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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Lundgren, Eugene January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to analyze and explore the issue of inter-firm comparability of sustainability performance focusing on energy, through the qualitative content analysis of 3 GRI sustainability reports of the retail sector firms. The study examines 3 Swedish retail companies based on data from last year's GRI sustainability reports and focuses exclusively on the energy aspect. The current study provides an answer to the following research question: "Can different companies from the retail industry be compared based on the energy indicator data published in the GRI reports?" In the study, the author analyzes three reports of the retail companies, in particular Kappahl, Lindex, and H&M. For this, the author chose the method of qualitative content analysis. The research process was as follows. From the very beginning, eight keywords were chosen. Three out of eight keywords were excluded. The following keywords remained - energy efficiency, energy consumption, energy use, renewable energy, electricity consumption. Then the textual data was quantified, the visible and the obvious in the text was extracted and described (Results), and thereafter qualitative assessment was made (Discussion and Analysis). To answer this research question, the author had to carefully examine each keyword and category (theme) independently and see if the information about a particular keyword and category (theme) could be compared across different reports. The findings of this study indicate the following. Some of the categories (themes) can be compared, however, not all the categories (themes) are possible to compare. Since not all the categories can be compared, this factor does make overall comparability difficult. Hence, in general, it can be inferred that the GRI energy indicator cannot be compared.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Jämförbarhet mellan svenska och amerikanska klädföretag samt inom respektive land

Jonsson, Ellen, Lund, Matilda, Hermansson, Emmie January 2021 (has links)
The fashion industry is the third largest manufacturing industry in the world. Companies’ sustainability reports contain the organization's social, economic and environmental work. Comparability is a necessary principle for stakeholders to make investment decisions between companies based on their sustainability reports. Voluntary sustainability reporting has recently become more common. Furthermore, states årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL) in Sweden that certain companies are obliged to prepare sustainability reports. In the US, on the other hand, there are no requirements for companies to report about sustainability. The comparability between companies' sustainability reports is improved by following Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. The purpose of the study is to make a comparison between Swedish and American companies' sustainability reports and within each country in the fashion industry. The aim is to see how well companies’ sustainability reports in the US and Sweden follow the principle of comparability in terms of indicators in GRI's standards. To investigate this, a quantitative and qualitative method have been used. Theories used in the investigation to study comparability in American and Swedish clothing companies are the institutional theory and the legitimacy theory. The study shows that comparability is generally deficient between the US and Sweden and within each country. Worst comparability was found between Sweden and the US but within each country, Sweden had the best comparability

On the direct comparability of non-financial reports from a “Climate Action” & emissions perspective : - with specific reference to Large Cap companies on the Swedish Stock Market over a ten year period

Clarke Hermansson, Frances January 2021 (has links)
There are problems connected to the non-financial reports (NFRs) prepared by companies. The purpose of this study is to compare over a ten year period, the NFRs of Large Cap companies on the Swedish Stock Market, from a “Climate Action” and emissions perspective, to determine if the direct comparability of NFRs has increased within companies, if the direct comparability of NFRs between companies has increased and if regulations launched during the past decade have increased the direct comparability of NFRs. The non-financial reports (NFRs) of twenty four different Large Cap companies on the Swedish Stock Market were studied from 2010 to 2019 using a semi-inductive approach. A Research model and an Analysis model, the latter containing four components, frameworks, indicators, units of measurement and physical quantities, was developed in this study and its components used for analytical purposes. The results of the study show that only four enterprises’ NFRs, out of a total of twenty-four, could be compared internally for climate change issues over the entire decade. Furthermore, none of the companies’ NFRs could be directly compared between companies within this timeframe. The study has shown that direct comparability of NFRs, both within and between companies over time, requires that a unit of measurement and a physical quantity are used consistently by the companies. This study indicates that neither direct internal comparability of NFRs nor direct comparability between companies’ NFRs, have increased within and between companies over a decade. Despite the introduction of regulations there has not been a uniformity of procedures of the companies’ combined use of units of measurement and physical quantities which allows for individual interpretation of their contents. A suggested future research project is to lay the foundation for a combined financial and non-financial report where issues of risk and responsibility are tackled.

Harmonisering av redovisningen för SME : Är regelverken princip eller regelbaserade? / Harmonization of the financial reporting for SME - Is the framework principlebased or ruledbased?

Thai Thelin, Jenny, Florin Vadman, Ebba January 2016 (has links)
En önskan om en enad internationell uppsättning av redovisningsstandarder har uppkommit på senare tid på grund av globaliseringen. FASB har i ett försök att närma sig IASB regelverk implementerat mer principer i US GAAP medan IASB har implementerat fler regler i IFRS. Trenden pekar mot harmoniseringen för att lyckas med en enad internationell uppsättning redovisningsstandarder. Globaliseringen påverkar inte enbart börsnoterade företag utan även små och medelstora företag (SME). Arbetet för harmonisering av små och medelstora företags (SME) regelverk har dock inte berörts i lika stor grad. Studiens syfte är att undersöka till vilken grad regelverken IFRS for SME, FRS 102 och FRF for SME är princip- eller regelbaserade gentemot varandra samt att utreda till vilken grad dessa är harmoniserade med varandra.För att uppfylla syftet har en kvalitativ studie utförs med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Kvalitativ data används i uppbyggnad av den teoretiska referensramen med skriftliga källor i form av vetenskapliga artiklar. Empirin består av delar ur lagtexter av regelverken IFRS for SME, FRS 102 och FRF for SME som analyseras med utgångspunkt i den teoretiska referensramen.Det vi kom fram till var att IFRS for SME och FRS 102 är principbaserade regelverk medan FRF for SME är ett regelbaserat regelverk. När de sedan ställdes emot varandra betraktas FRS 102 precis som IFRS for SME som ett principbaserat regelverk men till en större grad. IFRS for SME och FRS 102 bedöms således som harmoniserade. FRF for SME anser vi å andra sidan vara ett regelbaserat regelverk och när det ställs emot IFRS for SME och FRS 102 anses det därmed svagt regelbaserade. Vi kan följaktligen inte betrakta FRS for SME som harmoniserade med varken IFRS for SME eller FRS 102.Vår studie bidrar därmed till litteratur om harmoniseringen av SME företag samt till IFRS for SME, FRS 102 och FRF for SME är huvudsakligen princip- eller regelbaserad. Dessutom görs en reflektion över om den enda aspekten med redovisningen är jämförbarhet då är det optimala läget för harmonisering när regelverken är stark regelbaserade. / AbstractA desire for a united international set of accounting standards has arisen in recent times due to globalization. FASB has in an attempt to approach the IASB regulations implemented more principles in US GAAP, while the IASB has implemented more rules in IFRS. The trend is pointing towards harmonization to succeed in the desire for an united international set of accounting standards. Globalisation does not only affect listed companies but also small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Harmonisation of these small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) framework have not been written about to the same degree as the listed companies. The study aims to examine to which extent regulations IFRS for SME, FRS 102 and FRF for SME's are principle or rule-based to one another. The second purpose of the study is to investigate the degree to which these are harmonized with each other.A qualitative study with a content analyse have been conducted to fulfill the purpose of the study. Qualitative data is used in the construction of the theoretical framework in form of written sources such as scientific articles. The empirical data is also of qualitative character and consists of parts of the legal texts of the regulations IFRS for SME, FRS 102 and FRF for SMEs. The empirical data is analyzed on the basis of the theoretical framework.The conclusion was that IFRS for SME and FRS 102 are principle-based frameworks while FRF for SMEs is a rules-based framework. When they were facing each other FRS 102 was considered as a principle-based regulations but to a greater degree then IFRS for SME. IFRS for SME and FRS 102 is consequently considered harmonized. FRF for SMEs on the other hand is a rules-based framework and when it is set against the IFRS for SME and FRS 102 it is considered weak rule-based. We cannot therefore regard FRS for SMEs harmonized with either IFRS for SMEs or FRS 102.Our study contributes to the literature on the harmonization of SME companies, and whether the IFRS for SME, FRS 102 and FRF for SMEs are mainly principle- or rulebased. In addition, a reflection on if the only aspect of the financial report is comparability then optimal framework for harmonization are one that is strong rulebased.

Le renforcement de la gouvernance d’entreprise et la qualité des états financiers : cas des entreprises françaises cotées / Corporate governance strengthen and financial statements quality : the case of the listed french firms

Karmani, Majdi 25 March 2013 (has links)
À la suite des derniers scandales financiers, des différents codes de bonnes pratiques et des multiples réformes institutionnelles, la question de la relation entre le renforcement de la gouvernance d’entreprise et son efficacité n’a pas été abordée empiriquement en France. Cette recherche contribue à ce débat en examinant l’influence des mécanismes de gouvernance d'entreprise sur la gestion du résultat.En se basant sur trois stades d’études complémentaires, cette recherche évalue les spécificités de la gouvernance française sur la qualité des états financiers à partir d’une analyse factorielle confirmatoire, d’une régression logistique binaire et des modèles discrétionnaires basés sur les « accruals », les seuils et les scores de manipulations. L’estimation des paramètres des modèles et la durée de l’étude ont été fixé après la vérification de la comparabilité des chiffres comptables après l’entrée en vigueur des normes IAS/IFRS. Les principaux résultats indiquent qu’il faut généraliser certaines pratiques de gouvernance d’entreprise en donnant un appui au législateur et aux partisans des réformes financières afin de garantir une meilleur qualité de l’information financière. / This dissertation investigates and empirically tests the relationship between corporate governance strength and corporate governance effectiveness on the quality of the reported financial statements. Despite, concerns about the strengthen of the corporate governance structure and its effectiveness on earnings management, the relation between corporate governance strength and corporate governance effectiveness is not empirically well developed in France.Using three stages of follow-up studies, this research estimates the specificities of the French corporate governance on the quality of financial statements from a factorial confirmatory analysis, a binary logistic regression and discretionary models based on "accruals", "revenues" and scores of manipulations. The estimation of the parameters of the models and the duration of the study were fixed after the check of the comparability of the accounting numbers after the adoption of the IAS/IFRS GAAP.The main results indicate that it is necessary to generalize certain practices of the French corporate governance, by giving support to both the legislator and the partisans of the financial reforms in order to enhance the quality of the financial information.

Transparens och jämförbarhet i IFRS 17 : En undersökning utifrån ett intressentperspektiv / Transparency and comparability in IFRS 17 : A review from a stakeholder perspective

Jarl, Pontus, Karlsson, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Efter cirka 20 års arbete kommer en ny redovisningsstandard för försäkringskontrakt, den 1januari 2022, att träda i kraft. Standarden namnges International Financial Reporting Standards17 (IFRS) och kommer ersätta den nuvarande interimstandarden IFRS 4. Under denna tid har International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) tagit fram flera olika förslag förutformningen av IFRS 17. År 2013 publicerade IASB en så kallad reviderad Exposure Draft(ED) där företag och organisationer bjöds in att kommentera på de förslag som tagits fram. Dessa kommentarer, så kallade Comment Letters (CL), är av väsentlig karaktär för hur den slutgiltiga standarden kommer att se ut. Därav utgjorde dessa CL det empiriska underlaget i denna studie. Problemdiskussionen i studien visar att IFRS 4 har fått mycket kritik för att inte vara en tillräckligt transparent och jämförbar redovisningsstandard. Detta leder sedermera framtill studiens syfte. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om intressenterna, som genom sina CL kommenterat på IASB:s reviderade ED från 2013, anser att förslagen i densamma kommer att leda till en merjämförbar och transparent redovisningsstandard. Dessutom syftar studien till att ta reda på om det föreligger mönster i intressenternas attityder till förslagen i 2013 års reviderade ED och i så fall vilka dessa mönster är. Totalt genererade den reviderade ED:n 198 CL från olika typer av intressenter. Studiens urvalsprocess medförde att 67 av dessa CL utgjorde det empiriska materialet. Då studiens syfte är att analyserna och tolka intressenternas attityder till förslagen i den reviderade ED:ngenomförs en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som innehåller inslag av både en induktiv och deduktivforskningsansats. Studiens resultat visar att majoriteten av intressenterna håller med om att förslagen som framförs av IASB i den reviderade ED:n från 2013 kommer leda till en mer transparent och jämförbar redovisningsstandard. Däremot är det många intressenter som påpekar att flera avförslagen är komplexa och svårförstådda. Vissa av kommentarerna från företagen och organisationerna som analyserats uttrycker även att denna komplexitet är något som riskerar att skada jämförbarheten och transparensen. De tydligaste mönstren från de CL som analyserats är att förslagen är en förbättring från nuvarande redovisningsstandard samt tidigare förslag från IASB. Dessutom uppvisas mönstret att förslagen i den reviderade ED:n kommer att leda tillökad jämförbarhet och transparens. Dock menar många intressenter att implementeringsprocessen kommer vara mycket tids- och resurskrävande. Studiens slutsatser visar att en majoritet av intressenterna ställer sig bakom förslagen som framförs i den reviderade ED:n. Däremot ställer sig många kritiska till komplexiteten i förslagensamt bristen på vägledning. Dessa slutsatser påvisar att IASB är på rätt väg att uppnå sitt mål med en redovisningsstandard som har en högre grad av transparens och jämförbarhet än den nuvarande. / After approximately 20 years of work, a new accounting standard will take effect January 1st, 2022. The standard is called International Financial Reporting Standards 17 (IFRS) and will replace the current interim standard IFRS 4. During this time The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has worked out several proposals for modeling IFRS 17. In year 2013IASB published a so called revised Exposure Draft (ED) where companies and organizations were invited to comment on the proposals. These comments, so called Comment Letters (CL) are of significant nature for how the final standard will be designed. Thus, the CL made up the empirical basis of this study. IFRS 4 has received a lot of criticism for not being comparable and transparent enough. This problem subsequently led to the purpose of this study. The purpose of this study is to ascertain if stakeholders who commented on IASB:s revised ED from 2013 consider that the proposals in the ED will lead to a more comparable and transparent accounting standard. Furthermore, the study aims to find out if there are patterns in stakeholders’ attitudes towards the revised ED and if so, what those patterns are. The revised ED generated 198 CL in total from several different stakeholders. The study’s selection process ended with a total of 67 CL which made up the empirical material. Because the purpose of this paper is to analyze and interpret the stakeholders’ attitudes towards the proposals in the revised ED, a qualitative content analysis will be performed. It will include elements of both an inductive and deductive research approach. The results of the study show that a majority of stakeholders agree with the proposals in the revised ED from 2013 and that it will lead to a more transparent and comparable accounting standard. However, many stakeholders point out that several of the proposals are complex and hard to understand. Some of the comments from the companies and organizations that have been analyzed expresses that the complexity is a factor that may damage comparability and transparency. The most distinct patterns from the CL that have been analyzed are that the proposals constitute an improvement compared to the previous accounting standard as well as earlier proposals from the IASB and that the proposals in the revised ED will lead to increased comparability and transparency. Nevertheless, many stakeholders’ express concerns that the implementation process will be very time- and resource consuming. The study’s conclusion shows that the majority of stakeholders are in favor of the proposals in the revised ED. However, many also raise concerns regarding the complexity in the proposals and the lack of guidance. In light of these conclusions, IASB is on the right path to achieve their objective of an accounting standard with a higher degree of transparency and comparability than the current one.

Jämförbarhet i hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om jämförbarhet i redovisningen av miljömässig påverkan hos svenska industriföretag

Öberg, Rebecca, Granséll, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Ett av de viktigaste målen med redovisning är att informationen är jämförbar över tid och mellan företag, detta möjliggör bland annat för investerare att fatta rationella beslut. Idag är det lagstadgat att stora företag ska hållbarhetsredovisa men denna rapportering är flexibel vilket försvårar jämförelser. För att utveckla riktlinjer för hållbarhetsredovisning bildades 1997 Global Reporting Initiative, GRI. En av GRIs principer för att uppnå hållbarhetsredovisning av hög kvalitet är jämförbarhet och syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka om svenska industriföretags rapportering av företagens miljömässiga påverkan är jämförbar över tid samt företag emellan enligt GRIs princip om jämförbarhet. För att undersöka detta har en analytisk modell tagits fram med hjälp av tidigare forskning. Enligt denna modell finns det fyra faktorer som påverkar hållbarhetsredovisningars jämförbarhet - använda riktlinjer, rapporterade indikatorer, måttenheter samt absoluta och relativa tal. Studien utgick från intressentteorin som innebär att alla intressenter ska behandlas likvärdigt och att företagsledningen ska se till dessa intressenters bästa. En innehållsanalys gjordes av sju företags hållbarhetsredovisningar tre år i rad och rapporterna kodades med hjälp av ett kodningsschema och en kodningsmanual som utformats med utgångspunkt i den analytiska modellen. Dataanalysen visade att hållbarhetsredovisningarna till viss del är jämförbara över tid. Företagen rapporterar i stor utsträckning samma indikatorer och med samma måttenheter från år till år, men rapporterna saknar ofta relativa tal som beskriver förändringen från föregående år. Jämförbarheten mellan företag är något lägre då det skiljer sig åt vilka indikatorer som rapporteras och framförallt vilka måttenheter som används. / One of the most important objectives with accounting is that the information is comparable, both from one year to another and also between companies. This enables stakeholders to make rational decisions. Today, the law requires all large companies to report sustainability data but the requirements are flexible which makes it hard to compare data. To develop sustainability reporting guidelines, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was established in 1997. One of GRI’s principles to achieve high quality sustainability reporting is comparability. The aim of this study is to examine whether swedish industry companies’ reporting of their environmental impact is comparable from one year to another and between companies according to GRI’s principle of comparability. To examine this, an analytical model has been developed using previous research. According to this model there are four factors that affect the comparability of sustainability reports - the guidelines used, the reported indicators, the units of measurements, and absolute and relative numbers. The study was based on the stakeholder theory, which says that all stakeholder should be treated equally and that the managements should look to the best interest of the stakeholders. A content analysis of sustainability reports of seven companies over three years was made and the reports was encoded using a coding scheme and a coding manual that had been developed based on the analytical model. The data analysis showed that the sustainability reports partially is comparable from one year to another. The companies report the same indicators and with the same units of measurements from one year to another to a great extent, but often the reports lack relative number that describe the change from the previous year. The comparability between companies is slightly lower because the indicators reported and especially the units of measurements used vary.

Palimpsesto e análise literária: proposta para uma \'arqueologia do autor\' de literatura infantil / Palimpsesto and literary analysis: proposal for an \'archeology of the author\' of Children\'s Literature

Lauriti, Thiago 14 September 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese, investigam-se as edições originais de duas obras representativas de uma rede de textos presentes no limiar da literatura infantil e juvenil no Brasil, na transição do século XIX para o século XX: Historias da avosinha (1896), de Figueiredo Pimentel e Atravez do Brazil (Narrativa) de Olavo Bilac e Manoel Bomfim (1910). Essas obras estiveram presentes nas bases estético-ideológicas da literatura infantil no período da Primeira República e constituem documentos de valor histórico que marcam o limiar da literatura voltada às crianças brasileiras. Analisam-se tais obras, nesse contexto, com os seguintes objetivos: a) rastrear os potenciais sentidos encobertos pela poeira do tempo, associando os valores presentes no plano textual que recobre o universo diegético das obras aos dispositivos paratextuais (autorais e editoriais, peritextuais e epitextuais) que envolvem as publicações originais, relacionando-os às posições institucionais ocupadas tanto por esses escritores quanto por seus editores; b) verificar as relações estabelecidas entre esses escritores, seus editores e o mercado editorial da época, em conexão com a ideologia vigente à época e o gênero a que pertencem; c) identificar a natureza das adaptações que representam; e d) identificar os traços que caracterizam a arqueologia desses autores. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa de natureza teórico-analítica e bibliográfica que, a partir do paradigma indiciário de Carlo Ginzburg, coleta dados das fontes documentais primárias das duas obras, acrescidas por informações extraídas de memorialistas, jornais e catálogos da época em que foram produzidas. Utilizou-se o termo palimpsesto como uma chave metafórica que se reporta a uma atitude hermenêutica de escavação das pistas indiciárias diluídas nas camadas textuais, paratextuais e intertextuais reveladoras das condições de produção das obras selecionadas. Esse modelo epistemológico assentado nos detalhes mostrou-se válido e produtivo e permitiu que, pela desmontagem ativa das camadas que as compõem, se tornasse possível penetrar nos espaços interditos dessas temporalidades. Corroborou-se, nesta investigação, a hipótese de que a imagem de autor, na gênese da literatura infantil brasileira, não pode ser entendida fora da ideia de uma representação compartilhada e estabelecida com os editores-livreiros. As análises revelaram tanto as motivações comerciais quanto as ideológico-educativas dessas parcerias, inseridas em ações educacionais mais amplas que deram visibilidade aos projetos estabelecidos em um mercado editorial em estado nascente. Penetramos na historicidade dessas obras mobilizados pela convicção do seu valor simbólico de parte integrante do patrimônio histórico, cultural e artístico. O recorte que balizou esta investigação, associando as análises dos planos textuais, paratextuais e intertextuais ao paradigma indiciário ampliou a perspectiva analítica para além da epiderme textual, exigindo um movimento interpretativo de decifração que, além de ter revelado valores e costumes da época, mostrou-se importante também para a compreensão das convenções literárias e editoriais que também podem ser vistos como elementos da literariedade. / In this thesis, we investigate the original editions of two works representative of a network of texts present at the threshold of children\'s and youth literature in Brazil, in the transition from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century: Figueiredo\'s \"Stories of avosinha\" (1896) Pimentel and \"Atravez do Brazil (Narrative)\" by Olavo Bilac and Manoel Bomfim (1910). These works were present in the aesthetic-ideological bases of children\'s literature in the period of the First Republic and are documents of historical value that mark the threshold of the literature directed to the Brazilian children. These works are analyzed in this context with the following objectives: a) to trace the potential senses covered by the dust of time, associating the values present in the textual plane that covers the diegotic universe of the works to the paratextual devices (copyright and editorials, peritextual and epithexical) that involve the original publications, relating them to the institutional positions occupied by both these writers and their editors; b) to verify the relations established between these writers, their editors and the publishing market of the time, in connection with the ideology in force at the time and the genre to which they belong; c) identify the nature of the adaptations they represent; and d) identify the traits that characterize the \"archeology\" of these authors. It is a qualitative research of a theoreticalanalytical and bibliographical nature that, based on Carlo Ginzburg\'s \"indicative paradigm\", collects data from the primary documentary sources of the two works, plus information extracted from memorialists, newspapers and catalogs of the time in that were produced. The term \"palimpsest\" was used as a metaphorical key that refers to a hermeneutic atitude of \"excavation\" of the diluted clues in the textual, paratextual and intertextual layers revealing the conditions of production of the selected works. This epistemological model, based on the details, proved to be valid and productive and allowed the active dismantling of the layers that compose them to penetrate the interdicted spaces of these temporalities. In this research, the hypothesis was corroborated that the \"author image\", in the genesis of Brazilian children\'s literature, can not be understood outside the idea of a shared and established representation with book publishers. The analyzes revealed both the commercial and ideological-educational motivations of these partnerships, inserted in broader educational actions that gave visibility to the projects established in a nascente publishing market. We penetrate the historicity of these works mobilized by the conviction of their symbolic value as an integral part of historical, cultural and artistic heritage. The cut that marked this investigation, associating the analyzes of the textual, paratextual and intertextual plans to the indiciary paradigm extended the analytical perspective beyond the textual epidermis, demanding an interpretative movement of deciphering that, besides having revealed values and customs of the time, is also important for the understanding of literary and editorial conventions that can also be seen as elements of literacy.

Características institucionais dos países e práticas de evidenciação das provisões e passivos contingentes ambientais: um estudo internacional / Countries institutional characteristics and disclosure of environmental provisions and contingent liabilities: an international study

Prado, Thiago Alberto dos Reis 18 October 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetiva investigar a relação entre as características institucionais dos países de origem das empresas, que adotam IFRS, e a evidenciação das provisões e passivos contingentes ambientais. Com base na Teoria Institucional, espera-se que as características institucionais dos países exerçam pressões sobre as práticas de evidenciação, indo de encontro aos objetivos do IASB de comparabilidade em nível global. A pesquisa tem como amostra 614 observações de 123 companhias do Brasil, Canadá, Reino Unido, França, Alemanha, Austrália e China, de setores que exploram o meio ambiente com mais intensidade. O período de análise compreende os anos de 2011 a 2015. Para a coleta de dados relativos à evidenciação de provisões ambientais e passivos contingentes ambientais (variáveis dependentes), utilizou-se a técnica análise de conteúdo nas notas explicativas das Demonstrações Financeiras anuais, com o intuito de gerar índices de disclosure, com a comparação do que é divulgado pelas companhias e as disposições sobre evidenciação da norma IAS 37. As outras informações (variáveis independentes) foram também coletadas nas Demonstrações Financeiras das companhias e nos indicadores emitidos pelo World Economic Forum, World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators e pelo estudo de Hofstede (1980). Para identificar a relação entre a variável dependente e as variáveis independentes, empregou-se regressões com dados em painel com modelos estimados por meio da técnica de efeitos aleatórios. Posteriormente, avaliou-se a comparabilidade de maneira específica para cada uma das informações, por meio de Índices de Uniformidade, objetivando encontrar as principais dissimilaridades nas práticas de reporte. Os resultados obtidos com as regressões com dados em painel mostraram que o disclosure de provisões ambientais está relacionado com as variáveis de interesse dos sistemas político, financeiro e cultural do país de origem das empresas. No entanto, em relação a passivos contingentes ambientais, apenas a variável de interesse do sistema financeiro apresentou relação estatisticamente significativa com a variável dependente. As evidências de isomorfismo coercitivo e mimético encontradas permitem inferir que a evidenciação de passivos ambientais está relacionada com fatores múltiplos e conflitantes com o escopo de comparabilidade do IASB, o que prejudica este objetivo e sinaliza a não comparabilidade. Os achados da avaliação dos Índices de Uniformidade mostraram que há baixa comparabilidade em várias informações evidenciadas, tanto na dimensão within-country, quanto na dimensão between-countries e sugerem que a institucionalização das práticas de reporte encontra-se no estágio de objetificação. A principal conclusão deste trabalho é a de que, apesar de existirem pressões normativas para a existência da comparabilidade, há pressões institucionais conflitantes de outros atores sociais, de caráter coercitivo e mimético, fazendo com que as empresas, em busca de legitimidade, conduzam suas práticas de reporte estrategicamente, indo de encontro aos objetivos do IASB. / The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between institutional characteristics of companies\' countries of origin that adopt IFRS and the disclosure of environmental provisions and contingent liabilities. Based on the Institutional Theory, it was expected that the institutional characteristics of countries would exert pressures on disclosure practices, meeting the IASB\'s objectives of comparability at the global level. The study sampled 614 observations from 123 companies from Brazil, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia and China, from sectors that exploit the environment with greater intensity. The period of analysis comprises the years 2011 to 2015. For data collection related to the disclosure of environmental provisions and environmental contingent liabilities (dependent variables), the content analysis was used in the notes of the Annual Financial Statements aiming at generating disclosure indices by comparing what is disclosed by companies and the disclosure provisions of IAS 37. The other information (independent variables) was also collected in the companies\' Financial Statements and in the indicators issued by the World Economic Forum, World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators and the study by Hofstede (1980). To identify the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables, regressions with panel data were used, with models estimated using the random-effect technique. Subsequently, the comparability was evaluated in a specific way for each of the information through Uniformity Indices aiming at finding the main dissimilarities in the reporting practices. The results obtained with panel-data regressions showed the disclosure of environmental provisions related to the variables of interest of political, financial and cultural systems of the country of origin of the companies. However, regarding the environmental contingent liabilities, only the variable of interest of financial system showed statistically significant relation with the dependent variable. The evidence of coercive and mimetic isomorphism found allows us to infer that the disclosure of environmental liabilities is related to multiple factors and conflicting with the IASB\'s comparability objective, compromising it and signaling non-comparability. The findings of the evaluation of Uniformity Indices showed low comparability in several disclosed information, both in the within-country dimension and in the between-countries dimension, and suggest that the institutionalization of reporting practices is at the objectification stage. The main conclusion of this study is that, although there are normative pressures for the existence of comparability, there are conflicting institutional pressures of other social actors, of a coercive and mimetic character, making companies, in search of legitimacy, conduct their reporting practices strategically, contrary to the objectives of the IASB.

Adoção do IFRS no Brasil: Uma análise dos efeitos na comparabilidade e na relevância das demonstrações contábeis / Adoption of IFRS in Brazil: an analysis of the effects on the comparability and value relevance of financial statements

André dos Santos do Nascimento 05 March 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo objetiva analisar o impacto da adoção da norma internacional de contabilidade (IFRS) no Brasil na comparabilidade entre as normas contábeis (IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards e BRGAAP Brazilian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) e a relevância das informações geradas pela contabilidade na tomada de decisões pelos investidores. Como um objetivo secundário, busca identificar quais mudanças (CPCs Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis) foram mais significativas (e frequentes) para as contas contábeis e os indicadores financeiros com o propósito de avaliar os efeitos na comparabilidade das demonstrações financeiras das companhias brasileiras listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (IBOVESPA). Utilizou-se a ferramenta estatística de teste de médias, onde as hipóteses formuladas a serem testadas foram elaboradas a partir do levantamento do referencial teórico. A pesquisa constatou que os números contábeis das empresas listadas no IBOVESPA diferem significativamente e de forma positiva, quando aplicadas as normas internacionais de contabilidade em vez de aplicar a norma contábil brasileira (BRGAAP), assim como verificado em outros países. Também foi constatado que o padrão de contabilidade IFRS apresenta maior relevância contábil que a norma brasileira, uma vez que os dados contábeis se mostraram mais próximos aos valores de mercado. A pesquisa verificou nos relatórios contábeis das empresas inconsistências quanto à adoção das novas normas e, também, consideráveis variações nas formas de divulgação das informações. Além de ter identificado as normas (CPC 13, CPC 15 e CPC 27) que provocaram efeitos mais significativos em termos de valores e de frequência. Conclui-se com este estudo que as demonstrações financeiras sofrem impactos significativos ao se analisar os dois padrões contábeis em tela e que as demonstrações financeiras sob o padrão internacional apresentam maior relevância contábil que a norma de contabilidade brasileira. Ao fim do estudo, sugere-se que sejam aplicados outros testes estatísticos de análise multivariada dos dados financeiros com o intuito de se analisar simultaneamente o impacto de outras variáveis na comparabilidade e na relevância contábil. / This study analyzes the impact of the adoption of international accounting standard (IFRS) in comparability between the accounting standards (IFRS-International Financial Reporting Standards and BRGAAP - Brazilian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and relevance of information generated by accounting in decision decisions by investors in Brazil. As a secondary objective, which seeks to identify changes (CPCs - Accounting Pronouncements Committee) were more significant (and frequent) for accounts and financial indicators in order to evaluate the effects on the comparability of financial statements of Brazilian companies listed on the Bolsa de Valores de Sao Paulo (IBOVESPA). We used a statistical tool to test medium, where the hypotheses to be tested were prepared from a survey of the theoretical. The survey found that the accounting numbers of firms listed on IBOVESPA differ significantly in a positive way, when applied to international accounting standards instead of applying the accounting standard in Brazil (BR GAAP), as seen in other countries. It was found that the accounting standard IFRS accounting is more value relevant than the Brazilian standard, since the accounting data is shown closer to market values. The research found in the accounting reports, the data regarding the adoption of new standards and also considerable variations in the forms of disclosure. In addition to having identified the standards (CPC 13, CPC 15 and CPC 27) that caused the most significant effects in terms of values and frequency. It is concluded from this study that the financial statements suffer significant impacts when analyzing the two accounting standards on screen and that the financial statements under international standards are more value relevant than the accounting standard Brazilian accounting. At the end of the study a suggestion is made, that other tests should be applied, focused on statistical multivariate analysis of the financial data in order to simultaneously analyze the impact of other variables on the accounting comparability and on the value relevance.

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