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Meaning and Action in Sustainability Science : Interpretive approaches for social-ecological systems researchWest, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Social-ecological systems research is interventionist by nature. As a subset of sustainability science, social-ecological systems research aims to generate knowledge and introduce concepts that will bring about transformation. Yet scientific concepts diverge in innumerable ways when they are put to work in the world. Why are concepts used in quite different ways to the intended purpose? Why do some appear to fail and others succeed? What do the answers to these questions tell us about the nature of science-society engagement, and what implications do they have for social-ecological systems research and sustainability science? This thesis addresses these questions from an interpretive perspective, focusing on the meanings that shape human actions. In particular, the thesis examines how meaning, interpretation and experience shape the enactment of four action-oriented sustainability concepts: adaptive management, biosphere reserves, biodiversity corridors and planetary boundaries/reconnecting to the biosphere. In so doing, the thesis provides in-depth empirical applications of three interpretive traditions – hermeneutic, discursive and dialogical – that together articulate a broadly interpretive approach to studying social-ecological complexity. In the hermeneutic tradition, Paper I presents a ‘rich narrative’ case study of a single practitioner tasked with enacting adaptive management in an Australian land management agency, and Paper II provides a qualitative multi-case study of learning among 177 participants in 11 UNESCO biosphere reserves. In the discursive tradition, Paper III uses Q-method to explore interpretations of ‘successful’ biodiversity corridors among 20 practitioners, scientists and community representatives in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. In the dialogical tradition, Paper IV reworks conventional understandings of knowledge-action relationships by using three concepts from contemporary practice theory – ‘actionable understanding,’ ‘ongoing business’ and the ‘eternally unfolding present’ – to explore the enactment of adaptive management in an Australian national park. Paper V explores ideas of human-environment connection in the concepts planetary boundaries and reconnecting to the biosphere, and develops an ‘embodied connection’ where human-environment relations emerge through interactivity between mind, body and environment over time. Overall, the thesis extends the frontiers of social-ecological systems research by highlighting the meanings that shape social-ecological complexity; by contributing theories and methods that treat social-ecological change as a relational and holistic process; and by providing entry points to address knowledge, politics and power. The thesis contributes to sustainability science more broadly by introducing novel understandings of knowledge-action relationships; by providing advice on how to make sustainability interventions more useful and effective; by introducing tools that can improve co-production and outcome assessment in the global research platform Future Earth; and by helping to generate robust forms of justification for transdisciplinary knowledge production. The interventionist, actionable nature of social-ecological systems research means that interpretive approaches are an essential complement to existing structural, institutional and behavioural perspectives. Interpretive research can help build a scientifically robust, normatively committed and critically reflexive sustainability science. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Organisatorische Unterstützung der Produktentwicklung mit SysML-ModellenPaetzold, Kristin 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung:
"In der Entwicklung technischer Produkte sind die Entwickler mit einer zunehmenden Komplexität der Produkte konfrontiert. Die Komplexität hat unterschiedliche Ursachen, wie bspw. eine höhere Anzahl an Anforderungen, eine steigende Anzahl an unterschiedlichen beteiligten Domänen oder eine kürzere Entwicklungszeit. Zusätzlich muss bereits während der Entwicklung der gesamte Lebenszyklus des Produkts bis zur Entsorgung beachtet
werden. ..."
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A Non-equilibrium Approach to Scale Free NetworksHollingshad, Nicholas W. 08 1900 (has links)
Many processes and systems in nature and society can be characterized as large numbers of discrete elements that are (usually non-uniformly) interrelated. These networks were long thought to be random, but in the late 1990s, Barabási and Albert found that an underlying structure did in fact exist in many natural and technological networks that are now referred to as scale free. Since then, researchers have gained a much deeper understanding of this particular form of complexity, largely by combining graph theory, statistical physics, and advances in computing technology. This dissertation focuses on out-of-equilibrium dynamic processes as they unfold on these complex networks. Diffusion in networks of non-interacting nodes is shown to be temporally complex, while equilibrium is represented by a stable state with Poissonian fluctuations. Scale free networks achieve equilibrium very quickly compared to regular networks, and the most efficient are those with the lowest inverse power law exponent. Temporally complex diffusion also occurs in networks with interacting nodes under a cooperative decision-making model. At a critical value of the cooperation parameter, the most efficient scale free network achieves consensus almost as quickly as the equivalent all-to-all network. This finding suggests that the ubiquity of scale free networks in nature is due to Zipf's principle of least effort. It also suggests that an efficient scale free network structure may be optimal for real networks that require high connectivity but are hampered by high link costs.
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Conceptualizations of Young, Middle-aged, and Older Adults and the Ingroup-outgroup Complexity EffectCurtiss, Karin (Karin Elizabeth) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate Linville's (1982) ingroup-outgroup complexity hypothesis through descriptive card sorts created by young, middle-aged, and older adults regarding their own and other age groups.
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Cognitive Complexity in Group Performance and SatisfactionMayer, Bradley Wayne 12 1900 (has links)
In this study, a comparison was made between the various levels of group cognitive complexity and its relationship to task performance and task satisfaction. The goal of this research is to answer the general question, "Should decision-making groups consist of individuals who are similar in the way they differentiate and/or integrate various stimuli in order to increase performance and satisfaction?"
The preceding research problem was analyzed in a laboratory setting using a 2 X 2 factorial design blocked on the variable, cognitive complexity. The Repertory Grid was used to measure the cognitive complexity of 228 student subjects. These subjects were stratified into groups of three based on their cognitive complexity score on the Repertory Grid (Kelly, 1955). Each group was treated randomly with one of two levels of task complexity (complex or not complex). Moreover, the groups received an imposedgroup structure that incorporated centralized or decentralized decision-making.
Results indicated that groups consisting of cognitively complex members outperformed groups consisting of noncomplex members. No support was obtained for the two-way interaction between group cognitive complexity and either task complexity or group structure. Support was obtained for the interaction between task complexity and group structure on both task satisfaction measures. The highest satisfaction levels occurred with a complex task in a decentralized structure. In addition, the three-way interaction effect on the task satisfaction scale between group structure, task complexity, and group cognitive complexity was significant. The means, however, were not in the predicted direction. For cognitively simple groups, a complex task with a decentralized structure lead to the highest task satisfaction level; whereas, a less complex task with a decentralized group structure lead to the lowest task satisfaction score for noncomplex members. There were no significant differences for cognitively complex groups when analyzing the three-way interaction between group cognitive complexity, task complexity, and group structure.
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Prospect Theory Preferences in Noncooperative Game TheoryLeclerc, Philip 01 January 2014 (has links)
The present work seeks to incorporate a popular descriptive, empirically grounded model of human preference under risk, prospect theory, into the equilibrium theory of noncooperative games. Three primary, candidate definitions are systematically identified on the basis of classical characterizations of Nash Equilibrium; in addition, three equilibrium subtypes are defined for each primary definition, in order to enable modeling of players' reference points as exogenous and fixed, slowly and myopically adaptive, highly flexible and non-myopically adaptive. Each primary equilibrium concept was analyzed both theoretically and empirically; for the theoretical analyses, prospect theory, game theory, and computational complexity theory were all summoned to analysis. In chapter 1, the reader is provided with background on each of these theoretical underpinnings of the current work, the scope of the project is described, and its conclusions briefly summarized. In chapters 2 and 3, each of the three equilibrium concepts is analyzed theoretically, with emphasis placed on issues of classical interest (e.g. existence, dominance, rationalizability) and computational complexity (i.e, assessing how difficult each concept is to apply in algorithmic practice, with particular focus on comparison to classical Nash Equilibrium). This theoretical analysis leads us to discard the first of our three equilibrium concepts as unacceptable. In chapter 4, our remaining two equilibrium concepts are compared empirically, using average-level data originally aggregated from a number of studies by Camerer and Selten and Chmura; the results suggest that PT preferences may improve on the descriptive validity of NE, and pose some interesting questions about the nature of the PT weighting function (2003, Ch. 3). Chapter 5 concludes, systematically summarizes theoretical and empirical differences and similarities between the three equilibrium concepts, and offers some thoughts on future work.
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Underlying ConditionsEqbal, Mariam 06 May 2013 (has links)
The following is a collection of lines, curves, and dots on a plane, representing words fashioned to communicate my ideas about relationships between the thing and the nothing. This thesis is like a map, a contour drawing, an assortment of lines, speaking my thoughts about things in relation to space and time. As something moving, developing into another thing, as a thing sentient, I am viewing, performing, and processing incremental acts. I am looking at water and I can see my reflection break into a thousand pieces. It is like watching time.
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Organisational structure and Elliot Jaques' stratified systems theory / A study of the cognitive complexity of decision-making and control of operational managers in a South African organisation in the Freight Forwarding and Clearing Industry, as described by Jacques and Clements' cognitive complexity theoryGrobler, Schalk Willem January 2005 (has links)
Conduct an exploratory study on operationally focussed managers within a South African company, using both quantitative and qualitative analysis, to determine the correlation between the required and actual levels of complexity and time-span of control at specific hierarchical levels / Organisational design needs to be in line with capabilities of the individual-inrole.
The structure of an organization directly impacts the overall effectiveness and
ultimately the success of such an organization and the number of layers
required in any given hierarchy is a product of the organization’s mission
(Jaques, 1989).
Stratified Systems Theory (Jaques, 1989) defines work in seven strata based
on a basis of decision-making complexity. The research presented here
identifies a specific organisation’s current level of work based on complexity
and the time-span of decision-making.
Research was done in one specific geographical region of a company
operating in the Supply Chain and Logistics industry in South Africa.
Qualitative data collection was done by means of interviews with a defined
sample group that provided an adequate cross-section of the main functions
of the business, however, the sampling technique used may not provide
results representative of the entire population.
The Brunel Institute for Organisation and Social Studies’ (BIOSS) Matrix of
Working Relationships was used as main basis for reporting results.
The research indicates that the organisation is presently, according to
Jaques Stratified Systems Theory (Jaques, 1989), operating at one level
below their intended level that will allow them to effectively meet their longterm
strategic objectives.
The report identifies shortcomings in terms of the current capabilities of the
individual-in-role and the actual work requirements, setting a foundation for
further analysis of individual capabilities for effective organisational design. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL
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Distributed calculations using mobile agents / Calculs Distribués par des Agents MobilesAbbas, Shehla 15 December 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse traite l’utilisation des agents mobiles dans le domaine des algo- rithmes distribués en les déplaçant de manière aléatoire dans le réseau. Initialement k agents mobiles ayant les identités uniques sont placés dans le réseau. On décrit un algorithme distribué pour calculer un arbre couvrant dans les réseaux dynamiques en utilisant les agents mobiles. Les agents marquent les noeuds sur les quelles ils arrivent. Ils utilisent deux techniques di?érentes : le clonage dans lequel un agent crée son propre clone pour faire quelques tâches et le marquage sur la tableau de bord (un espace mémoire sur les noeuds). Ces techniques sont utilisés dans les applications comme l’arbre couvrant, le rassemblement et la collecte d’information. Chacun des agents détient une information partielle. Quand deux ou plusieurs agents se rencontrent sur un noeud, ils fusionnent en un seul agent. On s’intéresse alors au temps nécessaire ou tous les k agents fusionnent en un seul et unique agent. On présent une chaîne de Markov pour le comportement des agents, et on montre comment on peut utiliser cette technique pour calculer la bourne supérieur. On étudie le même problème quand les agents mobile commencent la marche aléatoire sous un régime stationnaire. On a aussi étudié le problème de Handshake et on l’a analysé en utilisant les agents mobiles. / This thesis deals with the use of mobile agents in distributed algorithms by performing random walks in the network. k mobile agents having unique identities are placed initially in a network. We describe a distributed algorithm for computing spanning trees in dynamic networks by using mobile agents. The agents mark the nodes on which they arrive. They use two di?erent techniques. In one problem they use the cloning in which an agent creates its own clone to do some task assigned. In the second, the mobile agents mark on the whiteboard (a memory location on the nodes). These techniques are used in applications such as spanning tree, gathering and collecting information. The mobile agents have limited knowledge and hence, they are not intelligent and do not have computational capabilities. When two or more agents meet at a node of the underlying graph, they merge into a single agent. The parameter of interest is the expected time for all the agents to merge into a single agent. We present a Markov chain, modelling the agents behavior, and show how this can be used to upper bound the expected time for all the k agents to merge into a single agent. We study the same problem when the mobile agents start their walk directly under stationary regime. Handshake problem is also studied and analyzed using mobile agents.
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Territoire, observation et gouvernance. Outils, méthodes et réalités / Territories, observation and governance. Tools, methods and realitiesSignoret, Philippe 07 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse se présente en trois parties qui reprennent les trois mots clés du titre et mettent en perspective la fonction d’observation territoriale, par une approche de la complexité essentiellement empirique et faisant référence de manière récurrente à la systémique.La première partie s’intéresse à la notion polysémique de territoire. La modélisation du processus de territorialisation permet alors de contourner la difficulté sémantique qui découle des multiples acceptions du terme rencontrées dans la littérature et au cours des entretiens conduits auprès de spécialistes. Le territoire se révèle alors sous la forme d’une représentation, combinant des dimensions matérielles et immatérielles, des représentations individuelles et collectives.La deuxième partie s’appuie sur des réalisations concrètes d’observatoires pour élaborer et mettre en oeuvre une approche comparée, entre une trentaine d’observatoires, sous l’angle de leur structuration et de leur fonctionnement. Cette seconde partie du travail révèle des situations très contrastées et l’absence d’un modèle consensuel qui sont les signes de réalisations opportunes, et non d’une approche normalisée de la fonction d’observation.La prise en compte des jeux d’acteurs s’opère au cours de la troisième partie qui traite de la gouvernance pour et par l’observation. Nous réinterrogeons alors les structures et les organisations qui se mettent en place autour des observatoires et d’un enjeu qui est celui de l’aide à la décision par l’instrumentation de l’information géographique. / The thesis is presented in three parts which include the three key words of the title and put intoperspective the function of territorial observation, with an approach to complexity mostly empiricaland constantly referring to systemics.The first part focuses on the polysemic notion of territory. Modeling the process of territorializationallows us to bypass the semantic difficulty that arises from multiple uses of the term in the literatureand in interviews conducted with experts. The territory is then revealed in different forms ofcombinations of tangible and intangible dimensions, and individual or collective representations.The second part is based on concrete achievements of observatories to develop and implement acomparative approach between thirty observatories according to their structure and functioning. Thissecond part of the work reveals sharp contrasts and lack of a consensual model which are the signs ofachievement and not an appropriate standard approach based on observation.Consideration sets of actors takes place during the third part which deals with governance for and byobservation. We raise questions about the structures and organizations which exist or should be set upso as to allow a better integration of observatories and an issue that is the decision support by theinstrumentation of geographic information
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