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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The management of renewable energy technologies implementations within a contracting organisation's processes

Williams, Tristan January 2013 (has links)
The construction industry is facing ever more challenging targets to reduce the environmental impact of new-build and refurbishment projects. The construction industry has failed to adopt renewable energy technologies (RETs) into mainstream construction projects; however, this aspect of the construction challenge needs addressing by large contractors. This thesis has established that there is a need to educate contractor personnel in the application and integration of RETs into construction projects to ensure that the construction industry can preserve its legacy for future generations. In order to improve the construction industry s use of renewable energy in building projects, it was necessary to reassess how the industry viewed energy. Contracting organisations have a diverse workforce, a fact established through a company-based desk study, workshops, interviews and surveys; this guided the direction of the project to satisfy the aims and objectives. The initial research findings enabled development of a strategy to improve RET knowledge within a UK contracting organisation. This research has developed trialled and tested a training programme aimed at educating construction professionals on the application of RETs that are relevant to new-build construction projects, and at improving knowledge sharing within a contracting organisation. Training material has been developed that includes six RET handbooks, a sustainability workshop incorporating RETs, an e-learning suite of online modules designed to suit a range of construction disciplines from designers to site-based staff. In addition, the research improved business practice through supporting knowledge share across all business units in addition to identifying the benefits of post-occupancy evaluation. The research has impacted the sponsoring organisation on several business elements including creation of a new business unit to assess completed projects in order to inform design and construction on future projects leading towards improved knowledge management on RETs. The e-learning component uses a combination of graphical imagery, audio voice-overs, knowledge-checks and assessment gathered from active construction projects to enable employees to engage in knowledge and experience sharing on a project-by-project basis, and organisational learning through case studies and post-occupancy evaluation of completed projects. Feedback received from the pilot study of the training materials has been encouraging and positive. While further research is required to measure the long-term effect of the initiative on the workforce population, a six month review suggested that a refresher course is required bi-annually to ensure the workforce score consistent results in the assessment and to update the training with new project experience to share within the organisation. The wider impact on the industry is to showcase the potential learning benefits of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) to contractors and the industry as a whole. The research has highlighted typical industry practice within a contracting organisations regarding knowledge sharing within the company and has demonstrated the improvement on employee knowledge after introduction of a training initiative utilising POE (typically a consultant tool) during the construction phase to prevent re-inventing the wheel . Through regularly and collectively sharing information and project experience, it is envisaged that the full range of contractor disciplines will have increased interaction to ensure all perspectives are accommodated during the design, construction and facility management phases of a building s life cycle.

Contractors business development for overseas markets

Cheong, Chit Sun January 2010 (has links)
The survival and sustainable development of construction contractors depends on their own capacity as well as their ability to cope with the ever changing environment. Hong Kong was once a large construction market by the world standards; but in the period 1998 to 2007 has suffered from long term market shrinkage. This shrinkage in the work load available in the market has demanded that Hong Kong contractors change their business strategy and consider expanding their construction business to the international marketplace. From surveys and studies of Hong Kong contractors, it is noted that traditionally the majority of contractors organizations were not active in participating in the international construction markets. The prime reasons were that the Hong Kong domestic market was large enough to sustain the contractors and that Hong Kong construction professionals are reluctant to work overseas. However due to the continuous shrinkage of the market, Hong Kong contractors were being forced to consider expanding their construction business to the overseas markets in order to survive. This thesis reviews existing theories and previous studies in overseas con-struction business development. It analyzes surveys of Hong Kong con-struction contractors and conducts a scientific study of a Hong Kong based contractor organization which expanded its construction business to overseas markets. This study was conducted through an integrated action research methodology. Based on the problems, impacts, difficulties and success this organization faced during its practical experience in the overseas business expansion, this thesis explores and recommends a structured approach for Hong Kong contractors to re-define and develop their business overseas. The focus of study is the pre-contract award stage of business development. It focuses on the entry modes, strategic planning, risk management and tender management of the organization. The author also presents various models for use in attaining width and depth of understanding of overseas knowledge. These include preliminary entry selection model, dynamic management, and a spiral model (a learning & knowledge based business development model), for use in the management of international construction business development at the pre-contract stage. The groundwork laid down in this thesis will form the basis for further studies and the development of theories / models. It is the expectation of the author that other contractors in Hong Kong and other nation s contractors may make use of this research as assistance to their overseas business development. The ultimate aim of the author has been to change the goal of contractors from being companies able to compete with international contractors in their domestic market to contractors that are able to compete in the international market place.

Virtual Design and Construction och dess roll för hållbar utveckling hos svenska byggentreprenadföretag / Virtual Design and Construction and its Role in Sustainable Development in Swedish Construction Contractors

Husain, Ali, Zian, Elias January 2023 (has links)
Byggentreprenörer med projekterings- och utförandeansvar utgör en viktig roll när det gäller att främja hållbar utveckling inom byggbranschen. Genom att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter i sina arbetsprocesser och sitt beslutsfattande kan de bidra till att minska miljöpåverkan samt effektivisera projekt- och produktionsplanering. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) har gjort det möjligt för byggentreprenörer att använda modellering och visualisering av slutprodukter för att göra projekt- och produktionsplanering mer effektiv. Litteraturen visar på att VDC kan användas för ekonomisk lönsamhet men kvar återfinns frågeställningen om VDC kan användas för att främja hållbar utveckling.  Denna studie grundar sig i en intervjubaserad kvalitativ studie och undersöker hur VDC används bland svenska byggföretag med projekterings- och utförandeansvar för att främja hållbar utveckling. Detta genom att undersöka hur byggentreprenörernas användning av VDC påverkar social-, ekonomisk- och miljömässig hållbarhet. Studien tar även upp hur VDC används för att uppnå miljö- och hållbarhetskrav, samt för att byggnader ska kunna miljöcertifieras. Arbetet utgörs av en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie som innefattar uppfattningar från svenska byggentreprenörer som arbetar med totalentreprenader. För att samla in data genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från byggentreprenadföretag i Sverige. En tematisk analys genomfördes sedan utifrån befintlig forskning och teorier. Resultaten tyder på att implementeringen av VDC bidrar till främjandet av hållbar utveckling hos byggentreprenörer. Genom att involvera flera aktörer i byggprojekt främjar VDC kommunikation, samarbete och en inkluderande arbetsmiljö. Det erbjuder också snabbare och mer effektiva lösningar jämfört med traditionella planeringsmetoder, vilket leder till kostnadsbesparingar och förbättrade projektresultat. Dessutom kan VDC användas för att optimera design och planering av byggnader, resurshantering och underlätta miljöcertifieringsprocessen. Resultaten visar att trots de fördelar som VDC erbjuder för hållbar utveckling, utnyttjas inte dess fulla potential inom den svenska byggbranschen. Utmaningar såsom kompetensbrist och interoperabilitetsproblem fortsätter att hindra en framgångsrik användning av VDC. / Construction contractors with design and building responsibilities play an important role in promoting sustainable development in the construction industry. By integrating sustainability considerations into their work processes and decision-making, they can help reduce environmental impact and streamline project and production planning. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) has enabled design-build contractors to use modelling and visualization of final products to make project and production planning more efficient. The literature shows that VDC can be used for economic profitability, but the question remains whether VDC can be used to promote sustainable development.  This study is based on an interview-based qualitative study and examines how VDC is used among Swedish construction companies with design and building responsibilities to promote sustainable development. This is done by examining how the use of VDC by construction contractors affects social, economic, and environmental sustainability. The study also addresses how VDC is used to achieve environmental and sustainability requirements, and for buildings to be environmentally certified. The work consists of a literature study and an interview study that includes perceptions from Swedish design-build contractors. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents from construction companies in Sweden. A thematic analysis was then conducted based on existing research and theories. The results indicate that the implementation of VDC contributes to the promotion of sustainable development among construction contractors. By involving multiple stakeholders in construction projects, VDC promotes communication, collaboration, and an inclusive work environment. It also offers faster, and more efficient solutions compared to traditional planning methods, leading to cost savings and improved project performance. Furthermore, VDC can be used to optimize building design and planning, resource management and facilitate the environmental certification process. The results show that despite the benefits that VDC offers for sustainable development, its full potential is not being utilized in the Swedish construction industry. Challenges such as skills shortages and interoperability issues continue to hinder the successful use of VDC.

EU-taxonomins påverkan på en byggentreprenör och en utvärdering av taxonomiuppfyllnad i 13 miljöcertifierade projekt / The impact of the EU taxonomy on a construction contractor and an evaluation of taxonomy alignment in 13 sustainability-certified projects

Arnesson, Alice, Gustafsson, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
För att skapa bättre förutsättningar att nå Parisavtalet och EU:s mål om klimatneutralitet har Europeiska kommissionen antagit Taxonomiförordningen, som kan beskrivas som ett klassificeringssystem för miljömässigt hållbara investeringar. Eftersom bygg- och fastighetssektorn bidrar till en stor andel av de globala koldioxidutsläppen finns ett kapitel i Taxonomiförordningens delegerande akt Climate Delegated Act med tekniska granskningskriterier som riktar sig särskilt mot bygg- och fastighetsverksamheter. I den delegerande akten fastställs tekniska granskningskriterier för sex miljömål. Från och med räkenskapsår 2022 ska bolag som omfattas av förordningen redovisa hur stor andel av bolagets ekonomiska aktiviteter som linjerar med EU-taxonomin. Det fanns få tidigare studier om implementering av EU:s taxonomi i bygg- och fastighetssektorn, men dessa pekar på att det råder en stor osäkerhet kring hur taxonomin ska implementeras och hur kriterierna ska tolkas. Syftet med examensarbetet var att bidra till ökad kunskap om vad införandet av EU-taxonomin innebär och hur den kan komma att påverka en byggentreprenörs verksamhet i Sverige. Utmaningar för en byggentreprenör identifierades på två olika nivåer: projekt- och företagsnivå. Därtill undersöktes hur EU-taxonomin kan förändra en byggentreprenörens hållbarhetsarbete i nyproduktionsprojekt, som idag främst sker genom miljöcertifiering. För att besvara forskningsfrågorna utfördes en litteraturstudie, en intervjustudie samt en projektutvärdering. Litteraturstudien resulterade i en introduktion till EU-taxonomin och dess uppbyggnad samt tolkningar, åsikter och kritik från tidigare forskning. Vidare genomfördes en genomlysning av hur BREEAM-SE v6.0 och Miljöbyggnad 4.0 implementerat EU-taxonomin. Utmaningar och påverkan på en byggentreprenörs hållbarhetsarbete undersöktes baserat på en projektutvärdering av 13 av NCC Building Swedens miljöcertifierade nybyggnadsprojekt samt en intervjustudie med två NCC-anställda med arbetsuppgifter som berör implementering av EU-taxonomin på företaget. Trots att EU-taxonomin syftar till att öka jämförbarheten mellan företags miljömässiga hållbarhetsarbete och klargöra definitionen av vad som kan anses miljömässigt hållbart visade resultaten att EU-taxonomins tekniska granskningskriterier i hög grad ger utrymme för tolkning vilket skapar utmaningar på både företags- och projektnivå. Utmaningarna rörde begreppsförvirring, omfattning samt av vem och i vilket skede ett kriterium bör hanteras för att linjera med EU-taxonomin. Resultaten indikerade också att en stor utmaning för byggentreprenören kommer att vara att hantera tekniska granskningskriterier som ligger utanför en byggentreprenörs rådighet. I ett nybyggnadsprojekt är flera aktörer delaktiga och byggentreprenören är ofta i beställarens händer vad gäller exempelvis val av produkter och utformning. Gällande vissa kriterier är byggentreprenören även i händerna på myndigheters arbete, främst det som sker i den kommunala planprocessen. Samverkan bedömdes därav vara en kritisk faktor för den byggentreprenör som avser att uppfylla EU-taxonomin i ett projekt. Aktörers beroende av varandra innebär svårigheter men kan reducera klimatpåverkan i det långa loppet. Samverkan inom byggentreprenörers är också viktigt då EU-taxonomin berör många avdelningar. Vidare indikerade studien att EU-taxonomin kommer att medföra en stor administrativ börda och att flera av EU-taxonomins kriterier är kostnadsdrivande. De tekniska granskningskriterier som, enligt examensarbetets resultat, kommer att vara mest utmanande för en byggentreprenör i nyproduktionsprojekt är de kriterier som berör klimatrisk- och sårbarhetsanalyser och implementering av anpassningslösningar; en byggnads flexibilitet, demonterbarhet, resurseffektivitet och anpassningsbarhet; samt kriteriet kopplat byggkomponenter- och material innehållande formaldehyd och cancerframkallande ämnen. Projektutvärderingen visade att de nybyggnadsprojekt som var miljöcertifierade med BREEAM-SE 2017 i högre grad linjerade med EU-taxonomin än projekt som miljöcertifierats enligt Miljöbyggnad 3. Det indikerar att personer och företag som tidigare arbetat med BREEAM-SE har bättre kunskapsmässiga förutsättningar att uppfylla EU-taxonomin än de som arbetat med Miljöbyggnad eller inte alls arbetat med miljöcertifiering. Studiens resultat pekar på två möjliga scenarier där EU-taxonomin antingen kommer att komplettera miljöcertifieringar som incitament till gröna fördelaktiga lån eller ersätta miljöcertifieringarna helt. I det senare fallet finns risk för ett mindre ambitiöst miljömässigt hållbarhetsarbete då både BREEAM-SE och Miljöbyggnad mäter miljöprestanda inom fler områden och ställer högre krav än EU-taxonomins tekniska granskningskriterier. Vidare har miljöcertifieringarna, till skillnad från EU-taxonomin, betygsnivåer som motiverar projektteamet att göra mer för ett högre betyg. Hur EU-taxonomin kommer att påverka en byggentreprenörs hållbarhetsarbete på projektnivå, som idag främst sker genom miljöcertifiering, beror på hur banker och investerare kommer att bedöma och värdesätta linjering, eller icke-linjering, med EU-taxonomin. / To accomplish the goals of The Paris Agreement and The European Green Deal, the European Commission launched The Taxonomy Regulation, which can briefly be described as a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities. Since the construction and real estate industry annually contributes to a large proportion of global carbon dioxide emissions, one chapter in The Taxonomy Regulation’s delegated act Climate Delegated Act was assigned to industry. The Climate Delegated Act provides so-called technical screening criteria for six environmental objectives. As of the fiscal year 2022, all companies affected by the directive on "non-financial sustainability reporting" must report the percentage of the company’s EU taxonomy-aligned financial activities. There was limited previous research regarding the EU taxonomy, but the found literature indicated a vast uncertainty about how the taxonomy should be implemented and how the criteria should be interpreted. The purpose of this study, a Master’s Thesis paper, was to contribute to increased knowledge of establishing the EU taxonomy and how it will affect a Swedish construction company’s operations. Challenges a construction company may face because of the EU taxonomy were studied and identified at the project and organizational levels. This study also intended to investigate how the EU taxonomy relates to a construction company’s current work with environmental sustainability in new construction projects where sustainability assessment methods, such as BREEAM-SE or Miljöbyggnad, today play an essential role. The study is based on a literature study, an interview study and a project evaluation. A literature study, an interview study and a project evaluation were carried out to answer the research questions. The literature study resulted in an introduction to the EU taxonomy and its structure as well as presents interpretations, opinions and criticism from previous research. The literature study also investigated how BREEAM-SE v6.0 and Miljöbyggnad 4.0 have implemented the EU taxonomy. Challenges and the EU taxonomy’s impact on a construction company’s work with environmental sustainability were investigated based on a project evaluation of 13 NCC Sweden Building new construction projects which were certified with either BREEAM-SE 2017 or Miljöbyggnad 3. Lastly, two NCC employees were interviewed to add more knowledge about the organizational perspective of the EU taxonomy implementation. The EU taxonomy aims to clarify the definition of environmental sustainability and increase the ability to compare companies’ and countries’ work with sustainability, but this study concludes that construction companies who want to align with the EU taxonomy will face several challenges. Firstly, the EU taxonomy’s technical screening criteria include much room for interpretation, creating challenges at the project and organizational levels. There is confusion about the scope and regarding by whom and at what stage several of the criteria should be dealt with. A significant challenge for a construction company will be dealing with criteria that are considered beyond a construction company’s or the project team’s control. Several stakeholders are involved in a new construction project, and the construction company is often not a part of the early stages. Decisions affecting the construction company’s taxonomy alignment may be taken without their involvement. Therefore, cooperation and collaboration are critical factors for a construction company that intends to fulfill the EU taxonomy in a project. The dependence on each other implies a vast challenge, but at the same time, it will probably lead to broader and more open collaboration which will reduce the environmental impact in the long term. Collaboration will also be necessary within the construction company as the EU taxonomy affects several departments. Furthermore, the study indicated that the EU taxonomy will imply a large administrative burden and several criteria are costly. The most challenging technical screening criteria for a construction company in a new construction project in Sweden are the criteria that concern the climate risk and vulnerability assessment and implementation of adaption solutions; a building’s adaptation, flexibility, resource efficiency and dismantlability; as well as the criteria about building components and materials containing formaldehyde, carcinogenic volatile organic compounds and more. The project evaluation clearly showed that projects certified with BREEAM-SE aligned to a greater degree with the EU taxonomy. Therefore, employees and companies used to working with BREEAM will have prerequisites for taxonomy alignment compared to those used to working with Miljöbyggnad or no sustainability assessment method at all. Both BREEAM-SE and Miljöbyggnad evaluate a building’s environmental sustainability performance based on more aspects and have higher requirements than the EU taxonomy. It is still unclear whether the EU taxonomy will complement or replace the sustainability assessment methods as the incitement for green beneficial financing. If the EU taxonomy becomes the new and only incitement, there is most likely a risk of less ambitious work with environmental sustainability at the project level. Furthermore, BREEAM-SE and Miljöbyggnad have rating levels that motivate the project always to make an effort. The study showed that the EU taxonomy is not a successful tool yet, but there is a strong belief in its potential. The extent to which the EU taxonomy will affect a construction company’s work with sustainability depends on how banks and investors will value EU taxonomy alignment.

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