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Comparing Performance of ANOVA to Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression When Applied to Count DataSoumare, Ibrahim January 2020 (has links)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is the easiest and most widely used model nowadays in statistics. ANOVA however requires a set of assumptions for the model to be a valid choice and for the inferences to be accurate. Among many, ANOVA assumes the data in question is normally distributed and homogenous. However, data from most disciplines does not meet the assumption of normality and/or equal variance. Regrettably, researchers do not always check whether the assumptions are met, and if these assumptions are violated, inferences might well be wrong.
We conducted a simulation study to compare the performance of standard ANOVA to Poisson and Negative Binomial models when applied to counts data. We considered different combination of sample sizes and underlying distributions. In this simulation study, we first assed Type I error for each model involved. We then compared power as well as the quality of the estimated parameters across the models.
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Le rythme dans les musiques traditionnelles de l'Amérique du Sud : modélisation, typologie et signification culturelleOrea-Sanchez, René 07 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse vise une analyse comparative qui porte sur le paramètre du rythme. Le corpus d’étude est constitué d’une quarantaine de genres musicaux parmi les plus emblématiques de l’Amérique du Sud. La problématique principale consiste à comprendre le rapport entre la structure des rythmes et leurs dénominations vernaculaires multiples et de faire émerger leur signification culturelle. L’objectif de notre analyse est d’aboutir à des alternatives typologiques à géométrie variable mettant en confrontation les plans d’observation (endogène et exogène). Ces typologies nous permettent en même temps de mettre en relief les airs de famille entre les rythmes ainsi que leurs éventuelles filiations.
Cette analyse s’appuie sur divers procédés de transcription, de modélisation et de comparaison des patterns polyrythmiques. Plusieurs composantes et aspects relatifs au paramètre rythmique sont également considérés, tels les oppositions de timbre, le tempo, les multiples spécificités performancielles, ainsi que les principes agogiques mis en oeuvre par les
Constituée de quatre chapitres, notre thèse fait état des différentes étapes méthodologiques de notre travail : analyse musicale, premières propositions typologiques (perspective exogène), enquêtes menées auprès des détenteurs des traditions (perspective endogène). Les deux perspectives sont ensuite mises en relation, voire confrontées, le tout dans une optique de validation culturelle des données conduisant à de nouvelles solutions typologiques. / Our thesis is a comparative analysis that focuses on rhythm as a parameter. The corpus of study consists of forty of the most iconic music genres of South America. The main issue is to understand the relationship between the structure of the rhythms and their various vernacular names and to make their cultural meaning emerge. The goal of our analysis is to create typological alternatives that confront the observation plans (endogenous and exogenous). These typologies focus on the family similarities between the rhythms and their possible affiliations.
This analysis is based on various transcription processes, modeling and comparison of polyrhythmic patterns. Several aspects and components relating to the rhythmic parameter will also be considered, such as timbre oppositions, tempo, multiple performance formulations, and agogic principles created by the musicians.
Consisting of four chapters, our thesis is based on several methodological steps: our music analysis and our initial typological proposals (exogenous perspective) on one hand, and on the other hand, our investigation process lead with the owners of the traditions (endogenous perspective). Both perspectives are then related, or faced, all in the perspective of a cultural validation.
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Inženýrskogeologické a praktické porovnání metod zakládání nenáročných objektů ve složitých geotechnických poměrech / Civil-engineering and practical comparing of groundworks in difficult geotechnical conditionsFleischmann, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
iv Abstrakt anglicky Thesis is focused on subject of foundation engineering for undemanding constructions at construction sites with difficult basis conditions. In first part of thesis the selected methods for depth foundation construction are discussed. These methods were used or have potential to be used at examined locations. Examined locations with difficult basis conditions are described in second part of thesis. Final part of thesis contains preparation for detailed IGP for foundaton construction in locality Praha - Řeporyje. Main objective of thesis is to assess various methods of special foundation engineering in difficult basis conditions and to evaluate their suitability for using in given geological conditions.
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Navegação hidroviária interior no RS : vantagem econômica comparada aos outros modais e implantação do calado sazonalCunha, Gilberto Teixeira da January 2014 (has links)
O Rio Grande do Sul possui um grande potencial para a navegação interior devido à extensão de sua rede hidrográfica de quase 2200 km, sendo 930 km navegáveis. Aliado a isto, na última década o estado apresentou um crescimento econômico em relação ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de 167,2 %, segundo a Fundação de Economia e Estatística/RS. Mesmo com estas condicionantes favoráveis constata-se que o modelo atual da estrutura logística da movimentação de cargas continua a não privilegiar o setor hidroviário interior. Tendo em vista estes aspectos, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo cujos objetivos são: (i) identificar a representatividade do modal hidroviário interior em relação à movimentação de cargas, destinadas à exportação e importação, da metade norte do Rio Grande do Sul aos principais terminais privados hidroviários e ao porto público, localizados na cidade de Rio Grande; (ii) comparar o modal hidroviário com seus principais concorrentes, os modais rodoviário e ferroviário e (iii) avaliar o impacto econômico da adoção do calado sazonal. Para a comparação dos modais foram escolhidos três parâmetros que estabelecem custos em relação à tonelada quilometro transportada, são eles: custo médio de operação; custo despendido com combustíveis; e custos sociais. Após as informações coletadas foram processadas e analisadas, possibilitando identificar os custos gerados por cada modal. Na comparação destaca-se que o custo dos modais rodoviário e ferroviário são respectivamente 1541% e 405% maior do que o hidroviário interior e que a carga movimentada pelos três modais, em 2011, representou um custo total de R$ 1,79 bilhões, ou seja, 0,65% do PIB estadual. Na avaliação da adoção do calado sazonal foi estudado o possível ganho em termos de capacidade de transporte de cargas e a redução de custos gerada pela utilização do transporte hidroviário interior, no Rio Grande do Sul, decorrentes da possível implantação da permissividade de um calado sazonal, em função da variação histórica dos níveis de água, verificados através das curvas de permanências em nove estações pluviométricas localizadas na Laguna dos Patos e no Lago Guaíba. Constatou-se que a adoção do calado sazonal, no ano de 2011, teria um impacto de redução de custos de transporte na ordem de R$ 40,7 milhões, considerando a migração do modal rodoviário para o hidroviário e de R$ 10,1 milhões se fosse considerado a migração do modal ferroviário para o hidroviário. / The state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), in Brazil, has a significant potential for internal navigation due to the extent of its drainage network of almost 2,200 km, of which 930 km are navigable. Allied to this, in the last decade the state had an economic growth in relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 167.2%, according to the Foundation of Economics and Statistics/RS. Even with these favorable conditions it appears that the current model of logistic structure of shipment continues to not emphasis on the internal waterway sector. Considering these aspects, this dissertation presents a study whose objectives are: (i) identify the representativeness of the interior waterways in relation to handling, for export and import, the northern half of Rio Grande do Sul to the main private terminals waterway and the public port, located in the city of Rio Grande , (ii) compare the waterways with its main competitors, the road and rail modes, and (iii) evaluate the economic impact of the adoption of the draft season. To compare the modals, three parameters that establish costs in relation to the tone kilometers transported were chosen, they are: average cost of operation, cost spent on fuel, and social costs. After the data were processed and analyzed, it was possible to identify the costs generated by each mode. In comparison it is emphasized that the cost of road and rail modes are respectively 405% and 1541% higher than the inland waterway and the shipment handled by the three modes, in 2011, represented a total cost of R$1.79 billion, i.e. 0.65% of the state GDP. In assessing the adoption of the draft seasonal possible gain was studied in terms of load carrying capacity and reducing costs generated by the use of inland waterway transport, in Rio Grande do Sul, from the possible deployment of the permittivity of a quiet season in function of the historical variation in water levels, checked through the curves stays in nine rainfall stations located in the Patos Lagoon and Lake Guaiba. It was found that the adoption of the draft season , in 2011, would have an impact of reducing transport costs in the order of R$40.7 million, considering the migration from road transport to waterways and R$10.1 million if found migrating the railroad to the waterway.
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Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKBSundin, Bertil January 2006 (has links)
<p>When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing. In some studies there are arguments that the EIA should be a document that should be possible to read alone. These aspects has also been studied in the material.</p><p>The result is partly described in a matrix where different criteria is compared between the three EIAs to spot differences easily. There is also a part where the content and structure of the three EIAs is compared in text. The result of the study was that there are big differences in structure, while their content has more in common. In one of the three Environ¬mental Impact Assessments much facts are only put in other documents. The conclusion of the study is that there is a need for implementing a common way of presenting the content of an EIA. There is a risk that facts are overlooked that are not presented in the EIA document. There is also a risk that the local authorities has too big interest in implementing the plan and that they make the EIA with a biased look. As a case study an EIA was done. In the case study, the experience of the study is used to make this EIA as complete as possible, with regards to the criteria from the analysis matrix. Also, it was written in a report structure to test this model. The case study is added as Appendix 4.</p>
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Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKBSundin, Bertil January 2006 (has links)
When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing. In some studies there are arguments that the EIA should be a document that should be possible to read alone. These aspects has also been studied in the material. The result is partly described in a matrix where different criteria is compared between the three EIAs to spot differences easily. There is also a part where the content and structure of the three EIAs is compared in text. The result of the study was that there are big differences in structure, while their content has more in common. In one of the three Environ¬mental Impact Assessments much facts are only put in other documents. The conclusion of the study is that there is a need for implementing a common way of presenting the content of an EIA. There is a risk that facts are overlooked that are not presented in the EIA document. There is also a risk that the local authorities has too big interest in implementing the plan and that they make the EIA with a biased look. As a case study an EIA was done. In the case study, the experience of the study is used to make this EIA as complete as possible, with regards to the criteria from the analysis matrix. Also, it was written in a report structure to test this model. The case study is added as Appendix 4.
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Explaining change : Comparing network snapshots for vulnerability managementPersson, Andreas, Landenstad, Lukas January 2018 (has links)
Background. Vulnerability management makes it easier for companies to find, manage and patch vulnerabilities in a network. This is done by scanning the network for known vulnerabilities. The amount of information collected during the scans can be large and prolong the analysis process of the findings. When presenting the result of found vulnerabilities it is usually represented as a trend of number of found vulnerabilities over time. The trends do not explain the cause of change in found vulnerabilities. Objectives. The objective of this thesis is to investigate how to explain the cause of change in found vulnerabilities, by comparing vulnerability scanning reports from different points in time. Another objective of this thesis is to create an automated system that connects changes in vulnerabilities to specific events in the network. Methods. A case study was conducted where three reports, from vulnerability scans of Outpost24's internal test network, were examined in order to understand the structure of the reports and mapping them to events. To complement the case study, an additional simulated test network was set up in order to conduct self defined tests and obtain higher accuracy when identifying the cause of change in found vulnerabilities. Results. The observations done in the case study provided us with information on how to parse the data and how to identify the cause of change with a rule-based system. Interpretation of the data was done and the changes were grouped into three categories; added, removed or modified. After conducting the test cases, the results were then interpreted to find signatures in order to identify the cause of change in vulnerabilities. These signatures were then made into rules, implemented into a proof-of-concept tool. The proof of concept tool compared scan reports in pairs in order to find differences. These differences were then matched with the rules and if it did not match any rule, the change in the report was flagged as an ''unexplained'' change. The proof-of-concept tool was then used to investigate the cause of change between the reports from the case study. The framework was validated by evaluating the rules gathered from the simulated test network on the data from the case study. Furthermore, a domain expert verified that the identified causes were accurate by manually comparing the vulnerability reports from the case study. Conclusions. It is possible to identify the cause of change in found vulnerabilities from vulnerability scan reports by constructing signatures for events and use these signatures as rules. This can also be implemented automatically, as a software, in order to identify the cause of change faster than manual labor. / Bakgrund. Sårbarhetshantering underlättar arbetet för företag att hitta, hantera och korrigera sårbarheter i ett nätverk. Det görs genom att skanna nätverket efter kända sårbarheter. Mängden information som samlas under skanningar kan vara stor och medföra till att analysprocessen av upptäckterna försenas. Resultaten av de upptäckta sårbarheterna brukar vanligtvis presenteras som en trend av antalet funna sårbarheter över ett tidsintervall. Trenderna förklarar dock inte andledningen till de funna sårbarheterna. Syfte. Målet med denna avhandling är att undersöka hur det är möjligt att identifiera anledningen till skillnaden i funna sårbarheter genom att jämföra sårbarhetsrapporter från olika tidpunkter. Ett andra mål är att utveckla ett automatiskt system som kopplar skillnaderna i funna sårbarheter till specifika händelser i nätverket. Metod. En fallstudie utfördes där tre sårbarhetsrapporter, från Outpost24s interna testnätverk, undersöktes för att få förståelse kring strukturen av rapporterna samt för att koppla upptäckter i rapporterna till händelser. För att komplementera fallstudien satte vi upp ett nytt, simulerat testnätverk för att kunna utföra egna tester samt för att uppnå en högre precision vid identifiering av förändringar. Resultat. Utifrån fallstudien fick vi förståelse för hur vi skulle tolka informationen från rapporterna samt för hur man kan ge orsak till förändring genom ett regelbaserad system. Informationen från rapporterna tolkades och förändringarna delades in i tre olika kategorier; tillagda, borttagna eller modifierade. Utifrån testerna från det simulerade nätverket byggdes signaturer som identifierar orsak till föränding av funna sårbarheter. Signaturerna användes sedan för att göra regler, vilka implementerades i ett konceptverktyg. Konceptverktyget jämförde sårbarhetsrapporter i par för att upptäcka skillnader. De identifierade skillnaderna försökte sedan matchas ihop med reglerna och skulle skillnaden inte matcha någon regel så flaggas skillnaden som ''oförklarad''. Konceptverktyget användes slutligen för att finna orsak till förändringar i rapporterna från fallstudien. Ramverket validerates genom att utvärdera hur reglerna byggda utifrån det simulerade nätverket presterade för fallstudien. En domänexpert verifierade att händelserna som presenterades och orsaken till förändringarna var korrekta genom att analysera sårbarhetsrapporterna från fallstudien manuellt. Slutsatser. Det är möjligt att identifiera orsak till förändringar i upptäckta sårbarheter i sårbarhetsrapporter genom att identifiera signaturer för händelser, och använda dessa signaturer i ett reglerbaserat system. Systemet är också möjligt att implementera automatiskt, i form av mjukvara, för att kunna identifiera orsaken till förändring snabbare än om det skulle gjorts manuellt.
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Navegação hidroviária interior no RS : vantagem econômica comparada aos outros modais e implantação do calado sazonalCunha, Gilberto Teixeira da January 2014 (has links)
O Rio Grande do Sul possui um grande potencial para a navegação interior devido à extensão de sua rede hidrográfica de quase 2200 km, sendo 930 km navegáveis. Aliado a isto, na última década o estado apresentou um crescimento econômico em relação ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) de 167,2 %, segundo a Fundação de Economia e Estatística/RS. Mesmo com estas condicionantes favoráveis constata-se que o modelo atual da estrutura logística da movimentação de cargas continua a não privilegiar o setor hidroviário interior. Tendo em vista estes aspectos, esta dissertação apresenta um estudo cujos objetivos são: (i) identificar a representatividade do modal hidroviário interior em relação à movimentação de cargas, destinadas à exportação e importação, da metade norte do Rio Grande do Sul aos principais terminais privados hidroviários e ao porto público, localizados na cidade de Rio Grande; (ii) comparar o modal hidroviário com seus principais concorrentes, os modais rodoviário e ferroviário e (iii) avaliar o impacto econômico da adoção do calado sazonal. Para a comparação dos modais foram escolhidos três parâmetros que estabelecem custos em relação à tonelada quilometro transportada, são eles: custo médio de operação; custo despendido com combustíveis; e custos sociais. Após as informações coletadas foram processadas e analisadas, possibilitando identificar os custos gerados por cada modal. Na comparação destaca-se que o custo dos modais rodoviário e ferroviário são respectivamente 1541% e 405% maior do que o hidroviário interior e que a carga movimentada pelos três modais, em 2011, representou um custo total de R$ 1,79 bilhões, ou seja, 0,65% do PIB estadual. Na avaliação da adoção do calado sazonal foi estudado o possível ganho em termos de capacidade de transporte de cargas e a redução de custos gerada pela utilização do transporte hidroviário interior, no Rio Grande do Sul, decorrentes da possível implantação da permissividade de um calado sazonal, em função da variação histórica dos níveis de água, verificados através das curvas de permanências em nove estações pluviométricas localizadas na Laguna dos Patos e no Lago Guaíba. Constatou-se que a adoção do calado sazonal, no ano de 2011, teria um impacto de redução de custos de transporte na ordem de R$ 40,7 milhões, considerando a migração do modal rodoviário para o hidroviário e de R$ 10,1 milhões se fosse considerado a migração do modal ferroviário para o hidroviário. / The state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), in Brazil, has a significant potential for internal navigation due to the extent of its drainage network of almost 2,200 km, of which 930 km are navigable. Allied to this, in the last decade the state had an economic growth in relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 167.2%, according to the Foundation of Economics and Statistics/RS. Even with these favorable conditions it appears that the current model of logistic structure of shipment continues to not emphasis on the internal waterway sector. Considering these aspects, this dissertation presents a study whose objectives are: (i) identify the representativeness of the interior waterways in relation to handling, for export and import, the northern half of Rio Grande do Sul to the main private terminals waterway and the public port, located in the city of Rio Grande , (ii) compare the waterways with its main competitors, the road and rail modes, and (iii) evaluate the economic impact of the adoption of the draft season. To compare the modals, three parameters that establish costs in relation to the tone kilometers transported were chosen, they are: average cost of operation, cost spent on fuel, and social costs. After the data were processed and analyzed, it was possible to identify the costs generated by each mode. In comparison it is emphasized that the cost of road and rail modes are respectively 405% and 1541% higher than the inland waterway and the shipment handled by the three modes, in 2011, represented a total cost of R$1.79 billion, i.e. 0.65% of the state GDP. In assessing the adoption of the draft seasonal possible gain was studied in terms of load carrying capacity and reducing costs generated by the use of inland waterway transport, in Rio Grande do Sul, from the possible deployment of the permittivity of a quiet season in function of the historical variation in water levels, checked through the curves stays in nine rainfall stations located in the Patos Lagoon and Lake Guaiba. It was found that the adoption of the draft season , in 2011, would have an impact of reducing transport costs in the order of R$40.7 million, considering the migration from road transport to waterways and R$10.1 million if found migrating the railroad to the waterway.
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A graph-based framework for comparing curriculaMarshall, Linda January 2014 (has links)
The problem addressed in this thesis was identified in a real life context in which an attempt was made to re-constitute a BSc Computer Science degree programme. The curriculum was modelled on the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum of 2001. It was further required to comply with accreditation requirements as defined by ABET’s Computing Accreditation Commission. Relying on a spreadsheet, the curriculum was iteratively and manually evaluated against the ACM/IEEE curriculum specification. A need was identified to automate or at least semi-automate this process.
In this thesis a generalisation of the problem is presented. Curricula are modelled as directed graphs (digraphs) in which graph vertices represent curriculum elements such as topics, knowledge areas, knowledge units year- levels or modules. Edges in the graph represent dependencies between these vertices such as belonging to grouping or pre-requisites. The task of curriculum comparison then abstracts to a task of digraph comparison.
A framework, the Graph Comparison Framework, is proposed. The frame- work comprises of components which are used to guide the digraph comparison process. The so-called Graph Trans-morphism algorithm component is the only component in the framework which is mandatory. The algorithm converts the information from one of the digraphs being compared into the structure of the other. This conversion enables the graphs to be compared as graph isomorphisms. All digraphs are modelled as sets of triples, making it possible to subtract one digraph from another using the set minus operator. The resultant difference sets are used by components defined in the framework to quantify and visualise the differences.
By modelling curricula as digraphs and applying the framework to the di-graphs, it is possible to compare curricula. This application of the framework to a real-world problem forms the applications research part of the thesis. In this part, domain knowledge of curriculum design is necessary to apply to the curriculum being developed in order to improve it. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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Word order, focus, and clause linking in Greek tragic poetryFraser, Bruce L. January 1999 (has links)
The thesis comprises an investigation of three aspects of sentence structure in Classical Greek (henceforth CG) dramatic poetry: order of the main sentence elements (subject, verb, and object) within the clause, the emphatic position at the start of the clause, and the structure of inter-clausal linking. It is argued that these three features, usually considered separately, are interdependent, and that intra-clausal word order is directly related to the structure of compound and complex sentences. The discussion undertakes a systematic survey of subject, verb, and object order in a corpus of texts, proposes an explanation for the observed order, and develops a model which explains how prominence within the clause is exploited in clause linking to produce the complement structures observed in Homeric and tragic complementation.
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