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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oligopoly, regional development and the political economy of separatism, with a case study of the United Kingdom and Scotland

Rajic, Ivan January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis aims to increase our understanding of the causes of separatism. The inspiration for this topic comes from the fact that separatist conflicts can become extremely destructive, and thus a better understanding of why they emerge may help us prevent much human suffering by pointing to ways in which separatism can be avoided. More specifically, the thesis aims to explain the link between separatism and regional development disparities. The argument presented is that inter-regional economic conflicts (such as about inter-regional fiscal redistribution) easily emerge between regions at different levels of development, and that under certain conditions, particularly prolonged recessions and austerity, such conflicts can become an important driver of separatist aspirations. This can happen in both poorer and richer regions. The thesis further argues that this entire process can only be fully understood if we analyse society through a class prism. Given that regional development disparities often lie at the root of inter-regional economic conflicts, one of the ways of avoiding such conflicts – and thus also separatism – would be to equalize regional development levels. In order to do so, however, we first need to understand why regional disparities emerge and persist. Focusing on capitalist countries, the thesis argues that the disparities emerge as a natural consequence of the operation of oligopolistic markets, which are the dominant market form in capitalism. Regional development policies are explored at length, and it is argued that they are generally insufficient to overcome the tendency of markets to produce regional disparities. All the topics in the thesis are explored at the general level and for a larger number of countries, but the main in-depth case study is of regional disparities in the United Kingdom and how they relate to Scottish separatism.

Power, peasant communities and mining industry: community government and access to resources in Michiquillay’s case / Poder, comunidades campesinas e industria minera: el gobierno comunal y el acceso a los recursos en el caso de Michiquillay*

Burneo, María Luisa, Chaparro Ortiz de Zevallos, Anahí 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este artículo analiza los cambios en el gobierno comunal en contextosde negociación minera. Nos centramos en tres temas: el roldel gobierno comunal en la regulación de los recursos comunalesy del territorio; la diversidad de intereses que surgen ante la presenciaminera, y la comunidad como institución política frente a lapresión externa sobre la tierra. Para ello, partimos de un estudiode caso: el proceso de negociación entre la comunidad campesinade Michiquillay y la empresa Anglo American, en Cajamarca, querealizamos a partir de un trabajo de campo en la comunidad. Delanálisis se desprende que las transformaciones en la regulación delos recursos comunales, sus usos y su valoración, así como el cambioen el peso de los actores económicos y políticos, han complejizadolas relaciones al interior de la comunidad y han creado nuevosniveles de toma de decisión y espacios de disputa por el controlde recursos. Al mismo tiempo que surgen nuevos conflictos intracomunalesy aumenta la fragmentación territorial, la comunidad como institución está jugando un rol central en la negociación yasumiendo nuevas funciones: ahora, el gobierno comunal no regulasolo el acceso a recursos productivos, sino también la distribucióndel capital financiero. / This paper analyzes changes in community governance in the contextof negotiations with a mining company. We focus on three issues:the role played by the community government on the regulation ofcommunity resources and territory, the diverse and complex intereststhat emerge in the presence of mining activity; and, the communityas a political institution confronting external pressures over its land.We develop a study case focusing on the negotiation process betweenthe Michiquillay peasant community and Anglo American MiningCompany in Cajamarca, Peru. This information was obtained doingfieldwork in the community in 2009. In our analysis we observe thatchanges on community resources regulation, its uses and valorization,as well as changes on the balance of power between economicand political actors, have created a greater level of complexity in thecommunity, creating new levels of community decision and spaces fordisputing resources’ control. At the same time, new inter communalconflicts emerge and fragmentation of community lands increases.In this context the community as an institution plays a central rolein the negotiation process over access productive resource and thedistribution of financial capital.


PAULO HENRIQUE CARDOSO ALVES 14 November 2017 (has links)
[pt] Normas são aplicadas em sistemas multiagentes como mecanismos capazes de restringir o comportamento dos agentes de software com o objetivo de alcançar uma ordem social desejável. Entretanto, essas normas podem entrar em conflito, como por exemplo, uma norma que proíbe um agente de realizar uma determinada ação e outra norma que obriga o mesmo agente a realizar a mesma ação no mesmo intervalo de tempo. A decisão do agente sobre quais normas serão cumpridas pode ser definida com base nas recompensas e punições normativas e nos objetivos do agente. No entanto, em determinadas situações a avaliação desses atributos pode não ser o suficiente para permitir que o agente efetue uma tomada de decisão satisfatória. Nesse contexto, foi elaborada uma abordagem que considera traços de personalidade em agentes de software para aprimorar o processo de resolução de conflitos normativos e a escolha dos planos para tomada decisões, além de realizar a comparação da abordagem proposta com diferentes abordagens encontradas na literatura. / [en] Norms are applied in multiagent systems as mechanisms capable of restricting the behavior of software agents in order to achieve a desirable social order. However, norms eventually can be conflicting - for example, when there is a norm that prohibits an agent to perform a particular action and another norm that obligates the same agent to perform the same action in the same period of time. The agent s decision about which norms to fulfill can be defined based on rewards, punishments and agent goals. Sometimes, this balance will not be enough to allow the agent to make the best decision. In this context, this proposal introduces an approach that considers the agent s personality traits in order to improve the plan decision-making process and resolving normative conflicts. Our approach s applicability and validation is demonstrated by an experiment that reinforces the importance of considering the norms both in the agent and society s points of view.

Níveis de implementação da Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos: Um comparativo entre a Bacia do Rio São Francisco e a Bacia do Rio Salitre -BA.

BRITO, YÁSCARA MAIA ARAÚJO DE. 02 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-02T20:58:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 YÁSCARA MAIA ARAÚJO DE BRITO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGECA) 2017.pdf: 2794599 bytes, checksum: 24ff129bf912422c7b697c4bdf518abb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-02T20:58:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 YÁSCARA MAIA ARAÚJO DE BRITO – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGECA) 2017.pdf: 2794599 bytes, checksum: 24ff129bf912422c7b697c4bdf518abb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-09 / Este trabalho ressalta a necessidade da avaliação do grau de implementação da PNRH (Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos) em uma bacia que apresenta rio de domínio da União comparando-a com uma das suas bacias de rio de domínio estadual, a fim de verificar uma estratégia para um planejamento integrado, que poderá contribuir para a implementação da PNRH. É proposta uma metodologia que consiste em definir critérios e níveis de integração para análise de bacias hidrográficas. Os critérios selecionados foram os instrumentos da Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos, o órgão de participação pública (os comitês de bacia) e a incidência de conflitos pelo uso da água. Considerando a bacia hidrográfica em níveis de planejamento macro (bacia do rio São Francisco) e micro (sub-bacia do rio Salitre-BA), os critérios foram definidos de acordo com a legislação vigente e com base em pesquisa bibliográfica. A partir destes, foram definidos níveis de integração, que são: muito alto, alto, médio, baixo e muito baixo. A metodologia proposta é aplicada à bacia do rio Salitre, localizada no estado da Bahia e à bacia do rio São Francisco. A análise mostra que diferentes resultados podem ser alcançados em função do nível de planejamento considerado e em função do critério analisado. Tais resultados permitem sugerir ações de gestão de recursos hídricos a fim de apoiar a tomada de decisão pelas entidades responsáveis por essa gestão nas duas bacias. / This research highlights the need to evaluate the degree of implementation of the PNRH (the National Water Resources Policy) in a basin that presents a river under federal domain. At the same time, a comparison with a state river basin is performed in order to analyse a strategy for an integrated planning process, which could contribute to the PNRH implementation. It is proposed a methodology that consists of defining criteria and integration levels for watershed analysis. The criteria selected were the instruments of the National Water Resources Policy, the public participation bodies (the basin committees) and the incidence of conflicts over water use. Considering the river basin at macro (São Francisco river basin) and micro planning levels (Salitre river basin), the criteria were defined according to current legislation and based on bibliographical research. Based on these, the following integration levels were defined: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The proposed methodology is applied to the Salitre river basin, located in the state of Bahia and the São Francisco river basin. The analysis shows that different results can be achieved depending on the level of planning considered and depending on which criterion is being analysed. These results allow the suggestion of water resources management actions, in order to support decision making by the entities responsible for such management.

Fusions-acquisitions, transfert de richesses et enracinement des actionnaires : trois essais / Mergers-acquisitions, wealth transfers and the entrenchment of shareholders : three essays

Thraya, Mohamed 18 November 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse s'intéresse aux conflits d'agence entre les actionnaires de contrôle et les actionnaires minoritaires pouvant surgir suite à une décision de fusion ou d'acquisition. Plus précisément, nous tentons, à travers trois essais, d'identifier les cas où, les actionnaires de contrôle utilisent des opérations de fusions-acquisitions comme un outil de transfert de richesses des actionnaires minoritaires vers leurs propres comptes. Dans le premier essai, nous présentons une analyse théorique de ce comportement opportuniste avec deux cas portant sur des faits réels. En utilisant la méthodologie des études d'événement, nous montrons dans le deuxième essai que ce comportement peut se révéler important dans des cas spécifiques liés au degré de l'enracinement de l'actionnaire de contrôle. Dans le troisième essai, nous montrons que la prime d'acquisition peut refléter ce comportement dans les cas de fusions-acquisitions à caractère public / Our dissertation focuses on agency conflicts between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders that may arise following a merger-acquisition decision. Through three essays, we aim to identify cases in which the controlling shareholders use mergers and acquisitions as a tool to transfer wealth from minority shareholders to their own accounts. The first essay provides a theoretical analysis of this opportunistic behavior and examines two real cases. Using event study methodology, the second essay shows that the opportunistic behavior may be important in specific cases linked to the level of shareholder's entrenchment. Finally, the third essay shows that the acquisition premium may reflect this behavior even in cases of public transactions

Le système de santé en Thaïlande et l'origine des inégalités en matière de santé : une analyse politico-économique / Health system in Thailand and origin of health inequalities : a political economy analysis

Saengkanokkul, Pakpoom 22 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’analyse du système de santé et des inégalités en matière de santé en Thaïlande. Il s’agit d’abord d’identifier les acteurs politiques du système de santé et les idéologies sur lesquelles ils se fondent, et sur cette base, d’examiner la manière dont les politiques mises en œuvre ont affecté la santé et la distribution de santé. En Thaïlande, la triade nationale "Nation-Bouddhisme-Roi" a imprégné toute la société, y compris le système de santé. Elle a également influencé les acteurs et les décideurs politiques qui ont conçu le système de protection sociale thaïlandais. Influencé par l'utilitarisme-nationalisme, le ministère de la Santé a privilégié l'efficacité plutôt que l'égalité, et a amélioré la santé de la population afin d'augmenter la croissance économique. Influencés par le bouddhisme, certains technocrates ont lancé des politiques de promotion de la santé, basées sur le concept de Karma, qui renforcent la responsabilité individuelle, mais ignorent les inégalités sociales. Les organisations caritatives royales ont fourni des soins de santé pour des groupes marginalisés, mais de nombreux patients n'ont toujours pas été traités. Grâce à ces acteurs, de nombreux indicateurs de santé de la population ont été améliorés, mais parallèlement les disparités de santé ont été renforcées. La réforme de la santé, lancée en 2001 par le parti Thai Rak Thai, a mis en place un nouveau programme d'assurance maladie qui fournit des soins de base à tous les Thaïlandais. Bien que de nombreux bilans aient confirmé la réduction des inégalités et l'amélioration de l'accès aux soins, certains groupes d'intérêts ont largement protesté. Ce nouveau programme, fondé sur l'égalité des chances et le droit à la santé, a involontairement défié les anciens acteurs et les anciennes idéologies. En conséquence, les conflits dans le système de santé et l'instabilité politique ont entravé le développement de nouvelles politiques de santé. / This thesis uses a political economy frame to analyze Thailand’s health system and its inequalities in health. After identifying the political actors of the health care system and the ideologies on which they are based, it examines the way in which the policies put in work have affected the health and the distribution of health. In Thailand, national trilogy "Nation-Buddhism-King" impregnated the whole political pattern, including health system. It also influenced political agents and political decision-makers in building the Thai social protection system. Influenced by utilitarianism and nationalism, the Ministry of Health had prioritized efficiency, rather than equality, and improved population health in order to increase economic growth. Due to Buddhism, some technocrats have launched health promotion policies based on the concept of Karma that reinforced individual responsibility for health, but ignored social inequalities that affected health-risk behaviors. Royal charities have provided health care for marginalized groups for long times, but many patients still were left untreated. Thanks to these actors, many health indicators were improved, but, at the same time, it increased health disparities between rich and poor, rural areas and urban areas, as between Bangkok and the poorest regions, North and Northeast. In 2001, Thai Rak Thai party launched a new health insurance program providing basic health care for all Thais. Although many reports confirmed the good results of a policy that reduced some inequalities and improved health care access for the poor, it raised the opposition from several stake-holders groups. This new program, based on equal opportunities and the right to health, unintentionally challenged the old policies and the old ideologies in health care justice. As a result, conflicts in health system as well as political instability as a whole constrained the development of new health policies for the next generations.

ISSQN : regra de competência e conflitos tributários

Masina, Gustavo January 2008 (has links)
Busca a presente dissertação examinar a regra de competência do ISSQN e os principais conflitos de competência tributária que podem surgir entre o aludido imposto municipal e o IPI, o IOF e o ICMS - como também os conflitos existentes entre dois municípios que detenham a pretensão de tributar o mesmo serviço. Visando alcançar tal objetivo, examina a estrutura, função e hierarquia das normas de competência dos impostos, o modo de interpretação do texto constitucional, o método pelo qual devem ser construídas as regras de competência tributária e a autonomia dos municípios diante do federalismo brasileiro. / The current dissertation intends to examine the rule of competency of ISSQN (Services Tax) and the main conflicts over tax jurisdiction that may emerge between the said municipal tax and the IPI (Excise Tax), the IOF (Tax on Financial Operations), and the ICMS (Value-Added Tax on sales and services) – as well as the conflicts that may arise between two municipalities that detain the intention to tax the same service. To attain such goal, the research examines the structure, the function and the hierarchy of the rules of tax competency, the means of interpretation of the constitutional text, the method by which the rules of tax competency must be built and the autonomy of the municipalities in sight of brazilian federalism.

Legitimidade social da biotecnologia na agricultura : o caso da soja transgênica no sul do Brasil

Lima, Dejoel de Barros January 2007 (has links)
Esta tese focaliza os conflitos pela disputa da legitimidade social dos organismos geneticamente modificados na agricultura e, particularmente, a semente de soja transgênica Roundup Ready. Agentes sociais, de um lado, defendem o uso dos transgênicos e, do outro, se colocam contrários, evidenciando uma polaridade na disputa. O objetivo da tese foi analisar essa disputa circunscrita em uma arena biotecnológica, identificando os principais agentes sociais, seus argumentos e representações na construção da (i)legitimidade dos transgênicos no sul do Brasil, especificamente, nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná. Para nortear teoricamente o estudo, partiu-se de uma abordagem construcionista e de uma abordagem retórica e dos processos de dominação para proceder à interpretação. Os resultados mostraram dois grupos de agentes sociais e dois silogismos que sintetizam os esquemas argumentativos. No primeiro grupo, os agentes do otimismo tecnológico defendem não apenas os transgênicos, mas o modelo de desenvolvimento ecotecnocrático. No segundo grupo, os agentes ecossociais contestam a legitimidade e propõem outro modelo, o desenvolvimento ecossocial. Defender um modelo de desenvolvimento revela uma contenda ainda maior, uma disputa ideológica e de poder. Significa também a valorização e a defesa dos pressupostos desse modelo, representando ao mesmo tempo uma filiação dos agentes sociais a um determinado sistema de crenças, valores, visão de mundo, ideologia e habitus, e uma tentativa de impor legitimamente o seu modelo, que pode ser a salvação da humanidade. Os agentes do otimismo tecnológico visam manter ou reforçar o status quo do modelo dominante, e os agentes ecossociais, visam subverter a legitimidade desse modelo, apresentando o modelo de “um outro mundo possível”. / The thesis focuses its attention on struggles that appeared with the disagreement about the social legitimacy of genetically modified organisms in agriculture, and, specifically, the transgenic Soya seed which is known as Roundup Ready. Social agents, from one side, defend the use of transgenic organisms, and of the other side, they are against, pointing out a polarity in this dispute. This thesis aimed to analyse that dispute which is inside a biotechnology arena, identifying the main social agents, their arguments and representations in the construction of the (i) legitimacy of transgenic organisms at the south of Brazil, specifically the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. The starting points for guiding this research in terms of theories were the constructionist and the rhetoric approach and the processes of domination in order to proceed to interpretations. The results demonstrate two groups of social agents and two syllogisms that synthesized the following argumentative schemes. In the first group, the technological optimism agents defend not only transgenic organisms but also the ecotechnocratic development model. In the second group, the ecosocial agents show to be adverse to legitimacy and propose another model, the ecosocial development. Defending a development model reveals an even major debate that deals with ideology and power. It also means valorisation and defence of the premises of models, and at the same time, an affiliation of social agents to a determinate system of beliefs, values, world visions, ideologies and habitus, and an attempt to impose their model that could be the salvation for humanity. The technological optimism agents aim to keep or to strengthen the status quo of the dominant model, while the ecosocial agents try to subvert the legitimacy of this model, showing an “another world is possible” model.

Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo (mdl): uma análise da regulação de conflitos socioambientais do projeto plantar

Ventura, Andréa Cardoso January 2008 (has links)
227 p. / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-01-10T19:17:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2222.pdf: 2178459 bytes, checksum: 88a624c1b2b93d306213742a3c88742d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-01-10T19:17:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2222.pdf: 2178459 bytes, checksum: 88a624c1b2b93d306213742a3c88742d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / A obtenção de consensos mínimos, em âmbito mundial, para a redução de gases do efeito estufa e, consequentemente, do aquecimento global, envolveu anos de negociações entre atores estatais e não estatais, chegando-se à formulação do Protocolo de Kyoto, em vigência desde 2005. No entanto, isso não foi capaz de mitigar os conflitos sociais e ambientais no momento de sua aplicação. Nesta dissertação, procura-se apresentar os conflitos, interesses e lógicas de ação envolvidos durante as etapas de elaboração, validação e aprovação de um projeto de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), um dos instrumentos de flexibilização trazidos pelo Protocolo. A análise do Projeto Plantar, um dos primeiros projetos de MDL brasileiros a negociar créditos no Mercado de Carbono, ilustrou vários níveis de governança ambiental: local, regional, nacional e internacional. Por meio de ampla pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e estruturadas, e observação não participante, buscou-se, então, verificar as estratégias de relacionamento políticoinstitucional utilizadas pela empresa proponente, a Plantar S.A., para regular os conflitos socioambientais existentes e, assim, legitimar-se perante seus stakeholders visando à aprovação de seu projeto de MDL. Constatou-se que, efetivamente, a empresa precisou adotar diversos mecanismos, como melhorias substanciais em seus relaciona mentos políticoinstitucionais, a adoção de estratégias de relações públicas, o incremento de sua gestão socioambiental e a ampliação de sua participação política junto a outras empresas do setor e ao governo brasileiro, visando a influenciar a construção das políticas públicas ligadas ao MDL. Definitivamente, o Projeto Plantar representa um rico caso de análise sobre a amplitude de interesses envolvidos na governança ambiental, que engloba aspectos econômicos, culturais e ideológicos. / Salvador

Gestão de conflitos no relacionamento entre franqueadores e franqueados: estudo de caso

Bernardino, Eliane de Castro January 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T19:01:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2002 / The present dissertation studies the conflict in the relationship among franchisors and franchisees. A theoretical reference is presented, where franchisingfits in the marketing channels framework, as well as the most relevant causes that give rise to conflicts among franchisors andfranchisees and their existing solutions. Also, in this dissertation, the results ofan exploratory research are presented, focusing on retail franchise network. In this case study, we try to show and discuss how its members preveni and manage conflicts that arise within the franchisor-franchisee relationship. / A presente dissertação investiga questão dos conflitos no relacionamento entre franqueadores franqueados. apresentado um referencial teórico onde franchising se insere no contexto dos canais de marketing, bem como as causas mais freqüentes de surgimento de conflitos entre franqueadores franqueados e as formas de solução existentes. Em seguida, são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória, baseada no Estudo de Casos, realizada junto a uma rede de franquias atuante no ramo varejista, onde se procura destacar os conflitos observados no contexto da relação franqueador franqueado evidenciar como seus integrantes os previnem os administram. Por fim, recomendações são apresentadas.

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