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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche cognitive de la relation entre l’image de soi et la satisfaction professionnelle dans les groupes d’appartenance : cas des fonctionnaires du ministère du travail, de l’emploi et de la prévoyance sociale du Gabon / Cognitive approach of relation between the self image and the job satisfaction in the groups of memberships : case of the officials of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Welfare of Gabon

Abang Sako, Astha 08 January 2010 (has links)
L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier les concepts « Image de soi » et « satisfaction professionnelle » dans les groupes d’appartenance du travail, dans une approche cognitive et conative (affect et ses effets). Il s’agit de montrer que l’Image de soi au travail est liée aux différents niveaux de satisfaction des sujets face à leur emploi. Ces niveaux de satisfaction dépendent de leur niveau d’attentes. La satisfaction professionnelle repose donc sur le sujet et non sur l’emploi lui-même. C’est pourquoi, cette notion s’insère dans un système comprenant, d’une part, les aspects de l’emploi et ses avantages et, d’autre part, l’individu et ses attentes. L’étude porte sur 63 sujets, une population relativement réduite d’un point de vue statistique mais avec laquelle nous avons pu mettre en lumière des résultats intéressants que, par prudence, nous considérerons comme valables pour ladite population seulement.À la lumière de l’analyse corrélée des divers paramètres explorés, l’étude révèle qu’il existe réellement un système d’attentes « théoriques », strictement inhérentes au sujet, et un système d’attentes diversifiées issu des différences individuelles et culturelles. La satisfaction des fonctionnaires du Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Prévoyance Sociale du GABON est tributaire des avantages matériels que leur emploi leur procure (bureau climatisé et équipé, voiture de service, salaires et primes…), associés à des aspects extérieurs au travail (logement de standing, revenus complémentaires, reconnaissance sociale…). Tous ces éléments participent à la construction de l’image de réussite qu’ils renvoient aux autres. Et cette image est fortement tributaire de l’image que ces fonctionnaires se font d’eux-mêmes, associée à leurs attentes. À la lumière de cette étude expérimentale qui repose aussi sur une étude théorique consacrée à la psychologie du travail dans le contexte de la fonction publique et, plus spécifiquement au vécu des fonctionnaires au travail (leur représentation de leur position, directement dans la structure, mais aussi à l’extérieur, dans la société qu’ils côtoient), il apparaît que l’image de réussite requiert une image positive de soi, révélatrice d’un sentiment de satisfaction professionnelle et personnelle. Les résultats de notre expérimentation tendent à vérifier, cette dernière affirmation, étude qui appelle des recherches plus approfondies. / The objective of this research is to study the concepts of “self-Image” and “Satisfaction” in the membership of groups working in a cognitive and conative (affects and effect). It is shown that self-image at work is linked to different levels of satisfaction issues facing their jobs. These levels of satisfaction depend on their level of expectations. Job satisfaction is thus based on the subject and not on the job itself. Therefore, this concept fits into a system comprising, first, aspects of employment and benefits and, secondly, the individual and his expectations.The study covers 63 subjects, a relatively small population of a statistical point of view but with which we could highlight some interesting results that, by caution, we consider as valid only for that population.In light of the analysis correlated the different parameters explored, the study reveals that there is actually a system of expectations “theoretical” strictly inherent to the subject, and a variety of expectations from the individual and cultural differences. The satisfaction of officials of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Welfare of Gabon depends on the material benefits that their jobs provide them (room air-conditioned and equipped, car service, salaries and bonuses…), related to aspects outside the work place (luxury housing, additional income, social recognition…).All these elements contribute to building the image of success they relate to others. And this image is strongly dependent on the image that these officials are themselves associated with their expectations. In light of this experimental study is also based on a theoretical study devoted to the psychology of work in the context of public service and, more specifically to the experiences of staff at work (their representation of their position, directly in the structure, but also outside in the society around them), it appears that the image of success requires a positive self-image, revealing a sense of professional and personal satisfaction. The results of our experiments tend to verify this last statement, which calls for study of further research.

Kundlojalitet inom e-handeln : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv / Customer loyalty in e-commerce

Forslund, Filip, Wikström, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Kundlojalitet inom e-handeln Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Filip Forslund & Mattias Wikström Handledare: Jens Eklinder Frick Datum: Januari 2016 Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur företag inom e-handeln arbetar med de attitydmässiga dimensionerna kognitiv, affektiv och konativ kundlojalitet. Metod: I studien användes en kvalitativ metod vilket ansågs lämpligt för att få en djupare förståelse kring syftet med arbetet. I studien genomfördes elva semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som arbetar i ledande positioner med marknadsfrågor på e-handelsföretag för att förstå hur deras företag arbetar med kundlojalitet utifrån vår teoretiska referensram. Vi har haft en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt i arbetet för att förstå och tolka det insamlade materialet. I analysen använde vi våra teoretiska teman och analyserade dessa för att försöka hitta empiriska teman genom en kvalitativ dataanalys. Resultat & slutsats: Denna studie visar hur företag inom e-handeln arbetar med kognitiv, affektiv och konativ kundlojalitet. Utifrån de teoretiska teman vi tagit fram har vi fått en uppfattning om vilka faktorer som anses väsentliga i företagens dagliga arbete för att skapa kundlojalitet. Detta resulterade i ett flertal empiriska teman som visar vilka dessa faktorer är och hur de används. Förslag till vidare forskning: Eftersom detta är en studie utifrån ett företagsperspektiv kan vidare forskning vara att kontakta kunder till e-handelsföretag och undersöka de empiriska teman, som tagits fram i denna studie, i ett kundperspektiv och ta reda på om dessa teman är relevanta faktorer även ur det perspektivet. Detta är något som skulle kunna ge ehandelsföretagen mer input i deras arbete med att skapa lojala kunder. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens teoretiska bidrag är att den ger en ny förståelse för kognitiv, affektiv och konativ kundlojalitet utifrån tidigare forskning med fokus på e-handelsföretagens arbete med kundlojalitet. Det praktiska bidraget är de olika teman vi fann i både teorin och empirin som företagen kan ha användning av i sitt arbete med att skapa lojalitet hos sina kunder. Nyckelord: Kundlojalitet, kognitiv lojalitet, affektiv lojalitet, konativ lojalitet, e-handel / Title: Customer loyalty in e-commerce Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Filip Forslund & Mattias Wikström Supervisor: Jens Eklinder Frick Date: January 2016 Aim: The purpose of this study is to enlighten how companies in e-commerce works with the attitudinal dimensions cognitive, affective and conative customer loyalty. Method: The study used a qualitative approach, which was considered appropriate to get a deeper understanding about the purpose of the thesis. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with people working in executive positions with market issues in e-commerce companies to understand how their business works with customer loyalty based on our theoretical framework. We have had a hermeneutical approach in efforts to understand and make a deeper interpretation from the collected data. In the analysis, we used our theoretical themes and analyzed them to try to find empirical themes through a qualitative data analysis. Result & Conclusions: This study shows how companies in e-commerce works with cognitive, affective and conative customer loyalty. We have received an idea of the factors that are considered essential in the business daily work to create customer loyalty, based on the theoretical themes we have developed. This resulted in a number of empirical themes that shows which these factors are and how they are used. Suggestions for future research: Since this is a study from a business perspective, further research could be to contact customers to e-commerce companies and examine the empirical themes in a customer perspective and find out if these themes are relevant factors even from that perspective. This is something that would give companies in e-commerce more input in their efforts to create loyal customers. Contribution of the thesis: The theoretical contribution is that it provides a new understanding of cognitive, affective and conative customer loyalty based on previous research with a focus on e-commerce companies' work with customer loyalty. The practical contribution is the different themes we found in both theoretical and empirical data that companies could use in their work to create loyalty among their customers. Key words: Customer loyalty, Cognitive loyalty, Affective loyalty, Conative loyalty, Ecommerce

Les comportements de gestion des forestiers : contribution à la connaissance des conséquences de perspectives intergénérationnelles sur les décisions du dirigeant d'entreprise familiale / The behavior of forest landowner : contribution to knowledge of consequences of intergenerational prospect on family business owner’s decisions.

Camblanne, Lionel 14 February 2011 (has links)
Erigé en modèle du dirigeant d’entreprise familiale à la tête d’un outil de production de bois, sa forêt, le forestier est un dirigeant d’entreprise singulier dont l’activité se caractérise par une unique décision de gestion, couper ou ne pas couper; et par un horizon temporel extrêmement long sur plusieurs générations.Partant du constat que le comportement des forestiers n’est pas rationnel au regard de la fonction de production de la forêt, les sources de déviations comportementales sont explorées et notamment l’influence de la vision familiale, du fait de l’impact de chacune de leurs décisions sur leurs descendants. Dans cet objectif, en recourant à des travaux issus de la psychologie, un cadre théorique, offrant un modèle intégré de l’ensemble des biais pouvant affecter le dirigeant, est élaboré. Adoptant une méthode comparative entre différents cas de forestiers, la vision familiale est positionnée à la source d’un biais conatif les affectant et engendrant une inertie comportementale qui s’avère variable en fonction des spécificités de la famille dont ils sont issus. Les différents comportements des forestiers offrent une nouvelle perspective en termes de gouvernance comportementale en proposant à la fois un outil d’analyse des comportements et un mécanisme visant par différentiel à identifier les sources de biais comportementaux ; et permettent d’inférer des moyens de les corriger. / The forest landowner can be set up as a model of a business manager who leads a wood manufacture, his woodland. He can be considered as a particular business manager whose activity is characterized by an unique decision, to cut or not to cut the trees ; and by a long planning horizon on several generations.Through the observation that the forest landowners' behaviors are not totally rational in comparison with the function of the woodland production, the research explores the origins of biases that affect behaviors, and specifically the family vision on business, due to the impact of each decision on the future of the coming generations. In this objective, based on psychological researches, a theoretical background is implemented, which proposes a model of the various biases that can affect managers.By comparing the different cases of forest landowners, the family vision is found as the origin of a conative bias that triggers a behavioral inertia. This inertia appears to be variable according to the specificities of the managers' families. The various forest landowners' behaviors allow to grasp new elements concerning behavioral governance through the proposition of both a behavior analyzing tool and a mechanism which aims to identify the origins of biases through a differential method , and allow to infer the mean to correct them.

Développement des traitements cognitifs, des traitements émotionnels et des jugements émotionnels du compliment et de la critique ironiques chez l’enfant âgé de 8 à 11 ans : approches générale et différentielle / Development of cognitive treatments, emotional treatments and emotional judgments of ironic compliments and criticisms among children aged 8 to 11 years old : general and differential approaches

Clée, Christel 09 June 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie le développement de la compréhension de l’ironie (traitements cognitifs, traitements émotionnels et jugements émotionnels) chez les enfants âgés de 8 à 11 ans. Quatre études ont été menées sur la même population avec le même matériel de recueil de données. Premièrement, nous avons créé et validé une échelle de traitements cognitifs composée de trois capacités graduellement acquises. Cet outil nous a permis de montrer, d’une part, que la compréhension cognitive du compliment ironique s’élabore entre 8 et 11 ans, alors que celle de la critique ironique émerge avant 8 ans. D’autre part, il existe une asymétrie de compréhension cognitive selon la nature de l’ironie (compliment ou critique). Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié les interprétations des fonctions (humour, méchanceté, gentillesse) de l’ironie effectuées par les enfants qui la comprennent. Pour cela, nous avons pris en compte à la fois les traitements émotionnels (attribution d’intention au locuteur) et les jugements émotionnels (jugement du locuteur). Quels que soient l’âge et la nature de l’ironie, les interprétations agressives de l’ironie sont fréquentes. En situation de compliment ironique, les interprétations humoristiques et gentilles sont de moins en moins fréquentes entre 8 et 11 ans. En revanche, en situation de critique ironique, aucune interprétation ne se développe durant cette période. Troisièmement, nous avons mis en évidence trois facteurs sous-jacents aux traitements de l’ironie. Les facteurs humoristique et cognitif se développent différemment selon la nature de l’ironie, contrairement au facteur affectif. Quatrièmement, une perspective différentielle a permis de mettre en évidence trois profils d’enfants observateurs de l’ironie qui se distinguent sur les trois traitements étudiés. Les facteurs cognitifs et conatifs explorés n’expliquent pas les différences entre les profils. Ces profils pourraient être expliqués par les expériences sociales, le tempérament ou encore le développement cognitif et émotionnel. / This research deals with the development of irony understanding (cognitive treatments, emotional treatments and emotional judgments) among children aged 8 to 11 years old. Four independent studies were led on the same population with the same material of data collection. In the first place, we created and validated a scale of cognitive understanding made up of three levels of gradually acquired skills. This tool enable us to show, on one hand, that the cognitive understanding of the ironic compliment develops between 8 and 11 years, while that of the ironic criticism begins before the age of 8. On the other hand, there is an asymmetry of cognitive understanding according to the nature of the irony (compliment or criticism). Secondly, we studied the interpretations of the functions (funniness, meanness, niceness) of irony made by the children who understand it. For that purpose, we took into account at the same time the emotional treatments (attribution of intention to the speaker) and emotional judgments (judgment of the speaker). Whatever the age and the nature of the irony, the aggressive interpretations of the irony are frequent. In situation of ironic compliment, the funny and kind interpretations are less and less frequent between 8 and 11 years. On the other hand, in situation of ironic criticism, no interpretation develops during this period. Thirdly, we highlighted three underlying factors of ironic treatments. The humoristic and cognitive factors develop differently according to the nature of the irony, contrary to the emotional factor. Fourthly, a differential perspective study reveals three profiles of irony observers which distinguish themselves on each of the treatments studied. The cognitive and conative factors explored do not explain the differences between the profiles. However, these profiles could be explained by social experiences, temperament or cognitive and emotional development.

The Effects of VR on Consumer Attitudes : Lessons from Implementing VR Technologies in Real Estate Marketing

Gunnarsson, Filip, Mirza Ali Khan, Francois January 2020 (has links)
Virtual Reality (VR) has gained tremendous interest within the last decades and is rapidlybecoming a disruptive marketing tool across all industries. Predictions show that the VR marketis expected to reach a staggering US$120 billion by 2026 (Fortune Business Insights, 2019).While previous research has investigated the impact of VR on consumer attitudes, theconnection between its immersive characteristic, i.e. telepresence (Steuer, 1992), and thecomplexity of consumer attitudes (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993), is still relatively unknown. Hence,this paper addresses the discrepancy in extant literature by applying a qualitative researchapproach. We conduct in-depth interviews using a quasi-experiment design, displaying anapartment through 2D (pictures) and followingly 3D stimuli (VR). The increased telepresencefrom VR and its impact on participants’ responses towards the apartment is thereby captured.Results show that both technological variables of telepresence (vividness & interactivity) arepositively influential in the three-dimensional spectrum of consumer responses (affective,cognitive & conative). Moreover, this study reveals that telepresence contributes to enhancedproduct knowledge, produces a hedonic experience and aids in decision-making. Conclusively,managerial recommendations are provided, detailing aspects to consider before implementingsuch immersive technologies.

The Effects of VR on Consumer Attitudes – Lessons from Implementing VR Technologies in Real Estate Marketing

Virtual Reality (VR) has gained tremendous interest within the last decades and is rapidly becoming a disruptive marketing tool across all industries. Predictions show that the VR market is expected to reach a staggering US$120 billion by 2026 (Fortune Business Insights, 2019). While previous research has investigated the impact of VR on consumer attitudes, the connection between its immersive characteristic, i.e. telepresence (Steuer, 1992), and the complexity of consumer attitudes (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993), is still relatively unknown. Hence, this paper addresses the discrepancy in extant literature by applying a qualitative research approach. We conduct in-depth interviews using a quasi-experiment design, displaying an apartment through 2D (pictures) and followingly 3D stimuli (VR). The increased telepresence from VR and its impact on participants’ responses towards the apartment is thereby captured. Results show that both technological variables of telepresence (vividness & interactivity) are positively influential in the three-dimensional spectrum of consumer responses (affective, cognitive & conative). Moreover, this study reveals that telepresence contributes to enhanced product knowledge, produces a hedonic experience and aids in decision-making. Conclusively, managerial recommendations are provided, detailing aspects to consider before implementing such immersive technologies.

Kundlojalitet på sociala nätverk : En netnografisk fallstudie av två företag på Facebook

Casserlöv, Sandra, Gåveby, Therése January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse för hur ett företags kommunikation på Facebook påverkar mottagarens kognitiva, affektiva och konativa lojalitet till företaget. Metod: En kvalitativ metod var lämplig för att få en djupare förståelse vid besvarandet av studiens syfte. För att kunna studera företagens kommunikation på Facebook genomfördes en netnografisk analys av två klädföretags Facebooksidor. Därefter genomfördes semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer som följde de två företagen på Facebook för att få en förståelse hur deras lojalitet påverkas av Facebooksidorna. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats mot teorin genom en tematisk analys. Resultat & slutsats: Denna studie visar att det är viktigt för företag att arbeta med alla typer av lojalitet mot följarna på Facebook. För att åstadkomma kundlojalitet på Facebook visar resultatet att företag bör eftersträva att publicera inlägg med erbjudanden samt inspirerande bilder till följarna. Resultatet visade även att följarna hos Lindex inte upplevde lika hög lojalitet till Facebooksidan som följarna hos Nelly.com. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Då vårt resultat visat tre nya empiriska teman skulle vidare forskning kunna undersöka dessa på en djupare nivå för att se om dessa empiriska teman är unik för vår studie eller kan tillämpas hos flera företags Facebooksidor. Vidare forskning skulle därmed kunna vara att undersöka de empiriska teman vi funnit som är viktiga för lojalitet på sociala nätverk för att se om dessa kan tillämpas på företag inom andra branscher. Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna studie sammankopplar tidigare forskning om kundlojalitet samt nyare forskning om kundlojalitet på sociala nätverk. Studiens teoretiska bidrag ger en ökad förståelse för vad som är av vikt vid kommunikation på ett företags Facebooksida och hur detta påverkar mottagarnas lojalitet till företaget. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how a company's communication on Facebook affects the recipient's cognitive, affective and conative loyalty towards the company. Method: A qualitative method was suitable to get a deeper understanding of responding to the study's purpose. In order to study the companies’ communication on Facebook, there was a netnographic analysis of two clothing companies Facebook pages. This was followed by semi- structured interviews with people who followed the two companies on Facebook to get an understanding of how their loyalty is affected by the Facebook pages. The empirical data is analyzed against theory through a thematic analysis. Result & Conclusions: This study shows that it is important for companies to work with all kinds of loyalty to the followers on Facebook. To achieve customer loyalty on Facebook the result shows that companies should strive to publish posts with special offers and inspirational pictures to the followers. The results also showed that the followers of Lindex not experienced equally high loyalty to the Facebook page as the followers of Nelly.com. Suggestions for future research: As our results showed three new empirical themes, further research would be to examine these on a deeper level to see if these empirical themes are unique to our study or can be applied at several corporate Facebook pages. Further research would therefore be to examine the empirical themes we found that are important for the loyalty of the social networks to see if these could be applied to companies in other industries. Contribution of the thesis: This study connects previous research of customer loyalty as well as recent research of customer loyalty on social networks. The study's theoretical contributions provide a better understanding of what is important in the communication on a corporate Facebook page, and how this affects the recipients’ loyalty to the company.

The Conative Aspects of e-Learning

Schoeman, Helena 05 February 2007 (has links)
This study examines how conative factors contribute to effective e-learning for corporate and academic learners. Inference of what effective e-learning activities are were traced during a focus group session, a question on a discussion list, validation of information from different sources such as observers, the verifier, the de-brief session, the scribe, the video and audio recordings and correlation with current literature. Effective learning (self-direction and collaboration), techno- and information literacy and an effective learning environment are the strongest predictors of effective e-learning. The combination of intention (motivation) and action (volition) are the two descriptive factors for conation. The study highlights existing models of conative factors and learner motivation as well as the relationships between conative factors with special reference to internal (pulling) and external (pushing) driving forces. In conclusion, the role of the conative domain in e-learning is seen as being the psychological link between the physical learning environment and effective e-learning. / Dissertation (MEd (Computer-Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Besluitnemingsvaardighede: 'n Sielkundig-andragogiese perspektief

Strydom, Irene January 1995 (has links)
Doctor Educationis / Die volwassene wat 'n professionele beroep beoefen, vervul nie net die rol van professionele beroepsbeoefenaar nie, maar is ook 'n voltydse leerder (student); tuisteskepper en landsburger. Hierdie verskillende rolle kan só veeleisend raak dat die volwassene oorweldig voel en in spanningsituasies of te midde van 'n vol program, onvanpaste besluitnemingstrategieë aanwend. Die openbaring van onvanpaste besluitnemingsgedrag sluit in die onvermoë om • die kern van die probleem te formuleer • alternatiewe te genereer en te evalueer • die besluit te neem, te implementeer en te evalueer 'n Empiriese ondersoek is onderneem om te bepaal watter besluitnemingstrategieë deur professionele volwassenes bemeester behoort te word en of die andragoog die volwassene tydens die afhandeling van die besluitnemingsproses moet bystaan. Die faktore wat 'n rol by besluitneming speel, is ook behandel. Die navorser se eie voorstelling van die besluitnemingsproses, wat as opsomming van die literatuurstudie beskou kan word, is as raamwerk gebruik om vrae te genereer wat in die vraelys opgeneem kon word, asook om onderhoude te voer. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking van die ondersoek is dat professionele volwassenes tydens die besluitnemingsproses op ondersteuning aangewese is en dat besluit nemingskonflik verlig kan word indien 33 belangrike besluitnemingsvaardighede bemeester is. Verder is gevind dat daar beduidende verskille is ten opsigte van die besluitnemingsvermoë van die agt verskillende beroepsgroepe wat by hierdie navorsing betrek is, asook tussen manlike en vroulike respondente en Afrikaanssprekende en Engelssprekende respondente. Die algemene gevolgtrekking waartoe gekom is, is dat sommige professionele volwassenes onderpresteer wat besluitneming betref en dat hulle in besonder op begeleiding aangewese is. Die andragoog wat as besluitnemingskonsultant optree, sal hom dit spesifiek ten doel stelom sy medevolwassene wat ontoereikende besluitnemingsgedrag openbaar, te begelei tot die vorming van 'n realistiese besluitnemingsidentiteit. Verder word 'n nuwe, meer omvattende uiteensetting van die besluitnemingshandeling vanuit die Sielkundige Opvoedkunde voorgestel wat ten doel het om 'n meer indringende beskrywing van dié konatiewe handeling daar te stel as wat tans in die opvoedkundige sielkundige teorie te vind is.

An investigation into the motivation to learn of further education training phase learners in a multicultural classroom

Bosman, Anne 02 1900 (has links)
The central theme of the research is an investigation into what motivates FET phase learners to learn. All learners are interested in learning certain things however, learners interests often do not correspond with what teachers are required to teach. Teachers are therefore constantly searching for ways to motivate learners to learn. This challenge is not easy for teachers in a culturally homogenous classroom, but becomes even greater when the classes are comprised of learners from diverse cultural backgrounds. So then how does a teacher motivate learners in general, and more specifically learners from different cultural orientations? This is a difficult question to answer but one that needs to be addressed considering the diversity of cultures found in the South African classroom. In this study an attempt is made to examine what motivates learners to learn, and the influence of culture on the motivation to learn of Further Education and Training (FET) phase learners in a multicultural classroom. Data on these two elements is collected through the use of structured questionnaires and focus group interviews and is analysed in order to answer the research question. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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