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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of Higher Spin Theories Conformal Field Theories and Holography

Raju, Avinash January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation consist of three parts. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the study of gravity and higher spin gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions. We construct cosmological so-lutions of higher spin gravity in 2+1 dimensional de Sitter space. We show that a consistent thermodynamics can be obtained for their horizons by demanding appropriate holonomy conditions. This is equivalent to demanding the integrability of the Euclidean boundary CFT partition function, and reduces to Gibbons-Hawking thermodynamics in the spin-2 case. By using a prescription of Maldacena, we relate the thermodynamics of these solutions to those of higher spin black holes in AdS3. For the case of negative cosmological constant we show that interpreting the inverse AdS3 radius 1=l as a Grassmann variable results in a formal map from gravity in AdS3 to gravity in flat space. The underlying reason for this is the fact that ISO(2,1) is the Inonu-Wigner contraction of SO(2,2). We show how this works for the Chern-Simons actions, demonstrate how the general (Banados) solution in AdS3 maps to the general flat space solution, and how the Killing vectors, charges and the Virasoro algebra in the Brown-Henneaux case map to the corresponding quantities in the BMS3 case. Our results straightforwardly generalize to the higher spin case: the flat space higher spin theories emerge automatically in this approach from their AdS counterparts. We also demonstrate the power of our approach by doing singularity resolution in the BMS gauge as an application. Finally, we construct a candidate for the most general chiral higher spin theory with AdS3 boundary conditions. In the Chern-Simons language, the left-moving solution has Drinfeld-Sokolov reduced form, but on the right-moving solution all charges and chemical potentials are turned on. Altogether (for the spin-3 case) these are 19 functions. Despite this, we show that the resulting metric has the form of the “most general” AdS3 boundary conditions discussed by Grumiller and Riegler. The asymptotic symmetry algebra is a product of a W3 algebra on the left and an affine sl(3)k current algebra on the right, as desired. The metric and higher spin fields depend on all the 19 functions. The second part is devoted to the problem of Neumann boundary condition in Einstein’s gravity. The Gibbons-Hawking-York (GHY) boundary term makes the Dirichlet problem for gravity well defined, but no such general term seems to be known for Neumann boundary conditions. In our work, we view Neumann boundary condition not as fixing the normal derivative of the metric (“velocity”) at the boundary, but as fixing the functional derivative of the action with respect to the boundary metric (“momentum”). This leads directly to a new boundary term for gravity: the trace of the extrinsic curvature with a specific dimension-dependent coefficient. In three dimensions this boundary term reduces to a “one-half” GHY term noted in the literature previously, and we observe that our action translates precisely to the Chern-Simons action with no extra boundary terms. In four dimensions the boundary term vanishes, giving a natural Neumann interpretation to the standard Einstein-Hilbert action without boundary terms. We also argue that a natural boundary condition for gravity in asymptotically AdS spaces is to hold the renormalized boundary stress tensor density fixed, instead of the boundary metric. This leads to a well-defined variational problem, as well as new counter-terms and a finite on-shell action. We elaborate this in various (even and odd) dimensions in the language of holographic renormalization. Even though the form of the new renormalized action is distinct from the standard one, once the cut-off is taken to infinity, their values on classical solutions coincide when the trace anomaly vanishes. For AdS4, we compute the ADM form of this renormalized action and show in detail how the correct thermodynamics of Kerr-AdS black holes emerge. We comment on the possibility of a consistent quantization with our boundary conditions when the boundary is dynamical, and make a connection to the results of Compere and Marolf. The difference between our approach and microcanonical-like ensembles in standard AdS/CFT is emphasized. In the third part of the dissertation, we use the recently developed CFT techniques of Rychkov and Tan to compute anomalous dimensions in the O(N) Gross-Neveu model in d = 2 + dimensions. To do this, we extend the “cow-pie contraction” algorithm of Basu and Krishnan to theories with fermions. Our results match perfectly with Feynman diagram computations.

Conformal Invariance and Liouville Field Theory / Invariância Conforme e Teoria de Campo de Liouville

Laura Raquel Rado Díaz 01 June 2015 (has links)
In this work, we make a brief review of the Conformal Field Theory in two dimensions,in order to understand some basic definitions in the study of the Liouville Field Theory, which has many application in theoretical physics like string theory, general relativity and supersymmetric gauge field theories. In particular, we focus on the analytic continuation of the Liouville Field Theory, context in which an interesting relation with the Chern-Simons Theory arises as an extension of its well-known relation with the Wess-Zumino-Witten model. Thus, calculating correlation functions by using the complex solutions of the Liouville Theory will be crucial aim in this work in order to test the consistency of this analytic continuation. We will consider as an application the time-like version of the Liouville Theory, which has several applications in holographic quantum cosmology and in studying tachyon condensates. Finally, we calculate the three-point function for the Wess-Zumino-Witten model for the standard Kac-Moody level k > 2 and the particular case 0 < k < 2, the latter has an interpretation in time-dependent scenarios for string theory. Here we will find an analogue relation we find by comparing the correlation function of the time-like and space-like Liouville Field Theory. / Neste trabalho, nós fazemos uma breve revisão da Teoria de Campo Conforme em duas dimensões, a fim de entender algumas denições básicas do estudo da Teoria de Campo de Liouville, que tem muitas aplicações em física teórica como a teoria das cordas, a relatividade geral e teorias de campo de calibre supersimétricas. Em particular, vamos nos concentrar sobre a continuação analítica da Teoria de Campo de Liouville, contexto no qual uma interessante relação com a Teoria de Chern-Simons surge como uma extensão de sua relação conhecida com o modelo de Wess-Zumino-Witten. Assim, o cálculo das funções de correlação usando as soluções complexas da Teoria Liouville será o objectivo fundamental neste trabalho, a fim de testar a consistência da continuação analítica. Vamos considerar como uma aplicação a versão time-like da Teoria de Liouville, que tem várias aplicações em cosmologia quântica holográfica e no estudo de condensados de tachyon. Finalmente, calculamos a função de três pontos para o modelo de Wess-Zumino-Witten no nível de Kac-Moody k > 2 e o caso particular 0 < k < 2, este último tem uma interpretação em cenários dependentes do tempo para a teoria das cordas. Aqui nós vamos encontrar uma relação análoga ao que temos para a função de correlação do space-like e time-like na Teoria de Campo de Liouville.

Anomalous Dimensions in the WF O(N) Model with a Monodromy Line Defect

Söderberg, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
General ideas in the conformal bootstrap program are covered. Both numerical and analytical approaches to the bootstrap equation are reviewed to show how it can be manipulated in different ways. Further analytical approaches are studied for theories with defects. We consider the three-dimensional CFT at the corresponding WF fixed point in the O(N) \phi^4 model with a co-dimension two, monodromy defect. Anomalous dimensions for bulk- and defect-local fields as well as one of the OPE coefficients are found to the first loop order. Implications of inserting this defect and constraints that arises from symmetries of the theory are investigated.

Intrication dans des systèmes quantiques à basse dimension / Entanglement in low-dimensional quantum systems

Stephan, Jean-Marie 12 December 2011 (has links)
On a compris ces dernières années que certaines mesures d'intrications sont un outil efficace pour la compréhension et la caractérisation de phases nouvelles et exotiques de la matière, en particulier lorsque les méthodes traditionnelles basées sur l'identification d'un paramètre d'ordre sont insuffisantes. Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de quelques systèmes quantiques à basse dimension où un telle approche s'avère fructueuse. Parmi ces mesures, l'entropie d'intrication, définie via une bipartition du système quantique, est probablement la plus populaire, surtout à une dimension. Celle-ci est habituellement très difficile à calculer en dimension supérieure, mais nous montrons ici que le calcul se simplifie drastiquement pour une classe particulière de fonctions d'ondes, nommées d'après Rokhsar et Kivelson. L'entropie d'intrication peut en effet s'exprimer comme une entropie de Shannon relative à la distribution de probabilité générée par les composantes de la fonction d'onde du fondamental d'un autre système quantique, cette fois-ci unidimensionnel. Cette réduction dimensionnelle nous permet d'étudier l'entropie aussi bien par des méthodes numériques (fermions libres, diagonalisations exactes, ...) qu'analytiques (théories conformes). Nous argumentons aussi que cette approche permet d'accéder facilement à certaines caractéristiques subtiles et universelles d'une fonction d'onde donnée en général.Une autre partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux trempes quantiques locales dans des systèmes critiques unidimensionnels. Nous insisterons particulièrement sur une quantité appelée écho de Loschmidt, qui est le recouvrement entre la fonction d'onde avant la trempe et la fonction d'onde à temps t après la trempe. En exploitant la commensurabilité du spectre de la théorie conforme, nous montrons que l'évolution temporelle doit être périodique, et peut même être souvent obtenue analytiquement. Inspiré par ces résultats, nous étudions aussi la contribution de fréquence nulle à l'écho de Loschmidt après la trempe. Celle-ci s'exprime comme un simple produit scalaire -- que nous nommons fidélité bipartie -- et est une quantité intéressante en elle-même. Malgré sa simplicité, son comportement se trouve être très similaire à celui de l'entropie d'intrication. Pour un système critique unidimensionnel en particulier, notre fidélité décroît algébriquement avec la taille du système, un comportement rappelant la célèbre catastrophe d'Anderson. L'exposant est universel et relié à la charge centrale de la théorie conforme sous-jacente. / In recent years, it has been understood that entanglement measures can be useful tools for the understanding and characterization of new and exotic phases of matter, especially when the study of order parameters alone proves insufficient. This thesis is devoted to the study of a few low-dimensional quantum systems where this is the case. Among these measures, the entanglement entropy, defined through a bipartition of the quantum system, has been perhaps one of the most heavily studied, especially in one dimension. Such a quantity is usually very difficult to compute in dimension larger than one, but we show that for a particular class of wave functions, named after Rokhsar and Kivelson, the entanglement entropy of an infinite cylinder cut into two parts simplifies considerably. It can be expressed as the Shannon entropy of the probability distribution resulting from the ground-state wave function of a one-dimensional quantum system. This dimensional reduction allows for a detailed numerical study (free fermion, exact diagonalizations, \ldots) as well as an analytic treatment, using conformal field theory (CFT) techniques. We also argue that this approach can give an easy access to some refined universal features of a given wave function in general.Another part of this thesis deals with the study of local quantum quenches in one-dimensional critical systems. The emphasis is put on the Loschmidt echo, the overlap between the wave function before the quench and the wave function at time t after the quench. Because of the commensurability of the CFT spectrum, the time evolution turns out to be periodic, and can be obtained analytically in various cases. Inspired by these results, we also study the zero-frequency contribution to the Loschmidt echo after such a quench. It can be expressed as a simple overlap -- which we name bipartite fidelity -- and can be studied in its own right. We show that despite its simple definition, it mimics the behavior of the entanglement entropy very well. In particular when the one-dimensional system is critical, this fidelity decays algebraically with the system size, reminiscent of Anderson's celebrated orthogonality catastrophe. The exponent is universal and related to the central charge of the underlying CFT.

AdS/CFT correspondence and c-extremization

Goranci, Roberto January 2017 (has links)
In this project we review the method of using c-extremization and computing anomalies to obtain AdS/CFT theories. We start with a quick introduction to CFT's and AdS/CFT correspondence which gives us the tools to later understand the 2D N= (2,0) SCFT and its gravity duals in particular AdS_5xS^5 and AdS_7xS^4 compactified on Riemann surfaces.

Duality of Gaudin Models

Filipp Uvarov (9121400) 29 July 2020 (has links)
<div>We consider actions of the current Lie algebras $\gl_{n}[t]$ and $\gl_{k}[t]$ on the space $\mathfrak{P}_{kn}$ of polynomials in $kn$ anticommuting variables. The actions depend on parameters $\bar{z}=(z_{1}\lc z_{k})$ and $\bar{\alpha}=(\alpha_{1}\lc\alpha_{n})$, respectively.</div><div>We show that the images of the Bethe algebras $\mathcal{B}_{\bar{\alpha}}^{\langle n \rangle}\subset U(\gl_{n}[t])$ and $\mathcal{B}_{\bar{z}}^{\langle k \rangle}\subset U(\gl_{k}[t])$ under these actions coincide.</div><div></div><div>To prove the statement, we use the Bethe ansatz description of eigenvectors of the Bethe algebras via spaces of quasi-exponentials. We establish an explicit correspondence between the spaces of quasi-exponentials describing eigenvectors of $\mathcal{B}_{\bar{\alpha}}^{\langle n \rangle}$ and the spaces of quasi-exponentials describing eigenvectors of $\mathcal{B}_{\bar{z}}^{\langle k \rangle}$.</div><div></div><div>One particular aspect of the duality of the Bethe algebras is that the Gaudin Hamiltonians exchange with the Dynamical Hamiltonians. We study a similar relation between the trigonometric Gaudin and Dynamical Hamiltonians. In trigonometric Gaudin model, spaces of quasi-exponentials are replaced by spaces of quasi-polynomials. We establish an explicit correspondence between the spaces of quasi-polynomials describing eigenvectors of the trigonometric Gaudin Hamiltonians and the spaces of quasi-exponentials describing eigenvectors of the trigonometric Dynamical Hamiltonians.</div><div></div><div>We also establish the $(\gl_{k},\gl_{n})$-duality for the rational, trigonometric and difference versions of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov and Dynamical equations.</div>

Opérateurs monopôles dans les transitions hors d'un liquide de spin de Dirac

Dupuis, Éric 08 1900 (has links)
Dans la description à basse énergie de systèmes fortement corrélés, les champs de jauge peuvent émerger comme excitations collectives couplées à des quasiparticules fractionalisées. En particulier, certains aimants bidimensionnels dits frustrés sont décrits par un liquide de spin de Dirac comportant une symétrie de jauge U(1) compacte. La description infrarouge est donnée par une théorie conforme des champs, soit l'électrodynamique quantique en 2+1 dimensions avec 2N saveurs de fermions sans masse. Dans les aimants typiques, N=2 ou 4. L'aspect compact du champ de jauge implique également l'existence d'excitations topologiques, soit des instantons créés, dans ce contexte, par des opérateurs monopôles. Cette thèse porte sur les transitions de phase quantiques à partir d'un liquide de spin de Dirac et les propriétés des monopôles aux points critiques correspondants. Ces transitions sont induites en activant diverses interactions de type Gross-Neveu. Dans tous les cas à l'étude, la dimension d'échelle des monopôles est obtenue grâce à la correspondance état-opérateur et à un développement en 1/N. L'accent est d'abord mis sur une transition de confinement-déconfinement vers une phase antiferromagnétique décrite par la condensation d'un monopôle. Une levée de dégénérescence est observée au point critique alors que certaines dimensions d'échelle de monopôles sont réduites par rapport à leur valeur dans le liquide de spin de Dirac. Cette hiérarchie est caractérisée quantitativement en comparant les dimensions d'échelle dans des secteurs distincts du spin magnétique à l'ordre dominant en 1/N, puis qualitativement par une analyse en théorie des représentations. Des exposants critiques pour d'autres observables dans la théorie non compacte sont également obtenus. Enfin, deux transitions vers des liquides de spin topologiques, soit le liquide de spin chiral et le liquide de spin Z2, sont considérées. Les dimensions anormales des monopôles sont obtenues à l'ordre sous-dominant en 1/N. Ces résultats permettent de vérifier une dualité conjecturée avec un modèle bosonique et la valeur d'un coefficient universel pour les théories de jauge U(1) / In strongly correlated systems, gauge fields can emerge as collective excitations coupled to fractionalized quasiparticles. In particular, certain frustrated two-dimensional quantum magnets are described by a Dirac spin liquid which has a U(1) gauge symmetry. The infrared description is given by a conformal field theory, namely quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions with 2N flavours of massless fermions. In typical magnets, N=2 or 4. The compact aspect of the gauge field also implies the existence of topological excitations corresponding to instantons, which are created by monopole operators in this context. This thesis focuses on quantum phase transitions out of a Dirac spin liquid and the properties of monopoles at the corresponding critical points. These transitions are driven by activating various types of Gross-Neveu interactions. In all the cases studied, the scaling dimension of monopoles are obtained using the state-operator correspondence and a 1/N expansion. The confinement-deconfinement transition to an antiferromagnetic order produced by a monopole condensate is first studied. A degeneracy lifting is observed at the critical point, as certain monopoles have their scaling dimension reduced in comparison with the value in the Dirac spin liquid. This hierarchy is charactized quantitatively by comparing monopole scaling dimensions in distinct magnetic spin sector at leading-order in 1/N, and qualitatively by an analysis in representation theory. Critical exponents of various other operators are obtained in the non-compact model. Transitions to two topological spin liquids, namely a chiral spin liquid and a Z2 spin liquid, are also considered. Anomalous dimensions of monopoles are obtained at sub-leading order in 1/N. These results allow the verification of a conjectured duality with a bosonic model and the value of a universal coefficient in U(1) gauge theories.

Quantum Error Correction in Quantum Field Theory and Gravity

Keiichiro Furuya (16534464) 18 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Holographic duality as a rigorous approach to quantum gravity claims that a quantum gravitational system is exactly equal to a quantum theory without gravity in lower spacetime dimensions living on the boundary of the quantum gravitational system. The duality maps key questions about the emergence of spacetime to questions on the non-gravitational boundary system that are accessible to us theoretically and experimentally. Recently, various aspects of quantum information theory on the boundary theory have been found to be dual to the geometric aspects of the bulk theory. In this thesis, we study the exact and approximate quantum error corrections (QEC) in a general quantum system (von Neumann algebras) focused on QFT and gravity. Moreover, we study entanglement theory in the presence of conserved charges in QFT and the multiparameter multistate generalization of quantum relative entropy.</p>

Line defects in conformal field theory / From weak to strong coupling

Barrat, Julien 14 March 2024 (has links)
Die konforme Feldtheorie findet in verschiedenen Bereichen Anwendungen, von statistischen Systemen in der Nähe kritischer Punkte bis hin zur Quantengravitation durch die AdS/CFT-Korrespondenz. Diese Theorien unterliegen starken Einschränkungen, die eine systematische nicht-perturbative Analyse ermöglichen. Konforme Defekte bieten eine kontrollierte Möglichkeit, die Symmetrie zu brechen und neue physikalische Phänomene einzuführen, während wichtige Vorteile der zugrunde liegenden konformen Symmetrie erhalten bleiben. Diese Dissertation untersucht konforme Liniendefekte sowohl im schwachen als auch im starken Kopplungsregimes. Es werden zwei verschiedene Klassen von Modellen untersucht. Wir konzentrieren uns zuerst auf die supersymmetrische Wilson-Linie in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills, die als ideales Testfeld für die Entwicklung innovativer Techniken wie dem analytischen konformen Bootstrap dient. Die zweite Klasse besteht aus magnetische Linien in Yukawa-Modellen, die faszinierende Anwendungen in 3d kondensierten Materiesystemen haben. Diese Systeme haben das Potenzial, Phänomene des Standardmodells in einem Niedrigenergieszenario nachzubilden. / Conformal field theory finds applications across diverse fields, from statistical systems at criticality to quantum gravity through the AdS/CFT correspondence. These theories are subject to strong constraints, enabling a systematic non-perturbative analysis. Conformal defects provide a controlled means of breaking the symmetry, introducing new physical phenomena while preserving crucial benefits of the underlying conformal symmetry. This thesis investigates conformal line defects in both the weak- and strong-coupling regimes. Two distinct classes of models are studied. First, we focus on the supersymmetric Wilson line in N = 4 Super Yang–Mills, which serves as an ideal testing ground for the development of innovative techniques such as the analytic conformal bootstrap. The second class consists of magnetic lines in Yukawa models, which have fascinating applications in 3d condensed-matter systems. These systems have the potential to emulate phenomena observed in the Standard Model in a low-energy setting.

La structure de Jordan des matrices de transfert des modèles de boucles et la relation avec les hamiltoniens XXZ

Morin-Duchesne, Alexi 08 1900 (has links)
Les modèles sur réseau comme ceux de la percolation, d’Ising et de Potts servent à décrire les transitions de phase en deux dimensions. La recherche de leur solution analytique passe par le calcul de la fonction de partition et la diagonalisation de matrices de transfert. Au point critique, ces modèles statistiques bidimensionnels sont invariants sous les transformations conformes et la construction de théories des champs conformes rationnelles, limites continues des modèles statistiques, permet un calcul de la fonction de partition au point critique. Plusieurs chercheurs pensent cependant que le paradigme des théories des champs conformes rationnelles peut être élargi pour inclure les modèles statistiques avec des matrices de transfert non diagonalisables. Ces modèles seraient alors décrits, dans la limite d’échelle, par des théories des champs logarithmiques et les représentations de l’algèbre de Virasoro intervenant dans la description des observables physiques seraient indécomposables. La matrice de transfert de boucles D_N(λ, u), un élément de l’algèbre de Temperley- Lieb, se manifeste dans les théories physiques à l’aide des représentations de connectivités ρ (link modules). L’espace vectoriel sur lequel agit cette représentation se décompose en secteurs étiquetés par un paramètre physique, le nombre d de défauts. L’action de cette représentation ne peut que diminuer ce nombre ou le laisser constant. La thèse est consacrée à l’identification de la structure de Jordan de D_N(λ, u) dans ces représentations. Le paramètre β = 2 cos λ = −(q + 1/q) fixe la théorie : β = 1 pour la percolation et √2 pour le modèle d’Ising, par exemple. Sur la géométrie du ruban, nous montrons que D_N(λ, u) possède les mêmes blocs de Jordan que F_N, son plus haut coefficient de Fourier. Nous étudions la non diagonalisabilité de F_N à l’aide des divergences de certaines composantes de ses vecteurs propres, qui apparaissent aux valeurs critiques de λ. Nous prouvons dans ρ(D_N(λ, u)) l’existence de cellules de Jordan intersectorielles, de rang 2 et couplant des secteurs d, d′ lorsque certaines contraintes sur λ, d, d′ et N sont satisfaites. Pour le modèle de polymères denses critique (β = 0) sur le ruban, les valeurs propres de ρ(D_N(λ, u)) étaient connues, mais les dégénérescences conjecturées. En construisant un isomorphisme entre les modules de connectivités et un sous-espace des modules de spins du modèle XXZ en q = i, nous prouvons cette conjecture. Nous montrons aussi que la restriction de l’hamiltonien de boucles à un secteur donné est diagonalisable et trouvons la forme de Jordan exacte de l’hamiltonien XX, non triviale pour N pair seulement. Enfin nous étudions la structure de Jordan de la matrice de transfert T_N(λ, ν) pour des conditions aux frontières périodiques. La matrice T_N(λ, ν) a des blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels et intersectoriels lorsque λ = πa/b, et a, b ∈ Z×. L’approche par F_N admet une généralisation qui permet de diagnostiquer des cellules intersectorielles dont le rang excède 2 dans certains cas et peut croître indéfiniment avec N. Pour les blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels, nous montrons que les représentations de connectivités sur le cylindre et celles du modèle XXZ sont isomorphes sauf pour certaines valeurs précises de q et du paramètre de torsion v. En utilisant le comportement de la transformation i_N^d dans un voisinage des valeurs critiques (q_c, v_c), nous construisons explicitement des vecteurs généralisés de Jordan de rang 2 et discutons l’existence de blocs de Jordan intrasectoriels de plus haut rang. / Lattice models such as percolation, the Ising model and the Potts model are useful for the description of phase transitions in two dimensions. Finding analytical solutions is done by calculating the partition function, which in turn requires finding eigenvalues of transfer matrices. At the critical point, the two dimensional statistical models are invariant under conformal transformations and the construction of rational conformal field theories, as the continuum limit of these lattice models, allows one to compute the partition function at the critical point. Many researchers think however that the paradigm of rational conformal conformal field theories can be extended to include models with non diagonalizable transfer matrices. These models would then be described, in the scaling limit, by logarithmic conformal field theories and the representations of the Virasoro algebra coming into play would be indecomposable. We recall the construction of the double-row transfer matrix D_N(λ, u) of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn model, seen as an element of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. This transfer matrix comes into play in physical theories through its representation in link modules (or standard modules). The vector space on which this representation acts decomposes into sectors labelled by a physical parameter d, the number of defects, which remains constant or decreases in the link representations. This thesis is devoted to the identification of the Jordan structure of D_N(λ, u) in the link representations. The parameter β = 2 cos λ = −(q + 1/q) fixes the theory : for instance β = 1 for percolation and √2 for the Ising model. On the geometry of the strip with open boundary conditions, we show that D_N(λ, u) has the same Jordan blocks as its highest Fourier coefficient, F_N. We study the non-diagonalizability of F_N through the divergences of some of the eigenstates of ρ(F_N) that appear at the critical values of λ. The Jordan cells we find in ρ(D_N(λ, u)) have rank 2 and couple sectors d and d′ when specific constraints on λ, d, d′ and N are satisfied. For the model of critical dense polymers (β = 0) on the strip, the eigenvalues of ρ(D_N(λ, u)) were known, but their degeneracies only conjectured. By constructing an isomorphism between the link modules on the strip and a subspace of spin modules of the XXZ model at q = i, we prove this conjecture. We also show that the restriction of the Hamiltonian to any sector d is diagonalizable, and that the XX Hamiltonian has rank 2 Jordan cells when N is even. Finally, we study the Jordan structure of the transfer matrix T_N(λ, ν) for periodic boundary conditions. When λ = πa/b and a, b ∈ Z×, the matrix T_N(λ, ν) has Jordan blocks between sectors, but also within sectors. The approach using F_N admits a generalization to the present case and allows us to probe the Jordan cells that tie different sectors. The rank of these cells exceeds 2 in some cases and can grow indefinitely with N. For the Jordan blocks within a sector, we show that the link modules on the cylinder and the XXZ spin modules are isomorphic except for specific curves in the (q, v) plane. By using the behavior of the transformation i_N^d in a neighborhood of the critical values (q_c, v_c), we explicitly build Jordan partners of rank 2 and discuss the existence of Jordan cells with higher rank.

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