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Gramatický a lexikální rozbor učebnice čínštiny N. A. Spěšněva Vvěděnije v kitajskij jazyk / Grammatical and Lexical Analysis of the Chinese Textbook by N. A. SpeshnevŠmejkalová, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
The major objective of this thesis is to conduct complex grammatical and lexical analysis of the Chinese language textbook by N. A. Speshnev Vvedenye v kitayskiy yazik. Results of the analysis are compared with textbook written by Oldrich Svarny Introduction to the Study of colloquial Chinese (Uvod do studia hovorove cinstiny) and A Frequency Dictionary of Modern Chinese. Analysis and comparison results serve as a basis for evaluating the coverage of basic vocabulary and grammar used in Speshnev's textbook and its suitability for first-year students of Sinology. The results of lexical analysis include a list of all lexical items used in the textbook, as well as the information on their grammatical function characteristics, meanings, usage and frequency. Grammatical analysis results provide an overview of all grammatical constructions and features that are present in the textbook. Important part of grammatical analysis is introduction of comprehensive view on individual grammar features and comparison of their various perceptions in different grammatical systems. In conclusion, the positives and negatives of Speshnev textbook are evaluated and new suggestions to its use in complex language teaching are presented. Key words Chinese, colloquial Chinese, Chinese grammar, grammatical analysis, lexical...
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Vad spelar språkriktigheten för roll? : En studie om hur fyra svensklärare uppfattar och arbetar med språkriktighet. / Does standard language matter? : An study on how four teachers of Swedish perceive and teach standard language.Björkegren, David January 2019 (has links)
This study examines how four teachers of Swedish perceive the knowledge requirement that says that a student should mainly be able to follow the rules concerning standard written language, how often they teach standard language and to what extent students’ written language affect assessment. The results show that the teachers of Swedish agree that the most important aspect of a text is how it is perceived in its entirety, as well as its flow and how well a reader can understand the text. Some nonstandard expressions are allowed by the teachers, while others are not. The study also shows that the teaching of standard language depends on which school the teachers belong to. In a public school the standard language is taught in isolated situations, while the teachers in a private school do it continuously. However, all informants agree that they do it continuously to some extent when it comes to feedback on student essays. Student perception was also examined and the result shows that there is an inconsistency in how students perceive that standard language is taught. / Den här studien undersöker hur fyra svensklärare uppfattar kunskapskravet som säger att en elev i huvudsak ska kunna följa skriftspråkets normer för språkriktighet, hur ofta de arbetar med språkriktighet och i vilken mån elevers skriftspråk påverkar bedömning. Sammanfattningsvis är informanterna eniga om att det handlar om helhetsbilden, flytet och förståelsen. Vissa normbrott godkänns i elevtexter medan andra är oacceptabla. Resultatet visar att informanternas skoltillhörighet påverkar arbetet med språkriktighet. Medan de kommunalt anställda lärarna undervisar om språkriktighet vid isolerade tillfällen, sker det mer kontinuerligt av de privat anställda lärarna. Däremot finns det viss kontinuitet i språkriktighetsarbetet vad beträffar återkoppling på elevtexter. Även elevåsikter har undersökts och resultatet visar att informanterna är oeniga om hur ofta de undervisas om språkriktighet.
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Carolina Maria de Jesus e a paixão pela escrita: um estudo sociolinguístico de Quarto de Despejo / Carolina Maria de Jesus and the passion for writing: a sociolinguistic study of Child of the darkMelo, Pedro da Silva de 27 March 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem dois objetivos básicos: primeiro, investigar se há marcas de oralidade na linguagem narrativa e das personagens do livro Quarto de despejo: diário de uma favelada, de Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977); segundo, examinar como essas manifestações se processam linguisticamente no texto no plano lexical. Suscitam-se, portanto, duas perguntas: Primeira: Há em Quarto de despejo manifestações linguísticas da oralidade? Segunda: Em caso afirmativo, em que níveis essa oralidade se processa linguisticamente? Para responder a essas perguntas, temos a hipótese de que a língua falada foi aproveitada de maneira mais ou menos inconsciente pela autora de Quarto de despejo e que, entre vários níveis linguísticos, a oralidade se manifesta de maneira notável em nível lexical, por meio de um vocabulário de uso popular. Estudar-se-á como o léxico da linguagem narrativa e das personagens apresenta efeitos de língua falada, tornando o texto dinâmico e expressivo. Este trabalho está teoricamente fundamentado em pressupostos da Sociolinguística e da Estilística. A metodologia de trabalho envolveu várias leituras da obra, anotações de vocabulário e análises à luz da teoria proposta. Estabelecem-se relações entre fala e escrita, compreendidas não como uma dicotomia, mas como polos de um continuum tipológico. Nesse continuum, um gênero da escrita pode apresentar características da fala e vice-versa. Ressalte-se que, tendo em vista esse referencial teórico, a narrativa de Quarto de despejo não é considerada um texto oral, mas um texto escrito em cuja enunciação se evidencia a presença da oralidade graças a um leque de vocábulos expressivos. / This thesis has two basic goals: first, to investigate whether there are marks of orality in the narrative language and lines from the characters from the book \"Child of the dark: The diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus\", by Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977); secondly, to examine how these manifestations are processed linguistically into the text on the lexical sphere. Two questions, therefore, are raised: First: are there linguistic manifestations of orality in Child of the dark? Second: if so, at what levels is this orality processed linguistically? To answer those questions, we hypothesized that the spoken language was used more or less unconsciously by the author of Child of the dark, and that between several linguistic levels, orality manifests itself in a remarkable manner in the lexical level, by use of a colloquial vocabulary. We shall study how the lexicon of the narrative language and of the characters has effects of the spoken language, making the text dynamic and expressive. This paper is theoretically grounded in assumptions of Sociolinguistic and Stylistic. The work methodology involved several readings of the book, vocabulary annotations and analysis in the light of the proposed theory. Relationships between speech and writing are set, understood not as a dichotomy but as poles of a typological continuum. In this continuum, a genre of writing can display characteristics of speech and vice versa. It is emphasized that, in view of that theoretical framework, the narrative of Child of the dark is not regarded as an oral text, but as a written text where enunciation highlights the presence of orality using a variety of expressive vocabularies.
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Problematika spisovnosti se zřetelem k výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka / Standard Language with Regard to Teaching Czech as a Foreign LanguageBulejčíková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation analyses the stratification of Czech in terms of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The general theoretical part relates to teaching Czech as a foreign language or other foreign languages as close as possible. This part also includes the analysis of recordings of authentic communication between Czech speakers and foreigners. The findings of the analysis are subsequently applied to the sample plans of teaching units. The introductory part deals with the history and development of the theory of the standard Czech language and it also presents the attitudes held by the members of the Prague Linguistic Circle, which were published in Spisovná čeština a jazyková kultura (Czech Literary Language and Culture) in 1932. The theoretical part reflects the issue of defining the standard, mentions diglossia and presents a variety of contemporary opinions on future trends in the development of codification. In accordance with its aim, the paper lists the recommendations of benchmark descriptions for Czech as a foreign language and also describes so called Foreigner Talk, including the way foreigners are spoken to by the speakers of Czech. Furthermore, the extent to which spoken Czech is reflected upon in the instruction of Czech language for foreigners and/or teaching materials were studied....
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Carolina Maria de Jesus e a paixão pela escrita: um estudo sociolinguístico de Quarto de Despejo / Carolina Maria de Jesus and the passion for writing: a sociolinguistic study of Child of the darkPedro da Silva de Melo 27 March 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem dois objetivos básicos: primeiro, investigar se há marcas de oralidade na linguagem narrativa e das personagens do livro Quarto de despejo: diário de uma favelada, de Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977); segundo, examinar como essas manifestações se processam linguisticamente no texto no plano lexical. Suscitam-se, portanto, duas perguntas: Primeira: Há em Quarto de despejo manifestações linguísticas da oralidade? Segunda: Em caso afirmativo, em que níveis essa oralidade se processa linguisticamente? Para responder a essas perguntas, temos a hipótese de que a língua falada foi aproveitada de maneira mais ou menos inconsciente pela autora de Quarto de despejo e que, entre vários níveis linguísticos, a oralidade se manifesta de maneira notável em nível lexical, por meio de um vocabulário de uso popular. Estudar-se-á como o léxico da linguagem narrativa e das personagens apresenta efeitos de língua falada, tornando o texto dinâmico e expressivo. Este trabalho está teoricamente fundamentado em pressupostos da Sociolinguística e da Estilística. A metodologia de trabalho envolveu várias leituras da obra, anotações de vocabulário e análises à luz da teoria proposta. Estabelecem-se relações entre fala e escrita, compreendidas não como uma dicotomia, mas como polos de um continuum tipológico. Nesse continuum, um gênero da escrita pode apresentar características da fala e vice-versa. Ressalte-se que, tendo em vista esse referencial teórico, a narrativa de Quarto de despejo não é considerada um texto oral, mas um texto escrito em cuja enunciação se evidencia a presença da oralidade graças a um leque de vocábulos expressivos. / This thesis has two basic goals: first, to investigate whether there are marks of orality in the narrative language and lines from the characters from the book \"Child of the dark: The diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus\", by Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977); secondly, to examine how these manifestations are processed linguistically into the text on the lexical sphere. Two questions, therefore, are raised: First: are there linguistic manifestations of orality in Child of the dark? Second: if so, at what levels is this orality processed linguistically? To answer those questions, we hypothesized that the spoken language was used more or less unconsciously by the author of Child of the dark, and that between several linguistic levels, orality manifests itself in a remarkable manner in the lexical level, by use of a colloquial vocabulary. We shall study how the lexicon of the narrative language and of the characters has effects of the spoken language, making the text dynamic and expressive. This paper is theoretically grounded in assumptions of Sociolinguistic and Stylistic. The work methodology involved several readings of the book, vocabulary annotations and analysis in the light of the proposed theory. Relationships between speech and writing are set, understood not as a dichotomy but as poles of a typological continuum. In this continuum, a genre of writing can display characteristics of speech and vice versa. It is emphasized that, in view of that theoretical framework, the narrative of Child of the dark is not regarded as an oral text, but as a written text where enunciation highlights the presence of orality using a variety of expressive vocabularies.
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La rencontre de la langue parlée et de la langue écrite dans la littérature romanesque arabe contemporaine au Proche Orient : l'exemple de Halim Barakat / The concourse between the spoken language and the written language in modern Arab literature of the Middle EastTahhan, Loubna 29 April 2011 (has links)
La thèse étudie d’un point de vue sociolinguistique la rencontre de la langue parlée et de la langue écrite, surtout à travers ce que nous avons appelé la classicisation, dans la production romanesque du syrien Ħalīm Barakāt, auteur sur lequel s’est fixé notre choix après de multiples lectures de romans proche-orientaux contemporains. Ħalīm Barakāt est l’auteur de 18 romans et d’une cinquantaine d’essais, en arabe et en anglais, sur la société et la culture. Nous avons choisi de comparer cette rencontre dans quatre de ses romans. Chaque roman est traité dans un chapitre. Dans les deux premiers chapitres sont étudiés les romans les plus récents : “Tā’er al- ħūm” un roman autobiographique écrit en 1987 et réédité en 2007 et “Ināna wan-nahr” une oeuvre mélangeant non seulement les langages et leurs registres mais aussi fantaisie entre mythes locaux et réalité. Puis sont étudiés dans les deux chapitres suivants les deux romans écrits dans les années soixante et soixante-dix : “Sittat Ayyām” qui raconte une histoire d’amour entre deux personnages de religions différentes pendant une guerre, et “Al-raħīl bayna Alsahm wal-watar”, un roman illustré par une vingtaine d’histoires et de contes choisis dans tout le monde arabe et racontés par des personnages représentant la jeunesse arabe dans les années soixante-dix. Dans l’introduction nous proposons un plan pour le travail, qui est fondé surtout sur la traduction en français de tous les extraits arabes choisis pour l’analyse sociolinguistique. Pour bien cerner la rencontre de la langue parlée et de la langue écrite nous avons décidé de relever tout ce qui est proverbe et figements lexicaux propres à une langue comme à l’autre et nous avons gardé des passages écrits entièrement en langue standard ou en langue dialectale pour montrer la différence entre ces textes et ceux qui sont hybrides. En ce qui concerne les passages écrits dans une langue hétérogène, nous proposons des termes linguistiques que nous définissons et auxquels nous avons recours tout au long des commentaires qui interviennent entre les tableaux où sont donnés les extraits choisis en regard de leur traduction. La conclusion reprend et synthétise les principaux résultats de la recherche. / This sociolinguistical study is about the encounter of spoken and written language, focusing on the unique phenomenon of the ‘classicisation’, a phenomenon which emerged in modern Arab literature by converting the spoken everyday language into a written form. After long readings into Arab Middle Eastern novelists we have chosen to take as example four novels of Syrian novelist Ħalīm Barakāt, who has authored over 18 books and some fifty essays in both Arabic and English on society and culture. We categorized our study into four chapters; we have chosen to begin with the two most recent ones then the chronologically older ones. The first chapter concentrates on the novel: “Tā’er al- ħūm” which describes the author’s journey alongside his wife to the American mountain side while he remembers his old days in his hometown Kafroun. The second chapter is all about “Ināna wan-nahr”, a love story loaded with mythological references and different religion-related social problems. The third chapter studies “Sittat Ayyām” a tale about an imaginary Arab Middle Eastern village throughout a devastating war. The fourth chapter takes as example some stories told by Arab youth from all over the Arabic world, in “Al-raħīl bayna Al-sahm wal-watar”. In the introduction we suggested some definitions then we relied upon them to integrate the analysis between the lines of the selected passages each time the language register changes. We presented the samples and the translation to French and we focused our analysis on examples that define the register change such as proverbs and expressions, dialectal and classic and common ones, and regional songs and sometimes purely classical-language written passages. In the conclusion we tried to summarize the main results of the research.
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Эргонимы-реплиĸи в современном городсĸом ономастиĸоне (оценĸа и фунĸционирование по данным эĸсперимента) : магистерская диссертация / Conversational ergonym in the modern urban onomastic space (evaluation and functioning based on the experiment)Темникова, Е. И., Temnikova, E. I. January 2021 (has links)
Данная магистерсĸая диссертация посвящена изучению эргонимов-реплиĸ с точĸи зрения их фунĸционирования в современной городсĸой среде. В первой главе работы описаны фунĸции эргонимов, выделены способы их образования. Особое внимание аĸцентируется на леĸсиĸо-синтаĸсичесĸом способе, на базе ĸоторого образуются эргонимы-реплиĸи, таĸже рассматриваются специфичесĸие особенности разговорной речи, единицы ĸоторой легли в основу номинаций. Во второй главе на материале исследуемой группы номинаций различных городов России, Уĸраины, Беларуси и Казахстана (192 единицы) представлена многоаспеĸтная ĸлассифиĸация эргонимов-реплиĸ, проведенная по разным основаниям. В третьей главе диссертации анализируются результаты опроса, выполненного методом лингвистичесĸого интервьюирования (13730 ответов-реаĸций). Опрос проведен с целью оценĸи прагматичесĸого потенциала эргонимов-реплиĸ, а таĸже выявления неофициальных вариантов их употребления в речи. В работе выделены приемы создания неофициальных эргонимов, отмечен широĸий потенциал создания вторичных номинаций. / This master‘s thesis devoted to the study of conversational ergonym with respect to their functioning in the modern urban space. In the first Chapter the functions of ergonyms are described, and the ways of their formation are highlighted. Special attention is focused on the lexico-syntactic method, on the basis of which conversational ergonyms are formed, and the specific features of colloquial speech, the units of which formed the basis of the nominations, are also considered. In the second chapter, based on the material of the studied group of nominations of various cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan (192 units), a multidimensional classification of conversational ergonyms is presented, conducted on different grounds. The third chapter of the dissertation analyzes the results of a survey conducted by the method of linguistic interviewing (13730 responses-reactions). The survey was conducted to assess the pragmatic potential of conversational ergonyms, as well as to identify informal variants of the use of them in speech. The study identified the methods of creating unofficial ergonyms, and there was broad the vast potential of the creation of derivative nominations.
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Taalverryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe : 'n ouerprogram / Language enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities : a parental programmeNaudé, Hendrina 08 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die taalontwikkeling en -verryking van senior kleuters in
milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe. Die ondersoekgroep is 'n A:fiikaanssprekende Kleurling- en
Griekwagemeenskap. Dit blyk dat die ouers in hierdie gemeenskap sekere leemtes openbaar ten
aansien van bulle taalopvoedingsgedrag, wat resulteer in taalervaringsagterstande by die senior
Taalontwikkeling en -verryking is in wese "a socially mediated process" en blootstelling aan
stimulerende taalervaringe bevorder begrip van taalgebruik binne die sosiale konteks. Die
ontoereikende taalvoorbeeld binne die gesinne en gemeenskap resulteer in ontoereikende
taalontwikkeling en -verwerwing en die senior kleuters openbaar bulle arme, ongedifferensieerde
taalwereld in taaltekorte ten opsigte van taalbebeer, taalstyl en taalkode. Die senior kleuters se
konsepvorming is gebrekkig en in bulle taalaanwending is bulle eerder beskrywend en
konkreet-gebonde as analities en abstrak.
Dit blyk dat die ouers nie bulle senior kleuters kognitief toereikend stimuleer nie, en dat
uitbreiding van taalkode nie toereikend gefasilieer word nie, omdat die ouers onkundig is
omtrent die benutting van toevallige leersituasies, en nie potensiele leergeleenthede skep of
ontgin nie. Kognitiewe stimulasie verwys na die vaslegging van sekere konsepte en uitbreiding
van taalkode verwys na die vaardigheid om juis daardie konsepte te kan omskryf, verklaar of
mee te deel. 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus die resultaat van gereelde blootstelling aan 'n wye
verskeidenheid stimulerende ervaringe. Hierdie ervaringsraamwerk word later die kleuter se
venrysingsraamwerk wat by gebruik om inligting te berhaal, versoeke te formuleer, voorwerpe
te benoem en gebeure akkuraat te beskryf 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus noodsaaklik vir latere
suksesvolle leer, omdat dit die leerder in staat stel om nuwe inligting te analiseer, te sinteseer en
te globaliseer.
Die implikasie vir die antwerp van 'n ouerprogram is dat die ouers nie net begelei moet word ten
aansien van die taalverryking van die senior kleuters nie, maar ook eksplisiet daartoe begelei te
word om potensieel-stimulerende leersituasies te skep. / This study focuses on the language development and -enrichment of senior toddlers in
environmentally deprived communities. The research group is an Afrikaans speaking Colouredand
Griqua community. It is evident that parents in this community reveal certain deficiencies
pertaining to their language-teaching behaviour, resulting in linguistic experiential backlogs in
their senior toddlers.
Language development and -enrichment is in essence a socially mediated process and exposure
to stimulating language experiences enhances comprehension of colloquial usage within the
social context. The inadequate linguistic example set by both the family and the community
results in inadequate language development and -enrichment and the senior toddlers reveal their
impoverished, undifferentiated world of language in deficiencies pertaining to mastery of
language, style of language and code of language. The senior toddlers' conceptualization is
deficient and in their language usage they are rather descriptive and concrete-bound than analytic
and abstract.
It is evident that the parents do not adequately stimulate their senior toddlers' cognitive abilities,
and a code of language is not adequately facilitated, because the parents do not know how to
derive profit from incidental learning situations and are ignorant pertaining to the creation and
utilization of potential learning opportunities. Stimulation of cognition refers to the mastery and
fixation.. of certain concepts, while broadening of a code of language refers to the. ability to
describe, to explain, to interpret or to communicate the meaning of these concepts. A broadened
and expanded code of language is thus the result of regular exposure to a wide range of
stimulating experiences. This experiential framework later becomes the toddler's referential
framework which he uses to repeat information, to formulate requests, to name objects and to
accurately describe events. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus essential for
later successful learning, because it enables the learner to analyze, to synthesize and to globalize
new information.
The implication for the draft of a parental programme is that parents should not .only be
accompanied pertaining to the enrichment of their senior toddlers' language development, but
that parents in this deprived environment also explicitly be educated to create potential
stimulating learning situations at home. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkudige Opvoedkunde)
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Taalverryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe : 'n ouerprogram / Language enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities : a parental programmeNaudé, Hendrina 08 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die taalontwikkeling en -verryking van senior kleuters in
milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe. Die ondersoekgroep is 'n A:fiikaanssprekende Kleurling- en
Griekwagemeenskap. Dit blyk dat die ouers in hierdie gemeenskap sekere leemtes openbaar ten
aansien van bulle taalopvoedingsgedrag, wat resulteer in taalervaringsagterstande by die senior
Taalontwikkeling en -verryking is in wese "a socially mediated process" en blootstelling aan
stimulerende taalervaringe bevorder begrip van taalgebruik binne die sosiale konteks. Die
ontoereikende taalvoorbeeld binne die gesinne en gemeenskap resulteer in ontoereikende
taalontwikkeling en -verwerwing en die senior kleuters openbaar bulle arme, ongedifferensieerde
taalwereld in taaltekorte ten opsigte van taalbebeer, taalstyl en taalkode. Die senior kleuters se
konsepvorming is gebrekkig en in bulle taalaanwending is bulle eerder beskrywend en
konkreet-gebonde as analities en abstrak.
Dit blyk dat die ouers nie bulle senior kleuters kognitief toereikend stimuleer nie, en dat
uitbreiding van taalkode nie toereikend gefasilieer word nie, omdat die ouers onkundig is
omtrent die benutting van toevallige leersituasies, en nie potensiele leergeleenthede skep of
ontgin nie. Kognitiewe stimulasie verwys na die vaslegging van sekere konsepte en uitbreiding
van taalkode verwys na die vaardigheid om juis daardie konsepte te kan omskryf, verklaar of
mee te deel. 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus die resultaat van gereelde blootstelling aan 'n wye
verskeidenheid stimulerende ervaringe. Hierdie ervaringsraamwerk word later die kleuter se
venrysingsraamwerk wat by gebruik om inligting te berhaal, versoeke te formuleer, voorwerpe
te benoem en gebeure akkuraat te beskryf 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus noodsaaklik vir latere
suksesvolle leer, omdat dit die leerder in staat stel om nuwe inligting te analiseer, te sinteseer en
te globaliseer.
Die implikasie vir die antwerp van 'n ouerprogram is dat die ouers nie net begelei moet word ten
aansien van die taalverryking van die senior kleuters nie, maar ook eksplisiet daartoe begelei te
word om potensieel-stimulerende leersituasies te skep. / This study focuses on the language development and -enrichment of senior toddlers in
environmentally deprived communities. The research group is an Afrikaans speaking Colouredand
Griqua community. It is evident that parents in this community reveal certain deficiencies
pertaining to their language-teaching behaviour, resulting in linguistic experiential backlogs in
their senior toddlers.
Language development and -enrichment is in essence a socially mediated process and exposure
to stimulating language experiences enhances comprehension of colloquial usage within the
social context. The inadequate linguistic example set by both the family and the community
results in inadequate language development and -enrichment and the senior toddlers reveal their
impoverished, undifferentiated world of language in deficiencies pertaining to mastery of
language, style of language and code of language. The senior toddlers' conceptualization is
deficient and in their language usage they are rather descriptive and concrete-bound than analytic
and abstract.
It is evident that the parents do not adequately stimulate their senior toddlers' cognitive abilities,
and a code of language is not adequately facilitated, because the parents do not know how to
derive profit from incidental learning situations and are ignorant pertaining to the creation and
utilization of potential learning opportunities. Stimulation of cognition refers to the mastery and
fixation.. of certain concepts, while broadening of a code of language refers to the. ability to
describe, to explain, to interpret or to communicate the meaning of these concepts. A broadened
and expanded code of language is thus the result of regular exposure to a wide range of
stimulating experiences. This experiential framework later becomes the toddler's referential
framework which he uses to repeat information, to formulate requests, to name objects and to
accurately describe events. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus essential for
later successful learning, because it enables the learner to analyze, to synthesize and to globalize
new information.
The implication for the draft of a parental programme is that parents should not .only be
accompanied pertaining to the enrichment of their senior toddlers' language development, but
that parents in this deprived environment also explicitly be educated to create potential
stimulating learning situations at home. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkudige Opvoedkunde)
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Expression de l’affectivité dans l’espagnol du Chili : étude linguistique de quatre phénomènes prégnants / The expression of affectivity in Chile's spanish language : linguistic study of four significant phenomenaMoreno Nilo, Juan Luis 26 February 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre général de la linguistique descriptive et s’intéresse à l’espagnol familier d’usage au Chili, à travers les affects exprimés par les locuteurs chiliens. Notre hypothèse consiste dans le fait que l’espagnol du Chili est défini sur la base des affects, et que l’expression de ceux-ci, au niveau linguistique, est observable dans les phénomènes les plus divers, pouvant aller d’un simple morphème à une structure syntagmatique complexe. Afin de concevoir l’expression linguistique des affects d’un point de vue plus large, cette recherche vise l’étude de quatre phénomènes clairement différenciés : le suffixe –it dans le cadre de la communauté linguistique chilienne, la « paronomase orientée », le défigement phraséologique dans le domaine des locutions verbales et adverbiales et la particule illocutoire poh. Notre méthodologie consiste en l’extraction d’un nombre d’exemples conséquents pour illustrer les phénomènes choisis à partir de 103 numéros du journal chilien La Cuarta de 2010 et 2011. Parallèlement nous considérons un nombre significatif d’exemples issus de l’enregistrement de conversations menées auprès de 58 locuteurs chiliens pendant 9 heures 11 minutes et 33 secondes.Les quatre phénomènes de langue visés ont été étudiés sous le concept d’affectivité proposé par Bally (1965 [1913]), qui distingue les principes d’intensité et de valeur (1951 [1909]).L’étude de l’affectivité du suffixe –it dans le contexte chilien a révélé que l’affectivité est une propriété qui opère sur deux dimensions. Elle est, d’un côté, intrinsèque à un signe linguistique – base lexicale, suffixe –it et tout autre élément linguistique convergeant dans le discours – et, d’un autre côté, extrinsèque, car relatée à des éléments culturels ou idéologiques, et plus généralement à tout ce qui est extralinguistique. Dans les deux dimensions, l’affectivité du locuteur fonctionne comme élément de fusion et donne son vrai sens au signe linguistique. Concernant la « paronomase orientée » (terme que nous avons proposé), nous avons constaté que l’affectivité constitue la caractéristique principale de ce type de paronomase, et que son usage repose notamment sur la figure de la plaisanterie, cela étant dû à des caractéristiques communes qui se sont révélées être : la fonction ludique, l’intentionnalité comique et l’effet de surprise.La paronomase orientée, qui s’investit sur les plans phonétique, morphologique, lexical et sémantique, constitue pour nous une opération linguistique dérivative, où deux lexies simples ou complexes, qui se substituent l’une à l’autre au sein d’un énoncé, partagent des propriétés phonétiques, alors que leur contenu sémantique diverge.En liaison avec le défigement des locutions verbales et adverbiales, il s’avère que le défigement phraséologique est une activité linguistique naturelle faisant appel à la relation figurative constante entre les mots, qui permet de créer d’autres manières d’exprimer et d’actualiser les usages de termes déjà existants.L’évolution des phrases figées passe par un processus de transformation souhaité par les locuteurs au détriment des normes phraséologiques ou syntaxiques données. Cependant, l’intérêt de la création néologique intervient quand le locuteur a la possibilité de créer et de recréer des structures linguistiques nouvelles.Quant à la particule illocutoire poh, particule notamment orale qui provient du connecteur pues (Oroz : 1966), nous avons réussi à montrer que poh aide à la progression de la communication, favorisant la cohérence et la cohésion entre l'énoncé et le texte. De plus, par le truchement de poh, un accord consensuel entre le locuteur et l’interlocuteur s’établit et, à partir de cet accord, des fonctions pragmatico-affectives nouvelles surgissent. / This thesis fits into the general framework of descriptive linguistics. The thesis focuses on the colloquial Spanish used in Chile, through the affects expressed by the Chilean speakers.Our hypothesis is that Chilean Spanish is defined on the basis of affects, and linguistically, the expression of these affects is observed in various phenomena, from a simple morpheme to a complex phrase structure.In order to consider the linguistic expression of affects from a broader perspective, this research aims to study four clearly differentiated phenomena: the –it suffix as it is used within the Chilean linguistic community, the oriented paronomasia, phraseological deautomatization of verbal and adverbial phrases, and the illocutionary particle poh.Our methodology involves the removal of a number of consistent examples to illustrate the phenomena chosen from 103 copies of the Chilean newspaper La Cuarta (examples collected between 2010 and 2011). Similarly, we have extracted a selection of examples of recordings of conversations conducted with 58 Chilean speakers.The four linguistic phenomena focused upon have been studied from the concept of affectivity proposed by Bally (1965 [1913]), who distinguishes the principles of intensity and value (1951 [1909]).The study of the affectivity of the –it suffix in the Chilean context, has revealed that the affectivity is a property that operates in two dimensions. It is, firstly, intrinsic to a linguistic sign - lexical base, –it suffix and other convergent linguistic elements in the speech - and on the other hand, extrinsic, as it refers to cultural or ideological elements. In other words, everything that is extralinguistic. With respect to the "oriented paronomasia" (a term we put forward), we found that affectivity is the main feature of this type of paronomasia and that their use is essentially based on the form of the joke, this is due to the common characteristics that we found: the recreational function, the comic intent and surprise.The oriented paronomasia, which participates in the phonetic, morphological, lexical and semantic levels, constitutes for us a linguistic derivative transaction in which two simple or complex lexemes that are replaced by one another inside a sentence, share phonetic properties, even though the semantic content of these diverges.Concerning the deautomatization of verbal and adverbial phrases, it is revealed that the manipulation phraseology is a natural linguistic activity that appeals to the constant figurative relationship between the words, allowing one to create other ways in which to express and update the use of terms already in existence.The evolution of fixed phrases undergoes a process of transformation desired by speakers to the detriment of given phraseological or syntactic rules. However, the interest of neological creation intervenes when the speaker is able to create and recreate new linguistic structures.Regarding the illocutory particle poh, it is a linguistic particle, primarily oral, that derives from the connector 'pues' (Oroz, 1966), whose original form has been absorbed by phonetic attrition. We have managed to demonstrate that poh helps the progression of communication, favouring the coherence and cohesion between the statement and the text. Also, through the use of poh, a consensual agreement is established between the speakers and, from this agreement, arise pragmatic-affective functions.
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