Spelling suggestions: "subject:"colloids"" "subject:"colloidal""
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Optical and Material Properties of Colloidal Semiconductor NanocrystalsHuxter, Vanessa 01 March 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploration of the photophysics of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals using both linear and non-linear optical measurement techniques. These optical methodologies are used to follow population dynamics in both singly and multiply excited nanocrystal systems as well as determine material properties of the ensemble. Topics covered in the thesis include, the identification and characterization of bulk-like nanocrystals, study of the fine structure states of the lowest energy exciton, single and multiexciton population dynamics, acoustic phonon modes, elasticity and surface stress properties of a colloidal ensemble in solution.Through linear spectroscopy, the properties of both quantum confined and bulk-like colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals are compared. The identification of a model system of bulk-like nanocrystals with a non-standard absorption profile serves to resolve an ambiguity in literature concerning their characterization. The remainder of the thesis is focused on the size-dependent properties of quantum confined CdSe colloidal nanocrystals. The population dynamics and material properties of these systems are studied using a nonlinear optical technique called transient grating. A third order transient grating measurement with a cross-polarized configuration, which follows the relaxation within the fine structure levels of the lowest energy exciton state, is demonstrated and used to compare systems with different crystal field splittings. Transient grating experiments performed with specific polarization sequences allow for selective observation of the dynamics amongst nearly degenerate levels at room temperature. Cross-polarized transient grating is also used to observe a quantized acoustic phonon mode in a series of nanocrystal samples. The observation of this mode allows experimental determination of the elasticity and surface stress of the nanocrystal ensemble in solution. The anisotropic origin of the acoustic phonon is discussed using a combination of theoretical analysis, modelling and experimental data. In addition, third- and fifth-order transient grating experiments are used to study exciton and multiexciton population relaxation dynamics. The work presented here spans the optical and material properties of quantum confined and `bulk' nanocrystals. This thesis attempts to illustrate the broad scope of the observed behaviour of colloidal nanocrystal systems and to contribute to a greater understanding of their physical properties.
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Optical and Material Properties of Colloidal Semiconductor NanocrystalsHuxter, Vanessa 01 March 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploration of the photophysics of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals using both linear and non-linear optical measurement techniques. These optical methodologies are used to follow population dynamics in both singly and multiply excited nanocrystal systems as well as determine material properties of the ensemble. Topics covered in the thesis include, the identification and characterization of bulk-like nanocrystals, study of the fine structure states of the lowest energy exciton, single and multiexciton population dynamics, acoustic phonon modes, elasticity and surface stress properties of a colloidal ensemble in solution.Through linear spectroscopy, the properties of both quantum confined and bulk-like colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals are compared. The identification of a model system of bulk-like nanocrystals with a non-standard absorption profile serves to resolve an ambiguity in literature concerning their characterization. The remainder of the thesis is focused on the size-dependent properties of quantum confined CdSe colloidal nanocrystals. The population dynamics and material properties of these systems are studied using a nonlinear optical technique called transient grating. A third order transient grating measurement with a cross-polarized configuration, which follows the relaxation within the fine structure levels of the lowest energy exciton state, is demonstrated and used to compare systems with different crystal field splittings. Transient grating experiments performed with specific polarization sequences allow for selective observation of the dynamics amongst nearly degenerate levels at room temperature. Cross-polarized transient grating is also used to observe a quantized acoustic phonon mode in a series of nanocrystal samples. The observation of this mode allows experimental determination of the elasticity and surface stress of the nanocrystal ensemble in solution. The anisotropic origin of the acoustic phonon is discussed using a combination of theoretical analysis, modelling and experimental data. In addition, third- and fifth-order transient grating experiments are used to study exciton and multiexciton population relaxation dynamics. The work presented here spans the optical and material properties of quantum confined and `bulk' nanocrystals. This thesis attempts to illustrate the broad scope of the observed behaviour of colloidal nanocrystal systems and to contribute to a greater understanding of their physical properties.
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Multilayer Structures for Biomaterial Applications : Biomacromolecule-based CoatingsHalthur, Tobias January 2005 (has links)
<p>The cellular response to a biomaterial, such as a dental implant, is mainly governed by the surface properties, and can thus be altered by the introduction of a surface coating. In this thesis the buildup of a biomacromolecule-based coating formed by layerby-layer (LbL) deposition of the charged polypeptides poly(L-lysine) (PLL) and poly(L-glutamic acid) (PGA) has been studied. In an attempt to make these coatings bioactive and useful for bone-anchored implants, an amelogenin protein mixture (EMD), has been immobilized in these thin polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) films. Multilayers were also built by LbL deposition of the natural biomacromolecules collagen (Col) and hyaluronic acid (HA). Multilayer films of these two extra-cellular biomacromolecules should be of interest for use as a scaffold for tissue engineering.</p><p>The buildup of the multilayer films has been followed in situ, using ellipsometry, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D), and dual polarization interferometry (DPI). The studied PLL/PGA multilayers were found to be highly hydrated, and to exhibit a two-regime buildup behavior, with an initial “slow-growing” regime, and a second “fast-growing” regime with a linear growth in film thickness and more than linear growth in mass. A net diffusion of polypeptides into the film during the buildup led to an increase in density of the films for each layer adsorbed. A change in density was also observed in the Col/HA film, where HA penetrated and diffused into the porous fibrous Col network.</p><p>The formed PLL/PGA films were further found to be rather stable during drying, and post-buildup changes in temperature and pH, not losing any mass as long as the temperature was not raised too rapidly. The film thickness responded to changes in the ambient media and collapsed reversibly when dried. A swelling/de-swelling behavior of the film was also observed for changes in the temperature and pH.</p><p>The EMD protein adsorbed to silica surfaces as nanospheres, and could by itself form multilayers. The adsorption of EMD onto PLL/PGA multilayer films increased at lower pH (5.0), and EMD could be immobilized in several layers by alternate deposition of EMD and PGA.</p>
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Intra-meander groundwater-surface water interactions in a losing experimental streamNowinski, John David 23 December 2010 (has links)
Groundwater-surface water interactions between streams and shallow alluvial aquifers can significantly affect their thermal and chemical regimes and thus are critical for effective management of water resources and riparian ecosystems. Of particular significance is the hyporheic zone, an area delineated by subsurface flow paths that begin and end in surface water bodies. Although detailed work has examined hyporheic flow in the vertical dimension, some studies have suggested that the drop in a stream’s elevation as it flows downstream can laterally extend the hyporheic zone. This study examines intra-meander hyporheic flow using extensive field measurements in a full-scale experimental stream-aquifer system. Synoptic head measurements from 2008 and 2009 and a lithium tracer test were conducted to determine the extent and nature of hyporheic flow within the meander. Permeability was measured and sediment cores were analyzed from 2008 to 2009 to assess aquifer properties. Finally, transient head and temperature measurements were collected during flooding events to assess the sensitivity of intra-meander hyporheic flow and temperature to stream discharge. Results verify that hyporheic flow through meanders occurs, but show that it is sensitive to whether a stream is gaining or losing water to the subsurface overall. In addition, permeability and core grain size results indicate moderate heterogeneity in permeability can occur in aquifers composed of relatively uniform sediment. Results also demonstrate that permeability in alluvial aquifers can evolve through time. Such evolution may be driven by groundwater flow, which transports fine particles from areas where porosity and permeability are relatively high and deposits them where they are relatively low, thus creating a positive feedback loop. Finally, measurements during flooding indicate that steady-state hyporheic flow and the thermal regime within the aquifer are largely insensitive to stream discharge. Together, these results expand upon previous field studies of intra-meander hyporheic flow and verify previous modeling work, although they demonstrate a level of complexity within these systems that should be considered in future work. / text
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液体中で帯電した微粒子による磁化強結合プラズマの研究庄司, 多津男, 坂和, 洋一 11 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:11680482 研究代表者:庄司 多津男 研究期間:1999-2001年度
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Χρησιμοποίηση της μεθόδου SERS στην ελεγχόμενη αποδέσμευση μικρού μοριακού βάρους χημικών ενώσεων από πολυμερικές μήτρεςΑναστασόπουλος, Ιωάννης 27 March 2012 (has links)
Η χρήση των πολυμερών στον τομέα της ιατρικής βιομηχανίας κερδίζει ολοένα και μεγαλύτερο έδαφος τα τελευταία χρόνια έχοντας ήδη κάνει ισχυρή την παρουσία τους σε ένα ευρύ πεδίο κλάδων της βιοϊατρικής όπως στη μηχανική ιστών, στην εμφύτευση ιατρικών συσκευών και τεχνητών οργάνων, στην προσθετική και την οφθαλμολογία, στην οδοντιατρική και την αποκατάσταση οστών, στη χημειοθεραπεία και σε ποικιλία άλλων ιατρικών εφαρμογών. Με τη χρήση πολυμερικών συστημάτων μεταφοράς δραστικών ουσιών καθίσταται ικανή η ελεγχόμενη αργή αποδέσμευση φαρμάκων στο σώμα καθώς και η στοχευμένη απελευθέρωσή τους σε σημεία όπου υπάρχουν φλεγμονές ή όγκοι. Τοιουτοτρόπως, χημειοθεραπείες με χρήση βιοπολυμερών ως διαμεσολαβητές, προβάλλουν ως δυνητικές υποψήφιοι στην αντιμετώπιση του καρκίνου του εγκεφάλου με ενθαρρυντικά αποτελέσματα. Συγκρινόμενη με την τυπική συστημική χημειοθεραπεία, η ενδοογκική απελευθέρωση φαρμάκου με τη χρήση βιοπολυμερών θεωρητικώς παρουσιάζει αρκετά πλεονεκτήματα: τα βιοπολυμερή μπορούν να μεταφέρουν το φάρμακο απευθείας στον όγκο-στόχο αυξάνοντας τη συγκέντρωση τοπικά και παράλληλα μειώνοντας τη συστημική τοξικότητα· μπορούν έτσι να χρησιμοποιούνται στη θεραπεία ανοσοκατασταλμένων ασθενών που δεν μπορούν να υποβληθούν σε συστημική χημειοθεραπεία. Από τη στιγμή που είναι απαραίτητη η ποσοτικοποίηση των φαρμάκων για τον χαρακτηρισμό των συστημάτων αποδέσμευσης και για μελέτες φαρμακοκινητικής, θα πρέπει να επιλέγεται η καταλληλότερη μέθοδος ποσοτικοποίησης παρέχοντας υψηλή ευαισθησία και ακρίβεια, εξασφαλίζοντας μεγάλη ανιχνευτική ικανότητα ακόμη και για πολύ χαμηλές συγκεντρώσεις. Στην παρούσα εργασία δύο αναλυτικές τεχνικές, η απορρόφηση υπεριώδους-ορατού και η επιφανειακή ενίσχυση της σκέδασης Raman (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, SERS), χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την ποσοτική εκτίμηση του αντινεοπλασματικού φαρμάκου Mitoxantrone και του αντιμυκητιακού παράγοντα Ambisome (Αμφοτερισίνη Β) που αποδεσμεύτηκαν από βιοσυμβατές πολυμερικές μήτρες συμπολυμερούς αιθυλενίου-οξικού βινυλεστέρα, συμπολυμερούς γλυκολικού-γαλακτικού οξέος και πολυπροπυλενίου. Το SERS είναι ένα νέο, εναλλακτικό, ταχύ και μη καταστροφικό εργαλείο που μπορεί να βρεί εφαρμογή και στην ποσοτική εκτίμηση ουσιών πάρα πολύ χαμηλών συγκεντρώσεων. Χάρις στην ενίσχυση που παρέχεται στο σήμα Raman από τα νανο-εκτραχυμένα υποστρώματα ευγενών μετάλλων ή τα νανο-συσσωματώματα κολλοειδών διαλυμάτων ευγενών μετάλλων, έχει αναφερθεί ακόμη και συλλογή φάσματος SERS από ένα μόνο μόριο. Συνεπώς, η εφαρμογή του SERS σε μελέτες ουσιών εξαιρετικά χαμηλών συγκεντρώσεων φαίνεται να είναι πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα. Κατασκευάστηκαν πολυμερικά υμένια με εγκλωβισμένες τις δραστικές ουσίες και η μελέτη αποδέσμευσης πραγματοποιήθηκε σε νερό. Ποσοτικές μετρήσεις με τη χρήση του SERS σε πολύ μικρές συγκεντρώσεις έδειξαν μεγαλύτερη ανιχνευτική ευαισθησία σε σχέση με αυτές που πραγματοποιήθηκαν με την απορρόφηση UV-Vis. Συμπερασματικά, το SERS δείχνει ικανό στον ποσοτικό προσδιορισμό ενεργών ουσιών που αποδεσμεύονται από βιοσυμβατά πολυμερικά συστήματα μεταφοράς δραστικών ουσιών σε πολύ μικρές συγκεντρώσεις. / The application of polymeric materials for medical purposes is growing very fast. Polymers have found applications in such diverse biomedical fields as tissue engineering, implantation of medical devices and artificial organs, prosthesis, ophthalmology, dentistry, bone repair, chemotherapy and many other medical fields. Polymer-based delivery systems enable controlled slow release of drugs into the body and also they make possible targeting of drugs into sites of inflammation or tumors. Thus, biopolymer-mediated chemotherapy has shown promising results in the treatment of brain tumors. When compared to conventional systemic chemotherapy, intratumoral biopolymer-mediated drug delivery has several theoretical advantages: Biopolymers can deliver drugs into the tumor bed, thus maximizing local concentration while minimizing systemic toxicity. They may therefore be employed in the treatment of immunodepressed patients etc. Since drugs need to be quantified for drug delivery system characterization, intracellular distribution studies, free or vehicular, and for pharmacokinetic assays, the most suitable quantification method must be chosen. It should have a high sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility and should be capable of measuring at very low concentration range, as well. In the present study, two analytical techniques are utilized to quantitatively evaluate the antineoplastic drug Mitoxantrone and the antifungal agent Ambisome (Amphotericin b) released from active agents-loaded biocompatible polymer matrices poly(propylene), poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid); the UV-Vis absorption and the Surface Enhance Raman Scattering (SERS). SERS is a new, versatile, fast and non destructive tool for the estimation of extremely small amounts of substances. Due to the enhancement provided to the Raman signal by the nano-rough noble-metal substrates or the nano-structured colloidal clusters of noble metals, even single molecule detection has been reported. Therefore, applying SERS to extremely low concentration measurements proves to be challenging. Drug loaded polymer specimens were prepared and the in vitro drug release was determined in water. Fast SERS quantitative measurements showed enhanced sensitivity compared to the UV-Vis absorption; SERS may enable low concentration quantitative assessment of controlled release of drugs from biopolymer-based delivery systems.
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Caractérisation et modélisation des phénomènes gouvernant le séchage par atomisation de suspensions colloïdales / Characterization and modelling of phenomena governing spray drying of colloidal suspensionsGaubert, Quentin 06 October 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans le cadre des recherches sur l’optimisation du séchage par atomisation de suspensions colloïdales employées pour la production de supports de catalyseurs. Pour mieux appréhender les phénomènes fondamentaux qui régissent ce procédé, le problème a été ramené à celui de l’étude expérimentale et la modélisation du séchage d’une goutte unique en lévitation dans un champ acoustique sous flux gazeux. L’expérience permet de contrôler les différents paramètres de séchage dans la chambre d’évaporation. Le suivi du séchage a été réalisé à l’aide de techniques optiques (vélocimétrie laser, imagerie en transmission et diffractométrie à l’angle d’arc-en-ciel) et des analyses post-mortem complémentaires. L’emploi de la diffractométrie arc-en-ciel a nécessité le développement d’un modèle d’optique géométrique avancé capable de décrire la diffusion de gouttes ellipsoïdales et les effets des suspensions nanoparticulaires sur le phénomène d’arc-en-ciel. Le modèle de séchage est un modèle à symétrie radiale. Il permet de prédire les taux d’évaporation, les profils internes de concentration et la déformation finale du grain. Les comparaisons expérimentales ont montré qu’il prédit très correctement le taux de séchage des gouttes colloïdales pour des nombres de Reynolds compris entre 100 et 230, des températures comprises entre 25°C et 55°C et des taux d’hygrométrie compris entre 2.5% et 70%. Il ressort également que le seuil de croûtage, identifié ici à partir du changement de régime du taux d’évaporation, semble intervenir pour des concentrations volumiques locales en nanoparticules de l’ordre de 12.3% bien inférieures aux concentrations de blocage des pâtes. / This PhD work takes place in the framework of researches on the optimization of the spray drying of colloidal suspensions used for catalyst support production. To better understand fundamental phenomena governing this process, the problem is reduced to the experimental study and modelling of the drying of a single droplet levitated in an acoustic field with an external gas flow. The experiment allows also controlling parameters such as composition of the suspension, temperature or humidity inside evaporation chamber. The drying is monitored using in situ optical diagnostics (particle image velocimetry, shadowgraphy and rainbow diffractometry) as well as post-mortem analyzes. The use of rainbow diffractometry has required the development of advanced light scattering models accounting for the droplet non-sphericity and heterogeneity. The drying model is a model with radial symmetry. It predicts various quantities such as the droplet evaporation rate, internal concentration profile or the deformation of the final grain. Experimental comparisons show that this model can accurately predicts the drying rate of colloidal droplet for Reynolds numbers ranging from 100 to 230, temperatures between 25°C and 55°C and relative humidity between 2.5% and 70%. It is also shown that the crust compactness factor, about 12% when identified from the change in the rate of evaporation, is much lower than that reported classically for the jamming of dense suspensions.
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Síntese de nanopartículas de ouro por precipitaçãoWeber, Alfredo dos Santos 26 April 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-26 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Gold nanoparticles have properties with great interest in applications in biomedicine, catalysis, optics and electronics. This study seeks to produce stable, size-homogeneous and well-dispersed particles. The chosen method is the reduction of metallic ions by organic salts in aqueous medium. The organic compounds act as stabilizers and their interactions with the metallic surface defines the particles final characteristics. Sodium citrate was tested as reducing agent. The influence of operational parameters such as temperature, acidity, stoichiometric relations in the nucleation, growth process and size particle was tested. Spectroscopy of UV-visible, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used as characterization technics. It was concluded that increasing the temperature the particle size and the standard deviation decrease and the produced particles are more uniform in morfology. The nucleation is favored for higher temperatures of reaction, for lower acidity and higher concentration of sodium citrate solution. The particles are formed by clusters which agglomerate and nanowires that incorporate into the face centered cubic crystal structure. UV spectroscopy was efficient in evaluating qualitatively the reaction development and the growth of particles. And with that technique it was observed that transverse polarization of the particles was predominant. The reaction conditions temperature of 80ºC, initial pH of the citrate sodium solution in 8 and 10 e molar relations about 5 produced particles with narrow size distribution and 17 nm of median diameter. / As nanopartículas de ouro possuem propriedades que permitem aplicações com grande interesse em biomedicina, catálise, óptica e eletrônica. O presente estudo objetivou produzir nanopartículas de ouro monodispersas, estáveis e com tamanho homogêneo. por meio da técnica da redução de íons metálicos com sais. O componente orgânico age como estabilizador e suas interações com a superfície metálica define as características finais da partícula. O componente escolhido foi o citrato de sódio testado como agente redutor. Foram estudados os efeitos de parâmetros operacionais, como acidez, temperatura, relação estequiométrica do sistema na nucleação, crescimento e tamanho médio das partículas. Na caracterização das partículas foram utilizadas técnicas de espectrosfotometria de UV-visível, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e de varredura. Conclui-se que aumentando a temperatura, o tamanho e o desvio-padrão das partículas produzidas decrescem e levam a maior uniformidade de formato. A nucleação é favorecida para maiores temperaturas, menor acidez da solução do agente redutor e maior concentração da solução de citrato de sódio. As partículas são formadas por clusters que se aglomeram e nanofios que se incorporam à estrutura cristalina cúbica de face centrada. A partir da espectroscopia por UV-visível observou a predominância de partículas isotrópicas com caráter de polarização transversal. Essa técnica se mostrou eficiente como avaliador qualitativo da evolução reacional e de crescimento das partículas. As condições de 80ºC pH 8 e 10 e relação molar 5, produziram partículas com distribuição mais estreita e de tamanho em torno de 17 nm.
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Multi-scale Modeling of Nanoparticle Transport in Porous Media : Pore Scale to Darcy ScaleSeetha, N January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Accurate prediction of colloid deposition rates in porous media is essential in several applications. These include natural filtration of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, transport and fate of colloid-associated transport of contaminants, deep bed and river bank filtration for water treatment, fate and transport of engineered nanoparticles released into the environment, and bioremediation of contaminated sites. Colloid transport in porous media is a multi-scale problem, with length scales spanning from the sub-pore scale, where the particle-soil interaction forces control the deposition, up to the Darcy scale, where the macroscopic equations governing particle transport are formulated. Colloid retention at the Darcy scale is due to the lumped effect of processes occurring at the pore scale. This requires the incorporation of the micro-scale physics into macroscopic models for a better understanding of colloid deposition in porous media. That can be achieved through pore-scale modeling and the subsequent upscaling to the Darcy scale. Colloid Filtration Theory (CFT), the most commonly used approach to describe colloid attachment onto the soil grains in the subsurface, is found to accurately predict the deposition rates of micron-sized particles under favorable conditions for deposition. But, CFT has been found to over predict particle deposition rates at low flow velocity conditions, typical of groundwater flow, and for nanoscale particles. Also, CFT is found to be inapplicable at typical environmental conditions, where conditions become unfavorable for deposition, due to factors not considered in CFT such as deposition in the secondary minimum of the interaction energy profile, grain surface roughness, surface charge heterogeneity of grains and colloids, and deposition at grain-to-grain contacts. To the best of our knowledge, mechanistic-based models for predicting colloid deposition rates under unfavorable conditions do not exist. Currently, fitting the colloid breakthrough curve (BTC), obtained from the laboratory column-or field-scale experiments, to the advection-dispersion-deposition model is used to estimate the values of deposition rate coefficients. Because of their small size (less than 100 nm), nanoparticles, a sub-class of colloids, may interact with the porous medium in a different way as compared to the larger colloids, resulting in different retention mechanisms for nanoparticles and micron-sized particles. This emphasizes the need to study nanoparticles separately from larger, micrometer-sized colloids to better understand nanoparticle retention mechanisms.
The work reported in this thesis contributes towards developing mathematical models to predict nanoparticle movement in porous media. A comprehensive mechanistic approach is employed by integrating pore-scale processes into Darcy-scale models through pore-network modeling to upscale nanoparticle transport in saturated porous media to the Darcy scale, and to develop correlation equations for the Darcy-scale deposition parameters in terms of various measurable parameters at Darcy scale. Further, a one-dimensional mathematical model to simulate the co-transport of viruses and colloids in partially saturated porous media is developed to understand the relative importance of various interactions on virus transport in porous media.
Pore-network modeling offers a valuable upscaling tool to express the macroscopic behavior by accounting for the relevant physics at the underlying pore scale. This is done by idealizing the pore space as an interconnected network of pore elements of different sizes and variably connected to each other, and simulating flow and transport through the network of pores, with the relevant physics implemented on a pore to pore basis (Raoof, 2011). By comparing the results of pore-network modeling with an appropriate mathematical model describing the macro-scale behavior, a relationship between the properties at the macro scale and those at the pore scale can be obtained. A three dimensional multi-directional pore-network model, PoreFlow, developed by Raoof et al. (2010, 2013) is employed in this thesis, which represents the porous medium as an interconnected network of cylindrical pore throats and spherical pore bodies, to upscale nanoparticle transport from pore scale to the Darcy scale. The first step in this procedure is to obtain relationships between adsorbed mass and aqueous mass for a single pore. A mathematical model is developed to simulate nanoparticle transport in a saturated cylindrical pore by solving the full transport equation, considering various processes such as advection, diffusion, hydrodynamic wall effects, and nanoparticle-collector surface interactions. The pore space is divided into three different regions: bulk, diffusion and potential regions, based on the dominant processes acting in each of these regions. In both bulk and diffusion regions, nanoparticle transport is governed by advection and diffusion. However, in the diffusion region, the diffusion is significantly reduced due to hydrodynamic wall effects. Nanoparticle-collector interaction forces dominate the transport in the potential region where deposition occurs. A sensitivity analysis of the model indicates that nanoparticle transport and deposition in a pore is significantly affected by various pore-scale parameters such as the nanoparticle and collector surface potentials, ionic strength of the solution, flow velocity, pore radius, and nanoparticle radius. The model is found to be more sensitive to all parameters under favorable conditions. It is found that the secondary minimum plays an important role in the deposition of small as well as large nanoparticles, and its contribution is found to increase as the favorability of the surface for adsorption decreases.
Correlation equations for average deposition rate coefficients of nanoparticles in a saturated cylindrical pore under unfavorable conditions are developed as a function of nine pore-scale parameters: the pore radius, nanoparticle radius, mean flow velocity, solution ionic strength, viscosity, temperature, solution dielectric constant, and nanoparticle and collector surface potentials. Advection-diffusion equations for nanoparticle transport are prescribed for the bulk and diffusion regions, while the interaction between the diffusion and potential regions is included as a boundary condition. This interaction is modeled as a first-order reversible kinetic adsorption. The expressions for the mass transfer rate coefficients between the diffusion and the potential regions are derived in terms of the interaction energy profile between the nanoparticle and the collector. The resulting equations are solved numerically for a range of values of pore-scale parameters. The nanoparticle concentration profile obtained for the cylindrical pore is averaged over a moving averaging volume within the pore in order to get the 1-D concentration field. The latter is fitted to the 1-D advection-dispersion equation with an equilibrium or kinetic adsorption model to determine the values of the average deposition rate coefficients. Pore-scale simulations are performed for three values of Péclet number, Pe = 0.05, 5 and 50. It is found that under unfavorable conditions, the nanoparticle deposition at pore scale is best described by an equilibrium model at low Péclet numbers (Pe = 0.05), and by a kinetic model at high Péclet numbers (Pe = 50). But, at an intermediate Pe (e.g., near Pe = 5), both equilibrium and kinetic models fit the 1-D concentration field. Correlation equations for the pore-averaged nanoparticle deposition rate coefficients under unfavorable conditions are derived by performing a multiple-linear regression analysis between the estimated deposition rate coefficients for a single pore and various pore-scale parameters. The correlation equations, which follow a power law relationship with nine pore-scale parameters, are found to be consistent with the column-scale and pore-scale experimental results, and qualitatively agree with CFT.
Nanoparticle transport is upscaled from pore to the Darcy scale in saturated porous media by incorporating the correlations equations for the pore-averaged deposition rate coefficients of nanoparticles in a cylindrical pore into a multi-directional pore-network model, PoreFlow (Raoof et al., 2013). Pore-network model simulations are performed for a range of parameter values, and nanoparticle BTCs are obtained from the pore-network model. Those curves are then modeled using 1-D advection-dispersion equation with a two-site first-order reversible deposition, with terms accounting for both equilibrium and kinetic sorption. Kinetic sorption is found to become important as the favorability of the surface for deposition decreases. Correlation equations for the Darcy¬scale deposition rate coefficients under unfavorable conditions are developed as a function of various measurable Darcy-scale parameters, including: porosity, mean pore throat radius, mean pore water velocity, nanoparticle radius, ionic strength, dielectric constant, viscosity, temperature, and surface potentials on the nanoparticle and grain surface. The correlation equations are found to be consistent with the observed trends from the column experiments available in the literature, and are in agreement with CFT for all parameters, except for the mean pore water velocity and nanoparticle radius. The Darcy-scale correlation equations contain multipliers whose values for a given set of experimental conditions need to be determined by comparing the values of the deposition rate coefficients predicted by the correlation equations against the estimated values of Darcy-scale deposition parameters obtained by fitting the BTCs from column or field experiments with 1-D advection-dispersion-deposition model. They account for the effect of factors not considered in this study, such as the physical and chemical heterogeneity of the grain surface and nanoparticles, flow stagnation points, grain-to-grain contacts, etc.
Colloids are abundant in the subsurface and have been observed to interact with a variety of contaminants, including viruses, thereby significantly influencing their transport. A mathematical model is developed to simulate the co-transport of viruses and colloids in partially saturated porous media under steady state flow conditions. The virus attachment to the mobile and immobile colloids is described using a linear reversible kinetic model. It is assumed that colloid transport is not affected by the presence of attached viruses on its surface, and hence, colloid transport is decoupled from virus transport. The governing equations are solved numerically using an alternating three-step operator splitting approach. The model is verified by fitting three sets of experimental data published in the literature: (1) Syngouna and Chrysikopoulos (2013) and (2) Walshe et al. (2010), both on the co-transport of viruses and clay colloids under saturated conditions, and (3) Syngouna and Chrysikopoulos (2015) for the co-transport of viruses and clay colloids under unsaturated conditions. The model results are found to be in good agreement with the observed BTCs under both saturated and unsaturated conditions.
Then, the developed model was used to simulate the co-transport of viruses and colloids in porous media under unsaturated conditions, with the aim of understanding the relative importance of various processes on the co-transport of viruses and colloids. The virus retention in porous media in the presence of colloids is greater under unsaturated conditions as compared to the saturated conditions due to: (1) virus attachment to the air-water interface (AWI), and (2) co-deposition of colloids with attached viruses on its surface to the AWI. A sensitivity analysis of the model to various parameters showed that virus attachment to AWI is the most sensitive parameter affecting the BTCs of both free viruses and total mobile viruses, and has a significant effect on all parts of the BTC. The free and the total mobile virus BTCs are mainly influenced by parameters describing virus attachment to the AWI, virus interactions with mobile and immobile colloids, virus attachment to solid-water interface (SWI), and colloid interactions with SWI and AWI. The virus BTC is relatively insensitive to parameters describing the maximum adsorption capacity of the AWI for colloids, inlet colloid concentration, virus detachment rate coefficient from the SWI, maximum adsorption capacity of the AWI for viruses, and inlet virus concentration.
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Description analytique des phénomènes acoustophorétiques, en solutions et suspensions / Analytical description of acoustophoretic phenomena, in solutions and in suspensionsGourdin, Simon 21 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur la description analytique des phénomènes acoustophorétiques, en solutions et suspensions. L'acoustophorèse est la création d'un champ électrique par une onde acoustique.La première partie porte sur les solutions d'électrolytes, et est basée sur l'analyse critique de la littérature. A partir des différents articles, un modèle original, basé sur la résolution des équations de la dynamique pour les ions est trouvé, lequel permet la prédiction, sans paramètres ajustables, de l'acoustophorèse des sels simples pour des solutions allant de très diluées à assez concentrées. Ce modèle est ensuite étendu aux cas de solutions avec trois espèces ioniques différentes, et un programme informatique calculant l'acoustophorèse en fonction de la concentration est en annexe. Une seconde extension est faite pour les liquides ioniques, et permet de déduire le volume des ions. Des tentatives d'extension du modèle sont faites pour les micelles et les colloïdes, en précisant les écueils. Une deuxième approche, basée sur la thermodynamique irréversible et les relations de réciprocité d'Onsager, est faite dans le cas des suspensions colloïdales. Les principaux résultats sont la proportionnalité entre l'acoustophorèse et la mobilité électrique des colloïdes, et donc l'applicabilité de cette technique à la caractérisation des suspensions, y compris concentrées ; le lien rigoureux entre l'acoustophorèse et son corollaire, la création d'une onde acoustique et son champ électrique ; enfin une procédure pour séparer le signal des colloïdes du signal de l'électrolyte support dans l'acoustophorèse des suspensions réelles. / This Ph.D. thesis is on the analytical description of acoustophoretic phenomena, in solutions and suspensions. Acoustophoresis is the creation of an electric field by an acoustic wave.First part is on electrolytic solutions, and it begins by a critical review of literature, from Debye first paper to a recent Ph.D. thesis on the same subject. Hypotheses are carefully selected, and a new model is deduced. This model, using pressure, friction, electric, inertia and corrective force, allows the prediction of acoustophoresis up to 0,3 molar for a simple salt, without any fitting parameter. An extension to solutions with three ionic species is done, and a Fortran program to compute the acoustophoresis as a function of the concentration is given in annex. Extension of the model, in the case of ionic liquid, allows the measurement of the volume of ions. A brief point is done on micellar and colloidal suspensions. A second part is on the application of non-equilibrium thermodynamic, especially Onsager reciprocal relation, to the acoustophoresis of suspensions. Acoustophoresis is shown to be proportional to the electric mobility, which allows the measurement of the latter in dark and concentrated suspensions. A link between acoustophoresis and the creation of acoustic wave by an electric field is also found, and a process to isolate contributions of colloids in real suspensions, with a supporting electrolyte, is proposed.
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