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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantifying the physical effects of stream restoration: With unmanned aerial vehicles and geographic information systems

Karlsten, Annika January 2019 (has links)
Stream restoration efforts often aim at restoring the physical complexity in streams, as an increased habitat heterogeneity is believed to increase biodiversity. It is important to quantify the physical complexity of streams before and after restoration, to know what actions are needed, and to monitor the results of the restoration. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and geographic information systems (GIS) for data acquisition is rapidly increasing, and the use of UAVs and GIS could facilitate the monitoring process. The aim of this study was to determine how the spatial complexity in streams can be determined by using UAVs and GIS. The physical features and the spatial complexity were quantified in five reaches in the Lögde River, pre- and post-restoration, by analyzing UAV photos in a GIS program. Three of six reach descriptive metrics, and three of seven complexity metrics, were shown significantly different after restoration. To validate the GIS analyzing method, a qualitative comparison of data from the GIS analysis to field survey data was conducted. The GIS method was shown effective for distinguishing morphological features on a larger spatial scale, and to show the spatial distribution of instream features, such as wood pieces and boulders. The accuracy when digitizing the bankfull edge of the stream was low on small scales, and the method likely underestimates the number of wood pieces and boulders in the streams. Preferable camera settings and weather conditions to avoid blurry UAV photos, and thereby enhance the accuracy of the GIS analysis, are discussed.

New single machine scheduling problems with deadline for the characterization of optimal solutions / Nouveaux problèmes d'ordonnancement à une machine avec deadlines pour la caractérisation de solutions optimales

Ta, Thanh Thuy Tien 06 July 2018 (has links)
Nous considérons un problème d'ordonnancement à une machine avec dates de fin impératives et nous cherchons caractériser l'ensemble des solutions optimales, sans les énumérer. Nous supposons que les travaux sont numérotés selon la règle EDD et que cette séquence est réalisable. La méthode consiste à utiliser le treillis des permutations et d'associer à la permutation maximale du treillis la séquence EDD. Afin de caractériser beaucoup de solutions, nous cherchons une séquence réalisable aussi loin que possible de cette séquence. La distance utilisée est le niveau de la séquence dans le treillis, qui doit être minimum (le plus bas possible). Cette nouvelle fonction objectif est étudiée. Quelques cas particuliers polynomiaux sont identifiés, mais la complexité du problème général reste ouverte. Quelques méthodes de résolution, polynomiales et exponentielles, sont proposées et évaluées. Le niveau de la séquence étant en rapport avec la position des travaux dans la séquence, de nouvelles fonctions objectifs en rapport avec les positions des travaux sont identifiées et étudiées. Le problème de la minimisation de la somme pondérée des positions des travaux est prouvé fortement NP-difficile. Quelques cas particuliers sont étudiés et des méthodes de résolution proposées et évaluées. / We consider a single machine scheduling problem with deadlines and we want to characterise the set of optimal solutions, without enumerating them. We assume that jobs are numbered in EDD order and that this sequence is feasible. The key idea is to use the lattice of permutations and to associate to the supremum permutation the EDD sequence. In order to characterize a lot of solutions, we search for a feasible sequence, as far as possible to the supremum. The distance is the level of the sequence in the lattice, which has to be minimum. This new objective function is investigated. Some polynomially particular cases are identified, but the complexity of the general case problem remains open. Some resolution methods, polynomial and exponential, are proposed and evaluated. The level of the sequence being related to the positions of jobs in the sequence, new objective functions related to the jobs positions are identified and studied. The problem of minimizing the total weighted positions of jobs is proved to be strongly NP-hard. Some particular cases are investigated, resolution methods are also proposed and evaluated.

Implementing the Endeavor Space Dimensions : Towards an understanding of perceived complexity in C2 operations

Bjurling, Oscar, Weilandt, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
The challenge of operating and managing complex and dynamic environments, known as complex endeavors, has become a central issue in the C2 research community. NATO research groups have studied how to combat the negative effects of endeavor complexity on performance. Essential to these efforts is the study of C2 Agility, which is the ability of an entity to cope with change and employ different C2 approaches based on the requirements imposed by—and changes in—the current operational environment. An important aspect in accomplishing this research goal is to study how operational environments are constituted, as this would enable research into how the effectiveness of different C2 approaches is affected by different endeavors. The Endeavor Space model, which represents endeavor complexity in three dimensions, was developed for this purpose. In an effort to continue research on the Endeavor Space, the current study set out to implement the dimensions in a C2 research platform called ELICIT. Three ELICIT scenarios were created to represent different regions of the Endeavor Space. Additionally, the study designed, developed, and tested a prototype self-assessment instrument—the ESSAI—to capture how the Endeavor Space dimensions—Tractability, Dynamics, and Dependencies—were experienced by operators. Eight teams completed the scenarios and rated their complexity using the ESSAI. No significant differences in perceived complexity could be found between the scenarios. However, all Endeavor Space dimensions indicated correlational relationships with perceived difficulty, and most of them correlated with ELICIT performance. This is indicative of underlying patterns that were not thoroughly revealed in the current study. Implications and improvements for future research are discussed.

Influence of bilingualism on simple arithmetic

Unknown Date (has links)
It has been widely hypothesized that while doing arithmetic, individuals use two distinct routes for phonological output. A direct route is used for exact arithmetic which is language dependent, while an indirect route is used during arithmetic approximation and thought to be language independent. The arithmetic double route has been incorporated on the triple- code model that consists of visual arabic code for identifying strings of digits, magnitude code for knowledge in numeral quantities, and verbal code for rote arithmetic fact. Our goal is to investigate whether language experience has an effect on the processing of exact/approximation math using bilingual participants who have access to two languages, using a theoretical arithmetic processing model, which has been validated across many studies. We have measured the two groups (monolinguals/bilinguals) processing speed for completing the two tasks (Exact/Approximation) in two codes (Arabic digit/Verbal). We hypothesized a faster reaction time in exact arithmetic task in compared to approximation in accordance with the triple-code model. We alsoexpected a main effect for the task (Exact vs.Approximation) independent of the input code when the stimulus was presented in either Arabic digit and/or verbal codes. Our results show exact arithmetic is faster than approximation of arithmetic facts in all codes supporting earlier theories. Also, there was no significant difference in processing speed between monolinguals and bilinguals when performing the arithmetic task in either Arabic and/or verbal codes. In addition, our investigation suggests a modification to the triple-code model when interpreting arithmetic facts in verbal code due to interference of two languages with bilingual participants. Additions to the model can be suggested when the stimulus is expressed in verbal code for visual identification, which may cause interference in bilinguals leading to a first language advantage due to language experience. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

A complexidade do substrato e o mesohabitat (remanso e corredeira) são farores que influenciam a fauna de Chironomidae (Diptera) em riachos do Brasil Central? / Are the substrate complexity and the mesohabitat (pools and riffles) factors that influence the fauna of Chironomidae (Diptera) in streams of Central Brazil?

Mazão, Gustavo Rincon 09 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve o objetivo testar os efeitos da complexidade do substrato e do tipo de mesohabitat (remanso e corredeira) sobre a riqueza, a abundância e a composição de Chironomidae (Diptera) em riachos. O experimento foi realizado em 12 riachos do Brasil Central, onde em cada mesohabitat (remanso e corredeira) foram colocadas duas bandejas de plástico, uma contendo substrato com alta complexidade e outra contendo substrato com baixa complexidade. Estes substratos permaneceram no riacho durante 20 dias. Os efeitos da complexidade do substrato e dos mesohabitats não foram significativos nem sobre a riqueza padronizada nem sobre a abundância, por outro lado, o efeito do mesohabitat foi significativo sobre a composição faunística. O primeiro eixo da DCA (33% da variabilidade) separou claramente a fauna de remansos da de corredeiras. A análise de espécies indicadoras mostrou que Chironomus sp., Ablabesmyia sp.1, Ablabesmyia sp.2, Djalmabatista sp., Fittkauimyia sp., Labrundinia sp. indicaram o remanso, e Paratendipes sp., Polypedilum sp.2, Pentaneura sp., Rheotanytarsus sp.1, Corynoneura sp.2, Cricotopus sp.2, Lopescladius sp., Nanocladius sp.2, Parametriocnemus sp. e Thienemanniella sp. indicaram a corredeira. / The present study had the aim to test the effects of the substrate complexity and of the mesohabitat (pools and riffles) on the richness, abundance and composition of Chironomidae (Diptera) in streams. The experiment took place in 12 streams of Central Brazil. In each stream, two plastic trays were put in each one of the two studied mesohabitats (pool and riffle), one with higher complexity substrate and one with lower complexity substrate. These substrates were kept in the streams for 20 days. The effects of substrate complexity and of mesohabitat were not significative neither on the standarized richness nor on the abundance. On the other hand, the effect of mesohabitat was significative on the faunistic composition. The first axis of DCA (33% of variability) separated cleanly the fauna in pools from those in riffles. The indicator species analysis showed that Chironomus sp., Ablabesmyia sp.1, Ablabesmyia sp.2, Djalmabatista sp., Fittkauimyia sp., Labrundinia sp. indicated pools, and Paratendipes sp., Polypedilum sp.2, Pentaneura sp., Rheotanytarsus sp.1, Corynoneura sp.2, Cricotopus sp.2, Lopescladius sp., Nanocladius sp.2, Parametriocnemus sp. and Thienemanniella sp. indicated riffles.

Complexidade, acoplamento e criticalidade (C²A) como indicadores de risco em projetos de sistemas. / Complexity, coupling and criticality (C²A) as risk indicators in system\'s design.

Lemes, Marcelo José Ruv 29 November 2011 (has links)
A crescente complexidade dos sistemas embarcados de uso aeronáutico tem sido objeto de preocupação por parte de especialistas no que se refere à segurança. A complexidade implica não somente em novos tipos de perigos como também os tornam mais difíceis de serem identificados. O cenário exige maior atenção quando um sistema complexo apresenta também alto acoplamento entre seus elementos. A maioria dos métodos utilizados na análise de segurança foi concebida para sistemas mecânicos e adaptados para sistemas eletrônicos. De maneira geral, a evolução no campo das tecnologias não tem sido refletida nas abordagens adotadas para a segurança de sistemas. A Teoria de Acidentes Normais proposta por Charles Perrow estabelece uma importante ligação entre complexidade, acoplamento e acidentes. Entretanto, entende-se que somente estes dois parâmetros não são suficientes para se ter um indicador capaz de capturar potenciais riscos relativos à segurança de sistemas. É necessário identificar também o quão critica é contribuição de cada elemento do sistema para a segurança. Complexidade, acoplamento e criticalidade formam a base do índice C²A desenvolvido nesta Tese como um indicador de risco para a segurança de sistemas. A aplicação do índice C²A é exercitada em um estudo de caso que utiliza um sistema de controle ambiental de uma aeronave de transporte regional. Adicionalmente são realizadas considerações sobre como implantar a utilização do índice C²A no processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas proposto pela norma ARP4754A. / The increasing complexity of on board systems for aeronautical applications has been a concern for experts in regard to safety. The complexity involves not only new kinds of hazards as well as makes them more difficult to identify. The scenario requires more attention when a complex system also presents high coupled elements. Most methods used in the safety analysis were designed for mechanical systems and adapted for electronic systems. In general, the advances in the technology field have not been reflected in the system safety methods. The Normal Accident Theory created by Charles Perrow proposed an important link between complexity, coupling and accidents. However, only these two parameters are not sufficient to have a metric of the potential risks relating to safety. It is also necessary to identify how critical is the contribution of each element of the system to the safety. Complexity, coupling and criticality are the basis of the C²A index developed in this thesis as a risk indicator related to safety aspects. The application of the C²A index is exercised in a case study using an environmental control system of a regional transport aircraft. Additionally considerations are made about how to deploy the use of the index C²A in the systems development process as proposed by the standard ARP4754A.

Estudo sobre a emergência de padrões de estrutura organizacional em empresas atuantes no Brasil: uma abordagem baseada na teoria da complexidade e do caos / A Brazilian based companies study on the emergence of organizational structure patterns: an approach grounded on complexity and chaos theory

Oliveira, Jefferson Freitas Amancio de 27 June 2013 (has links)
A proposta da tese é contribuir para um melhor entendimento das organizações por meio da utilização de conceitos da teoria da Complexidade e Caos. Entendendo a organização como um sistema adaptativo complexo, busca-se, através de aspectos relacionados à conectividade, interdependência e diversidade, a identificação de padrões de estrutura organizacional em empresas brasileiras. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória a partir de bases de dados de 417 empresas, 118 mil de seus funcionários, de 22 setores de atividades diferentes que se candidatam ao prêmio de \"Melhores Empresas para se Trabalhar\", organizado pela FIA - Fundação Instituto de Administração e Você S/A. Para análise foram utilizadas técnicas diversas de mineração de dados, de escalonamento multidimensional e desenvolvidos algoritmos para o delineamento de formações gráficas da amplitude de controle e rotinas para análise da estrutura de tarefas e da tensão adaptativa entre objetivos individuais e da organização. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que foram identificados padrões relacionados à conectividade e interdependência interna. Especificamente, observou-se também que fatores como a amplitude de controle e tensão adaptativa entre objetivos pessoais e organizacionais também manifestaram a emergência de padrões estruturais, independente do setor de atividade. / The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a better understanding of organizations through the use of the concepts of the Chaos and Complexity theory. Assuming the organization as a complex adaptive system, it aims to identify patterns of organizational structure in Brazilian companies through connectivity, interdependence and diversity organizational aspects. The study entails an exploratory research in databases in 417 companies (22 economic sectors) and 118 thousands employees that applied for the award of the best companies to work for (Melhores Empresas para se Trabalhar) organized by FIA - Fundação Instituto de Administração and Você S/A. In the analysis it was used data mining techniques, multidimensional scaling and algorithms developed for the design of graphical formations, the span of control, structure and tasks and the adaptive tension between individual goals and the ones found in organizations where the employee works at. The results of the study point to patterns identified and related to organizational characteristics that denote the internal connectivity and interdependence. Structural patterns on information from different economic sectors companies were identified and related to factors such as span of control and adaptive tension between individual goals and perceived characteristics in organizations.

Estudo e aplicação do referencial bachelardiano de obstáculos epistemológicos no ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes / Study and aplication of referential bachelardean to teaching oscillating chemical systems

Martins, André Luís 20 September 2013 (has links)
O estudo e observação de Sistemas Químicos Oscilantes vêm se destacando como importante campo de pesquisa da ciência química contemporânea. Tais sistemas têm como comportamento notório principal a variação periódica da concentração de um intermediário de reação química. Sua compreensão vem estimulando debates que transcendem o escopo químico e estabelecem relações com outras disciplinas científicas, e mais marcadamente, o estudo de sistemas complexos em geral. O ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes, em específico, e de sistemas complexos, em geral, se apresenta na atualidade como desafio necessário e estimulante. Neste trabalho optou-se por tentar contribuir neste esforço, utilizando-se da noção de obstáculos epistemológicos inicialmente estabelecida pelo filósofo francês Gastón Bachelard. O conceito de obstáculos epistemológicos apresentou-se nas últimas décadas como importante ferramenta na abordagem das relações de ensino-aprendizagem de conceitos das ciências contemporâneas. Existem diferentes tipos de obstáculos epistemológicos, entre eles: experiência primeira, conhecimento geral, obstáculo verbal, conhecimento unitário e pragmático e obstáculo animista. Neste trabalho surge a proposta de utilizar a noção de obstáculo epistemológico voltada ao ensino de conceitos da complexidade pertinentes aos Sistemas Químicos Oscilantes. Foram analisadas as presenças de obstáculos epistemológicos em textos didáticos de ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes. Os textos didáticos escolhidos foram artigos científicos da área de ensino de química voltados ao ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes, livros didáticos usados em cursos de graduação e livros de divulgação científica. Foram analisados os conteúdos integrais de sete artigos científicos da área de ensino de química voltados ao tema reações químicas oscilantes. Foram também analisadas as seções referentes a reações químicas oscilantes de quatro livros didáticos utilizados em cursos de graduação da USP devotadas ao ensino de sistemas caóticos. Foram também analisadas as seções referentes a reações químicas oscilantes de quatro livros de divulgação científica que abordaram o tema sistemas químicos oscilantes. Foram encontrados grande número de obstáculos da experiência primeira e obstáculos animistas em livros didáticos e um grande número de obstáculos verbais em livros de divulgação científica. Todos os tipos de obstáculos epistemológicos listados foram identificados ao menos uma vez em algum dos textos. Demonstrou-se a viabilidade de aplicação do conceito de obstáculos epistemológicos em textos didáticos de ensino de sistemas químicos oscilantes. / The study and observation of Oscillating Chemical Systems have been highlighted as an important research field of chemical science contemporary. Such systems are notorious behavior as the main periodic variation of the concentration of an intermediate chemical reaction. Your understanding is stimulating debates that transcend the scope of chemical and establish relationships with other scientific disciplines, and most notably, the study of complex systems in general. The teaching of chemical oscillating systems, in particular, and complex systems in general, is presented nowadays as necessary and stimulating challenge. In this work it was decided to try to contribute in this effort, using the notion of epistemological obstacles initially established by the philosopher Gaston Bachelard. The concept of epistemological obstacle presented itself in recent decades as an important tool in addressing the relationships of teaching and learning of contemporary science concepts. There are different kinds of epistemological obstacles, among them: first experience, geral knowledge, verbal obstacle, pragmatic and unitary knowledge and animist obstacle . This work comes propose to use the notion of epistemological obstacle to teach the complexity of concepts relevant to oscillating chemical system .We analyzed the presence of epistemological obstacles in textbooks that have teaching oscillating chemical systems. The selected texts were scientific articles in the area of chemical education aimed at teaching oscillating chemical systems, books used in undergraduate and some popular science books. We analyzed the entire contents of seven papers in the area of chemical education geared to the theme oscillating chemical reactions. We also analyzed the sections pertaining to oscillating chemical reactions of four textbooks used in undergraduate courses devoted to teaching the chaotic systems at USP . We also analyzed the sections pertaining to oscillating chemical reactions of four popular science books that addressed the issue of oscillating chemical systems. We found many first experiences and animists obstacles in textbooks and a large number of verbal obstacles in popular science books. All kinds of epistemological obstacles identified were listed at least once at some of the texts. The results confirm the feasibility of applying the concept of epistemological obstacles in textbooks teaching oscillating chemical systems.

Origem e evolução da desigualdade material hereditária: uma abordagem dos Sistemas Adaptativos Complexos / Origins and evolution of hereditary material inequality: a Complex Adaptive Systems approach

Freitas, Mikael Peric de 20 May 2016 (has links)
A desigualdade material hereditária teria surgido no registro arqueológico pela primeira vez por volta de 6.500 A.C. na região da Mesopotâmia, tendo posteriormente emergido de maneira independente em diferentes localidades e contextos, dentro de um intervalo de tempo relativamente curto. Muitas teorias foram propostas para explicar os fenômenos, porém sua compreensão permanece em aberto. Buscou-se, aqui, abordar a questão sob a perspectiva dos Sistemas Adaptativos Complexos, construindo um Modelo Baseado em Agentes que teve como base teórica a literatura que trata da questão, focada nos últimos vinte anos do debate, aprofundada em dois estudos de caso: a Mesopotâmia e a Costa Noroeste da América do Norte. Dos nove parâmetros testados oito apresentaram relação direta com a assimetria material dos indivíduos podendo colaborar com a emergência da desigualdade material hereditária, de forma que fomos levados a considerar a igualdade material e a cooperação presente entre os caçadores e coletores como propriedades decorrentes de uma estrutura social de criticalidade auto-organizada / The hereditary material inequality would have emerged for the first time in the archaeological record around 6.500 BC in Mesopotamia, emerging after it repeatedly and independently in different localities and contexts, in a small time period. Many theories have been proposed but the complete understanding of the issue remains open to debate. Thus, we have proposed here an approach of the phenomenon under the Complex Adaptive Systems perspective, through which an agent-based model have been built. Constitutes the background of the model the working papers and text books written in the last two decades, which were later checked agains two case studies: Mesopotamia and Northwest Coast, in North America. Among the nine parameters tested in the model eight presented direct relation to the material asymmetry of individuals, potentially participating of the precesses involved in the emergence of material inequality. This results leads us to consider the possibility of the egalitarian and cooperative social structures of huntergatherers to be one of self-organized criticality

Novas mediações na interface comunicação e educação: a educomunicação como proposta para uma educação ambiental transformadora / -

Gattás, Carmen Lúcia Melges Elias 24 April 2015 (has links)
Esta investigação tem como objetivo buscar uma educação ambiental crítica, dialógica e democrática, que potencialize a mudança de hábitos e comportamentos, melhorando a qualidade de vida em nosso planeta. A educação ambiental surge comprometida com a proteção da vida na Terra, reconhecendo o papel central da educação na formação de valor e para a ação social. Partiremos de uma concepção complexa e sistêmica da sustentabilidade, chegando a ideia de sustentabilidade humanista. Na USP, a Superintendência de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) lançou em 2013 o Programa de Incentivo à Sustentabilidade da USP, com o intuito de apoiar projetos que tivessem como objetivo a promoção da educação visando à sustentabilidade para construir de forma participativa uma Universidade sustentável, como modelo para a sociedade brasileira. Um dos projetos aprovados, \"A ECA e a EACH em união para a sustentabilidade na USP\", criou a disciplina \"Educomunicação Socioambiental\" no Curso de Educomunicação (ECA/USP), colocando em prática a reflexão sobre os fundamentos e as implicações da Educação Ambiental e produzindo um ecossistema comunicativo capaz de dialogar com as práticas ambientais. Concluiu-se que a Educomunicação Socioambiental tem um grande potencial para desenvolver uma EA eficiente, capaz de transformar hábitos e comportamentos. Ao introduzir o diálogo, empoderando a comunidade e desenvolvendo o protagonismo nos processos de reflexão e produção, ela facilita o intercâmbio de experiências, garantindo uma comunicação participativa e cidadã, capaz de contribuir para a preservação dos recursos naturais. / This research aims to seek a critical environmental education, dialogue and democratic, that leverages the changing habits and behaviors, improving the quality of life on our planet. Environmental education appears committed to the protection of life on Earth, recognizing the central role of education in shaping values and social action. Depart from a complex and systemic concept of sustainability, reaching the idea of humanistic sustainability. We will start from a complex and systemic concept of sustainability, reaching the idea of humanistic sustainability. At USP, the Board of Environmental Management (BEM) launched in 2013 the Incentive Program to Sustainability at USP, in order to support projects that have as an objective the promotion of education aiming at sustainability to build in a participatory manner a sustainable University, as model for the Brazilian society. One of the approved projects, \"ECA and the EACH in union for sustainability at USP,\" created the discipline \"Environmental Educommunication\" in Educational Communication Course (ECA / USP), putting into practice the reflection on the foundations and implications of Education Environmental and producing a communications ecosystem capable of dealing with environmental practices. It was concluded that the Environmental Educommunication has great potential to develop an efficient EA, able to transform habits and behaviors. By introducing the dialogue, empowering the community and developing the role of the reflection and production processes, it facilitates the exchange of experience, ensuring a participatory and citizen communication, able to contribute to the preservation of natural resources of the planet.

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