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The complexity of unavoidable word patternsSauer, Paul Van der Merwe 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 192-195 / The avoidability, or unavoidability of patterns in words over finite alphabets has
been studied extensively. The word α over a finite set A is said to be unavoidable
for an infinite set B+ of nonempty words over a finite set B if, for all but finitely
many elements w of B+, there exists a semigroup morphism φ ∶ A+ → B+ such that
φ(α) is a factor of w.
In this treatise, we start by presenting a historical background of results that are
related to unavoidability. We present and discuss the most important theorems
surrounding unavoidability in detail.
We present various complexity-related properties of unavoidable words. For words
that are unavoidable, we provide a constructive upper bound to the lengths of
words that avoid them. In particular, for a pattern α of length n over an alphabet
of size r, we give a concrete function N(n, r) such that no word of length N(n, r)
over the alphabet of size r avoids α.
A natural subsequent question is how many unavoidable words there are. We show
that the fraction of words that are unavoidable drops exponentially fast in the
length of the word. This allows us to calculate an upper bound on the number of
unavoidable patterns for any given finite alphabet.
Subsequently, we investigate computational aspects of unavoidable words. In
particular, we exhibit concrete algorithms for determining whether a word is
unavoidable. We also prove results on the computational complexity of the problem
of determining whether a given word is unavoidable. Specifically, the
NP-completeness of the aforementioned problem is established. / Decision Sciences / D. Phil. (Operations Research)
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Application of the capture - recapture method to ascertain the completeness of the Saxon pediatric IBD registry in GermanyLi, Shi, Kern, Ivana, Manuwald, Ulf, Kugler, Joachim, Rothe, Ulrike 30 May 2024 (has links)
The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing worldwide. The Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry was founded in 2000 to describe the epidemiology of pediatric IBD in Germany. The aim of this study was to determinate the completeness of this registry for children and adolescents younger than 15 years and to make this approach transparent. Results of this completeness update have broad implications for further scientific publications from the registry dataset.
The capture–recapture method with two data sources was used to ascertain completeness. A second data source was collected in 2019 for the observation period 2008–2014 from all pediatricians, gastroenterologists, and internists working in practices in a predefined region in Saxony, Germany.
A total of 23 patients with IBD were reported who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. One of them was not recorded in the registry. Therefore, the completeness of the registry was estimated at 95.7% (95% CI 90.2–100). Initial analysis of the Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry over the 15-year period 2000–2014 includes 532 patients, 312 (58.6%) male and 220 (41.4%) female. The distribution of single IBD diseases in the registry was as follows: Crohn’s disease 338 patients (63.5%), ulcerative colitis 176 patients (33.1%), and unclassified IBD 18 patients (3.4%). Evaluations by sex and by disease in age groups and by age at onset were tabulated.
This study demonstrates that the completeness level of the Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry is high (95.7%), and thus the epidemiological data of the registry are reliable.
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On some results of analysis in metric spaces and fuzzy metric spacesAphane, Maggie 12 1900 (has links)
The notion of a fuzzy metric space due to George and Veeramani has many
advantages in analysis since many notions and results from classical metric space
theory can be extended and generalized to the setting of fuzzy metric spaces, for
instance: the notion of completeness, completion of spaces as well as extension of
maps. The layout of the dissertation is as follows:
Chapter 1 provide the necessary background in the context of metric spaces, while
chapter 2 presents some concepts and results from classical metric spaces in the
setting of fuzzy metric spaces. In chapter 3 we continue with the study of fuzzy
metric spaces, among others we show that: the product of two complete fuzzy metric
spaces is also a complete fuzzy metric space.
Our main contribution is in chapter 4. We introduce the concept of a standard
fuzzy pseudo metric space and present some results on fuzzy metric identification.
Furthermore, we discuss some properties of t-nonexpansive maps. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Mathematics)
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Cosmologia usando aglomerados de galáxias no Dark Energy Survey / Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters in the Dark Energy SurveySilva, Michel Aguena da 03 August 2017 (has links)
Aglomerados de galáxias são as maiores estruturas no Universo. Sua distribuição mapeia os halos de matéria escura formados nos potenciais profundos do campo de matéria escura. Consequentemente, a abundância de aglomerados é altamente sensível a expansão do Universo, assim como ao crescimento das perturbações de matéria escura, constituindo uma poderosa ferramenta para fins cosmológicos. Na era atual de grandes levantamentos observacionais que produzem uma quantidade gigantesca de dados, as propriedades estatísticas dos objetos observados (galáxias, aglomerados, supernovas, quasares, etc) podem ser usadas para extrair informações cosmológicas. Para isso, é necessária o estudo da formação de halos de matéria escura, da detecção dos halos e aglomerados, das ferramentas estatísticas usadas para o vínculos de parâmetros, e finalmente, dos efeitos da detecções ópticas. No contexto da formulação da predição teórica da contagem de halos, foi analisada a influência de cada parâmetro cosmológico na abundância dos halos, a importância do uso da covariância dos halos, e a eficácia da utilização dos halos para vincular cosmologia. Também foi analisado em detalhes os intervalos de redshift e o uso de conhecimento prévio dos parâmetros ({\\it priors}). A predição teórica foi testada um uma simulação de matéria escura, onde a cosmologia era conhecida e os halos de matéria escura já haviam sido detectados. Nessa análise, foi atestado que é possível obter bons vínculos cosmológicos para alguns parâmetros (Omega_m,w,sigma_8,n_s), enquanto outros parâmetros (h,Omega_b) necessitavam de conhecimento prévio de outros testes cosmológicos. Na seção dos métodos estatísticos, foram discutidos os conceitos de {\\it likelihood}, {\\it priors} e {\\it posterior distribution}. O formalismo da Matriz de Fisher, bem como sua aplicação em aglomerados de galáxias, foi apresentado e usado para a realização de predições dos vínculos em levantamentos atuais e futuros. Para a análise de dados, foram apresentados métodos de Cadeias de Markov de Monte Carlo (MCMC), que diferentemente da Matriz de Fisher não assumem Gaussianidade entre os parâmetros vinculados, porém possuem um custo computacional muito mais alto. Os efeitos observacionais também foram estudados em detalhes. Usando uma abordagem com a Matriz de Fisher, os efeitos de completeza e pureza foram extensivamente explorados. Como resultado, foi determinado em quais casos é vantajoso incluir uma modelagem adicional para que o limite mínimo de massa possa ser diminuído. Um dos principais resultados foi o fato que a inclusão dos efeitos de completeza e pureza na modelagem não degradam os vínculos de energia escura, se alguns outros efeitos já estão sendo incluídos. Também foi verificados que o uso de priors nos parâmetros não cosmológicos só afetam os vínculos de energia escura se forem melhores que 1\\%. O cluster finder(código para detecção de aglomerados) WaZp foi usado na simulação, produzindo um catálogo de aglomerados. Comparando-se esse catálogo com os halos de matéria escura da simulação, foi possível investigar e medir os efeitos observacionais. A partir dessas medidas, pôde-se incluir correções para a predição da abundância de aglomerados, que resultou em boa concordância com os aglomerados detectados. Os resultados a as ferramentas desenvolvidos ao longo desta tese podem fornecer um a estrutura para a análise de aglomerados com fins cosmológicos. Durante esse trabalho, diversos códigos foram desenvolvidos, dentre eles, estão um código eficiente para computar a predição teórica da abundância e covariância de halos de matéria escura, um código para estimar a abundância e covariância dos aglomerados de galáxias incluindo os efeitos observacionais, e um código para comparar diferentes catálogos de halos e aglomerados. Esse último foi integrado ao portal científico do Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia (LIneA) e está sendo usado para avaliar a qualidade de catálogos de aglomerados produzidos pela colaboração do Dark Energy Survey (DES), assim como também será usado em levantamentos futuros. / Abstract Galaxy clusters are the largest bound structures of the Universe. Their distribution maps the dark matter halos formed in the deep potential wells of the dark matter field. As a result, the abundance of galaxy clusters is highly sensitive to the expansion of the universe as well as the growth of dark matter perturbations, representing a powerful tool for cosmological purposes. In the current era of large scale surveys with enormous volumes of data, the statistical quantities from the objects surveyed (galaxies, clusters, supernovae, quasars, etc) can be used to extract cosmological information. The main goal of this thesis is to explore the potential use of galaxy clusters for constraining cosmology. To that end, we study the halo formation theory, the detection of halos and clusters, the statistical tools required to quarry cosmological information from detected clusters and finally the effects of optical detection. In the composition of the theoretical prediction for the halo number counts, we analyze how each cosmological parameter of interest affects the halo abundance, the importance of the use of the halo covariance, and the effectiveness of halos on cosmological constraints. The redshift range and the use of prior knowledge of parameters are also investigated in detail. The theoretical prediction is tested on a dark matter simulation, where the cosmology is known and a dark matter halo catalog is available. In the analysis of the simulation we find that it is possible to obtain good constraints for some parameters such as (Omega_m,w,sigma_8,n_s) while other parameters (h,Omega_b) require external priors from different cosmological probes. In the statistical methods, we discuss the concept of likelihood, priors and the posterior distribution. The Fisher Matrix formalism and its application on galaxy clusters is presented, and used for making forecasts of ongoing and future surveys. For the real analysis of data we introduce Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods, which do not assume Gaussianity of the parameters distribution, but have a much higher computational cost relative to the Fisher Matrix. The observational effects are studied in detail. Using the Fisher Matrix approach, we carefully explore the effects of completeness and purity. We find in which cases it is worth to include extra parameters in order to lower the mass threshold. An interesting finding is the fact that including completeness and purity parameters along with cosmological parameters does not degrade dark energy constraints if other observational effects are already being considered. The use of priors on nuisance parameters does not seem to affect the dark energy constraints, unless these priors are better than 1\\%.The WaZp cluster finder was run on a cosmological simulation, producing a cluster catalog. Comparing the detected galaxy clusters to the dark matter halos, the observational effects were investigated and measured. Using these measurements, we were able to include corrections for the prediction of cluster counts, resulting in a good agreement with the detected cluster abundance. The results and tools developed in this thesis can provide a framework for the analysis of galaxy clusters for cosmological purposes. Several codes were created and tested along this work, among them are an efficient code to compute theoretical predictions of halo abundance and covariance, a code to estimate the abundance and covariance of galaxy clusters including multiple observational effects and a pipeline to match and compare halo/cluster catalogs. This pipeline has been integrated to the Science Portal of the Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia (LIneA) and is being used to automatically assess the quality of cluster catalogs produced by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) collaboration and will be used in other future surveys.
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Processi di trasformazione nel suburbio di Mediolanum tra tarda età repubblicana e media età imperiale. Il caso dell'area dell'Università Cattolica / Transformation processes in Mediolanum's suburbium between the Late Republican and the middle imperial age. The case of Università Cattolica's area.CORTESE, CLAUDIO 05 May 2006 (has links)
Nell’area oggi occupata dall’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano a partire dal 1986 scavi di emergenza hanno messo in luce una porzione del suburbio occidentale di Mediolanum, e in particolare una realtà insediativa suburbana di età imperiale. Un’ampia area di tale insediamento è stata oggetto della presente ricerca che, combinando lo studio dei processi formativi del deposito archeologico e l’analisi quantitativa e statistica degli insiemi di reperti, ha permesso di ricostruire le trasformazioni che ne hanno preceduto e accompagnato la formazione e che ne hanno interessato l’organizzazione spaziale e la distribuzione delle aree di attività. In questo modo è stato possibile comprendere come nel tempo siano avvenuti cambiamenti nei caratteri e nelle finalità della frequentazione dell'area, che sembrano poter gettare nuova luce anche su fenomeni più generali che riguardano l’intero suburbio della città romana. / In the area today occupied by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, since 1986, rescue excavations have disclosed a part of Mediolanum’s western suburbium, and in particular an imperial age suburban settlement. A wide area of this settlement has been the object of this research which, combining the study of the formation processes of the archaeological record and the quantitative and statistical analysis of finds assemblages, allowed us to reconstruct the transformations which preceded its formation and those which concerned its spatial organization and activity areas distribution. In this way we have shown that the characteristics and nature of the settlement have considerably changed during the course of time, and these changes seem to shed light even on the general transformations which concern the entire suburbium of the Roman town.
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On the Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices / Über die Konstruktion von quantenfeldtheoretischen Modellen mit faktorisierenden S-MatrizenLechner, Gandalf 24 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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High-Level-Synthese von Operationseigenschaften / High-Level Synthesis Using Operation PropertiesLanger, Jan 12 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der formalen Verifikation digitaler Schaltkreise hat sich die Methodik der vollständigen Verifikation anhand spezieller Operationseigenschaften bewährt. Operationseigenschaften beschreiben das Verhalten einer Schaltung in einem festen Zeitintervall und können sequentiell miteinander verknüpft werden, um so das Gesamtverhalten zu spezifizieren. Zusätzlich beweist eine formale Vollständigkeitsprüfung, dass die Menge der Eigenschaften für jede Folge von Eingangssignalwerten die Ausgänge der zu verifizierenden Schaltung eindeutig und lückenlos determiniert.
In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie aus Operationseigenschaften, deren Vollständigkeit erfolgreich bewiesen wurde, automatisiert eine Schaltungsbeschreibung abgeleitet werden kann. Gegenüber der traditionellen Entwurfsmethodik auf Register-Transfer-Ebene (RTL) bietet dieses Verfahren zwei Vorteile. Zum einen vermeidet der Vollständigkeitsbeweis viele Arten von Entwurfsfehlern, zum anderen ähnelt eine Beschreibung mit Hilfe von Operationseigenschaften den in Spezifikationen häufig genutzten Zeitdiagrammen, sodass die Entwurfsebene der Spezifikationsebene angenähert wird und Fehler durch manuelle Verfeinerungsschritte vermieden werden.
Das Entwurfswerkzeug vhisyn führt die High-Level-Synthese (HLS) einer vollständigen Menge von Operationseigenschaften zu einer Beschreibung auf RTL durch. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl die verwendeten Synthesealgorithmen, als auch die erzeugten Schaltungen effizient sind und somit die Realisierung größerer Beispiele zulassen. Anhand zweier Fallstudien kann dies praktisch nachgewiesen werden. / The complete verification approach using special operation properties is an accepted methodology for the formal verification of digital circuits. Operation properties describe the behavior of a circuit during a certain time interval. They can be sequentially concatenated in order to specify the overall behavior. Additionally, a formal completeness check proves that the sequence of properties consistently determines the exact value of the output signals for every valid sequence of input signal values.
This work examines how a circuit description can be automatically derived from a set of operation properties whose completeness has been proven. In contrast to the traditional design flow at register-transfer level (RTL), this method offers two advantages. First, the prove of completeness helps to avoid many design errors. Second, the design of operation properties resembles the design of timing diagrams often used in textual specifications. Therefore, the design level is closer to the specification level and errors caused by refinement steps are avoided.
The design tool vhisyn performs the high-level synthesis from a complete set of operation properties to a description at RTL. The results show that both the synthesis algorithms and the generated circuit descriptions are efficient and allow the design of larger applications. This is demonstrated by means of two case studies.
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On some results of analysis in metric spaces and fuzzy metric spacesAphane, Maggie 12 1900 (has links)
The notion of a fuzzy metric space due to George and Veeramani has many
advantages in analysis since many notions and results from classical metric space
theory can be extended and generalized to the setting of fuzzy metric spaces, for
instance: the notion of completeness, completion of spaces as well as extension of
maps. The layout of the dissertation is as follows:
Chapter 1 provide the necessary background in the context of metric spaces, while
chapter 2 presents some concepts and results from classical metric spaces in the
setting of fuzzy metric spaces. In chapter 3 we continue with the study of fuzzy
metric spaces, among others we show that: the product of two complete fuzzy metric
spaces is also a complete fuzzy metric space.
Our main contribution is in chapter 4. We introduce the concept of a standard
fuzzy pseudo metric space and present some results on fuzzy metric identification.
Furthermore, we discuss some properties of t-nonexpansive maps. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Mathematics)
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Vliv některých rodinných okolností na využití volného času dítěte / Impact of Some Family Conditions on a Child´s Free Time UseMORAVCOVÁ, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is focusing on definitions of some typical features of a family unit and its impact on their child´s free time use. These aspects are for e.g. completeness of the family, child´s status among their brothers and sisters, level of parents´ education and the social strata of parents. The dissertation is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the beginning of the theoretical part the question of family, definition according to the number of members, and other features implicated from the family status are being discussed. Second part concern the free time and children´s education out of school. The theory is followed by purely practical part of my dissertation in which I conduct a research. The main question for my research was if the above mentioned aspects of the family unit can have an impact on the way a child spends their free time. Results of this probe have been concluded and demonstrated by graphs and tables at the end of the dissertation.
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Cosmologia usando aglomerados de galáxias no Dark Energy Survey / Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters in the Dark Energy SurveyMichel Aguena da Silva 03 August 2017 (has links)
Aglomerados de galáxias são as maiores estruturas no Universo. Sua distribuição mapeia os halos de matéria escura formados nos potenciais profundos do campo de matéria escura. Consequentemente, a abundância de aglomerados é altamente sensível a expansão do Universo, assim como ao crescimento das perturbações de matéria escura, constituindo uma poderosa ferramenta para fins cosmológicos. Na era atual de grandes levantamentos observacionais que produzem uma quantidade gigantesca de dados, as propriedades estatísticas dos objetos observados (galáxias, aglomerados, supernovas, quasares, etc) podem ser usadas para extrair informações cosmológicas. Para isso, é necessária o estudo da formação de halos de matéria escura, da detecção dos halos e aglomerados, das ferramentas estatísticas usadas para o vínculos de parâmetros, e finalmente, dos efeitos da detecções ópticas. No contexto da formulação da predição teórica da contagem de halos, foi analisada a influência de cada parâmetro cosmológico na abundância dos halos, a importância do uso da covariância dos halos, e a eficácia da utilização dos halos para vincular cosmologia. Também foi analisado em detalhes os intervalos de redshift e o uso de conhecimento prévio dos parâmetros ({\\it priors}). A predição teórica foi testada um uma simulação de matéria escura, onde a cosmologia era conhecida e os halos de matéria escura já haviam sido detectados. Nessa análise, foi atestado que é possível obter bons vínculos cosmológicos para alguns parâmetros (Omega_m,w,sigma_8,n_s), enquanto outros parâmetros (h,Omega_b) necessitavam de conhecimento prévio de outros testes cosmológicos. Na seção dos métodos estatísticos, foram discutidos os conceitos de {\\it likelihood}, {\\it priors} e {\\it posterior distribution}. O formalismo da Matriz de Fisher, bem como sua aplicação em aglomerados de galáxias, foi apresentado e usado para a realização de predições dos vínculos em levantamentos atuais e futuros. Para a análise de dados, foram apresentados métodos de Cadeias de Markov de Monte Carlo (MCMC), que diferentemente da Matriz de Fisher não assumem Gaussianidade entre os parâmetros vinculados, porém possuem um custo computacional muito mais alto. Os efeitos observacionais também foram estudados em detalhes. Usando uma abordagem com a Matriz de Fisher, os efeitos de completeza e pureza foram extensivamente explorados. Como resultado, foi determinado em quais casos é vantajoso incluir uma modelagem adicional para que o limite mínimo de massa possa ser diminuído. Um dos principais resultados foi o fato que a inclusão dos efeitos de completeza e pureza na modelagem não degradam os vínculos de energia escura, se alguns outros efeitos já estão sendo incluídos. Também foi verificados que o uso de priors nos parâmetros não cosmológicos só afetam os vínculos de energia escura se forem melhores que 1\\%. O cluster finder(código para detecção de aglomerados) WaZp foi usado na simulação, produzindo um catálogo de aglomerados. Comparando-se esse catálogo com os halos de matéria escura da simulação, foi possível investigar e medir os efeitos observacionais. A partir dessas medidas, pôde-se incluir correções para a predição da abundância de aglomerados, que resultou em boa concordância com os aglomerados detectados. Os resultados a as ferramentas desenvolvidos ao longo desta tese podem fornecer um a estrutura para a análise de aglomerados com fins cosmológicos. Durante esse trabalho, diversos códigos foram desenvolvidos, dentre eles, estão um código eficiente para computar a predição teórica da abundância e covariância de halos de matéria escura, um código para estimar a abundância e covariância dos aglomerados de galáxias incluindo os efeitos observacionais, e um código para comparar diferentes catálogos de halos e aglomerados. Esse último foi integrado ao portal científico do Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia (LIneA) e está sendo usado para avaliar a qualidade de catálogos de aglomerados produzidos pela colaboração do Dark Energy Survey (DES), assim como também será usado em levantamentos futuros. / Abstract Galaxy clusters are the largest bound structures of the Universe. Their distribution maps the dark matter halos formed in the deep potential wells of the dark matter field. As a result, the abundance of galaxy clusters is highly sensitive to the expansion of the universe as well as the growth of dark matter perturbations, representing a powerful tool for cosmological purposes. In the current era of large scale surveys with enormous volumes of data, the statistical quantities from the objects surveyed (galaxies, clusters, supernovae, quasars, etc) can be used to extract cosmological information. The main goal of this thesis is to explore the potential use of galaxy clusters for constraining cosmology. To that end, we study the halo formation theory, the detection of halos and clusters, the statistical tools required to quarry cosmological information from detected clusters and finally the effects of optical detection. In the composition of the theoretical prediction for the halo number counts, we analyze how each cosmological parameter of interest affects the halo abundance, the importance of the use of the halo covariance, and the effectiveness of halos on cosmological constraints. The redshift range and the use of prior knowledge of parameters are also investigated in detail. The theoretical prediction is tested on a dark matter simulation, where the cosmology is known and a dark matter halo catalog is available. In the analysis of the simulation we find that it is possible to obtain good constraints for some parameters such as (Omega_m,w,sigma_8,n_s) while other parameters (h,Omega_b) require external priors from different cosmological probes. In the statistical methods, we discuss the concept of likelihood, priors and the posterior distribution. The Fisher Matrix formalism and its application on galaxy clusters is presented, and used for making forecasts of ongoing and future surveys. For the real analysis of data we introduce Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods, which do not assume Gaussianity of the parameters distribution, but have a much higher computational cost relative to the Fisher Matrix. The observational effects are studied in detail. Using the Fisher Matrix approach, we carefully explore the effects of completeness and purity. We find in which cases it is worth to include extra parameters in order to lower the mass threshold. An interesting finding is the fact that including completeness and purity parameters along with cosmological parameters does not degrade dark energy constraints if other observational effects are already being considered. The use of priors on nuisance parameters does not seem to affect the dark energy constraints, unless these priors are better than 1\\%.The WaZp cluster finder was run on a cosmological simulation, producing a cluster catalog. Comparing the detected galaxy clusters to the dark matter halos, the observational effects were investigated and measured. Using these measurements, we were able to include corrections for the prediction of cluster counts, resulting in a good agreement with the detected cluster abundance. The results and tools developed in this thesis can provide a framework for the analysis of galaxy clusters for cosmological purposes. Several codes were created and tested along this work, among them are an efficient code to compute theoretical predictions of halo abundance and covariance, a code to estimate the abundance and covariance of galaxy clusters including multiple observational effects and a pipeline to match and compare halo/cluster catalogs. This pipeline has been integrated to the Science Portal of the Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia (LIneA) and is being used to automatically assess the quality of cluster catalogs produced by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) collaboration and will be used in other future surveys.
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