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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do Parents Try to Bully Teachers Through Confrontation?

Johnson, Jacqueline Evans 02 July 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamics of bullying behaviors of parents towards teachers in the workplace-the school. The topic of parent bullying is under-researched, thus, this study seeks to address and examine the gap in the research. The target population of 130 teachers was taken from a Mid-Atlantic State in suburban Excellence High School . Teachers were provided a survey questionnaire to investigate the extent to which confrontational parents try to bully teachers. Teachers (117) served as respondents and used survey methodology to record their responses. An exploratory, descriptive and confirmatory analysis was used to answer the research questions posed. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following five questions: (1) What types of parent bullying behaviors at school do teachers experience? In what form and how often? (2) What consideration has been given to leaving the teaching profession after a parent-bullying episode? (3) What types of parent bullying behaviors are seen as subtle or blatant by teachers? (4) What triggers initiate a parent-bullying incident? (5) Do teachers' experiences of bullying parents vary according to age, gender, ethnicity, grade level and teaching experience? Nine types of parent behaviors and the demographic variables of teachers were compared which included the teacher's age, gender, ethnicity, number of years of teaching experience, and the teachers' current teaching level were compared. Face-to-face survey administration was used to collect the data. Statistical procedures were conducted and included: One Way ANOVA, Cronbach's Alpha Test for Reliability, and Chi Square . Frequency and percentages were calculated to determine the statistical significance of the findings. The findings indicated a statistical significance between physical assault and male teachers. Further, statistical significance was revealed between property vandalism and gender of teacher, ethnicity, and age variables. Teachers are more likely to be verbally abused by parents ho try to confront teachers. Bullying incidents most often occurred on the Internet, classroom, or school office. Triggers that caused confrontation that indicted statistical significance were: (1) student removal of a student from a sports team, (2) had homework issues, (3) showed low grades on a report card, (4) low scores on a test, and (5) low attendance rates. Teachers reported blatant, out in the open, and in your face behaviors to describe the bullying incident committed by parents. However, despite encountering incidents of bullying by parents, teachers did not consider leaving the profession. Almost half of the teachers surveyed reported experiencing some form of abuse directed toward them by a parent. / Ed. D.

Effect of Positive and Negative Emotion on Naming Accuracy in Adults with Aphasia

Nielsen, Courtney Paige 12 June 2020 (has links)
This is a preliminary study investigating the effects of emotion on a confrontational naming task in people with aphasia (PWA). Previous research investigating the effects of emotion on various language tasks in PWA has produced mixed findings with some suggesting a facilitative effect and others an inhibitory effect. Participants included 9 adults with aphasia as the result of a stroke, resulting in the presence of word-finding deficits (i.e., anomia). Participants named images in positive, negative, and neutral conditions. Responses were scored as either correct or incorrect; incorrect responses were coded further to illustrate individual error patterns. The majority of participants demonstrated a decrease in naming accuracy in the negative condition compared to the preceding and subsequent neutral conditions. The results of this study suggest that negative emotional arousal may cause PWA to devote attentional resources to emotional regulation and away from the linguistic task, thus interfering with language performance. Further research is needed to support these preliminary findings.

Internacionalizace v západoslovanských jazycích. Konfrontační pohled na internacionalizaci lexika češtiny, polštiny a slovenštiny / Internationalization in the Western Slavic languages. Confrontational view of the internationalization of lexical systems of Czech, Polish and Slovak Lexis

Kroupová, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
Internationalisation is one of the important dynamic tendencies which influences the functioning and course of development of contemporary languages. It is the result of increase and intensification of language contacts on a global scale. Internationalisation influences language on all language levels. Substantial is manifest of borrowing lexical elements, their integration, adaptation and function in communication. Furthermore, activation of the use of international word forming morphemes and word forming processes belong among manifestation of internationalisation. The thesis presents manifestations of internationalisation in the lexis of Western Slavic languages in contrastive perspective. The introductory part outlines the current research status of presented phenomenon and defines fundamental terms. Third and fourth chapters, the central part of the thesis, deal with comparison of international lexis on individual language level. Besides the description of the orthographical and orthoepical, grammatical, lexical-semantic correspondences and differences, attention is also focused on positon and function of internationalisms in lexicon of Western Slavic languages and their relations to the other units of lexicon. The analysis is primarily base on material of frequency word lists of the Aranea...

Lågaffektivt bemötande förklaras av personlighet : En kvantitativ studie om inställningen till myndighetutövares användning av lågaffektivt bemötande

Larsson, Izabelle January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte avser att undersöka allmänhetens och yrkesverksammas inställning till myndighetsutövares användning av lågaffektivt bemötande. Den primära forskningsfrågan som ställts är; Vilka faktorer kan förklara en potentiell variation i inställning till användningen av lågaffektivt bemötande av myndighetsutövare? Studien grundar sig i en kvantitativ ansats med bekvämlighetsurval (n=303), där 46,7% angav att de ingår i deras arbetsroll att använda sig av lågaffektiva metoder. I undersökningen identifierades kön, ålder samt personlighet som potentiella faktorer som kan påverka inställningen. Genom en korrelationsanalys framkom resultatet att inställningen till lågaffektivt bemötande korrelerade med kön, ålder samt med personlighetsdraget välvillighet. Detta visar på att kön, ålder samt välvillighet förklarar en del av vad som potentiellt kan förutse variationen i inställningen till lågaffektivt bemötande av myndighetsutövande. Regressionsanalysen synliggjorde sedan att kön förlorade sin signifikans (p=>.05) vid kontrollerandet av ålder och välvillighet gällande inställningen. Resultatet indikerar att inställningen till lågaffektivt bemötande kan förklaras av personlighetsdraget välvillighet. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the attitude of the public and professionals to the use of low arousal approach by public authorities. The primary research question is; What factors can explain a potential variation in attitudes towards the authorities' use of the low arousal approach? The study is based on a quantitative approach with convenience sampling (n=303), where 46.7% stated that low arousal approach is a part of their work role. The survey identified gender, age and personality as potential factors influencing the attitude. Through a correlation analysis, the result showed that the attitude towards low arousal approach correlated with gender, age and the personality trait agreeableness. This means that gender, age and agreeableness explain some of what can potentially predict the variation in attitudes towards the usage of low arousal approach by public authority. The regression analysis revealed that gender lost its significance (p=>.05) when controlling age and agreeableness regarding the attitude towards the low arousal approach. The results indicate that the attitude towards low arousal approach is explained by the personality trait agreeableness.

Robot Gaze Behaviour for Handling Confrontational Scenarios / Blickbeteendet hos en robot för att hantera konfrontationsscenarier

Gorgis, Paul January 2021 (has links)
In everyday communication, humans utilise eye gaze due to its importance as a communication tool. As technology evolves, social robots are expected to become more adopted in society and, since they interact with humans, they should similarly use eye gaze to elevate the level of the interaction and increase humans’ perception of them. Previous studies have shown that robots possessing human-like gaze behaviour increase the interactants’ task performance and their perception of the robot. However, social robots must also be able to behave and respond appropriately when humans act inappropriately, and failure in doing so may normalize bad behaviour even towards other humans. Additionally, with the recent progress of wearable eyetracking technology, there is interest to see how this technology can be used to help generate human gaze into a robot. This thesis work investigates how the eye gaze behaviour from a human being can be modeled into the robot Furhat to behave more human-like in a confrontational scenario. It further investigates how a robot possessing the developed human-like gaze model compares to a robot using a believable heuristic gaze model. We created a pipeline which concerned selecting scenarios, conducting roleplays between actors of these scenarios to collect gaze, extracting and processing that gaze data and extracting probability distributions that the human-like model would utilise. Our model used frequencies to determine where to gaze and head rotation, while gamma distributions were used to sample gaze length. We then executed an online video study with the two robot conditions where participants rated either robot by filling out a questionnaire. The results show that while no statistical difference could be found, the human-like condition scored higher on the measures anthropomorphism/human-likeness and composure, whereas the heuristic condition rated higher on expertise and extroversion. As such, the human-like model did not yield a significant benefit on robot perception to opt for it. Still, we suggest that the pipeline used in this thesis work may help HRI researchers to perform gaze studies and possibly build a foundation for further development. / I vardaglig kommunikation använder människor sig av blickar på grund av dess betydelse som kommunikationsverktyg. Då teknologi ständigt utvecklas förväntas det att sociala robotar kommer att bli mer involverade i samhället, och eftersom de integrerar med människor så bör de på samma sätt använda sig av blickar och ögonrörelser för att höja nivån på interaktionen och därmed förbättra människors uppfattning av dem. Tidigare studier har visat att robotar som använder sig av blickar likt människor kan förbättra deltagarnas utförande av uppgifter samt deras uppfattning av roboten. Sociala robotar måste dock även kunna agera och svara på ett lämpligt sätt när människor beter sig olämpligt, och gör dem inte det finns risken att det olämpliga beteendet normaliseras, även i interaktioner med andra människor. Med de senaste framstegen av portabla eye-tracking enheter finns det därför ett intresse att se hur denna teknologi kan användas för att generera människolikt blickbeteende som sedan används i en robot. Denna studie undersöker hur en människas sätt att blicka och titta kan modelleras i roboten Furhat för att bete sig mer människolikt i ett scenario där konfrontation behövs. Studien undersöker dessutom hur en robot som bär ett människolikt blickbeteende jämför sig med en robot som bär ett trovärdigt heuristiskt blickbeteende. Vi skapade en struktur som involverade att välja scenarion, utföra rollspel mellan skådespelare i dessa scenarier för att samla data om deras blickmönster, extrahera och bearbeta denna data, och extraherade sannolikhetsfördelningar som den människolika modellen skulle använda sig av. Vår modell använde sig av frekvenser för att besluta var roboten skulle blicka, medan gammafördelningar användes för att generera blickens längd. Vi utförde därefter en videostudie online med de två robotvarianterna, där deltagare bedömde någon av robotarna genom att svara på en enkät. Resultaten visar att ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad kunde påvisas. Trender visade dock att modellen med människolik blickbeteende bedömdes högre i mätningen av attributerna antropomorfism/mänsklighet och fattning, medan den heuristiska modellen bedömdes högre i expertis och utåtvändighet. Därav erhöll den människolika modellen ingen signifikant framgång för att föredra den. Vi föreslår ändå att strukturen som användes i studien kan hjälpa MRI forskare att utföra studier som involverar blickbeteende hos människor, och möjligtvis bygga en grund för vidareutveckling av strukturen.

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