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Vårdkedjeprojektet : En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet RällsögårdenBengtsson, Hanna, Isaksson, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>An evaluation: how have the goals of “Vårdkedjeprojektet” been implemented at the treatment centre of Rällsögården</p><p>This evaluation was commissioned on behalf of the treatment centre of Rällsögården. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the goals of “Vårdkedjeprojektet” (VKP) have been implemented in the institutional care at the treatment centre of Rällsögården. This study was focused on the following questions: a) how is the function ”internal coordinator” experienced by staff at Rällsögården, b) in the function of internal coordinator what aspects are thought of as effective/non-effective concerning the cooperation with ”external coordinators” and contact with clients and staff, c) how is Vårdkedjeprojektet and its treatment approach “Community Reinforcement Approach” (CRA) experienced by coordinators, clients and staff and d) how well is the aftercare functioning for clients who have finished their treatment at Rällsögården, and still participate in VKP?</p><p>The choice of research method was triangulation; a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data was collected through interviews with all the coordinators and clients and a questionnaire was distributed among the staff at Rällsögården. The result shows that the function internal coordinator is appreciated by the external coordinators as well as by staff at Rällsögården. The external coordinators and the internal coordinator find their cooperation as satisfying. However most of the clients experience the contact with the internal coordinator as not satisfying. The majority of the staff at Rällsögården would appreciate more participation from the internal coordinator in the daily treatment work at Rällsögården. A majority of the staff and none of the clients at the institution have knowledge of the significance of CRA. The clients in aftercare have knowledge of the method and they have had CRA-sessions. The two clients in aftercare have two different experiences of the aftercare and the contact with concerned authorities. One of the clients is satisfied with his aftercare and the contact with the internal coordinator and the other client is not satisfied.</p><p>In conclusion a majority of the respondents think that the positive aspects of VKP are the “over-all thinking” and the increased cooperation between social services and institutions. Another important aspect is the guaranteed six months aftercare.</p><p>Keywords: Aftercare, clients, coordinator, Community Reinforcement Approach, implementation, Vårdkedjeprojektet</p> / <p>En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet Rällsögården</p><p>Denna utvärdering utförs på uppdrag från Rällsögårdens behandlingshem. Syftet med studien är att dels utvärdera den funktion som innehas av Rällsögårdens interna samordnare (IS), dels undersöka vilka hinder och möjligheter som kan identifieras vid implementeringsprocessen av Vårdkedjeprojektets mål på Rällsögården. Ur syftet formulerades följande frågeställningar: a) hur uppfattas funktionen intern samordnare av personal på Rällsögården, b) i samordnarfunktionen; vad upplevs som verksamt/mindre verksamt avseende samarbetet med samordnare och kontakt med berörda klienter samt personal, c) hur upplevs Vårdkedjeprojektet (VKP) och dess samtalsmetodik Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) av samordnare, klienter och personal, d) hur har vårdkedjan fungerat för de klienter som avslutat sin behandling på Rällsögården?</p><p>För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar tillämpades metodtriangulering; det vill säga en kombination av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Utvärderingen innefattar material från intervjuer med samtliga samordnare inom VKP, Rällsögårdens interna samordnare och klienter samt data från den enkätundersökning som genomfördes bland personal på behandlingshemmet Rällsögården. Av resultatet framkommer att funktionen intern samordnare är uppskattad av såväl samordnare inom VKP som personal på behandlingshemmet. Samtliga samordnare är nöjda över kontakten med Rällsögårdens interna samordnare och denne är i sin tur nöjd över samarbetet med samordnarna. Flertalet av klienterna är dock ej tillfredsställda över kontakten med den interna samordnaren. Ett önskemål som framförs av personalgruppen är att den interna samordnaren borde vara mer involverad i det dagliga arbetet på behandlingshemmets olika avdelningar.</p><p>Klienterna på institutionen uppger att de ej har kännedom om CRA, medan klienterna i eftervård har kunskap om metoden och har haft CRA-samtal. Även flertalet av personalen på behandlingshemmet uppger att de ej har kännedom om metoden. De två klienterna i eftervård har olika upplevelser av vårdkedjan och kontakten med berörda myndighetspersoner. Den ena klienten är nöjd över sin eftervård och den andra klienten är missnöjd med den. Flertalet respondenter menar att de positiva aspekterna av VKP är att projektet innebär ett helhetstänkande och att det har ökat samarbetet mellan socialtjänst och institutioner. Ytterligare aspekter som framhålls är projektets långsiktighet och dess satsning på eftervård.</p><p>Nyckelord: Community Reinforcement Approach, eftervård, implementering, klienter, samordnare, Vårdkedjeprojektet</p>
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Vårdkedjeprojektet : En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet RällsögårdenBengtsson, Hanna, Isaksson, Malin January 2006 (has links)
An evaluation: how have the goals of “Vårdkedjeprojektet” been implemented at the treatment centre of Rällsögården This evaluation was commissioned on behalf of the treatment centre of Rällsögården. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the goals of “Vårdkedjeprojektet” (VKP) have been implemented in the institutional care at the treatment centre of Rällsögården. This study was focused on the following questions: a) how is the function ”internal coordinator” experienced by staff at Rällsögården, b) in the function of internal coordinator what aspects are thought of as effective/non-effective concerning the cooperation with ”external coordinators” and contact with clients and staff, c) how is Vårdkedjeprojektet and its treatment approach “Community Reinforcement Approach” (CRA) experienced by coordinators, clients and staff and d) how well is the aftercare functioning for clients who have finished their treatment at Rällsögården, and still participate in VKP? The choice of research method was triangulation; a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data was collected through interviews with all the coordinators and clients and a questionnaire was distributed among the staff at Rällsögården. The result shows that the function internal coordinator is appreciated by the external coordinators as well as by staff at Rällsögården. The external coordinators and the internal coordinator find their cooperation as satisfying. However most of the clients experience the contact with the internal coordinator as not satisfying. The majority of the staff at Rällsögården would appreciate more participation from the internal coordinator in the daily treatment work at Rällsögården. A majority of the staff and none of the clients at the institution have knowledge of the significance of CRA. The clients in aftercare have knowledge of the method and they have had CRA-sessions. The two clients in aftercare have two different experiences of the aftercare and the contact with concerned authorities. One of the clients is satisfied with his aftercare and the contact with the internal coordinator and the other client is not satisfied. In conclusion a majority of the respondents think that the positive aspects of VKP are the “over-all thinking” and the increased cooperation between social services and institutions. Another important aspect is the guaranteed six months aftercare. Keywords: Aftercare, clients, coordinator, Community Reinforcement Approach, implementation, Vårdkedjeprojektet / En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet Rällsögården Denna utvärdering utförs på uppdrag från Rällsögårdens behandlingshem. Syftet med studien är att dels utvärdera den funktion som innehas av Rällsögårdens interna samordnare (IS), dels undersöka vilka hinder och möjligheter som kan identifieras vid implementeringsprocessen av Vårdkedjeprojektets mål på Rällsögården. Ur syftet formulerades följande frågeställningar: a) hur uppfattas funktionen intern samordnare av personal på Rällsögården, b) i samordnarfunktionen; vad upplevs som verksamt/mindre verksamt avseende samarbetet med samordnare och kontakt med berörda klienter samt personal, c) hur upplevs Vårdkedjeprojektet (VKP) och dess samtalsmetodik Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) av samordnare, klienter och personal, d) hur har vårdkedjan fungerat för de klienter som avslutat sin behandling på Rällsögården? För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar tillämpades metodtriangulering; det vill säga en kombination av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Utvärderingen innefattar material från intervjuer med samtliga samordnare inom VKP, Rällsögårdens interna samordnare och klienter samt data från den enkätundersökning som genomfördes bland personal på behandlingshemmet Rällsögården. Av resultatet framkommer att funktionen intern samordnare är uppskattad av såväl samordnare inom VKP som personal på behandlingshemmet. Samtliga samordnare är nöjda över kontakten med Rällsögårdens interna samordnare och denne är i sin tur nöjd över samarbetet med samordnarna. Flertalet av klienterna är dock ej tillfredsställda över kontakten med den interna samordnaren. Ett önskemål som framförs av personalgruppen är att den interna samordnaren borde vara mer involverad i det dagliga arbetet på behandlingshemmets olika avdelningar. Klienterna på institutionen uppger att de ej har kännedom om CRA, medan klienterna i eftervård har kunskap om metoden och har haft CRA-samtal. Även flertalet av personalen på behandlingshemmet uppger att de ej har kännedom om metoden. De två klienterna i eftervård har olika upplevelser av vårdkedjan och kontakten med berörda myndighetspersoner. Den ena klienten är nöjd över sin eftervård och den andra klienten är missnöjd med den. Flertalet respondenter menar att de positiva aspekterna av VKP är att projektet innebär ett helhetstänkande och att det har ökat samarbetet mellan socialtjänst och institutioner. Ytterligare aspekter som framhålls är projektets långsiktighet och dess satsning på eftervård. Nyckelord: Community Reinforcement Approach, eftervård, implementering, klienter, samordnare, Vårdkedjeprojektet
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La gestión de pequeños clientes. Un enfoque de analisis, formulación de estrategias e implementación de estrategias para la gestión de pequeños clientes.Freybler, Johannes 21 December 2000 (has links)
IntroducciónEl presente estudio muestra que los pequeños clientes (PC) representan riesgos y oportunidades particulares para sus proveedores. Por lo tanto, decisiones estratégicas conscientes son necesarias para asegurar contribuciones de los PC al éxito de la empresa proveedora y para alejar riesgos. La implementación de esta estrategia conduce a variar las actividades de la cadena de valor para adaptarse a las particularidades de los PC. Objetivo El término pequeño cliente (PC) y otros aspectos del tamaño de clientes se encuentran en la bibliografía de marketing y en la práctica de la dirección de empresas, pero, por contra, el fenómeno de los PC está descuidado por la investigación en temas empresariales. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un marco de referencia que tenga al PC como objeto de estudio y que así, por un lado, ayude a las empresas en la evaluación de su posición frente al PC y permita deducir propuestas de estrategia, y, por otro lado, cree una base para investigaciones futuras en este ámbito. Planteamiento Para compensar el bajo nivel de conocimientos que existe sobre este tema, nuestro planteamiento intenta analizar de manera sistemática todos los elementos de una transacción de mercado: la oferta, la demanda, la transacción y el contexto. Con el análisis de cada elemento iremos identificando las modificaciones que implica el negocio con PC. Asi se constituye la parte teórica de nuestro estudioMarco de referencia y Hipótesis El estudio teórico nos permite describir el concepto de gestión de PC en un marco de referencia y detallar nuestras reflexiones iniciales en hipótesis : - El pequeño cliente representa riesgos y oportunidades.- Son factores situacionales los que influyen en la aparición de los riesgos y las oportunidades en el negocio con pequeños clientes para una empresa en una situación concreta. - Manejar riesgos y aprovechar oportunidades que ofrece el pequeño cliente exige decisiones estratégicas conscientes y determinadas. - En el negocio con los pequeños clientes existen otros factores de éxito y otras formas de conseguir una ventaja competitiva. Concretamente, ser eficaces (dar satisfacción a las exigencias de los clientes) y eficientes (satisfacer dichas exigencias de forma rentable para la empresa). Estudio de CampoCon el fin de detallar y confirmar tendencias comunes en diferentes sectores con respecto a los PC se realizó un estudio de campo :- Muestra de 15 empresas de diferentes sectores,- Entrevistas personales en profundidad, apoyadas por una guía de entrevista elaborada a base del marco de referencia, - Estudios de caso e un análisis comparativo de contenido.Resultados En el estudio de campo se detallan y/o confirman los aspectos siguientes del marco de referencia : - Un abanico de Riesgos /Oportunidades/ Funciones - Factores situacionales que influyen : competidores directos, empresas mayoristas, características del producto, estructura de mercado, infraestructura - Estrategias frente al PC : segmentación, neutralidad e abandono - Particularidades del PC : comportamiento de compra, necesidades, poder de negociación - Adaptación de la cadena de valor: enfoque en la estructura de coste y enfoque en la satisfacción de necesidades particulares de los PCConclusiónLas tendencias comunes en la muestra confirman la utilidad de nuestro concepto de PC. Para los proveedores el PC representa particularidades, así se confirma la necesidad de preocuparse de este asunto a un nivel estratégico y de aplicar medidas particulares de gestión, es decir, que son orientadas al PC. / IntroductionThe present study shows, that small customers (SC) represent specific risks and opportunities for their suppliers. Therefore, conscious strategic decisions are required in order to ensure small customers' contributions to their suppliers' success and in order to reduce their inherent risk. Implementation of this strategy leads to a variation of several value chain activities in order to adapt them to the SC's specificities. Objective The term "small customer" (SC) and other aspects of customer size is used in marketing literature and in management practice, but, by contrast, the phenomena is neglected by research in business administration. The objective of this study is to provide a framework, focusing on the SC. On the one hand, this framework helps supplier companies to evaluate their position against SC and to deduct proposals for strategic decisions, and on the other, it represents a base for future research in this area. Approach In order to compensate for the low level of knowledge in this area, our approach intends to analyze in a systematic way all elements of a market transaction : offer, demand, transaction, and context. By analyzing each element we identify the modifications involved by doing business with SC. This work represents the theoretical part of our study Research Framework and Hypotheses The theoretical study allows us to describe the concept of small customer management in a research framework and to specify our initial thoughts in four hypothesis : - Small customers represent risks and opportunities.- Situational factors have influence on the appearance of risks and opportunities in business with small customers for a supplier company in a specific situation. - Managing risks and seizing opportunities offered by small customers requires conscious strategic decisions.- In business with small customers different success factors apply and there are other ways to achieve competitive advantage. More precisely, how to be effective (meet customer needs) and how to be efficient (satisfy these needs in a profitable way for the supplying company) Empirical studyA field study was conducted in order to specify and confirm common tendencies with regard to small customers in different industries : - Sample of 15 companies, coming from different industries- Personal, in-depth interviews, based on an interview guide derived from the research framework.- Case studies and comparative analysis of content.ResultsIn the field study the following aspects of the research framework were specified and/or confirmed : - A range of specific risks, opportunities and functions.- Influence of situational factors : direct competitors, wholesalers, product characteristics, market structure, infrastructure. - Strategies to face SC : segmentation, neutrality, giving up. - Specificities of SC : buying behavior, needs, bargaining power. - Adjustments of the value chain : focus on cost structure and focus on meeting specific small customer needs.ConclusionCommon tendencies in the sample show the usefulness of our concept of small customer management. For suppliers the SC represents specificities; we can confirm the need to deal with this issue at a strategic level and to apply specific management measures, focused on SC.
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”Du kan göra skillnad i människors liv utan att ha en aning om det” : En kvalitativ studie om några socialsekreterares syn på suicidalitetSirovica, Elvira, Martinelle, Ann-Catherine January 2012 (has links)
During 2010, 1446 people committed suicide in Sweden. Research shows that groups that are less favored in society have an increased risk of suicide. Social services often encounter groups of people that have a high risk of suicide, for instance welfare recipients or substance abusers. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how social workers talk about suicide and how this might affect interactions with suicidal clients. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm. The results were analyzed using the theory of professional discretion and the perspective of existentialism. The most important results were that social workers do not think that they can help suicidal clients on their own, instead they need psychiatric help. Meeting with suicidal clients raises a lot of feelings and one way to cope with this is by distancing oneself from the client. The study also showed that suicide is a complex issue and it can be hard to find a position between the human right of autonomy and the will to help people. Continuity was viewed as an important factor, but due to the work load it can be hard to follow up these clients.
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Fehlbeanspruchungen bei personenbezogenen Dienstleistungstätigkeiten : eine Mehr-Stichprobenanalyse zur Entstehung von emotionaler Erschöpfung, Aversionsgefühlen und Distanzierung sowie eine vertiefte Betrachtung der Lehrkräftetätigkeit / Strain in human service work : a multi-sample analysis on the development of emotional exhaustion, aversion to clients and disengagement and a deeper look into teachers' workWülser, Marc January 2006 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich aus zwei Teilstudien zusammen. In Teilstudie 1 wird die Stabilität eines allgemeinen Modells zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen Über- und Unterforderungsmerkmalen, sozialen Belastungen, Anforderungen und organisationalen Ressourcen einerseits sowie den Fehlbeanspruchungen emotionale Erschöpfung und Klientenaversion bzw. Distanzierungstendenzen andererseits für personenbezogene Dienstleistungstätigkeiten untersucht. Einbezogen wurden Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Pflegende und Mitarbeitende aus dem paramedizinischen Bereich sowie Lehrkräfte. Die deutlichsten positiven Zusammenhänge zeigen sich zwischen den Belastungen und der emotionalen Erschöpfung, wobei für die quantitative Überforderung die stabilsten Ergebnisse resultieren. Die Belastungen weisen über die emotionale Erschöpfung hinaus signifikante Zusammenhänge mit aversiven Gefühlen gegen Klientinnen und Klienten auf. Hinsichtlich der modellimplizierten Annahmen zu den positiven Zusammenhängen zwischen den Belastungen und der Distanzierung können in dieser Untersuchung zwar signifikante Ergebnisse, aber keine über die Stichproben hinweg stabilen Zusammenhänge gefunden werden. Die Annahmen zu einem negativen Zusammenhang zwischen den Anforderungen/Ressourcen und der Distanzierung können nur für die Anforderungsmerkmale bestätigt werden.
In Teilstudie 2 erfolgte auf der Basis des in Teilstudie 1 entwickelten Arbeitsmodells eine vertiefte Betrachtung der Lehrkräftetätigkeit. Dabei wurden sowohl verschiedene Schulsystemebenen einbezogen als auch verschiedene Aufgabentypen unterschieden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auf organisationaler Ebene Gratifikationskrisen und mangelnde kollektive Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen fehlbeanspruchungsrelevant sein können. Besonders deutliche Zusammenhänge mit den Fehlbeanspruchungen und der Distanzierung zeigen sich für die primäraufgabenbezogenen Belastungen. Auch die Reziprozitätseinschätzungen in Bezug auf Schülerinnen und Eltern zeigen diesbezüglich ähnliche, wenn auch weniger deutliche, Zusammenhänge. Die Ergebnisse zu den Personmerkmalen lassen darauf schliessen, dass die Rolle der Person bei der Burnoutentwicklung nicht unterschätzt werde sollte.
Als praktische Implikationen der Untersuchungsergebnisse werden u.a. Vorschläge für eine Stärkung der unterrichtsbezogenen und der klassenübergreifenden Kooperation, für eine Optimierung der Organisationsstruktur und eine „Professionalisierung“ der Organisation sowie für eine weiterführende Erarbeitung schulhausspezifischer Konzepte und Leitlinien gemacht. Es wird die Frage gestellt, ob die Lehrkräftetätigkeit sinnvollerweise als Lebensberuf verstanden werden sollte. Schliesslich wird auf die Bedeutung der Distanzierungsfähigkeit und der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen der Lehrkräfte hingewiesen. / The present work comprises two parts to a study. In the first part, the stability of a model on the associations between workload (i.e. quantitative overload), task requirements (i.e. variety, completeness), organisational resources (i.e. decision possibilities) and strain as well as tendencies toward disengagement in human service work was investigated. This included four samples: assistant physicians, senior physicians, nursing and paramedic workers and teachers. The clearest positive associations are shown between stressors and emotional exhaustion, whereas the quantitative overload reached the most stable results. The stressors show beyond the emotional exhaustion significant associations with aversion to clients. Regarding the associations between workload and disengagement, there were some significantly positive coefficients, yet no stable associations over the four samples. The assumptions of a negative association betweend task requirements/resources and disengagement can only be confirmed for the task requirements.
The second part to the study involved a deeper look into teachers' work based on the working model developed in part 1 of the study. Different school system levels were included and distinctions were made between different types of tasks. The results of this analysis showed that on an organizationl level, the effort-reward imbalance and the (lacking) of collective self-efficacy were associated with strain. Particularly clear associations have been demonstrated for primary task-related workload with strain and disengagement. Also, but not as clear, the reciprocity estimates relating to students and parents show similar associations. The results on the personal characteristics lead to the conclusion that the role of the person in the development of burnout should not be underestimated.
Based on the results of the analyses, there are different implications for in practice. There was allusion to the possibilities for reinforcing teaching-related and inter-class cooperation. Further important implications are the "professionalisation" of the organisation school, combined with an optimisation of the school organisation and school management. The fundamental question arises, whether one would have to refrain from portraying teacher activities as a lifetime career. Finally the importance of the abilty to distance onself and the self-efficacy of teachers is pointed out.
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Konsultantų ir klientų santykių tobulinimas / Development of relationship among consultants and clientsSirvydytė-Norkienė, Vaida 28 May 2006 (has links)
Research object: Consultants of Lithuanian Agriculture Consultancy; Consultants of chamber of agriculture of the republic of Lithuania; Consultants of the Centre for Economic and Legal Consultations; Clients. Research subject: relationship among consultants and clients. Purpose of the research: to analyse the aspects of relations and factors which determine efficiency of relationship among consultants and clients. Tasks: 1) to determine conseption of relationship among consultants and clients; 2) to define factors which determine the relation of consultants and clients; 3) to research relationship among consultants and clients; 4) to offer suggestions for development of relationsip. Research methods – scientific literature analysis, comparison, analysis and synthesis, relative values, graphical description, data collation, questionnaire inquiry, interview.
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Lojalitetsplikt i uthyrningsbranschen : - En uppsats om lojalitetsförhållandet mellan kundföretag och inhyrd arbetskraftAndersson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
During the last part of the 20th century many companies has started to build their organizations on knowledge and information instead of manufacturing of products. Today it is easier to communicate and spread information. At the same time the numbers of untraditional employments like temporary employments and workers from staffing agencies are increasing. Many organizations have higher employee turnover now than before. This allows more people to have access to confidential information, whose spreading might cause great damage for the employer. This essay aims to look into the protection of confidential information for the client against offenses from staffing agency workers that are working within the clients’ organization. Protection of confidential information is included in the duty of loyalty in terms of confidentiality, protection of trade secrets and competition clauses. Duty of loyalty lies within the employment contract between the agency employer and the staffing agency. Therefore the agency employer has no duty to be loyal against the client. For the agency worker to be able to perform the required work duties he or she might be provided with confidential information. Spreading of this information could cause damage for the client. Can the rules of justice that regulates duty of loyalty be applied on the relationship between the client and the agency worker? What are the consequences of the rules that exist today? This essay is written with a juridical method and with sociology of law perspective. Other parts of the duty of loyalty is not included as well as the duty of loyalty for the employer. The conclusion is that the staffing agency is responsible for indemnity towards the client if an agency employer reviles confidential information about the clients’ organization. Some rules of justice can be interpreted as an expression that duty of loyalty lays between the client and the agency worker. For example, the agency worker is bound by confidentiality in terms of the conditions at the clients’ organization. Suggestions of changes in the regulations about protection of confidential information will force the agency worker to pay indemnity to the client if he or she reviles confidential information. In staffing agencies there are twice as many immigrants than in the regular labor market. The rules of duty of loyalty can contribute to a holdback for immigrants that are working in staffing agencies. Immigrants will be at bigger risk of standing outside the general labor market than people born in Sweden because of static discrimination. / Företag har under senare delen av 1900-talet gått från traditionell varuproduktion till att allt mer bygga sin verksamhet på information och kunskap. Den tekniska utvecklingen har gjort det lättare att överföra och sprida kunskap i samhället vilket ökar sårbarheten hos företagen. Icke- traditionella anställningar såsom tidsbegränsade anställningar och inhyrd arbetskraft ökar och företag har en högre personalomsättning nu än tidigare. Fler personer får tillgång till företagsspecifik information och spridning av den skulle kunna skada arbetsgivaren. I min uppsats undersöker jag skyddet av hemlig information för arbetsgivare som hyr in arbetskraft från ett personaluthyrningsföretag. Skydd för hemlig information ingår i den så kallade lojalitetsplikten i form av tystnadsplikt, skydd för företagshemlighet och konkurrensklausuler. Lojalitetplikt föreligger i anställningsavtalet mellan uthyrd arbetstagare och uthyrningsföretaget men arbetstagarens arbetsprestation utförs hos kunden. Kan regleringar kring lojalitetsplikt tillämpas på förhållandet mellan kund och inhyrd arbetstagare? Vad blir konsekvenserna av de regler som finns idag? Uppsatsen är skriven med juridisk metod som har sin utgångspunkt i rättskälleläran samt med rättssociologisk angreppssätt. Andra delar av lojalitetsplikt såsom upplysningsskyldighet, bisysslor eller kritikrätt behandlas inte i uppsatsen, ej heller lojalitetsplikt för arbetsgivaren. Slutsatsen är att uthyrningsföretaget står för den uthyrde arbetstagarens handlingar mot kundföretaget eftersom det föreligger lojalitetsförpliktelser i uthyrningsavtalet mellan kund och uthyrare. Uthyraren står för exempelvis skadestånd om en arbetstagare röjer eller utnyttjar en företagshemlighet hos kunden. Vissa regleringar ger uttryck för att det föreligger lojalitetsplikt mellan kund och inhyrd arbetstagare. Exempelvis är den uthyrda arbetstagaren bunden av tystnadsplikt vad det gäller förhållanden hos kunden. I ett förslag från regeringen på kommande ändringar i lagstiftningen kommer den inhyrde arbetstagaren bli direkt skadeståndsansvarig vid röjande eller utnyttjande av företagshemlighet hos kunden. I uthyrningsbranschen finns dubbelt så stor andel utlandsfödda arbetstagare som på arbetsmarknaden generellt. På grund av hur regleringen kring lojalitetsplikt ser ut idag kan den bidra till inlåsningseffekter för utlandsfödda arbetstagare som arbetar i uthyrningsbranschen. Skilda villkor för svensk- och utlandsfödda såsom statisk diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden gör att utlandsfödda arbetstagare löper större risk än svenskfödda arbetstagare att få stå utanför den traditionella arbetsmarknaden.
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Secondary traumatic stress in Canadian school counsellors: presence and predictionMoore, Andrea D. 13 September 2011 (has links)
A non-experimental survey design was used to study participant self-identified presence of secondary traumatic stress (STS) in Canadian school counsellors (N = 57) in relation to counsellors’ education and training, trauma-specific training, work experience, supervision, number of trauma clients and coping strategies. Counsellors were not necessarily protected from STS if they spent time using coping strategies, but were much less likely to be affected by STS if they engaged in supervision. Many school counsellors (59.6%) who participated in this research do engage in supervision, and those with trauma-specific training were less likely to have a peer-identified trauma disorder. Peer-identified trauma disorder played a large role in the results of this study. Participants identified as suffering from a trauma disorder were very likely to have a formal trauma diagnosis and were also likely to have higher traumatic stress scores. Implications for future research and education and training are discussed.
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Secondary traumatic stress in Canadian school counsellors: presence and predictionMoore, Andrea D. 13 September 2011 (has links)
A non-experimental survey design was used to study participant self-identified presence of secondary traumatic stress (STS) in Canadian school counsellors (N = 57) in relation to counsellors’ education and training, trauma-specific training, work experience, supervision, number of trauma clients and coping strategies. Counsellors were not necessarily protected from STS if they spent time using coping strategies, but were much less likely to be affected by STS if they engaged in supervision. Many school counsellors (59.6%) who participated in this research do engage in supervision, and those with trauma-specific training were less likely to have a peer-identified trauma disorder. Peer-identified trauma disorder played a large role in the results of this study. Participants identified as suffering from a trauma disorder were very likely to have a formal trauma diagnosis and were also likely to have higher traumatic stress scores. Implications for future research and education and training are discussed.
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Att placera eller inte placera... : En studie om socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme i ungdomsärendenNilsson, Carina January 2014 (has links)
The present study deals with the scope of action available to a social worker when analyzing, assessing and proposing measures regarding young persons experiencing social problems. The interest in the subject area emanates from the fact that the number of youth placed in different forms of round the clock out-of-home care in Sweden increases, whereas research in the subject shows that such placement gives few positive results and sometimes even has negative consequences for their development. The study investigates how the preconditions of the social worker influence their scope of possible action, in particular as regards their place of work, the situation of the individual dealt with, and the profession itself being one based both on scientific evidence and knowledge gained by experience. Lipsky’s theory on ”street-level bureaucracy” and Hasenfelds theory on human servicing organizations form the theoretical framework of the present study. The empirical input comes from interviews with focus groups of active social workers. The analysis of the interviews shows that social workers generally feel that they have a broad scope of action as far as the regulatory framework and office management are concerned. They have, however, less room of manoeuvre when it comes to the resources of their place of work and their ability to use the whole range of possible measures may be limited by an insufficient level of experience and a weak management structure. According to the interviews social workers feel that the situation of the juvenile clients themselves constitutes the most limiting factor. It is evident that placements in out-of-home care are almost exclusively done for protective reasons, when the social worker sees no other possibility to break a seriously destructive way of life.
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