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Exploring seven to eleven year old children's perspectives of self-talk and their experience of an intervention encouraging self-talk that is self-compassionateWithers, Joanne January 2015 (has links)
Paper One: An opportunity sample from three primary schools participated, split between two age categories with 37 children from year groups three and four (mean age of 8 years) and 48 from year groups five and six (mean age of 9 years 11 months). Children’s perspectives of self-talk were explored through focus groups that were transcribed and then studied through thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Additional quantitative data was generated from the children’s self-reported experiences of self-talk, which they also rated along constructs relating to positivity. A sample of the children’s self-talk statements that were judged to be self-evaluative, were additionally rated by an opportunity sample of four adult participants to allow a comparison between adult and child perspectives. In line with previous research, themes arose concerning children’s perspectives of the role of self-talk in enabling them to negotiate cognitive and social situations. New themes arose including the children’s concerns about the privacy of their thoughts and the prominence of self-evaluative forms of self-talk. More similarities than differences were found between the two age ranges and there was considerable overlap between adult and child ratings of the evaluative self-talk statements. The implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed, including links to Paper Two of this study. Paper Two: This is a feasibility study. An opportunity sample of 79 children, aged between seven and eleven years old (mean age of 9 years 7 months), took part in a series of six group intervention sessions run by the researcher. These aimed to encourage self-talk that is self-compassionate, using elements of compassion focused approaches (Gilbert, 2009). A mixed methods design led to analysis of qualitative data from post-intervention group interviews using thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Quantitative data comprised the children’s pre-intervention and post-intervention responses to three questionnaires seeking to explore wellbeing, behaviour and self-compassion. Several key themes were identified, including the children’s ability to engage with the concepts of self-talk, self-kindness and the three system model of emotions (Gilbert, 2009). The concept of self-compassion itself was found to have some aspects that were harder for the children to comprehend. There were no significant differences between the children’s responses on the pre-intervention and post-intervention questionnaires, however, there were interesting qualitative responses concerning the use of these. The implications of these findings will be discussed with consideration to current educational psychologist practice and the need for future research.
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Compassion - i kontexten psykisk ohälsa : En begreppsanalysBeck, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Compassion är ett stort och ofta använt begrepp inom omvårdnad och ses av de allra flesta som arbetar eller forskar inom vård som en förutsättning för en bra vårdrelation. Den nytillkomna forskningen pekar dessutom på att om vi förmår möta patienterna med compassion och tränar oss i compassion med oss själva kan det få goda effekter på vårdrelationer, bidra till lindrat lidande för patienten, stimulera till ökad motivation och egenvård hos patienten samt minska risken för empatitrötthet hos vårdpersonal. Begreppet compassion är väl dokumenterat i omvårdnadslitteratur men inte särskilt väl definierat. Existerande litteratur saknar tydlighet i hur compassion representeras och förstås som begrepp och dess funktion kopplat till psykisk hälsa. Syftet med denna uppsats är att klargöra innebörden i begreppet compassion och att förtydliga begreppets betydelse i kontexten psykisk ohälsa. En begreppsanalys utifrån Walker och Avants modell (2014) har genomförts. Resultatet utgörs av en lexikal del och en litterär del som sedan vägs samman till definierande attribut för compassion. I den litterära delen presenteras fyra teman: Närvaro; Medmänsklighet; Agera på lidande och Emotionella egenskaper. Analysen har frambringat attributen: Vänlighet, Hjälpsamhet och Medmänsklighet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur compassion och dess attribut kan förstås i en kontext av psykisk ohälsa utifrån perspektiven: konsekvenser, empatitrötthet, self-compassion och lidande. Compassion är ett komplext och svårdefinierat begrepp. Men resultatet har ändå bringat viss kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen av att ha varit i närheten av compassion. Förståelsen kan ge kunskap om vad som är viktigt för att kunna förmedla compassion till andra och till sig själv.
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Compassion Fatigue hos sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård : en litteraturstudie / Compassion Fatigue among nurses in emergency care : a literature studyForshag, Caroline, Smajli, Florentina January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion/Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård möter dagligen patienters lidande, trauma och död och bör därför ha ett empatiskt förhållningssätt. Sjuksköterskor arbetar i en miljö som både är fysiskt och psykiskt krävande, vilket kan innebära en ökad risk att utveckla Compassion fatigue. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sjuksköterskors strategier vid akutsjukvårdsutlöst Compassion fatigue. Metod: Litteraturstudien genomfördes utifrån Polit och Beck nio steg (2017). Databassökning genomfördes i CINAHL, PsycInfo och Pubmed. Databearbetning och analys skedde med innehållsanalys utifrån ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Polit och Beck (2017) granskningsmall och 14 artiklar inkluderades i studien, sex kvalitativ metod, fem kvantitativ metod och tre mixad metod. Resultat: Det sammanställda resultatet bildade fyra teman: ”Kunskap- och stödstrategier”, ”Arbetsstrategier och gränssättning”, ”Undvikande- och negativa strategier”, ”Egenvårds- och hälsostrategier” med sammanställda 14 tillhörande subteman. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna som hanterade sin upplevda Compassion fatigue utifrån strategier kunde öka sitt välbefinnande och finna balans i sitt yrkesliv och privatliv. Majoriteten av sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård sökte stöd hos kollegor, familj och vänner som en strategi att minska Compassion Fatigue och främja deras empatiska förmåga. Sjuksköterskor som ventilerade och bearbetade sina känslor vid svåra händelser som skett på arbetsplatsen kunde snabbare komma till avslut, vilket minskade Compassion fatigue hos sjuksköterskorna. Sjuksköterskor som deltog i fritidsaktiviteter, paddlade kajak eller tränade fick utlopp för sin emotionella påverkan, minskade sin Compassion Fatigue och ökade deras välbefinnande.
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Re-examining the role of counsellor empathy in compassion fatigue and compassion satisfactionSchulz, Benjamin R. 18 August 2020 (has links)
Figley’s (1995; 2002a) model of compassion stress/fatigue was used as a reference-point to re-examine the role of therapist/counsellor empathy in predicting therapist/counsellor compassion fatigue (CF) and compassion satisfaction (CS). The therapeutic alliance was also examined as a predictor of therapist/counsellor CF and CS. Participants included 146 female-identifying Canadian therapists/counsellors, aged 24-73 years. The Empathy Assessment Index (EAI), a social cognitive neuroscience-based empathy scale, gauged therapist/counsellor empathy; and the Working Alliance Inventory – Short therapist version (WAI-S) gauged therapist/counsellor perceptions of the strength of the therapeutic alliance. The Professional Quality of Life scale – Fifth edition (ProQOL-V) was the outcome measure for therapist/counsellor CF and CS. Contrary to Figley’s model, partial least squares path analyses determined that therapist/counsellor empathy was a significant inverse predictor of therapist/counsellor CF (R2 = .40 for total empathy-based CF model) and a significant positive predictor of therapist/counsellor CS (R2 = .16 for total empathy-based CS model). The therapeutic alliance likewise proved to be a significant inverse predictor of therapist/counsellor CF (R2 = .37 for total therapeutic alliance-based CF model) and a significant positive predictor of therapist/counsellor CS (R2 = .29 for total therapeutic alliance-based CS model). Personal Characteristics including age and years of clinical experience, and Workplace/Organizational factors including supervision and peer support, and percentage of non-distressing clients on therapist/counsellor caseloads, predicted less risk for therapist/counsellor CF and greater likelihood for therapist/counsellor CS. Additional analyses revealed that the therapeutic bond was equivalent to empathy in predicting therapist/counsellor CF, and stronger than empathy in predicting therapist/counsellor CS. / Graduate
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The Watson Room: Managing Compassion Fatigue in Clinical Nurses on the Front LineCrewe, Crystal Denise 01 January 2016 (has links)
The concept of compassion fatigue (CF) emerged in the early 1990s in North America to explain a phenomenon observed in nurses employed in emergency departments. A precursor to burnout, CF is a well-known phenomenon associated with emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and an inability to work effectively. In nurses, CF has been shown to reduce productivity, increase staff turnover and sick days, and lead to patient dissatisfaction and risks to patient safety. The aim of this study was to determine if the use of a Watson Room designated as a 'quiet zone' with warm colors on the wall, massage chair, and soothing sounds in the workplace environment, reduced CF in clinical nurses at the bedside in acute care settings. The data came from a survey of nurses (n = 19) working in a level 1 trauma center in an acute care setting. This quantitative study was conducted over a two week period. A single-group of nurses completed both a pre and post professional quality of life (ProQol) survey, a 30 item self-measurement of positive and negative aspects of caring. The ProQol operationalizes in three subcategories: compassion satisfaction (10 items), burnout (10 items), and CF (10 items). The ProQOL survey results showed statistically significant differences in the mean scores in all three categories. Paired samples t tests indicate the Watson Room proved to be successful in increasing compassion satisfaction (p = .009), decreasing burnout (p = .002), and decreasing secondary trauma/CF respectively (p = .02). This study shows the importance of nurses taking care of themselves while taking care of others. Understanding CF and devising and implementing interventions to address the subject are important for nurses and patients.
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Stepping Outside: A Quantitative Study Exploring Nature’s Effect on Therapist CompassionVitrano, Dana N. 16 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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A Loving-Kindness Intervention: Boosting Compassion for Self and OthersWeibel, David T. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Self-Compassion in Posttraumatic GrowthConnally, Melissa Londoño 08 1900 (has links)
Although the experience of trauma is associated with a great deal of psychological distress, it may also lead to meaningful positive change, known as posttraumatic growth (PTG), evidenced as progression in areas of life appreciation, intimacy in relationships, sense of personal strength, new possibilities, and spiritual development. Utilizing an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) perspective, the current study explored whether self-compassion helped to explain the willingness to approach and make sense of a trauma, leading to growth. A sample of 758 undergraduate students completed online self-report questionnaires, and results suggested that self-compassion does partially predict PTG and support for how self-compassion may be understood in relation to PTG is provided. Implications of the current study's findings, as well as suggestions for future research related to trauma within a college population, are discussed.
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Understanding Compassion-Focused Therapy from a Participant's PerspectiveGordon, Kristin January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Paul Gray / "Compassion-focused therapy" (CFT) aims to increase the self-compassion of participants while reducing self-stigma. Although CFT is theorized to be effective for alcohol dependents, who suffer from high levels of self-criticism and self-hate, few clinical studies examine which factors facilitate the development of self-compassion and subsequently reduce harmful drinking. This qualitative study therefore values the subjective perspectives of female alcohol dependents as they participate in CFT in Northern Ireland. In doing so, it explores how self-compassion may be increased through modifications in self-labeling and self-concept. It is proposed that the development of a compassionate mindset, along with spirituality and mindfulness, grant alcohol dependents cautious optimism for the future. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Sociology.
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Compassion Fatigue : En litteraturöversikt om compassion fatigue hos sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård / Compassion Fatigue : A literature review of compassion fatigue in emergency nursesJohansson, Frida, Karlsson, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det råder idag ett högt tempo inom akutsjukvård och sjuksköterskan förväntas vara mångkunnig genom göra snabba bedömningar, möta patienters lidande samt prioritera akuta patienter i en stressig arbetsmiljö. Att ständigt arbeta i en påfrestande arbetsmiljö med lidande patienter och ett högt arbetstempo kan bidra till att sjuksköterskan utvecklar compassion fatigue vilket innebär att empatiförmågan avtar. Syfte: Att belysa faktorer som orsakar compassion fatigue hos sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt bestående av 11 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvantitativ forskningsmetodik. Artikelsökning utfördes i databaserna CINAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed samt WorldCat Discovery. Resultat: Tre huvudteman kunde utläsas genom analys vilket var demografiska faktorer, arbetsrelaterade faktorer samt psykosociala faktorer. Demografiska faktorer som kunde orsaka compassion fatigue var ålder, kön och civilstånd. Arbetsrelaterade faktorer var arbetsmiljö som bestod av minskat socialt stöd från chefer och kollegor, hög arbetsbelastning, minskad teamkänsla samt yrkesrelaterade faktorer som bestod av utbildningsnivå, yrkeserfarenhet och arbetstider. De psykosociala faktorerna som uppdagades var stressorer, patienters lidande och trauman. Konklusion: Compassion fatigue behöver uppmärksammas och prioriteras både individuellt, kollegialt samt på chefsnivå inom hälso- och sjukvård. Det uppdagades även att fokus på att skapa compassion satisfaction förebygger uppkomsten av compassion fatigue vilket är relevant att anamma inom personalutveckling. / Background: There´s a high speed in the emergency care and the expectation of the nurse seems to be versatile with quick assessment, confront the patients suffering and to prioritize the most acute patient in a stressful work environment. Untenable work environment with suffering patients and a high work speed for the nurse can developed compassion fatigue which means a lost of the ability to feel empathy. Purpose: To illustrate factors that causes compassion fatigue for nurses in emergency care. Method: A literature review consisting of 11 scientific articles with quantitative research. The search of the articles was performed in the databases CINAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed and WorldCat Discovery. Result: Three head themes was seen with analysis which was demographic factors, work relatable and psychosocial factors. Demographic factors which could cause compassion fatigue was age, gender and civil state. Work relatable factors was work environment which consisted less social support from managers and colleges, high workload, less team spirit and work relatable factors which consisted level of education, work experience and working hours. The psychosocial factors that was observed was stressors, patients suffering and trauma. Conclusion: Compassion fatigue needs to been seen and prioritize by individuals, colleges and managers in the healthcare. It was discovered that focus should be to create compassion satisfaction which prevent the appearance of compassion fatigue, which is relevant to embrace in staff development.
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