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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení dotčených osob v územních a stavebních procesech / The position of persons concerned within land-use plainning and building procedure

Zýka, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
The position of persons concerned within land-use planning and building procedure The purpose of my thesis is to analyse issue of the status of concerned persons within the planning and building processes regulated by the Act on Planning and Building Regulations (Building Act No. 183/2006 Coll.) and provide a basic overview in a defined area. In doing so, it aims to take into account the widest possible range of instruments which in total and mutual relations determine the content of fundamental rights of particular groups of persons during these procedures as well as following these procedures and so to involve the instruments of direct defense whose purpose is systematic enforcement of these rights and legitimate interests in planning processes and enforcement of these rights and interests against specific objectives throughout the planning and building processes as well as to treatise on accompanying mandatory procedures whose purpose is to ensure the effectiveness of application of the instruments of direct defense, especially through application of mandatory procedures to inform concerned persons. The reason for my research is considerable practical value attaching to the arrangement and explanation of the topic especially in relation to the definition of group of persons to whom such legal instruments...

Gambling and gender : A public health perspective

Svensson, Jessika January 2013 (has links)
Prevalence studies around the world show that men are the largest group at risk of becoming problem gamblers and that men gamble more than women. However, gambling research has long been gender blind. The gambling market is rapidly changing, with the Internet making gambling more accessible. Further, despite the well-documented presence of health, social and financial problems among the concerned significant others (CSOs) of someone close with gambling problems in clinical and help-seeking samples, there is little research investigating on this population. This thesis aims to examine the relation between gender and problem gambling among regular gamblers and CSOs, and to determine whether there was a convergence of men’s and women’s gambling behavior between 1997/98 and 2009/10 in Sweden. A further aim is to examine health problems associated with Internet gambling and CSOs. The data collections were taken from three different but linked gambling and health representative national population based studies in Sweden, all using the same methods: telephone interviews supplemented by questionnaires. The studies are as follows: 1) prevalence study 1997/98, age 15-74 years, n = 10,000, response rate 72% (n = 7,139) 2) prevalence study 2008/09, age 16-84 years, n = 15,000, response rate 63% (n = 8,165); and 3) incident study 2009/10, the 8,165 participants from the 2008/09 prevalence study were contacted again, response rate 74% (n = 6,021). Gambling was generally merged into domains based on the axis chance-strategy and public-domestic. The dichotomy of public and private spheres is relevant in since there is a link between the public sphere and notions of masculinity and a link between the private and femininity. Further, the literature suggests that men are attracted to gambling that involves features of strategy, whereas women generally prefer game of chance. Problem gambling was measured using SOGS-R and PGSI. Health variables included measures such as self-reported health, psychological stress, social support, alcohol consumption, and financial situation as a determinant of health. There were very few indications of a convergence between men’s and women’s gambling behavior. Men and women generally gambled in different domains. Men gambled more than women and dominated all domains except the domain of chance-domestic, a domain associated with less risk and Internet gambling. However, men and women who gambled regularly were just as likely to be problem gamblers. No gender differences were found in the score from separate PGSI analyses in the chance-public domain (games of chance in public spaces, such as gambling machines and bingo in halls). This domain was also the only domain associated with problem gambling for women who gambled regularly. Men and women were just as likely to report that they were CSOs and they constituted a large proportion of the Swedish population (18%). CSOs experienced a range of social, economic and health related problems including psychological stress, risky alcohol consumption, exposure to violence, and separations. For women who were CSOs, no relation with own problem gambling was found. This thesis suggests that the presence of gambling machines must be addressed to prevent problem gambling and that separate analyses for men and women are required to identify important differences between genders. The findings indicate that gambling domains produce and reinforce gender. Further, to be able to prevent problem gambling we require further knowledge about these gendered processes. However, it is also important to see the overall similarities between men and women to avoid reinforcing stereotypical images of gender which would have an negative impact on the preventive work. Male and female gamblers are both very heterogeneous categories where the specific gambling site, context and life circumstances must be acknowledged. Prevention, research and interventions should also target CSOs if a public health approach is applied because they require help and support in their own right. CSOs also play an important to the problem gambler. More qualitative research is required to understand gendered processes in gambling, as well as further research on interventions that go beyond the individual and address gambling and problem gambling at various levels. When addressing the harmful effects of gambling from a public health perspective, it is imperative to recognize the ethical principles of justice, autonomy, doing no harm and beneficence. / -

Impact of a Cognitive-Behavioral Weight Control Program on Body Weight, Diet Quality, and Smoking Cessation in Weight-Concerned Female Smokers

Sallit, Jennifer 06 June 2008 (has links)
Many people use smoking as a weight control mechanism and do not want to quit because they fear weight gain. These weight-concerned smokers tend to be female, are significantly less likely to stop smoking, are less likely to join smoking cessation programs, and will relapse more often than smokers who are not weight-concerned. Research suggests that a woman’s confidence in her ability to control her weight after quitting relates positively with her intention to quit smoking. Likewise, success in smoking cessation has been associated with increased self-efficacy for weight control. It has been shown that success in changing one negative health behavior may trigger success in changing another, causing a synergistic effect. Recently research has focused on interventions for weight-concerned smokers who are ready to quit smoking. The present study investigated the effect of a cognitive based weight control program on self-efficacy for weight control and the effect on smoking behavior for a group of female weight concerned smokers. Two hundred and sixteen subjects who wanted to lose weight but who were not ready to quit smoking were recruited to participate in a 12-week, cognitive-behavioral weight control program consisting of twelve one-hour sessions. Subjects were randomly assigned to either 1) the weight-control program (intervention group), or 2) the control group. Results of this study demonstrated that subjects in the intervention group increased self-efficacy for weight control, which was associated with improved healthy eating index scores, weight loss, increased self-efficacy for quitting smoking, a decrease in number of cigarettes smoked and triggered positive movement in stage of change towards smoking cessation compared to the control subjects. For these subjects, positive changes in self-efficacy for one behavior (weight control) appeared to have a positive effect on their readiness to change another health behavior (smoking cessation). Further study of the psychological variables that influence weight-concerned female smokers’ decisions to initiate changes in these behaviors and their ability to maintain those changes are warranted.

Právní úprava posuzování vlivů na životní prostředí / Legal Regulation of Environmental Impact Assessment

Nagy, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the legal regulation of environmental impact assessment (EIA). EIA is one of the horizontal instruments of environmental law. It is based on the principle of prevention and sustainable development. The Czech legislation can be found primarily in the EIA Act which, to a large extent, is the result of the transposition of the EIA Directive. National and European regulation of environmental impact assessment is significantly influenced by international law, in particular by the Espoo Convention and the Aarhus Convention. Non-legally binding documents are also very important. During the environmental impact assessment process, which consists of several phases, the significant impacts of the project on the environment and public health are examined and evaluated. Not all projects are subject to assessment, but only those which are stipulated directly by law ("obligatorily assessed projects") or by the relevant administrative authority in the screening procedure ("facultatively assessed projects"). The result of the assessment, which is performed by authorized experts, serves as an objective expert basis for the so-called consequential proceedings, in which a decision is made on the approval of the project. The environmental impact assessment process...

Účast veřejnosti na rozhodovacích procesech v rámci ochrany životního prostředí / Public participation in environmental decision-making procedures

Hlaváčová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
1 Abstract The theme of the thesis is public participation in environmental decision-making. Its main aim is to analyse its current legal regulation in the Czech Republic and its deficiencies. The Czech Republic as a party to the Aarhus Convention and a member of the EU is obliged to ensure that the Czech legal regulation complies with the regulation of public participation contained in the Aarhus convention and the EU law. Therefore a small part of this thesis is devoted to analyse those regulation. Main focus, however, lies with the Czech regulation. The thesis examines the most important acts containing the regulation of public participation and draws attention to its deficiencies as well as to the relevant case law. While analysing the specific acts and their deficiencies the thesis focuses on two questions. Firstly, whether all the persons who should be granted the possibility to participate in environmental decision-making under the Aarhus Convention are given this possibility under the Czech law. And secondly, whether the given possibility is truly effective. Finally, the thesis deals with the possibility to redress the inadequate legal regulation by amending the current legislation or by changes in the judicial interpretation.

Propuesta de implementación de la metodología Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) para la gestión de proyectos retail del cliente. Caso de Estudio: Supermercado de un nivel socioeconómico C-D en Perú / Implementation proposal of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) methodology for the management of the client’s retail projects. Case study: Supermarket of a socioeconomic level C-D in Peru

Flores Cumpa, Erick Jonathan, Naventa Averos, Jimmy Hugo, Pachas Mancilla, Angel Gonzalo, Rodriguez Ayala, Karly Charlis 27 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad acortar la brecha de conocimiento existente ante el uso de una metodología tradicional para la ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura, hacia la aplicación de nuevas tendencias, tecnologías y metodologías como es el caso del VDC (Virtual Design and costruction), enfocados en proyectos del sector retail. a fin de crear una línea base de mejora continua para la organización. Hoy en día, los proyectos de infraestructura desarrollados por la organización, que hemos tomado como caso de estudio, dueña de supermercados de NSE (C-D) en el país, se ejecutan con una metodología de proyectos tradicional, no colaborativa, los cuales suelen tener como común denominador una gran cantidad de incompatibilidades e indefiniciones vistas durante la fase de ejecución del proyecto; sumado a una respuesta tardía a los requerimientos de información, teniendo como desenlace una entrega fuera del plazo comprometido, desviaciones en los costos iniciales proyectados e incomodidad y malestar por parte de la organización. Para ello, se plantea una propuesta de implementación basado en el uso de la metodología VDC siendo está apoyada en la herramienta tecnológica BIM (Building Information Modeling) y PPM (Project Production Management), integrados en un entorno colaborativo (Sesiones ICE), logrando proponer métricas gestión que permitan medir el correcto desarrollo de los proyectos. Esta metodología permitiría reducir los posibles reprocesos, incompatibilidades, retrabajos, con la finalidad de optimizar costos, tiempo y calidad de los proyectos a ejecutar, cumpliendo así las expectativas de la organización y del proyecto. / The purpose of this research work is to reduce the existing knowledge gap in the face of the use of a traditional methodology for the execution of infrastructure projects, towards the application of new trends, technologies and methodologies such as VDC (Virtual Design and construction), focused on projects in the retail sector. in order to create a baseline of continuous improvement for the organization. Today, the infrastructure projects developed by the organization, which we have taken as a case study, owner of NSE (DC) supermarkets in the country, are executed with a traditional, non-collaborative project methodology, which usually have as common denominator a large number of incompatibilities and uncertainties seen during the execution phase of the project; added to a late response to the information requirements, resulting in a delivery outside the agreed deadline, deviations in the projected initial costs and discomfort and discomfort on the part of the organization. For this, an implementation proposal based on the use of the VDC methodology is proposed, being supported by the technological tool BIM (Building Information Modeling) and PPM (Project Production Management), integrated in a collaborative environment (ICE Sessions), managing to propose Management metrics that allow measuring the correct development of projects. This methodology would make it possible to reduce possible rework, incompatibilities, rework, in order to optimize costs, time and quality of the projects to be executed, thus meeting the expectations of the organization and the project. / Tesis


JULIANA WERNECK RODRIGUES 02 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] A literatura apresenta lacunas em relação a antecedentes que levam consumidores a comprar produtos de marcas ecologicamente responsáveis. Esta tese propõe um modelo integrando estímulos de naturezas cognitiva, afetiva e normativa e seus impactos na intenção de compra de produtos de tais marcas. Conduziu-se um survey sobre amostra de consumidores que conhecem marcas que se preocupam com preservação ambiental, obtendo-se 419 respostas válidas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise por modelagem por equações estruturais. Os resultados mostraram relações significativas entre estímulos (cognitivos e afetivos) e a atitude em relação a comprar produtos de marcas que se preocupam com a preservação ambiental. A auto eficácia, quando antecede a atitude, também teve efeito significativo e direto sobre a atitude. / [en] This study addresses a gap in literature with respect to antecedents that lead consumers to buy products from ecologically concerned brands. This study proposes a model integrating cognitive, affective and normative drivers and their impacts on the purchase intention of products of such brands. The central hypothesis of this study is that the consumer s attitude towards buying these products has cognitive and affective antecedents and that self-efficacy precedes the intention to buy products from brands that are concerned with environmental preservation. A survey was conducted on a sample of consumers who know brands that care about environmental preservation, obtaining 419 valid answers. The data were submitted to analysis by structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed significant relationships between cognitive and affective drivers and the attitude towards buying products from ecologically concerned brands. Self-efficacy, when it precedes the attitude, also has a significant and direct effect on the attitude.

From Shrieks to Technical Reports : technology, disability and political processes in building Athens metro / Från skri till tekniska rapporter : Teknik, handikapp och politiska processer vid uppbyggandet av Atens metro

Galis, Vasilis January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen beskriver och analyserar hur frågor kring tillgänglighet/handikapp för första gången aktualiserades och implementerades i planeringen och utformningen av den byggda miljön i Aten, nämligen processen i samband med beslut, planering och implementering av jätteprojektet Atens Metro. Studien tecknar framväxten av olika handikapporganisationer, som från att ha varit svaga aktörer successivt lyckades få gehör för sina krav inom stadens förvaltning, politiska organ, den grekiska riksdagen och inte minst inom de företag som byggde metrosystemet. Avhandlingen diskuterar hur handikapporganisationer och metrosystemet växte fram och påverkade varandra, hur viktiga forum för att diskutera/problematisera olika perspektiv på handikapp skapades där aktörsgrupper med delvis olika intressen förde fram sina ståndpunkter och förhandlade samt vilka konkreta avtryck som dessa processer ledde till i form av en - slutligen - handikappvänlig teknisk konfiguration av metrosystemet. Studien knyter också an till den europeiska diskussionen, bl.a. inom EU, kring handikapp och vilken betydelse som denna diskussion hade för det framväxande metroprojektet, inte minst inför Atens OS-värdskap 2004. Avhandlingen tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i dels samhällsvetenskapliga teknik- och vetenskapsstudier, dels "disability studies". / The idea of building a metro network in Athens dates back to the 1950s. It took almost fifty years for the Greek government to develop plans, secure funds and to carry out an effective procurement process for the construction of the Athens metro. In February 1987 the government announced an invitation to tender for the design and construction of the metro. Thirteen years later, in January 2000 the first two lines began operation. The construction of the metro consisted of numerous preliminary studies, different public organizations which dealt with its development and several controversies concerning its design. One of these controversies referred to the issue whether the metro would be accessible to disabled people or not. Integrating accessibility provisions in the metro design constituted a controversial issue where different actors argued and acted for and against its implementation. This study describes and analyses the process of making the metro accessible. The analysis focuses on how questions regarding accessibility/disability were actualized for the first time in the planning and design of the Greek built environment and in particular on the process of building the biggest and most complicated infrastructure project in Greece, the Athens metro. At the same time, the study describes the evolution of disability organizations in Greece: they changed from being weak actors who were unable to influence socio-political configurations to actors that successively gained attention within the public administration, political organs, the Greek Parliament and the company that constructed the metro. The study discusses how disability organizations and the metro were developed and influenced each other and how important forums, where several actors with diverse interests problematized and produced different perspectives on disability, were initiated. These forums constituted public spaces within the public administration and eventually contributed to the construction of an accessible metro network. The analysis is also connected to Athens hosting of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2004 which created increasing demands for constructing an accessible built environment, including the metro. Furthermore, the study also draws upon the discussion within the EU on disability and on which kind of consequences this discussion implied for the developing metro. The theoretical basis for this study is located at the intersection of two broad fields, namely science and technology studies (S&TS) and disability studies.

Právní prostředky ochrany při správě daní / Legal protective instruments on tax administation

Kolobov, Ivan January 2018 (has links)
Legal protective instruments on tax administration Abstract. The goal of this diploma thesis is to analyse individual legal protective instruments on tax administration as well as basic principles of tax administration, relevant case law of administrative courts and Constitutional court of Czech republic, while using deductive, analytic and comparative methods. During the time I was solving this diploma thesis I performed the analysis of protective instruments on tax administration as well as basic principles of tax administration, relevant case law of administrative courts and Constitutional court of Czech republic. The structure of this diploma thesis was chosen in order to reach the goal of this diploma thesis. The first chapter named 'Tax administration' includes the definition of the concept of tax administration, description of object of the tax administration and tax administrator, analysis of individual basic principles of tax administration and the relation of Czech Tax administrative code and Administrative code. The second chapter named 'The legal protective instruments on tax administration' contains the definition of the legal protective instruments, classification of the legal protective instruments into four different classes: Ordinary protective instruments, Extraordinary protective...

Conceptual schemas generation from organizacional model in an automatic software production process

Martínez Rebollar, Alicia 30 September 2008 (has links)
Actualmente, la ingeniería de software ha propuesto múltiples técnicas para mejorar el desarrollo de software, sin embargo, la meta final no ha sido satisfecha. En muchos casos, el producto software no satisface las necesidades reales de los clientes finales del negocio donde el sistema operará. Uno de los problemas principales de los trabajos actuales es la carencia de un enfoque sistemático para mapear cada concepto de modelado del dominio del problema (modelos organizacionales), en sus correspondientes elementos conceptuales en el espacio de la solución (modelos conceptuales orientados a objetos). El principal objetivo de esta tesis es proveer un enfoque metodológico que permita generar modelos conceptuales y modelos de requisitos a partir de descripciones organizacionales. Se propone el uso de tres disciplinas, distintas pero complementarias (modelado organizacional, requisitos de software y modelado conceptual) para lograr este objetivo. La tesis describe un proceso de elicitación de requisitos que permite al usuario crear un modelo de negocios que representa la situación actual del negocio (requisitos tempranos). Nosotros consideramos que este modelo, el cual refleja la forma en la que se implementan actualmente los procesos de negocio, es la fuente correcta para determinar la funcionalidad esperada del sistema a desarrollar. Se propone también un proceso para identificar los elementos que son relevantes para ser automatizados a partir del modelo de negocio. Como resultado de este proceso se genera un modelo intermedio que representa los requisitos del sistema de software. Finalmente, presentamos un conjunto de guías sistemáticas para generar un esquema conceptual orientado a objetos a partir del modelo intermedio. Nosotros también exploramos, como solución alternativa, la generación de una especificación de requisitos tardíos a partir del modelo intermedio. / Martínez Rebollar, A. (2008). Conceptual schemas generation from organizacional model in an automatic software production process [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/3304

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