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Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om huruvida hållbarhetsredovisningar inom samma bransch är jämförbara / Sustainable reporting : a study of whether sustainability reports within the same industry are possible to compareFalkenros, Helena, Salih, Melissa January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering: Idag anses det vara problematiskt att identifiera och jämföra företagsprestationer av deras hållbarhetsarbete och inte minst ur ett intressentperspektiv då svårigheter uppkommer gällande jämförbarhet av prestationer mellan företag, liksom över tid i ett och samma företag. Syfte: Extern redovisning är framförallt till för användarna, det vill säga företags intressenter, som ska kunna ta välgrundade beslut genom att jämföra olika företag med varandra. Studien syftar därför till att studera jämförbarheten mellan företags hållbarhetsredovisningar, inom samma bransch men även över tid inom ett och samma företag. Detta för att skapa förståelse för om det är möjligt att jämföra hållbarhetsredovisningar ur ett användarperspektiv. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom att både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en abduktiv ansats. Undersökningen har utförts genom att hållbarhetsrapporter inom den valda branschen har granskats, där meningar har tolkats och där val av nyckeltal har undersökts. Slutsatser: Likheterna är större än skillnaderna i vad företagen väljer att ta upp i sina hållbarhetsredovisningar. Informationen finns oftast där, men redovisas på olika sätt och i varierande omfattning. Kunskapsbidrag: Bolagen har uppvisat snarlika ämnen i hållbarhetsredovisningarna, trots att någon reglering inte funnits vid upprättandet. Detta visar på att företagen inom branschen efterliknar varandra. Studien har belyst likheter och skillnader i hållbarhetsredovisningar för företag som verkar inom samma bransch.
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Inter-Firm Comparability of GRI Sustainability Reporting : A study of seven European Companies in the Chemical SectorThoresson, Alexander, Pehrsson, Mikael, Tang, Yao January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Background: The perceived importance of sustainability has left its mark on organizations. The demand for sustainability reports is growing. The question whether these sustainability reports provide an authentic, or alternatively, an embellished picture of how sustainable a company is, seems interesting. There is no clear definition of what good or bad sustainability would be, and as such, one could argue that companies are considered to be sustainable, or not, depending on other companies in the same industry. The importance of whether sustainability reports are inter-firm comparable rises in compliance with the importance of sustainability itself. This paper attempts to further investigate the inter-firm comparability aspect by using the latest standards from the GRI, namely the GRI Standards that launched in 2016. Purpose: Comparability seems to be a natural way of determining whether a company is sustainable or not. The quality of the sustainability reports therefore diminishes, if the inter-firm comparability between them, is lacking. Hence, the thesis has the purpose of determining whether sustainability reports are inter-firm comparable. Method: This study utilized the GRI database in order to filter and select a population of companies. Seven companies in the European chemical sector were chosen, and a content analysis, where the different firms' responses to 34 selected indicators were analysed and interpreted using the scope of the Stakeholder theory, the Functionalist perspective & the Critical perspective. Conclusion: The inter-firm comparability of the seven companies' sustainability reports, who all used the GRI Standards, was found to be insufficient. This paper adds to previous research which also found inter-firm comparability between sustainability reports conducted according to earlier versions of the GRI framework to be inadequate. The main issues observed were results of differences in how the indicators were answered, sometimes quantitatively, sometimes qualitatively, as well as the amount of superfluous information provided.
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Lika men ändå så olika : Intressenters tolkning och jämförelse av företag som använder GRI vid hållbarhetsrapportering / Same, same but different : Stakeholders’ interpretation and comparison of companies using GRI in sustainability reportingLarsson, Josefine, Svensson, Sophie January 2020 (has links)
Intressenter är allt mer engagerade kring miljön vilket har bidragit till att det har blivit viktigare för intressenter att göra hållbara beslut. Att företag tar hänsyn till sina intressenter och redovisar sitt arbete gällande hållbara frågor i en hållbarhetsrapport kan bidra till att företaget uppnår legitimitet, vilket kan vara avgörande för deras överlevnad. För att intressenter skall kunna ta beslut eller investera i företag vill de kunna jämföra företag emellan, detta för att kunna fatta dem rätta besluten oavsett vad det gäller. Men då riktlinjerna för hur företag skall eller bör rapportera är många kan det betyda att resultatet kan variera stort och påverka jämförbarheten. Global Reporting Initiative är det mest använda ramverket inom hållbarhetsrapportering, men är endast ett hjälpmedel med riktlinjer för hur rapporteringen bör gå till. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka om hållbarhetsrapporter, med ramverket GRI, påverkar intressenters tolkning och jämförelse mellan företag. För att uppnå syftet med studien och kunna besvara frågan genomfördes sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom att studera två anonyma företags hållbarhetsrapporter fick respondenterna besvara frågor angående jämförbarhet, tolkning och legitimitet. Genom att analysera respondenternas svar utifrån legitimitetsteorin, intressentteorin och jämförbarhet resulterade studien i att sex av sju respondenter ansåg att rapporterna avvek väldigt mycket från varandra, varav den ena var bristfällig gällande många aspekter. De hade svårt att tolka och förstå den ena rapporten vilket också bidrog till att det i princip var omöjligt att uppnå legitimitet och jämförbarhet för dessa företag. Respondenterna hade önskat att det fanns en standard och standardiserade nyckeltal för att lättare uppnå jämförbarhet. Detta tyder på att behovet av ett tydligt och mer följdriktigt ramverk kan vara betydande för att öka legitimiteten, trovärdigheten och jämförbarheten i rapporterna. / The topic of sustainability is a topic that most people are familiar with. But something that is relatively new and foreign to most is sustainability reporting. companies report how they work on issues related to the environment, social conditions, staff, respect for human rights and countering corruption. Reporting this to its stakeholders can be significant as it displays and create legitimacy and be crucial to the company's existence. Stakeholders also want to be able to compare companies in order to make the right decisions, but this can be problematic as there are several ways to report the same matter. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate how comparability and legitimacy are affected based on how companies prepare their sustainability report. What the study finds is that legitimacy and comparability are negatively affected by the few guidelines that currently prevail.
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Accrual and Cash Flow Comparability: Evidence from Stock Analysts and Credit Rating AgenciesPark, Duri January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Effekten av ett reglerat redovisningsval för bostadsrättsföreningar : Från regelbaserade K2-regelverket till principbaserade K3?Haapala, Cornelia, Wendel, Klara January 2023 (has links)
I juni 2023 gav Bokföringsnämnden, en statlig myndighet i Sverige ut en remiss som riktar sig mot bostadsrättsbranschen. Remissen innebär delvis att man reglerar redovisningsvalet för bostadsrättsföreningar och är ett av flera ageranden från myndigheter i Sverige, där alla haft i syfte att öka jämförbarheten. Problematiken med att reglera ett redovisningsval grundar sig i effekter, konsekvenser och jämförbarhet där vi ifrågasätter nyttan av godtagandet av remissens förslag. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur de som upprättar de ekonomiska rapporterna i bostadsrättsföreningar påverkas om de tvingas övergå till att redovisa enligt K3- regelverket utifrån bokföringsnämndens remiss. Vidare är syftet att undersöka hur jämförbarheten mellan bostadsrättsföreningars ekonomiska rapporter påverkas av remissen. Studien har två frågeställningar: ➢ Vilka konsekvenser innebär övergången till K3 för upprättare av finansiella rapporter i bostadsrättsföreningar? ➢ Hur påverkar den föreslagna regleringen av bostadsrättsföreningars redovisningsval jämförbarheten i branschen? Vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer och uppsatsen är därmed av kvalitativ karaktär. Studiens population består av alla som arbetar med en bostadsrättsförenings ekonomiska rapporter, där urvalet var ekonomiska förvaltare och revisorer i Stockholm. Den tidigare forskningen i studien består exempelvis av studier som undersökt implementeringen av IFRS och jämförbarhet. Av vad som framgår av den insamlade empirin varierar uppfattningarna kring det principbaserade regelverket K3. Ur vad som går att uttyda ur den insamlade empirin kommer jämförbarheten i branschen att öka om remissen godkänns, men förslag på ytterligare åtgärder har angivits. De effekter och konsekvenser som kunnat identifieras i såväl tidigare forskning som studiens empiri är: tid, utbildning, felbedömningar och möjlig minskad kvalitét på ekonomiska rapporter. / In June 2023 the accounting board of Sweden gave a proposal that affects the industry of condominium associations. The proposal implies that the accounting choice will be regulated and is one of several actions from Swedish authorities, all of which has the purpose of increasing the comparability in the industry. The problem with regulating accounting choice is based on effects, consequences and comparability where we question the usefulness of accepting the proposal. The purpose of this study is to bring knowledge about how those who works with the financial reports within condominium associations will be affected if the proposal from the Swedish accounting board is accepted, which propose a transition to a principle-based regulation. The purpose is also to investigate how comparability in the industry is affected by the proposal. This study has two questions: ➢ What consequences will the transition to a principle-based regulation have for those who work with the financial reports within condominium associations? ➢ How will the proposed regulation of the accounting choice affect the comparability in the industry? We performed semi-structured interviews and therefore this is a qualitative study. The population in this study is all who work with the financial reporting of condominium associations. The selection further on is economists and auditors who are based in Stockholm, Sweden. Previous research used in this study's framework theory consists partly of some who studied the implementation of the IFRS and comparability. The empirical parts of the study show that the perceptions vary regarding the principle-based regulation and its meaning. From what can be deduced from the collected empirical evidence, comparability in the industry will increase if the proposal is accepted, but we have given proposals for further measures. The effects and consequences identified in previous research and the empirical parts of this study are time, education, misjudgments and possible decreased quality of the financial reporting.
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Confusing credentials : the cross-nationally comparable measurement of educational attainmentSchneider, Silke January 2009 (has links)
The quality of educational attainment measures lies at the heart of many cross-national micro-sociological research projects and international education statistics. This study aims at validating cross-nationally comparable measures of educational attainment, among which are the International Standard Classification of Education 1997 (ISCED 97), the CASMIN education scheme and years of education. Following a conceptual discussion of what educational attainment means, the most common ways of measuring educational attainment cross-nationally as well as previous evaluations thereof are reviewed. Then, the implementation of ISCED 97 in cross-national surveys is examined by looking at both the resulting educational attainment distributions in three European surveys as well as the data generation and harmonisation processes. Finally, a number of cross-national measures of educational attainment are compared with country-specific measures with respect to their information content by firstly examining the dispersion of educational attainment, and secondly the predictive power when explaining two core social stratification outcomes, occupational status and social class attainment, by educational attainment. The main results of the study are that the measurement of educational attainment in cross-national surveys is affected by a number of avoidable weaknesses which adversely affect the validity of claims based on analyses of these data: 1. Countries and surveys are inconsistent in the way they measure educational attainment and apply ISCED 97 to national data; and 2. actual years of education and the one-digit version of ISCED 97 distort measures of association to differing degrees in different countries. Both make cross-national comparisons using these measures highly problematic. Therefore, some amendments to the implementation of ISCED 97 in cross-national surveys and coding for statistical analyses are proposed. As part of the latter, an alternative simplification of ISCED 97, optimised for European survey research, is developed and validated. Moreover, suggestions for data collection procedures are made to improve the measurement of educational attainment nationally and cross-nationally.
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Problemas computacionais em teoria topológica dos grafos / Computational problems in topological graph theoryPocai, Rafael Veiga 11 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar os problemas computacionais que surgem ao se relacionar grafos com superfícies bidimensionais, dando especial atenção aos problemas do número de cruzamentos mínimo no plano (CROSSING NUMBER) e a problemas relacionados ao desenho de grafos em livros. Apresentamos uma redução do problema MULTICUT para CROSSING NUMBER, além de um resultado de complexidade em grafos de comparabilidade baseado em um resultado conhecido para desenhos em livros. / The objective of this text is to study computational problems that emerge from the relation between graphs and bidimensional surfaces, giving special attention to the crossing number problem and graph drawings on books. We present a reduction from MULTICUT to CROSSING NUMBER, in addition to a complexity result on comparability graphs based on a known result about drawings on books.
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由意義徹底轉變到理論不可共量 / From MEANING VARIANCE to INCOMMENSURABILITY of THEORY方珮齡, Fang, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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Byte av redovisningsprincip : en analys av och jämförelse mellan rättsläget i svensk och tysk rätt / Changes in Accounting Policies : an analysis of and comparison between the current rules and recommendations in Swedish and German lawKarlsson, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
<p>In order to achieve comparability, which is one of the fundamental principles of accounting, companies should be consistent concerning the accounting policies they use. Only under certain circumstances changes in accounting policies are allowed, and when there is a change in accounting policies, it is important that the change is reported in a way that assures that the financial reports still achieve comparability. </p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to establish which rules and recommendations about changes in accounting policies that exist in Swedish and German law and what their meaning is. Further, the purpose is to compare these rules and recommendations and discuss their differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages. Since publicly traded European companies will be obliged to prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with International Accounting Standards (IAS) from 2005, I also describe the content of IAS 8 which deals with changes in accounting policies, and discuss what the consequences of this transition might be for Swedish and German publicly traded companies considering changes in accounting policies. </p><p>The comparison and discussion is divided in three parts. One about what a change in accounting policies is, one about the permissibility to change accounting policies, and one about how changes in accounting policies should be reported in the accounts.</p>
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Byte av redovisningsprincip : en analys av och jämförelse mellan rättsläget i svensk och tysk rätt / Changes in Accounting Policies : an analysis of and comparison between the current rules and recommendations in Swedish and German lawKarlsson, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
In order to achieve comparability, which is one of the fundamental principles of accounting, companies should be consistent concerning the accounting policies they use. Only under certain circumstances changes in accounting policies are allowed, and when there is a change in accounting policies, it is important that the change is reported in a way that assures that the financial reports still achieve comparability. The purpose of this thesis is to establish which rules and recommendations about changes in accounting policies that exist in Swedish and German law and what their meaning is. Further, the purpose is to compare these rules and recommendations and discuss their differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages. Since publicly traded European companies will be obliged to prepare their consolidated accounts in conformity with International Accounting Standards (IAS) from 2005, I also describe the content of IAS 8 which deals with changes in accounting policies, and discuss what the consequences of this transition might be for Swedish and German publicly traded companies considering changes in accounting policies. The comparison and discussion is divided in three parts. One about what a change in accounting policies is, one about the permissibility to change accounting policies, and one about how changes in accounting policies should be reported in the accounts.
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