are used to represent the monthly mean concentrations of chlorophyll or suspended sediment. Such uncertainties make it difficult to identify trends and interannual variability based on the in situ monitoring program. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) generally showed good relationship with salinity and primarily delivered by riverine inputs but showed conservative and non-conservative mixing behaviors for the dry and wet seasons, respectively. CDOM in Old Tampa Bay (OTB), however, showed properties that were different from those in other Bay segments, and the non-conservative CDOM mixing behavior may be simply due to a three-end-member mixing scenario in which Hillsborough Bay and Middle Tampa Bay also receive water from Old Tampa Bay. A turbidity algorithm was successfully developed for application of MODIS/Aqua 250 m imagery. The MODIS turbidity images showed distinct spatial and temporal patterns related to river runoff in the upper bay and wind-induced sediment resuspension events in the middle and lower portions of the Bay. Similarly, light attenuation from SeaWiFS estimated using a new semi-analytical algorithm confirmed that water clarity was related to river runoff and to wind-induced sediment resuspension events. Wind is shown repeatedly to be another important factor controlling water quality in the Bay. The study shows that remote sensing products have the potential to be an important tool to help resource managers assess conditions in a large estuary like Tampa Bay synoptically, frequently and repeatedly.

Representation of inference in the natural language

Bronnikov, Georgui Kirilovich 19 September 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to investigate how processes of inference are reflected in the grammar of the natural language. I consider a range of phenomena which call for a representational theory of mind and thought. These constructions display a certain regularity in their truth conditions, but the regularity does not extend to closure under arbitrary logical entailment. I develop a logic that allows me to speak formally about classes of inferences. This logic is then applied to analysis of indirect speech, belief reports, evidentials (with special attention to Bulgarian) and clarity assertions. / text

Do We Know Who We Are By Knowing Who We Are Not?: The Effects of Including Disliked Others in the Self-Concept

Richman, Stephanie B 01 January 2014 (has links)
People include other people in their self-concept. Research has examined the causes and effects of including liked, but not disliked others into the self-concept. Liked others are included because of a motivation to affiliate and get closer to the other person. The current investigation examined whether disliked others are included as a result of a motivation to differentiate and distinguish oneself from the other person. It also examined how self-concept inclusion of disliked others affects self-concept clarity. First, I tested whether people include disliked others into their self-concepts by showing a memory bias for disliked others similar to that of liked others (Study 1). Liked others, but not disliked others or acquaintances, showed this memory bias. Next, I tested whether people were motivated to differentiate themselves from disliked others by measuring whether they had slower reaction times when characterizing the self with traits similar to those of disliked others (Study 2). I did not find this effect. Finally, neither study showed a mediating effect of self-concept clarity. These results failed to show support for the hypothesis that disliked others are included in the self-concept and that including others in the self affects self-concept clarity.

Positive organisation :|bthe role of leader behaviour in employee engagement and retention / Fallen Mendes.

Mendes, Fallen January 2010 (has links)
Organisations are constantly undergoing major changes. These changes can have negative consequences on organisational functioning and employee well-being. It is therefore vital for organisations to focus on the elements of a healthy organisation so that a positive organisation can be built and the negative consequences avoided. A healthy organisation pays attention to six intenelated dimensions namely; organisational attributes, organizational climate, job design, job future, psychological work adjustment and negative outcomes (like that of turnover, absenteeism, alcohol and substance abuse, self-reported health, and psychological health). The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between leader empowering behaviour, role clarity, psychological empowerment, work engagement and intention to leave. A business unit consisting of managers, specialists, supervisors and administrative staff participated in this research. A cross-sectional design was used to attain the research objectives. The Leader Empowering Behaviour Questionnaire (LEBQ), the Measures of Role Conflict and Ambiguity Questionnaire (MRCAQ), Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire (MEQ), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (U\VES), and Intention to Leave Scale (ILS) were administered for the study. The statistical analysis was carried out by utilising the SPSS program. Exploratory factor analysis indicated a three factor structure for LEBQ, a two factor structure for MRCAQ, a four factor structure for MEQ, a three factor structure for UWES and since ILS only consists of two items a factor analysis was not necessary. All the scales showed acceptable reliabilities. The results showed that leader empowering behaviour, role clarity and psychological empowerment predict engagement. Moderation effects showed that role clarity interacted with competence and meaning to affect employees' dedication, and role clarity interacted with the developing of employees (as a facet of leader empowering behaviour) to affect absorption. Finally, a regression analysis showed that work engagement predicts employees intention to leave. Once conclusions for the study were drawn, recommendations for the organisation as well as for future research were made. / Thesis (M.Comm. (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Positive organisations the impact of leader relations and role clarity on turnover intention / Jacob Rudolph de Villiers

De Villiers, Jacob Rudolph January 2011 (has links)
Organisations of today demand efficiency, rationality and personal sacrifice to achieve company goals and profit margins. The integral part that leader relations play in organisations is becoming more evident in the current economic climate. It is therefore vital that organisations focus on good relations in order to achieve engagement, resulting in lower levels of turnover intention. Organisations can be viewed as positive when leaders focus on the importance of people to enhance performance and employee wellness. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between leader member-exchange, role clarity, psychological empowerment, engagement and turnover intention. A specific financial institution within the Gauteng province was selected and regional managers, branch managers and consultants participated in the research. A cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data. The Leader-Member Exchange questionnaire, Role Conflict and Ambiguity Questionnaire, Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire, Engagement Questionnaire and Intention to- leave Scale were administered. Statistical analysis was carried out by means of SPSS and AMOS. Factor analysis indicated a one factor structure for LMX7, MRCAQ, WEQ, TIS and a four factors structure for MEQ. The scales all showed acceptable reliabilities. The results showed that LMX, role clarity, psychological empowerment, work engagement, and turnover intention were related. Role clarity mediated the relationship between LMX and psychological empowerment, while psychological empowerment mediated the relationship between role clarity and work engagement as well as turnover intention. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

Positive organisation :|bthe role of leader behaviour in employee engagement and retention / Fallen Mendes.

Mendes, Fallen January 2010 (has links)
Organisations are constantly undergoing major changes. These changes can have negative consequences on organisational functioning and employee well-being. It is therefore vital for organisations to focus on the elements of a healthy organisation so that a positive organisation can be built and the negative consequences avoided. A healthy organisation pays attention to six intenelated dimensions namely; organisational attributes, organizational climate, job design, job future, psychological work adjustment and negative outcomes (like that of turnover, absenteeism, alcohol and substance abuse, self-reported health, and psychological health). The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between leader empowering behaviour, role clarity, psychological empowerment, work engagement and intention to leave. A business unit consisting of managers, specialists, supervisors and administrative staff participated in this research. A cross-sectional design was used to attain the research objectives. The Leader Empowering Behaviour Questionnaire (LEBQ), the Measures of Role Conflict and Ambiguity Questionnaire (MRCAQ), Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire (MEQ), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (U\VES), and Intention to Leave Scale (ILS) were administered for the study. The statistical analysis was carried out by utilising the SPSS program. Exploratory factor analysis indicated a three factor structure for LEBQ, a two factor structure for MRCAQ, a four factor structure for MEQ, a three factor structure for UWES and since ILS only consists of two items a factor analysis was not necessary. All the scales showed acceptable reliabilities. The results showed that leader empowering behaviour, role clarity and psychological empowerment predict engagement. Moderation effects showed that role clarity interacted with competence and meaning to affect employees' dedication, and role clarity interacted with the developing of employees (as a facet of leader empowering behaviour) to affect absorption. Finally, a regression analysis showed that work engagement predicts employees intention to leave. Once conclusions for the study were drawn, recommendations for the organisation as well as for future research were made. / Thesis (M.Comm. (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

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