Spelling suggestions: "subject:"congruence"" "subject:"congruent""
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L'influence de la texture d'un emballage : une approche par des méthodes explicites et implicites / The influence of the texture of a package : an approach by explicit and implicit methodsMorgado Ferreira, Bruno Emanuel 06 November 2014 (has links)
Nous étudions dans cette thèse une dimension particulière de l’emballage : la texture. Dans la première étude (A), composée de trois expérimentations, nous présentons l’influence de la texture, en l’absence de contact tactile, sur l’attitude envers un produit et sur le choix du consommateur. Nous manipulons la texture de l’emballage ainsi qu'une stimulation tactile au préalable en prenant en compte le niveau du besoin de toucher de l’individu. Nous montrons que la stimulation tactile positive induit une appréciation plus positive du produit lorsque ce dernier n’est pas texturé et ce, indépendamment du besoin de toucher. Lorsque le produit est texturé, les individus à faible besoin de toucher présentent une dévaluation du produit. Ensuite, nous présentons l’influence d’une stimulation tactile négative sur le choix entre un produit lisse et un produit texturé. En l’absence de stimulation tactile, le produit contenu dans l’emballage texturé est préféré. La stimulation tactile négative conduit principalement les individus à faible besoin de toucher à préférer le produit contenu dans l’emballage lisse. Dans la deuxième étude (B), nous étudions l’influence du contact tactile avec la texture de l’emballage sur le goût perçu du produit. Dans une première expérimentation nous montrons que lorsque la texture n’apporte pas d’informations sur le produit contenu, elle n’influence pas le goût perçu. Lorsque la texture de l’emballage induit des attentes sur le produit, l’évaluation dépend de la situation de congruence sensorielle. S’il y a une incongruence sensorielle entre la texture de l’emballage et celle du produit lors de la consommation, le goût du produit sera moins apprécié. Dans la deuxième expérimentation, en utilisant un électro-encéphalogramme, nous étudions les effets de la congruence sensorielle entre la texture de l’emballage et celle du produit sur les émotions du consommateur. Nous montrons que l'incongruence sensorielle induit un niveau d’éveil plus élevé mais induit également des émotions plus négatives comparativement à une situation de congruence sensorielle. / We study in this thesis a particular dimension of the packaging: the texture. In the first study (A), composed of three experiments, we present the influence of the texture, in the absence of tactile contact, on attitudes towards a product and consumer choices. We manipulate the texture of the packaging as well as a tactile stimulation previously taking into account the level of the need for touch. We first show that the positive tactile stimulation induces a more positive assessment of the product when it is not textured, regardless of the need for touch. When the product is textured, individuals with a low need for touch have a devaluation of the product. Then we present the influence of negative tactile stimulation on the choice between a product whose packaging is smooth and the other textured. In the absence of tactile stimulation, the product inside the textured packaging is the preferred. Prior negative tactile stimulation leads mainly individuals with a low need for touch to favor the product inside the smooth packaging. In the second study (B), we present the influence of tactile contact with the texture of packaging on the perceived taste of the product. In the first experiment we show that when the texture does not provide information about the product contained, it does not have influence on the perceived taste. When the texture of the packaging induced expectations about the product, the assessment depends on the situation of sensory congruency. If there is a sensory incongruency between the texture of the packaging and the texture of the product during consumption, the taste of the product will be less appreciated. In the second experiment, by using a EEG, we study the effects of sensory congruency between the texture of the packaging and the texture of the product on the emotions of the consumer. We show that sensory incongruency induces a higher level of arousal, but also induces to more negative emotions comparatively to a situation of sensory congruency.
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Brand gender: An androgynous perspective : A gender inclusive study with the case of Acne Studios.Sanz Alvarez, Alba January 2019 (has links)
The vast majority of research based on brand gender has been developed focusing on consumers’ perspectives and behaviour. The implications of studying different perceptions of a brand’s gender can be related to brand equity, since this term is strongly associated with brand personality. Furthermore, as consumers reinforce themselves and their self-concept through brand identification, implications regarding self-representation are emphasized in terms of self-congruency having significant influence in brandcustomer relationships. During this thesis, a new holistic firm perspective approach was applied to brand gender. Acne Studios, iconic fashion brand based in Stockholm, was analysed and constituted as case study, aimed to comprehend how a brand could be perceived and identified as androgynous. Several brand related elements, covering a wide spectrum from typography to brand’s portfolio, including garment analysis, as well as brand presentation and communication features were studied in order to provide a whole picture of the firm’s gender comprehension. Using as a starting point androgyny definition as the sum of the feminine and the masculine, the setting of brand´s gender was further expanded as a result of the analysis performed for covering all possible gender identifications. Overall, this study conveys a broad and inclusive understanding of gender within the fashion brand Acne Studios and its elements to deepen and provide a new perspective within marketing and gender research.
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Approaches to sensory marketing strategies within the beauty retail stores in Sweden : A qualitative insight concerning sensory interplay and sensory overloadGrandin, Veronica, Jönsson, Jessica, Kessén, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
As sensory marketing is becoming a more widely used strategy in the world, the need to distinguish oneself is more important than ever. The general knowledge of sensory cues, their interplay and sensory overload among Swedish retail beauty companies is researched in this thesis. We set out to identify the baseline knowledge of the store personnel and the implications thereof in Sweden on the subjects formerly mentioned. This investigative study aims to provide an insight into the workings and knowledge gap of retail store design from the perspective of store personnel with sensory- marketing, interplay and congruency in mind with focus on the senses vision, audio and scent. The knowledge of these are assumed to influence a stores’ ability to cater to and adapt to everyday and sensory-sensitive consumers. The study also aims to provide an insight into the subject of sensory overload, what causes it and the effects that might be had from the experience. To achieve this, we formed the research questions: “How do beauty retail stores in Sweden keep sensorial interplay in mind when designing their retail setting?” and “How do beauty retail stores in Sweden take sensory overload into consideration?”. We performed qualitative interviews with Swedish retail beauty stores’ employees. A foundational knowledge was established in the form of a literature review followed by empirical findings, to be discussed in the analysis. The conclusions drawn from our research, were that there is awareness among managers on sensory marketing. However, sensory cues are commonly broken down and compartmentalized into singular events. While we found that there are congruence considerations taken as to how the cues relate to the stores’ brand, there seemed to be little to none taken to how the cues interplay with each other. We could also conclude that sensory overload is not a consideration. However, that there are various reasons to this, one major being that Swedish retailers are careful about the implementation of sensory experiences and therefore consider themselves safe from the possibility.
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Quantifizierung und Klassifizierung der kaninen Ellbogeninkongruenz auf Grundlage einer standardisierten Röntgen- und MessmethodeStarke, Andreas 04 November 2014 (has links)
Andreas Starke
Quantifizierung und Klassifizierung der kaninen Ellbogeninkongruenz auf Grundlage einer standardisierten Röntgen- und Messmethode
Klinik für Kleintiere der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig
(79 Seiten, 27 Abbildungen, 8 Tabellen, 132 Literaturangaben)
Zielstellung: Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die objektive Quantifizierung der knöchernen Konformation des Ellbogengelenkes gesunder und erkrankter Hunde unter standardisierten Bedingungen. Dazu sollte eine Methode entwickelt werden mit der Röntgenaufnahmen von Ellbogen unter Belastung angefertigt und anhand von Messungen an markanten Knochenstrukturen evaluiert werden können. Diese standardisierte Röntgen- und Messmethode sollte an einer Kontrollgruppe getestet werden, um die Eignung der Methodik zu untersuchen und Referenzwerte zu erstellen. Besonderer Schwerpunkt war die Überprüfung der Reliabilität der Messungen in Abhängigkeit von Lagerungsartefakten und Messwiederholungen. Danach sollten Ellbogengelenke klinisch erkrankter Hunde untersucht und mit den Ergebnissen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen werden, um herauszufinden, ob sich die Messergebnisse signifikant von gesunden Gelenken unterscheiden. Zudem wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass sich die dysplastischen Ellbogengelenke anhand der röntgenologischen Messparameter in unterschiedliche Formen der humeroulnaren und humeroradialen Inkongruenz unterteilen lassen.
Material und Methode: Bei 27 lahmheitsfreien Hunden wurden von 47 Ellbogengelenken Röntgenaufnahmen mit und ohne Belastung (mediolateral, kraniokaudal; Aufnahmen am liegenden, narkotisierten Tier) sowie Aufnahmen im Stehen (kraniokaudal) untersucht. Digital gemessen wurden subchondrale Gelenkspaltenabstände, subchondrale Knochenabstände und ein Winkel. Anschließend wurden 149 Hunde mit ED der Röntgen- und Messmethode unterzogen und mit den Ergebnissen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Anhand von gehäuft auftretenden Messwertabweichungen wurden die 149 Hunde in Untergruppen eingeteilt und erneut mit der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Danach wurden 4 Gruppen mit jeweils unterschiedlicher Osteotomie an Radius bzw. Ulna zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen Gelenkumstellung erstellt (euthanasierte Hunde ohne Ellbogenerkrankung), der gleichen Röntgen- und Messprozedur unterzogen und mit der Kontrollgruppe und den Gruppen der kranken Hunde verglichen.
Ergebnisse: Eine standardisierte und reliable Lagerung sowie Längen- und Winkelmessungen an definierten Knochenpunkten konnten mit und ohne Belastung bei gesunden und kranken Hunden etabliert werden. Mittels Normalisierung der Parameter der Längenmessungen gelang eine Vergleichbarkeit zwischen unterschiedlichen Gelenken und Projektionsebenen herzustellen. Messwerte von Aufnahmen im Stehen zeigten viele Lagerungsartefakte und eine geringe Reliabilität. Von den einzelnen Messparametern der Aufnahmen mit und ohne Belastung konnten aufgrund ihrer geringen Streuung Normwerte von der Kontrollgruppe abgeleitet werden. Eine deutliche Abgrenzung auf Grundlage signifikanter Unterschiede führte zur Bildung der Untergruppen Typ I (n=60), Typ II (n=40) und indiff (n=49) innerhalb der 149 Hunde mit ED. Unterscheidungskriterien für die Einteilung eines kranken Ellbogengelenkes in Typ I, Typ II und indiff waren 3 subchondrale Gelenkspaltenabstände (mp3, mp4, mp6), 3 aus Gelenkspaltenabständen errechnete Indizes (LI 3, LI 4, LI 6) und ein Winkel. Diese Parameter wiesen in der Kontrollgruppe eine hohe Reliabilität auf. Durch die Osteotomiemodelle konnten Parallelen zwischen Typ I und einer short ulna sowie zwischen Typ II und einem short radius ermittelt werden.
Schlussfolgerungen: Röntgenaufnahmen am stehenden Hund sind nicht praktikabel, nur bedingt auswertbar und daher nicht geeignet. Anhand von Röntgenbildern mit und ohne Belastung lassen sich dagegen die Knochenverhältnisse im Gelenk beschreiben und Normwerte erstellen. Die untersuchte Methodik ist geeignet 67% erkrankter Tiere einem Inkongruenztyp (Typ I oder Typ II) zuzuordnen. Die Ergebnisse der dreidimensionalen Ulnaverkürzung und dreidimensionalen Radiusverkürzung weisen auf dreidimensionale Bewegungen der Knochenoberflächen bei Typ I bzw. Typ II im und am Gelenk hin. Ob Ellbogengelenke des Typ I (40%) von einer dreidimensionalen Osteotomie der proximalen Ulna und Ellbogengelenke des Typ II (27%) von einer Radiuselongation profitieren würden, müssen weitere Untersuchungen zeigen. Die Inkongruenz selbst konnte nicht näher quantifiziert werden.:1 EINLEITUNG 1
2.1 Anatomie des kaninen Ellbogengelenkes 3
2.2 Biomechanik des Ellbogengelenkes 5
2.3 Ellbogendysplasie 7
2.3.1 Inkongruenzen 8 Radioulnare Längendisparität 9 Dynamische radioulnare Längendisparitäten 10 Ellipsoide Malformation der Incisura trochlearis 10 Primäre Rotationsinstabilität von Radius und Ulna relativ zum Humerus 11
2.3.2 Angular vector model 12
2.3.3 Bildgebende Verfahren zur Darstellung einer Inkongruenz 13 Röntgenuntersuchung als planare Projektion 13 Computertomographie 16 Magnetresonanztomographie 17 Arthroskopie 17 Röntgen, CT, MRT und Arthroskopie im Vergleich 18
3.1 Röntgenologische Quantifizierung der Ellbogengelenks-
konformation mit einer neuen standardisierten Röntgentechnik
unter Last: Referenzwerte für mittelgroße und große Hunde
ohne Ellbogengelenksdysplasie 19
3.2 Vergleichende röntgenologische Untersuchung von kaninen Ellbogengelenken mit ED und ohne ED unter standardisierten belasteten
Bedingungen 49
8 DANKSAGUNG 91 / Andreas Starke
Quantification and classification of canine elbow incongruency using a standardized method for radiography and measurement
Department of Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitiy of Leipzig
(79 pages, 27 Figures, Tables, 132 references)
Objective: Goal of this paper was the objective quantification of elbowjoint conformation for healthy and diseased dogs under standardized conditions. Therefor we developed a method for taking x-rays of the elbow joint under load to facilitate measurements using bone-landmarks. For this we aimed to test a standardized X-ray- and measurement methodology on a control group for evaluation of the developed methodology and to compile reference values. Emphasis has been placed on the validation of the reliability of the taken measurements especially were positioning artefacts and repeat measurements were concerned. Subsequently we examined elbow joints of clinically affected dogs and compared the results to that of the control group to determine whether signifikant differences can be found in the measurements compared to those taken in joints of healthy dogs. Additionally we formulated the hypothesis that displastic Elbow joints can be grouped into humero-ulnar and humero-radial incongruencies using the developed method of measurement.
Material and methods: Plain x-rays and standardized stressed x-rays (medio-lateral, cranio-caudal taken under sedation; cranio-caudal views taken while standing) of 47 elbow-joints of 27 lameness free dogs were examined. We digitally measured subchondral jointgaps, subchondral bone gaps and an angle. Afterwards 149 dogs with ED were examined using our standardized X-ray method and we compared the results to the control group. The 149 dogs were divided into subgroups using frequent measurement deviances and the subgroups again compared to the control group. Afterwards we created 4 groups based on the kind of radial or ulnar osteotomy for two- and three- dimensional joint adjustment, took measurements based on our standardized X-ray method and compared the results to the control group and ED group.
Results: A reliable standardized X-ray methodology as well as length and angle measurement on defined bone landmarks with and without load could be established on healthy dogs and those with ED. Using normalization of length-measurements we were able to establish comparability between different joints and projections. Measurements from x-rays taken in a standing position showed a lot of positioning related artefacts and low reliability. We were able to compile standard values from x-rays of the control group taken with- and without load due to the low deviation of the norm values. Due to marked delination based on significant differences we were able to establish subgroups Typ I (n=60), Typ II (n=40) and Group indiff (n=49) in the ED Group. Distinction Criterions to classify an ED elbow joint in Types I, II or indiff were 3 subchondral jointgaps (mp3, mp4, mp6), three indices calculated out of joint gaps (LI 3, LI 4 and LI 6) and an angle. In the control group these parameters showed a high reliability. Using an osteotomy model we were able to draw parallels between Typ I and a short Ulna, as well as Typ II and a short radius.
Conclusions: X-rays taken in a standing position are not feasible. Using x-rays taken with and without load we were able to adequately describe bone-marker relations and could compile norm values. Using our developed method we have been able to assign 67% of the examined diseased joints to a type of incongruency (Type I or II). The results of three dimensional ulna and radius shortening indicate three dimensional movement of the bone surface in Typ I or II in the joint. Whether elbow joints of Typ I (40%) benefit of a three dimensional proximal ulna-osteotomy or joints of Typ II (27%) would benefit of a radial elongation needs to be shown in further studies.:1 EINLEITUNG 1
2.1 Anatomie des kaninen Ellbogengelenkes 3
2.2 Biomechanik des Ellbogengelenkes 5
2.3 Ellbogendysplasie 7
2.3.1 Inkongruenzen 8 Radioulnare Längendisparität 9 Dynamische radioulnare Längendisparitäten 10 Ellipsoide Malformation der Incisura trochlearis 10 Primäre Rotationsinstabilität von Radius und Ulna relativ zum Humerus 11
2.3.2 Angular vector model 12
2.3.3 Bildgebende Verfahren zur Darstellung einer Inkongruenz 13 Röntgenuntersuchung als planare Projektion 13 Computertomographie 16 Magnetresonanztomographie 17 Arthroskopie 17 Röntgen, CT, MRT und Arthroskopie im Vergleich 18
3.1 Röntgenologische Quantifizierung der Ellbogengelenks-
konformation mit einer neuen standardisierten Röntgentechnik
unter Last: Referenzwerte für mittelgroße und große Hunde
ohne Ellbogengelenksdysplasie 19
3.2 Vergleichende röntgenologische Untersuchung von kaninen Ellbogengelenken mit ED und ohne ED unter standardisierten belasteten
Bedingungen 49
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Bilingual Switch Cost Effect on Language ProcessingRader, Ancuta 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Recent reports suggest that over half of the world's population regularly uses two or more languages (or dialects) in their daily lives. The U.S. Census Bureau reports 21.6% of the population communicates in a language other than English within their homes. Thus, it is essential to methodically investigate how language processing and learning vary between monolingual and bilingual individuals. To date, research on the effects of bilingualism on language processing has been inconsistent or conflicting. The present study was designed to empirically examine if bilingual speakers differ in language processing and comprehension compared to their monolingual counterparts. It was hypothesized that the bilingual switching process would impact language processing as measured by accuracy and reaction time (RT). A sample of 60 participants was used and consisted of 15 monolingual English speakers and 45 bilingual Spanish, French, and Arabic speakers.
All participants completed a series of language decision tasks consisting of 44 congruent and incongruent sentences presented randomly and sequentially. Results showed that participants were more accurate in detecting incongruent than congruent sentences. Similarly, participants also responded faster to incongruent than congruent sentences. In addition, results also showed that participants had higher accuracy scores when the sentences were presented sequentially than randomly and responded faster when sentences were presented randomly than sequentially. Interestingly, results also showed a significant interaction between congruency and presentation mode on participants' accuracy scores. Tests of simple effects indicated that for the sequentially presented sentences, there was a significant difference between congruent and incongruent sentences.
Similarly, for the congruent sentences, there was a significant difference between the sequentially and randomly presented sentences. Furthermore, our results also showed a significant interaction between congruency and presentation mode on participants' reaction time scores. Tests of simple effects indicated that participants had faster reaction time scores in the congruent sentences when they were presented randomly than sequentially. A series of General Linear Models (GLM) was conducted to examine the effects of language tested, congruency, and presentation mode on participants' accuracy scores. Results also showed a marginally significant interaction between congruency and language tested on accuracy and reaction time scores. Tests of simple effects indicated that only the Arabic speakers had significantly higher accuracy scores on concurrent than incongruent sentences. None of the other language groups had significant differences between congruent and incongruent accuracy scores for the other language groups. Finally, there was a significant interaction between congruency and language tested on participants' reaction time scores. Results showed that for the congruent sentences, French speakers had significantly faster reaction times than Spanish speakers and English speakers had significantly faster reaction times than Spanish speakers. However, English speakers had significantly faster reaction time scores for incongruent sentences than Arabic speakers. Both theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and future research directions are presented.
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Locally Tuned Nonlinear Manifold for Person Independent Head Pose EstimationFoytik, Jacob D. 22 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Is Sport Sponsorship on Social Media the Golden Goal for Brands? : A Mixed-Method Study on Consumers´ Perception of Sport Sponsorship on Social MediaEricson, Tilde, Lundell, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Sport sponsorship on social media is a marketing promotional tool that has become increasingly popular. Further, the sport sponsorship spending is only expected to increase. Athletes are becoming brand ambassadors and communicators advertising products and brands on their social media channels. Collaborations between athletes and brands can be essential for both parties. Previous research has studied the concept of sport sponsorship´s influence on brand equity and sport sponsorship´s influence on social media engagement. However, to the best of the author's knowledge, no prior study has focused on how an individual's personality affects the perception of the brand personality of the sponsor brand, as well as the personality of the promoting athlete in the context of social media marketing. As culture differences have been reported to affect sport sponsoring, the decision was taken to focus on the Swedish market, which has not been studied before. Thus, the following research question was put forth: How do Swedish consumers perceive sport sponsorship on social media, and what are the effects of congruence? Through a mixed method approach the study aimed to answer the research question. The aim of the study was to develop a deeper understanding around sport sponsorship on the social media platform Instagram and how it affects consumers' attitude towards and perception of the brand acting as a sponsor. An online questionnaire was sent out to consumers within Generation Z as well as interviews were held with business practitioners to gain information from various perspectives. The findings of the study will give brand managers within the Swedish market insights into the consumers´ attitude towards sport sponsorship which will be of major importance when planning future activities within this area. The study is based on the theoretical framework centered on the Big 5 Personality Traits, Brand Personality and Congruency Theory. Results reveal that congruence between the consumer ́s personality traits and the athlete ́s personality traits as well as between the athlete´s personality traits and the brand's personality both have an impact on how consumers perceive the outcomes of sport sponsorship on social media. The outcomes studied were consumers´ perception of fit, consumers´ attitude towards the sport sponsorship, brand reputation and consumers perception of self-brand connection. Looking at the brand personality dimensions, sincerity is considered to be highly essential for a brand as it is this dimension alone that was shown to have an effect on how consumers view the sport sponsorship when it comes to overall fit, attitude, reputation and self-brand connection. An athlete, on the other hand, should be sought by being perceived as conscientious, as this trait is shown to have a positive impact on the congruence between the respondent and the athlete and influences the perceived overall fit, attitude, and self-brand connection. However, results also reveal that different athletes are perceived differently and thus the outcomes of the sport sponsorship, from the sponsoring brand´s perspective, may differ.
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Traditional wives and feminine lives : A mixed methods analysis for understanding the traditional wife (#tradwives) phenomenon and its impact on US American women within a Presidential election year.Simpson, Sabrina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines tactics of conservative influence by the tradwife community on TikTok as observed through a case study of three popular tradwife influencers alongside twelve qualitative interviews with US women during an election year. This mix-methods approach is informed by Social Drama Theory with application of self-congruity theory and recognition to the influence of influencers through perspectives of mediatization theories. The case study analysis exposes tradwife influence through stages of Social Drama to propagate an effective narrative that women have lost their sense of, and must return to, traditional femininity, as a solution to the difficulties modern feminism has caused. While the interview participants related to the struggles of contemporary womanhood, they expressed firmness in their ideologies, sourced from their respective communities, and that tradwife content will not affect their mindset. However, they recognize tradwives as having great potential to influence those more susceptible. As this thesis unfolds— community, the having or lacking of it, proves to be key in susceptibility for influence. This thesis occurs during and references the 2024 US American Presidential year, where Republican policy orchestrators aim to cement traditional Christian conservative ideologies into the federal government through the Heritage Foundation’s detailed instructions in Project 2025. The research exposes the impact of consuming aesthetic conservative content from tradwives as having the potential to affect the voting behavior of young US women, and subsequently, their corresponding potential to make conservative ideologies central to government policies. Through identifying the loss of femininity as a crisis in need of urgent remedy, the study finds tradwife use of aesthetics, personal testimony, relatability, and authenticity to be effective tactics in the ability to influence. Young, voting US women are identified as perceiving the conservative rhetoric through Tradwife influencers as potent and able to sway young audiences. Concerning Project 2025, however, there was a lack of awareness that inhibited analysis, drawing such results as inconclusive.
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The classification patterns of bank financial ratiosKordogly, Rima January 2010 (has links)
Financial ratios are key units of analysis in most quantitative financial research including bankruptcy prediction, performance and efficiency analysis, mergers and acquisitions, and credit ratings, amongst others. Since hundreds of ratios can be computed using available financial data and given the substantial overlap in information provided by many of these ratios, choosing amongst ratios has been a significant issue facing practitioners and researchers. An important contribution of the present thesis is to show that ratios can be arranged into groups where each group describes a separate financial aspect or dimension of a given firm or industry. Then by choosing representative ratios from each group, a small, yet comprehensive, set of ratios can be identified and used for further analysis. Whilst a substantial part of the financial ratio literature has focused on classifying financial ratios empirically and on assessing the stability of the ratio groups over different periods and industries, relatively little attention has been paid to the classifying of financial ratios of the banking sector. This study aims to explore the classification patterns of 56 financial ratios for banks of different type, size and age. Using data from the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR), large samples of commercial, savings, and De Novo (newlychartered) commercial banks were obtained for the period between 2001 and 2005, inclusive. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed on a yearly basis to classify the banks' ratios after applying the inverse sinh transformation to enhance the distributional properties of the data. The number of patterns were decided using Parallel Analysis. The study also uses various methods including visual comparison, correlation, congruency, and transformation analysis to assess the time series stability and cross-sectional similarity of the identified ratio patterns. The study identifies 13 or 14 ratio patterns for commercial banks and 10 or 11 ratio patterns for savings banks over the period on which the study is based. These patterns are generally stable over time; yet, some dissimilarity was found between the ratio patterns for the two types of banks – that is, the commercial and savings banks. A certain degree of dissimilarity was also found between the financial patterns for commercial banks belonging to different asset-size classes. Furthermore, four ratio patterns were consistently identified for the De Novo commercial banks in the first year of their operations. However, no evidence of convergence was found between the ratio patterns of the De Novo commercial banks and the ratio patterns of the incumbent (that is, long established) commercial banks. The findings of this study bring useful insights particularly to researchers who employ bank financial ratios in empirical analysis. Methodologically, this research pioneers the application of the inverse sinh transformation and parallel analysis in the area of the ratio classification literature. Also, it contributes to the use of transformation analysis as a factor comparison technique by deriving a significance test for the outputs of this analysis. Moreover, this is the only large scale study to be conducted on the classification patterns of bank financial ratios.
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在地化行不行? —影視消費與身份認同之關係探討 / Does Localization Work? An Exploration into Relationship between Media Consumption and Identity張家誠, Chang, Chia Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
2014年,台灣FOX頻道播出美國長青諷刺卡通《辛普森家庭》,以其台味十足的配音風格而紅極一時。台灣《辛普森家庭》揉合了在地當時流行的時事話題,與原版內容大相逕庭,卻深受台灣觀眾喜愛。然而,即使廣受歡迎,台版《辛普森家庭》也為部分觀眾所批評,認為其喪失原版樣貌,在網路上亦興起一波攻擊與護航熱議。過去研究指出,人們傾向接觸與自己相近的事物,也比較喜歡這樣的內容(Markus & Wurf, 1987; Chang, 2002, 2005, 2008a, 2011)。
據此,本研究以雜揉兩種文化的影視文化產品出發,試圖於自我一致性理論(Self Congruency Theory)版圖中加入影視消費一環。因此,本研究以「知覺影片文化」與「既存文化認同」之交互作用切入,欲了解兩者之間的關係。此外,本研究亦試圖剖析閱聽人觀影時的心理機制,加入閱聽人觀影後的認知反應(自我參照、自我-影片連結、心理距離)與情感反應(正向情緒、觀影享受),測試其對於影片態度的效果。
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