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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude des vitesses fondamentales des flammes laminaires prémélangées : application aux mélanges méthane/air et syngas (H2/CO)/air / Experimental and numerical studies of the fundamental flame speeds of methane/air and syngas(H2/CO)/air mixtures

Bouvet, Nicolas 17 December 2009 (has links)
Cette étude est consacrée à l'élaboration d'une méthodologie de détermination des vitessesfondamentales des flammes laminaires, en utilisant un diagnostic de Vélocimétrie par Imagerie deParticules (PIV). Ce dernier est appliqué aux écoulements réactifs avec point de stagnation, permettant lastabilisation de flammes planes, stationnaires et en conditions quasi adiabatiques. Les effets d’étirementssubits par la flamme sont également quantifiables et parfaitement maîtrisés. L’approche ici développée atout d’abord été appliquée aux mélanges méthane/air pour validation. Une comparaison exhaustive desrésultats obtenus avec les données de la littérature est effectuée. Les codes de combustion 1D (PREMIX,OPPDIF) et 2D (Fluent©) ont été utilisés afin de confirmer la fiabilité et la précision de l’approche proposée.Une attention particulière a été accordée à la caractérisation du mouvement des particules ensemencéesdans les écoulements réactifs divergents, avec notamment la prise en considération de la force dethermophorèse. La méthode développée a ensuite été appliquée à la détermination des vitesses deflammes laminaires de divers mélanges de syngas (H2+CO). Une étude comparative sur ces mélanges aété conduite en utilisant des approches expérimentales multiples comprenant : les flammes à contrecourant,les flammes à propagation sphérique ainsi que les flammes stabilisées coniques. Les résultatsobtenus pour chaque approche ont été confrontés et la sensibilité à l’étirement des flammes de syngas aété caractérisée pour une large gamme de richesses (E.R.=0.4 to 5.0) et de compositions de mélanges(5/95 to 50/50 % H2/CO). / In the context of CO2 emission reduction, the present study is devoted to the development of alaminar flame speed measurement methodology, using the Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV)diagnostic. The latter is applied to stagnation flow flames, seen to have considerable assets for suchstudies. Indeed, flames stabilized in these diverging flows are planar, steady and in near-adiabaticconditions, while subtraction of strain effects on flame is intrinsically allowed. The methodology developedherein has been applied to the well-characterized methane/air mixtures for validation. An extensivecomparison with the literature datasets has been provided. Both 1D (PREMIX, OPPDIF) as well as 2D(Fluent©) numerical tools have been used to confirm the reliability and accuracy of the developed approach.A particular attention has been given to the characterization of the seeding particle motion within thediverging flow, with consideration of the often-neglected thermophoretic force. Fundamental flame velocitiesof various syngas (H2+CO) mixtures have been investigated using multiple experimental approachesincluding the aforementioned counterflow methodology as well as spherical and conical flameconfigurations. Performed measurements from the different approaches have been confronted and flamesensitivities to stretch have been characterized for a wide range of equivalence ratios (E.R.=0.4 to 5.0) andmixture compositions (5/95 to 50/50 % H2/CO).

Números complexos e cônicas : abordagem pelo professor do ensino médio, reflexões e propostas

Santos, Pedro Alexandre Barros 13 April 2018 (has links)
This dissertation proposes to present an extra tool to be worked with high school students as regards the study of conics, and for that we will use the geometric structures that the complex number of numbers o er mainly when the We use it to represent and classify conics in a reduced way, even when they do not have their axes parallel to the axes of the Cartesian plane. We will also do a case study on the teaching of these contents in high school where we will re ect from the di culties experienced by mathematics teachers in high school. / Essa dissertação propõe apresentar uma ferramenta a mais para ser trabalhado com os alunos do ensino médio no tocante ao estudo das cônicas, e para isso usaremos as estruturas geométricas que o conjunto dos números complexos oferecem, principalmente quando o utilizamos para representar e classi car as cônicas de forma reduzida, mesmo quando estas n~ao possuem seus eixos paralelos aos eixos do plano cartesiano. Faremos tamb em um estudo de caso sobre o ensino desses conte udos no ensino m edio onde re etiremos a partir das di culdades vividas pelos professores de matem atica no ensino m edio. / São Cristóvão, SE

Diagonalização de operadores com aplicações à sistemas de equações diferenciais e identificação de cônicas

Guimarães, Itálo 04 May 2018 (has links)
The present dissertation aims to discuss diagonalization of linear operators, so that we can explore these concepts in the solution of systems of ordinary differential equations and in the identification of conics. A linear operator in a vector space of finite dimension can be represented by a matrix. Since diagonal arrays are the simplest from the point of view of matrix operations, we will show under what conditions, given a linear operator it is possible to represent it by a diagonal matrix. Thus, this paper presents the process of operator diagonalization, introduces basic concepts about systems of ordinary differential equations and applications. / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo discorrer sobre diagonalização de operadores lineares, de modo que possamos explorar esses conceitos na solução de sistemas de equações diferenciais ordinárias e na identificação de cônicas. Um operador linear em um espaço vetorial de dimensão finita, pode ser representado por uma matriz. Sendo as matrizes diagonais as mais simples do ponto de vista das operações matriciais, mostraremos sob que condições, dado um operador linear é possível representá-lo por uma matriz diagonal. Dessa forma, este trabalho apresenta o processo de diagonalização de operadores, introduz conceitos básicos sobre sistemas de equações diferenciais ordinárias e aplicações. / São Cristóvão, SE

Optomechanical energy conversion and vibrational coherence in biomimetic molecular photoswitches / Conversion d'énergie opto-mécanique et cohérence vibrationnelle dans des photo-commutateurs moléculaire bio-inspirés

Gueye, Moussa 05 July 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail consiste à étudier le mécanisme de photo-isomérisation d'une série de commutateurs moléculaires biomimétiques (IP) inspirés de la Rhodopsine (Rho), par spectroscopie d'absorption transitoire. Ce travail comprend également le développement puis l'utilisation d'une expérience d'absorption transitoire avec des impulsions sub-8 fs dédiée à la mesure des cohérences vibrationnelles concomitantes à la photoréactivité des IPs. [...] La description détaillée des deux montages de type pompe-sonde mis en œuvre pour ce travail, ainsi que le détail des analyses et corrections de données expérimentales effectuée ont été décrits. Les deux montages utilisés ont été alimenté par une même source, un laser Ti: saphir amplifié délivrant des impulsions à 800nm d'une durée de 40 fs. le premier est un montage d'absorption transitoire conventionnel permettant l'acquisition des spectres transitoires sur une large gamme de spectrale à l'aide d'un continuum de lumière blanche, avec une résolution de 70fs. Le second montage pompe-sonde dédié à la mesure de cohérence vibrationnelle a été développé au cours de la thèse. Dans ce dernier les impulsions pompes à 800nm sont comprimés d'une durée de 8fs, à l'aide d'un compresseur composé de fibre creuse contenant du gaz (Néon). Une conversion de fréquence permet de générer une impulsion centrée à 400 nm de largeur spectrale correspondant `a une durée de 8 fs. Un balayage rapide du délai entre la pompe et la sonde est mis en œuvre pour supprimer de manière efficace l’effet dominant du bruit à basse fréquence de l’intensité de la pompe sur les signaux d’absorption transitoire. [...] / The research presented durind this Phd work address one of the paradigms of atomic/molecular physics of modern era, namely the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The chemical processes on the atomics level has been reliying on the ability to separate fast electron motion from that of heavy nuclei. We focus in the so called conical intersection (CI), whereby molecular isomerization proceed over timescale clearly violating this paradigmatic approximation. Arguably, the most spectacular example of such process is the primary photochemical event in vision. The key aspect of these ultrafast, and often remarkably efficient, transitions is the conversion of optical energy into mechanical energy through coherent channels, that is with negligible loss of energy due to the random dissipation. This work in many aspects expands on the scope and offers a very challenging, et attractive, endeavour into vibrational coherence of complex molecule in solution. Molecular complexity was primarely motivated by wide applicablity of research on synthetic molecules that mimic the photoreaction of Rhodopsin (Rho), to date the fastest and most efficient optomechanical photoswitch. To this end, we have developed and used a state-of-art ultrafast time domain vibrational coherence spectrometer (VCS), allowing sub-10 fs resolution, hence vibration windows up to 3000 cm-1. Such combinaison unlocks to new ways to control over chemical reactions, whereby mechanistic forces precede rather than outpley thermal fluctuations. This concept transcends chemistry, and as a matter pf example, it has only begun to be exploited in material science. [...]

Understanding molecular dynamics with coherent vibrational spectroscopy in the time-domain

Liebel, Matz January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of several spectroscopic methods based on impulsive vibrational spectroscopy as well as of the technique itself. The first chapter describes the ultrafast time domain Raman spectrometer including the development of two noncollinear optical parametric amplifiers for sub-10 fs pulse generation with 343 or 515 nm pumping. In the first spectroscopic study we demonstrate, for the first time, that impulsive vibrational spectroscopy can be used for recording transient Raman spectra of molecules in excited electronic states. We obtain spectra of beta-carotene with comparable, or better, quality than established frequency domain based nonlinear Raman techniques. The following two chapters address the questions on the fate of vibrational coherences when generated on a reactive potential energy surface. We photoexcite bacteriorhodopsin and observe anharmonic coupling mediated vibrational coherence transfer to initially silent vibrational modes. Additionally, we are able to correlate the vibrational coherence activation with the efficiency of the isomerisation reaction in bR. Upon generation of vibrational coherence in the second excited electronic state of beta-carotene, by excitation from the ground electronic state, we are able to follow the wavepacket motion out of the Franck-Condon region. We observe vibrationally coherent internal conversion, through a conical intersection, into the first excited electronic state and are hence able to demonstrate that electronic surface crossings can occur in a vibrationally coherent fashion. Additionally, we find strong evidence for vibronic coupling mediated back and forth crossing between the two electronic states. As a combination of this work we develop a IVS based technique that allows for the direct recording of background and baseline free Raman spectra in the time domain. Several proof of principle experiments highlight the capabilities of this technique for time resolved Raman spectroscopy. In the final chapter we present work on weak-field coherent control. Here, we address the question of whether a photochemical reaction can be controlled by the phase term of an electric excitation field, in the one photon excitation limit. We study the systems rhodamine 101, bacteriorhodopsin, rhodopsin and isorhodopsin and, contrary to previous reports, find no evidence for one photon control.

Twistor theory of higher-dimensional black holes

Metzner, Norman January 2012 (has links)
The correspondence of stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically flat space-times and bundles over a reduced twistor space has been established in four dimensions. The main impediment for an application of this correspondence to examples in higher dimensions is the lack of a higher-dimensional equivalent of the Ernst poten- tial. This thesis will propose such a generalized Ernst potential, point out where the rod structure of the space-time can be found in the twistor picture and thereby provide a procedure for generating solutions to the Einstein field equations in higher dimensions from the rod structure, other asymptotic data, and the requirement of a regular axis. Examples in five dimensions are studied and necessary tools are developed, in particular rules for the transition between different adaptations of the patching matrix and rules for the elimination of conical singularities.

Experimental And Analytical Investigations Into Development Of Double-Tuned Expansion Chambers And Extended Concentric Tube Resonators

Choudary, Chaitanya P 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The performance of an acoustic filter (or muffler) is measured in terms of one of the following parameters: Insertion Loss (IL), Level difference (LD) and Transmission loss (TL). All these three parameters may be evaluated in terms of the four-pole or transfer matrix parameters. Appropriate experimental setups have been designed and developed and practical considerations are described. Measured values of TL are compared with the analytically predicted values. It is shown that the Two-Source-Location method is relatively the best. To start with, the matrizant analysis of conical concentric tube resonators is validated experimentally. The effect of mean flow is investigated. The experimental setup is specially designed to measure the pressure transfer function across the test muffler. It is shown that there is reasonably good agreement between the predicted values of the transfer function and the measured ones for incompressible mean flow as well as stationary medium. To measure insertion loss of muffler, one needs to calculate the source impedance. The internal impedance of a sound source can be measured using direct or indirect methods. The four-load SPL measurement method is one such indirect method wherein there are three nonlinear equations in terms of two unknowns which makes one of the equations redundant. This leads to erroneous results. To overcome this inherent weakness, two alternatives multi-load methods have been offered in the literature; namely, the least squares and the direct least squares method, to analyze the measured data used for four (or more) different loads. These two methods produce better results than the four-load SPL measurement method used earlier. These measurement methods have been tested on a loudspeaker to measure its source impedance and the results are validated with a known additional acoustic load. Simple expansion chambers, the simplest of the muffler configurations, have very limited practical application due to the presence of periodic troughs in the transmission loss (TL) spectrum which drastically lower the overall TL of the muffler. Many of the present days automobile exhaust systems make use of the extended tube mufflers, often with perforated ducts because of their low back pressure and good acoustic performance. Tuned extended inlet and outlet can be designed to nullify three-fourths of these troughs, making use of the plane wave theory. However, these cancellations would not occur unless one altered the geometric lengths for the extended tube and perforated tube resonators in order to incorporate the effect of the evanescent higher-order modes (multidimensional effect) through end corrections or lumped inertance approximation at the area discontinuities or junctions. This is investigated here experimentally as well as numerically (through use of 3-D FEM software) for a moving medium as well as stationary medium. The effect of temperature on the end corrections is also investigated. These tuned extended-tube chambers, however, suffer from the disadvantages of high back pressure and aerodynamic noise generation at the area discontinuities. These two disadvantages can be overcome by means of a perforated bridge between the extended inlet and the extended outlet. One dimensional control volume approach is used to analyze this muffler configuration. It is validated experimentally making use of the two source-location method, which is proven to be the best method available to us. It is thus shown that the inertance of holes plays a role similar to the lumped inertance generated by evanescent 3-D modes at the terminations of the quarter wave resonators in the case of the double-tuned extended tube chambers. The effect of mean flow is also investigated. The resultant transfer matrix is then used to carry out a systematic parametric study in order to arrive at empirical expressions for the differential lengths as well as the end corrections. Thus, an extended concentric tube resonator can be tuned such that the first three troughs that characterize the corresponding simple chamber transmission loss (TL) curve may be eliminated making use of the proposed procedure. In fact, the entire TL curve at low and medium frequencies may be substantially lifted, making the tuned extended concentric tube resonator a viable design option.

Návrh automatického lisu / Design of automatic press

Ujčík, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the design of a press, which will be part of a robotic workplace. This workplace is designed for a company operating as a subcontractor for the automotive industry, for which automation is one of the most important processes of development and increasing labor productivity. The robotized cell is part of a line for heat treatment of plastic tube semi-finished products. The cell itself is used to press the conical extension of the pipe ends using a steel mandrel. In order to manipulate the parts, the corresponding end effectors of robots are designed in the work, which safely load and remove parts from the automated press. Design and control calculations are supplemented by finite element strength analysis in Solidworks. A drawing documentation is also made in this program. The work is performed with regard to the requirements of technologists and the quality department.

Anténa pro impulzní širokopásmový signál / Antenna for broadband impulse signal

Smutný, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The thesis describes retrievals of broadband antennas for VHF and UHF. It focuses on a compact antenna, potentially suitable for detecting electromagnetic impulses generated by electrical discharges in the dielectric oil in power transformers. This pulse signals are very steep with hundreds pico seconds rising edge. The thesis presents basic characteristics of antennas and selects those which have a major influence on the possibility of using the antenna in selected application. The appropriate antena is selected and proposal its geometrical parameters is discussed. The geometry of the selected antenna is designed for working bandwidth from about 200 MHz to about 1000 MHz. The newly designed double discon antenna is simulated and dimensions are optimized. Antenna is made and key characteristics of the antenna important for evaluate the ability of detecting the above-identified pulsed signals is measured. Antenna is compared with gain and characteristic of monocone antenna. Acquired knowledge and measured data are evaluated.

Étude numérique et expérimentale de la diffraction en géométrie conique de réseaux optiques aux longueurs d’ondes X et UV / Numerical and experimental study of diffraction by optical gratings in conical geometry at X-ray and UV wavelengths

Akarid, Ahmed 01 October 2019 (has links)
L’utilisation de réseaux optiques dans la géométrie de diffraction conique a connu ces dernières décennies un essor remarquable dans les domaines UV et X grâce à ses propriétés particulières: absence de l’écrantage derrière les traits du réseau aux incidences rasantes, faible dispersion angulaire limitant l’étirement temporel, efficacité de diffraction élevée. Son usage s’est imposé pour la monochromatisation d’impulsions ultra-brèves. C’est aussi l’une des deux options retenues par la Nasa pour le spectrographe à réseau de l’Observatoire à rayon X de la future mission Lynx. Ce travail de thèse contribue au développement de méthodes numériques pour modéliser les effets de diffraction par des réseaux dans une géométrie encore peu étudiée sous cet aspect. La complexité de cette étude réside dans le couplage inhérent entre les deux états fondamentaux de polarisation. Du point de vue numérique, il impose un calcul ‘’vectoriel’’, là où, en géométrie classique des calculs scalaires suffisent. Notre travail s’est appuyé sur les méthodes numériques de calcul de diffraction par des structures périodiques déjà développées dans le cadre de la géométrie classique. Ces méthodes sont basées sur la théorie différentielle, qui consiste à propager une série d’ondes planes au travers de la zone modulée. La méthode différentielle employée est complétée par l’usage de l’algorithme de propagation de la matrice réflectivité. On contourne ainsi certains problèmes de convergence. Dans la partie théorique de ce travail, ces algorithmes sont étendus pour s’adapter aux cas de géométrie oblique. Sur cette base théorique, nous avons pu développer un code de calcul, nommé COROX, fonctionnant dans toutes les géométries d’utilisation. Un certain nombre de réseau types ont été étudiés, tant en géométrie oblique que classique, pour mettre en évidence, non seulement les efficacités de diffraction mais encore les effets de polarisation, (paramètres de Stokes et matrice de Müller) ainsi que les phases spectrales. Des propriétés intéressantes ont été remarquées, comme l’existence d’une composante circulaire non négligeable diffractée par réseau lamellaire quand l’onde incidente polarisée à 45° par rapport au plan du réseau. Le comportement de la phase spectrale est également une donnée significative pour une future gestion d’impulsions ultra-brèves. Des mesures de diffraction ont été effectuées sur la ligne Métrologie du Synchrotron SOLEIL, sur un réseau blazé de 150 traits/mm. Un accord raisonnable entre efficacités mesurées et calculées est constaté si l’on tient compte de la forte rugosité du réseau étudié. / The conical geometry of optical grating diffraction has been suggested and studied, in the last 10 years, for cutting edge applications in the VUV and X-ray domains, due to its specific properties such as: absence of screen inside the grating grooves at grazing incidence, low angular dispersion which limits the temporal spread of short pulses, very high diffraction efficiencies. It has been accepted as the first choice technology for VUV short pulses monochromatization. It is also one of the two options selected by NASA, for the grating spectrograph of the future X-ray Observatory of the Lynx mission. This thesis reports our contribution to the development of numerical methods in order to model the effects of diffraction by optical gratings in this still little studied geometry. This study is made more complex by an inherent coupling between the two fundamental polarization modes. From the numerical aspect, it requires performing “vectorial” computations, whereas, in a classical diffraction geometry, scalar computations are sufficient. Our work is based on numerical methods already developed for modeling optical diffraction by periodic structures in the framework of classical geometry. These methods are using on the differential theory, whose main concept is propagating a set of plane waves throughout the modulated area. We use the differential method together with an algorithm of reflectivity matrix propagation. It overcomes some of the convergence issues. In the theoretical part of this work, reflectivity matrix algorithms are extended to the case of oblique geometry. On these theoretical grounds, we developed a computation code, named COROX, which can be applied in any geometry. A number of typical grating cases have been studied, both in the conical and of le classical one. The output is not only the diffraction efficiencies, but also the polarization properties (Stokes parameters, Müller matrix), as well as the spectral phases. Interesting properties have been noticed, such as the presence of a non-negligible circularly polarized component diffracted from a lamellar grating when the incident wave is linearly polarized at 45° from the grating plane. The spectral phase behavior is also a significant data for an eventual shape tayloring of ultrashort pulses. Diffraction efficiency measurements have been performed on the Metrology beamline of Synchrotron SOLEIL, using a 150 lines/mm blazed grating as a test object. A reasonable agreement between measured and computed efficiencies has been obtained, provided that the rather high roughness of this grating is taken into account.

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